Eleanor and William: Ch. 2 The Plot


By William DuPain:


The rape of Eleanor by William, leads the young man into a
serious love affair with his older female relative, and to the
revenge he seeks for his sisters betrayal.


Bill woke the next morning to the pleasant feeling of a slight
tickling sensation on his bare member. Ellie was there leaning
over him dragging her long lavish hair back and forth across his
body, an impish smile on her face.

"Good morning lover, did you sleep well William?" she ask.

"Yes Ellie, except for the dream, a lusty female used me over and
over again, nearly exhausting me, then she hosed me down with
warm water and later chained me to her bed," smiling as he spoke.

"Hmm, this could be an indication of deep physiological problems,
I wonder, should I examine you William," smiling as she spoke.

"Oh please, would you, but your too kind aunt Ellie," laughing.

Smiling, she lightly slapped his hip, and William feigned an
injured cry and flinch of his body.

With his best, injured, I am hurt look, he said, "I believe they
refer to that as child abuse Ellie." He was laughing again as he

"William your horrible, you tease," she said, as she swept low to
plant a warm kiss on his cool lips. She let her hand roam to find
his semi erect member, and gave him a tender loving squeeze
before rising from the bed.

"I have made mocha for you lover, would you like some breakfast
this morning Bill?" she ask.

"No Ellie, but a piece of toast would be nice," he told her.

She stood against the light streaming through the balcony doors,
and every delicious curve of her body was highlighted for his
inspection. She was wearing a one piece, sheer, baby doll affair
of burnt orange, and its rich color lay dramatically against her
light tan. He could clearly see the curvaceous puff of her sweet
mound and couldn't wait to taste that delectable spice again.

"Ellie, you must be the most beautiful and elegant woman in the
world," he told her, as his eyes caressed the gentle lines of her

She smiled and giggled again, " Thank you for thinking so
William," she said softly.

He could see from the glow in her face, she was pleased with his
evaluation, as he rose from the bed. He kicked off his shorts,
and moved toward her completely naked, his now stiff member
swaying heavily as he advanced.

With his hands behind her head, he drew her lips to his and found
the sweetness of her mouth. He slipped his hardness between her
legs and moved slightly forward eliciting a soft moan from deep
inside her throat.

She returned his kissed even as a warm flush of desire blushed
her lovely body, leaving her heated and somewhat weak. They
continued kissing for some time, passing their hands over one
another, closed away in there own quite world, of warmth, and

Finally, Bill swept Eleanor up in his arms and carried her to the
bed, tossing her in the middle. The little night garment had
settled up around her waist exposing her completely. Bill grabbed
her wrist holding them to the bed, as he positioned himself with
his flinching member between her legs.

   "Oh no! Is it rape again William," she teased.

   "And more, sweet-sweet ... Ellie," he answered.

He began a slow movement against her body, his hot cock in direct
contact with her hard clit. She struggled to free her hands, to
facilitate her physical expressions of passion; but William would
have none of this. Yet her very movements as she struggled, only
increased those wonderful sensations, that now compounded her
wetness. He continued, until he could sense both her urgency, and
her frustration.

"William, please dear, put it in me, I'm ready, believe me love!"
She politely asked him.

"But dear ... Sweet ... Ellie, your not nearly ready yet!" he
said, as he raised his mouth from her hard nipples. The junction
of her sex, now dewy as a morn flower.

"She looked at him with fire in her green eyes," and said. "You
mean to make me beg then?" she asked.

"I do indeed my precious nymph, like a common whore," he told

  "I won't you know," she huffed.

"Oh! But precious ... You will indeed beg ... intently!" he told
her, before moving his mouth to her mound.

William dipped the pointed tip of his hot tongue into the valley
of her vulva, and lightly began to probe the warm, spicy, garden
of her fertile triangle. Still holding her wrist, he made long,
steady, lapping strokes, from her vagina to her clit,
periodically biting lightly at her outer lips as he went.

She was beginning to quiver now, and make those sweet little
cooing sounds he loved to hear. He continued to antagonize her
tender clit and lips, never quickly enough to bring her orgasm to
fruition. But steadily, slowly, fanning the flames of her
passion, driving her body to the absolute outer fringes of her
bearable tolerance.

