Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The following is a commissioned work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, and to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental. Dylan and Dustin It was a crisp Friday afternoon in the early spring as 10 year old Dylan Parker made his way home from school. As usual, he walk the distance alone. He was a social outcast at school. The avenues for popularity among children's social groups were cut off to him. He was small for his age, smaller than any of the boys in his 5th grade class and smaller even than most of the boys in the grade beneath him. This, coupled with a certain klutziness, made it impossible to play sports, which is how most of the boys socialized. The boys in his class also mercilessly tormented him for his feminine appearance. Dylan's wavy, light blonde hair that fell to his shoulders and soft facial features, together with his stature, made him almost indistinguishable from a girl. His pretty-boy appearance may have helped him fit in with the girls but for the fact that he was desperately poor. His father abandoned his mother when he was still a baby. She was unskilled and a high school dropout, she had to work two jobs to make ends meet. But still, Dylan was dressed in second-hand clothes from consignment shops. For this the girls teased him relentlessly. Even the nerds in school shunned him as "the poor kid." As he rounded the corner, his heart froze as he spotted a group of boys from his class. It was the same group that was the cruelest to him. Bobby was their ringleader. He was a tall, athletic brunet whose hair was cut close to a military style and was the MVP of their grade's football team the previous fall. The rest of the gang were his jock friends and various hangers-on. "Hey fag! Where ya think you're goin'!" Bobby shouted as soon as he had seen him. Dylan lowered his head and tried to ignore the taunts as he walked past. "I'm talkin' to you!" Bobby said as he put both hands between Dylan's shoulder blades and gave a solid shove. Dylan's foot hit a crack in the sidewalk and he stumbled to the ground. As he felt a sting in his knee, he fought back the tears that were starting to well in his aquamarine eyes. The gang of boys laughed uproariously at the spectacle. "Aww, the baby gonna cry now?" Bobby asked in a mocking voice, "Little bitch." This caused the group to laugh even harder as they walked off. Dylan lifted himself from the ground and wiped the tears from his eyes. He inspected his knee to find a small hole in his well worn jeans and a scrape that was bleeding slightly. His mother would be working until 2 am at a small overnight dinner, so he'd have to clean it himself. The students had been told time after time at school assemblies to report bullying to their teachers, but Dylan knew that nothing would come of it if he did. His teacher was tenured and nearing retirement, and after nearly 30 years of teaching she could not find any more shits to give. She simply wanted to finish out her last few years putting in as little effort as she could without making any waves. After arriving home at his small apartment, Dylan wiped his knee with a damp paper towel and set about making himself a snack. There wasn't much in the kitchen, but there was some peanut butter, jelly, and some white bread. The sandwich and some milk satisfied his meager appetite enough to allow him to do his homework. Being of above average intelligence, he got most of the work done during recess while the other kids played, so he made short work of the math and history that was left. Normally he spent the bulk of his weekends fantasizing about how much fun it must be to be the other kids: going to sleepovers, playing video games, and having family diners. And the rest of the time he spent dreading the coming monday. But this weekend was going to be different, he had received a small MacBook the other day from the kindly old man who lived next door. "I know your mom works very hard to get by, so I thought I'd help out," his neighbor said. He was a stooped, white-haired widower who lived alone with his small poodle. "I got this thing from my daughter this Christmas, but I got no use for it. Can't hardly even turn the thing on." Luckily there was a coffee shop on the first floor of his building which offered free Wi-fi. The signal was strong enough that he had internet access from his room. It was after 11 and Dylan's eyelids were starting to get heavy. His eyes were also starting to strain from the glare of the screen as he finally notice the time. He had been playing online for over 6 hours now. He was about to call it a night when a banner ad caught his attention. The headline for a video chatting site blared "Chat With People Your Own Age; Make New Friends." His natural timidness made him hesitant, doubts flashed in his head. "There's gotta be someone out there that will be my friend," he thought. "But everyone my age is probably asleep by now." After a few minutes of dithering he decided to at least try it out. After a brief registration, he was ready to video chat. He looked at the list of names and descriptions that were available. As he figured, at this late hour there were very few kids his age online, most were either teens or adults. Suddenly his heart fluttered. He saw a profile for an 11 year old boy who was online. He paused for a moment, his hands shaking with anxiety, but after bracing himself with a deep breath, he click on the invite button. The wait for the acceptance was only a few seconds, but it felt to Dylan like hours. Just when dejection was about to take hold, a chat window opened and the green light next to the webcam came on. "Hi," the boy who appeared in the window said. He had chestnut brown hair that was nearly as long as Dylan's and a few faint freckles on his cheek. His bright smile, that seemed to glisten from light reflecting from a set of braces, put Dylan at ease with the reassurance that he might be friendly. "Hi," replied Dylan, trying to sound more confident than he was. "I'm Dustin, what's your name?" "I'm Dylan." "You're up awfully late," Dustin said with a chuckle, "Most of the guys on here this late are old guys jerkin' off." Dylan only vaguely understood what