Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Crystal - By Deacon Blues Five - Revelations The sun came streaming into the room through the slats of the shades. I blinked at the bright light, then sat up slowly. The events of last night came back to me in a series of short flashes. A second later, I looked over to see Crystal lying near me, curled up in a compact ball. She was softly breathing, her face a mask of serenity. I slid from the bed and padded out on cat's feet. I walked across the hall to my `old' room and looked inside. The bed was still riddled with bullet holes and there was an alarming amount of blood on it. I felt my bandaged ears and neck. The coagulant must have worked well, as they were still dry. I turned form that reminder of shame, pain, and doubt, and back toward my office. My feet quiet on the hardwood. I entered and sat at the desk. The computer showed it had decoded two files from the encrypted data. They had odd alpha-numeric names like 1ad33sa7, or the like. Both were quite large, one being almost fifty megs, and the other about thirty-five. I opened the first, figuring it was a movie, I allowed my movie viewer to try to open it. I was correct. It was a motion picture. It looked like old eight millimeter film converted to digital format later. The scene showed a man in a lab coat in what looked for all the world like a kitschy old 30's mad scientists lab. He was showing a simplified view of a DNA strand, or something like it to some other men, men in long jackets with lots of epaulets and high collars. On the collars were the twin lightning bolts of the `SS,' the elite terror storm troopers of the Nazi's. Ok, I thought, old propaganda footage. Interesting, but hardly worth encrypting. The man guided this small group of soldiers down a long hallway then into a room. Inside the room were a dozen or so girls. Young girls, adolescents. They were uniformly slim, athletic, and beautiful. The girls all wore equally blank expressions as the men inspected their nude bodies, looking for traces of blemish or fault. The Nazi's even probed into their cavities, never eliciting so much as a grimace from the girls. Some text in German appeared on the screen for a dozen frames, replaced by the girls standing in the room alone. A man walked in, huge and muscular. His dong hung nearly to his knee. He picked a girl at random and she stepped forward, spun around and got onto her hands and knees. The man's erection swelled to a massive size as he squatted behind her. He entered her, spreading her small slit wide with his girth. She finally had an expression, pain and pleasure at the same time. He drove the long pole into her over and over, thoroughly fucking the preteen. Finally, he seemed to spasm and then pulled his still hard cock out of her. I could hear the pop even with no sound on the movie. The girl's twat was distended and open. Come came gushing out from her hole and she sat upright on her knees. When the pouring come had slowed to a dribble, she stood and took her position back in the small formation. Another girl was selected, and the same occurred, then again. Three girls were taken in rapid succession, without ceremony or even real eroticism, unless one counts simple massive penetration erotic. Some more German text appeared for a moment. Then the video ended. Ok, what the fuck was that? World War Two kiddie porn? I opened the second file. It was another movie. Like the first, it was apparently shot in eight millimeter and transferred. It showed a girl that looked remarkably like Crystal in the water, outpacing other swimmers by a wide margin. She swam like my angel, bulleting through the water like a dolphin. If anything, this girl was better than Crystal, I had to admit. It showed from above while she navigated around obstacles and tight places at speed. She then swam to the bottom of the pool and remained there, without air for almost ten minutes, according to the little clock superimposed on the corner of the screen. I thought she was dead, but then she came to life, eyes shooting open and then rocketing across the entire length of the pool before surfacing for a gulp of air. Still more German text flashed on the screen, followed by another segment showing the male from the last movie. He was lifting what appeared to be two hundred kilo weights, with one arm! After a dozen reps like that, he tossed the weights away and sat in a press. He lifted a stunning six hundred kilos with his massively muscled legs. Next it flashed to him on a mock battlefield. He was in German combat gear now. He walked through the fake village, shooting targets and smashing or stabbing nearby targets. He was quite efficient, I had to admit, and seemed to never miss a shot. Great. Nelson encrypted a couple of Nazi `Aryan mastery' films. Was the guy a white supremacist? That wasn't worth getting all worked up over. And definitely not worth encrypting videos over. I reopened the first file and found the first burst of German text, and froze it. I wrote down the words, despite their incomprehensibility to me. I then moved to the other text screen and did the same, then repeated to the text on the second film. Conveniently enough, pretty good translation algorithm are out there now, and I tossed the words form the first text onto one of them. It came back as: "Chimera Nereids before breeding session." That was odd, but I pressed on. The second came back as: "Three Nereids ready for insemination, for the Fatherland!" Now, that one was weird, it looked more to me like they had already been thoroughly inseminated, to the extreme. The final text returned: "Nereid: Swimming ability demonstration and Kreigling: Combat effectiveness test." Ok, what was a Nereid? Or a Chimera? Or for that matter a Kreigling? I checked Webster's and found Nereid, a water nymph or spirit. Chimera, a creature possessing the features of many animals. Kreigling, from kreig, or to fight, -ling indicating a diminutive familiar form, so `Little Warrior." Now we were finally making sense. Not. What was this crap? I checked the decryption program's progress on the third file, seventy percent. Maybe another mysterious film would shed some light onto the odd files. I stood up, my neck was aching from the wound Crystal had given me with the handgun. My mind flashed to the