"Good morning, men. On behalf of the faculty, staff and slaves of
the University of Dolcett, I would like to welcome you, the incoming
freshman class. I know that most of you have heard something about
us, from your fathers, or your older brothers, but now you will be
part of over 200 years of grand tradition."

"My name is Chancellor Leach, but you can call me Gary. I want you
all to know that my door is always open to you. If you need to talk
about anything at all, please do feel free to stop by."

"Now, I'd like you all to take a good look at the women here." This
was easy for the freshmen to do, since no females at U of D were
permitted to wear any clothing that would cover or obscure their
tits, asses, or cunts. "Take a good look, as it is highly unlikely
that any of them will survive to graduation. Remember, men, that
the women of Dolcett U are here for you to fuck, torture, snuff,
and eat. There are no limits on what you may do to them, save those
of courtesy to their owners."

"I know that most of you have never tortured a girl, seen one
snuffed, or tasted girl-meat before. Well, we're going to fix that
tonight. You are all hereby invited to the annual University of
Dolcett Start of Term BBQ and Bonfire."

"Every year, the incoming freshmen get a unique and special
responsibility. You and you alone get to choose the girl who will
be our 'Bonfire Queen'. Our Bonfire Queen gets the great honour of
lighting the ceremonial bonfire."

"There are five girls to choose from. The one receiving the highest
vote total will be the Bonfire Queen, while the other four will be
her Court, and will help her in lighting the Bonfire. Now let me
present the five candidates."

"The first candidate is Sandra Sang. Sandra is eighteen years old,
and was planning to major in Computer Science." A beautiful Chinese
girl stepped forward. She was 5'6" or so, and had straight black
hair that hung down to about her shoulders. She had breasts that
were on the large size for a Chinese girl, which made them average
to only a bit above average to Western eyes.

"The second candidate is Kendra Leach. Kendra is also eighteen,
and had hoped to be a veterinarian." Kendra was quite striking.
She stood only about 5'3", but was extremely curvy. She had ass-length
brown hair that was just a bit wavy. She had large tits, and wide
hips, with an ass you could land a helicopter on.

"Our third candidate is Allison Waters. Allison is nineteen, and
hadn't yet made up her mind what to major in." Allison was quite
tall, at least 5'10", and a tanned "California blonde". Her curly
blonde hair was fairly short, and barely covered her neck. She had
a runner's body, that is to say, long well-muscled legs, a flat
ass and tight tummy, and tits that amounted to little more than
two cracked eggs on her chest.

"The fourth candidate is LeAndra Wilson. LeAndra turned eighteen
just last week, and was going to study English Literature." LeAndra
was an African-American girl, 5'5", thin, and busty. She had tits
that were probably bigger than even Kendra's, and an ass to match.
She wore her hair in a very sexy medium length Afro. She was also
the only candidate who had completely shaved her pussy, which made
her already large labia appear even larger, which was doubtless
her intent.

"The fifth and final candidate for Bonfire Queen is nineteen year
old Maria Gonsalvo. Maria wanted to get a degree in Physics." Maria
was, as her name suggested, Hispanic, with the lovely olive complexion
that that implied, and dark, wavy black hair that fell to the small
of her back. She was barely 5' tall, and while still fairly slender,
had a voluptuous ass and tits like half-melons.

"Now, to cast your votes, go to one of the four voting booths set
up at the back of the auditorium. In each, you will find a girl
chained to the back wall, and on a belt locked to her waist, five
boxes of pins. Each box has pins with different coloured heads.
Red for Sandra, yellow for Kendra, blue for Allison, green for
LeAndra, and white for Maria. Please take the pin for your vote,
and press it deep into the vote-girl's tits. Finally, remember that
we expect the men of Dolcett U. to be honest and honourable, so
please vote once and once only. However, we know that the temptation
to cause pain to our vote-girls is strong, so in each voting booth
you will find a button. Press the button, and your vote-girl will
receive one minute of severe electric shocks. Enjoy your day, and
remember that the BBQ begins about 4PM in Merle Hill Park, which
is just south of Meredith Hall."

The freshmen all arose, and began to form lines in front of the
voting booths. Soon shrieks of female pain indicated that the voting
was underway. Frequent howls pointed out the freshmen who had
pressed the shock button.


That afternoon the entire student body of the University of Dolcett
could be found at Merle Hill Park. It was, to the incoming freshmen,
a sight beyond most of their wildest imaginings. There were girls
giving blowjobs, girls being fucked in the cunt, or up the ass,
girls being fisted, even a few girls being foot-fucked. There were
also girls being whipped, flogged, and beaten, girls serving as
living dartboards and archery targets, girls with cattle prods in
their cunts and assholes, and girls serving as ashtrays, having
cigarettes stubbed out on their tits, and the butts shoved in their
cunts and asses. And of course there were girls being roasted,
boiled, grilled, deep-fried and eaten raw, girls being electrocuted,
girls being dismembered in an exhibition of swordplay by the Kendo
club, and for the traditionalists, girls being slow-hung. Basically,
anything anyone could imagine a girl doing or having done to her
could be seen that afternoon.

As the sun set, the students began to gather around the bonfire
area. There, a flat-topped pyramid of wood had been constructed.
The Chancellor called for attention. "Gentlemen, the incoming
freshmen have voted, and their votes have been tallied. So it gives
me great pleasure to introduce you to this year's Bonfire Queen,"
he paused for dramatic effect, "Kendra Leach. Kendra, will you and
your Court please come forward and take your positions?"

Kendra walked forward, followed by Sandra, Allison, LeAndra, and
Maria. She led her Court to the bonfire pile. Once there, she
motioned Sandra forward. Reaching into the pile of kindling, she
grabbed wrist and and ankle cuffs, and chained the beautiful Chinese
girl spreadeagled to the kindling. She walked a quarter of the way
around, still followed by the remaining girls, and did the same
thing to Allison. Another quarter turn and she was fastening LeAndra
in like manner, and on the final quarter, Maria. She then returned
to Chancellor Leach.

Leach spoke again. "Our Bonfire Queen and her Court have all been
rubbed with a napalm-like substance, and have had more of it injected
into their tits, asses, and cuntlips. I will now light Kendra, and
she will then go to each member of her Court, embrace them, and
light them. After lighting all four members of her Court, she is
expected to throw herself on top of the pile, thus completing the
lighting ceremony. Kendra, do you have anything you'd like to say
before we begin?"

"Yes, thank you, Sir." She turned to address the student body.
"Gentlemen of the University of Dolcett, thank you for choosing me
to be your Bonfire Queen. All my life, I was taught that the greatest
honour and privilege a girl could have, and the highest purpose
she could fulfill, was to die, screaming in inhuman agony, for the
pleasure of a man. Instead, I have the honour and privilege to die,
screaming in inhuman agony, for the pleasure of hundreds of men.
I count myself the luckiest girl on the planet, right now. Thank
you all." She turned back to Leach and said, "Sir, I'm ready. Would
you please light me?"

Leach reached into his pocket and pulled out one of those long
butane fire-lighters, flicked it alight, and touched it to her
nipples. They immediately began to burn, and she stiffened at the
pain of it. Remembering her duty, she walked up to Sandra. She
reached her arms around the Chinese girl, hugged her burning body
tightly to Sandra's, and kissed her passionately. After a minute,
small tendrils of flame began to play about Sandra's body, and
Kendra released her, leaving her to burn.

She walked around the slowly building bonfire to Allison. She threw
her arms around the blonde and began to rub her burning body against
the bound girl. As Allison began to burn, Kendra leaned in close,
and as with Sandra, kissed her long and hard. When she pulled back,
both girls were panting, from the passion as well as from being on

As Kendra continued around the bonfire to LeAndra, it was clear
that she was in considerable pain from her burning flesh. Her tits
were like candles, and the smell of burning pussy hair and cooking
girl-meat filled the air. When she reached the African-American
girl, she began humping her thigh like a dog in heat. She grabbed
her own tits, one in each hand, and held them straight out so she
could touch her burning nipples to LeAndra's, one pair of monster
mammaries lighting the other. As she again leaned in to kiss the
girl, she took one hand and began to frig herself. Suddenly, she
pulled back from the kiss, threw back her head, and screamed her
pain-induced orgasm to the world.

As she climbed off of LeAndra, all the onlookers could see that
she was running out of time. Her head hair had not yet begun to
burn, but flames licked across all parts of her body. Her breathing
was heavy and ragged, and it was clear that only the need to finish
lighting the bonfire kept her from simply laying down and burning

She still managed to walk to Maria with the same measured pace,
and leaned in to embrace and kiss her, first. Again, she kissed
with deep passion, and a great deal of tongue. Then she climbed up
the tiny Hispanic girl, and knelt with her knees on Maria's shoulders,
and pressed her flaming cunt into the girl's face. As Maria licked
her cunt, Kendra came again, screaming like a banshee.

Finally, Kendra crawled up off of Maria and on to the top of the
bonfire. She was breathing quite heavily, but managed to kneel and
look out at the audience. Flame from the burning kindling-girls
had spread throughout the pile, and even from fifteen feet away,
the onlookers could feel the heat. They could only imagine how
intense it must be for Kendra. However, she managed to croak out,
between ragged breaths, her last words. "Gentlemen," breathe, "thank
you for letting" breathe, "us entertain you with" breathe, "our
burning, and our" breathe, and cough, "death agonies. Your pleasure
makes our" breathe, breathe, "suffering worthwhile."

She fell back on the wood, and as if that were a signal, all the
girls began to scream, in ever increasing loudness. They managed
to scream for several minutes, and LeAndra found the strength and
endurance to scream for almost ten.

The bonfire blazed merrily for many hours. Every time the fires
began to die down, two of the seniors who were designated the
Bonfire Wardens went over to a pile of girls. The girls were bound
to poles, hands together and stretched tightly over head, knees
and ankles also bound to the pole. Each would grab one end of the
pole, and they would throw another "log" or two on the fire.

Chancellor Leach smiled to himself. It was going to be a good year,
he could already tell. He was going to miss Kendra, but she had
been the best Bonfire Queen since her mother, sixteen years ago.
Besides, his daughter had already given him a daughter of her own
to take her place, when she reached her eighteenth year.