Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Mike's New Life (Mf ff consensual, slow) Copyright(C) Tanya Writer 2016 This is a work of fiction for adults only. The characters and their actions are fiction and none of this has ever happened. The author does not condone or endorse any illegal activities written of in the story. This just a story, do not do this at home. If you are under the age of majority in your state or country please go somewhere else this story is not for you. Mike's New Life Mike walked around the big eighteen wheeler doing his inspection before he set out. It was then that Roger one of the lumberjacks came up to him. "You about ready to head out?" he asked. "Yeah, you guys sure you got those logs in there good?" Mike replied. "I wouldn't want the weight to shift on me." "I think those chains should hold you pretty good. When you gonna be back for the next load?" "It won't be until Monday at the earliest," said Mike. "You better watch out for the storm that's coming," Roger told him. "I plan to be holed up in some nice motel, with a TV to watch it, not out in it." "I can't wait to be out of here too," Roger said with a grin. Mike asked, "Aren't you staying on here?" "No, once we got all the trees down, I'm outta here. You know this place looks like hell. All those tree branches all over the place and the stumps too." "What are they gonna do with them, I know they won't take them at the mill?" "They're gonna burn them all up," said Roger, sweeping his gaze around the landscape. "They got to get the land all cleared off before they can bring in the big cranes and start the digging." "Oh that won't be nice," Mike commented, "I've seen some of those places when they strip mine it. You think it looks like hell now," Mike laughed, "wait until you see the place with the mountain top torn off." "That's not something I care to see. I'll see you when you get back." With that Roger gave a wave and walked away. Mike climbed inside and started the motor, but before putting it into gear, he picked up his cell and dialed home. "Where's your mom?" Mike asked his son when the boy answered the call. "I'm not sure," said the boy. "She left a note saying she would be home soon." "Your sisters are home?" "Oh yeah we all got home from school together." "OK tell your mom I called. Tell her to call me back when she gets home. I'll have my cell on. But if she doesn't get me. It might be because it is hard to get a signal in these mountains. If it isn't too late I'll try and call back when I drop of this load of trees at the sawmill. Love you, Mikey, tell your sisters that too. " With that he cut off his call, he had to move. Mike headed off. They had taken long enough to get him loaded. It was going to be dark before long, and he wanted to be down off the mountain before dark. But light or dark he had to get through. But they held him up so long. If he had to wait much longer he might as well have spent the night at the lumberjacks' camp, and gone down when the storm was over. But he needed to do four more round trips, the contact called for the trees to be out of this part of the mountain in the next week. He figured that it was a shame that they were going to take the nice wooded area and remove the top of the mountain to strip mine it for the coal in the area. He could see the bulldozers at work. He had to drive the back roads to get down off the mountain. There was always work going on everywhere, and the company wasn't always too careful about how they did things. It seemed that whatever way was cheaper was the way they did things. Mike had other things to think about. He had called three times and never could get his wife on the phone. Where was Melinda? Talking to Mike Jr, it seemed that his wife wasn't around too much. How could she care for the kids if she was running around. He just hoped that she wasn't over running with that Johnny Barrow. He had heard rumors that she was seeing him. When he asked her about it, she denied but still there were three people in town who said they saw them together over the last couple of months. But what could Mike do, the work of a truck driver had him away from home 12 days out of every two weeks. He just has to trust his wife. But doubts still nagged at him. His head was filled with those thoughts, he never saw the bulldozer on the hill above him. The driver was pulling a tree stump from the ground along the edge of the hillside. He got it up, but it took a large chunk of the mountain with it. It freed a large boulder which began to roll down the hill. The huge rock was going to cross that patch of snow where the muddy road was little more than a slippery dirt road. It was what the truckers had to use to take the trees down the mountain. The timing couldn't have been worse for Mike, as the bolder hit the trailer. It knocked the trailer off balance causing the load to shift. That started the trailer to fishtail. It didn't take long before the trailer turned over on its side. and started the whole thing, trailer and truck sliding down the hillside. His load spilled, the trees, the trailer and the cab taking a sliding ride down 200 feet of a snowy mountain side. When the cab came to a stop it was torn up by the trees that Mike had plowed through on his sliding trip down. He was pinned in the cab, not that he would know it since he was passed out cold. No one had seen the trailer going over and Mike was the last one out. He wasn't missed. As promised the storm moved in dumping two feet of snow on the mountain. A good amount came through the broken windows on the truck. It was cold, but it did provide a thin blanket over Mike to protect him from the cold. The cold of the snow stopped the bleeding, but it could also freeze him to death. Mike never showed up to deliver his load. But he wasn't missed until Monday morning. His trucking company hadn't heard from him. The coal company saw him leaving but the saw mill said he never came in with his load. He must have been somewhere between the mountain top and the mill, but where? The state police had no reports of any truck accidents. He wasn't seen at any truck stops, none of the places a trucker would normally go had seen him. His family couldn't be contacted, it was like the phone would ring and ring never with an answer. No one knew where he was. It took a couple of hours to figure that he hadn't gotten off the mountain. But where could he have gone. It was decided that they would have to make a search for him. Two men started walking down the road that he would have taken. They would have to walk as there was no way one could drive that road with all the new fallen snow. The snow covered almost everything. When they got to the trickiest part of the road the two man stopped to converse, "Where do you think he could be?" His partner replied, "I don't know the old man thinks he didn't get off here, that's why we have to trudged through this stuff." Looking around he noticed a new scar on the hillside. "Hey have you ever seen that cut there before?" "What cut?" "Look up there about 50 feet, it's hard to see, with the snow and all, but I don't remember seeing anything like that before." "Yeah now that you mention it I don't remember anything like that being here. But I'll tell you this road is so slippery around here, I don't have time to be looking up the hillside, there is enough to keep my eyes on right here." As the men walked forward, there was rise in the level of the road, that wasn't there before. Instead of the slippery ground under the snow, the could feel earth, and gravel under the snow as they made their way through it. The older man turned to his partner, "The road here wasn't like this before. Look you can see that this is in line with that new cut. I think that it was a landslide here." "If it was, do you think it could have anything to do with the missing truck?" They looked around, looking down the hill they could see an area that the trees looked torn up. "Hey look at this!" The younger one said as he walked to the edge of the area that had been a road. "I think I see something down there! Look, do you see it there is some red over there near those trees?" "Yeah I see it too." They walked around a bit to try and get a better angle. They could make out the crumbled cab of the truck. "Hey, you better call in on that radio, we found something. But I'm not going down there without ropes." "Yeah, we'll be needing help to get down there. Do you think it's the truck?" "Well if it isn't it must be something, it's hard to tell from here." It took about half an hour after the call was made for a bulldozer with the blade modified to act as a snow plow to get down to the men. Behind it was an SUV with men with rescue equipment, just in case. Finding a place to attach their ropes the first two were able to begin to repel down the hillside. When they got to within a few feet of the truck, they could report back that it looked like Mike's truck. They were going to see if he was in it and if he was alive. They crawled in through the broken out windshield, to find Mike. They were even more amazed when they checked a pulse to see that he was still alive. The call went back up on the radio, "It's Mike down here. He looks busted up pretty bad, but he is still alive. Send a litter and some crow bars and things, we'll see if we can get him out." The information was relayed back to the camp. An air flight was hastily arranged. The only way they were going to get him off this mountain today would be to chopper him out. A half a dozen men worked to free Mike and get him up the hillside. He was still unconscious and nearly chilled to the bone. His left leg was all torn up, he might have had a broken arm, and skull fracture too. Back at the logging camp they tried to call Mike's home to let his wife know about his accident. But as before the phone rang and rang without answer. They tried calling the Tennessee State police to see if they could go out there and contact his family. They waited back at the camp as Mike was flown out down to a major trauma hospital. The call came back to the camp that a state trooper went out to the house but found it burned out. He went in and talked to locals. They told him that the night of the storm all the power was out in the area, phones too. It seems then that a fire started in the house. With Mike in a coma there was no way to tell him the bad news. With her children dead, Melinda Tucker took her time about going up to see her husband, when they were finally able to find her and tell her. She had hastily buried her kids in a cheap grave. She thought about going up to see her husband. She half hoped he would be joining the kids. Melinda started to make plans for the drive from Northeastern Tennessee up to West Virginia. Not wanting to go alone she recruited her lover Johnny Barrow to go with her. They weren't making any speed records to get there. Their talk along the way revolved around the happy accidents, with her children dead and her husband maybe too, she would be a free woman. Her and Johnny could run off together like they had always talked about. When Mike came out of his coma ten days after his accident. He didn't know where he was or how long he'd been there. He was still connected to wires and tubes in his arms with a catheter in his bladder. He wasn't moving much and was sleeping most of the time. The morphine they gave him for the pain made him a bit dopy. Once he was awake enough to understand the doctor told him about his condition. He said, "Your left leg was badly hurt. But because there was no one to consent to the surgery to remove it, we hadn't done it yet. But your wife came up and signed the consent today. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow." "Wait," Mike said his head still in a fog, "you're going to remove my leg?" "Yes there is so much tissue and muscle damage that I think you would be better off that way." "Doc, I'm a truck driver I need that leg to shift gears in the truck." "I'm sorry, but you will have much less pain when you get over it." "Doc I don't care about the pain, I need that leg. Wait, you said my wife gave consent just today?" "Yes, she arrived from your home this morning." "I still have the final say in this?" "Yes, of course, you are the patient, and as long as you can make decisions for yourself, we will abide by your wishes," the doctor said. "Doc, don't cut off my leg. Can we talk later about what you can do for me to save my leg?" "Yes, of course. The nurses can let me know when you feel up to it. We'll cancel your surgery. " Mike was relived at that, but there were other things on his mind too. But he was so weak and tried that he needed to get back to sleep. A couple of hours later Melinda walked into Mike's room. He was sleeping, but she shook his shoulder and called his name. Mike woke up to see his wife in his room. "You've been here?" "Yeah I went to get lunch," she said. "I talked to the doctor a little while ago," Mike said. "And he said you consented to surgery to remove my leg." "Yeah, he said it was the best thing for you." "Melinda, I'm a truck driver how am I gonna drive without a leg?" "What do I care?" the woman said with a shrug. "Do what you want, your truck driving days are over." "I'll have to do something to support you and the kids. Where are they, did they come up with you. I'd love to see them, I miss them." "You're gonna be missing them more now, they aren't here." "They down with your mother?" "No." She replied simply. "So who is watching them?" "They don't need watching any more. They ain't around anymore." "What does that mean?" "Mike, I'll tell you straight out, the kids are dead," She said without any emotion. Mike was astonished at her statement. "WHAT? What do you mean they're dead?" "What do you think the word dead means. They ain't alive anymore," she said her voice dripping with sarcasm. "What the hell happened?" He said with a mix of anger, sorrow and confusion. "We had a big storm and the power went out. It seems like Mikey tried to light the kerosene lamp. He must have split some and somehow it caught on fire. Looks like they couldn't get out of the house" "If they were using that for light, why weren't you the one to be pouring the kerosene?" "Because I wasn't there." "A storm is going on and you're not home? Where the hell were you?" "I was out visiting." "And you left the kids at home alone?" "They could take care of themselves, while I was gone." "It looks like they couldn't if they ended up dead." Mike exclaimed. "So tell me what happened." "The house burned down." "Where were the kids?" "They found them in that damn back room you made. You might have made it out of cement blocks that wouldn't burn, but you put that one stupid window up too high and too small. They couldn't get out it." "If they were back there, and I know that room isn't going to burn, how did they get burned up?" "They weren't burned up. The medical examiner said they died of smoke inhalation." With that she turned and walked out leaving Mike to digest the starting news. The next day when Melinda walked in Mike's room Mike could see lurking around outside Johnny Barrow. He asked, "Is that Johnny Barrow out there?" "Yeah so what of it?" "What is he doing here?" "He drove me up here?" "Why didn't you drive?" "Because the car was burned in the fire" she said flatly. "How could it have burned if you were out visiting?" "It was in the garage." "If you were out visiting, and you didn't drive, how did you get there?" "I walked of course," she said with a smug tone of voice. "You can't walk many places in those hills to go visiting. The nearest house is the Barrow place," Mike said with a strong suspicion in his eyes as he looked at Melinda. "Is that where you were?" "So what if I was," she said with indifference. "Why weren't you home, there was a storm big enough to knock the power out?" "I was gone before it started, once it was going it was raining too hard to go home." "So you left your kids alone." "You go and leave us alone." She said with rising anger. "I go away, because it is my job. Remember I'm a truck driver." "Yeah and you're hardly ever home. You worry about what happened to the kids, but you are never there for them, you're always on the road. You don't think about that maybe I might need somethings from you too." "Look Melinda I am working to support you all. What things are you missing that I wasn't getting for you?" "A woman has needs, and you aren't there to take care of them." "So that is where you were, getting your ashes hauled, while I'm gone?" It was at moment that his nurse walked in with his afternoon pills. Both Mike and Melinda looked at her. She realized that she had picked an importune time to come in. She backed out without saying a word. "That's a pretty crude way to put that, Mike." "Cheating on your husband is a crude business. So you think Johnny Barrow is better than me?" He said with indignation. She laughed, "Anyone is better than you." "I couldn't be that bad we have had three kids." "Impregnating a woman is not the same thing as satisfying a woman. That pathetic little thing you have can't satisfy a woman. It is puny, only 4 inches, on a good day. The damn thing couldn't be as big as a breakfast sausage." "It is not 4 inches, it's five inches!" he defended himself, knowing that he was only five on his best days. She was right though his uncircumcised penis did look like a sausage. "You would know, I am sure you measure it all the time, the way you finger it" "And I suppose that Johnny is better than me." "It takes two hands to handle that whopper of Johnny's. He is twice the man you are. He is hung like a huge bratwurst, and as long as a Polish sausage, he's 9 and a half inches.. When he is in me, don't I know it! You on the other hand had to tell me when it was in, I could never feel it. I'll tell you, Johnny knows how to use it. He can do things you could never even dreaming of doing. Enough about him, I came here to tell you, Mike, I'm going back tonight, and when I get home I'm filing for a divorce." "Yeah, who needs you? I bet ole Johnny runs out on you when he sees the next cheap slut." Mike said blocking back his tears by letting his anger come to the surface. "Seems to me he had a wife once. She must not have been so satisfied." "She ran off and you damn well know it." "You know, funny, no one saw her leave, there was no car gone, no one saw her at the bus depot. Old Johnny didn't look so broken up when she left. Kinda makes you wonder, maybe she didn't leave. Perhaps she might turn up in a shallow hole somewhere out in the forest. Think about that Melinda, you just might 'run off,'" he said making air apostrophes, "like that too." With that she turned on her heel and walked out. Melinda was true to her word a few days later Mike was served with divorce papers. He had been transferred to a rehab hospital, but couldn't leave it. He had to hire a lawyer over the phone from his hometown. There wasn't much to go over with the divorce, the house was gone, the truck wrecked, and most of their possessions were destroyed. There was no custody fight, with the kids dead. His lawyer raised a few questions about where Melinda was the night of the fire. That caused her to opted for a quick settlement and split town for places unknown. The way the Melinda left and the deaths of Mike kids left him angry and bitter. But one of the rehab nurses was sympathetic to him. Mike confided in her, telling her of his problems. Nurse Heidi listened with empathy. She told him, then showed him, how to take his anger and put it to good use. Mike took his anger and used it to do his rehab, pushing himself to get better; he made strides. But there was a problem: Mike had reached the end of what the insurance company would pay for his rehab, but his rehab wasn't complete. He still had a way to go. He would never be back to the man he was. He needed more money. Shortly after that, the only friend he had made on this job, Roger, can to visit him in the hospital. They discussed the accident and Mike's recovery so far. Roger mentioned about the landslide. It got Mike to thinking and he asked Roger about it. Mike figured that if they caused the landslide then they were responsible to for his accident. Mike needed a lawyer. He called the local bar association hoping they could recommend a cheap one who would be able to get enough to cover the rest of his recovery. An attorney came to visit him in the hospital and get the basic information. But then he started checking around. He figured it was the coal company that was responsible for what happened. At first they didn't want to make good on Mike's hospital bills. But a call by the attorney to agencies that the company had to get permits from to do their mining, put the fear of God into them. The lawyer, like any other shark, could smell blood in the water. Now there was a chance to really get some big money. The coal company figured it was better to settle rather than risk a trial and maybe the regulatory agencies getting wind of too much of this. When they lawyer was paid off Mike was hobbling away with $25 Million. It took another month in the hospital before Mike could walk with a cane. He would never walk without one again, never mind drive a truck. But now with 25 million big ones in the bank he could do what he wanted. He contacted someone to help him manage so much money. Some of his new found wealth was put in stocks, others in bonds and other long term investments. But he held a few million as liquid assets that he could use to live in and enjoy life. Mike returned home to make sure his kids had gotten a decent burial. He had a stone made for his little angels complete with a photo of each of them on it. With that he was happy with their graves. But all the time he was in Tennessee his leg was killing him. He just couldn't stand the cold. Old Doc Johnson told him that the pain was from the cold effecting the raw nerves in his leg. He needed to go somewhere warm and he would feel better. With a little bit of help from the only travel agent in the town, Mike was able to get down to Florida and ended up in the Tampa area.. The heat of Florida was an improvement over the mountains of eastern Tennessee. But still his leg hurt, albeit less. He was still needed to fill his prescription for Vicodin often. He got himself an apartment, but for six months he just wondered the city without much to do, and little interest in things. He was without friends or family in the area. Between the physical pain and the emotional pain of losing his kids, as well as his profession Mike was fighting a battle with depression. He tried to drown in out with bourbon. Now with all his money he could drink the good stuff. Mike sat by himself in a strip bar watching the girls take it off. His mind wasn't really on the girls as his leg was hurting again. He popped another Vicodin into his mouth and washed it down with a swig of bourbon. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. An older man sat down next to him. "Friend, it isn't good to be mixing pills with booze." "What do you know about it?" Mike said with anger at the intrusion. "I've been there, it dangerous to be mixing the two. I'm lucky I lived through it. But let me tell you it ain't a smart to do it." "Yeah well I got pains I need something for it," Mike growled. "Yeah I figured that, I saw your cane. But pills and booze don't mix. Oh Lordy what a night I had the night they had to pump my stomach. I had to drink the most god awful charcoal. I was shitting liquid black for a week." "Yeah so what, what do you know about pain?" "I'm Bill Lewis," he held out his right arm, to shake hands. But there was not hand at the end of it. Mike felt a bit queasy about shaking hands with him by holding the man's stump in his hand. "I'm Mike Tucker," he said as he shook the stump. Mike realized that this man must know about pain. "You don't mind if I ask how you lost your hand?" "I lost it working on a jet engine. I am, or was a mechanic." He chuckled, "I'm a supervisor now for aircraft maintenance, for Southwest Airlines at Tampa International. What happened to you?" "I was a truck driver and I was in an accident and it messed up my leg. I don't think I can be like you and go back to driving. I don't want to go back up north. The cold hurts my leg." "Well, our climate should keep you warm," said Bill with a smile. They began to swap stories, Mike told of his adventures of life on the road, while Bill recounted his life in the military. They got along very well, forming an instant bond. The girls would come over and shake their tits at them begging for a tip. The two men were so into their conversation that they forgot about the girls. They couldn't forget about the place as they had to speak rather loudly to be heard above the din of the music blasting out for the strippers to dance. Finally one of the girls after squatting down in front of them and opening up her legs so they could see everything, which they didn't even look at, she said, "You gonna tip me or not?" Bill looked up at her, then over to his new friend and said, "Come on friend, there is a coffee shop down the street. Let's go get something to eat." With that the left Bill threw a couple of dollars on the runway for the girl and walked out. The girl just gave them a dirty look, figuring they must be queers. They got to the coffee shop and over an early breakfast they chatted more. Mike said "My wife walked out on me and my kids are dead, I'm a cripple. How fair is life?" "Life ain't fair, but it's the only game in town, so you gotta play it," Bill told him. "I once had a pretty young wife. But the military requires a lot of a guy. They can send you bouncing all over the world, at moment's notice. It ain't easy. Sharon was a homebody. She liked to get one place and stay there. She put up with it when we went to Germany. She didn't really like it but she lived with it. I tried to take her to see some of the sights, even took her to Paris once. She wasn't very impressed. When I got sent back stateside she was happy. She planted herself and nothing was gonna more her again. When I got sent to Clark over in the Philippines, she wasn't having any part of it. I could go, but she wasn't going. What can you do, my hitch wasn't up and if you got orders, then you go. She gave me a going away present of a divorce." "Yeah," Mike replied, "women don't always give you a fair shake. You take Melinda my ex, she wasn't a great catch, but she was alright. I know I'm not the greatest looking guy and I know truckers can be a bit over weight, and I am. But she seemed to get on with truckers. Hell, she worked as a waitress in a truck stop cafe, that's where I met her. You think she would know about and accept that how truck drivers are. But I guess not." Bill asked, "So you are disabled, or were you able to retire, or are like me and still working?" "I was judged as disabled, I can't really drive a truck with this leg, I would need my leg to work the clutch to change gears. I got a good settlement from the accident, so I'm OK money wise." "What do you do? You can't spend all your time in strip clubs, can you?" Bill asked. "I don't know. I just hang out. I don't have much to do." Mike said a little sadly. "You need something to do. Life is a bore if you don't have something you like to do. Do you have any hobbies?" "No not many. I was on the road so much I hardly had time for any. When I wasn't on the road, which was most of the time, I liked to spend my time with my kids." "While you were driving I guess you saw a lot of the sights." "No, when you are driving a truck you can't go through the parks, besides you are always in a hurry to get there and then on to the next load and to get it where it's going." "Have you been around seen the sights here in Florida?" "No not much. I just haven't done much. The parks over in Orlando seem more for kids or at least families. I'm not too big on seeing alligators in the Everglades." "You to stop and smell the roses, it's what makes life worth living," Bill told him. "If you liked spending time with your kids, why not marry again? You can have more kids. You can spend time with them, if you don't have to work." "That sounds nice but you know how women are here, they don't want an older man, or one who isn't in good shape, never mind one who is disabled. They are obsessed with young men who are handsome and have the body of a Greek god." Bill nodded his head in agreement. Mike said as he took out another pain pill, "I don't know it is the height of summer, and it is hot as it is gonna get here and this leg still bothers me. I wish there was somewhere that was warmer." "I'll tell you the most godawful heat I lived in was when I was at Clark Air Base, in the Philippines, hotter than here and just as humid." "Really it is hotter than here?" The news brighten up Mike. "Yeah it is about 88 degrees everyday year round. 'Bout the only time it gets a little cooler is when a typhoon is coming. There isn't anything good when they come to town. The houses have the thinnest roofs that will blow away with any strong wind." "The heat sounds good, but you don't make the weather sound very good." "Nah, Nah, listen it isn't that bad. Actually it is kinda nice. The have some great beaches, when you get away from Manila Bay. It is kinda cheap to live there, and the people are very friendly. One good thing I loved, they all speak English. They talk a little funny, saying things like 'close the light' instead of turn out the light but it isn't hard to understand them. Sure makes it a lot easier on a fella. The Germans, when I was there, most could speak English but they weren't near as friendly as the Filipinos. You know if you wanted a wife you couldn't do much better than a Filipina woman. They'll accept you the way that you are." "How do you get there?" "Well for me the Air Force was sending me, but for tourist like you it is easy, you, just fill out some paperwork on the plane and you got a visa for three weeks. It's a snap." Bill and Mike hung out several times over the next couple of weeks. They swapped stories and got to be good friends. Bill's stories started Mike thinking, maybe the Philippines would be a place to go to comfort his leg. Bill gave him advice about where to go and the things to see, around Manila. He also told him how Americans were mostly welcomed there, the Germans weren't as friendly. Filipina women, Bill told him, didn't care about a lot of the things that American women cared about. They didn't mind your age or how good looking you were, they were more interested in the person. She would feel that if you loved her, she didn't care about age, looks or size. You treat her right and she will bend over backwards for you, give you anything you need or wanted. Actually, Bill told him that a lot of the women would prefer a white man over a Filipino man. There was something about that white skin and the nose that wasn't flat that intrigued them. Bill convinced Mike, thought it didn't take much (the heat of the weather and the warmth of the people was enough to sell Mike) that he should pay a visit to the Philippines. He didn't own much, mostly just his clothes. He was living in a furnished apartment on a month to month basis. He gave his notice and began to plan his trip to the Philippines. When he got back to the States he could always get a new place. Or maybe the Philippines might be a nice place to stay. The day to leave arrive soon enough. Mike had bought a money belt to wear under his clothes, He took along a couple of thousand dollars in case he needed some cash and his new credit cards with credit limits that fit a man with $25 million in the bank. Bill took him to the airport. He had to leave him at security, but Bill given him a phone number just in case Mike needed to call somebody back in the States. Then Mike was off on his great adventure. In addition to the cash he took his Vicodin with him. He needed it on the plane. They keep it a nice comfortable temperature in plane's cabin, but it was too cold for Mike's leg it hurt the whole way. The airport wasn't looking any better, but once he reached the front door, the heat and humidity hit him in the face and his leg began to feel better already. Mike got his first look at a third world country. There was garbage all over the place and he could see poor people everywhere. Little kids begging for money. His van would stop for a light and kids would be walking through the streets next to the cars leaving the airport saying "Give me one peso." They would scatter when the light turned. The van drove on taking him and the other passengers to their hotel. He checked in and the desk people were polite and efficient. He was able to stow his passport and most of his money in a safe deposit box. When got to his the first order of business was to turn off the air conditioning. A fan just to move the air would be fine. The heat made his leg feel like new again. With his money, travel guides and Bill's list of places to see Mike set out. He visited the Intramuros and Fort Santiago. He toured the old part of the area seeing the San Augustine Church. His next adventure, he took a boat out to Corregidor and spent the day touring the island. He found so many places to go and play tourist, that his days were full and he was having so much fun. The nights when he wasn't so tired, he would make his way out to the go-go bars. There were plenty of women that would be willing to go short time or long time with him. The cost was not very much. The girls were very willing they loved his long nose, instead of their short flat noses. They loved his white skin, and that he was American made him even more desirable. He took one girl back to his hotel for a "long time." When she got back she had a tale to tell. Mike was to find out later that the Filipino men are said to be short in the penis department but fat. A girl could hardly take them, it would be a stretch. White men were thinner but much longer. The girls didn't like that either, they could take the width but the length bumped up against their cervix. But word got around about Mike, he was thin like a white man but short like a Filipino man. He was the perfect size. After that he mobbed by girls. It didn't hurt that was willing to buy the ladies drinks, (which was little more than colored water), he tipped a girl well if she was they lucky one he choose for a long time for the night. They only thing they couldn't understand why he didn't put on the air conditioning. But the girls were used to the heat, so they didn't complain as long as there was a fan to blow the air around. Mike noted the bars and restaurants always had a mixture of American or western music playing but with some local Filipino music. Mike took a liking to it. Mike caught a Jeepney out to the Robinson Mall. Riding in the Jeepneys was fun. A Jeepney was sort of like an over-decorated minibuses that was never scheduled. You could catch one about anytime headed down the street, and the cost was only a couple of pesos. Once inside the mall the air conditioning began to bother his leg, but he wanted some of the local music so he tolerated the pain. Soon enough he found a music shop and after talking to the clerk about which singers were good and what bands to listen to, he bought a some CD's. As he walked past the stores headed now out he did window shopping as he passed by the stores. While doing that a man approached behind him and whispered in his ear, startling Mike, "I get you girls." Mike moved away from him and turned and looked at him. Bill had warned him about this. Undercover cops would set you up with a underage girl. Once you were alone in your hotel room with the girl, his buddies on the force would raid the room. You would get your choice a ride to the police station, and a long prison sentence, or a ride to the airport and a flight out. But the flight option came only after paying a very hefty payoff to the cops who set him up. Mike looked at him and said, holding up his bag with the record shop's name on it, "Do I look like I'm looking for girls? I'm shopping here, get away from me!" He walked on. He thought to himself, Bill sure did know these people. Mike was nearing the end of his three week stay. He would like to stay longer, there were things he would like to do and things to see. He found that for the most part the Filipino people were all that Bill said they were, both the good and the bad. Mike did a lot of walking all over time, and he always had to use his cane His leg didn't hurt unless he was in somewhere air conditioned. He was having a great time. He thought about getting an extension to his visa. He neared an alley by his hotel there sat the same girl whenever he passed asked him, "Give me one peso please." Mike had never failed to respond to her, if he had any peso coins in his pocket he would give them to her. He had seen the poverty and felt compassion for her. He wanted to treat her like he would want his kids treated. As a trucker he was never able to give his kids all that they wanted. They got what they needed but he was not able to give them everything, but he sure wanted too. His heart longed for his kids when he was on the road. He spent so much time away from home, a missed them when he was gone. In the same way he felt compassion for this girl he wanted to make sure she what she needed. He reached in his pocket to give her a few coins. But this time when he gave her the money, she waved to someone. Instantly he was set upon by three teenagers. They rushed him knocking him to the ground saying, "Give us some money big spender." Mike hadn't reacted fast enough for them. They began to kick him as he was down. Mike tried to defend himself using his cane swinging at the boys. One of the boys was able to grab hold of the cane and yank it out of Mike's hand. He began to beat Mike with it. They continued to say, "Give us your money rich man," as they struck him. Mike almost didn't see him, it happened so fast. Another young teenager came barreling like a linebacker into the boys standing on the one side of Mike. The new boy hit one of the assailants and he fell into his friend knocking them both to the ground. The boy on the other side of Mike stepped on him as he advanced on the new kid. The new boy respond with a kick to the assailant's stomach, knocking the breath out of him. He stood bent over gasping for breath. But by this time the two others had regained their feet and rushed the new boy. The three of them began to trade kicks and punches. Soon the third member of the gang now was back in the fight, he was able to get behind Mike's rescuer. He grabbed his arms while the other two began to pummel him their fists. It seemed like they were beating for hours, but in reality it was only a couple of minutes that they laid into the boy. Then one of the boys, picked up Mike's cane and began to lay into the boy; he hit him across the face with the cane, then on his head. Mike could see that had rung his bell as the boy started to sag and the teen held his arms. He was now having to hold up some of his weight. Then there was a noise, a crowd was forming. There was a lot of shouting in Tagalog. Above it Mike could then hear the sound of sirens. It seems the boys could hear it too. One of them pulled out a knife with a four inch blade and stuck it in the side of Mike's would-be rescuer, before he ran off. The rescuer sank to the ground bleeding profusely. A woman ran to him calling to him, "Gabriel, Gabriel!" Another woman in the crowd had some cloth which she pressed against his wound. Mike tried to get up and come over to help, but he couldn't get on his feet. A young girl picked up his cane and brought it to him. He tried to get to his feet but even with the cane he couldn't do it. The girl tried to help him, "Come on Joe you can get up." Mike could only roll over and got half way into a sitting position, but the was the limit. When the police came, they looked at Mike and then went to help the boy, Gabriel. Within a minute paramedics were there they began to tend to the boy. It was then that the police came back to talk to Mike. Before the cop helped Mike to his car, the paramedics were loading the boy into the ambulance. "Where are they taking the