The Ravishment of Sheila Ch. 2

By William DuPain (c)

After the rape of his mother Sheila, Doug brainstorms a plan to
save their finances, and property, using his knowledge of
Internet porn, the abilities of some close friends, and his
mother's body.


The next morning Doug was the first to wake, he lay there beside
his mother admiring her fit body. She had kicked the sheets off
during the night and her bare bottom with its well-rounded cheeks
and sensual slopes was exposed to his lusting, hungry eyes.
Between the slightly parted thighs he caught sight of the
swelling ridges of her ample mons.

Her long, rich hair, splayed out around her head completely
covering her face from view. He rose easily from the comfort of
her company and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. He was
cautious not to wake her, with all the recent stress he knew she
needed to recoup mentally and physically.

He sat at the kitchen table and remembered with a smile the feel,
sight, and sounds of the woman's passion. He found himself
admiring Sheila in a way he had never even considered her before
... and grew hard below with the memory of it all.

He fished his cell phone from off the top of the microwave and
went through his contact listings there, to make sure he still
had Mark's home number. He wouldn't be there but his mother would
know how Doug could reach him at college upstate.

Mark and he had been playground chums, as they grew up, he was a
little older than Doug. About a year and a half, but the age
difference never got in the way. He would call him today and
explain his situation to him and ask for his help ... Mark had
always been a thinker he would find a way.

When the beverage was up he seasoned his mothers with milk and
sugar the way she liked it and toted the mug back to bedroom. He
placed it on the stand beside the bed and then went to pee,
because his teeth were already hurting now with holding it back.

When he finished and returned to the bedroom he noticed that his
mother still hadn't stirred but remained in the very position she
was when he left to make coffee. He slipped back under the top
sheet and moved as close to the warmth of her body as he dare.

He felt her hand reach over and touch his leg; the warmth of her
caress was most welcome.

"Good morning Lover," she chirped, as sweet as a songbird.

"No peeking, I know I look horrible," she giggled, as she rose
and made her way to the bath.

"You look heavenly, my beautiful Spanish Angel, the skies weep
when you're blue and seas boil at your beckon," he told her.
"Sheila, "Sunny Cruz/Candice Cardinelle," can't lay a glove on
your body baby," he told her smiling.

"Well, I can tell someone has been into the vitamin bottle
already this morning," she threw back across her shoulder, as she
moved toward the bath with a very gentle and provocative sway.

He held the inner warmth her smile had left him with, and
realized that he never knew before that she had that ability.
When she returned she paused beside the bed, her eyes, not
seeking to hold his own, directly.

"Do you have any regrets lover?" she asked him softly as she
sipped her coffee.

"Only one my heart, that I didn't take you sooner," he told her.

"Sitting down her cup she flew into his arms landing full on top
of him and kissed his mouth," it was hard for Doug to make a
perfect kiss with his big grin all over his face.

She pulled her lips from his, her eyes starry and perfect in
mood, she lightly bit one pectoral and then the other, mewling
playfully as she did. The movement of her body throughout her
antics was making Douglas hard for her again.

Sheila noticed and looking into his eyes smiling, she then moved
lower and captured the raging mass of flesh with her mouth. He
moaned as she took him, his hips rising to meet the downward rush
of her soft mouth, her antics making him delirious with joy and
desire, as the rush of her pleasure intoxicated his brain.

"If you're not careful something bad will happen down there," he
warned her.

"You can't scare me lover," she giggled. Then returned to her
task, with increased vigor and abandonment and enjoyed the sounds
from above her.

Wicked tease that she was, she took him to the edge and dangled
his panting ego over the side, but then relented, and jerked him
back into hard, cold reality. Her eyes gave him the sweetest look
of purity, as she smiled like an angels song in the freshest days
of spring.

Just as he was about to say something her head flashed downward
and the heat of her mouth engulfed him once again. Her tongue
teased along the underside of his cock, as her nails toyed
dangerously with his tight sack.

He was mesmerized with the sight of her, while the hollows of her
cheeks increased in depth as her head rose up on his straining
cock. He noted the veins in her neck, as they were forced closer
to the surface by her effort.

Doug was not about to waste this by letting go in her mouth no
matter how beautiful a sentiment her activity.

Reaching down he placed his hands beneath her arms pulling her up
and off his member. Doug scooted down in the bed as he moved
Sheila's body up on his and positioned her cunt directly over his
face. She began to protest his action but he soothed her with his
lips, and when his tongue took possession of her treasure ... she
trembled with the sudden sensation of it exploding inside her
head and body.

