Night Desires 2

Patrick makes a new friend and discovers a secret.

(MF, FF, all the usual sex scenes).

By William DuPain

Patrick discovered over the course of the next few days that his
knowledge of Vampires was anemic at best. He had no idea
concerning the care and feeding of the new love in his life, but
Laura always patient with him, had supplied many answers and
helped him fill those hollow areas in his knowledge of them.

It had not been as painful an adjustment as he originally
thought, getting use to his new loves lifestyle, and besides she
was a wonderful caring woman. He could hear her in his thoughts
sometimes and when they had made love she had fed, but only
briefly, it was like there was a blending of their twin physical
experiences as they made love; it was the most phenomenal thing
he had ever experienced.

Laura adored her new association with her lover Patrick, she
would wait until he had fallen to slumber before propping herself
up to watch him. She was in love with him and often she would
interact with him in the field of his dreams, always possessive,
always protecting the thing she loved.

She had not yet revealed what had led the two of them to meet on
that lonely road that night; it was safer for him ... for both of
them that he didn't know just yet. He was such an innocent and so
very vulnerable, even naive about the ways of things some might
say. He didn't know that their meeting wasn't exactly chance ...
and she hadn't known beforehand that meeting him would affect her
the way it had.

But wherever the danger in front of her might lead she would
protect him and when it was over she would care for him for the
rest of his life. He had called the local trucking company he
worked for and arranged for time off. it was no daylight company.
The organization ran a large fleet twenty-four seven, 365 days a
year in all lower 48 as well as Mexico and Canada.

He had started for them years ago as a student driver and worked
his way up and when times suddenly became difficult in lean
economic times he used his savings to buy into the company. Phil
Johnston the co-owner took care of legal concerns and accounting,
Patrick took care of sales and the fleet.

When the economy had turned around several years later Patrick
became a wealthy man, you wouldn't know it by the way he lived or
the company he kept, but the fact is he was comfortable now.
Unknown to Patrick having authority to run in all 48 states as
well as Mexico and Canada is actually what brought Laura into his

Laura had contacted her associates in Des Moines, and Cedar
Rapids to let them know contact had been made. She wouldn't be
able to reach out often for fear of giving up her location, while
it was still believed the drug lords were basically unaware of
the mobilization of Victor's task force she didn't want to arouse
any kind of notoriety with anyone just yet.

There was a drug known as Twilight Heaven that had been developed
in a rogue lab somewhere in South America. It was a drug for
vampires only and two of the necessary catalyst for its
production was human blood and tissue from some area of the human
brain and that was all that was known. Victor found out about it
from his mate who was then hopelessly addicted to it after one
use. It could easily be used to enslave a vampire and there was
nothing they wouldn't do to get it once they had used it.

Victors mate was killed by the stuff something not easily done to
a healthy vampire and he swore at her death that he would uncover
its source and destroy it. The drug itself had wider uses in
Europe and was just coming into vogue in the America's it had
thus far made the agents of its introduction extremely wealthy.
But Victor had managed to use his vast fortune to successfully
put together an alliance with others in this country and abroad
who were aware of the potential danger of it.

This little problem is what led to the meeting between Laura
Casteel and her lover. The drug was coming over the border in
trucks and finding its way into major metropolitan areas of North
America. They new Patrick's company had been a carrier, in all
likelihood without the company's knowledge and that is why she
was planted with an inside connection to his business.

The next day being Saturday Patrick had talked Laura into taking
in some of the local nightlife in Iowa's big apple. He had taken
her size and went to pick out a new dress and heels for her as
well and pick up a few other items that she needed.

The next evening as they were getting ready Laura announced that she
called a friend she new in the area and she would meet them at
the club if that were all right with him. Patrick didn't mind but
it occurred to him afterward how little he really knew about
Laura and her associations with others.

When she was finished dressing she came into the living room and
stood in front of Patrick's seat and twirled in front of him. She
moved just fast enough to allow her white chiffon dress to swing
out away from her body a little and give him a peek at her
stocking clad upper thighs.

