Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Crystal By Deacon Blues Part Two - At the Mall We ate dinner at McDonald's scarfing down burgers, fries, and shakes. We did not speak much, people crowded the place and it was noisy, we just ate and moved on. As we rode in the car from the fast food joint to the mall, Crystal said, "I hate to ask for more than just a swimsuit, dad, but I need some panties, too. My old ones are getting kinda worn out." A twinge of guilt struck me. Jennifer had managed the clothes shopping for the family, and I was not adept at taking up that slack. I managed to keep my daughter clothed, but never thought of the little things, like panties. I nodded to her, smiling. "Of course, I think we can manage to afford some." Crystal put her hand on my bare leg, sending a jolt through my body. "Can I get some pretty ones?" she asked, her eyes full of longing. "Like from Victoria's." Crystal always left off the second word of Victoria's Secret. This was a holdover from her mother, also, who had said often that Victoria's Secret was she was a slut. That reminded me of my sole `problem' with my wife. I think she cheated on me. I never knew for sure, but her unexplained absences were common. Friends would say they saw her somewhere with other men. And the occasional small withdrawals from our bank account with no apparent reason added to the suspicion. Do not mistake me, Jennifer gave me more loving than I could handle. To tell the truth, I had to tell her no more often than she refused me. Now that I think of it, I do not remember her ever telling me no. If she were on her monthly, she would give me head, and seemed to be satisfied with that. She liked to give head from all I could tell. Often she would do it unbidden, and even interrupt normal sex to finish off with a blowjob. No, I had no complaints. I always had those niggling doubts, though, and the small sense of betrayal. After Crystal had been born, she seemed to settle down a lot, but still, from appearances, strayed a bit. "What's wrong, dad?" Crystal asked after a few minutes of my silence. She was looking at me with those big green eyes. I shook my head. "Nothing, angel. I was just thinking of your mom," I said, trying to plaster a smile on my face. Crystal put her warm hand back on my thigh. "I know you miss her daddy," she said, patting my leg. "I miss her, too." I managed to keep from crying, but I did well up a bit. Dad being comforted by his daughter. That's role-reversal if I have ever seen it. Her hand stopped patting me, but stayed on my thigh, moving with the bouncing of the car on bumps and even moving a little when the ride was smooth. She was massaging my thigh with a gentle kneading motion. It felt good, though it felt a little too intimate for real comfort, and grew warmer as the ride continued. Crystal was always hot to the touch, her mother had been too. She claimed that the women in her clan always ran a bit hot, then she'd leer at me and say, "Like a sports car, so we can be driven fast and hard." Each little movement of my daughter's fingers sent a tiny spark up my leg to my brain, then back down to my dick. I wasn't sure that was a appropriate response to my daughter's touch, but it's the one I had. My cock was rock hard by the time we got to the mall and I had to `adjust' before getting out. Crystal giggled as I did so, saying, "I'm sure glad I don't have to keep track of one of those things." I gave her a mocking resentful look. "Knowing you, you'd lose it, anyway," I retorted, glad that she handled my being a male with ease. Crystal and I walked into the mall and headed for Sun `n' Sport. We arrived with no more than six side stops into other stores, each of them a clothing outlet. We managed to avoid buying anything, though, until we got to the swimwear shop. Inside she rifled the racks of swim suits, trying to find some she liked that she thought I would approve. She came up to me with three. A blue bikini, a white one-piece, and a hot orange bikini. We walked back to the fitting rooms and I stood at the end of the little hall as she went down and dodged into a curtained cubby. She was humming a ditty as she changed. A moment later, her hand emerged from the curtain dangling a pair of panties. "See?" Crystal asked me. I peered down the short hall and saw what she meant about her panties being `a bit worn.' They did look threadbare. My initial twinge of guilt came on full force. Young ladies shouldn't have to wear such tatty clothes, you cheapskate, I chided myself. "Wow. You're right, angel. We'll be sure to get you new ones today, too," I answered. The panties were withdrawn unto the cubby hole. Crystal emerged from the cubby a few moments later, wearing the blue bikini. It was a smidgen more revealing that I would have liked, with a slender crotch area that showed off the swell of her pubic mound. The back was ample, though, and the top covered well enough, also. So, I approved it, despite its flagrant display of her groin, since I imagine most others would do that, plus have about two square inches to cover her ass. She hustled back into the changing cubby, sliding the curtain behind her. This time, the curtain did not close all the way, leaving a small gap where I could see her moving. I tried not to watch her. I tried hard, but my eyes kept going back to the slit. I saw her bare ass move by, then she turned, giving me a clear view of her