"When your pleased to have me mount you, you know what needs to
be done!" he told her mockingly, after a few more moments had

She was arching against his face, her body shaking as she spoke,
"William, please, for Gods sake, fuck me ... now please!"

"In a moment Ellie, when I'm finished here love," he replied

The sensation of his mouth on her organ was maddening, "The
bastard was deliberately frustrating her," she knew. But, oh God,
it did feel so wonderful, all she wanted now, was to feel him
fill her, feel him fuck himself savagely into her soft sex. She
knew that she would do whatever he asked of her to achieve
satisfaction, she had become the slut of her rapist, but she
didn't care.

She had experienced more passion, and genuine human emotion,
since he took her than she had in years. She was alive again, and
would do whatever was necessary to remain that way, and to keep
her William at her side.

The heat inside her was consuming her mind, she ached between her
legs, her entire body, spirit, and mind, trembled for release,
"She would beg she thought, gladly!" She couldn't stand this
slow, sweet torture, the intense desire to consummate, was a
raging fire in the center of her being, threatening to consume
her total reality.

"Fuck me William, fuck me like the slut I am! Use me as the whore
you want me to be, please Bill, make me come, I'll do anything
for you baby ... anything ... just help me!" she pleaded,

He knew she was ready now; rolling off of her, he pulled her in
front of him. He raised her top leg slightly to gain access to
her cunt, and began to enter her from behind. Before he had
completely penetrated her body, she cried out, shaking her head,
ripping at the bed sheets with her nails. She lay there quivering
against him, as the tremors softly subsided in her sated flesh.

When the storm had stilled its raging breath, and awareness had
returned, she moved to face him, with tears in her eyes, she
kissed him gently on the mouth repeatedly. As she lightly stroked
the side of his neck with her nails, she lay as close to him as
she could, whispering terms of endearment in is ear, and telling
him once again she loved him.

She moved to her back, and smiled up at him, as she held out her
arms. With her long, graceful, legs opened up to accommodate her
lover's body, her feet flat on the bed, she reached down and
guided his hot member to her moist swollen opening. She cried out
with the suddenness of his entry, but not by reason of pain. It
was incredible to her, that her body was ready to go off again
this soon, she sensed from her own physical stirrings it would
not take long.

The feel of Ellie's hot cunt on his hard cock thrilled William to
the depths of his soul. Her Vaginal passage swollen with blood
from her orgasm was much softer, and pliable than normal; his
movements in her made him tingle all along his shaft. Eleanor was
flicking his nipple with her sharp nail sending intense little
lightening bolts directly to his cock, building the sexual energy
in his sac, and taking him to verge of eruption.

He was pounding her relentlessly now, his beast temporarily in
control. The forceful battering of his thrust set Ellie free from
the mundane physical realm, she watched from somewhere outside,
as she exploded in a frenzy of movement and sound, as both
thunder and wind tore through her body, purifying, and cooling

She didn't know how many times she came, she only knew she had
never been fucked like this before, never in her life came with
such unrestrained intensity. "How could William know how to do
this?" she pondered.

Looking up she asked him, "When you come William, please try to
keep your eyes open, I want to watch," her voice sweet and gentle
with her request. Then she reached behind him, and slowly, with
deliberation, drug one sharp nail across his anal opening. The
shock of her movement drove poor William into her with such
ferocity, that her head was driven upward into her pillows, and
her breast rocked sharply.

William had been precariously perched on a high craggy cleft,
over a long endless valley, and it was her hand that had pushed
him over the edge. He was taken completely by surprise, and began
to empty his fluids into Eleanor's tiny opening.

With each thundering stroke a mighty gush of hot liquid spilled
into her soft sex. But even with the intensity of his
ejaculation, he retained enough presence of mind to fulfill his
lover's request, and never shut his eyes.

Eleanor felt his first powerful spasm, rip through his body like
a lightening bolt. Slaying his awareness, and leaving only that
pure, primal, animalistic drive to complete. She felt the first
wave of intense heat fill her cavity; the power and heat of that
first jetting stream nearly took her breath away.