that meant, but he didn't want to look stupid to a guy he just met, so he gave a quick chuckle to mirror Dustin's. "I'm just hanging out at home," Dylan said. "That's what's up. I'm just chillin' too. It's fuckin' dead tonight." The casual swearing gave Dylan a cheeky grin. Knowing that swearing is supposed to be off limits to kids makes it very appealing, but since Dylan hardly speaks to anyone, he doesn't really get a chance to use any of the vocabulary he's picked up. And since Dustin used it first, Dylan reasoned, he must be cool and wouldn't be the sort to tattle to any adults. "Yeah, it's pretty dead around here too. Nothing to do but hang out on the computer." Dylan and Dustin continued to make small talk about school, family, hobbies and such. They traded complaints about their lives; Dylan about what a bitch his teacher is (he had thought it many times, but he found calling her a bitch out loud to someone else very cathartic) and Dustin about what a pain in the ass braces are. "Any girls at your school you like?" Dustin asked. Dylan didn't want to tell him that he gets teased by girls, but he also didn't want to lie to a new friend, so he came back with, "No, the girls at my school are all stuck up." "Man, bitches are always stuck up! What's wrong with em?" Dustin and Dylan laughed and shared a few humorous theories about what might make girls stuck up. The conversation went on for a few more hours, during which Dustin took off his shirt so he could show off his muscles. His tanned torso was fairly well muscled for a boy of 11, Dylan could clearly see the outline of his abs through the picture in the chat window. He asked Dylan to do the same. Dylan was a little hesitant, he was skinny and, although he had a flat stomach, his stomach didn't have any definition. He took his shirt off anyway and tried his best to flex what he had. "Not bad," Dustin said, "I got some weights I use in the basement, maybe you could come over sometime and we could put some meat on your bones." "Sounds good," Dylan replied. The two boys talked for about another hour until Dylan heard the sound of his mother's keys in the door. "I gotta go, My Mom just got home. She thinks I'm asleep," Dylan said. "No problem. When can you chat again?" "Tomorrow's good. How about you?" "Sure. About 9?" "Great! I'll be here." "Hey Dylan, don't tell anyone about us chatting. If they find out you're taking your shirt off for a guy on the internet, they might get the wrong idea," Dustin winked. "Good point," Dylan said, "I won't say anything if you won't." "Cool. See ya." And like that, the window went dark. Dylan shut down the computer, stripped to his white briefs, and threw on an old t-shirt that used to belong to one of his Mom's old boyfriends that he slept in. He ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times to mess it up a little and went out into the living room to say hi to mother. Sherri was tired and disheveled, and would be going to bed shortly since she would get only 5 hours of sleep before she had to get up for work the next day. They shared a quick conversation, hugged, and parted ways, Sherri to the bathroom and Dylan to bed. He fell asleep quickly and had a restful night, knowing that he had made a new friend. Dylan counted down the hours until 9 the next day. He logged on and found Dustin already online. Like the night before, they talked for hours until Dylan's mom got home from work. They talked about this and that; which of the X-Men's powers they'd most like to have, Dustin gave Dylan a few pointers on building muscles without gym equipment, and they compared which celebrity chicks they thought were hot. Before logging off, they made plans to meet again on the coming Friday night at the same time. In the weeks that followed, Dylan and Dustin would chat all night every Friday and Saturday, and grew to know one another well. During their forth chat, Dustin revealed that he had an adult friend who was a professional photographer and that he would model for him. Dylan doubted him at first, but Dustin sent him a picture. It was of him shirtless in baggy pants that drooped below the elastic band of his underwear, his hands behind his head to show off his toned upper body. With the professional quality and the watermark in the corner, Dylan had to admit his friend's story was true. "Maybe you could do a little modeling for him," Dustin suggested. "You can meet him when you come over. He's really cool, and you could pick up a few extra bucks easy." "That sounds awesome. Maybe I'll give it a try." Three weeks later, Dylan got some exciting news. Dustin was going to be in town for a cousin's baseball game next week and wanted to meet him in person. The park was only about a mile away from him apartment, Dylan agreed to meet him there at 10 Saturday morning. The week seemed to drag by as he waited for the weekend, but finally Saturday arrived. He didn't bother telling his mom about his appointment since she was at work all day anyway. Dylan left home at 9 that morning, to give himself plenty of time to get to the park. Even though Dustin knew he was broke, he had put on his best set of clothing so that he could make a good impression, even though it was only a pair of faded denim shorts and a vintage Sex Pistols t-shirt his mom found in a consignment shop (she had bought it for herself but couldn't fit into it's "women's petite" size). His heart pounded as he walked. He could feel a lump in his throat grow as his nerves wore down his confidence. He could hear the crack of bats and the murmur of the crowd as he drew near the ballpark. They had agreed to meet in front of the concession stand behind the home plate fence. Dylan made his way through the hustle and bustle of parents and kids to their meeting place. Then the masses parted, almost like in a movie, and Dylan saw him standing there at the counter. Dustin Lewis was in a tight t-shirt with a shiny, silver skull design and khaki cargo shorts. Much like his upper body, his legs were tanned and tone, slender with the faintest wisps of hair starting to grow. As he approached, he could see Dustin was more than a full head taller than himself. When Dustin saw him, he offered out his fist which Dylan enthusiastically bumped. "So we finally