Night Desires

Young man has a chance meeting with a female vampire that happily
ends on a positive note.
(M-F;" light bdsm, "you know the usual stuff).
By William DuPain

It was late as Patrick motored down the old Iowa highway; this
late night shift was beginning to play havoc with his sleeping
patterns and was definitely robbing him of his energy. Besides he
didn't like making the long drive from Des Moines to his small
town home at night, far too many deer and drunks on the road late
at night.

Reaching down to turn on the radio he caught something in the
corner of his eye and looked up. It was a female standing at the
side of the road, without even thinking he slammed on the brakes.
The tires of his mid sized Chevy began to scream like a child in
pain as the car went slightly askew in the lane.

He felt a sickening tightness in his stomach as the fender of his
car impacted the pedestrian and she went flying off into the
ditch. When the vehicle finally came to rest at the side of the
road he threw open the door and leapt out unto the highway, which
thankfully was deserted.

Patrick made his way to the back of the car and began working his
way back up the road looking for his young victim. He found her
about fifteen yards or so behind the car sitting half way up the

Patrick hurried to her side with his heart beating in his throat
and knelt beside her. She was just starring straight ahead as if
she might be in shock. He began to look her over for signs of
injury but could find no evidence of bleeding. He did however
notice the short skirt and brightly colored panties puffing out
from the strain of a well-rounded and full vulva.

"Can you hear me miss," he asked her softly?

"Just what the hell are you doing out here at this time of
night," she crudely ask?

"Well I'm making my way home from work," he responded somewhat
shocked and taken aback with her question.

"You could have killed someone out here," she shouted as she
turned to look into his face!

"Are you alright," he asked her?

"Yes," she responded. As she laid back spreading her beautiful
thighs even wider, and grinning up at him.

"All the same perhaps you should check me over and make sure
nothing is broken," she said, taking his hand and boldly laying
it high, on her upper thigh near the pelvis region.

She was blonde green eyed and perfect, if not just a little feisty
and for some strange reason that Patrick couldn't explain he felt
compelled to obey her wish. He slowly moved his hand directly
over her full rounded vulva and probed her wonders. She was warm
and soft beneath his touch and hissing now lightly between her

His fingers found their way under the front panel of her panties
and found her very moist there. Her hand went behind his neck and
pulled him toward her lips, and while his thumb caressed the
firmness of her clit, her tongue was firm and dominate in his
mouth. It was a sweet warfare of warm muscle as she kissed him,
his heart racing even faster now within his chest.

Her hips rolled upward shamelessly undulating against his curious
hand as he probed her there. He felt her fingers caress his
hardness through the cloth of his work pants and then give a
gentle squeeze to his over bloated semen sack.

He kissed her mouth again and swore he could feel her smile,
Patrick continued down the side of her neck working his tongue
and teeth in the soft, warm flesh there. She had pulled her top
off and Patrick continued to her nipples sucking each, then
delicately biting each gently in their turn.

He had lost everything from his mind but her face, and body, and
his need to be in her as he continued toward her pelvis. He
licked and kissed his way down her stomach and the spiced scent
of her arousal stiffened him even more. He worked her brightly
colored panties down her legs in the course of his journey.

She cooed when he began to bit around her mound and her fingers
found his hair playing there as the pleasure from his mouth
rolled through her mind and body. She was wet everywhere when he
finally arrived at her folds. His trembling fingers peeled her
open like piece of fresh summer fruit and she shivered as he
began to consume her nectar.

He licked from the bottom to the top of her crevice as her body
gently swayed against his mouth encouraging his avarice. With one
thumb at each side of her mound he finally opened her completely
as his tongue made ready his assault against her clit. He
unleashed the velvet whip of hell against the sensitive guardian
of her heart and she moaned deeply with the first stunning lash
against her body.

