Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Crystal - By Deacon Blues Seven - Sinister Secrets I awoke to find Crystal gone from the bed. I sat up quickly and looked around the room. She wasn't in the room. I peered outside the door and saw her panties were gone from there. I rose from the bed and stretched. Walking down the hall I called out her name. "I'm here, dad." She said, from her room. I looked into her darkened bedroom. Crystal was sitting on her bed, wearing the panties, but nothing else. She was crying. Her knees were pulled up tight to her body, and her head between them. "Angel, what's wrong?" I asked, stepping in. "Why are you in here, I thought we were together in the other room." I pointed to our bedroom. She sniffed and looked up at me. "I don't deserve to share your bed yet, daddy." She said. "I'm not pregnant. I'm not ready." "Honey, what made you think one try would do it?" I asked, sitting down on the foot of her bed. "Some women who have everything working normally take months of trying to get pregnant." I pointed out. Then I said "We're having to overcome Chimera genes and such." I concluded. She looked at me with a bit of suprise, but not much. "Yeah, but I was so hopeful." She said. "It's considered to be good luck to get pregnant on your first ovulation after starting activity." She smiled. "I was hoping I was a lucky one." "Angel, what's pre-implantation?" I asked. Knowing full well I wasn't supposed to. "Something you don't want to know much about." She said sourly. "And something I wish didn't need to happen." Her voice wasn't tear-broken anymore, but somewhat angry. "I'll tell you to keep you from asking again, and you're not going to like it." She said, lifting her head and regarding me with her green eyes hardened. "Before I can become pregnant from you, I have to be pre-inseminated by another, a mule, one of the male Chimera." She explained. "Their semen prepares the egg to receive human sperm." "You had to fuck another man?" I asked, and immediately hated the sound of jealousy that crept into my voice. "You had to be pre-inseminated by a mule, then?" I corrected. She smiled a little. "Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to know about that part, but I suppose you already did, sort of." "Yeah." I replied. "I saw something about it in the stuff I already had." I cast my mind about, and locked on a name. "Theodore?" I asked. She nodded again, short, jerky motions. "Yep." She confirmed. "He's the local mule." "Did you enjoy it?" I asked, my normal masculine machismo again asserting itself. "Of course I did, dad." She said. "Do you want me hate something I have to do?" Her faint smile disappeared. "It's not an optional thing dad." She pointed out. My mind flashed back to Jennifer and her apparent dalliances. "Your mom had to do that too." I said quietly, and distantly, from somewhere in the past. Crystal nodded. "Mom never `cheated' on you specifically." She said. "She only saw other men to be pre-implanted, and to sate her need." I blinked a couple of times. "Sate her need?" I asked. Crystal laughed bitterly. "Shows what they knew you knew." She looked at me. "You haven't figured it out yet, have you?" She chuckled again. "We need semen." She muttered. "We have to eat it." Her eyes grew distant. "The original Chimeras received something called a `Genetic Broth' but we don't know how to make it, and the closest thing we have found to work is human semen." She shook her head. "That is one of our main problems." She unfolded and laid her legs flat, supporting her upper half on arms bent back. "We need two to three men's spend of semen a day." She actually giggled. "Why else would we suck dick quite so readily?" Her smile was becoming more normal as her attitude leveled out. "Don't get me wrong, we enjoy it, overall, but we wouldn't quite be so...enthusiastic about it if we didn't rely upon the stuff." "You die without it?" I asked. Her smile evaporated instantly. "Yes. We die without it. How you like them apples, eat come or die." She said. "Welcome to the world of Chimeras, daddy, how's the water so far?" Her voice was tinged with a bit of uncontrolled madness. "Are you really sure you want to know all our secrets?" "I wish I did, then I would understand and be able to be a better mate." I said, and I meant it. She regarded me cooly for that. "You're already a great mate." She said. "A girl wouldn't hope for more. Handsome, honest, loyal, loving, hung, passionate, strong, hard-working..." She paused, "Shall I go on?" She said. "I was enjoying it, but no, that'll do." I said, trying to give her a good grin to enjoy. "You left out curious." I pointed out. "That, I