Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. GIRLS' COMMUNAL ORPHANAGE 27: A DOCUMENTARY Written by Hans Schultz Story codes: M/g, rape, pedo, kidnap, violence, prostitution, snuff Comments welcomed at: For adult entertainment only! LITTLE GIRL NATASHA Little girl Natasha is just six years old when her whole life changes in just one night. For all of these six years she has been living together with her mommy in a small flat in the outskirts of Bucharest. They do not have much money, which is quite common in Romania, but still they manage to get along somehow with the paycheck Natasha's mommy gets every month from her job. She works as a cleaning woman at Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, and her monthly pay is probably much less than most of the male hotel guests usually spend in champagne and whores in one single night. Natasha has never met her father, which is quite common in Romania as well. She doesn't have any of those expensive toys that all the richer children have, but instead of that she has something much more important and valuable. She means everything to her mommy and they love each other very much. Her mommy never beats her or yells at her. She is a strict parent, yes, but still loving, and despite of her young age, Natasha realizes how lucky she is to live in such happiness. But the streets of Bucharest do not live from happiness. They are cruel and violent places where people live by the rules of the strongest. This is just another ordinary evening and Natasha is waiting for her mommy to come home from work when she hears desperate cries for help coming from outside. And when she runs to the window to look, she sees her mommy, the only person she loves, lying on the ground and being kicked by two big, mean looking men. Mommy doesn't have her trousers on, and her blouse is ripped open in the front. She is all bloody and doesn't move. Just lays there. The little girl panics. She wants to run out and save her mommy, but she is too scared. She is also afraid that the bad men would hurt her too. So she just grabs her worn out teddy bear and hides herself under her bed. Tears are falling down her cheeks as she wishes that the bad men would go away and her mommy would come back to her. But that is never to happen. The sounds of violence stop, but Natasha is still shocked, curled up on the floor, too scared to even open her eyes and refusing to understand what she had seen. Nobody comes to rescue her. Not that day or the day after. On the third day, two policemen break in the door and finally drag her and her teddy bear out of their safety. That third day is the start of Natasha's new life. And it starts with a complete blur. She asks the policemen to take her back to her mommy but instead of doing that they just tell her that her mommy has been beaten and raped to death. That she has no mother anymore. Natasha can't understand what they mean. It can't be true. She is sure that very soon her mommy will come back and take her home. She will make everything right again. The policemen are liars, though. Four hours after they have kidnapped Natasha from her home, their colleagues will release her mother from a lock-up where they have kept her for two days. When she'll arrives home, she'll call for her daughter but won't get an answer. She'll goes out to look for her from the playground and in the neighbourhood, but with no result. Despair will crawl its way into her mind. She'll go back home and still won't find her precious daughter. Her face is still bruised after the attack and every part of her body hurts. She'll spend the rest of the day and the following night sitting at the kitchen table, holding her head with her hands and crying. The policemen lock Natasha up in the back of their truck and start driving. Not even once do they pay any attention to the crying little girl. She hears them talking about how another piece of fuck meat had gotten what she deserved, how they would have liked to have their share of the whore too, how their cocks got hard when they saw her, how it was all her own fault. And she hears them laughing that cruel and ugly laughter that she has never heard before. Natasha doesn't understand all the words they are using, but somehow she still realized that they are talking about her mommy, and that makes her cry even harder. The drive seems to last forever. Finally the truck stops in front of a decayed, grey concrete building with a sign "girls' communal orphanage 27" on the wall. The policemen drag her out of the vehicle and walk her in through the front door of the building. Inside they meet an old, balding man in a grey, worn out suit. "Good morning Dimitrie, good morning Valeriu. What do you officers have for me today?", the old man asks "Hello Ivan", says one of the policemen, "We've got another one for you. The mother was beaten and raped to death a couple of days ago in the suburbs. No relatives. No money. A typical case. So instead of leaving her out on the streets, we thought you might be interested", they lie. Ivan steps closer to Natasha. He grabs her chin and turns her head around. There is not even a slightest expression of kindness on his face as he inspects the girl with his eyes. The look in Ivan's eyes frightens Natasha. This is obviously a very bad man, but she can't turn her eyes away from his stern look. She still has her worn out teddy bear with her and she presses it against her chest harder, as if it was something that could save her from all the scary things around