"Wow Laura, you look beautiful," he told her, as his eyes adored
the white dress and red high heels. The dress clung to her form
slightly but was still free flowing as she moved and she also
wore a single strand necklace of black pearl about her beautiful

Laura's hair was swept back and up into a roll at the back; and
in the bun was two gem studded oriental chopsticks. Her lipstick
was deep red and her makeup was impeccable ... the woman looked

Patrick loaded the showstopper into the passenger side of his
sedan and the pair headed out for Mrs. Kitty's Cyber Saloon.
Laura managed to keep Patrick's mind and hands busy on the long
drive up. He felt her fingers massaging his cock as she sat at
the other end of the seat and smiled to himself.

"You do realize Laura that some of your powers will take more
getting use to than others," he said with a smile. Then he felt a
single finger move lightly across his lips, she was in his mind
as she called it using the link between them.

" ~You will adjust my love ... and if you ever decide to come
over to the dark side I'll help you then too, ~" she told him.

Laura slid across the seat and placed her hand on his shoulder,
"I wouldn't mind spending eternity with you as Mrs. Laura O'Neil.

"What's it like," he asked his curiosity getting the better of

"I can show you later in a non invasive kind of way if you like,
I don't mean with full powers and all but with a milder form of
them temporarily," she said as she laid her head on the side of
his shoulder.

Something he would consider he thought, then his mind was taken
away to the scheduling problems of his company and he calculated
for the rest of the ride.

When they finally arrived at the nightclub the place was packed
and the atmosphere was youthful and energetic. They ordered
drinks and sat down Laura ever on the look out for the approach
of her friend.

When Laura jumped up to greet the dark haired vixen Patrick was
stunned at her beauty and the grace of her poise. She looked
Latino with wide full lips, a beautifully structured face with
high cheekbones, and coffee colored eyes that danced with the
light and had a yellowish to amber band around the iris.

"Lila this is my host Patrick O'Neil ... Patrick this is my old
buddy Lila Hernandez," she said as she introduced the two.

As he shook her hand Lila's eyes looked deeply into Patrick's and
paused for a brief second as if she were looking for something
the bronze heat of her eyes warming him to the toes. She stood
about five foot three inches from the floor with a nice rounded
derriere and slightly flared hips, the breasts were high and firm
but not huge, her skin was soft powdered sand and perfect.

" ~Whoa big boy, remember who you came with~," he heard Laura
whisper in his mind!

Patrick, caught off guard somewhat turned his head toward his
lover and smiled then leaned over to kiss the cheek of his
adorable girlfriend. He still couldn't get use to hearing her in
his head and would often forget that she was in there.

"~You could answer me if you'd try Patrick~," he heard her

"Lila my dear, its so wonderful to see you again you're looking
as beautiful and young as ever," Laura told her.

"~Is she a vampire~~," Patrick asked Laura from the privacy of
his thoughts?

"~Yes my love she is and a beautiful spirit in the bargain~,"
Laura answered.

Laura moved in front of her friend and gave her a tight warm
embrace and then asked her if she'd like a drink. She did and
they ordered one than sat down to catch up on old news. The
girls, as girls always do when they get together; chatted
non-stop for sometime leaving Patrick to play with his own
thoughts and look like a tag along.

"I feel like dancing," Laura said.  "Patrick would you mind
terribly if I were to take Lila out on the dance floor for a

" ~No, not at all dear, by all means enjoy yourself, ~ he

He sat there watching the two wondering how long exactly it had
been since they last saw one another. They were dancing rather
close and from this range and angle it looked very sexy. He saw
Lila place her arms about Laura's neck then part her legs
slightly to capture the top of Laura's thigh between them.

"  ~Jesus Laura are you excited dear, ~ he asked her?

" ~ I want her again Patrick and I want you to have her too. ~ "

Patrick felt Laura lightly finger the feeding scare at the side
of his neck across the distance and his heart raced. Then he felt
her fingers wrap around his stiffening cock and squeeze then
stroke, he was hard instantly.

" ~ Remember what I told you, I'm asking for your permission
Patrick. ~ "

" ~ Yes Laura, ~ he told her."

" ~ God I love you dear, ~ " she whispered! He could feel more
than hear the happiness in her voice and that made him feel good.

When the music ended the girls made their way back to the table
hand in hand And Lila sat down in Patrick's lap facing him he
could feel the woman's heat on his bulge. Her eyes were smiling
into his own as she kissed him, her tongue entering his mouth,
her warmth moving against his bulge.

She made him dizzy, made his lust soar to summits high and
Patrick wanted to take her right there on the table. He slid his
hand under her skirt his fingers immediately in contact with the
wet panel of her panties. She moaned as he caressed her,
whispering in his ear how much his touch pleased her as she
twisted against him.

"We need to find a room, very soon Laura whispered!"

"The Embassy Suites is on the river front how about a room there
for the night," Patrick suggested.

They left Lila's car and all piled into the Chevy sedan it was
only about a fifteen minute drive from the club. The girls were
in the back seat locked in a tight embrace as Patrick drove
through the city, it was somewhat difficult with the sound of
rustling cloth and fevered moans and an occasional foot in the
back of the seat.

When they did arrive Patrick secured quarters for the three
explaining to the attendant that one bed would work for the girls
and he would need one to himself. The distinguished looking
gentleman lowered his eyes as he processed Patrick's credit card,
but something in that smile tugging at the corners of his mouth
told Patrick he wasn't buying into it.

The room had a wonderful view facing the river and all the clubs
and eateries strewn down the cities main artery. Patrick took a
seat in the corner and watched as the two ladies disrobed, * that
alone was worth the cost of the room he smiled to himself
stretching back to watch the show*.

Laura placed her sweet ass at the end of the bed and the petite
dark eyed gypsy kneeled in front of her.

" ~ Are you going to watch, ~ she asked Patrick?"

" ~ At first, if that's acceptable, ~ he explained."

He felt the press of her lips as he watched her and the warmth of
her hand against his fully expanded cock.

"I've missed you baby," Lila sighed as her tongue made a
torturously slow journey along the top of Laura's thigh.

Laura parted her legs for the vixen as her hand reach out to
stroke the thick, rich locks of Lila's hair. "And I my love have
missed that wicked little tongue you use so very well," she
sighed sweetly.

" ~ Thank you Patrick for this gift, ~ he heard her say with a

Laura lay back on the bed as Lila's hot mouth neared the swelling
cavern of her lust; her entire body was shivering with
anticipation. She whimpered loudly when the raven-haired gypsy
passed her wicked tongue over her clit and Laura's fingers were
seen tangled in the rich mass of Lila's hair.

She arched her body high as Lila's tongue used her, teasing her
flesh to the point of bitterness mingling with the sweetness of
her need. She begged Lila to fuck her with it as her hips rolled
upward to force her cunt as close as possible to the vixen's

Patrick was completely taken with the beauty of the scene in
front of him, he had never watched anyone make love before, let
alone two women, but the gentleness of it was inspirational. He
had witnessed lust born, matured, denied, and now waited to watch
it die in a swirling crescendo of brightly burning passion,
exploding into the night around them like escaping sparks from a
campfire, racing for the heavens before their warmth was

Laura was begging now, the burden of her need too intense, to
agonizing to exist with. Her flesh was on fire, her mind held
fast in the iron manacles of her own self made slavery and her
only liberator were the deft hands and warm tongue of her lovers

" ~ Take her Patrick, take her from behind she wants you my love,
~ he heard her whisper!

Patrick rose from his seat, stripped, and took his position
behind the beautiful Latino Gypsy, her perfect ass, almost
alabaster in the overhead light, made his cock lurch as his
fingers took the softness of it. He ran his hands slowly from the
small of her back up to her shoulders and felt her firm, fit
body, shiver beneath their progress.

He lightly caressed the side of her neck and then went down under
her body to where those magnificent breasts swung so freely. His
cock was lodged in the crack of Lila's hot ass as he squeezed her
breasts from behind. Lila bucked back against him and ground her
ass against his hardness in a tight little circle that made
Patrick's cock go into immediate trauma.

"I was wondering what I would need to do to get you to notice
me," she told him with that sexy smoke filled voice of hers.

"Believe me Lila, I noticed, the very instant that you came into
view," he told her. Somehow he knew she was smiling and very
pleased with his answer. He felt her spread her knees in front of
him insuring he had adequate space to maneuver in behind her.

Patrick kissed the small of her back and then leaning back
lowered his mouth to those perfect ass cheeks of hers and
initiated a series of small light bites all around. Lila's scent
was divine in its origin, capturing the man's soul and promising
the sweetest kind of slavery he would know.

Patrick swore he could feel the intensity of the gypsy's lust
escalate in front of him as he moved around her body. He passed
the very tip of his tongue lightly over the slit of her anal
passage and heard her whimper in a fit of repressed frustration.

Patrick paused to inspect Lila's vulva and found her swollen,
wet, and well rounded; she was beautifully formed with full
jutting lips and a fat little clit, now extending beyond the fold
of her creases.

Patrick teased her, slowly moving the mere tip of his tongue
slowly from top to bottom making sure not to put to much effort
into her clit just yet. As he lightly probed her vaginal lips she
moved down quickly attempting to shove him inside.

He heard Laura explode on the bed in front of him and wondered if
the angels above were smiling at her language. He watched her
shove Lila off her body unable to bear any further stimulation
and roll to her side and then curl up with her head on her arm.

In a flash Lila was up on her knees and turned around with her
lips pressed against Patrick's mouth; she assaulted him driven to
it by her frenzied need. Lila was shaking against him as her
tongue explored the cavern of his mouth, her breath was rapid ...
her need real. She moved her tongue to the side of his neck and
licked as she whimpered.

"Please Patrick, may I taste," she pleaded.

"If its ok with Laura its ok with me," he told her.

Lila looked back at her spent lover lying on the bed and Laura
smiled in her direction then nodded in affirmation.

"I wouldn't harm you Patrick, you do know this ... right," she

He looked into her eyes and trusted the woman for Patrick could
find no deceit in her spirit; her eyes were warm and filled with
gentleness. "I know Lila," he told her.

She kissed him again, but this time it wasn't a savage kind of
thing, it was warm, slow, and very sweet. He felt her probing his
mind, filling his body and soul with her sweet presence, as she
walked through the halls of his memories and thoughts ... he
could feel her smiling.

She kissed his nose and cheek and licked slowly along the angle
of his jaw-line when her lips touched his upper neck his whole
body was bathed in goose bumps. He was in pure agony as her
tongue slowly moved down the side of his neck, his cock bucking
wildly against the burning warmth between her thighs.

He felt the light delicate scrape of her fangs and was instantly
filled with the most profound sense of urgency he had ever felt.
He wanted her ... no, wanted wasn't right, demanded the use of
her sex would be better, he was driven to posses her.

He heard her whimper, and then felt her tongue licking the very
wound she had made, but Patrick didn't want her to stop he wanted
it to go on forever. She raised her face to look into his eyes
... hers alive and intense were filling with tears as she smiled
at him.

"You are the sweetest thing I have ever fed from Patrick, your
blood is unusual," and then she kissed him.

" ~ I love you, ~ he heard her whisper in his mind!"

" ~ And I love you as well Lila, ~" he replied.

She licked the feeding spot tenderly, and this beautiful
creature, once again enraptured Patrick. She lowered her mouth to
his groin and took his hardness into the warm softness of her
mouth and made him feel things Patrick had never known a man
could feel.

After a short time she gently pushed him back and down on the
carpet and straddled his body, then leaned over him to kiss him
once more. Patrick went limp beneath her with the power of that
kiss and he became hers to do with as she pleased.

Lila began slowly, gyrating gently as she moaned and even
detached as he was, he could feel the searing heat of her cunt
against him. Her eyes were closed when she picked up her pace and
the moan turned into a broken whimper above him.

Her breasts were swinging in time with the movements of her
effort, her brow was furrowed deeply and Lila was somewhere far
away. Patrick reached up to caress her breasts and when his
finger touched her she cried out and trembled severely against
him inundating him with the fluids of her first orgasm.

She looked down into his eyes and the gold amber ring around her
iris flamed radiantly as she smiled at him. She reached down and
her fingers stroked his cheek as she continued to move on his

Lila consumed him, she was inside him now where she belonged and
able to give him the most stunning climax of his life. She
wondered if Laura had told him how truly unique his blood was,
because it was an undeniable vampire love potion.

Lila raged with her hips against the handsome new love of her
life. She was a runaway train, a driven wave of the mighty sea as
her body slammed against his until she felt his member begin to
swell inside her passage. It was then that the beautiful vamp
dipped down and tongued the new feeding spot at the side of her
lover's neck.

Patrick thundered beneath the driving thrust of his lover,
rushing greedily to the demise of his lust with the greatest joy
and agony he had ever experienced. He felt Lila's passage clamp
hard around his rigid heat, heard her screams of pleasure as he
emptied himself in the swirling heat of her passage.

Lila smiled at the man beneath her she knew how he felt about her
and that he was searching for the words to explain his
appreciation of what she'd done to him. She felt the phenomenal
power of his blood coursing through her veins and noted what
sweet emotions it provided her. She would never lose touch with
this human he was far too important, at least to the females of
her species.

Lila rose and took her lover's hand helping him to his feet they
moved to sit on the side of the bed where Laura was now sitting.

"You need to tell him everything Laura especially about his
blood, not knowing will certainly put him in danger," Lila
insisted, her arm intertwined with his, her lips brushing the
side of his shoulder as her eyes sternly held those of her

Patrick sat there as Laura began to recount from the very
beginning concerning her mission, who had sent her their
objectives and why.

Patrick's ego shrank just a little when he recognized that her
meeting with him had been a ploy to gain information about him
... and he wondered for an instant if he had misread her true
feelings for him.

Laura sensed his thoughts and her eyes misted lightly, "No
Patrick, I do love you and that brings me to the second part of
this revelation of mine."

"I had no idea who you were and I certainly didn't expect to fall
in love with you but I did, this may sound rather silly to you
... but believe me, believe Lila what I'm about to tell you is

"There is something about your blood that acts as a love potion
of sorts on female vampires. I didn't realize it at first; I mean
I knew instantly that it was a sweet and very powerful blood but
when I found myself longing to be near you and unable to stop
thinking of you I began to understand," she explained.

"I don't know if its permanent or not but I can tell you for
certain ... it is real, and it is deep."

"And more than that I've never heard of this happening before,
nor have I ever encountered an account of it in the lore of our
history," Laura continued!

"Lila is also an agent working for Victor and I called her when I
suspected what was going on. It shouldn't take long to confirm
what I suspect, if it hasn't been confirmed already," she said.

"Oh Laura, it has been confirmed and in a big way too I might
add," Lila added!

Patrick smiled, "So you mean I now have two love slaves to take
care of," and then chuckled!

"I'm afraid so my handsome master," Laura said smiling at him.

"You're a handsome man Patrick and while I don't know if I would
have fallen in love with you without feeding from you; the fact
remains I do love you and I hope you will let me stay near you
and love me in return," Lila said her eyes lowering to the floor
as she spoke.

"But the truth is Lila I do love you," he told her! Then he felt
her hug his arm and squeeze him.

"Laura if you had told me what you were after in the beginning I
would have supplied you with a list of all our southern drivers.
Hell I still will if you want," he told her.

"Just how dangerous is this organization your looking into

"Dangerous enough that there willing to kidnap and probably
murder to manufacture and distribute this drug. It a very
expensive designer formula and there is a lot of money being made
from it," Laura added!

"So what can I do to help, he asked himself? Names and unit
numbers, connecting cities, along with delivery schedules. I have
friend that was once in law enforcement that does work along
these lines. I could put a tail on all our vehicles going into
and coming back out of Mexico; these are just idea's I'm not
trying to take over your investigation by any means. Let me know
what you need from me I'll be happy to do what I can," he told

Patrick had the girls order some wine from room service as he
fished his cell phone out from among his wrinkled garb and dialed
his long time buddy Jake Wilson.

"Hey Jake, staying out of jail I see," grinning.

"Hey Patrick, long time, haven't ran off the side of a mountain
yet huh," bigger grin.

"I need something old buddy and you're the only one with the
skills to get it done."

"Yeah I figured ... that's the only time I hear from you ... when
you need something."

"Liar," Patrick spat.

"Who is he and how badly do you want him beat," Jake asked?

"No its not like that, remember that pair of Smith and Wesson 40
caliber automatics I picked up a few years ago ... well I need a
pair of silencers for them. I also want the best hollow point out
there and I'll need some kind of concealable blade, the longer
the better."

'Damn boy, who we going to war with," Jake asked kidding?

"That's just it old friend I'm not exactly sure yet ... but their
bad fellows Jake, real bad.

There was a long period of silence before his friend spoke again.

"Look boy, I'll take care of all of that for you. You know that
if you need me you can count on me," Jake said, his tone
something different now.

"I know Jake, you still doing the investigation thing," he asked?

"Well it's slow right now but yes, I still do it as it comes,

"I may need you to hire some help and keep track of some of our
units down Texas and Mexico way ... would that be a problem,"
Patrick asked him.

"No Pat, no problem, but I'll need a weeks notice before I can
field a team. What the hell is going on Pat, this sounds like
some heavy shit going on here.

"Trafficking, kidnapping, and possibly murder Jake; they've been
using my units to transport with I just found out."

"Are you going to be alright Patrick," his long time friend asked

"Yeah, I'll be fine Jake ... look if we go this way its
absolutely imperative that your help doesn't speak to anyone
about this problem. We haven't yet identified all the agents were
up against here and we don't even know where this stuff is coming
from for sure. I don't want to get anyone hurt from a leak."

"Absolutely Pat, we can handle it, give me a week on the parts
I'll hand deliver these cause there just a little bit over the
line. Listen old buddy, think about a vest and trust no one!

"You got anything besides those 40's with you there," his friend

"Well, I still have that virgin AK-47 you made quick convertible
for me long ago and about a thousand rounds for her. I can make
noise if I need to Jake don't worry I'll be all right."

"Ok Pat, call me when your ready to mobilize and load that AK and
the spare clips too... later pal."

Patrick was deep in his thoughts when the knock came and startled
him, this will be the last night away from home unarmed for a
while "he thought."

Laura answered the door and tipped the young man that delivered

Lila came near him, "Your so serious Patrick, I want you to know
I'm sorry we got you involved in this thing its not really your
problem and it could be dangerous. Please tell me you'll be
careful Patrick," her voice going very soft near the end betrayed
her feelings for him.

"Are you sorry now you fed from me Lila," he asked her.

"Oh no my love, don't even think that way, its true I was
skeptical when Laura told me, but I wouldn't trade my feelings
now for you over anything Patrick," she said!

"You know of course Patrick, that an organization that developed
a drug just for vampires is probably going to be ran by a
vampire, Lila's right this could be extremely dangerous lover,"
Laura said!

With that the Ladies popped the cork on that new bottle of wine
and they shared a glass as all minds present wrestled with the
problems in front of them.

We will need to return home before sunrise, their are things I
need to make ready at home," he told them.


End part 2