don't find attractive, necessarily." She scowled. "That I find dangerous and scary." She flipped her hand negligently toward the world in general. "You know most everything already, dad. Honestly." She stood up. "What's left is pretty petty and shallow stuff." She kissed me on the forehead as I sat. Then made for the bathroom. I heard the shower start and her singing in the shower. I smiled to myself. There's my Crystal, beautiful, wonderful, sexy, and a horrid singer. Her off-key lilt almost hurt my ears. She was singing "Rock the Cradle of Love." A pop song from the 90's by Billy Idol, about, appropriately enough, underage sex. Poor Billy would be ashamed of his ditty if he had heard it now. What my angel lacked in tone or note, she made up for with volume and sincerity, though, and in my mind I knew she was dancing to beat the band. A loud thump from the bathroom wall confirmed my suspicions. I wanted much to go watch her, but knew that my mere presence would ruin her perfect moment of dance freedom, so I just sat and listened to her off-key tribute to jailbait everywhere. The house felt much brighter now that the sexual tension was finally released. The outlet of that tension might cause an eyebrow to be raised, but it was effective. I went out and checked on the pool and its systems, and skimmed some debris that had accumulated on the water. The back yard could use a mowing, but I wasn't up to it right now. I picked up the indoor/outdoor remote phone and called work. "I'm not going to be able to do much today, boss, I've got some bug and the medicine is making me pretty groggy." I hadn't been sick in over a year, so no questions were asked. They just told me to get better and check in tomorrow if I was still out of it. I hung up and finished my patrol of the yard for trash and stuff. The morning sun felt good on my back and arms as I worked. I had more energy than I've had in a while. I counted that the blessing of youthful lust. As I worked, though, thoughts wandered through my mind. Semenivores? Why did Kurz put that into them? I wasn't distressed at the idea of having children with my own daughter, at least not as much as I would have thought a few days before. She wasn't strictly human, after all. She had to operate with a different set of moral and behavioral patterns. She seemed to not mind the fact that I had to be her mate, it simply didn't hit her the same way it probably would a normal girl. She was so comfortable, in fact, with it, that she could make jokes and even vamp and arouse me with the suggestion of taboo. The pre-implantation process was part of the same coin. She had to interbreed with a mule, or she couldn't get pregnant at all by a human, which apparently was far from a sure thing even when it was done right. The idea of Theo putting his massive organ into my daughter, and my lover disturbed me, but I had to accept it if I wanted her happy, and able to conceive. As I was bagging the trash I had accumulated on my forays into the yard, Crystal came out of the house, naked. She slinked up to me and kissed me softly. "Hello again, honey." She said, looking up at me with her emerald eyes. "You're not working?" She said, then nuzzled into my chest. Damn, but she was an affectionate creature. I mean, she had always been affectionate, and somewhat physical, but was always a bit distant with the hugs and kisses. Now she showered them on me at every opportunity. I wondered idly if this was the result of our being mated or if she was merely `marking her territory' with me. I said "I called in sick today." I held her as she cuddled me. "I thought we should have a bit more time with each other." I ran my hands down her spine, and felt her react by pressing her body to mine. She was very responsive too. I smiled, wondering what Crystal might think of being compared favorably to a sports car. She spoke into my chest. "I'd like more time with you." She said, moving her hands to my shorts, and hooking her fingers into the pockets. She grinned "Even without us being together like we are now, I always wanted more of your time, no matter how much you already gave me." She admitted. Her body was so warm and comforting. I smelled the fruity odor of her shampoo in her wet hair. "I know you think I'm too young, dad." She said, pulling away a bit. "And that being with your daughter is wrong, which, for a normal girl, it would be." She regarded me with those eyes. "But, for me, its neither. I'm of age, and I not only can emotionally handle you as a mate, but need you as a mate." "What would have happened now if your mom hadn't died?" I asked, thinking about our situation. She sighed. "Either mom would have left or we