privates. They were smooth, showing just a cleft from this angle, with a tiny patch of thin brown hairs above it. I felt my dick shift again, then swell. I was going to have to calm down. Crystal was just now blooming and I was already having these sorts of problems? How bad would it be when she was well on her way to being a woman? Crystal bent over and pulled the white one-piece suit on. She slid back the curtain and emerged, modeling it for me. It covered the required areas, but was of some slick and sheer material. I could even make out the goose bumps on her belly from the mall's air-conditioning. The sheer cloth molded itself to her privates, like it was painted on. I could even see the outer ring of the areola around her now erect nipples. "It's a tan-through." She informed me with enthusiasm. "I'd really love this one, daddy." She said, spinning to show me the whole suit. It covered her backside well enough, showing no more than half each cheek's outer side. It also had little back, swooping down from her shoulders to just above her butt crack. I nodded approval and she bounced in place, smiling, before going back into the changing room. Crystal shut the cubby's curtain all the way this time. She came back out with the orange bikini on. It was a Thong! I was shaking my head and giving her a stern look before she got halfway down the hall. Crystal caught my expression and backed up the hallway to the cubby. She popped out again, dressed in her normal clothes this time. She put the orange suit back on the rack and held up the other two. "I can't pick, daddy. You choose," Crystal said. She held them both up for me to look at. I pondered a moment. I wasn't nuts about either of them, both showed off more skin than I thought my angel should be displaying. "I can't, darling." Then I opted for the `man's compromise.' "Why don't we buy both of them?" Crystal emitted a tiny squeal of delight and bounced in place again. I paid for them and we headed out of the store. I watched the boys as we walked through the mall, they were checking my little girl out. Some of them even craned their necks to watch her as we moved behind them. "Seems the boys here like the cut of your gib," I commented. Crystal glanced around and replied, "Boys, they like the cut of most girls' `gib'. She snorted. "Besides, why would it matter, I'm here with the most important man in my life." She beamed, grabbing my arm and holding it as we walked. I smiled, too. Crystal was a great daughter. Most girls her age were ashamed of their `old man' and would go to great lengths to avoid anyone seeing them together. My angel did not seem to have this problem at all; she gripped my arm and smiled at people as they walked by. Also, she noticed a couple of women checking me out. "Don't look now, but there are a few sharks in the water for daddy, too," she said in a stage whisper. I glanced about and saw a woman in her late twenties watching me walk by. Our eyes met for a heartbeat and she returned a tentative smile. Well, I suppose dad's got a little of `it' left, after all. Crystal noticed the exchange and clenched my arm tighter, she looked up at me a bit askance. "Don't get any ideas, studly, you've got a date tonight," she said. She flipped a glance over her shoulder at the attractive blonde with whom I had made eye contact. "Besides, she's probably a gold-digger or something," she said. Her voice carried a tone of hostility that was uncharacteristic for my daughter. When I looked down, she was wearing a broad grin again. We, at last, came to Victoria's Secret. I pulled out my wallet and managed to unwrap Crystal from my left arm. I dug into it and retrieved five twenties. "Here angel," I said, holding out the cash. "Get what you want, but no thongs!" I admonished her. Crystal snatched the money like a pit viper, and then vanished into the store. I wouldn't set a foot in there, unless a necessity. I felt like a pervert just looking into the store. Last time I had been in a Victoria's Secret was about six years ago, to buy my wife something gauzy for her birthday, and my present. Going in there with my daughter would just not be right. I wandered across the concourse to the Radio Shack and browsed the gadgets there, satisfying my geek side. After about a half hour, Crystal's voice pierced the Muzak coming over the `Shack's' speakers. She was approaching me, holding out her prize, a small-looking sack. I suppose panties are compact items, but it seemed a paltry exchange for a hundred dollars. "I got ten pairs!" she exclaimed. "They had some on sale." I figured ten would suffice for now and let that go. She grabbed my arm again but this time draped it over her shoulder, putting her near arm under mine and around my waist, with a finger through my belt loop. With that, we left the mall. It was dark by the time we got back to the house. Crystal made for her room, and I meandered to the living room sofa. I sat and started to watch JAG. About ten minutes later, she came bounding down the stairs, wearing just a pair of her new panties and a half-top. She was grinning, and her eyes were sparkling with delight. The panties were a color that matched her eyes. Some shimmering, satiny material that flexed and creased when she moved, causing light to play over the shiny surface. I raised an eyebrow at her approach. "You haven't come down dressed like that in a while," I said, eyeing the panties. "I had ugly