His hot tongue snaked out of his mouth and struck the hard mass
of Sheila's clit making her flesh surrender to his will. Sheila
immediately began to undulate against her lover's warm mouth, as
she felt his tongue alternate in speed and pressure against her
sensitive organ.

"Oh Douglas, this is better," she breathed lightly her voice a
mere wisp of sound in the air above him.

She felt his tongue plow deeply into her opening even as his
finger began to tease, and probe, the tight opening of her ass.
She shivered fiercely, as his fingers opened up her slit in back
and began a slow shallow stroke of her opening.

"I want your juice baby and I want all of it!" he told her

"Yes sir!" she responded, with a giggle

Doug lapped her cunt like a bulldog cleaning his own cock; he
sucked and nibbled, forcefully assaulting her folds with his hard
tongue. She was close to creaming on his face, as she shuddered
above him, the brightly colored prose of her need streaming from
between her slut red lips, filling the room with the life of her

"I need you my whore, I need you to take your place on my cock
you beautiful Spanish slut!" he growled.

She moved down, but before she mounted his cock she bent over her
lover and licked her juice from his lips. The act itself thrilled
him deeply, he would never have imagined his mother as such a
wild, and deeply sexual person as this.

Sheila kissed him after cleaning her son's lips of her nectar,
her tongue slid in and then out, her teeth then bit lightly at
the fullness of his lower lip. She teased him, holding his wrist
to the bed as she consumed his mouth.

"Do you need me Douglas ... need me to service you my beautiful
hard stallion?" she teased her young lover.

There was a gentle mischief in her eyes as she taunted her
helpless son.

"Would you like to feel the warmth of my passage surround your
large manhood my Spanish man beast," she toyed.

"You will beg for your end once I'm inside you my beautiful
cantina whore," he growled at her.

"Oh-h-h, beautiful cantina whore, but do you love me Douglas?"
she prompted.

"You know my Gypsy Queen," but now it is time, my lovely desert
flower," he told her.

He entered her brutally for the frustration she had caused him;
she cringed and whimpered above him. As the wide, strong heat, of
his member forced it's way inside her body and spread her near
the point of pain.

His lips took her and would not let go. Sheila went wet very
quickly, as her son's monster probed and prodded her deeply. Her
hunger washed over her body like a small tidal wave, and the only
remaining sensation known in her universe was the sensation of
that beautiful cock ripping its way through her clutching

His hands held her by her breasts gently squeezing her perfect
globes, as he drove into her. Her head was back now with her eyes
closed, locked away somewhere in a small corner of her own
heavenly abode.

Sheila placed her feet at both sides of Doug's body squatting
over him, while holding onto his shoulders with both hands. She
began to drive her body forcefully up and down Doug's long cock,
cooing as she moved.

"Do you like it my lover the feel of my little pussy?" she teased
him. She could see from the look on his face that he was
experiencing unbearable pleasure.

"You please me very much, my beautiful Spanish flower," he

She smiled as she watched the cords standing out on his neck. His
eyes were closed as he battled for control, a war with self she
knew he would lose. She increased the momentum of her stroking
and worked her long sharp nails over his nipples and pectorals.
Shelia could easily sense the movements were having the desired
affect on his young body.

She paused in mid-stroke and squeezed the inner passage of her
organ around her son's cock making him moan loudly with the
effort. She smiled very pleased with herself and then began
stroking again.

"You're a tease my beautiful slut," he groaned out, as she began
pumping up and down again.

She knew he was close when he started to meet her downward thrust
with upward motion from his hips. His head was rolling from side
to side and his hands were about to rip the sheets to shreds, so
intense was his condition of pleasure.

Sheila felt his cock stiffen and expand inside her passage, as
his hips began to move furiously against her bottom. She felt the
first wave of wet heat, sear her inside, as she fucked her
handsome son. His voice was deep and thunderous, as he came
filling her with the sweet fluid of his sack.

"Come baby, give mother all of that bad stuff," she teased him
with a smile.

He burst into laughter, as he finished, at the absurdity of her
baby talk, wooing as if she were talking to a child.

"Are you funning me now Douglas?" she asked him, looking very
much like a hurt little girl.

"No my Goddess, but your nonsensical wooing makes me happy," he
told her smiling.

She lay out on top of Douglas stealing the radiant warmth of his
young body, content and pleased with her performance. He was
still inside of her, as she lay there, and she teasingly humped
slightly against his softening cock.

"You just can't get enough can you my Spanish nymphomaniac?" he

"Its all your fault Douglas, you turned me and made me this
uncontrollable slut I've become," she giggled in reply, before
kissing him.

"I must shower my son, I'm surprised you didn't kick your dirty
whore out your bed this morning," she teased.

He smiled, as she leapt from the bed and high tailed it into the
shower; there was a spring in her step as she moved, that told
him all was not lost here.

Douglas found his cell phone and then placed a pen and piece of
paper at his side. Ready now, he called up Mark's home phone from
his list to highlight and punched dial.

"Hello," the voice answered.

"Hello Maria,"

"Yes this is Maria Vasquez," she responded.

"Mrs. Vasquez this is Douglas Verona and I was wanting to speak
with Mark about some classes at college. But I don't have a
number for him, could you tell me if there is a way for me to
contact him at school Ma'am."

"Oh, hello Douglas how's your mother doing?" she asked.

"She's fine ma'am," he replied.

"Do you have a pencil nearby Doug?" she asked him.

"Yes ma'am and paper," smiling as he answered her.

She gave him Mark's cell phone number and made him read it back,
"All mothers were the same in some ways he thought."

"He has a new flipper phone now Douglas, everyone at school had
flippers so my Mark he must have a flipper too, I don't
understand it all Douglas."

"No ma'am neither do I," needing to laugh out loud hysterically!

"Tell your mother hello for me Douglas, and tell my son to call
me ... bye."

"Goodbye ma'am and thank you," he told her

"Usted es agradable," you're welcome.

Doug wasted no time, given hour of the day or not, if he couldn't
speak directly to Mark he would leave a message for him. But he
did make contact with his old buddy and sat there for the next
fifteen minutes catching up and explaining his situation.

Mark assured him it was doable and he would check the Internet
Ice House and among his hacker buddies at school for usable
modules with or without cracks. Mark made him promise if he did
this that he would allow him to sit in on a shoot some day or act
as hand and help him out, Douglas of course agreed.

Doug ended his conversation with Mark just as his mother came
back into the room.

"Speaking with your loose whore of a girlfriend Douglas," his
mother teased as she entered the room.

"You know I don't have a girlfriend whore or otherwise," he

"You do now my beautiful stallion," she smiled.

"And its good for you, and her, that you have no other; otherwise
I would scratch her eyes out and leave her blind and bleeding,"
she grinned.

"My God, mother, you're very dark in some ways my love!!" he told
her smiling.

"I protect what's mine and you belong to me now my beautiful
young man," she said smiling as she spoke.

"I have contacted Mark and he will be starting on page design and
security tonight, he's going to tap his associates at school for
help and programming, but I'm afraid I had to barter for it
love," he confessed.

"What did you do Douglas?" she asked, her tone gone serious.

"I traded you for the work my love, their was no other way," he
told her.


"It isn't like he's going to fuck you Sheila, he just wants to
watch me work through a shoot. But you will need to let him see
you in all your splendid glory my love," he told her.

There was still fire in her eyes as she spoke, "And what if I
find him handsome, desirable ... and what if I want him, what
will you do then my stallion?" she asked.

"In that case I'll be forced to spank you," he told her as he
swatted her beautiful ass twice.

Sheila jerked with the impact of his hand on her bottom and her
eyes went filled with lust while her nipples tingled slightly.

She knelt between his legs and tilted her head to find his eyes,
her raven locks falling freely about her neck and shoulders.

"You do know how to please a woman Douglas, I would never leave
you and I'll do whatever you ask of me my lord," she cooed, while
her eyes adored him.

He never knew before raping her, that she was something of a
submissive that loved a little physical humiliation. And he
couldn't help but wonder how it all came about, but he would
explore that later, there was too much left to do now.

"Lets see if your statement holds true tonight when your bound to
this bed helpless before my hands, mouth and cock ... then tell
me you'll do what I ask!!" he teased her.

He watched a shiver pass through her body and noted her eyes as
they brightened when his words entered her.

"You will need to round up a red dress bright panties and bra and
make sure you have what make-up you need on hand before we start
Sheila. Also do you still have that white lace cover the old
woman knitted for you? I'd like to place a bright colored swath
of cloth behind it and use it near you when we shoot," he

"I will be ready for you love," she assured him just give me a
couple hours notice to see to it," she responded.

"We need a flood of artistic scenarios; and I will spend time
brainstorming for these," his thoughts out loud.

They were both becoming excited, caught up in the prospect of
seeing something imagined born in the reality of their own
physical plain. It was more than surviving the ravishment of
financial degradation; it was something creative coming to life,
something born of their will and creative genius they could call
their own.

Doug's cell started its annoying little wiggle dance in his
pocket and he fished the thing out to receive. It was Mark
calling with some rather outstanding news; he had found
backdrops, programming modules and models.

"You lie!!" he whispered into the phone.

"No, on my soul amigo, these words are truth!" his young friend

It seemed that some of the young girlfriends of his buddies were
excited about the opportunity to pose nude in a shoot. Mark had
told him he would come home the next weekend to set up the
software and contact the credit vendor, and secure the files for
taxation and anything else his student law student pals thought

Doug finished his conversation with Mark and ended transmission.
He was deliriously happy, he had stuff now, and personnel, things
were coming together.

"Sheila I think we need to start shooting as soon as possible and
get several sets ready to publish as soon as possible so we're
not rushed when the software and license are in place," he told

"I will need a few things, not much and I'll get those today,"
she told him smiling.

She felt so happy at the prospect of getting the burden of her
bills under control that her heart was filled with an
indescribable joy that drove her to lock her arms around Doug's
neck and kiss him hard once more.

"I'm off love to get what I need," she told him as she picked up
her purse heading for the front door.

Douglas watched her leave admiring the back swing of her
posterior gait as she flowed out the door like liquid fire.
Douglas occupied himself with checking his equipment and gear
while Sheila was out shopping and getting the attached garage
ready for the shoot.

When Sheila returned she was like some high school prom candidate
wanting to submit everything for her son's approval. She tried on
all three outfits and both pair of shinny stilettos. Not even
mentioning the bloated credit card, she had loaded up.

Being the horny creative lens buff that he was, Douglas couldn't
help but grab the Nikon and do a little exploratory
investigation. He posed Sheila with her well-formed thighs
slightly parted and her dress up high enough to catch the bright
yellow color of her satin panties, as she sat straight up and
held her hair up high in the back with one hand looking straight
into the lens with her hottest smile.

Then he shot her with her boobs hanging out of the top of her
snow-white dress and caught a few frames of her hand as it
explored the inner workings of her pleasure center. It was all he
could do to keep his hands off the woman through it all, "God,
the tortures of the work place, he chuckled to himself!"

Over the next several days, Douglas experienced the charm, and
unleashed passion, of the woman in every remote location on the
property, at all hours of the day and night. He found sexual
positions he wouldn't have believed possible, had he not
participated in them first hand himself.

At last Friday evening was upon the two and there was a certain
nervous energy captivating the two regarding the next days
activities. They had moved some furniture into the garage and
draped the walls with colorful fabric for background, and were as
ready as they could be given their meager resources.

Sheila was up early that Saturday morning meticulously making
herself ready against the day and its work. Her make-up was
perfect; every hair in place and the white high heels and pearls
accented her red satin dress beautifully.

She rose from her seat as Douglas entered the kitchen and placed
her arms around him where he stood, "please hold me Doug, I'm a
little nervous about all of this you know," she told him.

He knew she was anxious about being nude in front of people she
didn't know, "He whispered at her ear softly that she was the
most sensual woman on the planet. He told her that he loved her,
and would never allow her to be embarrassed."

She seemed reassured in some measure then, and kissed him softly.

Mark and entourage arrived in two separate vans loaded down with
young females and relevant gear. Doug took Mark aside and buzzed
him concerning his mother's nervousness just to let him know he'd
need to work her ego up a little.

The introductions were made all around, there was Kandi the busty
blond bombshell a law student, Vanessa a raven headed Social
science major, and Shay the long legged redhead with the brooding
eyes. All of Marks companions were lovely in the extreme and
decked to the nines.

Doug started his mother out seated in a large over stuffed chair
with a serious of tease photos that were mainly wide smiles and
wider legs to show off the new French undies.

He called out arrangement moves to Mark who dutifully arranged
Sheila's hair and garments in their proper place frame by frame.
Doug noticed some lingering and rather delicate contact by Mark
as the work progressed; and noted that his mother's inhibitions
had all but dissolved in the progress of it all.

When Mark reached down to move her panties to one side of her
vulva exposing her wet bulging crevice to the camera, his fingers
made light contact with Sheila's clit and their was a sharp gasp
of air, as her hips rolled upward to sustain contact between

It was obvious that things were starting to heat up in the little
group; it could even be seen in the young ladies Mark had brought
with him, a certain kind of surging sexual energy was developing

Kandi was the spontaneous one out of the group and suddenly
without a prompt or call she seated herself beside Sheila and
placed the tip of her tongue on Sheila's nipple.

Douglas caught it just in time before she moved to a new position
kneeling between Sheila's legs with her back to the camera and
her head down. It made it look as if she were going down on the
older woman from the cameras vantage point.

Douglas directed his mother to throw her head back and close her
eyes as if in ecstasy which she did. Then Kandi stood up beside
her and shoved her hand into Sheila's panties making a fist and
seemingly masturbating the older woman in front of the camera.

Sheila than slid her hand up Kandi's skirt and looked up at the
younger blonde with adoring eyes. Unlike Kandi, Sheila actually
did begin to manipulate Kandi's clit and the effect was positive
and immediate.

Before long the scene was in fact a grouping scenario between the
two and both seemed to enjoy it a great deal. Douglas just kept
shooting not even concerned about that enormous bulge in front of
his jeans. He was careful to catch both women stepping out of
their undies as they stripped those garments to gain access and

Sheila called for a prop from her bag of goodies and was handed
an eight-inch soft pink vibrator, which she intended to use on
her younger model. But first there was a steamy kiss between the
two and lots of exploratory touching.

Kandi was so turned on by now that she actually did cover
Sheila's mound with her mouth and start licking her clit. Douglas
with the D-80 in hand shot all around the scene from various
angles and got some very hot tongue to pussy action.

That was how it all started, but now Sheila's fingers were
replaced with the soft pink vibrator and Douglas caught its first
entry into Kandi's pussy as Sheila's mouth covered the young
models nipple.

He caught her perfect arch as her ass raised from the couch to
meet the forward thrust of the buzzing machine. When Sheila
withdrew it, the thing was glistening with the young blonde's
fluids and with the next entry Sheila shoved all eight inches
into the horny students snatch; which produced the sweetest music
from the energetic blonde's mouth that Douglas had ever heard.

Douglas directed his mother to lie down on the couch and have
Kandi spread her legs over his mothers face. Then he had Kandi
lick his mother's cunt while Sheila fucked her with the vibrator
at the other end.

Doug was able to capture several brilliant frames with the
ambient light highlighting the full swell of her ample ridges,
hanging loose and gaping pink. Then went in for a tight close up
of Sheila's tongue just as it came in contact with the wet pink
of Kandi's cunt.

It was apparent to all that both women were going to cum and when
Kandi gave Sheila's mound a slap over the clit area the music
began. Sheila's tongue went into overdrive on Kandi's clit as she
hammered the dildo deeply into the blonde's passage.

"Eat me baby, make my pussy come," Sheila cried first.

Everyone at the set was either hard or wet depending on gender
and when Sheila began to shake it was obvious that she was a
goner. To her credit Kandi did not let up but continued pounding
Doug's mother with both her fingers and her tongue and seem to
enjoy eating Sheila through orgasm.

"Please ... no more, please!" he heard his mother say.

Kandi seemed disappointed that the fun was over but brightened
when she heard Sheila say, "Finish her for me Douglas I don't
have the energy to do it myself."

Doug put down the camera and approached the beautiful blond
student who was smiling at him as he went to her side. Kandi
dutifully reached out to free his cock from his jeans and
shivered when Doug's cock flopped out into view.

"Oh my god, its huge," she squealed.

She placed her arms around Doug's neck and captured the monster
between her thighs as she kissed his lips, giving the hard shaft
a squeeze and a shove, as she moved it back and forth in her

Kandi turned around after her opening greeting, bent over the
back of the sofa, and wiggled her cute butt at Doug. He entered
her passage with his cock and found her tight, hot, and very wet.

From below and in front, Sheila fondled Kandi's breast and teased
her nipples as Doug hammered his cock into the soupy mass of soft
hot tissue in front of him. Reaching around Doug began to caress
Kandi's clit with his fingers, as his cock slid in and out of the
heavenly mass of soft tissue and it opened the gates to paradise
immediately for the young student.

Her contractions and the milking sensation on Doug's cock were
more then he could endure and he began to blast her body full of
his hot sticky fluids. It was a huge load and it oozed out around
his dick and down the inside of Kandi's thighs, the stuff just
kept shooting, all Doug could think about was getting a cream pie
shot before it was too late.

The disciplines of creativity ... he chuckled inside.

As he finished he grabbed the camera and did get the shot as
Kandi giggled and said something about being way too dedicated to
the trade. As he stood up behind her and looked around he could
see both Mark and his girl Shay working on Vanessa all well on
their way to an explosive ending.

Doug ended up beside his mother where his hand stroked her
shoulder as her eyes watched closely.

"Forgive me my love, this lack of self-control," she whispered

"No my Angel, this is exactly what we want here," he told her.

"But aren't you ashamed of my infidelity toward you?" she

"I'm not your husband my Queen, I'm your lover, your body is your
own, but your love, it belongs to me," he explained.

"Entiendo mi semental, I understand my stallion!" she whispered,
before kissing him.

"Thank you for not being ashamed of me Douglas," she recited,
happy with his answer.

"You will never shame me my love," he reassured again.

The group took a break, dressed, and grabbed beverages and small
sandwiches having a light snack.

They did several more settings, as the day drifted into twilight
and when Doug finally called the session to an end he found mild
disappointment among all the participants. It seems they wanted
to carry on.

He told them all, that if the site took off and made money he
would compensate them for their time and help. They declined but
he insisted.

They opened wine and had light snacks again and more wine, and
the group became exceedingly joyful as the night marched on.

Doug discussed the use of a cover name for his mother and they
ran through a list of them together, and finally agreed, after a
great deal of wine and fondling on Delores Sanchez Del Rio/
"Delores Sanchez of the river."

Doug was pleased with the progress of the day with over 500
frames on his card, models to use, his mother performing
beautifully before the camera, it all gave good reason to hope.

She snuggled with him on the sofa her skirt high on her
outrageously sexy thighs, Mark crawled over to the pair, bombed
to the max. He kissed her thigh as his hand slid up under her
skirt and groped the warmth of her junction.

Sheila could feel her stallions mass lurch against her cheek, as
he watched his friend touch her body. So she did what any good
lover would do and parted her legs slightly to give Mark room to
maneuver, and do his wickedness with her.

"Do you want this Douglas ... his cock in me I mean?" she asked
her son.

"Yes my angel I want to watch, as he ravishes your pussy, hear
you screaming, as you orgasm with his cock inside of you!" he

Mark pulled her damp panties down and off her legs, Sheila's
thighs went wide for him, and he quickly pulled her skirt up to
her hips. His eyes feasted on the clean shaved ridges of her
beautiful mound, and his mouth soon followed suit.

She smiled as she metered her stallion's breath behind, her
blowing like a stud in the breeding pens, and felt him press the
heat of his bulge against her soft cheek. Marks hands parted the
full swollen ridges of her vulva and his mouth began to consume
the wet flesh of her organ.

Lightening crossed her brain as the devil's tongue cracked across
her crease like a whip of lust filling her heart with the rolling
thunder of her own heated need. Her body rose to greet the heat
of his presence, sweet and sinister across her mound!

She moaned, as Doug rolled her full to her side his cock now
resting in the warm crevice of her ass; flinching wildly as he
bucked slightly against her. Sheila was on fire with fours hands
a tongue and one cock probing her flesh for service.

"Delores your such a hot, easy slut!!" Doug whispered at her ear,
with deep admiration.

"Yes my love, you've completely turned me now, and I know I shall
never go back," she sighed.

There was something in that name that fit her, it moved the
psychology of her mind away from what she was, what she was
suppose to be as a chaste mother, to a place of freedom where she
could create herself in anyway she chose.

Sheila went with it, and gave herself over completely to the lust
that owned her now and this raging sense of pleasure coursing
through her body between these two men. Doug took the side of her
neck with his teeth, as his cock still probed the tight opening
of her ass earnestly seeking entry.

Mark's tongue now an insidious joy against her weeping cunt, his
fingers a devil's lick at her breasts. She wanted to scream at
both of them, "fill me, fuck me and make me come," but she only
trembled between them.

Doug rose to sitting position and moved his mother on top of his
thighs, spreading her legs wide for Mark. Mark moved between the
beautiful Sheila's thighs and kissed her, which garnered a smoky
moan that stirred both men deeply. He inched his cock into her
tight opening spreading her crimson channel wide, as his tongue
wrestled with her own in the pleasant garden of her dark mouth.

Sheila gasped loudly as the stranger's cock took possession her
and the pleasure of his presence fueled her lust. She felt Doug
grasp his large cock and guide it to her dark opening behind her.
She experienced discomfort as he shoved it up into her hot
passage, but only a little while later she was enrapt with the
first sensation in her life of two cocks fucking her at once ...
and the music began.

Sheila looked down to watch the wet shaft of Mark's cock driving
in and out of her clutching passage and the sight, magnificent in
presentation, drove her closer to her impending crisis of

She begged him sweetly to hurry!

Vanessa had drifted off to sleep, but Kandi and Shay had been
watching Sheila's progress and getting wetter between the legs
with the passage of time. Both girls moved closer to the trio and
stripped, and immediately after they finished, their respective
faces were between each other's legs pursuing the joy of girl on
girl love!

The room was on fire, filled with the teeming debauchery of the
orgy within it, the sounds, and scents of its progress feeding
the lust of those present. Sheila watched the girls beside her
licking each other, and it only compounded her spiraling need.

Douglas was firmly in her now and her stallion was bringing hot
pleasure to the quaking passage of the dark side. They went at
for some time building in pressure until Mark grabbed Sheila's
breast and squeezed firmly, setting off a chain reaction of
events that brought the whole group to its explosive conclusion.

Sheila reached forward to work her nails against Marks cock, as
the pleasure of orgasm ripped through her body shredding her
brain in the process. Her talons set Marks cock shooting cum
almost immediately, and the wild lurching of his discharge caused
his cock to beat against the hard driving flesh of Doug's dick in
her ass setting him off as well.

Sheila screamed with two hard, swollen cocks, emptying hot seed
into both sides of her frame, and it seemed as if the flow of hot
lava would never end. It did end however with Sheila/ Delores
Sanchez, sated, and sandwiched between two able male cocks,
oozing love juice plenty.

It sounded like a cat fight on the floor, as the two lovely young
coeds came, with all the hissing, moaning, and out right cries
coming from the two of them. Shay jerked the vibrator out of the
still twitching cunt lips of her lover, and rolled over beside
her on the floor.

The young Shay's hungry eyes surveyed Mark on the floor now
resting against the couch and holding his cock as if it were
broken. But her heated eyes focused on the leaking cum oozing
from between Sheila's lips and she scrambled up between Sheila's

The gorgeous redhead lowered her fiery crown between Sheila's
legs, as she began to delicately lick the cum from between the
battered lips of Sheila's gaping pink cunt. Sheila's hips rose as
her voice sang into the air with the warm touch of the young
woman's ministration of mercy.

In her exuberance her tongue mindlessly passed over the red,
bloated clit, of Sheila's pussy causing the new model to moan
deeply from over sensitivity. But Sheila couldn't bring herself
to halt the young ladies activity and divorce her flesh from the
sweet, charitable act of kindness, being performed by that
youthful mouth.

When Shay had finished she raised her eyes to Sheila and moved
slowly forward to kiss her and she moaned sweetly when their lips
touched, as a charge of hot girl lust surged in her soul, as
Sheila more experienced kiss ravished the young beauties mouth.

"Thank you Sheila," Shay said, when Sheila released the girls

Shay kneeled between her legs and placed the side of her face on
top of the models leg, as her slender arms encircled the woman's
magnificent hips. She rested there for a time while the troop
re-gathered its strength.

They were all near exhaustion and began to peel off, one by one,
seeking someplace to lay their bodies to rest, until Doug and
Sheila were left to snuggle alone under cover of the low light.

"Did I do well for us Douglas?" she asked, as she lay within his

"Sí mi modelo beautful. Yes my beautiful model," he whispered.

His lips caressed her with a light trail of loving warmth that
made her heart shine with radiance. She fell asleep with her head
on his arm, her heart in love with him, her flesh clinging to the
sweetness of his touch.


Three months had passed and the entourage of models and help had
grown significantly and the new web site was turning a profit,
Delores Sanchez Del Rio was quickly becoming a rage on the
Internet scene. They were even being contacted now for exclusive
private shoots.

Sheila was happy, her bills were being paid, and she was madly in
love with her Douglas. Even their new college friends were having
fun and making a little money along the way.

Sheila had even began to put a little money aside for her sons
continued education, he was far too talented not to develop those
wonderful assets further, she had decided.

Her stallion had saved them, and Sheila was very proud of him!