meet," Dustin said in an overly dramatic fashion. "Here, I got you a coke." He handed Dylan a cup from off the counter, picked up his own, "Let's get out of here so we can talk." Dylan followed him to the hillside overlooking the field where people had lade out blankets to watch the game. They sat on the hill talking for a few hours, not paying attention to what was happening around them, until a large man walked up to them. As his shadow fell across the boys, Dylan finally noticed him with a bit of a start. "Oh hey," Dustin said, "This is Jim, my friend I was telling you about." "Oh! Hi, I'm Dylan." "Hi there Dylan," Jim said. His voice was very deep but friendly. Jim was a tall man, over 6 feet, and broad shouldered. Dylan could see through his shirt that he was very muscular. He appeared to be in his late thirties, with thick, dark hair that had just a few hints of gray at the temples. "Dustin, the game's wrapping up. You about ready to go?" "Shit man! We just got here," Dustin said. "Yeah, well we got to get back. We got stuff to do." Dylan felt dejected. He couldn't believe he was going to have to separate from his new best friend. "Hey, can't Dylan come with us? We can bring him back tomorrow," Dustin offered. "I don't know," Jim said hesitantly, "I guess if it's all right with his parents." "Can you do it?" asked Dustin. "I could call my mom at work," Dylan said excitedly. "Well, we'll drive you home so you can get some clothes and ask your mom then," said Jim. Dylan rushed up to the apartment alone to pack some clothes and called his mom to ask permission. Sherri was taken aback by the request, but was thrilled to grant him permission to go on his first sleepover. He ran full speed down to the waiting car and jumped in the back with Dustin. The car turned out of the parking lot and headed for the highway. The 90 minute drive seemed to fly by for Dylan as he sat in the backseat with Dustin talking. About halfway down the road, he was informed that they would be staying at Jim's place instead of Dustin's parents. They had a photo shoot to do, he was told, and since they can run late, it's just easier for everybody if Dustin stays the night on those days. Dylan was a little disappointed at first, he didn't like the idea of having to share his time with Dustin, until Jim offered to let him get in on it as well. Fifty bucks for just a few hours of work and he could keep the clothes he wore, that sealed the deal. "This," Dylan thought "was going to be an awesome night." The car turned off the highway onto a country blacktop and continued on for another 10 minutes. Jim lived on an acreage about 5 miles outside of town, secluded and with a thick greenbelt blocking the view of any neighbors or passersby. They pulled into the long driveway and up to a 2 story farmhouse. Though the house appeared old, it was well maintained, with fresh white paint and red trim. As Dylan stepped out of the car his lungs filled with the fresh country air, fragrant with cut grass and spring flowers. He hadn't been out of the city since the last school field trip, and this place smelt much better than the dairy farm they were taken to. They immediately went to the kitchen were Jim fixed them all lunch, turkey club sandwiches with chips and a soda, then told the boys that he was going into town to get new clothes for Dylan to wear for that day's shoot. After getting his sizes, he took off and the boys settled into the living room in front of the large flatscreen TV. Dustin suggested they play a first-person shooter that Dylan had heard the other boys at school talk about. Though he had never had the opportunity to play video games before, like most 10 year old boys, he picked it up quickly. Several hours passed by as the boys played games, switching between killing zombies and playing interactive tennis, when Jim came home from shopping. Dylan's heart fluttered when he saw the bags Jim carried through the door. They were bags from all of the designer brands that the rich kids wore and got at the mall. An evil grin crossed his face when he thought about the looks on all of the kids' faces when he walked into school monday looking awesome in his new outfit. Jim also brought chinese takeout for dinner, a nice variety of entrees and fried rice. "And I brought a little something for my models," Jim said as he reached into a paper grocery bag. He pulled out 2 6-packs of wine coolers. "Sweet!" said Dustin "Did you get the raspberry?" "And the strawberry-kiwi," he replied. "Have you ever had these before Dylan?" Dylan had never had any kind of alcohol before, he was a little nervous and also a kind of excited. If he did drink some tonight, he was probably going to be the first boy in his class to have any. "No," he answered. "Well, you're free to have some. I like to provide some for my guys." "Yeah," Dustin added, "Models gotta drink a little during shoots. Keeps us loose." That sounded reasonable to Dylan, plus he didn't want to look lame in front of Dustin. After they finished eating, Dustin and Dylan went back to the living room to play more games as Jim went into the studio to set up his equipment. After an hour Jim came in and told them it was time. He handed Dylan the bags from the mall and said, "Here's your stuff Dylan. Dustin, your's is already upstairs. You boys go up and change." Dylan took his bags and Dustin led him up to the guest room were he slept when staying at Jim's. Two separate outfits were already laid out on one side of the bed and Dylan emptied his bags onto the other. Dylan was amazed by what he got. Two new shirts, a t-shirt and a button down short-sleeved one, a new pair of pants, new shorts, and a new pair of shoes. Both boys stripped down to their underwear, Dustin was wearing grey boxer-briefs and Dylan in classic tighty-whiteys. "You're looking, good," Dustin said, "You been workin' out like I showed you?" "Sure have," Dylan blushed. He couldn't help but look over his friend's cut, muscular body and mentally compare it to his own. It made him a little self-conscious, but the compliment eased it a little. He had been working out, and he did look more toned, but he was still much skinnier than Dustin. They both put on the long pants and t-shirts and ran back downstairs carrying the rest