her. "She's skinny", Ivan says matter of factly, "but I suppose I can take her in anyway, I've got one free bed at the moment. I suppose the usual price is ok, five free ones for you both." The policemen anxiously salute Ivan, turn on their heels and rush out of the room as if they were suddenly in a big hurry. And as suddenly Natasha realizes she is alone with this strange man, who is still staring at her with his cold, grey eyes. KLAUS DORFMAN Meet Klaus Dorfman, a 58 years old German attorney. He is a wealthy and respected gentleman with all the money he can possibly spend, a big mansion in a good area, and several expensive cars. Even though he is not a real looker himself with his grey, balding hair and extra weight, he still has a beautiful trophy wife who is over 20 years younger than him. Some could say that here is a man who has everything a man can dream of. A happy man. But that is not the case at all. Klaus Dorfman is not happy. Something very important is still missing from his life and Klaus is painfully aware of that. He wants to, no, he needs to satisfy his sick lust. Every day he urges for perverse sex, and after all these pain filled years he has now found himself in a situation that he just has to get to rape a little girl. He has no other option anymore. Klaus Dorfman is frustrated, because the dark depths of his depraved mind tell him to always go for sicker and more sadistic pleasure, and that's why he can't satisfy his aching cock properly anymore. He has tried almost everything so far. He has pissed on women, shitted on women, raped women and beaten women, but none of these perversions seem to be enough for Klaus Dorfman anymore. He needs more, and something he hasn't tried out yet. More perversions, more cruelty, more violence and more destroyed lives marked on the shaft of his cock. Better orgasms and stronger feeling of power. But Klaus Dorfman still has one area left that he hasn't explored so far. He needs to get to rape children. Pure, innocent and vulnerable little cunts. He is convinced that raping a cunt like that would definitely satisfy the lustful monster in his mind, at least for some time. At least for a short while. Klaus Dorfman has successfully defended several rapists and pedophiles in court. He knows that these men have really been guilty for committing these serious crimes, but he doesn't care. Every time he gets a rapist or a pedophile to walk free, he can feel a warm feeling of satisfaction and triumph going through his whole body. And after all the money is just too good for him to start caring for the rights of the sex crime victims. But the most important thing for him right now, is that he's been able to make some very good contacts among the pedophiles throughout Germany. So Klaus Dorfman needs to make just a couple of private enquiries and the pedophiles provide their benefactor with several addresses to whorehouses that sell child meat. The kind of solidarity our man Klaus here likes the best. Now he just has to take a taxi to Berlin international airport and get in a plane to Bucharest. And so we meet Klaus Dorfman in the heart of Bucharest, at the reception of Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, which is the most expensive and luxurious hotel he can possibly find. Nobody pays any attention to him as he merges himself with the whole army of other suit and tie - businessmen who stand around the lobby carrying their briefcases. He uses a false name to check himself in and goes to the restaurant to eat the heaviest steak he can find on the menu. After his dinner he goes to the men's room where he has a piss on the floor and all over the toilet paper rack. Then he straightens his tie, snorts, spits on the mirror and with a pounding heart walks to a public telephone and dials the number a very special friend has given him. In the phone, Klaus is given the address where to go to and so he takes a look in a Bucharest map, gets into a taxi and tells the driver to take him to a couple of blocks away from his final destination. The drive lasts for at least 30 minutes and when the car finally stops, the Bucharest around is very different from the luxury of Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel. The area is obviously very poor. Many of the houses seem to be deserted and in the distance, about two or three kilometers away, one can see a comfortless skyline of a grey Soviet-style suburb. But Klaus Dorfman isn't here to look at the architecture. He couldn't care less about the conditions Romanian people live in. His heart is pounding, he's breathing heavily from the excitement and under his slacks his cock feels heavy and hard like a barrel of a shotgun. All he can think of is rape. Crying children being forced to suck his fat monster meat. Pre-cum moistens his underwear and his mouth gets filled with drool. Some of it even escapes accidentally out from the side of his mouth. After walking a couple of blocks, Klaus Dorfman finds himself in front of a decayed, grey concrete building with a sign "girls' communal orphanage 27" on the wall. He walks to the door and presses the doorbell button. Soon the door opens and Klaus Dorfman is standing face to face with an old, balding man in a grey, worn out suit. "Good evening, sir. I have understood that you and I could make some business together. I suppose it was you I called about an hour ago", Klaus starts. "That is quite possible. It depends on what you've got to offer me. Please step inside, sir", the man replies and goes