Night Desires 4

Jake Wilson and Sam Blackwell arrive at Pat's acreage,
surveillance begins.

By William DuPain

Pat woke up the next morning to the sound of persistent pounding
at the front door of his home. Looking around he discovered he
was alone; which meant the girls had made their way to their own
beds sometime before sunrise.

Pat threw his legs over the side of the bed and slid into a pair
of clean boxers then got up and headed for the door. He had a
pretty good idea who it was making all the noise and when he
opened the door ... no surprise, it was his old pal Jake.

"Damn Pat, you look like shit and I don't smell any coffee
either," he said with a grin.

"Just got up Jake, take about ten minutes for the brew," Pat told
him as he headed for the kitchen.

Pat headed for the galley and did the little water and filter
routine then flopped down into a kitchen chair to get his

"Didn't really expect you this soon Jake," Pat told him.

"Yeah well, you gave me the willies when we talked, so as soon as
I got the mufflers finished I loaded everything into the motor
home and hightailed it on up here," he said.

"Look there are some things I didn't explain that I had better
set straight right now. First there are two very sexy vampires
staying with me," he said with a grin.

Jake sat there looking at his old friend for an inordinately
protracted period of time without saying anything, but at last he
said, "You're jerking my chain here ... right Pat?"

"No sir old friend ... I wish that were the case, but this is on
the level."

"We are talking about blood sucking creatures that fly around,
freak out at the sight of a cross, and sizzle like bacon in
daylight ... right," he asked?

"Yep," Pat replied.

"You're fucking crazy, what the hell kind of shit you on out here
in the boonies" Jake answered, stone cold sober!

"Yeah, I know the feeling, but its true, except crosses don't
bother them and they can't fly any better then you and I,"
Patrick explained.

Patrick poured two cups of hard, black Columbian coffee, and gave
one to Jake and then sat down with the other himself. He
explained about the drug and what had brought the girls into his
home. Then told him about his conversation with the vampire
prince Victor Rawlings. And watched, as Jake went tense and
silent, when he described their chance encounter with the ghoul
at the Seven Feathers club.

"When Blackwell arrives you need to set an electronic perimeter
out away from the buildings, far enough to give us some advance
warning," Jake said.

"My thought as well," Pat told him.

"I'm going to need to modify the ends of your blowbacks to fit
the silencers properly, but you know that," Jake told him.

Patrick retrieved both the semi automatics from there hiding
places and handed the pair to Jake.

"Well you may as well visit my little shop of horrors and keep me
company while I work ... it won't take long," Jake said.

They headed out to the Zephyr and climbed in, Patrick noticed
that Jake had done some remodeling since he was last inside the
big motor home. Gone was the couch and swivel chair next to it
and in its place was a narrow long workbench, with assorted
equipment bolted to it and a hide away stool tucked neatly

As Jake took measurements he questioned Pat about their plans for
the warehouse after they found out how the drug was passed. He
wasn't surprised to hear that he wanted to take it down and
capture their computers. It was all-tentative of course without
Blackwell present to confirm any plans they might come up with.

When Jake had finished they headed for the back of the barn, and
standing in front of the door that exited from the kitchenette,
prepared to test the pair of SW99's.

"Look, this isn't a screw on affair, push this little round ball
in and then shove the suppressor on the barrel, if you don't hear
a click as the shears lock into the grooving turn it slowly until
you hear the click. When you finally have the two balls into the
recesses, "you'll know from the click" let the button go and the
shears will extend into the grooving," Jake explained!

Patrick fitted the silencer on the end of the smith SW99 and
slipped in the clip, three rounds fired in rapid succession and
the 99 leapt in his hand with no more than a whisper. The
suppressors were a little longer than Pat would have liked, but
the 40 caliber needed the distance to turn its roar into a

"Puff ... puff, puff, "I like it," he told Jake with a grin!

"Yeah and with the length you don't need to worry about a flash
suppressor I vented it for the light," he explained with a grin.

So like a pair of kids with their first bb gun the two stood
there and terrorized the brightly colored paper targets at the
other end of the homespun target range. When the two were
finished letting all that macho hang free, they headed back to
the house going through the old converted barn this time.

As they stepped out of the building they saw three black, Chevy
Tahoe's in the drive with the passengers just starting to unload.
The men were all dressed in black business suits and the lone
female of the group, in a smart looking dark navy suit jacket and
skirt affair.

"Sam Blackwell Mr. O'Neil, pleased to make your acquaintance,"
the tall, slender, older man said, as he offered his hand.

"Didn't expect you this soon Mr. Blackwell, you must be tired
after your long trip," Pat commented.

We were dispatched soon after your phone conversation with Mr.
Rawlings Sir, and no I'm not tired at all to be honest," he

Sam Blackwell had the look and feel of a seasoned hunter Patrick
noticed, as he watched the older man scope the buildings and
surrounding grounds. He was not overly handsome, nor was he
especially homely, he was slightly gray in front of his ears. But
you knew from the set of him that he was alert and well able to
take care of himself.

"Mr. Rawlings my employer has instructed me to place myself
completely under your command sir," he began.

Patrick interrupted him, "Mr. Blackwell, I would rather approach
this task as a shared leadership between yourself and I. I'm a
long time out of the service now and would feel much better if
you were in complete control of the day to day surveillance that
will take place ... given your ongoing recent experience," he
told the older gentleman.

"Thank you Mr. O'Neil I appreciate the nod, I would like to set
some beam alarms around the property if you don't mind and if
you'd allow me to, a warning buzzer in your home itself. I'd like
to place the beams far enough away to allow us some reaction
time, our computer will monitor them continually of course, and I
hope you have no objections to guns Mr. O'Neil," he stated.

"Do what you think best, and no, I have no aversion to firearms
at all, now let me show you where you can set up a command post
if you'd like," Pat replied. Introductions were then made all
around between Jake, Patrick and the Rawlings surveillance team.

Pat had noticed Jake eyeballing the cute little redhead that had
came with Victor's team and smiled as he stepped off in the
direction of the barn, wondering where that might lead. He Gave
Sam the once around inside and showed him the power outlet
locations, and then took him upstairs and out on the balcony
ledge that faced the end of the drive.

"This will work well Mr. O'Neil now if you don't mind sir I'd
like to get a couple of my people started placing the equipment
around the perimeter," he said as they left the upstairs room.

Back down on the ground Sam Blackwell began to bark out orders
and gear was unloaded from the vans. Pat being naturally curious
by nature took a peek into some of the crates and he found a
score of Mac 10's with suppressors and all kinds of high capacity
clips. He also located at least two, M4A1 Socom's with day and
night glass done up in a flat black finish, plenty of spare ammo
and a Medic's molly bag.

Patrick, impressed that this team meant business, and was capable
of doing business, turned to observe the activity-taking place
around him. Wondering how long it would be before the fireworks
began between Miss Sadie Pratt and one Jake Wilson, it was going
to be interesting, he mused.

"Dooley take Sadie and start planting the sticks I want the beam
up by nightfall, Vandees get the computer set up in the barn.
John and Tim start toting the ordinance into the command post
then move the vehicles behind the command building and out of
sight," Blackwell's orders created a beehive of instant activity;
as the work of securing their new compound began.

The work went well enough, except for a few brief exchanges
between the redhead and Jake, provoked no doubt, by the big
gumshoe himself. The beam was operational long before it was
actually needed and the flood lamps were in place, they were set
up to flash automatically if the beam was broken.

Vandees had got the computer up, and was testing the feed from
the perimeter, all the other gear had found a suitable storage
area and it looked as if things would be ready by nightfall.

Sadie was livid with anger at Mr. O'Neil's friend, every since
her arrival the big gumshoe Jake Wilson's eyes had been boring
holes through her ass and she was just about fed up with it. In
another setting she might have been flattered, but this was work
... dangerous work, and she really didn't need a lovesick moose
following her around the compound getting in her way.

"Right then, good job people," Blackwell intoned, as the crew was
close to finished.

"Tonight we will begin a two man guard to watch around the
grounds the last team on needs to get to sleep early tonight that
will be Dooley and Vandees, myself and John will take first watch
Sadie and Tim the second. These shifts will rotate so no one gets
stuck in a rut and remember to stay within the perimeter of the
beam," he finished with a smile.

The light was beginning to fade as Blackwell approached Patrick,
"With your permission Mr. O'Neil I would like to take one man
from the team and do a quick and easy drive by of the target just
to get a visual of the layout. It shouldn't take over an hour,"
he said.

"As I said earlier Sam, you're the head of surveillance here. Do
you have radios in the Vans," Pat asked the older man.