of their clothes. Dustin led him through the kitchen and to a door on the far side. Opening it, they went down a set of wooden stairs to a finished basement. Half of the room was taken up by a photography set-up. A light blue background cloth wrapped around 2 sides of a gym-mat on the floor. Three lights with those reflectors that look like umbrellas were set up along one other side and JIm stood behind a camera mounted on a tripod. An HD video camera sat on a tripod off to the side. Off in the corner, Dylan could see 2 computer monitors that were displaying what the cameras were pointing at. "Let's put our other outfits in here," Dustin said as he walked through a door just off the stairs. Turning on the light revealed a well stocked home gym. "This is where we'll change between sets." As they walked back into the studio, Jim handed them each a wine cooler from out of a small fridge next to the stairs. "Here you boys go," he said, "Ready to get started?" As Jim went back to adjusting the lights, Dustin kicked back a big gulp from the bottle, and let out an exaggerated "Ahhh." Dylan took a sip from his. He was pleased with the syrupy, sweet taste of raspberries but noticed a strange twang that he figured must be the alcohol. Before he could think too much about that strange taste, he felt a pleasant warmness in his belly. He took a few more sips and the warmth grew and he felt a lightness in his head. "Alright, let's make some money." Jim said. He put on some techno music and the boys stepped in front of the cameras. Jim gave them directions on where to stand and what poses to strike, saying things like "look pouty" and "show me excited, like you're opening a present" all to the sound of flashes of the lights. This all seemed to Dylan like they were just goofing off, hanging out with Dustin and getting paid made it all the cooler. He then told the boys to lose the shirts. Normally Dylan would be too self-conscious to do that in front of a camera, but with the excitement of playing around with Dustin and half of a wine cooler in him, all inhibitions were out the window. Both boys quickly took off the t-shirts. "Wait," Jim said reaching over. He tugged Dylan's pants down so that the elastic of his underwear showed, "That's better." More posing and dancing around. Soon Jim told them that this set was over and to go change. Both boys went into the gym and threw on their second outfits, shorts and the button down shirts. Dylan polished off his wine cooler and Dustin started on a new one. "You gotta try the strawberry-kiwi next," he told him. "Okay," he said. He reached into the fridge and pulled one out. He liked this one even better than the raspberry. The second shoot started much the same way as before, posing and making different expressions. Jim had the boys unbutton the shirts so he could see their abs and chests. After more photos, he had them lose the shirts altogether. They posed and flexed for the camera a while longer, then Jim told them it was time for the beach set. He tossed Dylan a red speedo and Dustin a blue one. A look of anxiety crossed Dylan's face. "Don't worry dude," Dustin reassured him, "Standard stuff." The boys went back into the gym. Both of them took off their shoes and socks. Dustin stood up and, in a single motion, pulled down both his shorts and underwear. Dylan tried not to look at his friend's nude body, but he was curious as he had never seen another boy naked before. He glanced over and saw that Dustin was tan all over except a milky-white tan-line that started an inch below his belly button and wrapped around his upper thighs and covered his pert bubble butt; this as opposed to Dylan, who was white all over from mostly staying indoors all of the time. But what caught Dylan's attention the most was his friend's penis, which pointed straight out. It stood there about 2 and a half inches long with a light purple, mushroom shaped head and a single blue vein that ran along the side, above 2 little balls that hung down like 2 acorns dangling in a white rubber pouch. This made Dylan more self-conscious than Dustin's muscles, his penis was just over and inch long, also with a light purple head, but his never got hard. He knew from health class what an erection was, but he had never had one yet, and his balls still clung close to his body. He threw on his speedo quickly, hoping Dustin wouldn't notice him. They walked out into the studio. Dylan immediately saw that Jim had taken off his shirt. He thought that was strange, but the lights were making the basement warm. Jim was big and brawny. He had a light mat of dark hair across his large pecks, and around his belly button that led down into his pants. Some more wine cooler and they were ready to pose. More expressions and flexing. But this time, Jim suggested they try wrestling with each other. They rolled on the ground laughing and squealing like mad. Dylan tried wrestling the bigger and more powerful Dustin, but kept getting flipped on his stomach. He could feel Dustin's hard dick poking him in the leg and butt every time their bodies pressed against each other. The 2 boys wrestled and drank for almost and hour, even after the flashes of the camera stopped. Then the order came, "Alright, why don't you lose the speedos." Dustin sprang up and peeled his speedos down to the floor, and kicked them at the camera. Dylan's head was too light from the drinks to resist, so he too unsteadily rose to his feet and took down his speedos. He threw them in the direction of the camera, but fell short of their target. They both danced and giggled. They tried to hold each other in a pose but fell to the floor giggling even louder. "Face each other on your knees," Jim told them. "Good now Dylan, hold up your wiener like Dustin's, and touch the tips together." They followed instructions, and Dylan felt a rush of energy when they touched their dicks together, the camera snapped several quick photos. They both giggled again. "Now give each other a big kiss." Dylan closed his eyes and puckered up like he kisses his mother. Dustin laughed and put his 2 fingered on Dylan's chin. He pressed down gently so that Dylan's lips were barely parted. He then pressed his mouth against Dylan's. Dylan could feel Dustin's tongue lightly probing inside his mouth and the gentle poking of his braces. Dylan mimicked Dustin's actions, rolling his tongue along into his friend's mouth. The camera flashed madly as the 2 boys shared a long, passionate kiss. After the kiss ended, Jim stepped out from behind the camera. Walking over, he took the video camera off of its tripod. He stepped to the edge of the mat. "Well, we made our money. You ready to make art now?" Holding the video camera in his left hand, he unbuttoned his pants and undid the fly with his right. From the mass of hair, Dylan could tell he wasn't wearing underwear. He pulled down his pants and Dylan was shocked by what he saw. Jim's rock-hard cock sprang out of his pants. It had to be over 9 inches long, ending in a rounded, reddish-purple head, covered in bulging blue and purple veins, and was as big around as Dylan's wrist. It had bushy black hair around its base and 2 huge, pendulous balls that bounced as he walked over. Jim was bronzed all over, including his cock and balls. Dustin, already on his knees, scooted over to Jim. He grabbed the middle of the long shaft and pulled it to his mouth as Jim held the camera to catch all of the action. He circled the head with his tongue three times and then opened his mouth wide, The massive member disappeared up to Dustin's hand. He bobbed his head back and forth, the dick moving in and out, slurping each time it withdrew. Jim tilted his head back and moaned. Then he looked over at Dylan. "Dustin, don't be greedy, let your friend have a turn." Dylan's face flushed. "C'mon dude, it's really fun," Dustin reassured him. Nervously, Dylan walked over and got on his knees in front of Jim. He reached out and took the shaft, it felt hot in his hand. He licked the head three times, just as he had seen Dustin do, and tried to get the huge dick in his mouth. He stretched his jaw as wide as it would go, he got it a few inches into his mouth. He could taste the salty sweet pre-cum seeping from the hole. He felt Jim's hand on the back of his head. Jim gave his pelvis a thrust and shoved his cock as deeply down Dylan's throat as it would go. Dylan gagged and reared back, nearly throwing up. "Somebody's got a shallow throat!" Dustin teased. "That's okay for a first time," said Jim. "Why don't you let him practice on you?" "Sure," Dustin said. He placed his hands on Dylan's shoulders and gently put him on all fours in front of him. Dylan could see his friend's dick up close now. He parted his lips and took Dustin's hot little stiffy into his mouth. Dustin slowly thrust his hips, fucking his little friend's eager mouth, the sweat on his hairless balls caused them to stick to his chin. Dylan looked up and saw that Jim was doing the same to Dustin. As the huge bronze member thrust in and out of his throat, Dustin's fucking got faster and faster, and his balls tightened closer to his body. Suddenly a stifled moan came from his full mouth and his already hard ads tensed even more. Dylan tasted a trickle of salty liquid from out of his dick-hole. Dustin pulled his cock out of Dylan's mouth. It started shrinking down to the size of Dylan's. "You like the taste of that sweet boy-cum?" Jim asked. "Yeah!" Dylan smiled. Jim pulled out of Dustin's mouth and told him, "Stand up and let's see if we can't get that thing hard." Dylan stood up and Jim knelt down on all fours. He took Dylan's soft dick between his thumb and forefinger. He ran the tip of his tongue up and down the dick-hole. Dylan felt a rush through his body. Dustin knelt down behind Jim and took his huge balls into his mouth, rolling them around and sucking, and stroking the shaft of Jim's cock. With his free hand, Jim rubbed Dylan's tight nut sack, his index finger moved up slowly to his puckered asshole. As his finger massaged the rim, Dylan clenched his tight little ass cheeks. He felt a new warmth in his belly, then a spasm deep from within as he had his first dry orgasm. His dick never really got hard, but Dylan felt an exhilaration. "Alright, I guess it's my turn," Jim said standing up. The 2 boys got on their knees in front of him, stroking the shaft and massaging the balls, and took turns taking the cock in their mouths. Jim watched with satisfaction as the 2 preteen boys sucked and stroked his big dick. Jim's large balls tightened in closer to his body. He grabbed his cock from them and started jerking it furiously. He moaned loudly and a stream of hot, white cum shot from his dick and across the angelic faces of the 2 naked boys. Dylan was surprised at first, but Dustin's laughter made him laugh too. "That was amazing," Jim stated with a sigh. "It was really fun. Did you like it Dylan?" "Yeah," Dylan said, "I liked it." "It's getting late," Jim said turning off the camera, "you boys should get cleaned up and head to bed." The boys rushed upstairs, Dylan's head swimming with endorphins and alcohol. They washed the cum off their faces in the upstairs bathroom, brushed their teeth, and crawled naked into the bed in Dustin's room. "Do you and Jim do this a lot?" Dylan asked "We do it all the time." "What do your parents think?" "Can I tell you something?" Dustin asked. "Sure." "I actually live with Jim," Dustin confessed. "He bought me off of my mom when I was real little. She was a crack-whore or sumthing. I've been here ever since. But it's cool, he doesn't make me go to school or anything lame like that, and we have all these cool games" "That's cool," Dylan said. "Yeah, I'm glad I could tell you that," Dustin whispered, "and I'm glad I could share tonight with you." The two boys then drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. The boys awoke early the next morning to the smell of bacon cooking on the stove, Jim had prepared them a nice, hearty breakfast. Dylan's eyes strained in the morning light, he had a terrible headache. Dustin assured him that that was normal for a morning after a night of drinking, and it quickly went away after an aspirin and a glass of orange juice. More video games followed and then Dustin took him downstairs for a workout in the basement gym. But by mid afternoon it was time for Dylan to return home. The boys pleaded to let him stay another night, but Jim said that since it was a school night, they needed to take him home. During the car ride home, Dylan and Dustin made plans for their next meet-up. Jim said that he would like to do another shoot with the both of them, but he'd need a couple of weeks to set it up, so they planned for another sleepover two saturdays from then. As they pulled into town, Dustin's expression grew more serious. "Listen Dylan," he said gravely, "you can't tell anyone about what we got up to last night. If anyone, even your mom, finds out, Jim would get in big trouble and we'd probably never be able to see each other again." Dylan swore that he would tell no one, and that his secrets, all of them, were safe with him. The pair shared a hug when the car pulled into the apartment parking lot. They said their good-byes and made plans to chat online that friday. Dylan took the bags and made the trek up the stairs to his apartment and hid the $50 that Jim had given him for modeling. That night, when Dylan went out to great his mom, he stayed true to his word and told her only about the video games and the gym. When she asked about the new clothes, he told her that they were clothes that Dustin had grown out of, and that their new condition was just because he hadn't worn them very often. Sherri didn't like the idea of a stranger giving her kid hand-me-downs, but since she new that she could never afford designer clothes like that, she just decided to roll with it. The next morning, Dylan received an email from Dustin. He had sent him a picture from their shoot, of them in their shorts and button-down shirts, standing with their arms around each-other's necks. To say that Dylan's new shirt and shoes turned heads at school the next day would be a definite understatement. As his confidence grew from his online friendship with Dustin, the bullying had become less frequent, but now having physically spent time with his friend, his outlook changed completely. He even got invited to sit at a table during lunch. It wasn't exactly the cool kids' table, but it was still a great step up from before. But even with his increasing popularity making school less hellish, Dylan was still impatient for the next time when he could get together with Dustin. He counted down the days to the weekend, and then the hours until their chat session. After the weekend, Dylan counted the days to saturday morning when Jim and Dustin would pick him up. When saturday arrived, he could hardly contain himself. He arose early and got his things ready to go, then waited at the window looking for Jim's car to pull in. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally spotted them pulling into the parking lot. He picked up his things and bolted down before Jim even had time to put the car in park. This saturday night started off much as the last one. The boys played video games while Jim ran into town. He told them it wouldn't take him nearly as long since he was just running for food, he had already picked up new outfits for the both of them during the week. He brought back a couple of pizzas this time, along with some 2 liters of soda and 2 more six packs of wine coolers for later that night. After a few hours to let dinner settle, it was time to make some more money. As the last session had gone, each boy had 2 outfits that they modeled; posing, flexing, and generally goofing off while Jim snapped off pictures, all the while drinking either black cherry or grape wine coolers. The only difference this time was, when the second outfit had been modeled, instead of speedos Jim tossed them each a pair of fresh white briefs. Jim snapped more pictures as the boys wrestled and played in their underwear. And this time, when Jim told them to lose the underwear, there was no hesitation or anxiety from Dylan. He had been looking forward to this part of the night and stripped nude just as fast as Dustin. More wrestling and dancing as the camera snapped. Then, as before, Jim took the video camera in his hand and stepped on to the mat. He pulled his pants down, his massive erection springing up as they fell, and Dylan could see that Jim's balls must have recently been shaved as they were now as hairless as his own. Dylan fell to his knees, ready to take Jim's man-meat into his hungry little mouth, but Jim had other ideas. "Wanna show him your trick?" Jim asked Dustin, bending over and pulling a small plastic bottle from his pants' pocket. "Sure," Dustin replied seductively, "he'll love it." Dustin got down on all fours and arched his back, propping himself up on his elbows and lifting his round milky ass into the air. Jim got on his knees behind him and squirted oil from the bottle onto his shaft. After a few strokes, he pressed the head of his dick against Dustin's tight little anus. Dustin closed his eyes and bit his lip as his hole stretched to accept the rock-hard man-cock. Once the head penetrated Dustin's anus, the well lubed shaft glided easily all the way in up to Jim's dark bush. Dylan watched in amazement as his friends ass took this monster cock. "Oooh, you gotta try this dude," Dustin moaned. "You like getting your tight boy-pussy fucked, don't you?" Jim said. "Oh yeah daddy, fuck my pussy deep!" "Dylan's way too tight to take a cock," Jim said, "He hasn't been daddy's little slut as long as you." Dylan felt a little hurt that Jim didn't believe he could take it like Dustin. "I bet I could too," he said. "Let's try something," Jim smiled. He motioned for Dylan to get on all fours next to Dustin. He got down and arched his back as his friend had done, lifting his cute, tiny butt eagerly. Jim started rubbing his oily index finger around the outside of Dylan's sphincter. He could feel the virgin tightness as he worked his finger up to the first knuckle. Dylan gasped as the large, man-sized digit broke through his cherry hole. "Just relax your muscles Dylan," Jim said. Dylan tried to relax as his ass stretched to accept the second knuckle of his finger. Finally Jim had his finger all the way inside the boy's anus. Dylan squeezed his eyes closed as felt it pressing against the inside of his body. JIm looked down, making sure the scene was within the video camera view finder, at his 2 boys. "My little boy-sluts love to get ass fucked, don't they?" Dustin looked back over his shoulder. "Dylan sure does," he said, "his dick's hard as a rock." Dustin was right, the pressure on his tiny prostate had caused Dylan to get his first erection. The sight of these 2 preteens enjoying their anal penetration proved too much for Jim. He quickened the pace of his fucking, rocking Dustin back and forth with each thrust. Grabbing his dick by the base of the shaft, he pulled out from the boy's puckering asshole and with a few strokes, he moaned loudly and let a stream of hot cum fly onto Dustin's smooth, tan back. He kept his finger in Dylan's tight virgin ass so that his little dick would stay hard. Dustin slinked around and crawled on his back underneath the bent-over Dylan. He looked hungrily at his friend's small erection that had grown to over 2 inches, noticing the faint blue veins just under the skin and light purple head. He took all of Dylan's shaft into his mouth, playfully flicking the head with his tongue. Jim's finger fucked Dylan's ass harder, so that with each thrust, Dylan fucked his best friend's eager mouth. Dylan quickly felt the warmth in his belly again, and soon the spasms started jolting through his body as he dry-came in Dustin's mouth. Dylan collapsed on the mat exhausted. "Damn," Dustin said, "I was hopin' you'd be able to shoot some cum in my mouth." "Give him some time," Jim winked, "and you'll be shallowing his huge loads like a good little whore in no time." After a few minutes of recovery, the boys ran back upstairs for bed. They got cleaned off and climbed naked under the sheets. Dylan curled up with Dustin spooning him from behind. "I never got finished off," Dustin whispered into Dylan's ear, "can I stick it in your butt." "Sure," he replied. Dylan lay there in the dark as he felt his friend's stiff penis squeeze between his tight ass cheeks. Dustin wasn't big enough to reach Dylan's hole, so he slid it back and forth in his tiny bubble butt. In less than a minute, Dylan could feel Dustin's breath on the back of his neck quicken in time with his thrusts. Dustin gasped as his body jerked and Dylan could feel drops of Dustin's thin, clear boy-cum trickle into his ass. The pair laid naked in bed kissing passionately until sleep overcame them. The next day, Jim drove a reluctant Dylan back home. Like the last time, the boys begged to have one more night, but Jim was firm. However, he told them that maybe, since school was letting out soon, Dylan would be able to stay longer than one night at a time that summer. That livened the boys' spirits for the drive back home. Since Dylan already knew the score, the only instructions he got this time were from Jim. He told him to finger himself a couple of times a day so his asshole could take a bigger load. When he got used to one finger, try 2 and so on. If he kept it up, in 2 weeks when they met again he might be able to take Jim's dick. Dylan promised he would. When they arrived, the 2 boys shared a loving good-bye kiss. Dylan left the car and headed for his apartment with his new clothes and $50. The next 2 weeks passed uneventfully, with Dylan fingering himself as he said he would. Everyday after school, he'd rush home, lie naked on his back and fuck his tiny asshole until he worked it open. When he got used to 3 fingers, he even started using a candle as a dildo. He figured Dustin would be proud of his ingenuity. Saturday finally arrived and Dylan was practically climbing the walls when Jim's car rolled in. He ran down with his stuff, and hopped in. As they headed off, Dustin and Jim told him that they had a surprise in store. They wouldn't give him any details, except to say that they got a special request for a set and that he probably wouldn't want to take the clothes home this time. Dylan was very curious as to what lay in store. When they got to Jim's, they boys entertained themselves with a new game that had just come out as Jim went off into town again. Hours later he returned. He brought in the food, fried chicken this time, and the drinks but left the bags of clothes in the car so he could do a big reveal when they were ready. After a couple of hour of the boys sitting in front of the TV drinking, Jim went out to to get the bags. He came back in with his hands behind his back and stopped and the doorway into the living room. "Alright," he said, "ready?" Dylan nodded in anticipation as Dustin watched his friend's face to see his reaction. "Ta-da," he said, pulling a small white dress with lace along the edges and a pink ribbon around the waist from behind his back. It looked like one of the dresses the preppy girls would wear to school on picture day. "No way!" Dylan exclaimed. "C'mon bro," Dustin giggled, "I got one too. It'll be fun, I promise." With his friend's assurances and another wine cooler, Dylan agreed to get dressed up as a girl. Jim gave him the dress and the other bag and went to go set up. The boys followed him to the basement, Dustin's light blue dress with shiny purple ribbons and accessories were already down in the gym. Dylan stripped down to his underwear and turned out the bag onto a bench. A pair of panties and a box of patent leather girl's shoes fell out. Dylan and Dustin held up their new panties giggling, they were pink and light blue respectively. They were like the speedos except they had lace around the waistband and leg holes, and a tiny bow on the front. They took off their underwear and pulled the tight panties onto their naked bodies. They were tight enough so that the boys' little packages bulged out, making the outline of their penises clearly visible. Then they slipped the dresses over their heads and zipped-up each other's back zippers. They stepped into their shoes and went out into the studio. "Well, how do we look?" Dustin asked, doing a cute, girlish little twirl. "Almost perfect," said Jim, "Just one more touch." He had the boys sit on stools set up in the corner as he applied their makeup. Each boy got their lips painted with ruby red lipgloss, the apples of their cheeks brushed with pink blush, and their eyelids smeared in blue eyeshadow. But the worst part, Dylan thought, had to be trying to sit perfectly still as Jim applied mascara to their eyelashes. When it was all over, the 2 curiously turned to look into the mirror. They couldn't help but laugh when they saw themselves. "We look like we're on Toddlers and Tiaras!" Dylan shouted out between giggles. Dylan looked feminine to begin with, but now he was indistinguishable from a little girl; the black mascara highlighting his bright, soulful aquamarine eyes, the blush and eyeshadow blended with his soft, smooth facial features to camouflage any trace of masculinity. Dustin was almost passable, except for his arms, which were a little too cut for a preteen girl. The boys laughed and made kissy-faces like the pictures teen girls post on Facebook. Jim took them over to the computer and showed them pictures of girl models their age, so they could see the type of poses girls did. They stepped on the mat and started posing as the girl models did. They skipped and cocked their hips playfully off to the side. JIm gave them instructions like; "be sassy" and "now be sweet." He gave them each a stuffed kitty to hold for cute poses. Jim clicked hundreds of pictures, then called the boys back over to the computer monitors. He showed them pictures of women from magazines, naked and in their underwear, and told them that those were the type of poses they were going to do next. The boys slipped off their shoes, unzipped each other, and let the dresses fall to the floor. They went back on the mat in their panties and began affecting the poses they had just seen. They got on their knees with their hands clasped behind their heads, then bent over and looked back over their shoulder at the camera, all the while the shutter snapped feverishly. Then Jim had Dylan face his body off to the side and look over his shoulder as Dustin knelt behind him, slowly pealing the pink panties off of his body. Then Dustin laid down on his back while Dylan straddled him on his knees. Dustin held his legs up in the air while Dylan pulled the panties up his friend's thighs. Now the 2 boys knelt on the mat nude. Dustin's penis stood tall and proud above his dangling sack. He notice right away that Dylan's dick had gotten semi-erect on its own. "Growin' up on me, eh?" he said bending over. His crimson lips parted and his tongue started making circles around Dylan's sensitive head. The sensation sent a thrill up Dylan's back, he could feel his cock stiffening with each pass of his friend's skilled tongue. The camera snapped repeatedly. Jim was able to take it no longer. He sprang from behind the camera and quickly shed his clothes. His cock throbbed from the show his little boy-sluts were putting on. As Dustin started orally servicing his adult master, Dylan sprang to his feet and went to Jim's pants to get the lube. He was excited to show off how well he had worked his boy-hole since the last time. When Jim saw Dylan bounce over with the bottle, he immediately flipped onto his back, lying supine on the mat. Dylan stroked the oil onto Jim's huge dick while Dustin straddled his face, put his soft, white bubble butt over Jim's head. Jim pulled Dustin's cheeks apart and began rimming the boy's clenched anus with his tongue. Dylan straddled JIm, Dustin reached out to hold his manhood upright. Dylan then slowly lowered himself until Jim's large, bulbous head pressed against his tight hole. With a deep breath, he relaxed his anus and let his weight pull him down. The massive member stretched Dylan's boy-pussy to capacity. He could feel the bulge of the head pass through as the sphincter tightened onto the shaft. It hurt, but at the same time felt so good to him. He slid down the shaft until all 9 inches was buried deep inside of him. The tightness of Dylan's ass drove Jim wild as he started rapidly tongue-fucking Dustin. Dylan's penis throbbed even harder as the man-cock filled his rectum. JIm reached out and grabbed Dylan by the waist. He started lifting the little boy up and down on his member, Dylan's little stuffy slapping against the man's hairy stomach with each bounce. JIm could take only minutes of Dylan's hot young ass. Pulling him down on his cock as far as it would go, he erupted inside the little boy. Jim felt like he must have shot gallons of cum, and Dylan felt the strange feeling of having a load of man-juice pumped into his small body. The shrinking dick made a slurping sound coming out as Dylan flopped onto the mat. Jim pulled his tongue from Dustin's boy-hole. "You did that like a pro!" he shouted. "I've got the best little sluts ever." "Yeah," Dustin smirked, "let's go slut. You're not done yet." Dustin straddled Dylan's head on his knees. He leaned forward and took Dylan, cock and balls, into his ruby-red lips. Dylan lifted his head and sucked Dustin's dangling sack into his mouth, leaving a red lipstick ring around the base oh his nuts. He then ran his little tongue up and down the underside of his friend's dick, stopping to flick the head around the hole. In minutes, the same warm feeling overtook both boys as they licked and sucked each other. Dustin bucked his hips as he came and, tasting the salty sweetness of the small load, Dylan spasmed into his friend's hot mouth. Dustin even got a treat as a little clear, prepubescent boy-cum dribbled from Dylan's cock and into his waiting mouth. "That was so awesome!" an exhausted Dylan exclaimed. "Fuckin'-A right!" Dustin shouted, "Did I not say that it was going to be epic?" The 2 exchanged a fist bump and picked themselves up off the floor. They headed upstairs and showered off the sweat, cum, and makeup. They then crawled wearily into bed and quickly fell asleep holding each other. Next morning, after breakfast, the usual litany of complaints to let Dylan stay "just one more night" started. Jim assured the boys that, with only 3 weeks left until Dylan's school let out for summer vacation, they would have plenty of opportunities for longer sleepovers. The drive home passed quickly. When they got to the apartments, they shared a long good-bye kiss in the back seat. "Hey, good job last night, both of you," Jim said as Dylan reached for the handle. "Keep it up, and you'll both be stars before you know it." Dylan got out and headed for his apartment. He reminisced about last night and dreamily thought of his best friend ("does this make him his 'boyfriend' now?" he thought). He couldn't wait for the next three weeks to get over with so he could start what would most definitely be his best summer ever.