boy?" "They go to Doctor's Hospital," the cop informed him. "Can you take me there too?" Mike requested. "You beat up too, OK, I take you there. They take care of you. You tell what happened." Mike nodded his head, and they were off. While the nurses checked out Mike and prepared him to be seen by the doctor, the police took a statement from. He couldn't give much a description to them, the boys were early teens, short black hair and brown skin. They were wearing T-shirts. That would match about every teen boy in the greater Manila area. When the doctor and police had finished with him, Mike was led to the cashier to pay his bill. He was lucky that they would take a credit card. It wasn't cheap and Mike didn't have that kind of cash on him. He was able to hobble on. He was developing bruises from the kicks and bandages over the cuts he suffered. He was concerned about the boy who had saved him. He asked several people in the ER where he could find them. Finally he was able located the mother waiting for her son who was in the surgery waiting area. He introduced himself and thanked her for her son coming to his recuse. He asked how the boy was. His mother told him the boy had a concussion, with skull fracture, and a collapsed lung. His name was Gabriel Santos, he was all of fourteen years old. His mother Ariel, was very worried, understandably, not only was her son hurt, she confided in Mike that he was her support, her husband having died a couple of years before. She was left with four children. His being in the hospital was something that he needed but she could never pay for. She was distraught over his condition, but also how the family would pay what they would owe. Mike found out where they lived, and it was in the slums of Tondo. He could understand how she could be so worried. When the boy was out of surgery and moved to the ICU, the family went into see him. Mike noted that in addition to this older son. She had a younger son, about 5 years old. He was making signs that he was hungry. Mike told them they he would take them all to out to eat. It was over a meal that he heard her story. Her husband had been to a farmer out in the provinces north of Manila. He was out plowing his field with his water buffalo, when he stepped on a piece of unexploded ordinance. It killed him and his water buffalo. She was not able to farm the land by herself, especially without the buffalo. She had contacted the American embassy about the ordinance. They looked into the accident, and found that it was Japanese left over from their occupation. Though it wasn't theirs, the Americans offered to buy her land and gave her a small settlement. The money wasn't great but it was enough for her to start over, buying a small house in the slums of Tondo. She was forced to move to Manila to find work. She took a job in a factory, but the job involved being around dangerous chemicals. She didn't have another options but to work there to could take care of her family. But lately she had been sick from working there, so that she couldn't work any longer. Gabriel helped out watching his siblings after working his job. It had been hoped that he would be the one to finish school so that he could get a good job and support the family. But having had to become the bread winner his schooling would have to wait. He took work in a slaughterhouse. He wasn't afraid of hard work. He developed into a big and strong young man. The oldest girl, Grace, helped her mother with the housework. She cooked and cleaned she made a little money by doing cleaning for others. The younger sister Angela was the one the family was putting their real hope in. She responded by studying hard at school when they could afford to send her. Little Joseph junior was the baby the family loved to spoil. Mike had all this money and no family and this family had no money with so many problems. Maybe he could do something to help them out. He went to the bank to see about having some of his money in the States sent to him. He found out the red tape that he would face. He needed to set up an account in a bank in the Philippines, then to have very much money transferred to the account he would have to show to the US Government that he was not money laundering. All this would take some time. His tourist visa was due to expire in a couple of days. He went to the local officials and was able to get a three week extension of his visa. He spent a lot of time with the Santos family and he got to know them. Ariel was practical but could be hard-nosed about getting the things that she wanted. She was a hard worker with humble roots and never wanted much from life. She was loyal to her man, her family and had taught her children to think of others before themselves. She had a generous spirit. She was a bit emotional too, and couldn't thank Mike enough when he offered to pay Gabriel's hospital bill. Gabriel was tall and stocky and looked like the linebacker he acted like when he tackled Mike's assailants. Mike learned that the boy was a boy with guts, the wasn't afraid of anything. He had a strong sense of right and wrong. Whenever he saw injustice he wanted to right it. He was a bit impetuous not always thinking things through before making a move. Grace was thin and lighter skinned than her mother. She wore her black hair in a short cut that barely reached her ears. The girl was warm and caring with the same generous spirit of her mother. She also had a tender heart. She wasn't dumb by any means, but she was not a great scholar in school. She enjoyed staying home taking care of her little sister and baby brother. As a young girl she always had a doll with her. It seemed her greatest ambition in life was to be a wife and mother. She looked up to her older brother with love and admiration. In her eyes he was big and strong and cared about people. Angela was tall for her age, and not so thin as her older sister. She had the darker skin of her mother and her black hair was longer than her mother's reaching down to the middle of her back which she wore in a braid. She was smart and the real scholar in the family. She outgoing and always wanted to be included in everything. She was creative and found a way to do things her practical mother wouldn't have thought of. She was also competitive. She was driven to be the best of everything. She would wrestle with Gabriel, he would take it easy on her. But not her, she gave him everything she had and was like little wildcat. Little Joseph was a rambunctious little tyke who just wanted to run and play. He was always one to climb any available lap. His hair was cut in something like a buzz cut he was built like his big brother, but with his mother's skin darkness. While the older kids could speak varying levels of English, Joseph could only speak Tagalog. It took most of the three weeks of his extension was taken up by the time it took to get a decent chunk of money he had as liquid assets to his new account. Gabriel was getting better it seemed, the doctors had re-inflated his collapsed lung by putting in a chest tube. In the meantime he had developed a bleed in his brain. They had to remove part of his skull to relive the pressure. Gabriel had regained consciousness and Mike was able to thank him for rescuing him. He spent a little time getting to know the boy. The family spent most of their time in or around the hospital. As Gabriel got better they could spend more time away. Mike took them out for meals. They brought some of their clothes and had them in his hotel room so they could come and shower and change clothes. He found they didn't have much. Mike got them away from the hospital for a day and took them shopping. Ariel didn't want to go up town to the higher class mall. She preferred to shop in the shops in Abucay Market in Tondo. Mike was a bit surprised when there was no dressing rooms for the girls to change clothes in. They would just strip down to their panties in the aisles among the racks filled with cheap clothes. Grace and Angela knew that Mike was there and it didn't seem to bother them at all. Mike would just watch the girls try on various clothes, pants, shorts or tops. He had to convince Ariel to get them some clothes for her too, though she was loath to buy anything for herself. Unlike the girls she guessed her size and took what she wanted, said she would fix them if they didn't fit right. After another week in the hospital Gabriel developed an infection and soon he was fighting for his life. The antibiotics weren't working well and he developed sepsis. It didn't take long before it did him in. Ariel and her family lost their only source of income and Ariel was stuck with the cost of the funeral, as well as the hospital bill. Mike's visa extension was about up and he would have to leave. Mike likely owed his life to the actions of this brave young man. He knew that the family would be destitute. Mike felt that he needed to find a solution to their problems. It came to him, he should marry Ariel. He proposed to her. She was so shocked she could only say no. How could she marry this man? She had only known him a few weeks. True she knew him to be a decent kind man. He took care of them. It didn't hurt that she thought him to be a handsome man. Every Filipina woman would love to have a white man for a husband, they were so sexy. He had been kind to them, and it didn't hurt that he seemed to be rich. When Grace and Angela heard that Mike had offered to marry their mother, they couldn't believe their ears. Of course she said yes didn't she? They were shocked that their mother could turn down such a kind and nice man, and one who was white and rich to boot. They set about to change her mind. Mike chimed in too, as he listed the reasons but the trump card was when he told her that he loved her. When he said it, he wasn't lying. He came to find a wonderful simple woman in Ariel. She could agree that he was a great catch for any woman in the Philippines. But she insisted that she was sick and couldn't marry. The girls and Mike assured her that he would take care of her and it would be all right. Finally she agreed. As soon as she agreed Mike was applying for a new visa that would allow him to stay permanently. It was a whirlwind of activity. This wasn't going to be a fancy affair, practical Ariel wouldn't hear of it. Besides time was of the essence, Mike needed to be married as soon as possible. The family settled in and they got use to each other. Mike thought about adopting the kids. He had even taken to calling Joseph by a new name "Joey," and Joseph would respond to it. Joseph for his part had taken to calling Mike "tatay " (daddy). The Tucker/Santos family. They looked for a new place in a much better part of Manila. Once they found a place in Makati they moved in. The next step was new a school for the kids. They started at the start of the new school year. Angela jumped right in to her new school and made lots friends. But Grace was a little slower, but she did find one girl, Lori, a year older than her. The two girls seemed to become fast friends. Grace would spend a lot of time with her. Ariel wanted to meet her daughter's friends. Angela started a parade of girls 8 and 9 years old from her third grade class at school, that she had befriended. Grace only brought her one friend home: Lori. Ariel thought she looked like a nice girl, with pretty long hair, that Ariel wished Grace would grow. But Grace preferred her hair short. She said it was easier to take care of that way. The life of the kid's was much improved, they were in a good school and they had free time to enjoy. Grace often went to the home of her friend Lori after school. Angela would be home with a friend or over at a friend's house to play. Mike would go and get Joey from school and they would spend the afternoon together. When he and Joey, (as Mike called him), wanted to talk, Ariel would translate for them. Ariel was not well and she was getting worse no matter what she did. She had put off sex with Mike after the wedding. When she hadn't had sex with him for a while broke down and told him the reason she didn't want to marry. She was sick. She didn't want to put a burden on him. Her sickness, she confessed to Mike, was an almost constant bleeding from her vagina. With the nature of her sickness, it was embarrassment that a women couldn't take care of her husband's sexual needs. Mike being the understanding man that he is, said he was glad to wait. Mike talked to her many times to get a checkup. Finally she finally agreed to go, it took a little while for her to get in to see a doctor. But now with Mike's money there wasn't any worries about being able to pay for medical services. The news was bad when it came back. She had cancer in her cervix and Ariel needed surgery. She was to have a hysterectomy, and the doctor took the other parts of her female reproductive tract: her Fallopian tubes and ovaries. The worst news to the newlywed couple was that Ariel shouldn't be having sex for some time. She recovered from her surgery, but she just didn't feel all that good. The doctor said it would take a while for her to feel better. He said she should see him in a couple of months. Ariel didn't feel up to sex with Mike and was distraught about their life together. It had been several weeks since the surgery and they still weren't having sex. She didn't feel that she was woman enough for Mike. She felt gratitude for what he did for her with Gabriel and how he had changed her life and that of her kids, but she couldn't do what she felt was part of a wife's duty. If she didn't Mike would leave her, or she would have to face the shame of her husband seeking other women. Ariel came to Mike saying, "I told you that I should not have gotten married. We cannot be a husband and wife. I can't do the sex for you." "Of course we can be married, sex doesn't a marriage make. We can still be together even if we don't have sex." "Oh Mike now I see that I love you. You are good to me. But I not be so good to you. I know that men need sex from his wife or they get it somewhere else. You shouldn't have married me." "But I did and I love you so I won't go anywhere else for sex." Ariel tried to satisfy Mike by sucking him. He was small enough that she could take him easily in her mouth. She would take him all the way until he had his cum. But every time he came in her mouth it set her off coughing, that it took her several minutes before she could stop. With her chemotherapy she just couldn't take much of his cum in her mouth. Mike very much wanted to do for Ariel to give her pleasure with his mouth on her pussy. But she wouldn't have it. She still had some discharge from her vagina, and there was a strong odor. She couldn't have Mike putting his mouth there for her. After a couple of months she wouldn't take him in her mouth anymore and she wouldn't let him eat her pussy. She was forced to give him hand jobs, wanking him off. He pretended that it was enough. But she could see that it wasn't. She didn't want to lose this good man. He was a father figure to little Joseph and was teaching him English. The girls looked up to him. He helped Angela with her school work, so much so she was getting top marks in her third grade class. Grace tried to do everything she could to make Mike feel at home. She helped her mother cook and take care of the house. She made sure Mike had his cane nearby all the time. She was happy to help him up and down. She would even rub his leg when it hurt. With a new house they didn't have to live in the heat like before. But they knew that Mike needed the heat to make his leg feel better. So it was a compromise, it wasn't as hot as the Santos family was used to living in, but it wasn't as cool. After masturbating Mike for the third time this week. Ariel spoke to him, "Mike, you need have sex, not this I do, this not good. You need real sex." "I told you, Ariel, that I wouldn't be going out behind your back and having sex with other women." "I know you not do, you are good and loyal man. But I want you have sex. I think you will have sex with Grace. I tell her and she will do. "With Grace," Mike said in surprise, "I can't do that, first we are married and second she is your daughter." "No she will do with you. She like you very much. You should have virgin when you marry. I am not virgin. You have Grace instead of me." "I can't do that! She's only 10, she's too young," Mike insisted. "Ten is not too young, she will learn," pleaded Ariel. "I know you are gentile lover. Can you be good teacher?" "What if she doesn't want to do this?" "She will do." With that Ariel closed her eyes to sleep not saying anything more. Mike was left to think about it, in the dark before falling asleep himself. The next evening Mike and Ariel sat in the living room, while the kids were in the family room watching TV. Picking up the conversation from the night before Ariel said, I talk to Grace and she will be like wife for you. You do this you will see it work good. She is good daughter she make you nice lover. As Mike sat there dumbfounded Ariel switched to Tagalog, she called out to her daughter, and she said, "Grace, Halika dito." (Grace, come here.) "Oo, mommy." (Yes mommy) She said as she came into the room. "Gusto kong gawin ang isang bagay na espesyal para sa Mike." (I want to do something special for Mike.) "Oo mommy, ano ito? " (Yes mommy, what is it?) "Gusto ko sa iyo upang pumunta ngayong gabi at matulog sa aking kama. Makikita mo matulog sa Mike." (I want you to go tonight and sleep in my bed. You'll sleep with Mike.) "Bakit ko gawin iyon?" (Why do I do that?) The girl asked. "Ikaw ay tulad ng isang asawa sa kaniya at siya ay ipakita kung paano maging isang babae." (You will be like a wife to him and he will show how to be a woman.) "Mommy hindi ka niya gusto sa akin, ako pa rin ang maliit na batang babae." (Mommy he will not like me, I am still little girl.) She protested. "Siya ay nais na ito at sa gayon ay sa iyo. Ang gusto mong maging mabait sa Mike?" (He will like it and so will you. You do want to be nice to Mike?) Her mother questioned her. "Oo Gusto kong maging nice to Mike, siya ay kaya magandang, mahal ko siya. Gusto mo sa akin upang gawin ito sa kanya? " (Yes I want to be nice to Mike, he is so good, I love him. You want me to do this with him?) "Oo. Siya ay magiging nice to sa iyo. Siya ay nagpapakita kung paano mga sanggol ay ginawa." (Yes I do. He will be nice to you. He will show how babies are made.) "Oh mommy na ay kaya nice. Mamamanhik ba siya ng isang sanggol sa akin?" (Oh mommy that is so nice. Will he make a baby in me?) The girl questioned. "Walang ikaw ay isang ilang taon ang layo mula sa na ngunit magkakaroon ka ng masaya sinusubukan. Siguro mamaya kapag ikaw ay mas lumang maaari kang gumawa ng sanggol sa kanya, ikaw ay masyadong bata pa ngayon, hindi mo maaaring gawin ito pa." (No you are a few years away from that but you will have fun trying. Maybe later when you are older you can make a baby with him, you are too young now, you can't do it yet,) she assured her daughter. Though the night was a weekend night, he didn't think that Ariel would really bring Grace to their bed. He brushed his teeth and slipped on the boxers that he wore to bed. But to Mike's amazement, and slight to his embarrassment Ariel lead Grace by the hand to the bed. She was wearing her thin short nightgown. "You sleep here tonight, do as Mike tells you. He will be good to you." She smiled at him and then turned and left. Mike tried to control himself, but he had half a hardon. He hoped she didn't see as they got in the bed. "You sure you want to be here?" He asked the girl. "Yes Mike, I will be here for you, mommy told me to do for you like she would do for you. I will be like wife for you?" "Yes, but you sure you want this?" He asked again. "I do anything for you, Mike. I'll be happy to be like wife for you." she told him shyly smiling. He pulled her into the bed. "Come here," he said as he put his arms around and pulled her close. He kissed her on her ears. She giggled with that. But he was nibbling on her earlobes, and blowing in her ear. He kissed her neck, then all over her face. Finally he reached her lips and he gently kissed her on them. She tried to kiss him back by puckering her lips. He showed her how to kiss more grown up kisses. He chewed her lips with his. She found it to be exciting and it caused her to feel funny in a way she had never felt before. She was wanting more. Mike slipped his tongue into her mouth. He explored her little mouth. She learned what to do and she was soon giving back to him. He was able to open his mouth and Grace was able to go in and find that warm wet inviting part of Mike. He caressed the girl while they kissed. He could feel that the girl was flat-chested and felt tiny in his arms. But it doesn't seem to matter, he loved the girl in his arms. Not that he didn't love Ariel, but he was now loving Grace and enjoying it. He knew that Ariel was right; that a man needed to have woman. If he couldn't have Ariel, Grace would do just fine. They kissed for over two hours. Grace was getting good at it. But she had school in the morning and it couldn't go on all night. Mike ended it and gave her a last kiss telling her to go to sleep. She hunched up to him so her back was to him. They spooned together the rest of the night. In the morning before the time the girls got up Ariel came in and got Grace up. Grace went to her room to dress. When she came down to eat breakfast she asked Grace, "How was your night?" Just as Grace was about to answer, Ariel looked over at Joseph sitting at the table and said, "Tell me in English." "Oh mommy, it was nice Mike kissed me, you know the kind of kissing they do on the television." "Mike was nice to you? You liked it?" "Oh yes he was very nice he showed me how to kiss like that, it was fun." "Good you will sleep in the bed with him again on Friday night. Don't tell your sister. Remember you no tell anyone that you sleep in bed with Mike." "Yes mommy." The rest of the week was like a normal week with the girls going to school and doing their homework. Mike had found a few old Dr. Seuss books in an old dusty store. He was began reading them to Joseph he would also teach him a word or two of English in between. He also found a few books more on the level of the girls and the family would gather round as Mike would read to them. Friday night came and Angela and Joseph were sent off to bed. A little later, Grace was brought to the bedroom by Ariel. She said to Mike, "You be gentile, you teach Grace how to be a woman." Grace was wearing her little night gown and Mike was only in his boxers. He was under the light sheet which concealed his growing erection. Grace moved over and snuggled up to him. "You will kiss me again?" "You want me to do that?" "Oh yes I like, you kiss nice, I like." He took her in her arms and with minimal preliminaries he launched into her lips and was soon invading her mouth with his tongue. They continued swapping tongues as the kissed. Grace was getting good at it. Mike backed off a little and began to nibble at her ears and neck. At the same time he began to stroke her flat chest. Finally he broke the kissing altogether and reached down a pulled her nightgown off her, leaving her laying there in just her little panties. Mike kissed her chest on his way down to flat areolas. When he kissed them it made Grace giggle. But the giggles went away when Mike began to excite her little dime sized brown spots on her light brown chest. The crinkled a little and the nipples no bigger than the head of a straight pin began to raise up. The little girl was getting turned on by what Mike was doing, Mike could smell it. Before long Grace was holding his head to her flat chest, or moving it from one nipple to the other. Mike pulled his head free from her hands. A worried Grace looked down from at him as she lay on her back with her head slightly raised by pillows. She need not was worried Mike wasn't done with her yet. He kissed his way down her belly and French kissed her naval. This time she didn't giggle, instead she was cooing. While Mike licked out her belly button he grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled. Grace was surprised, but Mike lifted her butt and slipped the panties off her. Her surprise turned to embarrassment her bare little girlhood was open to Mike. It was one thing for him to see her flat little girl chest. She wasn't worried about that because she didn't have anything there to see. But her girlhood was another story. She put her hands down there to cover it when Mike pulled off her panties. But Mike gently picked up her hands taking the off making him able to see the essence of her femininity. He got a look of her a mound with fat pussy lips. He thought he could see in the faint light a trace of red blush in the light brown skin. One thing was sure he could smell an odor coming from her. He kissed her lower belly, then kissed the insides of her thighs. He took his time, and used his tongue to lick her. She got over her embarrassment and began to coo again. When Mike moved over and kissed her on her lower lips, there was an audible inrush of breath from Grace, a whooshing sound. He kissed his way up and down her lips before he brought his tongue into the action. When he did being to use this tool from his toolbox on her, she grabbed his head and pulled it to her. Mike took it that she liked it. He used his tongue to pry apart her little lips and went in to where that odor was coming from. He also found a little bit of liquid there. Damn this girl was getting wet! Maybe Mike misjudged her, she may only be 10 but it seemed like she was excited by what Mike was doing to her. He used the tip of his tongue to lap it up. It not only licked what she had made but it was encouraging her to make more. Mike got some of it on his tongue and added his own saliva and moved up a bit and wiggled his thing with the wet mix on the little button that was her clitoris. Grace gave a squeak with that. Mike began to lick her little love bump mixing in with a few sucks on it. After and couple of minute of letting Grace get used to that, he brought another tool into play. He moved a finger up to the entrance of her little pussy. When he pressed at her she wiggled her hips away from his finger. So instead he ran it up and down her lips on the outside and just slightly inside the fat outer lips. In the meantime he was working his magic with his tongue and sucking on her little clit. Soon Mike as the one who was surprised, her little clit wasn't so little any more, it was poking it head out of the little hood it had been hiding in. Mike was amazed that the girl could get hot and that her clit was out seeking what he could do with. She was moving about so Mike had to grab her hips to ride this bucking bronco. But he kept his tongue and lips working on her. Finally she exploded. She gave out a piercing scream while her body arched with her hips at the apex. She held it up like that as her climax racked her body. Her scream continued for over a minute as her orgasm lasted that long. When it ended the scream stopped and she collapsed on the bed on her back. The overwhelming sensation of her cum caused her to pass out. The magnitude of it had caused her so much exhaustion that she fell into a deep sleep. After a couple of minutes Mike heard the bedroom door softly open. He turned to see Ariel's face in the crack of the door. She was peering into the room. She could see well enough by the light of the full moon coming in through the gauze like curtains that hung over the second story window. She could see her daughter lying on her back, not moving other than her bare chest moving up and down with her rhythmic breathing. Ariel crept over to the edge of the bed near Mike's head she crouched down and whispered to him, "She sleeping?" "Yeah I think so," he answered in a whisper, "she was exhausted and fell right to sleep.' "Why she scream? You make her woman?" "No. I gave her an orgasm, I think it overwhelmed her. Has she ever had one before?" "I do not think so. She very loud, she wake Joseph. I have to get him back to sleep. You very good lover Mike, so nice you make her orgasm." "Did Angela wake up too?" "No. If bomb go off in her room, she not wake up. You make her a woman soon?" "Yeah, I'm working up to it, she is young and I don't want to freak her out with going all the way the first time or two we are together." "But you like to be with her?" "Yes, I do now. I didn't think that it would be good for either of us but I see that it is. Thanks Ariel for arranging this." "Mike I love you and I know how man need sex, I want you to have. Grace she like to play at mother and wife, she will like too." The next morning Ariel came in the room and woke Grace, saying, "Dumating kailangan mong makakuha ng up ngayon at bumalik sa iyong silid. Angela hindi dapat makita dumating ka mula sa aking kuwarto." (Come you must get up now and go back to your room. Angela must not see you come from my room.) Grace began to get up and realized that she was naked. "Mommy bigyan ako ng aking damit na pantulog." (Mommy give me my nightgown.) Handing her the gown, Ariel asked her, "Nagustuhan mo ba kung ano ang nangyari kagabi?" (Did you like what happened last night?) "Oh mommy ito ay ang pinakamahusay na, Mike so nice sa akin, ito nararamdaman kaya mabuti." (Oh mommy it was the best, Mike so nice to me, it feels so good.) "Gusto mo sa kanya upang gawin ang nalalaman sa iyo?" (You like him to do more with you?) Ariel asked. "Oo, pakiusap!" (Yes, please!) "Ikaw ay magkakaroon upang gumawa ng mga bagay para sa kanya". (You will have to do things for him.) "Anong gagawin?" (What to do?) "Siya sabihin sa iyo o ipakita sa iyo kung paano gawin ito." (He will tell you or show you how to do it.) "OK mommy" "Halika ngayon ikaw ay may upang makakuha ng out sa dito." (Come now you have to get out of here.) With that she led the girl from her bed. But she turned back and gave a wink to Mike. He just knew that there would be good times ahead with Grace, with Ariel's blessing. That night Ariel had the girls get ready for bed. Grace, being older, got to stay up later. As soon as Angela was in bed and settled, Ariel led Grace into her room. Mike was waiting in the bed. Ariel turned off the overhead light and switched on a lamp on the bedside table. She had replaced the bright bulb with a low watt bulb, that created a gentile light in the room enough to see, but not very bright. "Bigyan mo ako ng ito." (Give me this), Ariel said lifting Grace's nightgown over her head. Mike saw that Grace had no panties on. This time Grace didn't try and hide her girlhood. Ariel turned to Mike, saying, "Take off your undershorts off. Grace wants to see your manhood." Mike slipped them off and turned to face Grace. Her eyes feasted on Mike's erected manhood. Mike wasn't sticking out so far if compared with other guys but he was giving it all he had and Grace's eyes were big with amazement. She had seen Joseph's boyhood but Mike was so much bigger in Grace's eyes. She wasn't sure if she should be excited or afraid. But she plucked up her courage and walked across the room and took Mike's hardon in her hand. Mike was in heaven to have her hands on him in that way. Ariel backed out of the room. Mike took Grace's hand and led her into the bed. She could hardly let go of him. He laid her down and began to kiss her. She was quickly into the kissing using her tongue to battle Mike's. He caressed her flat chest, she took one hand away from her little nipple and placed squarely between her legs. Mike knew what she wanted, he kissed her while one hand toyed with her tiny flat breasts the other one was beginning to masturbate the girl. Somehow she had figured what to do on her own and was stroking his ragging hardon. Mike didn't want to cum too soon. He pushed her hand away and moved down the bed. He had his head between her legs. He repeated his actions of the day before. Grace was ready and anticipating the climax she was hoping would come. Mike lifted up his mouth and said, "Cover your mouth so you don't make noise like yesterday." Grace put both hands over her mouth. Mike went back to eating her little girl pussy. He was loving it, her little clit was poking out seeking his tongue and lips. He didn't disappoint her, giving her all she could take. It didn't take long before Grace was seeing fireworks going off in front of her closed eyes. Her body was shaking and writhing around on the bed. But she kept her hands firmly over her mouth, and muffled the sounds coming from her didn't disturb the rest of the house. This time when her orgasm was over she remained awake. Mike moved up next to her. He led her hand back to his raging prick. He showed her how to hold him with the right grip on his manhood and he helped her move her hand up and down it. Before he could cum, he stopped her again. He took a minute to cool off. He pulled the foreskin down on his cock. He told her, "I want you to put it in your mouth" She looked up at him with a questioning look in her eyes. "It will be alright, remember I had my mouth down between your legs. When it is in your mouth I want you to suck on it and at the same time use your tongue to lick me, just like I was licking you. I want to use your hand like you were doing, stroke it up and down." It took a couple of minutes of practice to start to get it right. There was only a couple of times that she scraped him with her teeth. But she could see by Mike's reaction that she shouldn't do that. She tried her best, because of the great affection she had for him as a father figure but also as a lover. She also appreciated very much what he had done for her in bed. Mike could feel himself getting close to his climax. He figured that to come in her mouth the first time she sucked him might put her off her doing it again. Besides he felt it would be better for her first time not to do that. Also there was the additional reason that she could see him cum and know about. "Grace, honey, when I tell you, I want to stop sucking and move up here next to me, lay on your back. You have to do it fast. You understand?" She nodded her head. It took only another minute and Mike was ready. "OK up here and fast!" There was a quick shuffling of positions, Grace on her back Mike moved over with a knee on each side of her waist. He was stroking himself, to beat the band. Then he blew his load. He aimed for her chest. He gave her quite a load she watched the squirts coming from his manhood, in wonder. When he had finished her eyes filled with wonder. She asked, "Is that the stuff that makes babies?" "Yeah it is, and you got a lot of it there." "It won't make me have a baby now?" "No, your mom told you how babies are made?" "She said you put that in me and it makes me have a baby." "Well it does, but I have to put it in your girlhood, all the way up inside you. But right now you are too young you can't have a baby now. Maybe in a few years you will be able to, but not now." "Oh good, I want to have babies but not yet. When I'm older will you give me babies Mike?" "We'll have to see about that." Mike couldn't help but wonder, what Ariel would have to say about all that. Not to mention what others might think where those babies' of Grace's could be coming from. Mike had a long week until Friday night, since Grace wouldn't be sleeping with him on school nights but there was the expectation on the weekend. During the week, Ariel was making it clear that she expected Mike to make a woman of Grace. But he wondered what was she thinking, that this was the only way she could hold him. How would it be taken if he was fucking his step-daughter? He hoped no one would ever know about it. But this seemed that this was what Ariel wanted from him. Grace for her part didn't seem to object to it. Still he couldn't help but wonder was Ariel using Grace as a way to blackmail him? If he didn't stay with her or do what she said, she would expose his sex with Grace. Mike pondered that one. But it couldn't be that, or she would be in it as deep as he was. She was her daughter and she knew full well what was happening. Besides Ariel didn't seem the type to be setting him up. There seemed to be too much love and concern coming his way from her. During the week things had seemed to settle in a routine. Ariel would do her housework, with Grace helping her at times during the day. He noticed that she was working on something. She often sewed but he hadn't seen material like she was using before. In the evening Mike went over their homework. Then he would read to them in English, various stories. He would also read to To little Joey something like Dr Seuss, since Joey was in kindergarten, and just was learning a little English. The older girls he read stories more age appropriate. They never acted like they were anything other than a normal family. But at times he caught Grace looking at him, if no one was around to see it, she would give him a shy smile before looking away. Lately Ariel went to bed as soon as the kids were in bed. The chemo was taking its toll on her. She was losing her hair and was self-conscious about it. Grace was doing more of the house work. Grace would do the shopping with a list Ariel provided. Being married to Mike had its privileges, no worrying about the cost of clothes, or being able to afford food. Not to mention being able to afford good medical care. Mike for his part would stay up later to get the news from home on the satellite network. Ariel would be a sleep when he would slip into bed. He loved her and tried to encourage her. But she felt like less of a woman, and didn't want to lose this great husband because he was getting sex elsewhere. Thursday night Ariel was awake when Mike came to bed. She asked, "You will make Grace woman tomorrow night?" "I've been working up to that, so maybe. Why?" "Man needs his sex, I not want to you go other woman for that." "I wouldn't do that. I hope you know that." "There is other reason, you not take her yet?" "Well she is young, I don't want to hurt her. But also I just can't help but feel a bit funny about it," "Why you feel funny about making love to nice, pretty young girl?" "My daughter Holly would be her age." "Your wife, she run away to another man, she leave you. If you were still in your country, you must find another wife, to have satisfaction." "Yes, but it isn't always that easy, even before I was hurt." "No, it can be hard to find wife, it like you say. I think your Holly will be making love for you? Can she could give you satisfaction, her momma not give?" "I don't know. I had never thought of that before," admitted Mike. "You here now, now you think different. Here Grace, she is ready. She give you the satisfaction." Ariel nodded firmly and looked at Mike. "You make her woman tomorrow?" Mike nodded slowly and said grudgingly "All right, I guess." That Friday night Mike waited in the bedroom, lounging in just his boxers. It was later than Ariel had been bringing Grace to his bed. But come she did, dressed very sexy in what looked like a little two piece teddy. It was red, almost see-though. It was tight fitting across her top, showing off her flat chest and coming down just low enough to cover the little bikini like panties she wore. Her hair was all nice and clean and she had bit of curl in the short black hair. She wore just a touch of eye make-up, to make her pretty black eyes stand out. He could also smell her, there was the smell of the scented bath salts Mike had bought for Ariel, but also a hint of a perfume. He could just recall that fragrance. He wracked his brain for a moment for the name. Then it came to him, it was Taboo. He could only think what a perfume for her to be wearing. Mike felt very under dressed suddenly. Here was this little girl looking and smelling so sexy and he was just in a pair of boxers, well at least they were clean, he had put them on about the time he was expecting Grace to be coming. But Grace as pretty as she looked, she was also slightly glassy eyed. Ariel saw his concern, "I gave her half of your pain pill," she said as she handed Mike a tube of lubricant. Mike comforted himself in the knowledge that Grace wouldn't feel as much pain as he feared. He led her to the bed and she laid down next to him. Ariel retreated out of the room turning out the overhead light and closing the door. Mike reached over and turned on the little light next to the bed. As soon as they were alone, Grace pounced, taking Mike by surprise. She put in a lip lock that he was forced to defend himself by attacking her with his tongue. Grace surrendered and allowed his tongue to enter her. But it didn't end there, they began a tongue wresting match in her mouth. Soon enough the fight spilled over into his mouth. Too keep from losing the fight, Mike attacked with his hands going after the tiny nipples of the girl. At first it was through the material of her teddy, but soon he opened it and now could make skin-on-skin contact with the tiny breasts to be. Grace moaned and her tongue work slackened a bit. That allowed Mike to attack other areas. He began to kiss her neck, then up to her ears. She gave out a little giggle, that was music to Mike's ears. Soon enough she started on his journey south. He arrived at the tiny breastlets. He kissed and sucked on each one. Grace arched her back pushing them at him. He would toy with one with his hand while the other got the attention of his mouth. He switched back and forth on her for a while before removing the whole teddy top. It sailed across the room to land in a wad. Mike's hand took the waistband of the panties and Grace lifted her hips as Mike pulled them down. They too went sailing across the room to land near the top. Before Mike moved down to munch on where her carpet would be in a few years, he stopped her, "Take my shorts off," he told the girl. She quickly complied. She also got a good feel of his hard woody. But Mike moved down and placed his face in the saddle between her legs. Grace was ready for riding. He could smell her excitement starting to flow from her virgin vagina. He could see in the soft light her not so little clit had come out to play. He gave her what she had come for. He licked and sucked on her clit while his fingers toyed with the entrance to her holy of holies. He could slip up some of her cunt cream up to help with the manipulation of her clit, as if his saliva wasn't enough. Mike was salivating over it like Pavlov's dogs. The effect was to give Grace a series of little orgasms. None were of the earth--and ear--shattering kind like she first had. But she was enjoying it none-the-less. Mike sensed now was the time. He stretched up taking the tube of lube and began to apply it to his hard prick, while he still munched on Grace's snatch. Rising up he grabbed a pillow and placed it under her hips, spreading her legs at the same time. He could see his target like it was a little bulls eye. Reaching down he took his little garden hose and pointed it at the place. He fell on her, his manly sword slid into her scabbard fully. There was a small obstacle at the entrance but it disappeared quickly. Grace had given a muted cry but she didn't seem to have hurt much with Mike's intrusion into her body. Quickly he was fully in the young girl. The sting of her hymen breaking was gone in a few seconds. She could feel a fullness in her little girl parts, and a pride enveloped her, she was a woman now. It felt so good to have a man in her. Mike gave her a minute to get use to him being in her before he began to pull out. Grace fearing that he would go away quickly locked her legs around his waist. But he only pulled back to the point where he was almost out of the now nonvirginal girl. Her legs told him she didn't want him to be going. He pushed back into her, drawing a contented sigh from the girl. She quickly realized what Mike was doing as he pumped back and forth in her little girlhood. She could feel it coming that feeling was building up in her again. That feeling that she know would give her the ultimate pleasure. As Mike pumped away at her sawing in and out of her little pussy. She was in heaven. Mike had never had a pussy so tight and so nice. Whatever Grace must be feeling he was feeling twofold, he thought. Finally Grace reached her peak, with her climax her little pussy muscles gripped Mike's manhood tightly. He was still able to move in her, but the only movement he wanted to do now was to get as deep in her he could as he felt it; he was cumming. Squirt after squirt jetted out of him. He was in ecstasy. His cum in her little pussy pushed Grace to an even higher, and harder cum. Exhausted, Mike dropped down over the girl resting on his elbows and knees. Grace herself was whipped. Mike pulled out of her and rolled over. Since Ariel was wanting Mike to make a woman of her little daughter, she had provided some wet cloths and a dry towel. Mike gingerly cleaned Grace's now non-virgin womanhood. He wanted to remove any blood before the girl saw it. Then he cleaned his softening prick. He threw those away in a different direction than the way he had sent her teddy. She rolled over on her side. Mike spooned behind her, his now soft sausage up against the girl's legs. They both drifted off to sleep. The sunlight was starting to come in the room. Ariel silently crept into the room, she kneeled up near Mike's head. She bent over and kissed his ear, waking him. She whispered to him, "You make her a woman?" Mike nodded. "Good she make love for you, you like." He nodded yes again. "You like with Grace?" Once more silently he nodded yes She straightened up, reached over and shaking Grace she said, "Oras upang makakuha ng up. (Time to get up.) When Grace had her eyes open more she said, "Mayroon kang magandang panahon?" ( You have nice time?) " Oo Mommy Mike kaya magaling , siya ay mabuti sa akin." (Yes Mommy Mike so nice, he is good to me.) "Gusto mo ito, hindi saktan ka?" (You like it, not hurt you?) "Oo ito nasaktan ng kaunti sa una, ngunit Mike ginawa ito pakiramdam mas mahusay. Ito nararamdaman mabuti upang gawin ito. maaari kong gawin ito na nagsisama sa kaniya?" (Yes it hurt a little at first, but Mike made it feel better. It feels good to do this. I can do this more with him?) "Oo kayo'y magiging parang asawa sa kaniya dahil dito. Huwag mo nais na gawin ito sa kanya?" (Yes you will be like wife to him for this. Do you want to do this with him?) "Oh oo Mommy gusto ko very much. Ngunit Mike gusto sa akin? (Oh yes Mommy I want very much. But will Mike want with me?) "Sa tingin ko siya ang may gusto sa iyo, maaari mong gawin ng mas maraming hangga't gusto mo. Ngunit hindi mo dapat ipaalam sa iyong mga kapatid na babae at kapatid na lalaki alam tungkol sa iyo at Mike dito." (I think he likes with you, you can do as much as you want. But you must not let your sister and brother know about you and Mike here.) "Oo Mommy," the girl smiled. Ariel leaned over and kissed Grace then Mike, "Come you have breakfast before Angela up." The weeks began to pass. They were a real family, the girls hadn't come to calling Mike tatay, (daddy), yet though Joey had, but they did have real affection. Mike returned it, he loved as though they were his own. He thanked his lucky stars for Ariel and her kids. It was like he was given back the family he had lost. It gave him the purpose in life he needed. Ariel no longer had to bring Grace to her bed as lover for Mike. Both Mike and Grace expected that she was going to be there, they were looking forward to those weekend nights. They knew that they had Ariel's blessing on their love making. Mike took to teaching her various positions. Grace was a enthusiastic lover. She got into sucking his cock and was happy to have him cumming in her mouth. Most of all she loved to fuck with Mike. She even went so far as having Mike get a book of different positions. Eventually she discovered porn on the internet. She wanted Mike to watch it with her, and then she would want to do what the actors did. One thing she didn't like about the porn, the guys had such huge manhood. She was turned off by it. She loved Mike's little cock. It was just the right size she thought. Ariel was falling behind in her housework as her health failed more. Mike got her to go to the doctor again. This time it was a better cancer doctor. He said that the cancer had spread and she needed more treatment than she could get in the Philippines. But not all was lost, if Ariel couldn't get the health care she needed in the Philippines, there was no choice, she need to go to where there was better health care. As she was the wife of a US citizen, it was arranged that she would go to the US for the best cancer treatment. Mike could afford to send her and for the treatment. It was arranged for her to get a US visa for medical treatment. Just in case there were problems, Mike and Ariel went to a lawyer and she signed papers; Mike a guardian of the girls, but without her giving up her parental rights. Her doctor was able to get in contact with a colleague in the US and that. doctor agreed to treat her at a leading cancer hospital so she flew off to Texas, and was admitted to the hospital. Ariel would be there for twelve weeks. She kept in contact with her family, by video chat. It made things easier, the kids could see and talk to their mom. But with Ariel gone everyone would have to help out. Mike picked up most of the household duties, but the kids helped too. Grace became a mother figure to her little sister and especially her brother. Little "Joey" was the one who missed his mother the most, having been the only parent he had ever known. Grace comforted him like he was her own child. Mike thought someday she will make a good mother and nice wife for some lucky man. In addition to taking over duties with her little sister and brother but she took over her mother's place in Mike's bed, but only on the non-school nights The time passed things were going well Mike thought, Ariel would be home in two and a half weeks. Then one morning, about 4 AM Angela woke up sick. She got up with nausea, she made her way quickly to the toilet where she began to vomit. She would be over the toilet throwing up then have to quickly get on it as it was running out of the other end of her too. After three rounds of vomiting and diarrhea, she pulled up her pajama bottoms, leaving her panties off. It was one less thing to get off then the feelings struck her that she needed to go again. She went into Mike's bedroom to tell him. It was a weekend night. when she came in she found Mike asleep in the bed the covers were off him. He was naked. But if that wasn't enough of a shock to her, her sister was in the bed too. She was equally naked she was laying on her side with her head on Mike's chest while he was on his back with his arm around her. Angela quickly concluded that Grace hadn't crawled into be with Mike after he was a sleep, besides she was naked too. They were both naked, something was up she concluded. She shook Mike, saying in a loud voice, "Mike I feel sick." He opened his eyes to see Angela standing next to the bed. She could see everything, he had left the low light on after he and Grace finished making love. At this point it didn't seem much point in trying to cover up, especially since he and Grace were lying on the sheet. He said to her, "What's the matter?" "I've been throwing up and been having to go to the bathroom number, 2." Getting up he felt her forehead and found that she was hot and sweaty. He got up, grabbing his cane, he took her into the bathroom. Mike gave her something to settle her stomach. Then he asked her, "Did you eat something strange yesterday?" "Me and Flora were out by the park and we bought some meat on a stick." "From a street vendor?" "Yes." "I've told you not to eat things from the street vendors. Their food isn't clean. I think you got food poisoning." The word poison spooked her. "Oh no!" she said in horror, with terror in her eyes. "Will I die?" "No," Mike answered her, "but you will feel bad for a while. You will have to get all stuff out of you. So you may be doing more vomiting and diarrhea." "Do I have to?" She asked. "Yeah, it has to work its way out of you. After that you will be OK." Relieved Angela relaxed from the tension she felt when she heard the word poison. "Why are you naked, why was Grace naked in your bed?" She gestured to her sister who was standing in the doorway of the bathroom equally naked as Mike. "She was sleeping with you?" she said half questioning half accusingly. "Yes, Grace was sleeping with me." "But why were you both naked?" "Grace and I were spending some special time together." Mike tried to explain, without telling her anything. "Does mom know that you do this?" "Yes your mom knows." "I'm gonna ask her." "Angie, honey, these things mustn't be talked about." "I'm gonna ask her if she knows about you being naked in bed." Before she could say much more, she whipped down her PJ bottoms and sat down on the toilet. They could hear the water running out of her butt. "Come on Grace, let's give her, her privacy right now." The two of them back walked back to the bedroom, getting into bed, Grace asked, "Will she tell mom on us?" "Remember your mom knows about what we do. You know she wanted me to make you a woman." "I wanted you to do it too," she smiled. "Yes I know you did, that is makes it OK, because we are doing things that are acceptable to you and your mom." "Thanks Mike, I love you." With that she gave him a kiss. She reached for his cock. He brushed her hand away, "Angela might come back. We'll have time later." He kissed her on her forehead let's get some more sleep." Mike was up early, he sent an email to Ariel - "Angela discovered our secret, she is wondered why we were doing things. I will talk to you later." It was near to the time that the family would skype with Ariel, Mike got on alone, hoping Ariel had got the message. When he had the chat open, he sent a message to Ariel. She opened up her messenger right away. He could see her in the cam, and she had her earphones on. She had the mike up close to her. She spoke in hush tones, "What Angela find out?" "She found Grace and I in bed naked." "What you tell her?" "I said that she and I were having some special time together." "Oh you can have trouble." "I was hoping not. What do you think she will do?" "You have to tell her not to be telling anyone about this. I think she will listen, if we tell her. But I think that the trouble is for you. You know how she is, she thinks if Grace do something she do it too. She might want join with you and Grace." "You think that is the worst of it?" "Yes I think she not make other trouble. But you might have to give her what you give to Grace." "You think I will have too?" "Yes, is best way to do that with her." "You think she can handle it, I mean mine my...." "You see. You not think it fit with Grace, but it did. You see if it fit with Angela." "You're OK with her joining in?" "Mike I love you, I know you be good to them." Mike went and got the girls, (Joey thankfully was still sleeping), so they could all sit in front of the computer and were on the cam. As soon as Angela saw her mom on the screen she blurted out, "Mommy, Grace ay hubad sa kama na may Mike." (Mommy, Grace was naked in bed with Mike.) "Alam ko, huwag mag-alala tungkol dito." (I know, don't worry about it.) "Ano ang ginagawa nila? Bakit sila ay hubad? " (What were they doing? Why were they naked?) "Mike at Grace ay nagkakaroon ng ilang mga espesyal na pag-ibig." (Mike and Grace were having some special love.) "Bakit hindi ko makakuha ng ilan sa mga espesyal na pag-ibig? Hindi gumagamit ng pag-ibig niya sa akin?" (Why don't I get some of that special love? Doesn't he love me?) "Siya ang pag-ibig sa iyo. Ka bang gusto mong ring pagibig ibinibigay niya sa Grace? " (He does love you. You sure you want the same love he gives to Grace?) Yeah gusto ko, kung siya ay nagbibigay sa Grace pagkatapos ay dapat niyang gawin ito para sa akin, masyadong. (Yeah I want, if he gives to Grace then he should do it for me, too.) OK Mike ay magpapaliwanag sa iyo. Ngunit tandaan na ito ay para lamang sa iyo at sa iyong kapatid na babae, hindi mo makipag-usap sa anumang isa tungkol dito, hindi kahit na Joseph. (OK, Mike will explain to you. But remember this is only for you and your sister, you don't talk to anyone about it, not even Joseph.) Switching to English she said, "Mike you can do anything you want, teach her, be nice and gentile with her. Grace, you share with your sister, be nice to her, makes things nice for her. Where is Joseph?" The girls ran off to get him. He asked, "You are OK if it went all the way with her?" "Mike I know you are kind man you will be good to her. You give her what she wants, it not hurt her. When she has some she will forget about it. She only wants because Grace has. But you can enjoy. You like little like that?" "I never thought about that, but I do like now that I've had it." The girls came back with Joey and the kids chatted with her in Tagalog, about their week and what they were doing. Ariel told them about her time. They were asking when she was going to be home. The household went back to their normal routines, until after Joey was in bed. Angela came to Mike, "Is Grace going to be in your bed tonight like last night." "That is kinda of a personal question, that should be between her and I, don't you think?" "Mom said I could have this special love too." "She did give you permission for you to get what Grace and I share, but you questioned that your mom knew. Now you know that we have her permission, it is something that both Grace and I want, are you sure you want the same thing?" Mike tried to patiently question her. "Yeah, I should get the same things that Grace gets," she said defiantly. "You should know what Grace gets, as you saw, when we are naked. You will have to be naked too, Mike stated." "If she can be naked, then I can do it too. But you have to be naked too," Angela put in a requirement, not knowing that was the whole point of it. "If Grace can do it I will too!" Angela responded. "OK, go get ready, take a shower, and wash real good down on your..." "MY girlhood?" Angela finished the sentence for him. "Yes and make sure you brush your teeth, then come back here naked." She came back naked a short while later led by the hand by a naked Grace. Her darker skin contrasted with Grace's lighter skin. But otherwise the difference between sisters was not much. Both had flat chests and bald little pussies. Angela's lips on her mound seemed more narrow, whereas Grace's was more full. Grace appeared to Mike more womanly, but he could live with the smaller pussy of Angela, if this what she wanted. He had showered too and was waiting for them being naked and fully hard. "Come here and get in the bed, Angela you get on other side of Grace and I'll have her alongside of me." Mike explained, "What Grace and I do is make love. If you want what Grace gets you should watch and see what she and I do." Once they were in place Mike began to kiss Grace. He kissed her neck and went up and nibbled on her ear, as he kissed his way around her face, she let a little giggle. Angela looked down and saw that Mike's hand was on Grace's chest as he played with her little nipple. While her hand was on Mike's hard prick. She had seen Joey's, cock but it was never like that. Grace pulled his head toward her lips. She stuck out her tongue and Mike responded, sticking out his so that the touched. Angela saw them wiggle them together before Grace pulled his head closer it was obvious that she shoved her tongue into his mouth and pulled his lips up against hers. Angela watched in fascination. That looked gross to her, having someone stick their tongue into your mouth. But on the other hand she could see that Grace liked it. She knew her sister she was never one to do gross things. In fact Angela knew Grace, was the more cautious of the sisters. So it must not be so gross. They kissed like that for a couple of minutes, then Mike stopped and said, "OK time to switch, Angela, honey change places with Grace." Once they had done that, Mike kissed Angela. He started like he did with Grace kissing her all over, and nibbled on her earlobes. When he went for her lips, it wasn't like just pucker up and touch lips. He had both of his lips surrounding her lower lip and was caressing her lips with his. Then he moved up and did the same with her upper lip. Before she knew it he was licking her lips. She was so amazed about the whole thing, that she was kissing with her eyes open. She could see Mike with his eyes closed. As she was looking at him, he thrusted his tongue into her mouth. Her mouth was open, but it was because of the surprise. He was moving it around in there, touching her teeth. She thought she ought to try this tongue kissing and open her jaw and let him past her teeth. He touched her tongue and then the roof of her mouth. But it seemed he wanted her tongue most. He was licking it, he got under it and was tickling the underside of her tongue. He stopped a minute to say, "Put your tongue in my mouth and do like I was doing." When she hesitated a couple of seconds, he asked her, "You wanted what I did with Grace?" Angela couldn't turn down a challenge. If Grace could do it so could she. She put her tongue in Mike's mouth hoping he wasn't going to bite it. Instead he was sucking on it and rubbing his tongue on hers. She thought about it, and decided that it wasn't gross, it felt nice. It took her a minute to realize it Mike was touching her chest. He broke off the kiss for a minute and put a finger in his mouth, pulling it out all wet. With his other hand he pulled her head to his and the kissing began again. Angela made sure to put her tongue in his mouth again. She could feel him touch her little brown areolas with that wetted finger. It felt good, it sent a shiver down her spine. Breaking off the kissing Mike said, "You like kissing?" Angela nodded. He moved down and began to kiss and lick her little nipples. Her body reacted without her thinking about it. Her tiny nipples began to stand up as much has their little stature would allow. Mike was exciting her in ways she never knew existed. He moved to continue the journey down her body, she asked, "Where are you going?" "I gonna move down so I can eat your pussy." That worried the girl that he was going to be biting her. "No don't do that." "Angela you'll love it, let him do it." She shook her head no. "You afraid of that?" This time she nodded her head yes. Grace piped up and asked, "You want me to do that for her?" "You?" Mike asked in surprise. "Yeah, can I?" "She's your sister, you want to do that with a girl, and your sister at that?" "So she trusts me doesn't she?" Grace said to Mike, Turing to Angela, she asked, "You want me to do it?" Angela lifted eyebrows and shifted her shoulders as a way of reluctant agreement. Grace moved over and put her face between the legs of her sister. She wanted her sister to know the joy of having her pussy eaten Grace dove in. Grace was going to enjoy eating her pussy. Grace licked her outer lips for a little bit before spreading the and moved inside the narrow outer lips She wiggled the point of her tongue at the entrance of her virgin vagina. She then moved up to her sister's clit, she licked around it. At the same time she used a finger to rub the entrance to her girlhood. She switched and masturbated her sister's clit while licking her vagina, pressing her tongue up against her sister's cherry. She don't know about her sister but Grace liked doing this, maybe even better than having Mike's hard little pole in her mouth. She could taste the small amount of cream that leaked from Angela's cunt. She liked it, no wonder that Mike liked to do this, if she tasted at all like Angela. Grace lost herself she was having so much fun licking her little sister's pussy. Angela tried to push Grace away, "I got to go pee." "No you don't, just let Grace keep doing what she is doing it. You'll like it very soon.," Mike said as he pushed Grace's face into Angela's pussy. Both girls were rewarded when Angela experienced on the tongue of her older sister. Grace for her part not only got her sister's cherry but she got to taste her sister's cum for the first time. This was something she liked VERY much. It was in fact the first time Angela had cum. Grace got up from between the thighs of her panting sister. Grace couldn't believe how excited eating her sister's pussy had gotten her. It was more fun than anything she had done before. She turned over on her back and spread her legs for Mike. He wasn't going to have it. He went on his back, he said, "Mount me Grace." She didn't have to told twice. She threw a leg over each side of his body and wiggled her way up until his rigid manhood was in the proper place. She sat down on it. Angela watched in amazement to see Mike's prick disappear into sister's body. But then Grace lifted up her butt and it was coming out of her. But then she reversed her motion and sitting back down it went back into her. Angela put her head down behind Grace's butt where she could see it go into the girl's body. It wasn't going to Grace's butt, she could see that hole, and he wasn't going in there. Angela was vaguely aware that there was another hole under the place her pee came out. Could that be the place that Mike was moving in and out of? Grace sure didn't look like it was hurting her. But is sure was filling up that hole. She could see the lips that she had stretched around it, the pulled out when he pulled out, and they were pushed in when he went back into her. Filling her up the way it did, it looked like it must hurt but the face Grace made was the furthest from being in pain. Ecstasy would be much closer to the truth. As they did it, the moved faster and faster Mike was bouncing her up and down using his legs and his arms to lift her. But Grace was working too, she used her legs to lift her groin up and away from Mike, only to return like a yo-yo that reached the end of its string. They kept it up for a couple of minutes, then Grace began so huff and snort like a steam locomotive. At the same time Mike was grunting. They reached a peak. Grace was collapsing on his chest. At the same time he held her firmly by her hips still. Then Angela could see some white fluid leak around Mike's cock coming from inside of Grace. Grace got off him and Angela could see more of it slowly leaking out of Grace's pee hole. At the same time Mike's once firm erection withered to a small worm coming out of his groin. Mike regained his strength first. "Did you see what we did Angela?" Angela nodded. "Yes, how did you get that in her?" "She stretches," Mike explained. "But you saw what we did? That is what Grace and I have doing for the last few months. Is that what you were asking to do, since you want to do what Grace does?" "I didn't know you did that." Angela turned to now recovered sister. "Did it feel good?" "Yeah it feels great! I love to do that and also when Mike eats my pussy. Did you like when I ate yours Angela?" Grace asked her sister. "Yeah, it felt great. That is what Mike would do to you?" Angela asked. "Yes eats me and fucks me, and I suck him. We both like it." "Mike, will you eat me now? I want to try it." Angela asked with eagerness. "No, You got your chance, it is my turn to be eaten." Grace told her sister. "Now girls no fighting. I'll tell you what. I'll eat you Angela, I want you to eat your sister, after all she did you." They shuffled their positions so that Grace was on her back with Angela over her. Mike got behind Angela they began to eat the pussy in front of them. There was a bit of a different taste to Angela than her sister. It was sort of a fruitier taste but Mike couldn't quite put his finger on what the difference was. But no matter what it was, he liked it. For Angela, this was her first sexual experience: she had seen her step-father and her sister having sex. Then she had her sister go down on her. Then she watched Mike put his manhood inside her sister. She could take in was almost as amazing as the fact that he was putting it in that hole down by where she peed. Now she was licking her sister's pussy. How weird is all this. She tried to remember what Grace had done to her and combine it with what Mike was doing to her. Mike for his part tried to give Angela a good time. He used all the tricks he used on Grace licking inside her little lips and giving loving attention to her little clit. Her clit was different from Grace's in that it didn't get all excited and stand out like Grace's would, but Mike gave her a good time nevertheless. After a bit Angela shook with a minor cum. When she did, she just rolled over leaving Grace without her oral ministrations. The look on Grace's face told him that Angela hadn't finished Grace. Mike moved up and took over where Angela left off. As he ate her, her clit came out to greet him. Her fluids began to flow. He could taste a little bit of his cum. This wasn't the first time that he had tasted his own cum in Grace, and no doubt wouldn't be the last. But most of it ran out of her right away, or was far up inside her that it wasn't coming out. Mike did try to get his cum as far up Grace's pussy as he could. He was playing a little practical joke on his sperm. He sent them off to find Grace's egg, knowing that it wasn't there. There wasn't anything to find, and there would be for a few years. Once Grace had been satisfied he moved over to the middle of the bed and pulled a girl up on each arm. With an arm around each they laid their heads on his chest and the three of them drifted off to sleep. Mike was the first to arouse still on his back and the girls curled up next to him. His arms were a bit sore from the girls laying on them the all night. "Grace, Angela, girls time to get up. We need breakfast and you have church today. You have to shower and then wake your brother up." The girls climbed out of bed as they walked to the door before opening it Grace listened for a minute, she opened it slowly, seeing that Joey was not in sight she scampered off to the bathroom with Angela close behind. "Grace you do this all the time with Mike?" her younger sister asked. "Only on weekend nights. On school nights mom doesn't let me to that." She said as she turned on the water in the shower. "How long you been doing this?" "For some time now, even before my birthday." "Wow, Mom knows all this time?" Angela asked as she stepped into the shower with her sister. "Yeah, it was her idea. Why don't think she knows all about us?" "Those are nasty things, kids shouldn't be doing it. You like it?" Angela quizzed her sister. "Yeah, it's great don't you think so?" "I never knew that you were doing things like that," admitted Angela. "What did you think when you saw us naked in bed?" "I didn't know but I knew it would be nasty." "Did you think it was nasty, what we did? Turn around, I'll do you back." Grace told her. "No maybe it wasn't so nasty, but doesn't it hurt when he puts his thing in you?" "It did some the first time. But mom gave me some of Mike's medicine, it didn't hurt so much. Now it doesn't hurt at all, it feels really good. Turn." "Do you think Mike will want to do with me, what he did with you?" "That depends on if you want it." "But you like it, it doesn't hurt you?" Angela asked. "No I told you I like it. Do you want to do it too?" "He is nice to you and it doesn't hurt?" "I told you it doesn't hurt me now, but the first time, it did. You the first time you have to bust your cherry. That is the part that hurts, after that is done it feels good." Grace said as she turned her sister in the shower, "Did you like when I licked you?' "Oh I never knew you could do that." Angela jumped a bit when Grace touched her pussy. "But yeah it felt good. You did it better than Mike." "You want me to do that more for you?" "Yes! You like doing that, even if I'm a girl and your sister?" "I love it, I'll be happy to do that for you any time. I'm your sister so of course I love you and want to make you happy." "Can we do it now? "No. We can't now. Wash my back." Grace said turning her back on her little sister. "We've got to have breakfast then go to church. We all promised mom we would go while she is gone." "When can we do it? Tonight?" "Not tonight it is a school night. Maybe sometime after school, while Mike is busy and Joseph is out playing." As they got out of the shower, Grace took her sister's face in her hands and kissed her like Mike had done. "You can think about kissing and doing things, but we can't do anything until tell you, OK?" Angela nodded her head. They dressed and came down to find Joseph sitting at the table with Mike eating breakfast. "What took so long?" Angela just giggled, Grace turned away so Mike couldn't see the Cheshire cat smile on her face. The week went along as normal, but Mike looked for a minute when he could talk to Grace alone. When he did he asked, "What do you think, did you talk to Angela? Did she like what we did?" "Yes." She said simply. "Yes? That is all she had to say?" Mike questioned her. Does she want to do more? Or are we done with her in bed with us?" "She was asking me if it hurt when you were in me. I told her it doesn't hurt it feels good. Mike, I like it when you do that with me. She might want to do it too if it doesn't hurt." "It will hurt some even if I give her one of my pain pills. You think she'll want to do that?" "Would you like to do that?" She said as she reached down and grabbing his prick through his pants. "I think you do, don't you, you're getting hard!" Mike laughed, "What makes you think I'm not getting hard for you? But seriously should I be prepared for her to be in bed with us?" "I think that she will want to be there again." "What was with you going down on her?" Mike asked his little lover. "What you mean?" "Are you into girls too?" "Does it matter? You have me in your bed, not because mom wants me to be there, but I want to be there." "It doesn't matter. I guess we should be prepared for her to be in bed with us Friday night. Will you help her get ready, I will pop her cherry, if she wants it." "Yes, I think she will want it." Just then Joey appeared with a book in hand. Mike took him off to read to him. Then he busied himself making dinner. Meanwhile Grace went and found her sister, taking her into her room and locking the door. Grace looked at her little sister, "You want me to lick your pussy?" "Will you?" "Yes that's why I brought you in here. Let me take your clothes off." Grace proceeded to undress her little sister, she didn't bother to take off her own clothes. She led her to the bed, having her lay down and getting in next to her. She spoke, "I want to kiss you Angela." Before the girl could react Grace was on her. Angela enjoyed her sister's lips on her own. When Grace proceeded to place her tongue her mouth, Angela didn't object and went with it. Angela tried her best to kiss as well as Grace. Because she was distracted by the kissing she didn't notice at first that Grace was lightly caressing her little lower lips. But once she caught on, she spread her legs to give Grace more access to her pussy. Grace used a finger to masturbate the girl attacking her clit. Angela moaned with pleasure. Grace left her facial lips her vaginal lips. She licked up and down the outer lips, getting the girl wet with her saliva. She then took her fingers and spread the outer lips and began to lick inside them. She went up to her clit and with a combination of licking, sucking and masturbating her clit using her tongue, was driving her little sister to new heights of excitement. Angela was going out of her head with pleasure. Grace was getting her pleasure by licking a tasty pussy. Angela didn't produce so much pussy juice, but Grace loved the taste of what her sister produced. She lapped it up like a cat with cream. Her pussy eating skills were driving Angela to a peak. She produced a silent scream, then collapsed back into the bed. Grace looked over at the clock in her room. She knew that Mike would be calling them for dinner soon. She got up, telling her sister to go and wash herself, while she opened the window to let the smell of sex out of the room. After dinner on Friday Mike went to Angela and he asked, "Do you want to join Grace and I in bed tonight?" "Will you put your thingy in me?" "If you want me too." "You do that with Grace and she says he likes it. But it will it hurt very much?" "It will hurt some, but the pain goes away, then you can enjoy it. But I will be gentle on you and I brought this, you take it now, it's one of my pain pills. You take it now and it will be working when you will be in need of it." When Joseph was in bed and asleep, Grace went to Angela's room and took her to the bathroom. They showered together. Grace felt up her sister, but she didn't want it to go too long as Mike would be waiting for them. They arrived in Mike's room naked hand-in-hand. Mike was equally naked. He was standing up straight and proud. They all got into bed with Angela in the middle. Mike leaned over and began to kiss her with passion. She returned his kiss with equal enthusiasm. While Mike was kissing her, Grace was playing with Angela's nipples. Mike himself reached down for one and found Grace was already there. She had her fingers on one nipple and her lips on another. Mike moved on down to Angela's pussy. He masturbated her with a back and forth motion with a change of pace by doing an up and down caresses of her lips. No matter how he did it, she was loving the feelings they were creating in her. Mike moved down to get a taste of the little thing that was getting wet for him. Angela stopped him, "You are going to lick my pussy?" "Yeah, I want you to feel good," he told her. "I want to suck your, what do you call it?" "Cock?" "Yeah, can I do that?" Angela asked. "Sure honey, I only want you to feel good," Mike told her. "Can Grace lick my pussy?" She then asked him. "If you want," he told her. They shuffled positions, until Angela was on her back with Grace's face between her legs and Mike sitting over her face. "You want me to tell you what to do?" Mike asked her. With a shy smile and a nod of her head she gave her assent. "OK to start just kissed all over it.... Yeah like that. OK, now pull back the skin and kiss the top, but do it like a French kiss.... Now lick around the top. All over it....Yeah like that. Now take the end of in your mouth, but keep your teeth away from it.... Good lick around it, and suck on it a little. You wanna be sucking a licking at the same time." Mike gave her a little time to practice what she was learning. He liked that he could look down and see what she was doing and he could look into her eyes and gave him pleasure. When she got the hang of it, he looked over his shoulder to see what Grace was doing. She was busy and looked very content licking up and down her little sister's lips. She looked when she saw Mike. She gave a little smile to him, then was back to work. "OK, Angie, baby, I want you to keep doing what you are doing, but I want you to take you hand and move it up and down my cock. You can moved your head a little so that it does in and out of your mouth. Just keep up the licking and sucking while doing it.... Oh good you're doing real good for a first time. Ah watch the teeth don't work too hard just keep doing the way you were just nice and easy." Mike had a reason to slow her down he didn't want to cum so soon in her mouth. She had seen him cum before so he figured that she would know what would happen. He had her working a slow burn for him. But his plans to cum after a nice long blow head where cut short. "Ahh!!" Mike yelled pulling his wet prick from the young girl's mouth as she damn near bit the thing in half. Grace had used her oral talents to bring to Angela to a cum. It took a bit for both Mike and Angela to recover from the results of Angela's cum. But when he was ready he asked, "Do you want me to put my dick in your pussy?" "You'll be gentle?" "Of course honey. Move over here on top of me. Sit down there. Grace come here up and help your sister." Grace used her oral talents to get him hard. Mike had her lay back and he put some lube just inside her labia. He put more on his now hard dick. "Move up here. Get up just over my cock." Grace helped her line up her slot with his tab. "Just sit down on it Angie." She did getting it just inside her lips, and up against her cherry. He put his hands on her hips and with a nod of his head to Grace he trust up his hips and at the same time pulling her down by the hips. Grace was standing on her knees next to them. While Mike was pushing up Grace put her hands on Angela's shoulders and shoved down. Angela let out a squeal and tried to climb off Mike. But he had a firm hold on her hips, and wasn't turning her loose. Grace lowered her hands to her sister's chest, she held her sister still. Mike spoke, "Just stay still for a minute, your body will get used to it." What choice did she have? She felt caught, but in only a minute the sting went away. She felt a fullness in her body. In a way it felt kinda nice. Mike could see that she was feeling better and he slowly began to pump his hips up and his manhood advanced and retreated in and out of Angela's now no longer virgin vagina. The more he moved the better it felt to the girl. She began to move too. Grace seeing her sister fucked she helped her sister get in time with Mike. Mike thrust faster and harder as he went. Angela he could see was loving it. She was cumming from her sex. Her little pussy grabbed and squeezed Mike's schlong. Tight as she was, and she was tight, Mike was able to still move in her thanks to the lube. But in a few seconds he was adding his own lube into Angela. He poured his cum into the little girl. He pumped her trying to get all his little swimmers as far up her little canal as he could. But the work wore him out. Angela was bushed and could only roll off Mike leaking his cum and her virgin's blood out of her now gapping cunt. Angela had two cums and Mike had one but Grace was left out, not having had one. But there was no way Mike was going to get hard again, Grace was going to be out of luck. Mike just wasn't going to be able to fuck her like she wanted. But Mike wouldn't disappoint his lover, he motioned Grace up and had her sit on his face, he was going to give her a mustache ride. It just happened to be one of Grace's favorite rides. Holding her by her hips he launched into her labia forcing his tongue into her. He licked out all her tasty juices. But he didn't waste them, he transferred them to her clit which was now standing up waiting on his attention. He sucked like a little cock while fucking her with two fingers. She got what she came for and had the fireworks going off in her head in no time. She moved down kissed him on the lips allowing her to taste her pussy juice on his lips. A taste she loved. She scooted up next to him, and with Angela on the other side of him they drifted off to sleep. Mike was the first up, he woke up the girls and sent them out to shower before Joey was up and starting asking questions. It was enough that Angela was in on the secret, they didn't need Joey knowing too. The day went as normal except Angela moved a little slower than normal. She had toilet paper in gusset of her panties to catch Mike's cum leaking from her pussy. But she was still a game girl. When it got close to bed time, she got Mike alone, "Can I go bed with you again?" "You know it isn't just me in bed, Grace will be there." "I know can I still come?" "Yes if you want, but you looked a little sore." "I am but I still want to, but is it OK if you don't put your cock in me today?" "Yes of course, whatever you want." The girls presented themselves freshly showered and naked. Mike welcomed them equally naked. He took a place in the middle of the bed with a little girl on each side. They began with kisses. It got the girls warmed up. It didn't take much to get Mike up, he was standing big tall and proud, something not lost on Grace as she reached down and stroked it. When Angela reached for it, she found her sister had beat her to it. Mike sensing that there might be some sibling rivalry about to happen, intervened to prevent it from happening. He asked, "Who wants to get her pussy licked?" Both girls answered "Me! Me!." "OK," he asked, "Who is going to be licking whom?" "Can Grace lick me?" Angela asked. "I think so, you want to do that Gracie?" Grace nodded, but she added, "Will you lick me Mike?" "I thought you'd never ask. But who will suck my cock? You wanna try that Angie honey?" "OK." They positioned themselves lying on their sides in a triangle, Mike eating Grace, while she licked Angela, and Angela sucked on Mike's prick. For a while all that could be heard was the sound of sloping and lapping. But that didn't last that long. Angela was the first to come. Mike was careful to pull his dick out of her mouth in case she bit him or scraped him with her teeth. But just because he pulled out of Angela, doesn't mean he stopped working. He kept up lapping at Grace's very wet pussy. He began to finger-fuck her while he munched on her excited clit. With her G-spot and clit getting so much attention from Mike, she was the next to cum. When she had finished her cum and recovered Angela went back to working on getting Mike off. Grace went off and Mike followed her immediately, spraying Angela's mouth full of his cum. She could hardly swallow all of it. Some leaked down the side of her face. Grace moved over and licked the dribbling cum jizz off her sister's face. They all took a short break cleaning up a bit. Grace wanted more and she couldn't wait until Mike could get hard again. She moved over and began kissing her little sister. A couple of minutes of a show of prepubescent lesbian incest was enough to get Mike hard again. When Mike stroked Grace's back, she broke her kiss and looked up she looked over to see Mike's tent pole had been raised. She asked, "Is that for me?" "It is for whichever of you who wants it." Angela deferred saying she was still a bit sore, but Grace had no inhibitions. She claimed Mike's erection, climbing on top of him. He let her run that way a minute or two. Then grabbing her he turned her over onto her back without pulling out of her. He gave her the fast and furious pounding he knew she wanted. Grace for her part was panting, moaning, and grunting her pleasure. She reached her peak just as Mike began to empty his balls into her tight little cunt. The two lovers were sated, and with another clean up using the moist towelettes Mike had brought to the bedroom. They were tired enough for sleep. They had to get up early because they were going to do a video chat with Ariel in the morning. Then there was church. Mike was true to his promise to his wife to take the girls to church, even though he had spent the night having sex with them. They had to switch to normal mode during the week. School for the kids and for Mike no playmates in bed. But Angela was still switched on to sex. She knew that she couldn't be in Mike's bed during the week, but there was always her sister. Angela approached her sister about having her pussy licked. Grace promised she would do it the next day, after she got home from school. But Grace was late getting home from school that day. Angela approached her, "You said you would see me after school today. Where were you? I was waiting for you." Grace smiled, "You couldn't wait so long? You really need to have your pussy licked so bad?" With a petulant look, Angela answered, "Yes I want it, it feels so nice. What are you going to give me for my birthday on Saturday?" "You want more of this for your birthday?" Grace asked her eight year old sister as she pulled down her underwear. "Yes I want that and lots of it." "We'll see, get up on the bed and spread your legs." With that Angela was ready and Grace dove in and began to munch her sister's pussy. It was time to eat, but the girls weren't seen and wherever they were they were quiet so Mike went looking for them to call them for dinner. Mike opened the door to Angela's bedroom and there she was laying back with bliss on her face as her sister ate her. Mike noted that Grace was fully dressed. He could see that it was more of a one way thing Grace was she wasn't getting or maybe even not expecting to get back. He backed out quietly closing the door. He and Joey started eating telling him that his sisters were busy and would be here in a few minutes. After Angela had her cum, Grace looked up and saw that they were late for dinner. The two girls ran to the bathroom, Grace washed the pussy juice off her face and Angela washed the saliva and juice off her pussy and legs. Then they made their apologies for being late for dinner. After eating, Mike got Grace alone and asked, "How long have you been doing that with your sister.? This didn't just start when she joined us in bed?" "You saw us?" "Yes, you like doing that?" "Yes," Grace answered him. "She likes it and I like doing it." "Where you doing this with her before she joined us in bed?" "No that was the first time we did it." Mike had his suspensions. Grace sure seemed to like to lap cunts and she seemed to be good at it. Either that or Angela didn't know much about it, and would think anyone eating her was good. But she did seem to prefer Grace to eat her over him, and Mike knew he was a good pussy eater. There wasn't much time to think about there was Angela's ninth birthday to think about. After a short email exchange with Ariel and talk with the girls it was decided that Angela could have a birthday party on Saturday. She wanted a sleep over with some of her friends too. It was agreed upon and preparations were made. Mike went shopping for a gift for her. He decided on buying some dolls that Angela loved. But on Ariel's suggestion he also got her some skimpy underwear too. That was to be a gift from Ariel. That was to be given her more privately. With the party being on Saturday there was still Friday night for the special loving. The girls arrived in his room dressed for the occasion. Mike was similarly attired. They didn't waste much time with preliminaries. With a little foreplay, a bit too little for Mike's taste, but enough for the girls they were ready for penetration. Mike wasn't going to be able to do both of them, so the best way would be to do both at the same time. He got them on their hands and knees in a doggy fashion next to each other. He lubed himself up and began to give each girl the fucking they wanted. He would give each girl a half dozen strokes then move over to give the other girl her turn. Mike was enjoying himself and the girls weren't complaining that one of them didn't have to wait for the other girl to finish and Mike get hard again to get her turn. From his position behind them he could reach around the play with a little nipple or a clit. It wasn't hard to get at Grace's clit it was standing at attention again. One would think it would get tired standing so much. But it didn't she was a game girl. She seemed to be up for anything, literally. It didn't take long for Angela to cum. It would appear that it didn't take the much to get the girl off. Mike was glad that she was out of the fucking. Her little pussy was so tight. Mike loved the tightness of her, but it did take a lot of lube to move in that small space, and something like would set Mike far too soon for him. He preferred a long fuck. Grace on the other hand while being tight was able to make her own lube and Mike didn't have to use much with her. He could fuck her for longer times. This time Mike could tell his lover of the last few months was getting close to coming, and he knew when she was like that, she wanted it hard and fast. He grabbed her by the hips and rapidly thrust into her with great force. It was enough for the two of them. They reached their climax together with Grace using her pussy muscles to squeeze Mike while he pumped his cum into her little preteen hole. They were bushed, but Mike did his duty cleaning up the girls and then himself. Then it was time for sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day his little lover would be turning nine. The party went off well, but Mike thought he saw Grace looking at some of Angela's friends like she was checking them out. Mike wondered if Grace just liked girls or she liked young girls. Grace want to come and spend the night with Mike but with so many people in the house it was too big a risk that someone might get a whiff of what was going on in the Tucker household. The week went by it seemed slower than normal as everyone was expecting Ariel to return on Saturday. Friday was one last time for the three of them. They started the night with some pussy eating. Mike laid on his back with Grace over him, while she had her face buried in her sister's quam. As was becoming the norm Angela came first. Then Mike and Grace could concentrate on each other. While Grace got her cum, Mike had her hold off on giving him his. With his hard and very wet prick he moved Angela over to the middle of the bed and got on top of her. He supported his weight on his knees and elbows. He rooted around looking to get his stiff prick into her little hole. Grace realized the problem and reached down taking Mike's hardon in her hand guided him into her sister's hole. Mike started out slow and gentle, but the tightness of her pussy was getting to him and he couldn't help himself. He started to pump her hard and fast. Even with his smaller size he was touching the back of her pussy bumping up against her cervix. The mixture of the pain and pleasure caused Angela to take longer to reach her climax. This was just fine with Mike, he could enjoy sliding his dick in and out that small tight little girl hole. Finally she did get her cum, and Mike joined her in orgasming. He pushed his prick up to entrance to her womb, where he shot several streams of his viral sperm into her immature uterus. Her orgasm wiped her out. Mike pulled out of her and all she could do was grunt and close her eyes, she was fast sleep in seconds. Mike moved over to Grace but she put her head between her sister's legs licking up the combination of Mike's cum and Angela's pussy juice, all without waking her sister. When she had her clean she moved over to Mike. She used her mouth to clean his dick. Not only did she get him clean but, it also got him hard. When he was hard enough she got over him, and instead of facing him she took him in her pussy facing away from him. He got a view of her small ass. It was also a good view he could watch himself as he went in and out of her, as she rolled forward and back sliding his cock into her. Mike laid there while Grace did all the work. He liked to watch while he slid in and out her tight little bald kitty. But then Grace started slamming herself up and down and she was panting. It was going to happen soon. He could feel her pussy muscles start to squeeze his love muscle. It made him close. He could feel the tingling in his balls and he knew they were getting to shoot their fruit through his pink torpedo into her tube. They finished together. She laid doubled over his legs until she could catch her breath. She turned around and cleaned him with her mouth, then moved up next to him and kissed him. He could taste his cum and her juices on her tongue. A couple of quick whips across her pussy with a towel was good enough for her to clean herself. Before she curled up with Mike heading off to sleep. Joey was the first one up in the morning, excited about his mom coming home. Mike quickly woke the girls, then went to distract Joey while they slipped out of his room. Hurried showers for all and a quick breakfast and Mike got a taxi to take them to the airport. The kids could hardly stand the suspense after the plane landed while waiting for their mom to get through customs. They were so happy to see her when she emerged. They didn't notice the changes in her, but Mike did. She was thinner and while the kids didn't notice her dark skin had a glow about it. It wasn't until they got home Mike could see that the glow he had seen wasn't a glow at all it was a yellow. Her eyes were yellow too. The kids wanted to do and share so much with Ariel that she was quickly worn out. She had to pace herself. But after a couple of days of giving all her attention to the kids she had time for Mike. Mike hadn't minded her spending the time with the kids and he was busy cooking and cleaning and checking homework, all the things he did while she was away. When they finally had time Thursday evening Mike talked to her and asked how the treatments had gone. "I not so good." She handed him a copy of her medical file. Mike didn't have any medical training but words like metastasis and unresectable didn't sound good. As he got into it more, he read that Ariel's cervical cancer had spread to her liver causing the jaundice Mike could see in her eyes and skin. But it also had spread to her brain, lungs and bones. Mike could see that they had thought about resecting her liver, but they decided that it wouldn't be enough, she would need a new liver, a transplant. But she wasn't a candidate for one, since she had metastatic cancer. They had thought about giving her radiation to wipe out her bone marrow then with a bone marrow transplant to restart her marrow. Mike thought to himself that's why the doctors had requested that the kids give a little blood sample. They were looking for a donor match. But Ariel had a rare blood type she was 5% of a minority of about 15% who had that type. The kids weren't a match to her and it seemed all the kids took after their father. Mike could see that prognosis wasn't very good. They had shrunk the brain tumor and the chemotherapy had knocked down, but not out, her lung cancer. "This doesn't look so good," Mike finally said to her. She put her arms around "No, it not good. But I want to be here with you and the kids. They not able to get me cured they say they could make me live a little long that all." She looked at him with eyes that had started to tear. "I love you Mike, you are good man and I am happy to be your wife. I sorry I not better wife. I just cause you problems and cost you money." "No dear you didn't cause a problem for me. Your problem is my problem and we will deal with this together. You and Gabriel saved my life and I haven't forgotten that. So I will do what I can to do for you." With that he gave her a kiss. "You will take care of my kids when I am dead?" "They are not your kids, they're our kids. So of course I will take them." With that she broke down and threw her arms and cried with her head on his shoulder. He patted her head and held her until she composed herself. They laid themselves out together and went to sleep. The next night, Friday Grace came to her mother, "Mommy ang gagawin namin tulad ng mga katapusan ng linggo at pagtulog namin in gamit Mike?" (Mommy do we do like the weekend and we sleep in with Mike?) "Oo, gusto mo nang normal. gusto mo ito hindi mo?" (Yes, do like you do normally. You like it don't you?) "Oh mommy mahal ko ito. Mahal ko Mike gusto ko napaka upang maging kasama niya tulad na. Ito ay OK sa iyo?" (Oh mommy I love it. I love Mike. I like very much to be with him like that. It is OK with you?) "Oo, binigyan mo siya ng pag-ibig na hindi ko maaaring magbigay sa kanya. Alam ko mahal ka niya. gusto mo sa kanya upang panatilihin ang paggawa nito sa iyo?" (Yes, you give him the love that I can't give him. I know he loves you. You want him to keep doing this with you?) Ariel answered her. "Oo, gusto kong gawin ito magpakailanman, maaaring ito ay tulad ng ako ay may-asawa sa kanya?" (Yes, I want to do this forever, could it be like I am married to him?) Grace told her mother. "Gusto mo bang mag-asawa sa kanya?" (Would you like to be married to him?) Ariel asked. "Oo, mommy ngunit ikaw ay may asawa sa kanya." (Yes, mommy but you are already married to him.) "May panahon darating kapag ako ay hindi nai-may-asawa sa kanya ng anumang higit pa. Huwag mo nais na may-asawa sa kanya pagkatapos?" (There is time coming when I won't be married to him anymore. Do you want to be married to him then?) "Oh oo, mommy ko nais na. Ngunit bakit hindi ikaw ay may-asawa sa kaniya ng anomang mga?" ( Oh yes, mommy I want to. But why are not you married to him anymore?) "Ni hindi makipag-usap ng na ngayon. Pumunta makakuha ng handa na dumating sa kama. Ito ba ay OK kung ako doon sa iyo ngayong gabi. Ako lang pinapanood mo." (Let's not talk of that now. Go get ready to come to the bed. Is it OK if I am there with you tonight? I will just watch you.) Grace nodded her head then scampered off. She came back a little while later with Angela. Angela wore some of her new sexy underwear. Grace wore her sexy teddy nightgown. When Mike saw them he said, "Whoa you girls are looking so sexy." Ariel agreed with him, with a big smile towards her girls. But Angela was a little surprised to see her mom there. But Mike was looking more at the girls then worrying about Ariel watching them. However Angela asked, "Mommy ikaw ay dito? Sinabi mo na ay OK ako naririto? Ito ay tama na huwag magkaroon sa kasamahan Mike?" (Mommy you are here? You said that is OK I am here? It is alright to be here with Mike?) She was worried that there might be some trouble if she was in bed with her step-father. "Oo, sinabi ko sa iyo na maaari mong gawin kung ano ang ginagawa Grace... Gusto mo ito?" (Yes, I told you that you could do what Grace does... You like it?) "Oo ito ay kinda masaya, ngunit Mike ay kaya malaki." (Yes it's kinda fun, but Mike is so big.) "Hindi mo na kailangang gawin ito kung hindi mo gusto." (You don't have to do it if you don't want.) "Ito ay OK, Grace ginagawang masaya." (It's OK, Grace makes it fun.) With that Grace got a little unsettled look on her face. She wasn't sure how her mother would feel about what the two sisters did together. Mike was in the bed while Ariel sat in a chair in the corner of the room. Mike took the girls in his arms and kissed them. When he moved down to kiss Grace's flat nipples Angela moved over and began to kiss her sister. Ariel was flabbergasted to see her young daughter begin to do a homosexual act with her sister. Ariel was broad minded enough to allow both of her daughters to go to bed with her husband, but to see her daughters having incest with each other, this was a surprise to her. But she kept her cool, not wanting to give her daughters a complex Nor did she want to spoil their fun. The girls soon forgot about their mother. The two sisters French kissed each other while Mike went down to eat Grace's pussy. When he did that Grace moved her sister into a position above her head and she gave Angela a mustache ride like Mike had given her. This was something both girls liked, Grace loved doing it and Angela loved getting it. Mike didn't wait until Grace had her cum before she re-positioned himself and entered her little pussy. He began to pump in and out of the pre-teen. It was a bit of a distraction to Grace, because it felt so good to her, that her pussy eating skills dropped off a bit. As a result it took Angela longer to cum from her sister's tongue. But while it was slow in coming it did arrive about the same time that Mike erupted into Grace's pussy causing her to cum. They disentangled themselves taking a quick break to clean up. Mike moved Angela down towards his dick telling her to suck him. As soon as he was hard he turned Angela over on her back and mounted the girl. Grace moved over to kiss her little sister while at the same time she had a hand down between the two bodies and was rubbing on the girl's clit while Mike fucked in and out of her little pussy. With Grace's help Angela was able to get off fairly soon. But Mike had had one cum already and a second one would take longer. He continued to fuck the girl. He swiveled his hips around, changed his pace and how deep he would penetrate the girl. With Grace rubbing her clit, it was giving Angela a string of orgasms before Mike was able to dump a load in her tight quam. But finally he was able to get his cum with the younger of the two sisters. With that it was time for some sleep. Ariel made her way out the room to go and sleep in Grace's bed. She was happy that her husband had treated her girls so well. But one thing, she wasn't at all sexually excited to see them going at each other as they did. She was never that excited with Joseph Sr, she did it because it was her job as a wife. But she saw that Grace liked what she was doing. They only thing she wondered was when Grace got into girls. During the day she found time to get each other lovers alone she could talk to them. The first one was Mike. "Mike you were very nice girls last night. Is like that every time?" "Yeah, pretty much, or at least since Angela joined us." "You like with Angela?" "It is all right with her. She is a bit different from Grace. I know that Grace wants to be with me. I don't know if Angela feels the same way. You had said that she likes to do the things that Grace does. I do enjoy it, but mostly I do it with her to make her happy." "You not want her to be there?" "I don't mind if she is. If she doesn't want to be there, it is fine with me. I can go either way with her, whatever she wants." Mike told her. "What about Grace?" "I don't mean to imply that I don't love you any less, I love you very much, but I do enjoy being with Grace. It was your idea that she come to my bed, and I do thank you for that. I do enjoy Grace, I hope, and I think she does enjoy being with me." "Yes I think that too." With that she went over and kissed Mike on the lips. "I am glad Grace give you what I not do." She gave him a smile and walked off hoping to find one of the girls and talk to her. Grace came asking permission to go over to Lori's house. Ariel denied her permission. She was hoping to get to talk her soon. But she suggested that Lori come over. Ariel was surprised when the girl got over to the house. Lori had cut all her long hair beautiful off she looked more like a boy with her hair in a sort of buzz cut. She asked Lori, "Ano ang nangyari sa iyo mahaba buhok?" (What happened to your long hair?) "Hindi ko gusto ito anymore. Ito ay mas mahusay para sa akin." (I didn't like it anymore. This is better for me.) Ariel shook her head, "Ito ay kaya maganda bago ka mukhang pretty girl. Ngayon ay tumingin sa iyo ng karagdagang tulad ng isang batang lalaki" (It was so nice before you looked like pretty girl. Now you look more like a boy.) To that Lori just shrugged her shoulders, and took Grace by the arm and walked away. With Grace busy with her friend, Ariel sought out Angela, finding her sitting with Joey watching TV. She asked her in English so Joey wouldn't understand, "You liked what you did last night?" "It is OK what we did?" "Yes, I told you that you join Mike and Grace. I was surprised with you and Grace were doing. You have been doing this all along?" Angela blushed a bit, "Yeah, is it OK?" "What you want is OK." Ariel assured her. "But do sex things with your sister, you like that?" Sensing she might be in trouble, she blurted out, "It was Grace's idea she did it to me, I didn't start it with her." "But you like with her?" Ariel asked. Sheepishly Angela admitted, "Grace does it better than Mike." "You don't like with him?" "He's OK, but he is so big when he puts it in me, sometimes I am sore afterwards." "But it feels good for you?" "Yes makes me cum but, Grace does it better, I like it when she licks better than when Mike does it, when he puts his thing in me." "You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You wanted just because Grace had it, didn't you." With a blush, Angela admitted, "I did because I want to see what Grace was doing. It isn't fair that she get something I don't just because she is older." "Now you know what she gets with Mike. You don't have to have everything she has if you don't want it." "Mike won't be made if I don't do it with him?" "No, he not be mad." With that she left her to watch the TV. It wasn't until after dinner that Ariel could get alone with Grace, "Nagbago Ang iyong kaibigan ang kanyang hitsura kaya magkano. (Your friend changed her looks so much.) "Siya nararamdaman na ito expresses kanyang sarili mas mahusay na paraan." (She feels that it expresses herself better that way.) "Siya ay ganito ang hitsura ng isang batang lalaki." (She looks like a boy.) "Kung gayon? Iyan ba kung ano ang nais mong makipag-usap sa akin tungkol sa?" (So? Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?) "Walang may mga pares ng mga bagay na gusto kong makipag-usap sa iyo tungkol sa. gusto mo sa pagiging sa Mike tulad ng isang asawa? " (No there are couple of things I want to talk to you about. You like being with Mike like a wife?) "Oh mahal ko na, napaka. (Oh yes I love that, very much.) "Gusto mo nais na may-asawa sa kanya?" (Would you want to be married to him?) Ariel asked the girl. "Oh oo, ngunit ikaw ay may asawa sa kanya." (Oh yes, but you are already married to him.) Grace answered. "Mabuti, sa ilang mga paraan na ikaw ay mas may-asawa sa kanya at ako." (Well in some ways you are more married to him and I am.) Ariel told her. "Ibig mong sabihin dahil tayo ay sa kama magkasama?" (You mean because we are in bed together?) Grace asked. "Oo, siguro kung ikaw at siya nais maaari mong maging asawa niya." (Yes, maybe if you and he want you can be his wife.) Ariel said with a smile. Ariel then changed the subject, asking, "Bakit ka gumawa ng mga bagay kay Angela? (Why do you do things with Angela?) "Anong ibig mong sabihin?" (What do you mean?) "Gawin mo sex bagay na may isa pang babae at ang iyong kapatid na babae walang mas mababa." (You do sex things with another girl, and your sister no less.) "Kung gayon? Ano ang hindi mo gusto, na hindi ko bagay sa aking kapatid na babae ay ang pakiramdam ninyo mas mahusay na kung ako ay tapos na mga bagay na may Gabriel?" (So? What do you not like, that I do things with my sister would you feel better if I had done things with Gabriel?) "Hindi. Mo ginawa mo?" (No. You didn't did you?) "Hindi." (No.) "Mong paggawa ng mga bagay sa isang babae?" (You like doing things with girls?) "Oo" (Yes.) "Iyan ba kung bakit gagawin mo sa Angela, dahil siya ay babae?" (Is that why you do with Angela, because she is girl?) "Walang ginawa ko ito dahil siya nadama mabuti sa akin kay sa Mike. Maaari kong kainin ang kanyang puki mas mahusay kaysa sa Mike maaari, o ng nasa ano ang kanyang sinabi." (No I did it because she felt better with me than with Mike. I can eat her pussy better than Mike can, or that is what she said.) " Saan ang natutuhan mo upang gawin iyon?" (Where did you learn to do that?) "Mula Lori." (From Lori.) " Siya ang may gusto sa mga batang babae?" (She likes girls?) "Oo." (Yes.) "Gusto mo batang babae masyadong? (You like girls too?) "Oo." (Yes.) "Ngunit ano ang tungkol Mike?" (But what about Mike?) "Gusto ko Mike too. Mommy, maaari kong lalaki at mga batang babae masyadong. Ito ay hindi isa o ang iba para sa akin." (I like Mike too. Mommy, I can like men and girls too. It isn't one or the other for me.) "Ikaw ay masaya pagkatapos dito?" (You are happy then with it?) "Oo." (Yes.) "Habilin Mike gusto ito?" (Will Mike like it?) "Sa tingin ko hindi siya ang isip. Alam niya na mahal ko siya at sa tingin ko na ay tatanggapin niya na gusto ko babae masyadong. hindi ko sinabi na mahal ko ang pagiging sa isang batang babae, ngunit siya ay nakakita kung ano ang gagawin ko kay Angela. Kaya alam niya na gusto ko ang pagiging sa isang babae." (I think he doesn't mind. He knows that I love him and I think that he will accept that I like girls too. I never told that I love being with a girl, but he has seen what I do with Angela. So he knows that I like being with girls.) "Siguro ikaw ay kanan. Ngunit kailangan mo upang maging maingat tungkol sa kung ano ang iyong gagawin sa Mike at Lori. Mahal kita at gusto ko sa iyo na maging masaya at Mike masyadong." (Maybe you are right. But you need to be careful about what you do with Mike and Lori. I love you and I want you to be happy and Mike too.) That night as Grace got ready to go to Mike, she went to get Angela, she found her in bed. "Ikaw ay hindi nanggagaling sa kama sa ni Mike room?" (You are not coming to bed in Mike's room?) "Walang mga hindi ko pakiramdam tulad nito. Maaari kang pumunta sa kanya. siya'y hindi magpapaliban doon mad kung hindi ako dumating? Kung hindi ko gawin ito sa kanya, ikaw pa rin dilaan sa akin? " (No I don't feel like it. You can go to him. He won't be mad if I don't come? If I don't do it with him, will you still lick me?) "Hindi sa tingin ko siya ay magiging baliw siya loves mo, at ikaw ay malayang gawin kung ano ang gusto mo. Oo, Gusto ko ay magiging masaya na gawin iyon para sa iyo kapag kailanman magagawa namin." (I don't think he will be mad, he loves you, and you are free to do what you want. Yes, I would be happy to do that for you whenever we can.) Grace arrived in Mike's room alone. Mike saw she was alone. "Is Angela going to be coming?" "No she said she didn't want to come. You are mad that she didn't come?" "No of course not. But I'll tell you something, I don't want you to tell her, I like it when is just you and me." "I like it just us too. You aren't mad that I did things with her?" "No of course I'm not, why would I be?" "Because she is a girl and my sister." "I figure that if you two want to do things together, I am not upset. You know that being with a girl, especially if she is your sister it not accepted by other people. Did you talk to your mother about that?" "Yes, she said she wants me to be happy, she wasn't mad that I did things with Angela." "If she isn't upset than I see no reason for me to be." "Mike, what if Angela isn't the only girl I do things with?" "Are you saying that you do things with other girls?" He asked with curiosity. Shyly she shook her head yes, "That is OK?" She asked. "Yes that is fine. But you know, that you have to be careful about those things. Now no more talk about others, or you will make me jealous," Mike laughed. "Come over here my little hottie." Mike pulled her to himself, and she tumbled into bed with him laughing. They began to kiss. It didn't take long before they had their hands in each other's groin stroking each other. Grace pushed his head down. Mike took the hint and moved down towards her pussy. But he wasn't going there with stopping off and munching on her tiny undeveloped su-su. Grace let a little meowing noise from deep in her throat. Mike paused there enjoying her flat chest. But again she pushed his head down. Mike did her bidding and moved down to her hairless little pussy. Her pussy might have been little but her clit wasn't it was standing out like a tiny penis, that was begging to be sucked. So Mike did just that. It was like giving her a mini blowjob. Instead of cumming and shooting her sperm all over the place she began to release her pussy cream. Mike left a couple of fingers to jack off her clit, while he went down to clean up all the cream leaking from her vagina. All this attention to the center of her girlhood was enough to send her off to her first orgasm of the night. But Mike wouldn't quit, he switched his fingers to her love tunnel while his lips went back up to suck her erect clit. It sent her into another orgasm. She had hardly finished the last one before this new one crashed on her. It was followed by another. Grace was going out of her mind. She had never had climaxes like that, one after another. After the third one, she had to push Mike away. She couldn't take any more. Mike moved up to the head of the bed, and started kissing her. She could taste her own pussy juice on lips and tongue. She enjoyed it. She liked any pussy nectar but she thought that her own had a special taste to her. She wished that she could lick her own pussy. But since she couldn't she did find a few would do that for her. Mike didn't lose his erection and he would like to use it and Grace wasn't blind to that fact. Wanting to try something different, she got out of the bed taking Mike by the hand she led him over to the chair her mom was in last night while she watched them. She had Mike sir in it and she climbed up into his lap. Mike got the idea and slipped his hard rod into her tight twat while gripping her tiny little ass. He helped her move up and down on his pole. Grace enjoyed a new way to fuck. The position had Mike's cock rubbing on parts of her vagina that didn't usually get stimulated. She was hoping she could have more orgasms like she did earlier, but she was a bit afraid of them too, so she wasn't sure could handle another one like that. It didn't matter her cum came to her quicker than she thought it might. It was triggered by Mike when he dumped his load in her hot little pussy hole. This was enough for Grace, she was ready for sleep. She and Mike moved over to the bed and laid themselves out and were sawing logs in no time. It seemed like only minutes before Ariel was waking them in the morning. Angela might be in on their secret but Joey wasn't, and it wouldn't do to see his naked sister leave his mother's room or his mother coming from his sister's room. But all were up and breakfast followed by church was the order of the day. After the mass Ariel stayed back and talked to the priest a little while. That night Mike asked her what she had wanted to talk to the priest about. She told him that the doctors could only slow down the progression of her cancer. They had done all they could do for her. She knew she was going to die. She wanted to return home to her family. She wanted to be with them when she met her eventual death. She had asked the priest about a funeral mass, and how she could be assured of her admittance to heaven. With this new knowledge Mike helped Ariel to prepare to leave her children behind. She knew that Mike would take care of them. So, that wasn't a problem, but she wanted to be there as they were growing up, but of course she couldn't be. Mike and Ariel decided that they would make some videos for the kids to watch as they got older. For Joey, she read him books and the camera could see over her shoulder so that he could hear her read and follow along with the stories. For when he was older, she also left him advice about how to treat girls. She told him about his father and older brother and now he would be carrying on the Santos name. Mike would help him grow into a man and he should mind his step-dad. For Angela she recorded a series of videos full of advice about her schooling. Angela had decided that she wanted to be a doctor. Ariel gave what knowledge about how to act as a doctor and how to treat her patients. She tried to instill proper values in Angela. She knew she was a little girl and she would grow up and need to know things, that came best from a mother. She explained about periods and bras and what a proper young lady should and should not do. For Grace it was cooking and housekeeping tips. She left her all the recipes her mother had left her. But she also gave her blessing on her daughter that if she wanted to marry Mike, it would be OK she would be looking down on them from heaven giving them all her blessings. During the weeks it took to finish the videos it was obvious that her health was failing fast. She consented to hospice and was placed in a hospice care hospital. The family came and visited her every day. In only a couple of weeks it could be seen that Ariel was reaching the end of her days. She called them to her side and gave each one a sort of blessing and a goodbye. Finally to Mike she gave her OK that if he wanted he could marry Grace when she became of age. This was something that Grace readily agreed to. Ariel was tired and closed her eyes for a rest. With the family around her bedside Ariel stopped breathing and peacefully slipped off to the next world. Mike's life changed again. A few short years ago he was a married truck driver living in eastern Tennessee, with three young children. That all ended and he was single man. To deal with the pain in his leg he moved to the Philippines. While there he married a woman with three children. But with her death he was back to being single again. But this time he had children to raise. The oldest of the girls was destined to be his next wife. Life had dealt have a few bum hands but he looked forward to his life with his next wife, Grace, as soon as she grew up. But through it all he was happy with his new life. The End All of my stories can be found at: /files/Authors/Tanya_Writer/ If you like my stories let me know. Or you don't, let me know and why. You can reach me at As always thanks to my editor Nick Nason for all his help and work.