"I doubt that we'll disembark, and we have cell phone to stay in
contact with you, but yes, as a matter of fact we have a complete
set for everyone here, by the way would you mind terribly keeping
an eye on my team while I'm away," Sam asked him?

"Will be happy to Sam," Patrick responded.

They shook hands as Patrick broke off and headed fort he house,
behind him Sam called John Tipton to escort him. John grabbed a
Mac 10 and several clips as well as a sidearm and knife then
headed for the van that Sam had already turned around. John slid
into the front passenger seat and the large lumbering tactical
unit roared off down the driveway.

The girls should be awakening before long "Patrick thought," as
he headed for the kitchen to see if there was any coffee left. He
poured a cup of the cold liquid and placed it in the microwave to

He sensed her behind him then felt her hands on his shoulder,
"Hello Lila," he said before turning around.

"Hello lover, is that for me," she purred.

"Yes love ... it is," he smiled.

He felt Lila place her cheek against his back and then reach
around to squeeze the bulge in front of his pants. He felt the
rush of passion again as he sensed lips lightly sucking the head
of his organ and her whispers in his mind. Words of adulation
that only fueled his libido and made him want the woman then and

Patrick turned to face the beautiful vampire and his lips rushed
to hers as his hand plunged into her undergarment to tease the
damp folds of her mound there. She pulled back and raised her
eyes to his inhaling deeply before she spoke, "I don't know how I
made it before you lover, but I certainly wont be able to do
without you now," she said.

He pushed her back toward the large oak table and lifted her up
on it when they bumped the edge. He rushed the sheer nightgown
she wore up around her hips and peeled the bright crimson panties
off her legs.

Patrick stood, freed himself, and took her without a kiss, or a
single spoken word between them. Her eyes held his face, as he
had her there, in a quick and brutal kind of way. But Lila's eyes
loved him, filled with adoration for every beautiful sensation he
made within her body.

She could feel his savage need and understand his brutal rush; it
was what she wanted too. Her small slim arms went about his
thick, hard neck, and her lips caressed the smooth skin at the
top of his shoulder, as she rushed toward climax like a high
mountain avalanche.

"~ I want to taste you so badly Patrick, ~" he heard her whisper!

He felt her spasms begin and felt the light tingling scrape at
the side of his neck as she pierced him, just breaking the skin,
he felt her emotions peak when his blood entered her mouth. Then
her head flew back as she screamed, caught in the fearsome
clutches of her orgasm.

Patrick felt the power of his vampire lover as a swirling force
of warm pleasure all over his body, as she whispered in his mind
how deeply she loved him. Then he came like a volcano, his cum
filling her like waves of hot lava, she clutched him tightly with
her passage, as the last of his hot seed impacted against her
uterus, he was physically drained when he finished emptying
himself inside her body.

He was not harmed by the bite; Lila didn't take enough blood to
really make a difference, but it did enhance her ending.

Patrick pulled out of the tight, slick slit, of Lila's body and
sat in one of the nearby chairs, Lila was immediately in
attendance kneeling before him. She took his swollen member in
her mouth and gently sucked him clean, then put it away, and
closed him up and then laid the side of her face on top of his

Patrick felt Laura's arms slip over the top of his shoulders felt
the warm nuzzle of her lips on his neck where she kissed him.

"~ I won't pressure you for sex my love, I'm aware of what this
young nymphomaniac has done to you, but you have my love Patrick,
~" he heard her giggle.

"At the moment I greatly appreciate that Laura, I need to check
on things in the barn," he sighed.

Patrick made himself as presentable as possible and then started
to head for the door but Lila hooked her arm in his and smiled up
at him. "May I go as far as the front lawn with you," she asked

"Yes," he said, smiling.

He opened the door for her watching her bottom as she stepped out
into the darkness; she passed through it, as if it had been made
for her alone. She turned in front of him and he knew what she
wanted, just a little reassurance in the form of kiss. A breeze
came up as their lips met and the darkness rushed in upon them as
if to hide this moment from the eyes of the world around them,
she was soft in his arms as he devoured her mouth. He felt rather
than saw her smile when he released her and knew it was ok with
her then.

Before he left he gave a light quick slap to the cheek of her
buttock, and received a sharp girlish yelp for his effort. He was
smiling as he walked away, "He could do a lot worse than Lila, it
may well be difficult to find another like her," he thought!

Patrick milled about the old barn and watched Tim at his
workstation momentarily before heading upstairs. He stepped out
on the balcony from the only room not in use at the moment, and
turned his eyes to the stars above and his heart rushed in his
chest at the beauty he found there. Overhead was a clear sky full
of night diamonds, showering their unique light force down on the
surrounding countryside. The place looked secure to him, and he
took his ease under that glorious, sparkling canopy, and enjoyed
the fresh air for a moment.

Patrick stopped by the computer to sign out with Tim who was
monitoring the security beam and reminded him that if he needed
anything he would be next door, before heading back to the house.

Blackwell arrived not long after Patrick had sat down with the
girls around the kitchen table. He came into the kitchen alone
and gave Pat a report sketching all that he saw and his opinion
about reconnaissance around the facility.

"I think luck may be with us, the warehouse is relatively
isolated at the end of an industrial park. In fact the road dead
ends not far from the entrance to the place, their seems to be an
inordinate amount of security for this type of business," he
commented with a grin.

"Are their any good locations to observe the coming and going of
vehicles in and out of the place," Patrick asked him?

"No perfect cover on that particular lane, but the next street
over has an empty lot facing the warehouse, its located between
two small daylight companies that are seemingly unoccupied at
night," he explained.

"I may need to asked you and Jake to take a tour on the computer
to help me out Mr. O'Neil. I would like to start watching tonight
and split it up into three eight hour shifts for my team rotating
off every other day," he told Patrick.

"We are here to do what we can to help Sam, of course we'll stand
watch," Patrick told him.

"I would still like to keep two members watching this place at
least at night, one on the grounds and one at the command center
on the computer," Sam told him.

"I would suggest we change the ground shifts to five hours and
eliminate one team, our night light around here is shorter in the
summer and 10 hours will take care of the bulk of it. I think an
infrared warning device that links to the computer on the yard
man would be a good idea Sam, that way he can warn command
without going verbal and giving up his location to an intruder,"
Patrick suggested.

"Good idea, it's a plan then," Sam Agreed. And he took the first
shift covering the warehouse himself.

Things went relatively smooth over the next three days, except
for the occasional spat between Sadie and Jake. She fixed a
simple supper of hot cakes, eggs, and smoked bacon for the team
one evening, and after sitting down asked Jake how he liked his

"Over medium Sadie," he'd responded.

"Well the skillet is free now so just do what you want," she told
him with a wide mischievous grin!


The next day after morning coffee they were leaving the house to
assume their duties and Jake and Sadie were last two out the
door, she behind him. Jake closed the door after stepping out
leaving Sadie behind in the house.

The red head was livid as she flew through the door, "Mr. Wilson
may I have a word with you sir," her tone not at all friendly!

Patrick noticed the smiles on the faces of the rest of the team,
although he himself would look neither of them in the eyes at
that moment.

She marched up to Jake and grabbed his shirt then placed her foot
on his knee and crawling half way up his body until her nose was
right next to his, "I will not tolerate your insolence you great
baboon, nor will I have you interfering with my duties on this
mission ... do you understand me Mr. Wilson," she screamed!

Jake lightly kissed her lips and the little red head went
ballistic, she dropped to the ground and punched the much larger
Jake Wilson in the belly and tried to kick him in the shin but

Jake reached out and pulled one shoulder hard toward him and at
the same time pushed the other away hard. Sadie spun around in
the opposite direction and the big man slipped his arms over her
body securing her arms at her side.

"Unhand me you Oaf," she screamed, along with many other
expletives inappropriate for oral publication by a young woman of
her breeding.

When Sadie had calmed to a slow boil Jake released her and said,
"You're wild about me, you don't realize it yet ... but you are
Sadie," he told her calmly.

"Mr. Wilson you're sadly delusional and I seriously doubt that
theirs any thing in the world of rational reason that will help
bring you to the truth of cold reality," she said, as she turned
and stormed off toward the command post, fuming!

Jake grinned as she walked off then turned to the team and said,
"She's wild about me, just wait, you'll see," he said!

Patrick smiled without saying a word, sometimes Jake was like a
big high school kid; you just had to take him as he was!


That evening Lila's mood was taken with the thrill of the full
moon above her as she strolled along the front sidewalk, and she
reached out to the night with her senses taking note of those
around her. She sensed the young woman Sadie, asleep and in a
dream. Lila smiled as she recognized that the man she was holding
in her dream was none other than Jake Wilson.

She watched as he moved between her legs, Lila smiled as Sadie
turned her head to one side. She continued to look as Jake placed
his lips on the soft skin of Sadie's neck and began to kiss. Lila
smiled again as she witnessed Sadie's eyes go half closed with
the rush of lust she was feeling. She felt the flow of her
emotions, as she dreamed and the deep feelings of love that
tinted over the scene.

Lila turned to return to the house, a smile on her face, even
though she was slightly embarrassed for having pried into Sadie's
private thoughts. She had suspected that the young woman had
experienced feelings for the big gumshoe, and that suspicion had
just been confirmed in the most inspiring way.


That same night as Tim Vance went about his duties watching the
traffic around the warehouse he observed one of the company vans
preparing to leave the grounds. From what he had heard about the
goon at the club Seven Feathers it looked as if the driver might
be that guy.

Tim placed a fast call to Sam to queue the leader in on this
unusual foray. He was told to tail the van and stay in
communication with Blackwell who was on his way with another team

Tim followed the Loadstar van as it headed for the exit to the
interstate highway, careful to remain far enough back not to
arouse suspicion. He followed the van south on the interstate for
about 4 miles where it turned into an interstate rest area full
of trucks.

Tim observed as the van took a parking spot but drove on by and
found the next turn around quickly. He pulled the Tahoe into the
rest area on the opposite side of the highway, parked, and then
fished his night glass back out of the big molly bag.

He dialed Sam Blackwell as he watched the van, with the driver
still in it. It was when the goon opened the door to get out that
Tim noticed he had parked right next to one of the O'Neil company
trucks. The goon walked up near the rear tractor duals and after
studiously surveying the vehicles in the immediate area he ducked
under the trailer.

Tim fished the recorder out the bag and turned it on then hit the
record button as the goon slid out from underneath the big truck;
in his hand a small plastic container with a slide lock mechanism
on one side. The pick-up man made his way back to the company van
and quietly slipped inside.

He didn't take off right away, and Tim watched as a rather young
tall fellow came out of the building and headed slowly toward the
rig. He unlocked the door and got in starting the big truck up
and slowly easing out of the slot where he had been parked.

A few minutes later the lights on the van came on and the goon
slowly motored out of the rest area.

Not long after the drop was made and the van left, Sam Blackwell
eased the big Chevy van into the empty spot next to Tim's
vehicle. Blackwell eased out and slipped into the passenger side
of Tim's van.

Tim explained everything he had witnessed and showed his team
leader the recording. "This is what we've been waiting for, now
its time to take down the warehouse and capture the computers if
we can," Blackwell explained.

Sam dialed Dooley Willis who was stationed at the compound
computer and gave instructions to bring everyone including O'Neil
and Jake Wilson and meet him at the little truck stop right next
to the interstate.

"Follow me back to town Tim its time to make our strike and let
them know we are on the hunt," he said, before slipping out and
getting into the other van.

They waited about fifteen minutes or so for the rest of the team
to arrive and tried to devise a plan of entry. Every person in
the team had a Mac 10 and one battle pack, a side arm with extra
ammo and a war blade; the crew was dressed in all black.

They rolled through the open gate like the fiery breath of hell,
three vehicles stopping in front of the building one in front of
each exit. Pat and Jake drove around back to enter through the
only exit at the back of the building.

Just as Sam Blackwell made his exit from the van out stepped
three company goons cradling automatic rifles in their arms, all
of which had silencers.

"Puff ... puff, puff," was the only sound he heard as the glass
in the Tahoe next to Sam shattered and he heard the sickening
clang of projectiles ripping through the sheet metal body of the
new Chevy.

Sam dropped to the concrete and rolled under the big van as the
group that had fired on him began to take fire from the rest of
his teams in the other positions. The little Mac tens were
chewing the hell out of the front of that building and two of the
Loadstar goons went down immediately.

But other personnel began pouring out of the other two exits and
soon lead was flying all over hells half acre. Sam and Sadie
rushed the door where the first fire had come from and a single
company soldier retreated in a hailstorm of hard-hitting hot

Sam pushed through the door hitting the concrete on his belly and
rolling well past the entry to make way for Sadie's entrance,
which was immediately after his own. She made one quick visual
sweep of the area and then opened up with the little Mac in the
direction of the fleeing employee, covering Sam who was now
re-positioning himself.

In the center of the facility was an observation room with exits
on all sides leading down to the first level. As Pat and Jake
made entry from the rear they were met by a small hailstorm of
intense fire from personnel making there way down the stairs on
the backside of the observation tower. The pair were separated,
as both dodged for cover from the storm of bullets. Jake finding
a nearby pallet of bags which he squatted behind as he began to
return fire.

He couldn't see his old friend at the moment but heard the little
Mac giving report and knew that he had found cover of some kind.
The two managed to thin the numbers just a little before the
company goons retreated back into the upper platform seeking a
safer side to exit from.

The two sprang from cover and advanced hearing the fierce
firefight going on at the right end of the complex. They made it
to the far sidewall of the observation station before they had to
duck and seek cover again. They could see Sam, and Sadie, taking
heavy fire middle way of the front wall, crouched behind pallets
of bags.

Patrick saw someone come out of the shadows on Jakes right side
and fire; the little Mac 10 was knocked out of his hand as a
round plowed into the side of the weapon. As the goon advanced on
Jakes position Patrick was taking fire from the front of the
building and unable to get a clear shot at Jake's enemy.

He saw Jake draw the side arm and crouch toward the oncoming
assailant, the smith rocked in his hand several times as it
roared out its deadly protest before he was hit. Patrick couldn't
tell exactly where he took the slug all he was able to see was a
spray of blood exit behind Jake.

The big man went down and Patrick felt a severe tightening deep
in his belly as his nerves went tight, he heard a woman's voice
scream and looked up to see Sadie break cover and head for Jake.
Patrick immediately concentrated his fire on those soldiers
firing at her as she ran. Sadie emptied the little Mac 10 on the
goon that took Jake down and he crumpled in mid flight just as
Sadie reached the big ex-marine.

The two teams outside finally put it together and rushed the last
door with four fully automatic weapons spitting death, hell, and
mayhem, and drove what was left of the goon army back inside the

Patrick slipped a fresh clip in the Mac and driven by a slightly
pissed off attitude began to advance on the small group of armed
men. At last the Calvary punched a hole in their line and the
rest of Sam Blackwell's team came into the warehouse guns
blazing, rocking the house down with big Mac music and the drum
beat of lead slapping hard into concrete.

Patrick turned and veered off then, and headed back toward the
area where his old pal lay bleeding; Sadie was cradling his head
between her legs as she kneeled and was stroking the big mans
dark hair. Patrick dropped down at his side and took a look at
the wound; it had missed anything-vital exiting high from the

Patrick looked up at Sadie and saw that she was about in tears,
pain plainly seen in her pretty young face, "He'll be ok Sadie,
in a few days he'll be good as new," he told her smiling.

"Patrick thought as he looked over at the dead goon not far away,
sometimes you just shouldn't fuck around with the things a woman

"Yeah, I forgot the vest Pat," the big man finally said.

"How you feeling pal," Patrick asked?

"Been better, been worse," he smiled.

Patrick patted his old friends shoulder lightly and spun on his
heel to help with the mopping up that was going on at the other
side of the complex. "Take care of him Sadie," Patrick said
before leaving!

It was all but over when Patrick came on the scene, the few
Loadstar soldiers left were more than willing to retire from the
engagement without further hostilities.

Patrick informed Sam that Jake was down but ok, Sam Blackwell
immediately assigned two of his team to take Jake back to the
command center for treatment right then.

"Dooley hit that platform and see what they have in the way of
storage equipment, if there is a computer it goes with us," Sam
barked! Sam, and the rest of the team went to question what
remained of the Loadstar force, and quickly determined that they
were working blind and would not be able to provide anything in
the way of usable Intel.

They milled around upstairs for a little while and managed to
retrieve the package that was picked up at the rest stop, it
contained 300 hundred of the little pills. "They just lost 60,000
dollars," Sam smiled! The hour was already late and Sam Blackwell
was anxious to get back to command and start investigating the
Loadstar files; and check on his wounded man.

"Time to mount up and head for the barn," Blackwell told his

Dooley finally got the tower and CD rack loaded in the Tahoe and
the crew moved out of the building to begin the journey back to
command. Sam informed Patrick on the way out that at least two of
the company men had slipped away while the firefight was going
on; one of them being the ghoul they had met at the club.

The caravan headed out for the home complex and Patrick found
himself wondering how Jake was getting along. Sadie had left with
him, and he wondered how the two were reacting to each other.

When they arrived Dooley took the captured computer directly to
the barn and stored it near their own. Patrick went to the house
to find out how his old friend Jake was doing. He found him
reclined on his bed with Sadie in attendance, he had been
bandaged and the bleeding had been stopped. Sadie sat next to him
smoothing the hair in place above his ear, her brow furrowed as
she watched him.

"I have my own private nurse her Patrick and she's a good one,"
he grinned as Patrick came around the bed.

"You do know you scared the hell out of me back their don't you
gunny," teasing his wounded pal?

"Well Patrick I tried everything to get this woman's attention
and I finally did and it only took one bullet," he teased Sadie.

"It isn't funny Jake you could have been killed," Sadie said

"I know, I was only teasing," he responded with a grin.

Sadie to the surprise of both men leaned over Jake and kissed his
lips lightly and then patted his hand.

"Ok ... I think you'll live, get some rest Jake, when the meds
wear off tomorrow you're going to be stiff," he told Jake with a


After Patrick left the room Sadie moved to the bedroom door and
closed then locked it. She turned and walked back to the side of
the bed that Jake was laying on and began to strip out of her
combat clothing just out of his reach.

She smiled down at the big man and continued undressing, until
she stood completely nude beside him.

Jake gave a low whistle at what he saw standing there, he had
known Sadie was a good looking girl ... he just hadn't known,
exactly how good looking, until now! Her breasts were firm and
turned up at the ends, with cute little pink nipples, and they
were hard. Her hips were flared nicely, her tummy flat, her mound
full ... and her eyes hungry, as she stood looking down at him.

"Sadie," he began!

"S-h-h-h ... don't say it Jake, I already know," she interrupted.

Reaching down she unbuttoned his trousers and unzipped his fly
and eased the big mans pants and skivvies off his body. She
turned the light off and carefully crawled on top of the injured
gumshoe, and after kissing him gently on the lips began to rock
slowly against the big mans body.

"Sadie," he began!

"S-h-h-h ... don't say it Jake, I know and I love you!

Sadie tortured him with her slow languid love making, pausing now
and then to squeeze the entire length of his shaft with her
vaginal muscles. She prolonged his agony until she herself could
no longer bear the suspense. His thundering growl made her giggle
as it echoed through the room, but the pounding of his hot seed
inside her body pushed her off the edge and sent her into sweet

Later when the room was silent he heard her little voice say,
"You scared me tonight Jake ... I thought I had lost you before I
ever got to say what I wanted to," she sighed.

"I didn't mean to Sadie," he responded.

"I know, but you must promise me you'll be more careful," she

"I promise," he told her, before the shadows seduced his mind
away from consciousness.

She stayed there with him for the rest of the night and the next
morning Jake was the only man that Sadie cooked for.


Patrick stepped into the kitchen area after he left Jake's side
and was rushed by Lila who threw herself into his arms and buried
her face in the side of his neck. She hugged him tightly refusing
to let him go, then she began to sob; Patrick soothed her,
stroking her back until she relaxed her grip on him.

"You must never do that again Patrick, leave me behind to worry
about you that way. When they brought Jake in and began to clean
him up and tend to his wound I worried myself sick about you,"
she sobbed.

Laura sat at the table smiling across at him not saying a word,
but looking as if she wanted to.

"I'm sorry Lila, but it all happened so quickly their wasn't time
enough to do anything but grab the gear and go," he explained.

"Next time I'm going with you, I mean it Pat, you will not rush
out of here to anymore fights without me. No sit down and I'll
get you a beer," she told him.

"Sounds as if someone was a little worried about you Pat," Laura
smiled, as she spoke.

" ~ She loves you Patrick and its more than your blood, ~" Laura

Lila brought Patrick a cold beer and sat it down in front of him
then bent down at his side and kissed his cheek lightly. She
moved behind his chair and began to massage his shoulders and
ease the tension of the night's activity away. He felt her in his
mind as a warm glowing emotion that relaxed him completely.

With his eyelids half closed he asked Lila if he might use her
room to sleep in that night? She took hold of his beer, and then
his hand, and indicated he should come with her. Lila led the way
down the hall to her room with Patrick in tow. He watched the
sway of her bottom as its curves moved beneath her dress and knew
he wouldn't be falling off to sleep very soon ... and smiled.

End part 4