Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real events or real people, living or dead, is completely coincidental. The Night Counselor Part 1: Princess It was a sunny June morning as Brad sat in the Jobs center. It was the summer between his junior and senior year at college and his father had been making him wake up early to spend several hours a day looking for summer work. Brad, a slender but tone young man with blonde hair that had just a hint of strawberry highlight, sat behind the computer screen scrolling through page after page of uninteresting prospects for what seemed like an eternity. "Okay," he told himself, "I'm looking through one more page and then I'm heading back for a nap." He clicked "next page" and hurriedly started scrolling until his eye caught an interesting entry, "Night counselor for a youth group home." Clicking the link, he read that a local group home for boys was seeking someone to work 11 pm through 7 am, no prior experience needed. A sly look crossed Brad's eyes. For a few years now Brad had secretly been looking at kiddie porn on the internet and had been having fantasies about boys. He would never act on those fantasies of course for fear of being caught, but what the hell, it paid better than minimum wage and he was naturally a night owl anyway. The idea of seeing a little nudity to fuel future fantasies was just a little bonus. After submitting his resume he closed out the screen and headed for home. By mid afternoon Brad had risen from his nap and was starting his normal routine of rummaging through the fridge when the phone ran. To his surprise it was the manager of the group home returning his call already. After the usual pleasantries the manager, named Jim, scheduled an interview for the next morning at 11. Hanging up the phone, Brad felt a thrill shoot down his spine and straight to his cock which stiffened under his jeans. It was still an hour until anyone would be home so he raced up to his room, slammed the door, and flipped open his laptop. As his web browser loaded he pulled off his jeans and boxers, his already hard cock slapped against his stomach as it bounced up from the force of his unpantsing. His dick, 9 inches and thick with a blue vein running up the top and a base of well groomed hair (just slightly darker than on his head), stood at attention as he pulled up a file of his favorite videos. He clicked on the first video, a webcam capture of a 10 year old blowing his 13 year old brother, and started stroking hard. The possibilities of the upcoming job overwhelmed him and within minutes he shot his load into a handful of kleenex he kept on the desk. The interview the next day went by without a hitch. The Fredrick Auteur Home was in a converted turn-of-the-century mansion outside of town. The administration offices where in a semi-detatched addition which were bright, airy, and very pleasant. Jim, a 40ish man short but exceptionally fit and well muscled with dark hair and eyes, informed him that the home was for young offenders, children who acted out sexually and whose parents (either through neglect, abuse, or apathy) couldn't couldn't control them. Upon hearing this information Brad thought "this could be interesting" but remained cool and stoic. "I want to be clear," Jim stated gravely, "these children can at times be very sweet, but typically they are manipulative and extremely abusive towards the staff. Can you deal fairly and calmly with them at all times?" Brad assured him he could. Either his answer assuaged Jim's concerns or there was such a high turnover rate he couldn't be choosey. Whatever the reason, Brad was informed that after his background check and drug test came back he could start 11 monday night. Monday night at 10:30 Brad pulled into the gravel parking lot of Auteur. He received the call Saturday night and was barely able to maintain his excitement, jacking off 3 times a day over the weekend. That evening, he made damn sure to rub one out before leaving the house and wore boxer-briefs instead of his usual boxers to obscure any inconvenient uprisings. He was told he would be shadowing a more senior counselor named Tammy for the first few nights. As he walked up to the main entrance he saw a bleach-blonde women appearing to be in her mid 40s sitting on the stoop smoking, This was Tammy (who actually was only 32). Brad introduced himself and they went in through the big front door. As the wall of stench, a mixture of piss and mildew, hit him he realized why applicants entered through the office doors and why the semi-detached offices had all the doors and windows open. Brad stood there taking in his surroundings, dingy walls covered with dark smudges, and a long staircase with frayed carpeting. The original woodwork still had some charm, underneath the thick varnish and many scuffs. "This place must have really been something back when the owners gave a shit," he thought. Tammy immediately started up the stairs. "We're going to be working the west dorm," she said, "that's where new people start. Since they're the youngest, it's usually the worst place to work here." Mounting the stairs, the smell intensified. "How old are they?" Brad asked. "Between 8 and 10." That didn't sit well with Brad, "how much fun could prepubers be?" He was hoping for the 12-14 range, when hormones are charging and he might be able to see some nocturnal action. Upon reaching the west dorm, Brad and Tammy relieved the beleaguered looking evening crew, 2 women and a guy, who all appeared to have what veterans describe as "the thousand yard stare." The dorm was through a door off of the upstairs landing. It consisted of a long hallway with the boys' bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on either side. At the end of a hall was a main room with an old TV on a heavy table, 2 doublewide grey vinyl chairs, and a large toy-box in the corner. Tammy slumped down in a chair and picked up the remote. "This job is real easy," she told him, "their clean clothes gets here about midnight. We sort it, fold it, and wake up the bed wetters at the scheduled times." She handed him an open folder. It had a list of 5 names with either 1 or 2 times behind them. "Other than that, all we do is check every once in a while to make sure they're all still asleep and breathing. Other than that, we watch movies, so remember to start bringing DVDs with you." The night was going by much as Tammy described it; a plump redheaded woman delivered the laundry about midnight, between the 2 of them folding took maybe 15 minutes, and the watched movies while doing occasional bed checks. Then 1 am rolled around and it was time for the first round of wake-ups. The first name on the list was Derrick, who was in the room closest to the main room. Each room held 2 or 3 kids, and had their names on a tag by the door with the bed number next to it. The first room was a 2 person, Tammy walked up to the bed closest to the door, a small tuft of blonde hair stuck out from under the sheets. She pulled back the sheets revealing what could only be described as an angel. Derrick was a tanned and thin 8 year old with a military fade haircut. He lay there in the fetal position wearing a t-shirt and boxer shorts. Tammy gently began shaking his shoulders and whispered to him, "Hey Derrick, bathroom time, buddy." After about 30 seconds of gentle coaxing, he popped out of bed and started, still half asleep, for the bathroom across the hall. What Brad then saw nearly took his breath away. As Derrick passed him, he spied the most perfect little bubble-butt he had seen, either on the computer or in real life. Derricks ass looked like 2 ripe melon halves moving seductively under the thin fabric of a pair of 2 sizes too small boxers. Brad was immediately grateful he had worn boxer-briefs that day as his cock started swelling. After Derrick emerged from the bathroom, and Brad got another peak at perfection, he hopped back into bed. Tammy pulled the sheets over him and left the room. The rest of the wake ups went by without fanfare until the last of them. Before entering the room, Tammy grabbed a black garbage bag and a pair of latex gloves from the hall closet. "This is Nate," Tammy told him pointing to a bed in a 3 person room, "He wakes up wet every time. It doesn't matter how many times you wake him up, he's always wet. I think he likes pissing on himself." She pulled back the sheets revealing a tall brown haired 9 year old who was extremely skinny, almost skeletal. He was wearing a blue pajama set. Tammy felt the sheets, and true to word, they were wet. After increasingly loud cajoling, Tammy got Nate out of bed. As he stomped and pouted his way into the hallway Tammy retrieved a fresh pair of pajamas and spiderman briefs out of a drawer. Once in the hallway, Nate started undressing. Taking off his top, he reveled his olive skin, a flat tummy, and a torso that allowed you to count almost every rib; he then pulled off his pants showing his thin long thin legs and a soaked pair of tighty-whities. He grabbed his fresh pjs and headed into the 2nd bathroom, which was across the hall from his room. All of his wet clothes and sheets got stuffed into the plastic bag and left for the redheaded woman. The rest of the night went by quickly with one more peek at bubble-butt and one more round of changing Nate's bedding. By 5:30 am the morning crew arrived: a cute sandy-blonde chick about Brad's age and a short, thick-set mean-faced woman in her late 20s. 6 was wake up. The word chaos is not descriptive enough to convey what went on. Screaming, crying, fighting, and Nate was wet again. As mean-faced woman was barking orders like a drill sergeant, the cute one told me to be firm but show a little affection when they're good to reinforce positive behavior. By 6:30 the boys were dressed and ready to move into the main room and sit in their assigned spot in a semi circle around the TV. Brad thought he had hit the jackpot when he found out his angel Derrick sat in front of the chair he was sitting in, that is until Derrick walked in. The adorable blonde looked Brad up and down, kicked him as hard as he could in the shin, and ran away laughing like a lunatic. As he couldn't be seen as week, Brad chased him down and carried him to his spot. Derrick responded by punching him in the face and ran away again. "Someone's got a little boy-chrush on you," the cute blonde chick teased. "Great. Ain't I lucky," Brad replied. "He has issues with men, his dad died in a car wreck a few months before he got here," Tammy told him. Derrick was sexy when he was calm and half asleep, but he was a terror when he was awake. The next few nights passed by much the same way; shadowed Tammy, saw the bubble-butt, cleaned up after Nate (who Brad began to suspect really did like pissing on himself), and getting assaulted by Derrick first thing in the morning. Finally on Thursday night it was his turn to fly solo. The night started the same way as when he shadowed Tammy. He folded the clothes, watched DVDs, and set out to wake the bed wetters. Coming into Derricks room he pulled back the sheet revealing Derrick on his side wearing a camo tank top and his usual too tight boxers. As Brad reached down, Derrick rolled onto his back spreading his legs. Brad gasped as Derricks cock and balls came into view. He was cut and his dick, as pale peach as his untanned inner thighs, couldn't have been more than an inch long. His balls looked like 2 little acorns wrapped in latex stretched tight against his body. After too short an interval Derrick shifted onto his other side and closed his legs. Brad's hand trembled as he reached for Derrick's shoulder. He woke him up just as Tammy had done and tucked him back in when he was finished. Entering the hallway Brad heaved a sigh, collected himself, and moved on to the other boys. After cleaning up Nate, Brad sank into his chair, his head swam with what he had seen. He had seen plenty of boy cocks on the internet but never one in real life, not to mention less than 3 feet away from his face. As he tried to collect his thoughts, he heard small footsteps entering the main room. He looked up and saw Derrick walking towards him. "What are you doing?" asked Brad, "you need to get back in bed." "I couldn't get back to sleep." replied Derrick, "I had a bad dream. Can I sit with you?" Brad agreed, but tried not to sound to eager. Derrick hopped up on the chair and laid across Brad's lap with his feet up on the arm of the chair. "Why do you give me such a hard time when in the morning?" Brad asked. "I dunno, I guess it's fun when you chase me and carry me back. I get your attention that way." "You don't have to hit me for attention." "I guess." As he spoke he spread his legs apart showing Brad his tiny cock and balls again. Brad broke out into a cold sweat as his manhood started swelling. As he was alone that night he had worn boxers instead of boxer-briefs believing no one would notice a little stiffness. This kid's bubble-butt was planted firmly in his crotch, Brad knew he would sure as shit notice what was going on. But as he started adding up the years he would get, he discovered little Derrick grinding his ass against his now fully erect member. He sat there dumbfounded. Derrick giggled, "I guess I found a way to get your attention." He reached down with his little hands and started petting the shaft. "W-w-wait," Brad breathed. "Relax," Derrick laughed,giving Brad's cock a squeeze, "I know what's up. My daddy and I played like this all the time." Derrick stood up and pulled off his tank top. His tan skin was highlighted by 2 pink little bumps for nipples. His belly was flat and tight, already showing a sexy V cut beneath his bellybutton. He bent forwards and pulled off his boxers. His legs were as tan as his torso, and he had a cute bathing suit tan line. He turned around showing off the creamy skin of his tight ass, which he gave a playful little shake. "You're awfully proud of those little buns, aren't you?" Brad teased. "Of course I am, everyone says it's the cutest they've seen. Now I showed you mine, lemme see yours." Lust overcame Brad's better judgement as he yanked down the zipper on his jeans. He pulled both jeans and boxers mid-thigh, releasing his rock hard cock, which loudly slapped his stomach. Derrick stood there wide-eyed. "Wow, that's ginormous!" he squealed. He practically dove onto his knees in front of Brad. He gripped the shaft at the base and moved his face in close. Derrick started swirling his tongue around the swollen head. After a few rounds he moved in, making over half of the 9 inches disappear into his mouth. His tongue danced around the dick as his head bobbed up and down making Brad fuck his little throat. "Fuck!" thought Brad, "this little cocksucker is a pro!" Brad's body grew rigid as his climax approached. Sensing what was happening, Derrick pulled the dick from his mouth and backed away, a string of saliva from the head to his chin drooped to the floor. Brad's opened his eyes and looked down at the sight of the boy kneeling between his legs. He looked into Derrick's bright blue eyes. "Daddy always called me his little princess." Derrick cooed in a girly voice, "he gave me the cutest pick panties and dresses. And he let me ride his cock with my tight boy-pussy when I was a good girl." He paused to lick a bead of precum from off of the tip of Brad's dick. "Can I be your princess now?" "You are my princess, sweetie," Brad said. Derrick squealed with girlish delight. He climbed into Brad's lap and with one hand on his cock he positioned his perfect bubble-butt over the tip. Lowering himself, Brad could feel the hot, tight hole press against the head. To Brad's amazement, the sphincter opened and swallowed the shaft whole, this sweet 8 year old bubble was taking his 9 inches. "Daddy like my pussy?" "Ohhh," Brad moaned, "daddy love your pussy Princess." This was the most intense feeling Brad had ever felt. As Princess rode his shaft up and down he moaned and grunted, his soft little dick brushed up and down against Brad's toned stomach. The velvety gland left a small trail of precum where it had been. The feeling of the little dick and the suction of the tight hole was too much for Brad. Princess felt Brad get rigid under him and quickened the pace of his riding. "Oh, fuck me hard daddy! I wanna feel your cum inside me!" "Here it comes baby." Bran grabbed Princess on the hips and slammed his cock as deep as he could get it just as he shot the biggest load he had ever had into the boys ass. Wave after wave of ecstasy shot through Brad as he climaxed. His softening dick flopped against his leg and Princess leaned in and snuggled against his chest. A moment of panic suddenly overcame Brad, "What the fuck have I done?" he thought, "If anyone finds out, I'm a dead man." Sensing Brad's change of mood, Princess gave Brad a sweet yet passionate kiss on the lips. "Don't worry daddy, I love you and I won't tell nobody. I wanna keep having fun with you." The earnestness of the child and the sincere look in his eye reassured Brad, he felt Princess genuinely meant it. "you run along to bed now Princess," Brad told him, kissing him on the forehead, "And you're going to be a good little girl with me from now on, right?" "I'll be the best little girl in the world, daddy." "Good, because mean girls don't get any cum in their pussies, do they?" Brad gave Princess a little wink. "No they don't. That's why I'm gonna be good. Good night daddy." "Alright, sweet dreams Princess." The next morning Princess was true to his word, he behaved well while Brad was there. (He went back to normal when Brad left, but that didn't matter to him. He was off the clock so it was someone else's problem.) As Brad sank into the seat of his car. He smiled and gave a little laugh. This was shaping up to be one hell of a summer.