on, "My name is Ivan and I am the manager of the girls' communal orphanage 27" Once inside Ivan tells Klaus that some necessary precautions are required in order to go further. He tells him to raise his arms so he can make a personal search for him and be sure he isn't carrying any weapons whatsoever with him. Klaus says he has nothing against it and decides to move on with a bold attitude: "I am interested in little girls. One of my friends recommended your place and I mean business. You've got the merchandise and I've got the cash", to stress his words, Klaus digs out his wallet from his pocket and hands a 100- bill to Ivan. The old man eagerly takes the money and smiles to Klaus: "I understand, sir. I am sure we will find a satisfactory solution for your needs. Please follow me, sir." As they walk along a dreary corridor, Klaus Dorfman begins to have a very good feeling about Ivan and about the whole place. This can't be a set up for sure. He can hear distant sounds of crying and furious yelling coming from behind some of these numerous locked doors. The place looks more like a prison than an orphanage and this old man is way too unkept to be an undercover police officer. His suit is at least two sizes too small and "for God's sake, I'm sure I saw dried sperm stains on his trousers?" , he thinks. Ivan leads Klaus to a room that looks like an office and turns around to face him. "As you must by now have understood, we are not a charity organization. But we do have lots of good little whores of all ages for sale. You can either rent one to be used here or purchase one to be taken away with you. What is your age preference, sir?" Klaus is a bit stunned about Ivan's formal straightforwardness and starts to stammer: "Uh... well... I... I'd like to have a young one... for rent... around six years of age... can that be arranged?" "That will be no problem, sir", Ivan replies, "I personally prefer cunts of that age too. For 400- you can have one from that age group for two hours and if you want to use her longer I will charge 50- for every extra hour. The price includes normal fucking in a girl's cunt, ass and mouth. I require the payment in advance, please." Klaus knew to expect this, but money is not a problem for him. Once again he digs out his wallet, places 2000- on the counter and says: "What can you offer me for these?" He can't wait any longer. He has been waiting for so long for this and the things this old man is telling him is making his cock so hard that it hurts. Right now he would be ready to pay just about anything just to get to bury his rod inside some crying little slut. The old man looks up to Klaus and his eyes are filled with pure greed. Klaus can hear the tone of his voice change from official to a mixture of fawning respect as he moves the Euros in his sweaty hands and groans: "Sir, with this money you can do whatever you wish. We have no limits for customers like you. Fuck, piss, beat or even kill. Just carry out your every desire. I will get a virgin for you, if that is what you prefer, sir." There is a short silence when Klaus Dorfman chuckles to himself and thinks of the forthcoming pleasures before he says: "Good, that is exactly what I prefer. I suppose we can call it a deal then?" Ivan pushes the 2000- to his pocket and stands up saying: "Please follow me and I will take you to inspect the girls." They go back to the corridor where Ivan opens a heavy metal door with his key. They step into a hall where Klaus can see the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. The sounds Klaus has heard earlier are all gone now. The air smells like a mixture of dirt, sweat and the smoke of Ivan's mini cigar. IVAN PETROV Ivan Petrov, an aging man, almost 70 years old, is very pleased with his situation. He has a good position in a communal orphanage in Bucharest and he personally knows many important men in the politics and law enforcement. When he came to Romania 20 years ago, his only plan was to get as much money as possible as soon as possible and he was ready to use any means necessary to achieve his goal. Now he is, if not exactly rich, at least doing very well. In addition to this, he is a feared and respected man, knowing which pleases him even more. Ivan has never hesitated when it comes to playing it dirty. He is an unscrupulous man and uses corruption and blackmail to get what he wants. His kingdom, girl's communal orphanage 27, offers "special services" for men who have enough money or power to feed Ivan's endless lust for wealth. 20 years ago in Russia, Ivan Petrov was just a poor bastard with a nagging wife and a teenage daughter, when one day, all of a sudden he just decided that he has had enough. He needed to break the routine, so he contacted the local Mafia and sold his wife and his daughter to sexual slavery. That was the most important decision in his life. It earned him well enough cash that he could start a new and a better life somewhere far away from the dull and shitty circles he had been used to. His contacts in Mafia advised him to go to Bucharest, because they had the city in their tight grip and could help him to get a fresh start there. Ivan Petrov has always hated women. He beat his wife regularly and molested his daughter ever since she was five years old. He has committed several rapes including also child victims, so when he was offered a chance to run one of the communal orphanages for homeless and poor children in Bucharest, that made him the happiest man on earth. Of course he knew that the