old choppy footage of the German soldier who didn't miss, then to Crystal taking shots that could easily have hit me, but managing to only graze me. Then to her swimming technique and the girl on the movie's swimming style. My God. Crystal was one of them! She was a German Nereid? And her mother? Had Jennifer been an Olympic-class swimmer, too? I'd never been swimming with her, so I couldn't say. Crystal had made me promise not to ask her any more questions. Now I had a ton piling up behind the dam. If she ever gave me leave to ask, by God, she was going to be swamped. Was my angel's behavior tied to being a, whatever, Nereid? Water spirit described her aptly, for certain, and those other girls had certainly been able to pass as her sisters. Would Crystal have been as blank-faced and sallow if she had been institutionally raised rather than brought up in a loving home? I sighed, knowing that answers weren't forthcoming from my daughter, and left the computer to decode files. I went back to `our' room and laid down again, next to my angel. She snuggled to me as she felt me next to her. Her eyes opened a little and she smiled very sweetly. "Good morning," She said. I smiled back at her. "You might try honey, or hon, or darling, or sweetheart." I suggested, sliding an arm under her and pulling her tight to my side. She rested her head on my shoulder and put one knee atop my stomach. I felt her little hand move over my chest, then down my belly. "I can't believe I'm finally beside you, honey." She said. Her hand rubbing over my half-hard cock. It jumped at the contact, but she moved away, back up my belly and to my neck. She slid the hand up to my face, and turned me toward her, and kissed me, just a brushing of the lips, a `good morning' kiss. The jolt was still there, not quite as shocking, but definitely as effective. "I know this is hard on you, Nathan." Crystal said as our lips parted. "But I must have it this way." She buried her face into my neck and kissed just above the wound. She then started to kiss her way down my chest. As her soft kissed crossed over my belly I grabbed her head and asked. "Do you really like doing that so much?" She gave me a cat's grin and nodded quickly, giggling. "I do, indeed." She declared, her hand now gripping my pole. "Are you complaining?" She asked, a twinkle in her beautiful, but predatory eyes. "Uh. No." I said as if that were a extremely silly question. Her kisses wend on down my belly then up the shaft of my now completely hard dick. When her soft hot lips reached the tip they parted, and her head plummeted downward. I felt the back of her throat hit the head of my organ, sending a jolt of ecstasy up my spine. She started giving it suction, and sliding back up, then dropped down in a dead fall each stroke. I now knew what a cow felt like on the milking machine. Like said cow on a machine, after a minute or so of these quite aggressive moves, I was pumping come like I was going to give a gallon. Crystal made small moaning noises as she swallowed it. Not a drop escaped her lips and mouth. She kept sucking and bobbing until my rod was completely limp. Finally she let it drop onto my belly, and sat up. She looked at me with her eyes now even brighter. "You want something for breakfast? I've already eaten." She said, eyeing my spent organ as she did so, then smiled up at me with an expression of innocence. I rolled my eyes and out of bed. "Okay, my precious lecher. Lets go find some real food." I went across the hall and dug in my dresser for a pair of boxers, I slid them on as she came out of `our' room. Her face assumed a look of petulant anger. "You're dressing?" She said, putting her hands on her hips in a show of disapproval. I regarded my pretty lover for a moment. "If I don't," I replied, "I won't get anything done today." I paused, regarding her lithe body, gentle curves, and tousled hair. "Same goes for you, at least some panties, please." She mocked stamping her foot, but was grinning. "I was hoping the only thing that would get done today was me." She said as she turned toward her old room. She emerged a moment later, with a pair of the little silk panties in her hand and proceeded toward the stairs. I was right behind her, and couldn't complain of the view in the least. As I rummaged in the cabinets for something to eat, she slipped on the skimpy panties, a red pair. She looked out the window of the dining nook and remarked. "I want to go skinny dipping later with you." She turned to me. "I've never gotten to swim nude, I want to know what it will feel like." I nodded assent. And continued rummaging until I had unearthed a box of Frosted Flakes. The image of the old footage of a girl like Crystal, cutting through the water like a knife flashed in my mind. "Did mom ever talk to you about swimming?" I asked, trying to sound casual. She was sitting down with a bowl of the flakes and the jug of milk. "Some, the couple of times she took me to the pool." She said as she poured the milk. After finishing a half dozen mouthfuls, she added. "She said she loved to swim, too, but that she gave it up." Crystal was apparently quite hungry, as by the time I was sitting, she was on her second bowl, despite her claims of having `already eaten.' I sat and started chewing on my own sugary flakes, and watched her watching out the window at the light glimmering off the water's surface. "You really love the water don't you?" I asked. "Yes," Crystal affirmed, "it's like flying, dad, it''s magic." She grinned and broke eye contact with the flickering wavelets. She smiled at me. "I wish you could swim with me all the time." "Me too, honey." I said, nodding. "And I will today." I grinned. I pointed my spoon at the upstairs. "We'll have to get a new bed for my old room." I said around a mouthful of cereal. Crystal nodded, and smiled sourly. "Sorry about that, but you were being very unreasonable, I wanted to shock you back to some sense." I chuckled a little. "You almost literally scared the shit out of me." I answered. Her face got very serious and dark. Her eyes glinted like greened steel. "Then you know how I felt when I woke up to see you with that damn gun in your mouth. I wanted to kill you." I finished my last bite and rose from the table. "I'm sorry, angel. It won't happen again." I bent down and kissed