As she watched his face, she could suddenly see in those
exceedingly bright blue pools, everything about her young lover
she wanted to know. For in those turbulent waves of blue, was
held the tale of a young man's sorrow, his love, hopes, and yes,
even the innocence he had lavished on her.

He was hers now she knew that. They had mated and they were
bound, in spirit anyway, if not in the letter of the law, they
were one. The knowledge of it filled her with an indescribable
joy, and gave her a deep sense of completeness she had not felt

William rolled to his side and lay down when finished. Ellie
followed and as he reclined, she gently cleaned her fluids and
his, from his softening cock with her mouth, head lowered like a
servant for her master. "And wasn't she," she thought, held
captive by her love, restrained by her own need.

No matter, it was a tender act of love, not of servitude, for his
young heart was innocent, and felt only awe, wonder, and love
when he looked at her. She knew these things, as only a woman in
love can know them, through the eyes of her heart, and radiance
of her emotions.

She stood beside the bed, after letting him recoup, admiring the
well cut lean body of her handsome nephew. She was unconcerned
with what he had done to her last night, she was glad now that he
had come. She was hopelessly in love with him; she knew that one
day some lovely young girl would take him from her. Though still
distant from here, she knew that event would shatter her heart.

She would finish William, teach him the ways of this world, and
give him a fine career. When the parting came he would be a man,
well able to fend for himself, and the ones he loved. She would
do that for William, and she would always be there for him, no
matter what.

"Rouse yourself tiger, I need to feed you," she said, as she took
hold of his hand and tugged.

"I could eat a horse Ellie!" he told her smiling, as he sat up.
Then he wrapped his arms around her middle drawing her to him. He
placed the side of his face on her chest and hugged her. As she
gently stroked his locks of auburn and smiled with contentment.

She made him simple eggs, basted in butter and white wine, with
the smallest hand full of diced tomatoes, and smoked bacon
fragments, a slice of dark toast, and of course his much loved
mocha. She smiled inwardly as she watched him wolf down his
modest breakfast.

When he noticed her watching, he looked away, his cheeks flamed,
embarrassed by the ravenous culinary orgy, he had displayed in
her presence. "You're a wonderful cook Ellie," he told her with a
wide sheepish grin.

She moved behind his chair, kissed the top of his head and gently
massaged his shoulders and chest. She loved the feel of his lean
body beneath her hands, the smell of him in her nostrils. As she
caressed his body she felt him reach around and lightly stroke
her thigh, his hands warm and large.

"John will be home Monday evening, I think it best that we
confront him together," she told him as she continued to run her
hands over him.

"I want him to know you've had me, that I begged you to fuck me,
even before you took me on the table. I want to strip him of his
pride, and leave his ego a smoldering, dead, useless thing."

"God Ellie! I'm glad you love me and you're on my side," he told
her laughing.

They rehearsed what would be said, when John returned home, when
finished they relaxed together for a time. They made love
numerous times over the weekend, and Eleanor even took her young
man to dinner, they had a wonderful time together. They stopped
by his house once to check up on Sara who was still mostly non
responsive, but at least, dressing and feeding herself now.

Monday arrived all to soon and when John returned home Bill was
comfortably reposed, at the great oak dinning table, his shirt
open at the top and his legs comfortably crossed. Ellie was in
the galley getting them both a cold beer. She had dressed in the
loveliest blue dress she owned. Very short, it was clinging
tightly to her curvaceous round hips, and came extremely low over
her full mature breast.

   "Well hello Bill, didn't expect to see you here today," he
said as he saw Bill sitting there.

   "Hello John how was your trip?" Ellie ask as she walked in
with the beverages.

"Oh it went, about as I expected," he told her. "So Bill, what
brings you over this way, been a while since we've had the
pleasure of your company?" he asked, his eyes narrow and

"Actually, uncle John, I came over Friday evening to rape your
wife, and did such a marvelous job of it, that she's ask me to
stay on. She's been an excellent hostess, and been very attentive
to my every need, I'm quite taken with her uncle John, she's such
a hot little slut," he told him, a mocking sneer on his lips.