Russian Mafia had arranged the whole thing, and he would have to play along by their rules, but he didn't mind that. His other eye looked for money and the other for rape and violence. There were no other concerns. One day the former manager of the girls' communal orphanage 27, a religious woman in her 30's was found raped and shot to death at her home. Quite soon the police was offered enough bribes to bury the case and one of the local, corrupt politicians, who by his own request will stay anonymous here, gave the job to an unknown, Russian man; Ivan Petrov. The politician did know about his tendencies, but he didn't care. He had waited a long time for a chance like this and now he had it and he wasn't going to miss it. Now he finally had a chance to really get to wallow in his perversion and make his lust for sex with children to come true. He met Ivan in his office and told him he expects to see a change of routines in the orphanage. He said that the care of homeless children takes too much funds from the society and it could be used for more important purposes. With these "more important purposes" he naturally meant his own pay, which he raised the next week he had hired Ivan. He also promised to pay Ivan very well if he met his standards. So in result, almost all the funds for communal orphanages were cut down. That meant the children got only one cold meal per day and most of the staff was fired. But Ivan Petrov didn't protest. He couldn't have cared less. The fairly good pay he was promised was all he could think about. And finally, when the politician took him out to the finest restaurants and prostitutes of Bucharest, these two men became very good friends and partners in corruption and perversion. The next day Ivan Petrov was already at work, full of excitement and passion. HATE, POWER AND OBSCENITY Let's meet attorney Klaus Dorfman again, standing in the main hall of the girls' communal orphanage 27. There in front of his lustful eyes is the whole result of cruelty and greed of the mankind. The big room is full of little girls of almost all ages varying from three to sixteen. They all are dressed up in rags that look like they could only be used for mopping the floors. Most of the girls are obviously starving, many of them are crying silently or then just curled up in their own little world, trying to forget everything that surrounds them. An old black and white television is in the corner viewing hard core pornography and a few girls sit around it looking at the fucking and sucking with their empty eyes. When the girls see Ivan, two of them immediately run to him and start begging for something, probably food, on their knees. Ivan looks at the desperate girls at his feet and pure rage is filling his mind. "Get away from me, you fucking whores", he yells and kicks them away in disgust. Then, still furious, he looks at Klaus and shouts: "Look at these whores, sir! Is there anything more worthless in the whole fucking world?" He stops for a moment to get calm again, then spits on the crying girls on the floor. Klaus Dorfman finds this very amusing. Compared to Ivan he feels he could be the merciful Samarithan. That state of things must change. He laughs and follows Ivan's example spitting on the children. "Indeed. There is not", he comments and Ivan goes on: "All they need is good, raw cock and discipline. Please do me a favor, sir, and pick up one. Make me a happy man." Klaus takes another look around the hall while the two girls are still crying on the floor. Seeing little girls curled up in fetal positions, sucking their thumbs and rocking their bodies back and forth gives him great pleasure. He starts to rub his slimy cock through his expensive slacks. As an avowed racist he notices straight away that many of the girls are obviously gypsies. Those girls who are not completely catatonic are looking at Klaus with fear in their eyes. He walks slowly across the hall and every time he approaches a group of girls, they turn their eyes down and try to pay as little attention as possible. They already know by now that their lives are worth nothing and every new man that Ivan brings to them is a means a serious danger. Klaus Dorfman baths in joy and lust. He feels like a wolf that's been let loose in a henhouse, so he takes his time and squeezes the girls' cunts and undeveloped tits. Ivan stands in the background smoking and chuckling to himself. This is way better than Klaus could have ever imagined. He notices a skinny girl who looks to be about six years old and points her out to Ivan. "That whore there, has she been fucked before?" "A good choice, sir", Ivan replies and hurries to his side. "She's new here. Came in just today so she probably hasn't been broken yet. Her name is Natasha." Klaus Dorfman now flashes his evil smile at Natasha who still has her old teddy bear in her squeeze. She startles when she hears her name being mentioned. Klaus takes a stern look in her eyes and says: "I am not interested in what her fucking name is. She's just a whore to me and she looks good enough. I want to rape the shit out of her cunt" Right away Ivan strides to Natasha and drags her up from her hair. Natasha screams out in pain and her teddy bear falls on the floor. The other girls run in panic to the other side of the hall. Klaus picks up the teddy bear and looks at it for a while. "So is this piece of shit your only toy, you little cunt?", he says and Ivan quickly translates it to Natasha. Lustful frenzy fills attorney Klaus Dorfman's mind. He lets