her forehead. "I've made the choice now, and I'll abide by it." As I put the bowl in the sink. "Even if I don't know why the normal rules don't apply to us here." I concluded and looked dubiously at the sink. "Someone has some dishes they promised to wash." I muttered. My angel made a sour face and looked at the growing mound. "I see." She said unhappily. "I'll do them after I eat." She then turned to me and said. "But you have to do the wash." I nodded agreement. And headed out to do just that. I started gathering clothes by emptying out the hamper in the hall, then grabbing loose clothes from around the bedrooms. As I was picking up panties from Crystal's room, I found a scrap of paper stuck to the underside of an empty CD jewel box. It just said Theodore, and a phone number. I ransacked my memory and that number was the number of the Theodore on my team and the one in the video on Crystal's DVD. I thought about this a bit, then put it in the `don't ask' pile. I started the wash and headed back to the kitchen. Crystal had made a noticeable dent in the pile and was still going strong, up to her elbows in suds. I sat and watched her work, admiring her muscular back as her arms moved, and watching her ass flex and bunch as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Just like her mother, I was getting worked up watching her do housework. She looked back over her shoulder. "I feel your eyes burning into my butt." She said, her smile flashing from behind her hair. I stepped up behind her and bent my knees, bringing my groin to the same level as her ass. I pushed forward a bit and pressed my stiffening dick into the padding of her ass. "You feel this, too?" I asked. She jumped a bit and gasped. After she picked the cup she had been washing, she said, with forced casualness. "Yes, I feel that." She pushed back now with her butt. "You plan on using it or just teasing me?" I slipped my hands around her body and down her belly, sliding them under her panties and over her wispy bush. My right hand was faster and slid over her moist clit and between her labia. Crystal moaned softly and pressed back even harder with her ass. Her wet hands went down her sides languidly, and pushed down the panties, and she let them fall to the floor. My own hands moved to her hips, and held her ass tight to me. I now felt her hands on my boxers, pushing them down. I let them slip over my hips and they, too, fell to the floor. She moaned again, as my exposed cock pressed into the crease of her ass. It laid flat in her butt crack, filling the crevice with meat. She clenched the cheeks together, squeezing my organ. It was my turn to moan with that feeling. My hands lifted her and kept her pressed to me. She used her hands to grab the counter, and lift the upper half of her mass. As my legs straightened, her feet left the floor. She moved them back and around, intertwining them with my legs somewhat. I felt one of her hands had left the counter, and was reaching back between her legs and grabbed the shaft of my dick. She guided the head to her opening, now spread by the angles of her legs. I thrust forward slowly, entering her. She groaned out in pleasure as the shaft slowly disappeared into her tight slit. As I reached the base of my cock resting against her pussy, I started to pump in and out, holding her still and her bracing her arms on the counter. "Oh, God, daddy...I mean Nathan." She ground out between clenched teeth. "You feel huge this way." I felt her leg muscles tighten and loosen as I thrust into her and pulled out. I leaned forward, near to her ear and whispered. "You can call me daddy, sometimes, if you want, but please, not always." I said, and rammed my cock into her harder. My daughter responded by yelping, then grunting. "Do it like that, please, daddy, do it hard." I felt the desire surge in me with her little girl voice egging me on to fuck her harder. I pushed into her harder, then harder still. Finally, I was pounding her ass and pussy mercilessly, ramming into her with every ounce of strength that I could muster. Her hair flew forward with each impact and she grunted out air. She was so light, and so small I could throw her about, and right now, I was ramming her, using her tiny mass as a ram-stop. She jolts ran through her body, but her tight muscles kept her from actually showing quivers as they went. "OhGodyesdadfuckmeharder." She yelled in one breath, then took a shuddering inhale as I pounded faster and harder. "IloveyouNathan." In the next exhalation. Finally she said "I'myours foreverdaddy." then she broke into incoherent grunting and moaning as she neared climax. I felt the come bubbling up in me too, I was pretty drained from the last twenty-four hours, but I knew there would be a little this time. She came with a sudden jolt. I felt her leg muscles tighten so much that where they were intertwined with mine, my legs began to hurt from the pressure, and her arms locked up, causing my impacts to hit even harder. Crystal's spine became a steel rod, straightening like a ruler as she screamed into the cabinet and sink area. Her cunt clamped down on my cock like a vise, actually hurting a little, but I was already climaxing. I blew my load over several strokes as her vaginal muscles massaged the shaft between contractions. Crystal didn't collapse this time, she slowly relaxed her legs and arms, and I just as slowly lowered her to the floor. She got her legs under her, though they were a bit wobbly. She had the rag in her hand, still soapy. She quickly washed my cock and balls, and even the area around them. The warm suds felt good, she rubbed the rag between her own legs, too, then got a new rag and rinsed us with it with clean water. "There." she said, She was still panting, but slowly going back to normal. She tossed both rags into the basket I had left inside the door. I looked at her a bit oddly. "Your mother used to do that sometimes, unless we were going to sleep." I said. Crystal stood back up, her legs still a bit uneasy. "Yes, she probably did." She said, looking at me. "Or her pheromones would get you like mine did last night." She looked at my flagging cock. "Hers would have just made you sleepy. But since you were feeling some repressed guilt about doing it with me, it brought about a lot more, and probably still would." She