"What! You didn't," he said in disbelief.

"Oh, but he did John, he beat my ass painfully after I resisted,
then taunted me with his tongue, taking me to edge of madness. He
worked so long on my body, that I shamelessly begged him to fuck
me, promising to do anything for him he if he did. I even sucked
his cock, John, it's a huge wonderful organ our William has."

She spoke as she seated herself in Williams lap, her dress high
on her shapely legs, her limbs only slightly parted. "I came
screaming John, I don't even know for sure, how many orgasm's I
attained. I whimpered, moaned, and cried, like a common whore,
and have never been so fulfilled in my life. I can't wait to do
it again!" she told him.

"You bitch, you fucked your own nephew?" His tone was
accusatorial, and his eyes narrow with hate.

"Yes uncle John, she most assuredly did, numerous times this last
weekend. She's a very loving and sensitive woman, and owns an
entire sea full of boiling passion. She even swallowed my come
John, she surrendered her body, will, and love to me." Bill spoke
as his hand slid up Ellie's dress finding her mound, where Bill
began to gently manipulate her sex as her husband looked on.

John's eyes filled with lust as he watched William, fingering his
wife's heated mound, it both enraged and excited him.

"I have found Eleanor to be a healthy sexual animal John, which
leaves me somewhat perplexed. It's difficult for me to understand, 
why a man with a mate like yours, would feel the needn to rape my 
helpless little sister. I was wondering if you might shed some light 
on that for me John?"

"She threw it out me that's why, like a slut!" he said angrily.

Eleanor jumped to her feet, "You lying cock-sucker!!" she hissed
as she advanced like a lion about to pounce. The fires of hell
itself raged behind her green eyes, dramatically elevating both
their color and brightness. Her words were hurled at him like
small sharp daggers as she spoke, her voice dripping evil, and
deadly venom.

"Sara wouldn't know how to tease, you bastard! You're finished here
John, we won't prosecute you because we want to spare Sara the
humiliation and publicity. But if you attempt to fuck with me in
any way, I'll completely ruin you John." She was enraged to the
point of trembling, with no remorse and no fear showing.

As John turned to leave, William said, "I want you to remember as
you're out they're, looking for companionship in the days ahead,
that I'll be here, using my tongue and cock on your beautiful
Eleanor's extensive charms. Enjoying the rapturous oratory of her
orgasm's, inhaling the sweet spicy odor of her wet heat, and
enjoying myself immensely, in your bed!"

"Fuck you William," and with that he left.

"The low life bastard," Ellie breathed as he left.

"I'd say his ego had been rocked Ellie."

Eleanor returned to William's lap, they sipped their beer and
made plans for themselves. Then all at once, Ellie ask him the
strangest question.

"William, did you ever fantasize about me before Friday?"

"Yes Ellie, I did, and felt terribly guilty about it after I
masturbated," he told her with crimson cheeks aglow, and wide
smile. I caught a glimpse of your bare breast once, and couldn't
sleep for three night's after.

"Oh, that's so wicked Bill, and very sweet," she told him, with a

"Was that the only time William?" she asked him with a low sultry
pitch to her voice.

"No," he replied.

"Well then!" she prodded.

"Ellie I couldn't, it's to embarrassing," he told her.

"Yes I know your shy," I will season and temper the manhood I
gave you beyond that, later. "Please share with me William," she
pleaded softly.

He looked up at her; looking and sounding so much like a curious
teenage girl. He knew then, he would never be able resist her;
she would melt him at will, anytime she pleased.

"I was thirteen," he began. "Mom had sent me with the page from a
catalogue, on it a beautiful fur coat was advertised on sale. I
stormed through your front door without even knocking. I ran into
the kitchen, which was empty, and then into your living room, it
was there that I found you. You had lain down and drifted off to
sleep, you looked beautiful lying there, and you wore a light
floral dress.