panties, then, and they had, er, holes in them." She said. "These are worth showing off." She moved to stand just in front of me and spun around, modeling them. I had to admit that they were cute. High cut on the sides, with just a thin strip of elastic at the tops of the hips, then plunging in the front to just above her pubic mound. In the back, they covered about like her old bathing suit. They left a couple of inches of butt crack over the top and showing about two thirds of each butt cheek. The cloth was stretched taut over her muscular frame, and showcased the body beneath. I thought at first that she was having a `crack attack' in the rear, as I could see a black line up her backside. No, the cloth was translucent, and I realized I was seeing her butt crack. In the front, I could just make out a dark area where her pubic hair was, and the cleft of her entrance was visible as a set of flesh-toned folds. I decided they were a bit risque, but not beyond the pale, and said, "Those are adorable on you." She giggled and bounced a bit then went to the other end of the couch, and sat on the arm. "You know. I forget sometimes that you girls are different from us boys. If you ever think you need something, let me know. I mean, you're a young woman now, obviously," I eyed her panties, "and I won't always remember that. However, if you'll remind me sometimes, I'll take care of whatever you need," I concluded. I looked back at the TV set, never suspecting an imminent attack. In a sudden whirl of motion, the world was spinning before my eyes. Crystal had blind-sided me! I fell onto my side as she landed on top of me, pinning my arms beneath me and between me and her. She bear hugged me, as hard as she could, squeezing me with her arms and legs. "I love you, daddy." She said into my ear. I basked in the warmth of her affection. I figured I should enjoy it while I could, she wouldn't be like this forever. Her body was warm though, and it felt good there, just heating my side and arm. She laid there for several heartbeats before she started to sit. As she shifted her weight off my upper body, her crotch came down upon the back of my hand. It was wet. Not just wet, soaked, and it was hot to the touch. She got her legs under her, putting her right foot on the floor and squatting her left foot onto the couch. I was getting a serious hardon now. She started to stand and I jerked my hand out from under her when the weight came off. Crystal looked down at me, and her face switched from happy contentment to shocked horror. Before I could so much as move, she bolted across the room and curled up in the chair, crying. What the hell just happened. I looked down at my hand that had been under her crotch. The back of my palm was glistening with moisture. I looked with worry over at my daughter. She was shaking with the sobs I could hear coming from her. I stood up and walked toward her. "No. You don't need to come near me." She peered up with one eye through her hair. Some girls are beautiful when they cry, but Crystal will never be one of those. "I saw you were disgusted with me touching you." "What!" I blurted. "Disgusted with you?" I was a bit stunned. "I saw that disgusted expression, just for a second, you think I'm a slut or something, don't you?" she rattled out between the sobs. I blinked in stunned silence. "A slut?" I asked, my voice rising in pitch. "What the hell makes you think that?" She raised her head, her face was swollen from the crying, and her hair was wet and tangled now. "I got excited," she explained. "You felt my wet." Crystal pointed at my hand, where her fluids still glistened. She sniffed back her tears. "Then you jerked your hand away with a look of disgust." "Um. You're mistaken, angel," I said. "If you saw disgust, it wasn't at you, it was at myself." "Huh?" Crystal said, looking incredulous. "That makes no damn sense." She shook her head. I put on a half-smile. "If you could have read my mind, you would have looked at me the same way," I said in a quiet voice. Crystal sat up the rest of the way now, straightening her spine. "Why would I get disgusted? What were you thinking?" she asked. I thought for a second, how to say it, how not to scare her? "What were you thinking?" Crystal repeated, a demanding tone filling her voice. Well, I could either lie, and she wouldn't believe me, or tell the truth and maybe she never trusts me again. I love easy choices. I gave a massive sigh. "I was thinking, well, I was wondering, actually, what it would feel like to fuck you." I leaned forward a bit and raised my eyebrows. Crystal's eyes widened for just a second before they went back to normal. Her smile was wan, tired looking. "Oh," she said. She looked down, then raised her eyes back to mine, they were normal again, but with a tiny gleam in them. "I figured you had thoughts like that before now," She said, as if stating the obvious. "I mean, don't most guys, even dads?" "Perhaps," I nodded, "but not usually while their daughter is squatting over them, and in a state of, well, arousal." Crystal forced out a giggle. "Personally, I would think that thoughts like that happen a lot if a situation comes up with people in those positions." She unfolded from the chair and stood before me. "If it makes you feel better. You thinking that doesn't disgust me, it makes you normal. For your information, I've wondered how it would feel for you to fuck me, too." She picked the remote up off the floor where I had dropped it when she tackled me. "More than once," she said when our eyes met and she handed me back the remote. Crystal started walking toward the stairs, and fired one last shot over the bow. "And, that's just today," she concluded, as she went down the hall. I stood there. What just happened? I looked up the stairs, where Crystal had gone. I blinked, and shut off the TV. My erection had left me, to my relief. So, I was just confused, instead of horny and confused. I decided I was not dropping this discussion just yet, and went up the stairs. She was lying on her bed, on her belly, reading something. When I came through the doorway, she looked over at me. "Hmm?" She hummed in an inquiring tone. "I thought we should talk some more," I said. "That was a type of bombshell you dropped down there," I explained. "Sorry, but I was just using your word for it. I would have said `make love', or maybe `have sex'," she pointed out and apologized in one delivery. She marked her place in the book and put it on her night stand. She half rolled to her side, and hiked one leg ninety degrees to the other, and propped her head on her fist. I sat in her desk's chair and regarded her. "That's not what I meant," I explained. I gestured as if I had a large sphere in both hands while meaning the whole thing. "Like how people often think about things they don't really intend to do." She nodded. "I know that, dad." She looked into my eyes, and I would have sworn that they flashed. "Still, what if you do mean it, and want to do it?" "Uh," I stammered, "well, depending on what it is. Um. You could do something about it. Err. Assuming it's something that should be done, you know?" My eyes, traitorous orbs that they were, slid down her body and came to rest on her panties. I could see the moisture now, darkening the crotch. My cock jolted at that, swelling into a full-blown hardon. "You're a smart girl, you know what you should and shouldn't do," I concluded the ineffectual little lecture. I, with great effort, managed to tear my eyes from her moisture slicked panties, bringing them back up to her eyes. Crystal was wearing a tiny smile now. The eyes were still watching mine, though. She had watched me gawking at her crotch and wasn't the least bit upset. Her eyes were disturbing, though, something feral was there, lurking behind them, and it was guided by my daughter's formidable intellect and wit. "I do know what I should and shouldn't do. However, do you know what I should and shouldn't do?" she asked, her eyes boring into my skull. "Perhaps some people have differing views on it." She was using some psycho-babble she had picked up in the shrink books she consumed. "No," I replied. "We must obey some absolutes. Some things just aren't meant to be done. Period," I said, trying in vain to make my voice sound firm, though it came out more desperate sounding than anything else. "Okay, dad. I'll go with that," Crystal said, as if conceding that the world is indeed round. "But, you have to acknowledge that if something isn't quite what one thinks, it changes all the rules, okay?" In that moment, she regarded me with those piercing green eyes as if she was trying to flay the meat off my head to get a straight shot at my brain. I stood up, trying to get away from those eyes. "Yeah, I can deal with that proviso, councilor," I said, trying to smile. What did Crystal know that I didn't? Her argument was too pat; she knew to have that line ready and then delivered it, and I had agreed to it. I went back to the living room and watched a bit more late-night Friday television. I decided to get an early start on tomorrow, and headed to bed. As I passed Crystal's room, I saw she was asleep, with her blanket kicked off as usual. The sheets half-covered her. One leg was hanging out and the sheet did not start to cover her side until just beneath her armpit. She was not wearing panties. The green ones were laying on the night stand, a rumpled emerald pile. Since when did she go to bed nude? My mind was a bit in turmoil, and I decided to leave it alone for now. I went into my room, stripped and lay down. I stared a while at the ceiling. Images of Crystal masturbating on the deck chair flashed in my mind. Another image flashed, of Crystal changing into the swimsuit and seeing her bare cunt. Crystal, rubbing her scent on my hand. I brought that hand to my nose. A faint, but feminine odor lingered there. My cock got as hard as an iron rod. It had been so long since I had smelled the fragrance of a woman that I had forgotten its allure. I reached a hand down and stroked my organ. I could feel the veins on the surface. Wow, this was one of my old `Jenny Boners' I got those when I made love to Jennifer. My dick would get so hard I would have sworn it was an inch longer and a half inch thicker than normal. Jennifer had measured it once and pronounced it seven and a quarter inches long and two inches wide, same as always. Then she went on to give me a magnificent blowjob. I pulled on it jerking hard, loving the feel of its solid mass in my hand. I had not taken a lover since Jennifer and was not even sure that I wanted one. I grunted as I came, pulling the sheets down to prevent a mess on them. As my cock started to wilt, I snatched up my polo shirt and cleaned myself off. Having just had a satisfying orgasm, I drifted off to sleep. I think I dreamed of Jennifer.