out a sick giggle and starts to tear the teddy bear apart. He rips its head off and throws it against the wall. Then with a couple of powerful yanks he separates the toy's hands and feet from its body and throws them at the face of Natasha, who is now screaming in horror. All the time Ivan holds Natasha's head and forces her to watch the destruction of the only thing in this world that she has left to love anymore. He is now excited too and can't resist a similar sick giggle constantly escaping from his lips as he witnesses this cruel, sadistic act. He shoves the girl roughly towards Klaus, who lifts her up so he can look into her eyes and drink from her fear. Then he suddenly shoves his tongue deep inside Natasha's mouth and starts moving it obscenely all around. He pushes it deeper and deeper until her little mouth is completely filled with this slimy piece of meat. He can hear and feel how the child screams her horror out straight into his mouth. The girl's face turns red from the crying, tears fall down her cheeks and snot bursts out of her nostrils, but Klaus doesn't stop. He still has his tongue buried deep down her throat and he starts to grunt like a pig. Grunt always louder and louder until he is shouting from the bottom of his lungs. At the same time he squeezes her body with all his power. Natasha's tries to free herself by kicking, but it is no use. The child is too weak against the power of this adult man. Ivan looks at them and lets out a dry snarl: "Please follow me. I will give you some privacy that two lovers like you need." He walks to another door, opens it and escorts Klaus and Natasha to one of the girls' bedrooms. A bare light bulb is hanging from the ceiling and lighting up a room with no furniture. There is a window behind the bars, but it's so dirty that it's impossible to see what's on the other side. There is an empty bucket in the corner, a roll of paper towels and in the middle of the floor there are a few dirty mattresses with stains all over them. The sweet scent of sperm and sweat is hovering in the air. "Be my guest, sir. Now you are free to do absolutely whatever you want", he says, steps out of the room and closes the door behind him. Klaus Dorfman is in ecstasy. Finally he has a helpless child in his possession, and absolutely no-one will come between him and his perverted desires. Natasha is standing in the middle of the room, quiet, scared and looking down. Klaus is blocking the whole doorway with his massive body. He is licking his lips and trying to make the most out of the moment. THE SHOW As soon as Ivan closes the door he hurries into the next room, which isn't a bedroom. It is a special room reserved for occasions like this. In the dim lighting you can see a big TV screen and video equipment on the opposite wall to the door. In the middle of the room there is a large sofa on which police officers Dimitrie and Valeriu are sitting still dressed up in their uniforms, but stroking their hard cocks poking out of their trousers and talking to each other in the Romanian language. In another corner a middle aged woman is tied up and gagged, sitting on the floor. She's desperately trying free herself, but with no result. Ivan unbuttons his trousers too, digs out his cock and sits on the sofa beside the policemen. Then they all start staring at the screen which shows Klaus Dorfman standing in front of the door licking his lips and looking at little girl Natasha breaking slowly in tears in the middle of an unfurnished room. "Take off those fucking rags", Klaus says, but gets no response. It is quite clear that he's not going to take any shit like this. With just two steps he's at the side of Natasha and brutally throws her against the wall. Then he roars from the bottom of his lungs: "You will obey me, cunt. You will do what I tell you, you little piece of shit." Of course the girl can't understand a word he is saying to him, but Klaus doesn't care. He is just too excited to remember that it's not very likely that a six years old Romanian girl would speak German. He has lost all control. Klaus grabs the clothing Natasha is wearing and just rips it off. The girl is completely naked under it. She has no tits and she has no pubic hair, which of course isn't a real surprise. Her dirty black hair is tangled and reaching her shoulders. She's already bruised all over her body and on her waist you can see a red streak in a place where Klaus just a minute ago had squeezed her up. Also Natasha has lost it and is crying uncontrollably again. Klaus Dorfman raises his right hand and smacks the child on her cheek: "Fucking whore!" He smacks her a second time: "Whore!" And a third: "I will kill you, whore!" His voice is shaking from all the excitement and he has to stop beating the girl so that she would stay conscious. He uses his foot to trip the girl up and starts to undress himself. His hands are shaking as he tries to remove his tie. He'd like to just tear his own shirt away with buttons and all but from somewhere he finds enough self-discipline to open them. He tries to kick his slacks off as soon as possible, but he loses his balance and stumbles down, all the time panting like a bull in heat. Natasha crawls on the floor, screaming, mouthing words in Romanian, which Klaus doesn't understand, nor is interested in understanding. Probably she's crying for her dead mother or her dead teddy bear to come and help her. Who knows? Who cares? The three men in the next room at least don't seem to care. Helping this poor girl is the