Her hand found the back of his neck and began to caress the skin
there and her fingers communicated her pleasure with his
performance. She kept repeating "Oh God," over and over again as
she felt herself floating upward. Patrick accelerated the
animation of his tongue against her hungry flesh until at last
she screamed and pushed him away. He watched the quaking mass of
her climaxing flesh quiver in front of him and noted the sweet
sounds she made as she ground her way to her finish.

Patrick looked down in her face and found it soft by the full
moonlight above and smiled as he gave her a break in routine.

"My name is Laura, and you're really something special," she said
as her eyes bore down to the center of his soul.

"Patrick O'Neil madam, and you're the something special in what's
above you my dear," he answered smiling.

Her eyes locked with his as she reached up and placed her arms
around his neck then kissed him sweetly. He entered her suddenly
as his eyes still held her own, and sweet to his heart was the
agony of her joy that he read in her face.

As Patrick began to move inside of her Laura's head went back and
her eyes closed as she basked in a state of pure physical bliss.
Wave after wave of pleasant sensations careened throughout her
body and mind. When the head of his charging mass impacted that
sensitive area high in her passage her hips rolled high toward
him and her heels locked at his low back.

Patrick adjusted his aim to ensure her continued gratification
even as his movements became even more powerful in her. His trust
was determined and her will was completely compliant with his own
seeking the mutual goal.

Laura became something very soft beneath him as she began to
whisper sweet terms of endearment to his soul. Her words drove
his ego to its maximum potential and he loved her in that moment
of ecstasy. She was delicious around his shaft, the damp softness
of her tissue clinging to him, as if in fear he would pull out of
her for some reason.

She panting beneath him as he quickened his pace drawing him with
her heels to the very center of her spirits fire, beckoning his
seed to the cauldron of creation. She sensed him tighten above
her, sensed the tingle racing along his spine and then spinning
downward to caress the fluids of life he held within. Her eyes
caught his in a glance and beheld the gathering clouds of his
impending storm there ... and the power in the beauty of it
thrilled her.

Laura felt her vaginal passage clamp down on his driving shaft
and screamed as she rose up and buried her face in the side of
his neck. She inundated her lover with her warm, sticky scent,
and trembled uncontrollably with the power of her release.

Patrick began to explode inside her body as soon as she screamed
and though he knew it had been awhile still it seemed as if his
load was unending. As her clutching passage drained him of his
seed, with it went the stress and loneliness of the months of
solitude that lay behind him like a dim shadow just out of sight
covering his life. He found her eyes again as peace flooded his
soul and in them a serene, adoring smile that lit up her face.

Although he didn't know it at the time, after he moved to her
side she caused him to lose consciousness. Laura placed a single
forefinger at each temple of his head and looked into his
thoughts as he slept. He was younger and somewhere in a meadow,
it was the spring of the year as the hillsides behind him were
with new green and there were multi-colored flowers all around

Laura smiled at the innocence of his thoughts as she looked down
into his face and fell in love with her handsome stranger. She
moved her mouth to the side of his neck and bit him there with
her fangs; his blood thrilled her, as she knew his sweetness and
she wanted to keep him always.

"You're an innocent my love and you need me, I will watch over
you forever Patrick," she whispered before kissing him again.

Laura gave him a suggestion and then woke him,

"Wow that's never happened before," he stated somewhat confused.

"But then on the other hand you've never had to run your date
down with the car before you subdued her sexually have you dear,"
Laura prompted?

They both laughed and then she leaned over to kiss his cheek and
he her lips.

"Look Laura, I don't live far from here and I was wondering if
you would come home with me so I can really check you out under
the light. Besides, considering all that has occurred here I
would like to get to know you just a bit better ... ok?"

"Yes master, if I wont be interfering with your family life," she

"There is no family I'm afraid Laura, I live alone," he

They both stood and walked back to the car hand in hand and
before she got in she turned to him and kissed him again,
pressing her body firmly to his own.

They were silent as the last three miles of his journey home
passed by, but he was always aware of her presence there beside
him, her skirt riding high up her thighs.

At last he pulled up the long driveway and stopped in front of
the single story ranch style house his grandfather had left him
in his will.

"It isn't big or fashionable, but it is home," he said as he got
out and came around to open the door for her.

They stepped upon the deck that ran the whole length of the house
and paused at the door. Laura lifted her eyes to the cloudless
sky above and gave comment on the number of stars visible above

"Isn't it beautiful Patrick," she said?

"Yes," he replied. Then he laced his fingers in her hair and drew
her blood red mouth to his lips. With the first touch of their
warmth passion exploded inside him like an erupting volcano, it
rose from his sack to his belly and the warmth of it filled his
entire being. His tongue entered her mouth and the war of skills
began between them.

Laura went limp against him, her index finger tracing the outline
of his outer ear lightly as she whispered that he made her feel
more like a woman than anyone she had ever known. Her hands fell
to his ass cheeks and she pulled his body so close to hers he
could feel the heat of her crotch against him.

In a few moments she was breathless, and he, rock hard and aching
for her again. There was something about this woman that drew him
toward her, it was more than just her looks, which alone were
phenomenal it was some kind of spiritual bond he couldn't

"You could easily become my favorite addiction," she whispered
against the side of his neck.

"I believe you're already my own habit of choice," he responded!

He looked into her eyes and found the same longing there that he
himself felt at that moment beneath the eyes of the heavens.
"This may sound a little hokey, but I believe theirs more than
just good sex going on here, I can't explain it and I don't
completely understand it but this is definitely more than a romp
in the hay!"

"I think you may be right Patrick," she whispered as she laid her
cheek against his shoulder.

He opened the door and reaching in flipped on the light switch,
light flooded the living room and then he turned the rheostat and
lowered the level to something cozier before entering.

Laura noticed that the house was immaculate something she would
not have expected from a bachelor.

"I have beer or some chilled Lambrusco wine if you'd like," he

"The wine would be nice," she suggested.

She followed him into the kitchen, which looked brand-new
everywhere. It was complete with a prep island and black wrought
iron utensil hanger from the ceiling. It was also clean as a

"This place looks like a woman might have set it up for some
serious culinary effort," she said.

"No, I keep myself busy with hobbies, two of which are home spun
carpentry and cooking. The cooking is really more of a passion
than a hobby but I wouldn't admit so anywhere but here," he said
with a smile.

He offered her a ruby colored wine glass full of fresh wine and
she smiled at him over the rim when she took a sip.

"What were you doing on that road at this time of night alone
Laura," he asked her as he sipped his beer?

"I'll tell you later," she said as she sat the glass of wine on
the round oak table beside her.

Laura proceeded to undress there in Patrick's kitchen, which
thing produced an immediate smile to his face and made him forget
all about why she was on the road anyway. The top was gone the
skirt was in a heap around her high heels and she was bent over
in front of him now shimmying out of her brightly colored under

She stood completely nude in front of him, her shoulders slightly
acute with one hip provocatively thrown out to the side with her
hand resting atop its curve. She was a breathtaking sight, thin
but not skinny, high well rounded breasts, flat tummy, and fully
rounded vulva. Her legs were well toned and curvaceous with that
appealing hollow at the top of her thighs that he loved so much
on a woman. Between them, clearly delineated hung the sweetest
looking pair of lips he had ever seen, full, rounded, and pouty.

She smiled as she read the reflection of his joy in his eyes.
"Will you fuck me now lover or must I beg you," she whispered,
her voice soft and seductive as she spoke.

She stepped toward him and he was lost in her spring colored
eyes, her fingers rapidly undoing every button and zipper
associated with his attire. She had him as naked as she was in no
time at all and still he stood before her in a daze he couldn't
shake off.

Patrick felt the warmth of her tongue teasing the hollow of his
throat, then felt it rise up the side of it, and last of all he
felt the tender light bite of her teeth on his ear lobe. He
shivered against her as she pressed the heat of her cunt tight
against his hardness and felt her nails travel slowly down his

Stepping back only slightly she took his hand and placed it on
top of her mound and whispered to him, "this belongs to you now
Patrick, no one else will have it without your consent." Then she 
placed her lips to his ear and whispered words there that were a 
song to his soul.

She knelt before him and her tongue touched the head of his organ
lightly she then licked slowly all around it and then down to his
sack licking all over there too. Laura then licked her way back
up to the head of his organ and then slowly inserted him in her
mouth. She looked up at her lover and his eyes were filled with
the sweetest agony she could ever remember seeing and it thrilled
her that pleased him.

Laura continued forcing him in until his cock had started down
her throat and she knew she must stop now for the memory of the
sweetness of his blood was now calling her and she wanted it.

She stood and moved to lean over the great oak table the swelling
dampness of her crevice readily available to her lover now. "Fill
it Patrick, fill what you now own my lover," she said.

"I must eat first my dear ... and taste the balance of your
bodies spice," he told her.

He picked her up in his arms and laid her on her side atop the
great round table, then gently rolled her over on her back. Her
thighs fell apart in a lewd invitation to sup and Patrick dove on
the folds of her sex with great avarice.

Her breath caught in her throat as his tongue swiped her lips and
he rapidly inserted his hot muscle deeply into her blooming
flower. She rolled her hips to meet his sudden invasion of her
body and tingled with the pleasant sensation of his tongue.

His mouth moved against her like some crafty enchanters spell
casting a daze of joy her and a spike of pleasure there, until
her soul was on fire to have him. He had her panting in no time
at all and she was sure before it was over, she would beg him to
take her.

"My God Patrick you're a summer storm against the will of my
flesh lover," she whimpered more than whispered to him.

She cried out when the flaming tip of his wicked tongue lashed
her tender clit and she cringed as if injured beneath him. She
felt it rushing toward her like a runaway train; the abrupt,
forced release, of her sexual tension.

"Yes ... yes my love," she cried out as her body arched high
against his wicked mouth and she shuddered uncontrollably as the
force of her orgasm slammed her soul completely out of her body.

Her hands were still locked in his hair and her ass arched high
off the table when she began to beg him to stop. Laura rushed to
a sitting position and threw her arms around his neck forcing her
tongue into his mouth were she swabbed the spice of her own
orgasm from his mouth.

"Jesus Patrick, I've never cum that quickly before," she said
looking him straight in the eyes!

"I'm afraid I must simply insist on fucking you now Laura your
fluids are in me and I must seed you soon or I'll simply lose my
mind," he told her grinning wickedly!

He moved up in front of her, loving the view she offered reclined
that way and held her wrist firmly to the tabletop. Patrick went
savage on the thing he loved and plunged his cock deeply into the
fair Laura's tiny opening.

She hissed loudly as he entered her small slit, his cock seemed
much larger in this position than it had before. She moaned
loudly as he hammered her beautiful ass with his cock, over and
over again he savagely slammed into her body and she matched his
rhythm to perfection.

Her struggle to free her hands was valiant but his will was
indomitable and the sensation of being subjugated that way
powered a new even more profound arousal in her. He buried
himself fully in the tight sheath of her hot cunt and paused to
lean over her and kiss her. Laura went soft beneath him in that
moment and returned his kiss the walls of her passage flexing
around his shaft milked his cock for pleasure as they necked.

"Play with it you savage bitch," he commanded her.

Then with a whimper her hand found her clit and her fingers began
a well-known dancing tease around the center of her sensitive
pleasure button. Her back arched upward as high voltage bolts of
pleasure shot upward from her clit and circled warmly about her
fully erect nipples.

"Fuck it baby, use that pussy like the beast I know you to be,"
she cried out!

He slapped the cheeks of her ass several times on his backstroke
and her body shivered with the stinging impact of his fiery
caress. Reaching down with wet fingers she encircled his shaft
with her forefinger and thumb and squeezed as he pulled back out
of her cunt. She was unbearably naughty in her behavior and
speech, and he loved it all.

He laid each hand on top of her shoulders and used them to pull
her back to him as his cock ground into her gushing cunt. Laura
cried out and he felt the convulsions begin; her tremors were
fierce making it difficult for Patrick's cock to enter her. Laura
ceased all movement and froze as her face went completely blank.

"Oh God baby fuck it ... fuck that thing for me," she pleaded!

But Patrick was too close himself to be denied and he hammered
her pussy with even greater effort. His cock was moving like a
racecar piston when he finally shouted and began to ejaculate. He
was brutal with his pounding, grinding himself hard against the
tiny opening of her swollen pussy as he came.

Laura's presence of mind now returned, felt his cock expanding
inside of her and then felt the first streams of scalding cum
smash against her womb. The sensation of it set her off again and
she came the second time desperately ramming her pussy back
against her lovers thrusting cock. Her fluids inundated her
energetic lover and the scent of her release filled the room with
its heady bouquet.

Patrick waited for a time after he was finished still enjoying
the sensation of her warmth around him. He took the time to
gently caress the skin of her breasts, shoulders, stomach, and
thighs before he released her body to her use again.

When she finally stood up Laura said, "My God Patrick, it was
awesome darling" and then kissed him.

She made her way to her wine glass and took a big gulp to ease
her thirst, "I think I may be in love with you Patrick, but there
are things you should know.

"I definitely know I have feelings for you Laura, and if there is
a problem we will work it out together," he told her.

She looked at him with a studied intensity for the first time
that evening as she spoke again, " I truly hope so Patrick," she

"I'm not what you think I am Patrick, and I don't even know how
to begin really," she said then paused.

"I know what I need to know about you Laura," he spoke, measuring
the struggle he now saw storming through her spirit in the window
of her eyes.

"I'm a Vampire Patrick," she whispered as her eyes slid to the
floor at his feet.

"What," surely he hadn't heard her correctly?

"Look at me Patrick," she whispered.

Patrick could plainly see the eyes of his lover had drastically
faded in intensity and as she smiled he could also see the two
fangs extending from her mouth. He was not afraid but rather
amazed at the change in her appearance and then she disappeared
from his sight.

He felt her hand on the back of his shoulder and heard her voice
behind him whisper his name and then she was standing in front of
him again.

"How did you do that Laura," he asked her dumbfounded?

"My love I am stronger and faster than you are and I hear, smell
and see farther than your normal senses will detect. When you
fell asleep beside the road earlier I am the one that induced
that sleep in you, I also have the ability to look into the
thoughts of those around me and know their feelings," she

"Why have you revealed all of this to me Laura," he asked?

"Because Patrick for the first time in nearly 75 years I have
experienced deep feelings for another creature ... I think I love
you Patrick! If you cannot except me as I am I'll understand and
leave here tonight, you won't remember any of this if I leave,"
she told him.

"Do you kill humans to stay alive my love," he asked, fearing her
answer even before she spoke?

"No my love when I feed I only take as much as I need, and never
take enough to permanently harm my host. When I'm finished with
them they have no memory of having ever come in contact with me
... please believe me Patrick," she pleaded

Her eyes slowly slid away from his own as she awaited his
judgment of her, she appeared vulnerable to him at that moment
and softly declining in her persona.

Patrick moved to where she stood and placed his fingertips at the
sides of her neck, as she looked up his lips pressed hers and her
arms flew up about his waist as he kissed her.

"Laura, for the first time in a good while I have feelings for
someone else too, I don't care what obstacles we must work
through I'm not willing to throw that away," he told her happy at
the reply she had given him.

Patrick could see the impact his statement had made on her in her
eyes, and it was happiness he found in her eyes of spring.

“To take the spirit in you and all that there remains then fill 
your heart with visions that leave your soul with pain,” she sighed.

"It will be awkward at times you know I must avoid the light so I
sleep through the day. But I promise I wont stop loving you
Patrick," she told him smiling.

They curled up together on the sofa and held each other close
making plans for their new life together ... lots of them.