grinned a little. "So, expect washing after for the foreseeable future." I nodded dumbly, but let it go again. My poor little `don't ask' file was filling fast. I bent down and kissed her slowly and deeply, our tongues dueling in each others mouths. When we parted she grinned again. "Now, speaking of washing, I need to finish these." She pointed to the remaining dishes. "You," She pointed at me then out the door, "out. You're distracting me." my angel said, picking up my boxers with her foot and kicking them at me. I caught them and stepped from the kitchen. That last bit was so Jennifer it almost made me cry. I went into the living room and sat down. Our relationship had changed now. Crystal was my equal now, I knew that. We had raised her well, then I had done the best I could. Raising her was over. She had more to learn, certainly, but who didn't? But the days of being only her father were gone. Now I was her father, friend, lover, and mate. I knew she wasn't on birth control, and I wasn't fixed either. We were flirting with pregnancy already. I would have to speak to her about that. Crystal came sauntering out of the kitchen a few minutes later. She regarded me warmly with her luminous eyes. "Are you going to be that randy all the time?" She asked, smiling. I shook my head a little. "Well, maybe not all the time, but I'll probably be pretty worked up regularly." I said. "I'm not a eighteen year old, though." I pointed out the obvious. "I can't keep up the pace of the last twenty-four hours for long." She smiled, then sighed. "Pity." She said. "Not that my nethers would mind a bit of a break, either." She pointed out. "I was a virgin, you know. And you're not exactly small." She grinned lasciviously. "Not that I'll mind `getting used' to you." The image of Theo's massive rod flashed in my mind, and some rather jealous thoughts along with it. Images of Crystal's tiny body impaled on it like a spike, trying hard to accommodate the huge cock. I shook my head to dispel those images. Crystal started going up the stairs. "Mind if I go over to Marcie's for a while?" She asked while she climbed. "Not at all." I answered. "You probably don't need permission from me anymore, angel." I said as she disappeared down the hall. Her head popped out again so fast that the hair was still in motion. "Why not?" She queried. "Well," I said, thinking hard, "I'm not acting as daddy anymore, you know." She looked blank for a moment, then said, "I'll ask anyway, if its all the same to you, out of respect for my lover, if for no other reason." She said decisively and went back down the hall. Crystal emerged a few minutes later, wearing normal clothes, a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, and a pair of high-top sneakers. She looked like my twelve-year old daughter again. Her hair was bound in a pony tail and her wrists were festooned with cheap bracelets. "Promise me you'll be okay here alone, Nathan." She said sternly. I nodded. "I promise." I replied. "Actually, a few hours alone will probably do me good. Let me think." She headed for me, and kissed me soundly. "Just don't think yourself into trouble." She said, kissing me again. "I can't be without you now, or ever." And headed for the door. I heard her bike rattle out front and knew she had ridden off. I stood back up and headed up to the office again. Sitting down I looked over the computer's progress, it had finished the third file and was into the fourth. This file was smaller, just a document or something. I opened it finding it was a image file of a clipping from a yellowed newspaper. The clipping was in Spanish. Beneath that was a computer typed translation. It said simply: "Name Change Approved <5/10/1953> Ms. Sylvie Kurz and her son Wilhelm Kurz received permission of the courts of Regaldo Precinct to legally change their names to Sarah Harrison and William Harrison. The name change was allowed due to claims that the ex-husband of Ms. Kurz had been receiving hate mail from political and business enemies of her ex husband Sigmund Kurz. The new names will be recorded and all future business with these individuals will be conducted accordingly. Officials at the court say that name-changes are a relatively common request..." I blinked a few times. Sarah Harrison was my grandmother's name, and William was my father. Why are their names, and how they got them, according to that story, doing on this DVD. This was too much to stuff in the `don't ask' pile, plus I wouldn't have to ask Crystal anything, for once, it wasn't about her. I picked up the phone and dialed my dad's number, out in California, where he had settled down with mom and my younger, worthless brother, Harold. Mom answered the phone and we chattered for about ten minutes about minor things. How was I doing? How was Crystal doing? I asked the same after mom and dad, and even Harold. Mom, of course, defended the slug, but what else could she do? I finally got around to asking if I could speak to dad for a bit. She handed over the receiver. "Hello son." He said happily. "About time you asked to talk to the old man." I chuckled, "Yeah, but I wish it were about something less serious." I said, the down note in my voice immediately picked up by one of the parents who had raised me. "Hold on." He said. I could hear him walking out of the living room. "What's it about?" He asked. "Is something wrong?" "No, dad, nothing like that." I said, "But I do need to know something from you." He said. "Well, shoot. What do you need to know?" I dropped the bomb. "Why did you and grandma change your names from Silvie and Wilhelm Kurz to Sarah and William Harrison?" There was a very, very long pause. I could tell he was searching for a spot to sit. I let him have his time. I'm sure just hearing his old name was traumatic, to hear it from his son was probably shattering. After about two minutes he finally spoke up, though his voice was now very grainy, like he was hurting. "I won't even ask where you found that out." He said dryly. "Nor whether you believe its me and mom or not, because you know it is, and I do too." He sighed heavily. "Mom and I were running from some very dangerous men, son." He explained. "Your grandfather was a scientists for the Nazi's, a damn good one." Dad said with some measure of pride. "His name was Sigmund Kurz. After he died, at the hands of those dangerous men, mom had our names changed and moved to the United States." "Who were those dangerous men, dad?" I asked. I was getting closer to things now, the pieces were at least being put on the table for me to examine. Dad sighed again. "They were Mossad, the Israeli secret police." He said. "They were hunting for war criminals, which dad technically was. At first, they found him and were going to just make him admit to his rather minor crimes then turn him loose." My father sighed. "But, they found that he was still conducting experiments, and one of the agents shot him in a fit of rage." I was a bit stunned. "Why. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "My mother and I thought we had escaped that past." He said, then sighed again. "I guess we were wrong." I heard him sniffing a bit, he was likely crying. "After dad was killed, we changed our names and came here to the US so we could make a new start." I heard his heart breaking, to know one's dad was a war criminal was bad enough, but to carry that crime on after the war. I couldn't imagine. "It's not like you had anything to do with it, right?" I said. There was a pregnant pause on his end of the line. "Right dad?" I asked again. The pause dragged on. "Oh, my God, dad, what did you do?" He inhaled deeply. "No, I wasn't directly involved." He said. "But I managed to get involved with one of his `subjects.' They were young girls, and very pretty, and very smart." His voice sounded distant. "She was lovely, and so sweet." Dad wasn't in the twenty-first century any more, he was back in the early fifties. "I was only fourteen at the time, son." He said, as if to calm some suspicion I might have about his fidelity to my mom. "We only managed to slip away once, but once was enough." He chuckled dryly. "When dad found out, he went utterly insane, let me tell you. Said I ruined his experiment, at least that one girl, `tainted her bloodline,' is how he put it." His voice grew sad and longing. "I never was able to get near them again, dad kept me a long way from them and then the Mossad raided and took the girls to Buenos Aires. I never saw her again." He sounded really sad now, like a part of him was lost then. "I did love her." He finally said then was quiet. "Jeez, dad." I said. "It must have been horrible to have your first love stripped from you like that." I commiserated with him. My first real love was stripped from me, too, though after several years. He coughed. "It was worse than that. Imagine having your first love called a `cow' then have her stripped from you, then your father killed." He sobbed. "No, son, I don't want to revisit those memories anymore. And never again." I could almost hear him `soldiering' up. "Dad." I said, thinking furiously how to say this. "I think Jennifer was one of the descendant of one of the girls." "What?" He asked, almost yelling. "She couldn't have been, son. They had a special dietary supplement they had to have, some sort of genetic broth, father told me before the Mossad got him." He paused again. "They would have died in a matter of weeks, including my Andrea." He said, finally, giving his first love a name. "No. They're all gone, beautiful as they were, they were delicate that way." He sounded distant again. "Your Jenny was a terrific woman, Nate, but she wasn't one of the Nereid. And be thankful of that, son, or Crystal would be, too." I didn't want to try to figure this out yet, so I just said. "Okay, dad, that's a relief to know." I thought a moment. "Dad, did grandpa leave any of his stuff behind? Anything that I could discover more through." He sounded worried when he replied. "There are a few things up in the attic. But, son, they're old genetic breeding texts and stuff. I'm sure we've bypassed my father's works by years by now, it's not worth anything anymore." "I understand that." I replied. "But I would like to know more about the Nereid, they sound fascinating." I paused a moment. "Perhaps the world deserves to know now about your fathers genius, and his dark secrets, too." I said. "They really can't hurt you anymore, dad, they're old news, and you weren't a criminal, you were a victim of it, too." I heard him hum, as he did when deliberating in his head. "You may be right son. I'll go into the attic tonight and send you his books tomorrow." He chuckled. "I don't have the energy or time to try to do such research anymore, or the will, I have to say. It hurts too much even today." He concluded. "And dad." I said, thinking quickly. "Don't say anything to anyone about this yet, okay?" "Sure son, that'll be easy, no one hardly even remembers." He said sourly. "Nature of history, I guess." my father chuckled dryly. "Bye son, I love you." He said. "Bye dad, I love you too, and say bye to mom for me. Thanks." I hung up the phone. Dad thought they were dead. I don't agree. Crystal and that girl swam and look too much alike for coincidence. No, My wife was a Nereid. My daughter is a Nereid. I had to find out more. Dad was sending me his father's papers, but they'd be a couple of days getting here. I checked the progress of the decryption software, only about halfway through the next file, a big one, probably another movie. The software didn't have any controls to set the order of decryption, so I had to let it do it at its own pace and in the order it chose. Was the `they' Crystal ranted about the Mossad? Somehow, I didn't think so. From everything I've heard about them, they're usually unbelievably professional, and giving the victims of war crime a hassle didn't seem their style. So, who was intimidating my daughter, and apparently other Nereid? The government? It definitely more their style. But the government leaked information like a sieve. I never had even heard a whisper of the Nereid or the Chimera in my life until the last couple of days. No. It wasn't our government. Other governments, perhaps. Or the mob. I thought. What would the mob want with them? Hell, or other governments, for that matter. It was all a mystery and it sure as hell wasn't just unraveling nicely for me. I did some web searches for `Nereid,' I got back a moon of Neptune, and that most fishermen's wives called themselves that, Nereids. According to Greek myth, they were the daughters of Nereus, a sea god. There were fifty of them, and they helped sailors in trouble. `Chimera' yielded a picture of a creature with a lion's head and foreparts, a goat's middle, a dragon's rear, and a tail in the form of a snake. But apparently, the meaning also covers any creature combining the traits of two or more other creatures. So the Nereid were Chimeras but not necessarily the other way around. What happened to the other Chimeras? Were there any others? Well, being built for water would explain Crystal's incredible swimming talents, and the ability she had for holding her breath. My daughter was a genetic experiment? A guinea pig? The descendant of experiments, at the least, I supposed. I needed those papers dad was sending me, and I needed those files decrypted. Who had gathered those films, and from where? This stuff was just generating more questions every few hours. I needed help. Help meant Marcus. I picked up the phone again, and punched Marcus' apartment. After a few rings Marcus answered. "Whatcha need chief?" He said, having checked his caller I.D. screen. "Now, Marcus, my friend, do I only call when I need something?" I said sweetly. Marcus, without hesitation, said "Yes. But it feels good to be needed." He paused a second. "Did you get any of them dirty flicks decoded?" He chuckled maniacally. "I bet there's some good stuff if it was worth hiding it behind a code-wall." "Nothing good yet, just some old home movies." I said. Telling Marcus, at best, a half-truth. "But I do need some stuff tracked down." I said. My old buddy perked up. "A little hunting trip, eh?" He said. I haven't gone dumpster diving in years, but lemme hear what you got." "Old Nazi genetics program called maybe Chimera or Nereid, or both." I said. "Anything you can dig up anywhere would be good." I then said quietly. "And be careful, there's people not wanting this stuff found, nasty people." Marcus virtually cooed at that. "Really?" He said in the tone of `Well, I'm not sure you're serious, but I'll play along.' "I'll keep a low profile." He said, at my silence. "Any other connected names or places?" he asked. Marcus knew his business. He was a old-school hacker and he knew the back doors to a dozen big government mainframes and over a hundred corporate systems. He also knew how to get hard copy information, the old fashioned way, with cunning, brilliance, and balls. I would owe him big time, but if the information was out there, he'd get it, and likely wouldn't be even noticed in the process. "Dr. Sigmund Kurz." I said. "That's the only name I know of, I'll pass on anything else I dig up." "Sigmund Kurz." Marcus said distantly. Then chuckled, "Sounds like one of them old timey mad scientists." he pointed out. "Yeah." I agreed dryly. Marcus made a thoughtful belching sound, then said "I'll let you know what I come up with, man." He paused. "Not a lot to go on, but I might be able to dig up some stuff." I heard him clicking on his keyboard. "I know some dudes in Germany who owe me favors, they might be able to do some digging into the records there, especially the East German ones, they got a lot of that old Nazi stuff filed away." He concluded. "You gonna owe me but big on this, Nathan." He said, then hung up. Well, another ball rolling in the right direction. I stood up and stretched, feeling tired and it was just approaching noon. I went downstairs and started to make me some lunch, just a couple of sandwiches. Crystal came in while I was finishing the construction on my latest gastronomical masterpiece. She slid into the kitchen and snatched my second sandwich off my plate and slid her butt into the opposite chair at the little table. "Hi, I'm home." She announced and sunk her teeth into my wheat bread sculpture. She chewed happily while she looked at me, and smiled. "Mmm. Seems it tastes better when you steal someone else's sandwich, don't you think?" "I wouldn't know." I said with mock coldness. "Some other people never seem to make them for me to steal." Crystal giggled and took another massive bite. "The nerve." She said around the bite, then added. "Some people." Giving her eyes a look of shock and dismay. "Did you have fun at Marcie's?" I asked. Starting to work on my own sandwich before she could get any ideas for it. She nodded. "Sure, same as always." She mumbled through a sandwich-filled mouth. "Just sat around and talked about boys." She explained. "Boys, eh?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Should I be jealous?" She giggled, almost choking on her bite. "God, no!" She exclaimed when she finally got it to go down. "Marcie talked, I listened, mostly." I nodded approvingly. "Okay." I said, though I tried to keep my expression dubious. We finished out sandwiches in silence, both lost in the crunchiness of the lettuce and the flavor of the honey-ham. I threw away my paper plate and we went to the living room. She fell asleep within minutes of the start of a movie, and I napped with her soon after. I awoke to her sitting up and muzzily asking me what time it was. I looked at my watch. "Two-thirty." I said. She scooted out from under my arm and stood up. Giving me a fine view of one of her `super stretches.' That alone almost had me up and raring. She then started stripping, which finished the job. Her shirt came off first, followed by her sports bra, revealing her small breasts and erect nipples. She then dropped her pants down, taking her panties with her. This was not an erotic strip show, but a functional disrobing. Somehow, this was even more arousing than if she had been trying. She was just taking her clothes off in front of me, casually. Crystal then looked at me. "Let's swim." She said. This wasn't a request, it wasn't a demand, either, just a reasonable suggestion from a reasonably naked girl in my living room. She then turned and I watched her small but perfect butt head out the patio door. I rose a second time and dropped my boxers to the floor. And followed. It dawned on me that I followed this young lady about an awful lot. She had already mounted the deck and was looking back, waiting for me. As I got to the top of the deck she jumped and entered the water. A tiny splash followed her. I sat on the edge of the deck and watched her glide through the water. As always, I was amazed at her grace. I jumped in, much less gracefully. As I was under the water, I felt Crystal slide past me, then immediately turn and come up in front of me, then over my head and down my back, then curved between my legs and again up my chest. It was an incredible sensation. It was like she was everywhere, her hands brushed me, and various of her body parts touched and slid past me at different places on my body. I felt her hair slide over my leg, then my arm, then my chest. It wasn't natural, how this girl moved in the water. Or, rather, it was far too natural how she moved in the water. She kept up the aquabatics until I surfaced. Then she was swimming around me in a tight loop that kept her nose brushing my ribs and her hands on my chest and belly. I could feel her hair now sliding over my ribs. I began to move and she modified her pattern, swimming under me upside down and pressing herself against me as she slid up my torso. I was now as aroused as I probably ever have been. The combination of her caresses and her raw sensuality in the water was making me horny as a goat. I stopped and treaded water and she did the same, and finally took in air. We had been in the pool almost a full minute, and this was the first breath she took. She turned to look at me. "Welcome to my pool." She said, giving me a huge stunning smile. Her eyes had that predatory look in them, but even more so. It sounded almost like `welcome to my parlor' to me from the rhyme about the spider and the fly. And I was the fly. My daughter was still pursuing me, toying with me, even, though in the most gentle way. I needed to remember that predatory is just desire with aggression. I dove under the water and started swimming for the wall. Again Crystal was with me like a shadow. Her lithe form slid around my leg, then crossed around my back before curving under my arm, then coming up right under me, her face mere inches from mine. I opened my eyes to see hers, and they were like green flames. She rocketed ahead of me and got to the far wall. Decelerating and surfacing at the same moment where she was waiting when I got there, treading water with just her feet, and watching me as I came up for air. "Damn, you swim better than a fish." I said, as I got my breath. "Where did you learn that trick in the water of swimming around someone?" "I first did it at the pool, with a guy named David." She said, smiling. "But he got so disoriented that the almost drowned, so they made me knock it off." I looked at her, some poor teenage boy getting that treatment probably would get disoriented as his body said `follow that sexy thing' and his brain said, `uh...air?' "Well, it was really neat, like swimming with a dolphin, well, a very small dolphin, with a pretty smile." I said, trying to make the complement as non-private as possible. Crystal eyed me speculatively. "No, it's swimming with the Crystalfish." She said, and shot into the water, coming up between my legs, and her arm dragged with exquisite slowness across my semi-engorged rod. By the time she broke contact, it was well on its way to full hardness. She slid up my back and I felt her emerge from the water behind me, her hands on my shoulders. I felt her body pressed against my back. It was warm and tight, and I think I felt every muscle and bone on the surface of her body. She moved her head close and I could feel her hot breath on my neck. She must be burning vast numbers of calories swimming like she does, and it generates a huge amount of waste heat. She kissed my shoulder where my neck joins it, causing an electric shock through my spine. "Thanks, though, for the compliment on my smile." She whispered into my ear. Then all the contact was gone. I turned to see her nearing the far wall of the pool. I called after her when she shot to the surface, and then treaded water again. "Where'd the Crystalfish go?" Crystal called back. "Sorry, Crystalfish have to be caught. They're not like some guppy." I started swimming after her, though I knew if she didn't want me to, I would never catch her. She waited patiently as I dragged my ungainly form through the water, and at the last moment darted like a minnow for the far wall again. I actually saw a trail of bubbles surfacing the water as she broke the surface at the far end. `Just how fast was she in the water, really?' I thought. She was giggling. I lurched after her putting forth my best turn of speed at the last moment, hoping to throw her timing off. I missed by mere inches, and she was gone again, over in the corner nearest the house. She said "Almost had me there, you're a trisksy one." This last sounded uncannily like Golum from Lord of the Rings. She was pressed to the corner, only her head out of the water. I crept up on her slowly this time. She had cornered herself, limiting her choices of escape routes. Additionally, the ladder was off to her right, which limited it further, and I was hoping that she didn't notice that. I got to proper lunging distance and did so, lurching forward with all my speed. She turned to bullet off again, and saw the ladder. Her face got a panic-stricken look for a moment, and she turned under the water and attempted to elude me by swimming right between my arms. I timed the grab perfectly and had her, however her body was slicker than I had thought. She almost shot out of my grip but I managed to get a second grip, on her waist with one arm, and around one thigh. I touched bottom and launched for the shallows of the pool. When I could stand I did, I had her upside down in the water, and felt her arms flailing helplessly in the water at my legs. I loosed my grip on her thigh and reached down and got one of the arms. I started to turn her over and loosened my hug on her waist. With a terrific burst of strength, Crystal almost got loose, she pried her torso loose of my grasping arm. My God, it was like fighting a wild animal. She was using every drop of power to try to elude me. The Crystalfish was proving a catch worthy of any angler. I managed to hold onto the arm, though, and she didn't get far. I gripped the waist again, this time right-side up. I lifted her from the water, and released my grip on her arm. I hugged her to me, both arms around her waist. Her head was level with mine, which put her feet at about my knees. She flailed the air, but couldn't reach much with her back to me. I heard her panting, and she was growling! I carried her to the wall of the pool. She calmed somewhat by then, and was only panting now, and would here and there give a lurch one way or another, trying my bearhug on her. I reached the wall, and pressed her against it with my body. I put my hands under her arms, and lifted her out of the water, she again almost slipped me, but I put a hand on the middle of her back and pushed, sending her staggering onto the deck. I crawled out after her. She was sprawled on the deck, limbs all askew. She was still panting heavily. I was staring up between her legs directly at her cunt, and it was laid bare and inviting. My eyes crept up her form to her head, which was laying to the side. One eye regarded me with that same animal fury it had earlier, only now even more intense. She was watching for a chance to break for the water. I didn't give her that chance. I grabbed her by the waist and picked her up, spinning her in midair. We were in my element now, on solid ground, or deck, anyway. I held her at arm's length, with her feet dangling in the air, my hands under hear clamped down arms. I looked into her eyes, and the predatory look in them was fading some. She was breathing less deeply now, just a little winded. I was breathing like I had run a mile. "Gotcha." I said to her. She gave me that same wide smile. One full of teeth and somewhat unsettling. Her head tilted downward a little and she looked up at me, giving her the whole aspect of a shark. "You caught me." She said. "But can you keep me?" "I'm pretty sure I can." I said, regarding her. I kept a happy smile on my face, despite the somewhat unsettling look she had adopted and the almost hostile challenge she had just issued. I carried her to the deck chairs, and laid her upon one. I planted one hand on her stomach and chest. She tried once to sit up, but I was much stronger than her, and outweighed her by over a hundred and twenty-five pounds. "What do I do with a Crystalfish, anyways?" I asked. "I mean catching one is a steel-plated bitch, but once you get one..." Crystal looked at me and said. "We're an endangered species you know." Her face utterly blank. "Only a few of us around." "No doubt, and more's the pity." I said honestly. The world with a million more Crystals would be a better place, I felt, if somewhat more tired. "So I have to throw you back?" She eyed the water. "Well, like redfish, you can keep one if you think its of breeding age." "That's a tough call." I said, now slightly alarmed at the tack this conversation had taken. "How would one know?" She took her eyes from the water and trained them on mine again. I felt them lock on, and I couldn't look away. "Just look at yourself. If you want to breed with the Crystalfish, then they're of breeding age." She said. "And if they are?" I heard myself ask. She shrugged slightly. "Depends, some people eat them, others stuff and mount them, still others breed them." Those eyes were boring into me like a vice press. My mouth was dry and my legs were growing weak. She looked down a moment at my bulging organ. "Which do you want to do?" Then her eyes snapped back to mine. Despite the activities of the last day, I was nervous all over again. Something in her attitude had changed in the last few hours. What had happened at Marcie's house? What that really where she went? She was still my angel, that was clear, but she was now in a different mode, a more aggressive one, a more dangerous one. I sat on the deck next to her chair and gently rubber her thigh. "What would I rather do?" I said, distantly. Her eyes were still tracking me like a cat watching a bird. Her face was deadly serious, despite the wit of her rejoinders. I knew the answer she wanted. "I want to breed her." I said, putting as much intensity behind it as I could muster. Her predatory smile widened, and somehow her teeth looked sharp and pointed in my eyes. "Good choice." She said. "They're great for that." She nodded slowly. Her voice took on a lame British nature documentary tone. "Many enthusiasts find breeding Crystalfish to be a rather pleasant pastime, as well as therapeutic." She said, then continued. "Though breeding them can be difficult at times, they are prone to bouts of enthusiasm that can result in their own or others' injury." The intensity drained a little from her eyes, and her smile seemed more normal now. "I want to breed." my angel said, in a near whisper. "Tonight." She whispered even ore distantly. "Tonight would be ideal." And her eyes closed. She seemed to sleep, and after a few minutes, I was convinced that she was asleep. I covered her with a beach towel to keep her form burning, and sat beside her, and watched her sleep. Asleep, she looked like my little girl again. Her face relaxed and that rather frightening predator was gone. Her mouth relaxed as she breathed gently through it, showing perfectly normal teeth, if in slight need of braces. I watched her for an hour or so, then picked her up. I was astonished at her slight mass. She was little burden for my arms, and she kept on sleeping. I carried her into the house and up the stairs, then into `our' room. I laid her out on the bed, and slid the covers over her. She murmured something that I couldn't make out, then curled onto her side. I watched her again for a few minutes, then went back to my office. Marcus had already sent me an email. I popped it open and it showed a picture, looking like one taken from an old newspaper, showing Kurz, my grandfather, shaking hands with the Fuhrer. Under the photo was the caption. `Scientist, Dr. Sigmund Kurz is congratulated by our leader for exemplary service to the Reich. His classified work promises to remake the face of warfare and spell the end of all resistance to the mastery of the Aryan race.' Appended was a note from Marcus. "Interesting guy, this Kurz. Seems he disappeared to Argentina after the war, working on that angle, too. - Marcus." I headed out and performed some chores, including tooling around the front yard on my riding mower, a task that always proves to be entertaining if not productive. I managed to run by the grocery store and pick up a few things we needed, and even a bottle of wine that I felt I badly needed. I'm not a heavy drinker, but I felt my situation demanded either a libation or inebriation.