"Your legs were up at the knees and the dress had slid completely
down your thigh, you had the loveliest pair of bright blue, satin
panties on. I stood there in awe, yours where the first real bare
legs I had ever seen. I stood there looking at you, wanting to
put my hand on those slick panties, but I didn't. In a moment or
two you stirred, scaring the heck out of me, and I ran out with
my hard on. I never forgot that day, or the bright blue panties."

She had been watching him intently, and when he finished, she had
a smile on her lips. She placed her arms around his neck, looked
into his bright blues and softly kissed his mouth. "Thank you
Bill, for telling me, I loved the story," she told him.

There is someplace I want to take you next weekend, about an hour
from here. You'll drive, and we will be a couple that evening.
Someone I have had business dealings with in the past, has a very
secluded private residence in the country, they will be giving a
private party. I want you to go there with me.

"Sure Ellie, I would love going out on a date with you," as he

"You should probably go check on our Sara. I'm sorry Bill, but I
won't be able to see you again until Friday, and I will miss
you," she said.

They stood at the doorway kissing, their hands seeking the last
vestiges of warmth from each other they would know for a week.
Not really wanting to part, lingering until the very last
possible moment.

 William placed a hand beneath Ellie's dress, and as his fingers
teased her swollen vaginal lips a long sigh escaped from between
her shapely lips. He slid her outrageously ornate French
underwear from her hips, and steadied her body as she daintily
stepped out of scant scrap of fabric.

She kissed him, and sighed again deeply, as his fingers
mercilessly taunted her soft organ, further inflaming her already
heated desire. William softly tugged and massaged the hard little
mass of her clit until Ellie was once again flowing with

"I want you to remember this parting Ellie," he told her.

She trembled as her body shamelessly wept on her lover's able
hand, and when William backed her to the wall, and impaled her
with two strong fingers, she cried out and rolled her lower body
hard against the invading digits. He paused and gently wiggled
them inside of her as he kissed her again, and noted a slight
tremble in her legs.

"Yes William, use me at it pleases you baby," she whispered.

He made her feel so much like a slut she thought, but it was a
feeling she thoroughly enjoyed, because she knew he loved it.
Here she was, pinned to the wall, her dress up around her waist
with her nephew's fingers fucking themselves deeply into her wet
opening, hell, she was his slut, and loved being so.

William lowered his hand from her high, hard nipple, and began to
tug and tease her engorged clit once again, as he skillfully hand
fucked his beautiful aunt. She was completely focused on the
sensation his hands were providing her body now, her charms
shivering against him, and her breath rapid and broken.

"Oh God William, you are so bold with me Sir, you take me at will
when it pleases you, and I love you for it," she whispered in his

She came when his tongue forced its way passed the colored gate
of her lips, and the tip of his hot tongue touched the roof of
her mouth. She all but lost her legs but her gallant lover
sustained her form through the storm of her orgasm.

She drenched William's hands with the warm fluids of her body,
and the stuff was freely running down the insides of her lovely
thighs. She clung to him fiercely, her arms around his neck, her
body quaking, and her lips hungrily pressed to William's.

She shyly smiled, as she watched William raise his wet finger to
his nostrils, and inhale deeply of her scent. Then shivered, as
he cleaned her fluids from them with his tongue, she was secretly
elated that William enjoyed her body the way that he did.

"I assure you William, I will never forget this nights parting
between us," she told him with a giggle.

Eleanor, her teeth teasing his ear lob again, whispered, "I love
you William, as I have never loved another, thank you for this

"I Love you too Ellie, and their has never been another," he told
her. "See you next weekend, and if I'm lonely I may just call
you," he told her.

She watched him as he turned and walked away, saw him turn around
once, pause, then wave goodbye. She knew then, she would do
anything to keep him, no matter what it took. She would hold him
as long as she could; he made her life full again.

William turned and looked back at Ellie, before the darkness
completely engulfed her form. She was beautiful standing there, a
glow on her face. There was a hint of sadness in her face that he
didn't understand; there was so much of love he didn't yet
comprehend. He turned, and passed into the darkness, guided by
the light of those stirring stars above, a smile on his face, and
a glow of expectation in his spirit, of things yet to come.

Continued in The Club.



For a complete listing of stories by DuPain visit:

