The Gift  MF, MFF
    BY Lazarus Long 

      John picked up the phone and was surprised to hear Karen's voice. They had 
    been friends for five years and he always suspected she  had a crush on him. 
    They e-mailed  nearly every day but had not spoken in nearly a year. 
    "Hi,you!", he heard her say "What are you doing?". "Just talking to you", he 
    replied. Then he waited, she  was always straight to the  point and he was 
    curious about what could have caused  her to call.  

    "So," she said, "the  big 4-0 is coming  up this month, any  plans?  Feeling
    like 'middle-age crazy' is just around the corner?" 

    "A little," John  said "I always  thought things would  be different for  me
    than they are now. I  expected my job to be  more stable, my sex life  to be
    better and money to be piled at  my feet.  Still and all I am  happy enough,
    just not giddy."  "You  deserve giddy once in  a while" she said.  "On, that
    note, I have a surprise present for you.  Any chance you could make it  down
    to my place in the next couple of weeks?" she casually inquired.  

    "I'll check with Brynn  and what she has  going on." He replied  "I think it
    seems likely, just need to move some things around. What you got?" 

    "He heard her laugh in his ear as she said, some things are better left  for
    surprises.  You'll need about  an hour or so  to enjoy it.  So,  plan for at
    least two hours at my place.  You just let me know the date." 

    "OK", he said as she  hung up.  He realized he  had not said thank you.   He
    also felt a  stirring in his  pants.  He had  occasionally fantasized about
    her but nothing had ever come close to happening. She was a former  employee
    of his and they had always  been closed and could talk about  anything.  She
    was the only person who knew  those types of intimate details about  his sex
    life, what Brynn  would and would  not do among  other things.  He  had even
    used her suggestions to convince Brynn to try but really nothing had worked.  

    He looked at his  calendar and found  a  free day on the  Friday before  his
    birthday.  He called Brynn and checked  with her.  She was not pleased  with
    the idea of him  seeing HER.  She had  always been jealous but  this time it
    seemed best  if he  told the  truth rather  than arranged  it with something
    else.  This way he  would be assured of  being good.  No way  could he cheat
    when she knew exactly where he was going.  He hung up the phone and starting
    typing out an e-mail  as he felt just  a twinge of disappointment.   He knew
    now nothing would happen,  Brynn knew that and  soon Karen would.  He  typed
    out the letter and made it clear that Brynn knew where he was going, why and
    when.  It was sealed as he hit send.  

    He went about  his work and  forgot about it  until the Friday  came.  "What
    could it be?"  he wondered. His  mind wandered through  possibilities on the
    long drive down. Every idea he came  up with did not require time to  enjoy,
    so  he  settled  on  the  thought that  it  was  pot  or  alcohol.  She  had
    occasionally indulged with him in the past and knew what type of Scotch  he
    liked.  "That  must be  it", he  decided. He  let his  mind move on to other
    things until he pulled into her driveway.  

    A car he did not recognize was in the driveway and he pulled beside it.   He
    got out and braced himself as she ran  out the door and gave him a big  hug.
    She was giddy with delight at seing him and he smiled in spite of himself at
    such a  warm greeting.   She was  talking a  mile a  minute and he only half
    heard what she said.  She was wearing a kimono or sarong wrap aroung  thing.
    He had see something like it before but could not remember where.  She  took
    his arm and had him take off his shoes inside the door then ushered him into
    the kitchen.  

    He could smell the  incense and hear the  soft sounds of Asian  music in the
    background.  He smiled as he sat down.  A glass of ice, his favorite Scotch,
    a cigar and a pill were on a black place mat in front of his chair. He picked
    up the cigar and read  the band, "y Habana" stood  out on the bottom and  he
    smiled.  "Wow, putting out the best for me, I see." He laughed. He picked up
    the pill and could  see that the markings  were scraped off.  "What...?"  he
    started to  ask.  "Just,  take it",  she said  "trust me."   He shrugged and
    swallowed the pill.  "Is it OK, to  have a drink with it?" he asked.   "Yes,
    just not too much, there is still much to do" She said.  

    She scurried around pouring his  Scotch over the ice and  skillfully cutting
    his cigar.  She lit it perfectly for him, placed it in his mouth and  picked
    up his drink.  They headed into  the living room where another woman  he had
    not yet met waited.   "Selene", she said, "this  is John. John, Selene".  He
    smiled and tried to speak  but failed.  She was strikingly  gorgeous, petite
    and read haired.  His absolute fantasy female.  She had stunning green eyes,
    her makeup was a little heavy but still a real beauty to look at.  He glance
    down and looked away  quickly as her nipples  were very visible through  her
    light blouse.   He felt  her staring  at him  and began  to blush, he'd been

    He began to  stare intently at   his drink and  play with his   cigar rather
    than  look  at her  again.  She still  had  not spoken.   An  awkward silence
    followed  as he  asked, "How do  you know Karen?".   Karen began moving  her
    hands and   Selene looked  at her.    John quickly  realized  that Selene was
    deaf and Karen   was signing his  question.   Selene signed  back  and Karen
    explained  she met her through a mutual friend.  

    Selene is a  masseuse, Karen explained.   She is your  real present tonight.
    Once you are relaxed and ready she will give you a full body massage that  I
    guarantee to be the  best you've ever had.   John smiled to himself  and let
    this  new bit  of information  work itself  into his  consciousness.  As  he
    worked it through, he realized he would have to get naked and be alone in  a
    room with  this beauty  and Karen  when he  was already  beginning to feel a
    slight stirring between  his legs.  He  started to blush  again and realized
    that both Karen and Selene were staring at him.  His thoughts raced and  his
    voice left him.  

          He took a  drink and a  drag of the  cigar to regain  his composure as
    Karen and Selene exchanges glances.  He was sure they looked directly at his
    lap.   He looked down himself  and  realized a  lump was beginning  to  form
    there.   He crossed his legs to hide his ever rising erection from view  but
    the movement of his pants made it even more aroused.  

    Now he was  beginning to feel  uncomfortable as his  blush started back   up
    again.  Mercifully, Selene  and Karen  excused themselves  to another  room.
    Heard the music and smelled the incense  again as they opened the door to  a
    dimly lit room with a massage table in it.  He started to relax a little  as
    he realized it would be fairly normal to be in a room that was darkened  and
    set up to be as professional as possible. He would be able to hide his  ever
    growing erection from view while he was face down on the table.  That  would
    give him enough time to think of something else.  If that did not do it,  at
    least it was fairly normal to have an erection while getting a massage.  

    As they came  out of the  room, Karen suggested  that he go  get out of  his
    clothes and lie down  on the table.  He  can remove as much  clothing as he
    wishes but nude would probably be the most comfortable.  

    John just  smiled  and  said "OK"   but waited  until  they  left the   room
    before he stood up.   He quickly jumped up  took a swig of  Scotch and moved
    into the massage room.  

    It was so  dimly lit, that  he could barely  see.  The table  was a standard
    massage table.  It had a place for his face that was covered by a hot towel,
    the  table itself  was fairly  normal but  it had  two extra  cushions on   it
    lengthwise. Looking  at these,  he realized  he could  spread them slightly a
    part and lay face down on them.  There would be a space between them and  he
    could place his erection there  with out crushing it  painfully  beneath him.
    He quickly took off his clothes and  jumped up on the table to position  his
    now throbbing erection between the  cushions.  He had just covered  his butt
    with the blanket when Karen knocked on the door.  

          "Ready?" she called.  "Yes"   he said and closed   his eyes as he  put
    his face on  the hot towel.   He sighed and  smiled to himself  that he was
    able to hide the "problem" so   skillfully from the women.  He felt  himself
    begin  to  relax and  sink into  the cushions.    The music  and the incense
    combined  with the  dimly  lit room   helped immensely.   He  began  to enjoy
    the sensations as  thoughts of everything  else left his   mind.  Karen spoke
    softly to him  from the  dark and  asked if it   was OK if  she stayed.   He
    whispered yes and  she explained that Selene is training her to do massage so
    she may help if   that was OK as  well. He said yes  without fully realizing
    the consequences.  

    He no longer  cared  as warm  oil began  to  flow across his   back and four
    hands started to spread it.  He began to drift and think nice thoughts again
    in a half effort to reduce his erection.  As the hands massaged his back and
    neck, he no longer cared and fell into the bliss of the moment.  

    Hours, seconds,  minutes,  later  he felt   the hands  move  down across his
    butt and legs.  He was no  longer self-conscious, no longer cared about  his
    erection.  Nothing  worried him  as he  relished the  soft music  and strong
    hands kneading his back,  thighs, ass, legs and  feet.  At one point  he was
    sure he felt more  than four hands on  him but he did  not care.  He was  in

    A  soft  voice  urged  him  to  roll  over  and  he  complied.   Suddenly he
    remembered the "problem" that was  still throbbing between his legs.   But it
    was too late to worry and too dark.  A new hot towel was placed  skillfully
    over his face and he began to relax.  

    The hands covered  his body with   more oil, his  chest arms and   legs were
    massaged skillfully.  Then  it changed slightly,  the massage began  to feel
    more  erotic and  stimulating than  relaxing.  He  began to  feel the  inner
    thighs  being  caressed, not  massaged  but teased.   His  toes were  warmly
    rubbed, "sucked?" He wondered.  He started to protest but could not.  It all
    felt too good, too suddenly it got out of hand.  Still it was just a massage
    and aside from the toes, he was  not having sex yet.  He could explain  the
    massage to Brynn.  

    Then he felt  it, a  brief  touch on his  balls.   His mind  woke up and  he
    tried to sit  up, taking the  towel off of  his face.  Before  he got up he
    heard, Karen say, "I guess we should tell him now". "Yes, its time" he heard
    Brynn say.  

    "Brynn?" he  asked as  his mind  raced.  "Yes  darling, its me  Brynn/Selene
    whatever you want to call me. Just  relax and let me finish what I  started.
    It's OK.  It is not cheating, I am here and it is OK." she whispered into his
    ear.  He relaxed in spite of himself and quickly was back to the moment. 

    He felt the  warm oil being  poured down the  length of his  cock and gasped
    slightly as it touched his sensitive  balls and slid down the crack  of his
    ass.  Hands caressed his thighs, and gently spread his lags apart for better
    access.  His legs  were guided  up onto  pillows beside  him and  his  whole
    genital area was now widely exposed.  

    The massage continued.  Hands rubbed his  cock and balls and his ass  as  he
    began to moan  softly  at each touch.   He  heard a slight  humming  sound an
    instant before  the tingling  vibrations rubbed  over him.  He felt  himself
    getting even harder and felt the climax beginning to build.  

    "Not yet, my love" Brynn whispered as she skillfully clamped the base  of his
    cock and held  it there while  the feelings began  to subside. He  felt  hot
    breath as his toes were quickly  sucked again and again he moaned.   Soon he
    felt a tongue  lapping at the  base of his  balls and up  the length of  his
    shaft.  He  moaned when  it reached  the tip  and Brynn  sucked him into her
    mouth.  Her hands rubbed  his balls in time  to her mouth sucking  him as he
    felt that feeling  rise up again,  more quickly this  time.  Once again  she
    clamped the base of his cock and waited for the throbbing to subside  before
    continuing.  He lost track of time, new sensations filled him as she  sucked
    and licked him hungrily while other hands rubbed his legs ass and feet.  The
    fire began to build deep inside him as those hands found his ass and touched
    the rim of his  opening.  He gasped as  a well oiled finger  slipped inside.
    Now she was  clamping him off  every minute or  so as he  got more and  more
    excited.  The finger in his ass was replaced quickly by something small  and
    hard.  It slipped quietly in his ass and moved directly towards its  target.
    He gasped in surprise when  it found its mark.  A  drop of cum oozed out  of
    him and Brynn quickly lapped it up as she clamped him off at the base  again
    to keep him from cumming.  This time she held it there while she sucked  him
    into her mouth and  moved her other hand  up and down his  shaft.  He almost
    forgot about the  object resting against  his prostate, edging  him towards a
    climax that would soon take over  his body. The object began to  vibrate and
    he jumped as  fire shot through  his loins and  filled his balls.  He moaned
    loudly  and began  to thrash  a little  as the  vibrations were  coupled  with
    thrusting  forcing the  man juice  directly from  its source.  It built   so
    suddenly and so strong that he was unable to stand it as Brynn began pumping
    him with both hands.  Another hand massaged his balls while a fourth operated
    the device buried in his ass.  It built stronger and stronger as it  rushed
    up from inside him and he heard himself moaning/screaming in ecstasy.  Brynn
    was unprepared  for the  amount that  came rushing  out of  him, she  took a
    mouthful and moved her head to breath.  Karen caught a spurt in the air and
    quickly took over the  task of sucking every  last drop from his  cock.  She
    began but could not keep  up as he pumped more  and more until it began  to
    overflow her mouth.  She backed off  to swallow and breath while Brynn  took
    over gain.  They tag teamed the task until his orgasm finally subsided.  The
    thrashing stopped and he was so spent he could not protest as they continued
    to gently suck and rub his now too sensitive cock and balls. 

    When he awoke, they told him the story. Karen had convinced Brynn that  what
    John really wanted  for his birthday  was a blow  job.  She agreed  to teach
    Brynn   how   to   do   it. They   both   felt   that   John  was   becoming
    increasingly vulnerable to straying because of his obsession with  receiving
    oral sex and Brynn's reluctance to do it.  The Viagra had been Karen's idea.
    It would help him to get  more excited and be more willing to allow the game
    to go far enough for the  real surprise.  The make-up and wig with  the help
    of a wonder bra  had disguised Brynn  but they knew he voice would give  her
    away.  That is why they came  up with the deaf trick.   A real masseuse  had
    been teaching  them both   massage and  helped in  the beginning  to get him
    totally relaxed.  

   John laughed at their ingenuity and realized he never really had a chance.  
   Please send comments to, I'm a new author and would love to hear some feedback.