last thing in their minds as they stroke their cocks and their eyes are fixed in the TV screen where this German attorney is going totally insane on the poor little child. Klaus Dorfman, now on the floor has won the fight against his clothing and now he's completely naked. He grabs the little girl by her hair and pulls her on one of the dirty mattresses. She tries to fight the man, she beats him, kicks him, she tries to crawl away, but Klaus sits on her face with all the weight of his hairy and fat body, and that suffocates all the resistance. Natasha can't breathe. Klaus rubs his asshole all over her face. He can feel how her nose breaks under his weight and blood starts to flow. Natasha's scream of pain is muffled by his ass. "Yes! How do you like that, cunt? Did I hurt your fucking nose?", he shouts in ecstasy and farts all over her face. Then he stands up to admire his work. Natasha sobs and covers her bloody face with her hands. Klaus Dorfman stands over her and masturbates his cock slowly. Strings of his slimy pre cum fall down on the child's body. The three men in the next room can just admire the grotesque sight. From time to time they look at the woman tied on the floor and laugh at her obvious desperation. Dimitrie stands up and waves his erect cock in front of her face. When the woman closes her eyes, he kicks her hard in her stomach. In the TV, Klaus Dorfman kicks the little girl hard in her ribs. "Feel my power!", he roars in triumph. He moves over between her legs and kicks her again in her cunt. Then he just falls over the child and starts to rub himself against her. His body is so big that it's almost impossible to see the fragile girl from under it. Klaus forces Natasha's eyelids open with his fingers. He pushes out his tongue and starts licking her eyeball. Natasha tries to turn her head away, but she can't. She tries to close her eye, but she can't. She can smell and feel his panting on her face. That almost makes her vomit. The sight of this man's slimy tongue licking her face and eye is revolting until everything goes black. Klaus' harsh tongue has damaged the eye nerve and now she's half blind. Klaus doesn't notice this of course. He just goes on like a madman, which he at the moment pretty much is too. Natasha can't think of much anymore. She is just scared and in pain. She is sure she's in the place her mother used to tell her about. She called it hell and she said that all bad people go there. Natasha is sure now that she has been a bad girl and now she has to suffer in hell. It hurts so much. She can't understand why she has been brought here. Why can't she be at home with her mother? Why is everyone so bad to her and why is this man lying on top of her? Why did he kill her teddy bear? She is sure that this must be hell. Why? She hasn't done anything bad. Klaus Dorfman doesn't care about Natasha's thoughts. He sits on her chest, puts is hand into a fist and punches her mouth as hard as he can. It feels so good. He does it again and again and smashes her teeth. He knows he can afford this. He has paid for this. This is a gift for his cock. The only thing that he loves in this world. Now it's time to give it its reward. He leans forward and pushes his cock deep inside Natasha's now toothless mouth. Klaus has quite a big cock, so he doesn't stop at her mouth. He pushes forward until his sweaty pubic hair is in contact with the girl's broken nose. However he is too close to his orgasm now, so he doesn't start pumping. Natasha starts to gag as this enormous thing fills up her throat and finally the bitter vomit fills her mouth and nose. Klaus has to pull out so that he wouldn't shoot his load too soon. He looks at the coughing girl for some time and feels very satisfied in himself. He decides it's time to move on to the main course. "Now bitch, you are going to feel how it feels to be fucked by a real man.", Klaus tells the girl with deep coldness in his voice. He places himself between her legs and admires how big his manhood seems compared to this small and hairless crack. "Oh yes, you are going to get it now, cunt.", he mutters, but Natasha doesn't hear anymore. She has lost consciousness and doesn't feel the pain anymore. But that is not to last for long. Klaus' cock is already slimy and slippery from pre cum and spit, so he starts to penetrate the little hole very slowly. The three men in the next room drop their jaws at this impossible sight. Can anything be more perverted than this? Can anything make a man's cock harder than this? Klaus goes on very carefully until he can feel a hymen blocking his way to the final destination. But then, very suddenly and with full power he rapes her virginity to shreds. The attack is so violent, that it hurts him a lot too, but Klaus is already far beyond the point of feeling that, so he starts to pump his cock in and out in the tight hole. In a snap of a cherry, Natasha is also full awake and a piercing scream fills the air. It goes through the door and echoes in the big hall, where the other girls can hear it and fall deeper into their catatonic despair. Attorney Klaus Dorfman is just about to reach the best orgasm of his whole life. He doesn't know it himself yet, but this is it. The screams of the child are music to his ears. He feels so strong. So powerful. He increases his speed, he grunts like an animal, he can feel it coming soon, he drools all over the girl's face, he mauls her stomach and her chest as if he was mauling the tits of a grown up woman. The three men in the next