would have tried to find a genetic match for me." She gave me a sardonic look. "Your brother is a prime candidate." She said, scrunching up her face in distaste. "Unfortunately, mom's line has rather unusual markers." Crystal held out her hands, now having backed up a full step. "And finding a potential mate at random would be unbelievably difficult, like one in ten million." She said, sliding her fingers over one another, as if trying to line them up into matching patterns. She sighed again. "Most Chimera don't have that problem, or at least not as badly, most can find mates in a one in a hundred to ten thousand chance." She grinned. "Not terribly easy, but like shooting fish in a barrel compared to my line." She said, her lip twitching into a half smile. I pondered these things. "How did your mother find me then? Just random chance?" I asked. "Actually, she told me that she had run a screen on a big database matching herself. You were the prime candidate." She chuckled. "Seems you made fifty bucks in college letting yourself be sampled for the Human Genome Project. I eyed her lithe form before me. "Speaking of good genes." I said, running my hands down her flanks. "You're magnificent, you know that?" I smiled, and swooped in to grasp her around the waist. Crystal squealed in delight and grabbed my head as I came in low, allowing herself to be lifted and I leaned against her, pinning her to the side of the pool. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and we kissed, passionately, our mouths colliding and sliding over each other, and then kissing and biting each other's necks. Her body went into overdrive, grinding against mine in different directions at the same time. I felt her warm breath on my cheek and then my neck. I wasn't exactly horny, but I was wanting to be close to her and to show her I loved her. Besides, there are worse ways to spend a few minutes on a warm summer morning than necking with a beautiful girl. I eventually put her down and we parted lips. She was pink with blush and panting slightly. I was panting too, and covered in a thin film of sweat. "Goodness." She said, putting her hand on her chest, over her heart. I smiled and moved over to a low rock wall that surrounded the patio, and took a seat. She leaned coyly against the pool. "I just had to kiss you." I said. "Not complaining, I assure you." She responded, still breathing heavily. I asked what her plans were for the day. "I was going to visit Marcie for a while." She said, then added when she saw the dubious look on my face. "For real this time. Promise." I nodded, then I smiled. "You can tell me the truth when you're going to Theodore." I said. "I may not like it a lot, but I realize how important it is to you." Crystal nodded and agreed. "Okay. But you have to promise to not hold it against me, ever, please." She stepped forward, putting her hand on my shoulder. "It is not something I do out of desire to just do it." I gave a tiny smile, then put my hand over hers. "I know, and I won't." Her other small hand came up and slid over my stubbly chin. "You need a shave." She pointed out, rubbing her soft palm on my cheek again. "Mr. Sandpaper Man." I felt my own stubble, then agreed. We both walked back into the house, me toward the bathroom and she toward her room to get dressed. She popped into the bathroom as I was preparing to shower. "I'll be back in a while." She planted a wet kiss on my cheek and bounced out the door. I showered, and gave myself a good razor shave. Afterward, I felt more human, and much more awake. I dressed and went to my office. A email from Marcus was there, along with a small pile of emails from other employees, expressing concern for my ill health. I batched off a small reply to the `get well' emails and then opened Marcus' letter to me. "Buddy, what's wrong? You're starting to really worry me. I'm coming over tonight to have a beer, I want to see how you're doing, no is not an option, I'll bring the beer!" I smiled at that. Marcus was a great friend. We had been in college together, when I went toward business administration, he had gone into computer programming and sciences. But having been roomies for three years, we were pretty tight. Even today, he was by best friend, and I loved him for having my back. I shot back a quick reply saying okay to his demand, and telling him I was looking forward to it. The computer had managed to finish off two more small files. They were both news clippings, they were written in Spanish, and came from the Buenos Aires Herald. A translation was provided for each. Raid on Secret Camp Busts Up Child Pornography Ring (8/12/1954) A raid yesterday, mounted by the Argentine