room can't hold back anymore. Fresh sperm lands on the dried stains on Ivan's trousers and on the uniforms of the policemen. Klaus Dorfman's eyes turn around in their sockets, every muscle in his body tenses to the maximum, the child is still screaming but it's now mixed with a long, horny roar as Klaus can't hold it back anymore. He feels like his brains could be flowing out of his cock head as spasm after spasm he releases his adult seed to the insides of little girl Natasha. Klaus Dorfman lies all over the child in the unfurnished room at girls' communal orphanage 27. Nothing is happening for several minutes. The child is not moving anymore. Klaus reaches out to pick up the paper towel roll, then stands up and cleans himself up. After that he picks up his clothes and starts to dress. He is in no hurry. He does everything very thoroughly. He buttons his shirt and makes a new Windsor knot in his tie. He combs his hair, or what's left of it, and finally puts on his jacket. He doesn't know if he has killed the child or not. He doesn't bother to look. He is not interested. He has got what he needed, so he opens the door and steps out of the room. It's so quiet you could hear a pin fall down on the floor. THE BACKUP AND THE REVENGE As soon as the door closes behind Klaus Dorfman, another one opens in front of him and Ivan steps out. "Congratulations, sir. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. What you did looked better than anything I've seen so far. Please come visit here and I'll show you something", he says. At the same second Klaus sees the two police officers standing in the room, and also the video equipment. In a flash he understands what has been going on and starts to panic. Has this been a setup? Ivan goes on: "Let me introduce you my most loyal companions: Police officers Dimitrie and Valeriu. Please do shake hands." Klaus feels very startled. He knows he can't escape because all the doors are locked, so he steps inside the room and shakes the hands of the policemen. Ivan goes on still: "These two gentlemen here were kind enough to capture the whore you just had the pleasure of raping, so I thought it would be at least appropriate to give them a chance to see how she's used. And it seems to me they are very pleased with what they saw." The policemen are smiling at Klaus and he starts to relax a bit, but then he sees the expression on Ivan's face turn sterner. "But now to some more serious matters", he continues. "As you must understand we are not ready to take any risks here, so the recent ordeal has been videotaped from the second you stepped inside the building and until you walked inside this room. I will give one copy to you, which will be your part of the evidence. But I will also keep one copy in my possession. That way we will maintain the balance of power. That is fair play to my opinion. You have two options now, sir. You can either accept our terms and I can assure you, that you will be safe. Or you can refuse and these officers here will arrest you and then deal with you within the law. With all respect, I truly hope that you will pick up the first choice." Klaus feels very irritated about the fact that someone has seen what he just did. But as an attorney he knows right away what his choices really are. And he doesn't exactly feel like being locked away for years. There are no choices. So he accepts the offer. "Good. I am glad that we seem to understand each other. Now please let me introduce you to our special guest: Angela Galanis", Ivan says and points to the corner where the tied up and gagged woman sits. She throws murderous looks to Klaus and is still trying to open her bonds. Ivan goes on: "Miss Galanis here is an activist in a Romanian feminist organization. She has worked very hard to promote women's liberation and to stop the child prostitution and all those dirty little things we so much like to do. She had just found out about our little business here in the girls' communal orphanage 27, but luckily she reported it to my loyal friends in the Romanian police. Now she can see for herself what's going on. Miss Galanis just saw everything you did to that poor girl and I think she'd like to have a couple of words with you. With your permission, I will now remove her gag." As soon as the woman's gag is removed, she starts to speak out in fury: "You monsters!", she screams in rage. "You will never get out of this! How can you do such horrible things to these innocent children here? You can kill me now, but someone will get you nailed for sure! You sick monsters..." All the men burst in laughter as they listen to her raging. Even though she sees it, she doesn't stop. She just goes on threatening and throwing insults at them. Then Ivan says: "Sir, what do you think we should do to her? I can see she doesn't appreciate very much what you did just a minute ago. I can see that she doesn't even appreciate us men in general very much. What do you think should be done?" Klaus Dorfman looks at Ivan. He looks just too serious. Then he looks at the video recorder. The power is turned off. He looks for a camera, but can't see any. Then he looks at the police officers. Valeriu takes out his pistol and a glove and offers them to Klaus. "Please sir, accept it. It will be a great honour to us all", he says. The woman is still raging. Klaus can hear how she says he should be killed or put in prison. She says he is a sick loser and will get caught. Valeriu nods his head and looks him straight in the eyes. Klaus takes the glove