Army, responding to information from unknown persons resulted in the breaking up of a sizable child pornography ring. Carlos Heldago, the commander of Army forces involved stated that he "...had never seen such a large-scale operation, and the fact that all the children involved were German in origin leads one to believe that Nazi expatriates were involved in the activities." The persons running the compound were all killed in the skirmish with army forces. Fifty children were found on the premises. The children were remanded to several orphanages, pending discovery of their parentage and citizenship. Records kept on the facility were mostly destroyed in the fighting, along with a fire that destroyed most of the offices. Rumors that the Mossad instigated and actually participated on the raid were flatly denied by Captain Heldago. He stated. "No extranational forces were involved in this action, such involvement would represent a gross violation of Argentine sovereignty." The children, despite apparent years in the servitude of the pornographers, seemed to be in exceptionally good health and of remarkably good mental health as well, according to the orphanage councillors who facilitated their admissions. Captain Heldago indicated that further investigation was underway to discover where this group received support and what market their illicit wares were directed to. Most of the dead found on the facility were German expatriates and were likely affiliated closely with the Nazi party. One person, the supposed leader, was a scientist named Kurz, who was accused of war crimes and was under investigation in his own right. Orphans Fall Ill, To Be Transported to USA (8/30/1954) The orphans freed during a raid on a underground child pornography ring have mysteriously fallen ill during the last few weeks. While limited to the female children, which were fourty-eight of the fifty children rescued, the illness is apparently severe and even life threatening. Dr. Gonzales said "They're showing classic signs of chronic malnourishment, though they are receiving quite adequate and balanced foods. The girls are lethargic and depressed, and weakening quickly. Some of these poor children are pregnant, additionally, and their need is most drastic. The UN stepped in, and under the auspices of UNICEF, has taken custody of the children, and transported them to Atlanta, GA, for treatment at the superior medical facilities there. A special chartered plane was leased for this purpose. "If a cure cannot be found in the next one or two weeks, they may start dying." Said Gonzales. "I'm very concerned for their health and well being. They are wonderful children, and didn't deserve what they have already been through. To heap this current problem on them is the height of irony." The children will be leaving at midnight tonight, and their flight will take approximately twelve hours. Two doctors, Golzales and his apprentice Mario Montano will be accompanying them on the journey. The two boys will be transported with the girls as they may also come down with this mysterious malady, the children also seem loathe to be separated more than absolutely necessary. Benito Veras, the Argentine Minister of Health was reported as saying "With an unknown disease such as this, it is best to let those who can handle such problems, and the possible fallout from them, do so. The CDC and American hospitals are far better equipped for both the problem and the potential for outbreak involved in such endeavors. We simply aren't equipped for these sorts of things." While hesitant, the CDC in the US was willing to take in the orphans due to a outpouring of sympathy from various child-advocacy groups within the USA, as well as several religious figures and institutions. Gabriel Montrose, the CDC's assistant director stated that "We can hopefully help these unfortunate children who have been dealt such a series of harsh blows at others' hands." On the part of the children, they are generally hopeful, but for the most part unexcited at the prospect, due to their illness and a general sense of hopelessness, which should probably be expected given their backgrounds. Interesting, I thought, but not altogether useful information. Looks like my dad was right, though, they needed something added to their diet. And from what Crystal was saying, it was replaceable by semen. Now there's a solution that probably was stumbled upon by sheer accident. What must it be like to have to eat semen, and in fairly large amounts just to stay healthy or even alive. I had no doubt that most could easily satisfy their needs with quite willing `donors.' Hell, I had fed Crystal twice without knowing anything of it, and God only knows how many times I had given to Jennifer. I was sure the Chimeras would certainly appreciate being freed of that task as a necessity, but we could hope that they might continue out a sense of nostalgia or even desire. My dick twiched with the memory of that last spectacular blow job Crystal had given me. A twinge of guilt hit me for thinking of using my daughter's special needs for my own gratification. Then it hit me, I was simply doing a good thing for both of us every time I allowed her so swallow my come. It felt awesome, and it also kept her from feeding on someone else for one time. I reminded myself to see if she `had the need' when she got home. I decided to do a little work on my computer, so as to not make the day a total loss. About five Crystal came in, all smiles and bounciness. "Daddy, I'm home!" She yelled from the living room. Then she added "Marcie is with me." I walked downstairs to see Crystal and Marcie coming out of the kitchen with sodas in their hands. "Hello angel." I said, smiling to the two girls. Marcie was a year older than Crystal, and noticeably taller. Their builds were similar, with slim hips and small breasts, and six-packed abdomens. To be honest, I think Marcie was a bit prettier than Crystal, as well, with delicate, almost elfin features, a thin chin, high cheekbones, slightly tilted blue eyes and high eyebrows. Her hair was jet black, and had blue highlights when the sun hit it. Her skin was very fair, as well, almost alabaster, and the veins could be seen in places it was thinnest, like wrists and her neck. She also had the most delicate hands, very slim and long-fingered. She was dressed akin to Crystal, in cutoffs and a tee shirt, but she wore very elegant shoes, with slim straps that held them to her ankles. Marcie had been a guest from time to time in our home, and even spent the night once. I liked her, she was a lot like Crystal, if not quite as sarcastic. As I greeted them, Crystal leapt forward and grabbed my head with both hands. She pulled me down to her for a quick, but very intense kiss. She smashed her lips into mine with quite a lot of enthusiasm, and her tongue was insistent when it pressed into my mouth. It took me a second of shocked panic to remember that Marcie was a Chimera as well, and wouldn't think badly of this behavior on Crystal's part. Marcie lived with her dad, a divorcee, and I figured she was his mate, like Crystal was mine. Marcie just grinned. "It took y'all long enough." She then giggled, and patted Crystal on the back. "I'm glad you finally can become a pair." They giggled together when we parted lips, and then both went up to Crystal's room. I sat down in the living room and flipped channels for a while, not really wanting to watch anything in particular. I had a raging hard on, and knew that it must be Marcie's pheromones putting me in a lather. After about an hour, I heard Crystal and Marcie talking in the hall, having what sounded almost like an argument. Marcie finally appeared, walking nervously down the stairs. She walked to the couch and sat near me. "Mr. Harrison?" She said, tentatively. Her face blushing deeply. I looked at her, and tried not to smile at her embarrassment. "Yes, Marcie." I said, then added. "You can call me Nathaniel." She smiled a little, Marcie had a very sweet smile. She looked up at me with those exotic eyes. "Um. I've never done this with anyone but the mules and my own father." She said, then gave out a nervous giggle. "She looked over toward the TV, then very quietly said. "I have need." I was looking at the TV as well, and my eyes almost rotated around out of their sockets at those words. "As in the need?" I said, my cock stretching into full arousal. She giggled nervously again. "Yes, as in the need." Her eyes came over again, and met mine. "I'll understand if you don't want to do it, but Crystal said it was okay, and actually thought it would be nice for you to start behaving like the mate of a Chimera. She shrugged, "Helping others with the need is pretty much normal behavior." "Um. Sure." I said. Then asked, "I assume your father has filled Crystal's needs from time to time?" "Of course, Nathaniel." She said, trying on the name. I reached out my hand to her, and she took it. Her hand was cool and soft, the skin incredibly smooth. "I don't exactly know all the rules of this, though." I said. "Do we just do it, or is there some sort of build up, or what?" She grinned, her blush fading as we were in territory she knew. "It's up to the participants, though vaginal sex is probably not a good idea." She pointed upstairs. "Crystal is a bit of the jealous type." She eyed me for a long moment. "Not that I blame her." I decided that all this is probably something that should just be run with, rather than fought. I pulled Marcie toward me and she willingly let herself be pulled, ending up in my lap. I put one hand on the side of her face and turned it to me, then kissed her, gently. I felt her mouth open slightly as I kissed her, and I slid my tongue in. She sucked it, and not particularly gently. I felt her arms go around me, stronger than Crystal, and with more reach, she embraced me fully, and rubbed her hands on my back as we held the kiss. I moved my hands to her sides, and lifted on her shirt, she released me and held up her arms, then we broke the kiss for her shirt to come off. She immediately planted her lips on mine again as soon as the shirt was out of the way. I heard her give out a soft moan. I ran my hands over the smooth skin of her back. We kissed for several minutes, and I felt her breathing on my cheek, it was growing rapid and shallow. Her hands moved down my chest and began fumbling with my belt, finally they unfastened it and lowered my zipper. The next thing I felt was her cool hand on my dick, grabbing it and bringing it out of my shorts. She began kissing my neck and pushed my shirt up to my shoulders. Bypassing the shirt, she started kissing her way down my chest, then stomach. The mix of her hot breath and her cool hands was quite arousing. After a few moments of travel, her kisses started landing on my cock itself, the head receiving her attentions first, then the shaft. Marcie had slid off my lap and was on her knees between my legs. She backed off a second, and pulled on my shorts. I lifted my butt to help then held up my feet as she slid the shorts off. She grinned up at me. "Are you sure you're not half-mule?" She said, then giggled. She took hold again of my shaft, stroking it gently. Then she lowered her face toward it. Her mouth opened wide and engulfed my throbbing rod. She only managed about half of it before I felt the head of my dick hit her soft palette. Her tongue slid along the underside of my swollen cock. Her hand kept up the slow masturbation on the remainder, moving a half inch or so each stroke. Marcie wasn't quite as good at this as Crystal was, but that's far from saying she wasn't more than good at it. I could feel my orgasm approaching quickly. The mix of the novelty of a new face, and her expert ministrations built my orgasm without pause. The release was excruciating, both due to its haste and to the proximity of several other orgasms in the last two days. I watched as Marcie's expression changed from one of concentration to one of delight. Her pretty and somewhat oriental-looking eyes peered up at me and smiled, the corners crinkling slightly. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed my ejaculate. Then she pulled back, giving the head a last lick and kiss. She placed her head on my knee and kissed my other leg softly. "I thank you for your gift, Nathaniel." She whispered. I lifted her head and kissed her forehead, then her lips, then kissed her deeply, tasting my own seed in her small mouth. Her short-cropped hair tickled my cheeks as it brushed over them. I lifted her to a standing position, and got on both knees before her. Taking her long slim hand, I kissed it and then her wrist. I gazed up at her, she was like a caryatid carved of white marble, and she was wonderful. "I gift to you freely, Marcie." I said, trying to instill as much solemnity to the words as I could muster. She touched my face with the cool fingers from one hand, then her head turned toward the stairs, and she smiled. "I told you he was a charmer, didn't I?" I heard Crystal's voice from the staircase. I hoped she wasn't mad, I moved my eyes toward her. She was leaning on the wall casually, and smiling broadly. Marcie blushed again, charmingly. "Yes." She said. "And he is, isn't he." She got down on her knees in front of me and kissed me again. She pressed her long, slender body to me, driving her tongue deep into my mouth and wrapping her perfect arms around me, with her cooling hands on my spine. We kissed like that for at least half a minute before she broke the contact, and stood up. Crystal was still standing on the stairs, and still smiling. "I have to say, I was rather suprised at her request." I said, looking from Marcie to Crystal. Crystal laughed this time. "Well, you're `in' now, dad. Get used to some rather interesting things." Her smile took on a lopsided aspect. "Just don't expect me to share you too much, dad. I'm not a very generous person, except to very good friends." She nodded at Marcie. "Which Marcie is." I nodded. Looking at Marcie's long body as she gathered her shirt started putting it back on. She winked at me when she caught my eye. "She's all bark." She said, giving Crystal a mock look of dismissal. I felt Crystal's hand caressing my spent member. "I do bite." Crystal said, giving me a positively feline smile, full of very sharp teeth. She then switched her attention to Marcie. "You, I'll just get even with by draining your daddy when you least expect it." She said, giving Marcie the same predatory look. Marcie Shrugged. "Lately, I don't think he's got a drop to spare." She said, "With my first on the way, He's working double time to keep up with my demands alone." They had dropped into something that was a truly bizarre comfortable banter between two mutual friends and semenovores. My head swum at the implications. These two little girls had been working poor Marcie's dad over for a while now, and now Marcie was with child, and her needs apparently went up with the extra construction work going on inside her. I noted a flash of actual resentment in Crystal at Marcie's mention of her pregnancy. But their friendship overcame that initial reaction. Crystal and Marcie thanked me again, informally this time, and giggled their way up the stairs to Crystal's room again. I sat back down, feeling just a smidgen used, and very relaxed. I would hear them from time to time up there, giggling and even belly-laughing as they talked and did whatever teenage girls did in their rooms with other teenage girls. That thought brought a rather sordid image to my mind, but with what I had been through in the last few days. I discarded it as unneeded fantasy, when my real life was already following lines I would have never dreamt before. After about another hour, Marcie took her leave, and headed home. Crystal came into the living room and curled up at my side, putting her head in her familiar shoulder location. "I appreciate what you did for Marcie, dad." She said. "She was really nervous, and I wasn't sure you'd let her do it." She kissed my cheek. "And she says you're way too sweet with that whole kneeling to her thing." Crystal gave a small chuckle. "You better watch yourself." She admonished. "Word gets around, you know. You'll have Chimeras lining up out the door to get a shot at you." I grinned at the thought of dozens of pretty girls and women taking numbers for the chance to give me head. "Somehow I doubt that being nice in return for something nice is likely to get me a fan club." I said, and petted her silken hair. She sighed and rocked her head back and forth a little, making it more comfortable. "You're very comforting, dad." She murmured. "The girls know you never even made a move on me, at least until I started chasing you." She looked up with a sour expression. "Given who and or what most of the girls have to make do with, you're amazing, actually." I gave her a quizzical look, but said nothing. I was trying to abide by the `don't ask' rule, though at times it was maddening. She sighed again, and laid her head back down. "I'm probably the luckiest Chimera of the lot." I kissed the top of her head, and continued petting her hair. "I'm the lucky one." I said. "I've a gorgeous daughter who is also a raving nymphomaniac." I patted her thigh with my other hand. "I probably would never have touched you, despite the pheromones, except that you made it abundantly clear that you were going to have your way about it." She stared at the TV, and said. "Dad, we have to put up with so many perverts, pedophiles, and creeps," her pretty face took on a disgusted look. "that when we find a guy who actually attempts to resist his urges with us, we turn into super-sluts." Crystal grinned widely now. "Guess you always want what you can't have." Her hand moved up my thigh to squeeze my groin through my shorts. "Even before now, a bunch of the girls wanted to put the moves on you." She softened the squeeze to a caress. "They knew you never touched me, and they knew you never touched any of the others that were around you, like Marcie and Sarah." She clucked. "That's like behavioral aphrodisiacs to a Chimera. A mate that isn't just after the free blowjobs and young ass." Her hand moved back to my thigh. "Luckily for me, you're genes are only worth anything to me. Well, they may work for April and Blair, since they were mom's sister and niece." We sat and watched the tube, keeping the conversation on what was on it idiot box for the next couple of hours. It felt almost normal there for a bit. We had watched TV like this forever. Only in the last six or so months did I have a raging hardon, and even then I didn't ascribe it to my daughter's proximity, just to general horniness.