and puts it in his hand. Then he takes the pistol from Valeriu. He stands in front of the woman now and takes an aim. Suddenly there is silence again and after a few seconds the woman starts to cry. "Please don't kill me", she whines, "I don't want to die." A glimpse of a smile can be seen on Klaus Dorfman's face as he pulls the trigger and the woman falls dead on the floor. "Can someone give me a ride to Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, please", he says. And so he gets back to his hotel in a police truck. THE STRENGTH Back at the hotel Klaus Dorfman has a strange feeling. He doesn't know whether he should get drunk in the restaurant or get straight away to the airport and back to Germany. So he decides to go to his room and have a good night sleep. When he wakes up in the morning he feels like a new man. Everything seems very right now. He thought he has been just obsessed, but now it is very clear that everything has a bigger purpose too. The men in the orphanage proved him that by letting him kill the feminist whore. He feels very excited again. The previous day he has seen some cleaning women around the hotel, so before he leaves, he decides to give them a present and totally mess up his room. He empties his bladder on the sheets so that the whole bed is wet with his piss. He shits on the floor and spreads his excrement all over the wall-to-wall carpet. He goes to the toilet and forces rolls of toilet paper down the drain so that it flows over as he flushes the toilet again and again. He pulls down the curtains, breaks bottles and glasses on the floor and in the end he takes out his cock, masturbates and shoots his sperm in the middle of a big mirror. He feels strong again. Two hours after Klaus Dorfman has left to the airport, an overstressed and overrushed cleaning woman opens the door, starts to cry and is about to have a nervous breakdown when she sees the destruction. Her face is bruised and she limps her other leg. Just three days ago she has been beaten up and raped and just yesterday she has lost her daughter. But if she wants to keep her job, she can't miss another day from work. She has to keep the schedule. She must have strength. So she starts to clean up the room and scrubs the dried shit off the carpet. All in all it takes her over an hour to get the room fixed. That is far too long and her boss calls her to his room. He tells her briefly that Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel doesn't need her services anymore. Then he hands out her final account and asks her to leave the building. At the same time attorney Klaus Dorfman is sitting in a plane, fallen deep into his thoughts, enjoying a glass of delicious Rémy Martin Cognac. EPILOGUE Klaus Dorfman did not manage to kill little girl Natasha. But he managed to cause her plenty of serious and permanent physical damage, not to mention the mental trauma. She spent the rest of her life in a totally catatonic state, which wasn't very long though, because due to the lack of medication and nourishment it took only one year after Klaus' visit to kill her. During that one year she was still raped by 15 men, who had a particular interest in traumatized girls. Ivan Petrov finally decided to retire after spending 25 horny years in girls' communal orphanage 27. He has left Romania, but the latest news says that he still hasn't left the business completely. He's been seen in Thailand running a charity home for children who have been left orphan by the tsunami. Police officers Dimitrie and Valeriu are still working at the Bucharest police. For them nothing has changed a lot. They still do their best to promote corruption, child exploitation and misogyny and they regularly provide new girls to several communal orphanages in Bucharest. Yes, also to girls' communal orphanage 27, because its present manager has naturally also been picked up by our anonymous, corrupt politician. The mother of little girl Natasha couldn't keep herself together anymore as she got fired from her job at the Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel. She considered committing suicide, but as a religious woman she couldn't do the decision. Now she is homeless and earns her living as a cheap street whore on the streets of Bucharest. Once again she had no option. Attorney Klaus Dorfman is still trying to reach a better orgasm and a better high than using Natasha gave him. Since this he has become a regular child molester and he has even had child sex slaves at his secluded summer cabin. But in Klaus Dorfman's memories this particular time in Bucharest still has the shiny glamour glowing all over it. Right now he is thinking about starting to kill children in order to make it stronger. But otherwise he is much happier than he used to be. The visit in girls' communal orphanage 27 raised his self esteem a lot and now he thinks he has found the meaning of life. Yes, he still concentrates on his cock and lives by its rules, but at the same time he's happy that he can destroy the futures of many little cunts and that way make sure that they will never grow up to be strong women. Klaus Dorfman sees himself as a social benefactor now. He's just making this world a better place for all men to live in. The murder of the women's rights activist Angela Galanis was never investigated. And it never will be. It has been buried deep in the bureaucracy of the corrupt Romanian police, and for once, let's be honest with ourselves: Isn't it just the way it should be too? Comments welcomed at: