Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: My Lingerie-Loving Sister Moves In Summary: "We're Definitely Not Going To..." Keywords: inc,fic When I was a junior at Texas A&M and my sister Nora was a senior at the University of Texas, we both broke up with our significant others a little before spring break, ruining our spring break plans. Instead, we spent spring break at home. My other sibling Beth had already graduated and was living on her own. On Tuesday night, it was just Nora and me as our parents had gone out and wouldn't be home till late. We got drunk while complaining about our sex lives. At some point, I said, "Let's fuck!" and to my surprise, Nora was game. What I had hoped would be a little drunk fun wound up a disaster. Nora was very upset and I felt bad for how it had gone. I avoided Nora for the rest of spring break. Over the next seven years, we graduated from college, Nora graduated from law school and we built successful careers. The guilt and disappointment never went away and we were always awkward around each other. Now, we both live in Houston and work downtown. In spite of our proximity, we never find time to see each other - much to our parents' disappointment. The only time we see each other is holidays at our parents'. * * * * I was surprised when Nora's name came up on my phone. "Hi, Nora." "Hi, Greg. Can I come over and talk for a while?" "Sure. I'm home. Do you have the address?" "Yes. Mom gave it to me a while ago." "Okay. See you soon." Nora never called me. Was there some problem with Mom or Dad? Fifteen minutes later, I let my sister into my apartment, which was on the eighth floor of a high-rise several miles west of downtown. Nora was a lawyer for a downtown law firm and was dressed in gray jacket with matching skirt and a white blouse. She had green eyes and her shoulder-length hair was a reddish-orange that although dyed looked natural. Her hair was naturally a dark blond like mine. She was 5'6", but in her heels she was close to my six feet. After I closed the door, I said, "Let me get a chair." I was nervous. This was the first time that I had been truly alone with Nora since 'The Night'. Before, there had always been family close by. I hoped nothing ugly would happen. "Where's the furniture?" Nora's voice dripped with...I wasn't quite sure. Sarcasm? Anger? Contempt? I got one of the dining room chairs, brought it into the living room and sat down. "My roommate has moved in with his girlfriend and took all his furniture. I'm hoping to find a new roommate with a lot of furniture. Until then, all I've got is this love seat and the dining room set." I was frustrated that Nora already had me on the defensive. "But my furniture isn't why you came over. Are Mom and Dad okay?" "Yes." She seemed pissed that I asked about them. "You doing okay?" "Well..." "You know, we should talk to Mom and Dad about downsizing. Their house was great for raising three kids, but now it's a lot more house and yard than they need. They could-" "And you'd get a lot of furniture if they downsized." She said it like I was planning on raiding their retirement savings. "Yeah, but-" "You may not care, but I'm not doing okay. I've broken up with Kevin and-" "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! We're definitely not getting drunk and having sex again. That was a huge-" "I know - huge mistake. We're definitely not doing that again. That's not why I came over." I could tell I had offended Nora. "I'm sorry. It's just..." "Let me talk. As I said, I've broken up with Kevin and want to talk to somebody-" "Why don't you talk with one of your girlfriends?" Kevin had been Nora's boyfriend for the last two or three years. A fellow lawyer; rising star in a big law firm. They had been living together for over a year. Mom had been certain they'd marry. I had told Mom to not count her grandkids before they're hatched. "Because then I'll wind up talking about Kevin. I don't want to talk about Kevin. I'm not going to say his name for the rest of the evening. I wanted to have a long conversation with someone and I realized that I haven't had a good talk with you in forever. So tell me what's been going on in your life." We had barely talked since 'The Night', so I slowly told Nora about my last seven years - trips I made, girlfriends I had, my steady advancement in the accounting department of an oil company. At one point, I was thirsty and decided to take a break from talking. I stood up and asked Nora, "Would you like a beer?" Then it hit me what I had said. "Just one beer! And I'll get you some crackers to eat with it!" "Okay." I got two beers, poured some Cheez-Its into a bowl and came back to the living room. I continued with my story, ending up with how I currently wasn't dating anyone and was looking for a new roommate. I had watched Nora as I had talked with her and there was an odd transformation. At first, her face and body language showed anger; a lot of it. As I talked, the anger slowly went away and was replaced with...disappointment? Frustration? I had no idea why my telling her about my life would make her disappointed or frustrated. I said, "Your turn. So what's happened in your life?" Nora slowly told me about her last seven years. She didn't mention Kevin. I got the feeling that I got the PG13-version as friends of mine from high school who knew Nora at UT had told me Nora liked to drink and hook up - a reputation that I regretfully discovered to be deserved. Or maybe 'The Night' had broken her of that habit. I got us another round of beers, but made sure we stayed quite sober. As she talked, the negative feelings seemed to drain out of her and by the end, it was like the long talks we used to have before 'The Night'. When Nora was finished, she stood up and asked, "Which bedroom is yours?" I pointed to a door. Nora walked to the other door. "This is a good-sized bedroom." "Yeah. Nice building, great location. I won't have any trouble getting another roommate." Nora went into the bedroom, calling out to me, "This is a great location. It'd be a short drive to my office." Was she suggesting...? I leaned against the doorway of the bedroom and watched Nora inspect it. "Where you and Kevin were living is close too. Did he move out?" "No. He's so lazy outside of work. He offered me a lot of money if I'd move out and let him have everything." "Where you staying then?" "At a friend's place, sleeping on her couch." Nora stopped checking out the room and turned to me. "I hate living out of suitcases. And it's crazy in the morning when my friend, her partner and I are all trying to get ready to go to work. I need to find someplace else to live." She's really not suggesting, is she? "You could move in with Mom and Dad." Our parents lived in The Woodlands, an upscale suburb thirty miles north of downtown Houston. "I did for a few days. The drive to work was bumper-to-bumper most of the way and I hate stop-and-go traffic. I was exhausted by the time I got there." Nora opened the closet door. "This isn't big enough for all my clothes." Thank goodness. "But there's enough space that I could buy an armoire." "Nora, I can't believe you're talking about staying here. We feel awkward around each other. We've felt awkward around each other since 'The Night'. How many awkward moments did we have this evening?" "Was it a pleasant evening?" Nora turned on the bathroom light. "Did you enjoy talking with me even though there were awkward moments?" She had me. It had been a pleasant evening and I had enjoyed talking with her. But still... Nora came out of the bathroom. "I need a bedroom where I can unwind and a bathroom I don't share. If I don't get those soon, I'm going to kill someone." Nora could tell my resistance was weakening. "It'll be for only a month and a half. Give me that long to find a place." I wasn't happy about the idea of Nora living with me, but I could handle it for a short period of time. "Okay. A month and a half." * * * * Nora went over to her friend's, gathered her stuff, came back and spent the night on an exercise mat. In the morning, Nora asked, "Would you please go to IKEA with me tonight?" I had a truck and Nora had a Mini, so it made sense for me to go with her to haul furniture. "Sure. I had nothing planned for tonight." "You'll probably want something for helping me." Suddenly, the anger was back. "It'd be nice if you bought me dinner. IKEA has a decent cafeteria. But you don't have to." Nora didn't seem to know how to respond to that. "Can you take me to work and pick me up there tonight?" "No problem. I'll be ready to go in a few minutes." * * * * That night as we ate dinner, I asked Nora, "So what happened to you and Kevin?" "Lots of problems." "And one day you decided it was time to move on?" "Well, we were fighting a lot about money. I complained about how much he spent on his car. He complained about how much I spent on clothes. After a particularly heated fight, I decided to pull the plug." I knew I should change topics, but I wanted to understand Nora's emotions last night and this morning. "You're both lawyers. I'd think you'd have plenty of money." "And we had plenty of student loans. And we took a lot of expensive vacations." "As a lawyer, Kevin should have understood that you need to spend a lot on work outfits. You have to look professional." Nora looked pained. "He didn't complain when I bought work outfits. He complained when I bought underwear." "Underwear?" Why would a guy complain about his girlfriend buying underwear? "Lingerie, okay? I like wearing expensive lingerie." Nora shook her head and sighed. "When we started dating, Kevin loved that I regularly bought new lingerie. I modeled every new purchase for him. But then..." Nora shook her head. "We weren't really fighting about money. We had a lot of problems we weren't making any progress on and it was easier to argue about money than those - I wanted Kevin to do more around the apartment; Kevin was really vague about when we'd get engaged and if he wanted kids; Kevin said he thought my career was just as important as his but his actions said otherwise; I worked hard to eat right and keep in shape while Kevin was getting a gut and didn't care." Nora waved her hands to stop the discussion. "No more about Kevin." As Nora didn't want to talk about Kevin, I expected her to start talking about a more preferred topic, but it was like she was waiting for me to discuss something. Finally, I said, "Any ideas on what furniture you're going to buy?" We talked furniture until we finished our meal. As we talked, I kept getting the feeling Nora expected me to bring up some other topic but I had no idea what. As we walked around the store, Nora asked, "What happened to the furniture from when you lived with Shannon?" I had lived with Shannon for almost year and had broken up with her six months ago. "Our split was that I got the TV and the bedroom furniture. She got everything else." Nora switched gears by asking, "What do you normally do for dinner?" "Nothing special. Sometimes a sandwich, sometimes soup, and sometimes leftovers from the last time I ate out." "What would you like to do for dinner?" "What would I like? When I was living with Shannon, she was in charge of meal planning. On weekends, we'd make a big pot of soup, a big pot of chili, a lasagna and a casserole. Then we ate leftovers the rest of the week." "Is that what you want to do?" "Somewhat. I don't like planning meals. I was happy cutting up the veggies and opening cans while she did the actual cooking. The trouble was that Shannon was fine eating the same six or eight recipes while I grew to hate them. I started eating out at lunch because I couldn't stomach the same leftovers again. And that got Shannon upset as she thought it was a waste of money and an insult to her cooking. One of many reasons we broke up." "Okay. So if I do the meal planning, you're willing to cut up veggies and open cans." "Yes." "I think I can make that work. Grocery shopping?" "Give me a list and I'm happy to go to the grocery store." "Perfect." * * * * Two nights later, we had some stir fry and a salad. I cut up the veggies Nora told me to cut up and she pulled everything together. She had changed into a white T-shirt and shorts and as she cooked, she sweat enough that I could faintly make out a lacy red bra under her shirt. As we ate dinner, I said, "I can't believe a guy would get upset about his girlfriend buying lingerie." Nora smirked at me. Had she seen me checking out her bra? She asked, "Did Shannon ever wear lingerie?" "Rarely. Only on special evenings." "Do you wish she had worn lingerie regularly?" As she had said that, she had leaned back in her chair and I could swear she had slightly thrust her chest forward. My eyes drifted down to her chest and I tried to remember what her bra had looked like. I felt my dick stir. I snapped out of it and said, "What guy doesn't want his girlfriend to wear lingerie?" Nora gave me a big smile. We ate a bit more and then Nora dropped some stir fry on her shirt. "Damn! I need to treat that right away." I finished eating, put my dishes in the dishwasher and then turned on the TV. "Whatcha watching?" My eyes nearly bugged out. Nora had changed into a thin white blouse and it was obvious she was wearing a lacy red bra. "Ummm...Yeah...Baseball game." Nora sat on the love seat and turned to give me a great view of her chest. "Who's playing?" "Yankees." Nora didn't seem bothered by my staring at her. In fact, she seemed to be waiting for me to say or do something. Almost eager. I had no idea what she wanted me to say or do. Pull yourself together. This is your sister. I turned back to the TV and said, "Just killing time until the Astros game." Then I had a thought. "The Astros have a home game tomorrow. Would you like to go?" "Invite Dad?" Dad was a huge Astros fan. When Nora and I were kids, he had taken us to lots of home games. He watched almost every game on TV. "He doesn't like going to the games any more. Costs too much, food is way overpriced and the traffic is awful. I can get him to go only once or twice a year." I turned back to Nora with a bland look on my face. She seemed disappointed that I wasn't responding any more. She said, "Sure, I'll go." * * * * A month and a half later, I said over dinner, "Another wonderful meal. Thanks for making it." "We made it together. Cutting up vegetables has always been the part about cooking I've liked least." Nora stood up. She was wearing shorts and an oversized Astros jersey. We had caught Astros fever. The Astros were in first place in their division with the best record in the American League. We had gone to a number of home games together and had watched their other games together on my TV. Nora bent over to grab my plate. As she did so, her jersey dropped down giving me a full view of her bra-covered chest. Purple tonight. I knew I shouldn't look down my sister's shirt. But I couldn't resist. In fact, she seemed to go out of her way to give me a look at some point every evening. I got up and helped her load the dishwasher. I said, "Good timing. The game is about to start." After we were done, I went into the living room, turned on the TV and sat down in the love seat. Nora sat down on the dining room chair we kept in the living room. Nora asked, "When are we getting more furniture?" "Weren't you going to move out by now?" "Weren't you going to find a new roommate?" "I decided to wait until you found a new place before looking for a roommate. When are you going to move out?" "I'll start looking for a new place once you've done something stupid." A chill went over my body. "Nora, I promise I'll never..." "No, no. Not that kind of stupid. You've been great about not crossing any lines. I mean stupid like in expecting me to do all the cooking and the cleaning and the laundry." "We're roommates, not a couple. Why would I expect you to do any more around the apartment than I do?" "Because guys always do. Kevin certainly did. He'd come home and start playing a video game, expecting me to do the cooking and cleaning. It pissed me off so much. We spent a lot of money eating out and having our place cleaned to avoid fighting over housework. And I had trouble maintaining my weight because we ate out so much." "I've lost weight since you've moved in." Nora smiled. "So have I. It's been a lot easier to eat right living with you." "You look great. You really do." Nora blushed. "Okay. So I'm staying here for the near future. So what are we going to do about furniture?" "This weekend, I'll buy a couch." "I'll help you pick it out." We watched the game, rooting on the Astros. During commercial breaks, we talked about work and such. We had glasses on the coffee table and occasionally Nora would bend forward to pick up hers. Every time she did, I tried to look down her jersey. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't resist - I loved checking out her bra. I hadn't seen this bra before. It had a small amount of lace over the top of the cup while the cup itself was purple lace with a white background. Nora's tits nicely filled the bra. I always made sure to have my eyes back on the game by the time Nora sat up again. During the seventh inning stretch, Nora stood up and then bent forward to pick up our glasses, giving me a great view down her jersey. She went into the kitchen to fill our glasses and when she came back in, she gave me another great view as she set the glasses down. Once she was seated, Nora said, "It's a new bra." I was so embarrassed. She knew. She had caught me. "I'm sorry, Nora. I know I-" She made a stop sign with her hand. "It's okay. I've been fine with you looking. I've been intentionally giving you looks. I told you I love wearing lingerie, right? Well, it's only fun if someone appreciates how good I look in it." Nora gave me an assessing look. "I'll continue giving you looks if you promise to never try to touch." "I promise. I'll definitely never touch." "Good. Do you like this bra? Like how it looks?" "I like it a lot. I like the color and I like the lace pattern." "Thanks. Like I said, I work hard to keep at a weight where I look good in lingerie. It makes me feel good when someone appreciates my hard work. I don't want anyone at work to see my lingerie. Eventually, I'll feel like dating again but I'm not there yet. So that leaves you. For now." "For now. And I promise to only look." * * * * The next night when she changed into something more comfortable than her work clothes, she left on the white blouse she had worn to work. She unbuttoned several buttons, allowing the shirt to gap. As I cut up the vegetables, I took frequent looks at the bra she was wearing. In some ways, it was a simple light pink bra. No lace or fancy material. But the bra cups instead of being a circle had a cut that went from high on the outside to low in the middle. It showed off a lot of boob flesh. If it were cut any lower, it would show some of her nipples. "You wore that bra to work?" I asked. "Yes." I shrugged and went back to cutting vegetables while sneaking looks at Nora's bra. "Don't cut yourself," Nora said. "Do you think there's something wrong with me wearing this bra to work?" "No. I mean...I guess...What's the point of wearing a sexy bra to work?" Nora smiled. "You think this bra is sexy?" "Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's great to look at." "Do you think I'm a slut for wearing a bra like this to work?" "No! Not at all!" Why was she taking a simple question so wrong? "You've been letting me see your bras for a while now. And they've all been sexy. Did you wear all of them to work that day?" "Of course! Do you think I'd change bras just to give you a show?" "Okay, I'm an idiot. I always assumed you'd wear a boring bra to work. Shannon did. All my girlfriends have worn sexy bras for special occasions but have worn boring bras day-to-day. When I've seen you dressed for work, I've had no idea you were wearing a sexy bra. Why wear a sexy bra to work when no one will know?" "I love to wear lingerie to work. When I was in my last year of law school, I took advantage of a program to meet an established woman lawyer for mentoring. My mentor suggested I avoid office romances as it was always the woman's career that got hurt when a couple in the same law firm broke up. I took her advice to heart. When I'm at work, I'm friendly but I do nothing that might be interpreted as romantic interest in a co-worker. And I ignore any expressions of romantic interest from my co-workers. I never discuss my love life and I don't discuss anyone else's. I have this very asexual exterior, but I love having this very sexy interior I never let my co-workers see. When some guy dismisses me because he knows I'm not interested, I love knowing that if he saw me in just the lingerie that's under my professional outfit then his eyes would bug out." "I try hard to keep my eyes from bugging out." Then I realized something. "Did you say lingerie?" "I'm not wearing just a sexy bra." "Sexy panties, too?" "Whatever lingerie I'm wearing." Nora smirked at me. She seemed to enjoy firing my imagination. "I told you I spent a lot of money on lingerie. Why not wear it every day?" I didn't have a good answer. "So you didn't wear it for Kevin." "I always wear lingerie for me. I wore it before I met Kevin and I wear it now. I wear it because I like how it makes me feel." Nora smirked at me again. "Though Kevin certainly benefited from my love of lingerie." I raised my hands in surrender. "Okay. Wear what you want. I'll warn you now that if you give me a chance to look, I'm going to look." "Look then. But don't hurt yourself...and no touching." * * * * And look I did. From then on, Nora always wore loose shirts around the apartment. She frequently wore blouses with buttons down the front and left some of the buttons unbuttoned. I learned how to praise her bra choice in many different ways. I definitely preferred lacy. I preferred the half-cup bras that came up her tit just past her nipple. Nora loved giving me a show and every other week, she would buy a new bra. Then one Friday, she wore something that wasn't a bra. It wasn't nearly as supportive and the material continued down to Nora's waist. "What's that?" I asked. "A camisole. I have a lot of lingerie besides bras. I decided to see what you thought of this one." "I like what little I can see, but your shirt blocks too much of it." Nora gave me an embarrassed smile. "Would you like to see all of it?" "Yes but-" That seemed like crossing a line we shouldn't cross. "You promise to-" "I promise to never touch." I still felt uncomfortable about seeing my sister with her shirt off. Then I had a thought. "This'll be like you wearing a Daisy Duke outfit, right?" "Not really, but close enough." Nora took off her blouse, revealing a white cotton camisole. In ways, the camisole was less revealing than a bra - the material went into her shorts so I couldn't see her midriff. But the thin material clung tightly to her tits and was close to transparent - I could easily make out the shape of her tits and could faintly see her nipples. "What do you think?" asked Nora. "I like it. I like it a lot. Is it more comfortable for you?" "Yeah, it is. The girls have a lot more freedom. You like their freedom?" I blushed. "I do. You look so sexy, Nora. You have great skin and nice tits so you look amazing in lingerie." "Thanks." Nora blushed and then changed the topic. "Ready to do more at Mom and Dad's?" Nora and I had convinced Mom and Dad to downsize and now we were spending our weekends at their house, decluttering and getting their house ready to put on the market. Mom and Dad were delighted that Nora and I were getting along so well after years of not having much to do with each other. Nora and I discussed our plans for the next day while we watched the Astros game. With the new couch, we sat close to each other but not too close. Normally, Nora gave me peeks down her blouse while we watched the game together. Tonight with the camisole on, I openly looked at her lingerie instead of getting the occasional peek. Every time she moved, I watched her tits shift at least out of the corner of my eye. I was hard most of the game. * * * * Saturday, we took the furniture out of my old bedroom at my parent's house and I started painting. Nora came in and announced, "Mom and Dad have gone to look at houses." I nodded my head and kept painting. Nora said, "I'm so sweaty." She grabbed her t-shirt and pulled it off, revealing one of my favorite bras. She was wearing denim shorts. "Now, this is like a Daisy Duke outfit." Nora modeled her outfit for me. "You like?" "I like." "And I'm less likely to get paint on my clothes. Now, tell me how I can help." * * * * Monday when she got home from work, she took off her jacket and blouse but left on her knee-length skirt. Her bra and skirt combination looked sexy as hell and I told her so. She gave me a big smile. As we watched the Astros game, I began to feel uncomfortable. During a commercial break I asked, "If I got a girlfriend, how would that change things between us now?" "Well, you would go with her to Astros game instead of me." "No. I mean clothing-wise." "I wouldn't have a problem if you told your girlfriend I like to wear lingerie. In fact, I'd be happy to chat with her about lingerie." "You wouldn't go shirtless when she was around, would you?" "No. You probably shouldn't tell her you've seen me shirtless. But you could tell her you've seen me in skimpy outfits, which would be true and expected given we live together." I was feeling better. "How could I live with you for four months and not see you in something skimpy?" "Exactly! I think people would have a hard time understanding how I like for you to see me in my sexy bras and camisoles, but it's not like 'The Night'. That was wrong." I nodded my head. "Totally wrong. I haven't told anyone about 'The Night'." "Neither have I. And I never will. That destroyed our relationship for years. We're finally getting over it. But like you said, you seeing me like this is a lot like seeing me in a Daisy Duke or a bikini top. And it really does make my love of lingerie a lot more fun." I went back to the game satisfied. Later in the game, Nora asked, "Greg, you mentioned a girlfriend. Are you thinking of asking someone out?" I shrugged. "Not really. The last few dates have been flops and I'm not eager to try again. I want to date someone who makes as much money as I do, but when I do I always get the feeling that their career is far more important to them than going out with me. How about you? When are you going to get back in the dating game?" "Eventually. I'm busy enough now that I feel like I don't have the time to date." * * * * After our talk, Nora decided it was okay for her to not wear a shirt around me. From then on, she normally cooked in a bra and either a skirt or shorts. Over the next couple of months, Mom and Dad sold their house and moved into two-bedroom condo that had no yard to take care of. One side benefit of them downsizing was that Nora and I inherited a lot of furniture and pictures, so our apartment became fully furnished. It was "our apartment" as Nora had signed on as a co-renter when I renewed the lease. The Astros recovered from a miserable August to make the World Series, winning it in seven games. Nora and I both slipped away from work to watch the victory parade together. Nora had a case almost go to trial but the two parties settled at the last moment on terms very favorable to her client. Fall came to Houston and it was finally pleasant to be outside when the sun was shining. Nora and I frequently rode bikes along the Buffalo Bayou, which was only a few blocks from our apartment. Sometimes, Nora and I would join the hordes jogging along the Memorial Park jogging trail. Nora enjoyed modeling her collection of sports bras for me. One Saturday, I went grocery shopping while Nora went lingerie shopping. I was putting away the groceries when Nora got home. "Find anything interesting?" I asked. "I did. They were having a sale on bras and matching panties. I bought two of each. Would you be fine with me modeling my latest acquisitions?" I had never seen Nora in panties, but I had given a lot of thought to seeing Nora in panties. Mmmmm, Nora's shapely ass in panties... I had worked out why it would be okay. "Am I going to see anything I wouldn't see if you wore a bikini?" "No." "Then I'm fine with you modeling today's purchases." Nora went into her bedroom. I finished putting the groceries away, sat down on the couch and started reading the novel that I was halfway through. After a couple of minutes, I heard the door to Nora's room open, which was our sign for me to go into her bedroom. My dick stiffened in anticipation of what I was going to see. When I stepped into Nora's room, she had a slight embarrassed look instead of her usual joyful smile. She was wearing a rose-colored satin push-up bra that pushed her tits upwards, making them look larger than normal. Her reddish-orange hair was fluffed out and it plus the bra framed well her pretty face and the exposed tit-flesh. As much as I enjoyed ogling Nora's tits, I wanted to see more. I moved my eyes down past Nora's flat stomach to her crotch. Her panties were the same rose-colored satin with lace running across the top and bottom. They dipped down in the front and came up high on her hips, showing a lot of skin. Nora slowly turned, showing me her backside where the panties covered most of her ass. Most bikinis showed more. Nora continued turning slowly, allowing me a good long look. Once she was facing me again, she asked, "What do you think?" "I like. I like a lot. Very sexy. Let me look some more." This time, I walked around her as she stood still. I burned a three-dimensional image of Nora into my brain for when I beat off later. I beat off almost every night picturing what Nora had worn earlier. When I got behind Nora, I had the sudden impulse to reach out and cup her ass, to feel how the panties felt on her. I quickly suppressed the urge - I looked but I never touched. When I made back to Nora's front, I said, "They look great. I like how the rose color is halfway between your skin color and your hair color. And those panties make your butt look great." Nora face lit up. "Thanks. Now shoo." I left the bedroom and went back to the couch. I didn't bother to pick up the book and instead replayed in my head how Nora had looked. I heard the door open again, so I went back into Nora's bedroom. This time, she was wearing a leopard print cotton bra with black straps and some black mesh that covered the valley between her tits. When I looked down, she was wearing cotton panties with the same leopard print. I looked up and down as she slowly turned around. On the back, the bra crossed over and the straps widened to a few inches as it reached the band. The panties were even a more conservative cut than the prior one, completely covering Nora's ass. Because they were cotton, they seemed to follow the contours of Nora's ass better than the satin ones. When Nora stopped turning, I made my trip around her. I wondered - for the first time modeling her panties, had she had purposely picked conservative panties? Would I see more risqué ones later because I was a good boy about seeing these? When I returned to Nora's front, I asked, "Are these panties more comfortable than the satin ones?" "They're different. I like the feel of satin against my skin. They're both comfortable, but in different ways. Which set do you like better?" "The first pair. I preferred how the rose-color looked against your skin. Both pairs are sexy. These make you look like a tigress - which is a sexy look - but I know you aren't going to be stalking me." Nora was glowing. I asked, "Feel sexy?" "I feel very sexy. I have one more thing to show you. Not something I bought today. Now shoo." I went back out to the couch. I had loved seeing Nora's sweet ass in panties as her butt cheeks had just the right amount of meat on them. Again, I was struck with the urge to cup her ass, to feel how her butt felt in my hand. I waited much longer on the couch than the first two times. What would Nora show me? I never went into her bedroom so I had no idea of the extent of her lingerie collection, but it had to be quite extensive. She had bought lingerie for years and she had a closet, a chest of drawers and an armoire for all of her clothes. Finally, I heard the door open. When I stepped in, I was stunned. Nora was wearing lingerie I had only seen in porn. Nora said nervously, "This is a bustier." "Oh god, Nora. You look incredible." The bustier was white and on top it had two lacy bra cups that enclosed Nora's tits. From the cups, white lace with a white backing ran down to below her belly button. From the bottom of the bustier were two straps that ran down to white stockings. Behind the straps were narrow white cotton panties that barely covered her crotch. The panties had lace on the top and bottom and narrowed to maybe an inch as it reached her hips. I forced my eyes to continue down, admiring Nora's legs in the white stockings. The stockings ended in white, high-heel shoes. Probably the highest heel I had ever seen Nora in. Nora said, "I've been wanting to wear this again since forever. You don't mind, do you?" "No. I don't mind at all. You look great, Nora. Like a lingerie model." I almost added "Like a porn star" but decided that would be too overtly sexual. Too trashy. Nora began slowly turning, allowing me to admire her. It was hard to not let my jaw drop. The bustier was cut low in the back, showing off Nora's shoulder blades. The panties remained narrow in the back, showing off almost all of Nora's ass. "I don't think I've ever seen anything sexier." Nora continued slowly turning until she was facing me again. "Wow. Just wow. You look so beautiful, so sexy. When you wore this for Kevin, he should have gotten down on one knee then and there." "Kevin loved it when I wore this for him, but not quite that much." Nora frowned. "I never really enjoyed wearing this for Kevin." "How come?" "Because he wanted to take it off as soon as he saw me in it." "And you wanted him to appreciate you in it." "Yes. It's a hassle to put on." Nora extended her hand towards mine. "Come here." I stepped next to Nora. She grabbed my hand and guided them to her stockings. She used my hand to stroke them. I got the idea and kept stroking them. "Soft?" Nora asked. "Very. They feel great. What material are they?" "Silk. I love the way they feel. They're crazy expensive, but worth it. Kevin couldn't tell them from nylons." "They feel wonderful to me." What felt wonderful to me was Nora's leg. I hadn't felt her body since.... Well, since 'The Night'. I loved feeling her muscled thigh. I slowly stroked down from the top of the stockings to her knee, over and over again. She had look great in the two earlier outfits, but this was what I was going to envision when I beat off tonight. Nora snapped me out of my reverie by saying, "Show's over. Time to put this back in the closet." I moved my hand away her thigh and started towards the door. Nora grabbed my arm and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Greg. You make me feel wonderful. I haven't felt this sexy in a while." * * * * When Nora came out of her bedroom, I half-expected to be wearing a bra-and-panties set she had bought today. Instead, she was wearing biking clothes. "Let's go for a bike ride before dinner," she said. While we were making dinner, I said, "You've been exercising a lot lately." Nora blushed. "Now that I'm letting someone see me in lingerie regularly, I want to get in lingerie shape. Firm up a little more." "Make your body as sexy as you can?" "Yeah." Then she quickly changed the subject. * * * * Sunday evening, Nora and I went to dinner at our parents. Earlier, Mom had dropped a few hints about how Nora and I needed to start dating again but we had been able to put her off with we were busy helping them sell their house and move. Now that they were settled, Mom wasn't accepting any excuses. My oldest sister Beth lived in Las Vegas and she had stopped having kids after two. Mom wanted more grandkids, preferably in the Houston area. I promised to join an online dating website. Nora wasn't having any of it. "Mom, I'm happy not dating anyone. I'm in no big rush. I'm not thirty yet. Women in the legal field don't have kids until they're at least thirty-five. Any earlier and you're considered not taking your career seriously. I work long hours and when I get home, I want to chill." That threw Mom on the defensive. "Well, you could go out on the weekends." "On the weekends, I do all the things I didn't have the time or energy to do during the week. If I meet a nice guy, sure I'll go out with him. But I don't have the time or energy to go looking for him right now." "You're going to have to start looking sometime..." "What's going to happen will happen. Mr. Right might walk into my office tomorrow. Or a year from now. I've got plenty of time. I've got enough things to worry about at work that I feel better not worrying about my love life." I said, "Mom, people get married a lot later now than when you were our age. It takes longer for people to settle down. I'm not looking for a wife, just someone to have fun with." Dad smirked and said, "Find a young one, spend a lot of money on her and you'll be having fun in no time." I smiled at Dad and said, "I'm holding out for a lingerie model." Dad guffawed. Mom looked at him with disgust. Nora stared at her plate. Mom dropped the topic and the rest of the dinner was pleasant. * * * * Monday night, Nora didn't get home until almost ten. While she was in her room changing into something more comfortable, I warmed up some soup for her. When she came out of her bedroom, she was wearing the rose-colored bra and panties she had bought Saturday. I handed her the soup and said, "Long day." "And I'm bushed. Since I got that big case settled on favorable terms, they're taking me more seriously at work. I got pulled into a meeting on a new case that's running into some problems. Now, I've been assigned to help out the lead lawyer." "Great!" "It is. It's the kind of thing I've been trying to position myself to make happen. So even though I'm exhausted, I'm very happy." Nora smiled at me. "Thanks so much for the soup. How was your day?" We chatted as she ate. Even though I couldn't see her lower half, it was more exciting talking to her knowing she was wearing just panties. When she was done with her soup, I picked up the bowl and took it to the kitchen. After I put it in the dishwasher, I turned to find Nora standing next to me. "Thanks again," she said as she moved to hug me. Her body felt wonderful pressed against mine. My dick hardened in my shorts. Nora released me and stepped back. I smiled at her and said, "Mind if I look at you?" Nora smiled. "I'd like that." I slowly walked around Nora, checking out her body in her bra and panties. She struck a number of poses as I checked her out. When I got behind her, I straightened my dick. As I continued on, I said, "You had told me you wore sexy lingerie to work. I guess I never really believed it until tonight." "I told you I liked to wear stuff that would make my co-worker's eyes bug out if they saw what I was wearing." "Seeing you dressed like this makes my eyes want to bug out." "Thanks." Nora stepped close to me, wrapping her arms around my head. She looked deep into my eyes. "You make me feel so sexy." I thought Nora was going to kiss me. My lips puckered slightly. Then she backed away and said, "I need to read some more emails." Nora pulled out her laptop and sat back down at the dining room table to work. I turned to go to my bedroom. "Oh," she said. "I have a big favor to ask. The Saturday after this, there's a big lawyer event - a dinner and a speaker. It'll be a great opportunity for me to network with lawyers in my specialty. Would you please go with me?" "I-" "I know it'll be super boring for you. Most of the conversations will be about law and the speech will be about law. I was going to go with someone from the office but he backed out. I don't want to go by myself. Please?" "Okay." I couldn't say no to Nora. "Great! I'll make it up to you, I promise." * * * * Thursday morning, Nora kept smiling at breakfast. I knew something was up, but I had no idea what. Was it something to do with the lawyer event? Couldn't be. I was already dreading going. I tried to see if she was wearing some special lingerie, but I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. In fact, she was very conservatively dressed, wearing a long pleated navy skirt and a navy jacket that showed little of her white blouse. I was ready to leave first and was about to go out the door when Nora stopped me. "I've got something to show you." "What?" Nora gave me a sexy look before bending down to grab the hem of her skirt and slowly lifting it. As she lifted the hem, she revealed more of her shapely legs encased in black stockings. "Silk stockings?" I asked. She shook her head. "Nylon. Silk stockings are too expensive to wear all day at work. Feel." By this time, she had raised her skirt above her knee. I stroked her leg above the knee. I said, "It doesn't feel as soft as the silk ones." "I agree." Nora kept slowly raising the skirt until she got to the top of her stockings. Red straps were attached to the top. Nora showed me a couple of inches of straps before dropping her skirt. She pushed me towards the door, saying, "I'll show you the rest tonight. I wanted to give you something to think about." Then she laughed evilly as she closed the door behind me. * * * * At 4:30, my boss called me into his office. He had a "brilliant" idea for a re-org and he wanted me to run the numbers comparing the new organization to the existing organization. Tonight. And I shouldn't leave until I sent him the numbers. It was a stupid fucking idea. Yes, the new structure created some new synergies. But it also destroyed a lot of existing synergies. No way would the divisions agree to it. The exercise was a complete fucking waste of time. I didn't want to be at the office. I wanted to be home, seeing what was under Nora's long skirt and jacket. I was pissed the whole time I sliced and diced the numbers. When I hit Send, I yelled "Fuck you too" at the monitor. I texted Nora I was heading home as I walked towards the elevators. For the thousandth time, I wondered what she was wearing. Another bustier? Doubtful - it was probably some type of lingerie she hadn't shown me before. Stockings, garter belt and something else? A definite possibility. For the thousandth time, I got hard picturing how Nora could look. When I got home past nine, Nora was all smiles. She was still wearing the long skirt and jacket. She said, "I'll get you dinner." "I ate something out of the machine." Nora snorted. "That's not a meal. Besides, I have your dinner almost ready. Go get comfortable and it'll be waiting for you." I went into my bedroom and changed into shorts and a t-shirt. As much as I wanted to do other things, I was hungry and dinner did sound good. A sandwich and a bowl of soup were waiting at my place when I came back to the kitchen table. I expected Nora to sit down with me but she continued to stand. As I told her about the idiot project, she drifted around the kitchen and dining room, smiling and nodding her head. I could swear she stopped frequently with her ass sticking out towards me, tightly hugged by the material of the skirt. It was like she was taunting me. "It normally doesn't bother you to work late on some stupid project for your boss," Nora said with a small grin as she bent forward to refill my glass of water from a pitcher. If this had been the first weeks we had lived together, she would have been giving me a long look down her shirt. Now, I could see only a little of her blouse. "You weren't wearing that blouse this morning, were you?" "No, this is a different one." Instead of a white cotton blouse, she was wearing an ivory satin one. It was thick enough that I couldn't see through it. I still had no idea what lingerie she was wearing. "You changed your blouse but kept everything else on?" Nora laughed. "Oh no. I spent most of the evening naked on my bed." An image of her sprawled naked on her bed flashed in my head. "It was fun. But I promised you a surprise when you got home so I put my clothes back on." Nora walked to next to me. "But I put on silk stockings this time." She pulled up her skirt a little ways. "Feel." The stockings were red. I stroked her calf, which felt great. "So soft," I said as my dick got hard yet again. "That feels nice," Nora purred. She released her skirt and sat down next to me. "There's something I wanted to talk about." Nora started unbuttoning the top button of her blouse. "What?" I felt flushed. "Sunday, you promised Mom you'd join a dating website. Did you?" Nora moved down to the next button and started unbuttoning it. "Yes. I promised I would." Nora stopped unbuttoning. Instead, she shook her head while making a tsk-tsk motion with her mouth. "I've enjoyed wearing just a bra and panties the last few nights. Have you enjoyed that?" Of course I had enjoyed it. Who wouldn't enjoy spending the evening looking at a babe wearing sexy lingerie? "Yes." "Now, if you were to invite a girl over, I couldn't do that. What would she think if she saw me wearing just a bra and panties in front of you?" "Yeah. I mean...that would be bad." "See." Nora arched her eyebrows. "We don't want bad things to happen, do we?" "No." "I told Mom I was perfectly happy not dating. Aren't you happy even though you aren't dating?" Nora reached back to the second button but didn't unbutton it. "I'm...uh...I'm happy the way things are. If I have to work late, no girlfriend to be upset about it. No plans spoiled. It's great being able to come home and chill with you every evening." Nora smiled and resumed unbuttoning her blouse. "Good. I hoped you'd see it that way. So you're not going to do anything with your dating site account." "I did enough to fulfill my promise to Mom. The site did have some attractive women..." "But none that interested you enough that you'd want to upset our routine, right?" Nora had most of the blouse unbuttoned now, but was holding it so I couldn't see what was underneath. "Right! None of them seemed that special." Nora gave me another smile. I knew she was twisting me around her finger, but I was content to be twisted. Yes, the website had some attractive women but none had clicked with me. If Nora wanted to think I didn't pursue any of them because of her instead of lack of interest, I wasn't going to correct her misbelief. Nora stood up and faced away from me. She set her jacket on the back of a chair, pulled out her blouse and apparently finished unbuttoning it. Then she backed up until she was next to me. "Unzip me please." Nora's skirt had a zipper in the back. I pulled it down, loosening the skirt. I could see some red silk underneath it. "Stand up and close your eyes," Nora commanded. Once I did, I heard the rustling of Nora removing her blouse. I heard her slip out of the skirt and throw it over the chair. After all this build up, I was afraid I'd be disappointed with the actual piece of lingerie. "Open your eyes." I opened them. "Oh my god, Nora." It was the sexiest lingerie I'd ever seen. "It's my favorite teddy." It was made of red silk. Two triangular pieces ran down from her shoulders, barely covering her tits and creating a deep valley in between them. At Nora's waist, the triangular pieces joined what look liked built-in red silk panties that were cut high on her thighs. The bottom of the panties was red lace and two straps dangled down from the lace to her red silk stockings. "You like?" asked Nora. "I love it. It looks amazing on you. It makes your tits..." All of her tits were visible except a small stripe over her nipples. It was such an enticing sight that I'd sell my soul to see the rest. "I think this one really flatters my body shape." Nora slowly turned, letting me look at all of her. The back didn't have much material - a narrow triangle of silk that ran from her shoulder straps to a band of red silk that went across just below her waist and along the bottom of the silk band was red lace that plunged between her ass cheeks. "It makes your butt look perfect." "I don't know if Kevin ever saw my butt in this one. Whenever he saw this teddy, he'd be all over me before I got to show him the back." "He was a fool then. He missed out on an incredible sight." Nora was back to facing me. I asked, "Did you feel sexy at work today?" She laughed. "Yes. And wicked. The red is really visible so I had to work hard to keep anyone from seeing it." She laughed again. "A senior partner made a sexist remark in front of me and it didn't bother me at all because I knew I looked smoking hot underneath my skirt and jacket." "You do look smoking hot." I made a circle around Nora. She held her hands on the bottom of the triangles that covered her tits, forcing her erect nipples hard through the fabric while also keeping me from seeing more of her tits. When I returned to facing Nora, she said, "It's late. Time for you go to your bedroom." She gave me an enigmatic smile. She hadn't said Time to go to bed. Did she know I was going beat off as soon as I closed the door while I pictured her in her incredible teddy? "Shoo! Shoo!" she said as she flicked her hand towards me. Her smile got broader. I walked to my bedroom feeling kind of stunned. As soon as closed the door, I ripped off my shorts and underwear. It was going to be a big load tonight. * * * * I kept my promise to Nora and went with her to the lawyer event. We arrived early so Nora could maximize her networking time as she was considering making the jump to another law firm. After five minutes of listening to her babble law to her fellow lawyers, I wandered away with the hope of finding someone to talk baseball with. I found a few football fans who wanted to talk about the Texans and some Texas college teams, but I didn't follow football. I finally found a guy named Bill who was about sixty and was a big Astros fans. We talked baseball for five minutes before we had to go sit down for dinner. I joined Nora at our table and met some more lawyers. Two were women, one about thirty-five and one about forty. I quickly lost interest in their conversation. I wondered if these two women ever wore sexy lingerie to work. I wondered about what Nora was wearing. She hadn't mentioned wearing anything special. The speaker was some big-shot lawyer from Atlanta. He opened his talk with a funny joke and then spoke gibberish for a half-hour. I was so bored. Nora wouldn't let me use my phone so I spent the time thinking about what I was going to do over Thanksgiving, which was next week, and what I was going to buy everyone for Christmas. Finally, the speech was over. There was going to be some post-speech networking so I looked for Bill and found him in a corner. We sat down together and talked Astros. I told him about going to see the Astros play in the Astrodome when I was a kid. Bill told me a lot of Astrodome stories. I told him about my Astros baseball card collection. Bill had a complete set of Jeff Bagwell cards. We reminisced about watching that crazy game against the Yankees where six Astros pitchers combined to throw a no-hitter. He was a lot of fun to talk to. The only annoying thing was people regularly walked up and said, "Hi, Bill!" Bill would say "Hi!" back and we'd go back to talking baseball. At some point, I asked Bill what firm he worked for and what was his title. "I'm a shareholder at..." some firm I hadn't heard of. "What's a shareholder?" "It means I'm a big, swinging dick." He gave a little laugh. Lawyers were so weird. We went back to baseball. Finally, Nora showed up. I said, "Ready to go, Nora?" I was so ready to go. I stood up and so did Bill. "Oh. Bill, this is my sister, Nora Atkins. Nora, this is Bill...I'm sorry, I've forgotten your last name." "Bill Logan, right?" said Nora. "Right," said Bill with a twinkle in his eyes. "My sister is a big Astros fan too." "Nora Atkins?" asked Bill. "Didn't you settle a case recently?" "Yes, I did." "I heard you ran circles around a much larger law firm. Nice work." Bill turned to me. "Greg, my firm rents out a suite at several Astros games each year. Give me your business card." "Here's mine," said Nora, handing him her card before I even started to reach for my wallet. "If we have some space," continued Bill, "I'll have someone invite you so we can talk some more. It was good talking with you." We shook hands and then Nora and I headed towards the elevator. Once we were out of Bill's earshot, Nora asked me, "How long have you been talking with Bill Logan?" "Since the speech was over. We talked a little before dinner. He was the only person I found who was interested in talking baseball. Who's Bill Logan?" "For my specialty, he's The Man in Houston. One of the best in the world. I can't believe I talked to him and gave him my business card. And he had heard of me! That's so exciting." Nora squeezed my arm. "Why did he ask me for my business card instead of giving me his?" "Because when you're a big, swinging dick, you don't give out your business card unless it's to someone with a multi-million dollar case." "Okay." Lawyers were so weird. "If you had told me before I came here that I'd talk with Bill Logan and give him my business card, I'd have told you to shut up. And possibly go to a suite rented out by his firm? That'd be like a getting a job interview. Better than getting a job interview. That'd be so perfect." I shrugged. I was glad Nora was happy; that I had somehow managed to do something to help her. When we got in my truck, Nora said, "I so owe you. Saturday after Thanksgiving weekend, I'm taking you out to dinner. Really expensive restaurant. And you can pick the type of lingerie I wear." "I get to pick? Okay." I thought for a second. "How about stockings, a garter belt, panties and a half-cup bra?" Nora frowned. "You have a garter belt, don't you?" "Yes, I have garter belts." Nora said nothing for a few moments, looking unhappy. "I know this is TMI, but sometimes when I have to pee, I really have to pee. At those times, I don't want to have to unclip six straps before I can get my panties down. I was too late once and it was so nasty that I don't ever want it to happen again. Garters and stockings had to be invented by a man. Men love them, but they are too freaking impractical for me." "Why not wear panties over the straps?" I had a faint recollection of having seen in porn panties both over and under. Nora shot me an are-you-really-that-stupid look. "You like seeing me in sexy panties because they hug my body, right?" "Right." "Well, if my panties are over the straps, then the straps are pulling my panties away from my body. It'd not look sexy at all. And looking sexy is the whole point of wearing garter belts as they do absolutely nothing." "Nothing?" "Before elastic banding, if you wore stockings then you wore a garter belt to keep the stockings from sliding down. But now we have elastic banding so garter belts are purely for show." Why didn't they teach important facts like these in school? "Okay, how about a corset, stockings and panties?" "I don't like corsets. Too constraining for me. I don't need to be shaped. Pick something else." "I give up. You know a lot more about what lingerie works for you than I do. Pick something sexy. Let me have a couple of feels before we head out to dinner so I can make some guesses as to what you are wearing and then show it to me when we get back home." "Okay." * * * * For Thanksgiving, Beth came out with her husband and her two boys. Nora and I spent all of Thanksgiving Day at our parents. Everyone had a lot of fun. Beth commented several times about how well Nora and I got along. The first time she said it, I said Nora and I got along better as roommates than we had as brother and sister. Each time she said it, I felt awkward. The next morning, Nora came out to breakfast in a nightshirt instead of dressed for the day as I had expected. She didn't say much over breakfast. She seemed a thousand miles away. Once breakfast was over, Nora said, "Let's sit on the couch and talk." The way she said it sent chills up my spine. This was not going to be a talk I enjoyed. Once we were seated, Nora said, "There's something I've been wanting to ask you. I've almost asked you several times since I moved in. What were you thinking during that one time we hooked up?" A chill went through me. "That night, I was a selfish shit and hurt you badly. It's the thing I regret most in my life. I know I said I was sorry the next morning, but-" "Stop. I didn't ask you to apologize. Yes, you hurt me but I've already forgiven you. I want to understand what happened from your point of view. Go over everything that happened and tell me what you were thinking and feeling at the time." I had hoped 'The Night' would go away, but it never did. If I was going to discuss it, now was as a good time as any. "If that's what you want, I'll do it." I closed my eyes and thought back to almost eight years ago. "We had both made plans to go to South Padre with who we were dating. We had both broken up with them at almost the last minute and we had both canceled our reservations and come home instead. We weren't close as you were at UT getting ready to go to law school and I had my life at A&M. We were both in a shitty mood. Tuesday, Mom and Dad went to a friend's house for a dinner party and they'd be gone all evening. I bought a 24-pack of beer and planned on getting drunk. You decided to join me. So we drank and bitched. You looked really hot as you were wearing a crop top and short shorts. I kept thinking that if you were any other girl but my sister, I'd make a move on you." This was back before Nora started dying her hair. She had worn her dark blond hair down below her shoulder blades. I knew at that time I shouldn't be physically attracted to my own sister, but she was so damn good looking. "At some point, you went on and on about how your girlfriends from UT were at South Padre getting laid every night and you were getting no action here. As a joke, I said, 'We could fuck.' It wasn't completely a joke - friends of mine from high school who knew you at UT had told me that you liked to get drunk and then have sex. I expected you to turn me down flat, but you didn't say anything." I had sudden urge to ask Nora something that had been bothering me for a while. "Can I ask you a question real quick?" "Sure." "Like I said, I had heard before 'The Night' that you liked to drink and then have sex. While we've been living together, you'll have a drink or two but you've never gotten close to drunk. And you haven't had any guys over. Did you change because of 'The Night'?" Nora shook her head. "I don't think so. During undergrad, I studied so much more than my fellow students that it was hard to keep a boyfriend. You can tell a guy 'Not tonight - I've got to study' only so many times before he dumps you. So I studied constantly and when there wasn't anything to study, I'd blow off steam by going to a party, getting drunk and hooking up. When I got to law school, everyone was as serious about studying as I was. Since then, I've only had long-term relationships and I've been a lot happier with them." "So you had been looking forward to blowing off steam during that spring break?" "Majorly." I nodded my head. That all made sense. I continued, "After that, I talked up the idea - we were adults; life had crapped on us; let's make some lemonade. The more I talked about it, the more I wanted to do it. You stopped being my sister and became a hot babe that I could possibly score with. You weren't saying yes but you weren't saying no. When you said, 'Let's go up to my room,' I thought you were playing with my head, but I went along. We went up to your room. I kissed you on your lips, expecting you to kick me out of your room, but you kissed me back. We spent a lot of time making out. I went slow because I kept expecting you to say, 'Joke's over. Get out of here.' But you never did. I started feeling you up..." That had been incredible. Nora had had such a great body. Still did. To touch it, to feel her tits, to squeeze her ass - something that I had thought I would never do - really fired me up. I had felt like the luckiest dude in the world. Remembering it got me rock hard. I resumed. "You felt me up. I took off your clothes. You took off mine. And then..." I shook my head. I had been so fucking stupid, so fucking immature. So incredibly selfish. "And then, I pushed you on to your bed and fucked you. I lasted at most a minute. At most. Then once I came, I was done. I wanted to go to sleep. I was tired, drunk and satisfied, so I decided we would cuddle and go to sleep. I could tell you were pissed, but you didn't say anything. You cuddled up with me and we went to sleep. I had every intention of making it up to you in the morning. I'd wake you with kisses, make out for a while and then make you cum. Once you came, we'd fuck again if you wanted or we'd say enough. We'd do whatever you wanted." I wasn't looking at Nora. I was saying all of this while staring at a blank TV screen. "The next morning when I woke, I freaked out. Us fucking and sleeping together had seemed reasonable the night before, but now it seemed totally insane. What if Mom or Dad came to tell us they had made breakfast? What if they heard us making out or me making you cum as they'd walk past your bedroom door on the way from their bedroom to the kitchen? And fucking was completely out of the question. I had gotten my sister drunk and fucked her. I had used her as she had gotten only a few moments of pleasure from the fuck. And now, I had to get back in my bedroom before Mom and Dad found us." I hated what I had done and the worst part was to come. "I could tell you were awake so I decided to say I'm sorry and suggest that I get you off with my hand before getting out of there. I said, 'I'm sorry' and you said, 'Crap!' I knew you were pissed. I knew you were about to let me have it. And I totally deserved it. When you're angry, you're hell on wheels and I was about to get flamed. So I chickened out. I grabbed my clothes, dashed through our bathroom and closed the door. I had said I'm sorry, I was going to let you calm down and apologize more fully later. But I knew I was a coward. I knew I was a selfish shit. I had gotten my sister drunk, taken advantage of her and then had run when it was time to face the music." I looked down at my hands. I had made a ball with them and had been unconsciously squeezing them hard. I stopped squeezing but kept them in a ball. "I had always considered myself a very considerate lover. It was something I was very proud of. And then with my sister, who I thought was a super person and I had always looked up to, I wasn't. Why? Why had I been so selfish? Had I always been that selfish and I had always been able to cover it up? Was there some deep envy of you that had driven me to act that way? I've wondered that so many times." Nora said, "Finish your story." "Okay. I heard you start the shower water and I relaxed. I had been afraid you would come into my room and kick the shit out of me. You took your shower, I took my shower. I got dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Mom and Dad hadn't caught us. They didn't have any idea we had fucked. We'd tell them we had both gotten drunk the night before and let them assume we had both slept in our own beds like we had done on every other night." That brief moment of thinking everything was okay seemed so stupid now. "I got to the kitchen and when you weren't there, I realized you weren't okay. When you came in a few minutes later, your eyes were red from crying. It was then I realized how fully I had hurt you." I shook my head again. "I thought about getting you alone and apologizing, but I decided you wouldn't want to be alone with me again. You looked like crap; you were so unhappy and it was all my fault. I couldn't take anymore and took off to go shopping. The rest of spring break, every time I saw you I remembered how I had been such a shit and had hurt you so badly. I felt terrible about it. I avoided you so I wouldn't feel as terrible. After spring break, it didn't get any better. I still felt like a total shit every time I saw you. I never knew what to say to you. I continued avoiding you, even though it pissed off Mom and Dad." I finally looked at Nora. Tears were running down her face. She wasn't sobbing. She was dabbing her cheeks with her nightshirt. "I was shocked when you called me, asking to come over. I couldn't believe you would want to live with me after I had taken advantage of you. I did everything I could to make it up to you. I love you, Nora, and it eats me up that I hurt you so badly. Yes, we were consenting adults and all that other happy bullshit. It's still no excuse for what I did." "So you never thought-" Nora stopped and collected herself. While looking forward, she said, "I was in a bad mood that week. For the first time in a while, I had stayed in a long-term relationship and the asshole had dumped me just before spring break. I had had so much homework coming into spring break and I had been so looking forward to blowing off steam. I was so envious of my friends who were having a great time in South Padre. So getting shitfaced sounded good to me." Nora looked at me. "I knew you meant it as a joke when you suggested we fuck, but I was so horny at the time that I thought about it. And then you kept hitting on me! I couldn't believe my little brother was hitting on me! So I played along. We went upstairs and I let you kiss me. You were a great kisser. The guy I had broken up with was a poor kisser and I was enjoying getting some good kisses, so I let it go on. And on. I was feeling really horny. When you started feeling me up, I decided 'Why not? My girlfriends were getting laid, so why not me?' And you were doing everything right - going nice and slow with lots of kisses. I was so ready to fuck. And then it was over. I was so pissed." Nora shook her head. "It wasn't the worst sex I've ever had, but it was close. But then you started cuddling with me. I love to cuddle after sex. So I decided to not make a scene and instead get mine in the morning. I knew we'd have to be careful as Mom and Dad would be home, so I was thinking of quietly making out followed by taking a shower together where you'd get me off." It sounded like if I hadn't freaked in the morning, things might have turned out okay. "As I was drifting off, it hit me that I had fucked my little brother. What would you think of me? Would you ever tell anyone? What the fuck was I thinking when I decided to go upstairs with you?" That didn't sound good. "When I woke the next morning, I discovered I had slept in a funny position and I had a terrible crick in my neck. You started talking to me; I moved my head and my neck hurt like hell. That's why I said, 'Crap.' And then you took off. Once you left, it sunk in that you had said, 'I'm sorry.' I was confused, disappointed, pissed and felt like shit. I decided to take a shower." Tears started rolling down Nora's face again. "In the shower, I figured things out. You thought I was a slut. A total slut." No! No! No! "And why not? I had fucked my brother. Who but a slut would fuck their brother? So you hadn't worried about satisfying me. You hadn't felt the need to give me any kind of compliment after you had sex with me. You had been disgusted waking up with your slut sister and had taken off." God, this was awful. "So when I finished my shower, I went into my room and cried. Cried about how stupid I was; about how you had lost your respect for me; about how I had lost my respect for myself." I could see how Nora came up with the interpretation she had on our hook up, but I had never would have guessed that was how she had interpreted things. "When I came into the kitchen, you took one look at your slut sister and took off. You left me to explain everything to Mom and Dad. I was pissed. Who the hell were you to judge me? It was a mutual decision that said as much about you as it did about me. You avoided me for the rest of the week and every time you did, I got more pissed. You continued to avoid me over the years and every time, I got angry all over again." Nora shook her head and sighed. "You want to know why I called you after I broke up with Kevin?" "You wanted to have a long conversation with someone who wouldn't discuss Kevin." "No. I was in a foul mood, saw your name in my contacts and decided to finally let you have it. I'd go over to your place, I'd tell you I've broken up with Kevin, you'd hit on me and then I'd roast you with seven years of stored-up angry comments. It would be so cathartic." "But you didn't..." I was confused. I deserved to be flamed but she hadn't. "Because you didn't hit on me! When I told you I had broken up with Kevin, you panicked. You were terrified of the idea that I had come over looking for sex. When you offered me a beer, I thought, 'Ho, ho! Now he's going to hit on me!' But you panicked again. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what. And then your empty bedroom - it was like a godsend. I badly needed personal space then. And I was certain that if I lived with you then at some point you'd make a comment about how I was a slut, you'd hit on me and then I could vent all my pent-up anger" "Nora, I never thought-" "Let me finish. So I moved in and you never hit on me. You treated me great; like I wished Kevin had treated me. I reviewed the events of 'The Night' and you were nothing like the guy who treated me like shit that morning. Then I decided to provoke you, to push you to make some comments about me being a slut. I intentionally spilled food on my shirt so I could change into that blouse that'd show my bra." Nora laughed. "Man, did your eyes bug out! It was hilarious how you tried to act casual as you picked your jaw off the floor. But you didn't act any different towards me. Next, I let you look down my shirt. Again, it was so funny the way you practically tripped over your tongue while trying to act casual. So I did it again to see if I could get the same response. And I did it again. And again." Nora made a motion with her hands as if she was pushing that topic aside. "Anyway - after living with you for a while, I realized I had been wrong all those years; that I had been pissed at you for a misunderstanding. I didn't want to confess how stupid I had been, so I never brought it up. But Beth was right last night - we are getting along great. This morning, I felt like it was time to get this resolved." "I should have-" "Don't worry about it. You've already apologized and I've already forgiven you. Mistakes were made. We didn't communicate. It's all water under the bridge. Let's move on, okay?" "Okay. How about a hug?" Nora opened her arms and we hugged for a long time. It felt good to have gotten that all out. Finally, I slapped Nora on the knee and said, "Come on - we've got two nephews to spoil." * * * * It was the Saturday after Thanksgiving weekend and we had a 6:30 reservation at the most expensive steak house in Houston. I was ready to go at six. Nora went into her bedroom at 5:45 and didn't come out until 6:15. When she came out, she was wearing a short, dark blue cocktail dress and matching stockings. Her lips were a dark pink and looked extra luscious. Her lashes were longer and fuller than normal. Her reddish-orange hair framed her face perfectly and provided a great contrast to her sparkling green eyes. "You look beautiful," I said. "Why, thank you." Nora batted her lashes at me. "And you look very sharp yourself." I was dressed in a black suit and white shirt but no tie. Nora sauntered over to me as I waited by the door. The dress started just above her tits, leaving bare her arms and upper chest with the exception of two tiny straps. It looked like her tits alone held the dress up. Her tits seemed bigger and higher than usual. When Nora reached me, I reached out to touch a stocking to see if it was silk. Nora slapped my hand away. "No touching." "I thought I was going to get some feels of your lingerie so I could try to guess what you're wearing?" Nora opened the door. "In a little bit. I want you to see what you notice with your eyes first." In the hallway, Nora walked in front of me and swayed her hips enticingly. "Notice anything missing?" she asked over her shoulder before laughing. "You're not wearing a bra, are you?" Nora continued sashaying in front of me. When she got to the elevator, she pressed the button then turned to me and said, "Correct on the bra. I'm wearing a corset. I bought it especially for tonight. It gives the girls an extra lift, doesn't it?" Nora raised up a little bit, give me a better look at her chest. "It's a short one. I don't like anything tight on my stomach. Notice anything else missing?" She taunted me with her sparkling green eyes. "No." Nora chuckled. The elevator doors opened and we stepped in. Once we were in, Nora took my right hand and put it on her ass. "Feel." I touched her butt gently. The material of the dress was a soft wool that clung tightly to her body. I was stunned to actually be touching my sister's ass. I had seen it numerous times covered by panties and bikini bottoms. I had pictured it in so many beat-off sessions. But I had only grasped it one time before - that night almost eight years ago. "Feel!" Nora commanded as she pushed her ass harder into my hand. "How are you to notice what's missing if you don't feel?" I felt. I started at the top of her left cheek and worked my hand down to the top of her thigh. Her ass felt perfect in my hand - just enough roundness, the right amount of firmness. I returned to the top and this time followed her ass crack down. I did two more passes, feeling the left side of her left cheek and her left hip. I dropped my hand down as I had felt as much as I dared. My hand was shaking. The elevator door open and we walked towards my truck. "I felt two straps for your stockings. Nothing else." Nora let out an evil laugh. "Exactly. What did you ask me to wear tonight before you asked me to wear a corset?" "Garter belt, panties and stockings." Nora was walking next to me now. She was quiet for a long time. She was toying with me, taking her sweet time to tell me what she was wearing under her dress. Finally I said, "But you said you didn't like wearing garter belt and panties." Nora laughed evilly again. We were at the truck. I opened the passenger door for her. Nora stood there and smiled. "I did." Nora leaned close to me and whispered, "I'm wearing a garter belt and no panties. That's what you didn't feel." Nora took my right hand and put it back on her ass. "It wouldn't be right for you to see me wearing no panties, so no reveal tonight like I promised. Instead, I'm going to let you feel." Nora put her hands on the truck seat while pushing her ass into my hand again. I cupped her ass and gave it a gentle squeeze. "One night only," said Nora. God, I was so hard. I discretely straightened myself as my hand continued roaming all over Nora's ass, reveling in its shape and feel. So many times I had wanted to feel Nora's lingerie-covered ass and now I was doing it. Nora suddenly sprang into the truck. She turned to me and winked. "More later." * * * * My truck had a bench seat instead of bucket seats. On the drive to the restaurant, Nora leaned against the door with her legs towards the center of the truck. She kept playing with the hem of her dress, giving me little flashes of what was underneath. Nora did most of the talking, which was good as I kept thinking about seeing more of what was under her dress and feeling her ass again. When we got to our booth at the restaurant, Nora had me sit next to her. "I'm going to be sharing a lot of my dinner with you." I ordered a beer and Nora ordered red wine. When the waiter came back with our drinks, we both ordered steaks. After the waiter left, Nora turned to me and said, "Let's vacation together after Christmas." I chuckled. "Wow! That came out of nowhere. I told Mom and Dad at Thanksgiving I'd spend the holidays with them." "We've spent so much time with Mom and Dad this year. Let's do something fun. I'd really like to get away for a week. If we spend the holidays here, Mom will constantly harass us about dating." We discussed a number of options and settled on going skiing, but at a resort neither of us had been to before. "Let's go to Idaho," said Nora. "You make all the reservations." "Me?" "Yes, you. I've done all the hard work. You can handle the details." I laughed. I tried to think of a rebuttal, but thought of something else instead. "You've told Mom you're perfectly happy not dating anyone. That's not true, is it?" "I've got plenty of time. I'm not thirty yet." "You turn thirty next month." Nora sighed. She could tell I wasn't going to let her snow me. "Okay, I'm happy but not perfectly happy. You know I'm a very goal-oriented person and as I'm about to turn thirty, I've been thinking about where I stand on my goals. At this point, I thought I'd be somewhere along the track of boyfriend - living together - getting engaged - getting married - having kids. But I'm not and I'm not seeing myself getting on that track soon." I nodded my head. "And you?" "Somewhat. To me, I'm focused more on that I'm in my late twenties, the prime of my life. I should be doing all the crazy things I want to do to get them out of my system before I settle down and have kids. Working late at the office yet again is not what I consider a crazy thing." "Ski vacation sounds much more like a crazy thing." I moved close to Nora and said quietly to her, "I know why you want to do a skiing vacation. You want to wear lingerie under your ski suit and give me flashes all day while we're on the slopes." "Greg!" My hand moved to Nora's thigh almost on its own accord and started moving upwards. "Then when we're done for the day, you'll do a little strip tease as you peel off your ski suit to show me your lingerie." "Stop that!" Nora said playfully. "Then you'll spend the rest of the evening flaunting your lingerie to me." I slipped my hand under her dress and continued moving it higher. Nora wiggled in her seat. "Stop it. You're getting me hot and bothered." I snorted. "And you never intentionally get me hot and bothered?" We both knew she did almost every night. It was fun getting some revenge. "You never complain." Nora softly grabbed my arm. "And what do you think you're doing?" "You said I could have feels tonight." "Not those kind of feels. That's a boyfriend kind of feel." "And what I did in the parking lot wasn't?" I saw the waiter bringing our meal, so I pulled my hand out of Nora's dress. I had thought Nora might be pissed at me for being so forward, but instead she was extra flirty as we ate. We were both being extra naughty tonight, we both knew it and we were both having fun doing it. When Nora had eaten about half her meal, she said, "You can have the rest of mine. I'm saving room for dessert. " I finished my steak and started on hers. "This is the best steak I've ever had. Thanks for bringing me here tonight." "You're welcome." As I ate, Nora started stroking my thigh. "What are you doing?" "What were you doing?" "You told me to stop." Nora leaned close to me and said softly, "I've been thinking about what lingerie I'll wear on our ski vacation." Nora continued stroking my thigh. "And you were right about what I'm going to do. I'm going to get you so excited you'll lock yourself in the bathroom every night." Nora knew I masturbated thinking about her! Nora's voice got huskier. "A couple of my girlfriends have asked me if you spend a lot of time in your bedroom watching porn and masturbating. I tell them you've never watched porn while I'm home that I know of." She laughed evilly again. "You're so wicked." "I am. You make it fun to be wicked." "Well, be good so I can finish eating." When I was done, the waiter arrived to clear the plates. "Would you like dessert?" he asked. Nora said, "Yes. We're going to share the triple chocolate cheesecake." "Very good." When the waiter left, Nora looked at me and said, "That will be so decadent." She raised her eyebrows to emphasize what she said. I was clueless. "Let me out." I let Nora out of the booth. As she walked towards the bathrooms, I noticed several men watching her walk. When she got back, she had me slide over so she could sit on the outside. I asked her quietly, "What color of lingerie are you wearing?" "The corset is the same color as my dress. I'll show it to you some other time. The garter belt is baby blue. As you aren't going to see it, I didn't bother matching colors." "When we get back to the apartment, why don't we go into your bedroom, you let me have some more feels and then you let your dress down slowly? When it gets down to where the panties should be covering stuff, you stop and let me admire your lingerie." Nora shivered in delight. "It would be hard to control how much you see." "It's a special night, Nora. After you show me what you're wearing tonight, I'll go to my room and we'll be back on the old rules. But we'll have fun being extra wicked until then." "Old rules, you promise?" "I promise." "Good. Because I'm having a lot of fun being extra wicked." The waiter arrived with the cheesecake. He placed it in between us and gave us each a fork. Once the waiter had left, Nora leaned closed and said, "Feed me like you're my boyfriend." I took my fork, removed a bite from the cheesecake with it and turned towards Nora. Nora grabbed my left hand and slipped it under her dress. I squeezed her bare upper thigh as I fed her the cheesecake. As she chewed it, I ran my hand up and down her upper thigh. Nora moaned. After she swallowed the cheesecake, she said lustily, "So decadent," before winking at me. Nora fed me a bite and then I put another piece on my fork. As I moved it towards her, I moved my left hand forward towards her inner thigh. Nora gave me a quick smile before accepting the bite. She went "Mmm, mmm, mmm" as I explored more of her thigh. As I fed Nora, I explored a little more each time. I had no idea where the line was. I stayed on her thigh and didn't try to touch her crotch. Nora seemed quite pleased with that, making lots of different happy sounds. To everyone in the restaurant, it looked like she was enjoying some rich cheesecake. Only she and I knew what else she was enjoying. When the cheesecake was two-thirds done, Nora said, "That's enough for me. You finish it." I leaned close to her and whispered, "You're so wicked." "I am," she whispered back. "Now hurry up. I've a show to give someone." We were good for the rest of the time we were in the restaurant. Once we were in the truck, Nora resumed her position of leaning against the truck door while pointing her legs to the center. At the first stop light, I said, "Move closer." Nora shifted a closer to me. "Move to the center." "What are you planning?" Nora asked as she moved into the center of the bench seat. I slipped my right hand under her dress. "You know, I'm not quite ready to move on about 'The Night'. I feel much better after our talk the other day," - I rubbed my hand up and down Nora's upper thigh - "but I can't let it go because we aren't even." Nora slouched down a little bit while slightly spreading her legs. "It's okay, Greg. Everything's forgiven." "I never made you cum." I slid my hand over to the top of Nora's crotch, running my fingers through her crotch hair. "I was a selfish shit for not doing anything for you. I want to make that up. I appreciate you forgiving me, but I want to earn my forgiveness." "Greg...really...we shouldn't." I moved my hand lower until my fingers touched the outside of Nora's pussy lips. "We're not doing anything now. I'm doing this seven years ago. I'm getting you ready to fuck, like I should have." Nora slouched down and widened her legs more. "Greg, we're definitely not going to hook up again." I moved my finger into Nora's slit. She was so hot and wet. "Definitely. Neither of us is interested in hook ups now. We said so in the restaurant. This is just dealing with some unfinished business." Nora started undulating, pressing her crotch against my finger as I worked it up and down. She said, "You'll make a mess of my dress." "I'll pay for the dry cleaning." Nora spread her legs even wider as she slouched down some more. "That's it, Greg. You do owe me." I made a wide circle around Nora's clit. Nora said, "You got me so fucking hot tonight." "I had a lot of help." I continued looking straight ahead, driving steadily towards our apartment. Holiday traffic was heavy. I tried to allow plenty of room ahead and behind me but it was hard to do. I didn't want to have to concentrate on my driving - I wanted to totally concentrate on what my right hand was doing to Nora. "Oh god, Greg. That feels so good. Right there." Nora gasped then let out a slow pant of pleasure. "Back to the old rules after you leave my bedroom." "Back to the old rules." "I wish we could cuddle tonight." I worked Nora's clit for a while. Based upon how she reacted, making an arc along the right side of her clit with my finger seemed to give her the most pleasure. I worked the arc over and over. I said, "I could spend the night in your bedroom and we could resume the old rules when I leave tomorrow morning." "Are you sure that's wise?" Nora was panting so much she could barely get that out. She had to be close to cumming. "Do you want me to cuddle with you tonight?" "Yes. Oh, yes!" I didn't know if she was agreeing or if she was just encouraging me to make her cum. "Then we'll cuddle." I worked the arc harder and faster with my finger. Nora moaned her pleasure. "Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, oh, oh!" Nora started thrashing and bucking. "Yes!" She clamped my hand with her thighs while grabbing my arm. She stiffened for a few moments and then relaxed. We were close to the apartment. I pulled my hand out of her skirt and used it to help make the sharp turns. The cab reeked of sex. "I think I'll take a drive tomorrow to air out the truck." Nora laughed. "It needs it!" When I parked the truck, Nora said, "That was fun." "It was. It's fun being wicked with you." I opened Nora's door and she got out. No feels in the parking lot this time - we'll do those in her bedroom. Nora held my elbow as we walked to the elevator. When we got to the elevator, Nora said, "We're definitely not going to kiss in the elevator. I'm so horny that if you'd kissed me, I'd fuck you as soon as we got in the apartment." Was she drawing a line for me to not cross or was she encouraging me on? The elevator doors opened and we stepped in. As soon as the doors closed, I reached for Nora. She came willingly into my arms. I bent down to kiss her and she had her head tilted up to receive my kiss. Our lips met, hers feeling wonderfully soft against mine. I remembered she liked going slow, so I kept the kisses long and soft. I grabbed her ass in both hands and gently squeezed. I had forgotten how good of a kisser she had been seven years ago, how she was able to convey passion and fun with only her lips. We heard the ding and the doors opened. We stepped back and straightened ourselves before walking out of the elevator. "Thanks for the wonderful dinner," I said. "That was the best steak I've ever had. And it was a great ambiance." I kept talking about the dinner while another part of my brain was racing at a million miles an hour. Had Nora been serious about us fucking if I kissed her? We had been turning up the Naughty dial all night, but did I really want to turn to 11? Did I want to fuck my sister? It had been such a disaster last time. It had been a disaster because of me. I had been too drunk, too tired, too selfish and too immature. And frankly, I hadn't cared much about Nora. I had been looking for any piece of ass and hadn't treated her the way she deserved. Tonight if we fucked, I'd do all the things I should have done seven years ago. Nora deserved nothing less than my very best. I opened the door, we entered the apartment and I closed the door behind us. I expected Nora to turn for some more kisses but instead she bent over and grabbed the top of a little table we kept by the door to put stuff we were taking the next time we left the apartment. Nora reached back and flipped up her dress, revealing her beautiful ass framed by the garter belt. "Fuck me, Greg. I need it - right here, right now." Part of me was stunned. I had wanted to fuck Nora, but I had kept that desire at a distance because I didn't think it would ever happen again. Now, I was going to fuck my sexy sister as soon as I could strip off enough clothes. Life didn't get better. I pitched my jacket, undid my pants and dropped them, pulled down my underwear and stepped up behind Nora. The whole time, I looked at Nora's perfect ass. I couldn't wait to feel it, to press against it, to slap hard against it as I fucked Nora. I grabbed my dick and guided it to her pussy. When the head was inside of her, Nora said, "Go slow. It's been a long time." I pushed in a little way, pulled back and pushed in a little more. I was fucking Nora! This time, it was no drunken fuck that we'd regret in the morning. We both wanted this. I had no idea where this was going long-term, but short-term we were going to enjoy what both of us wanted to do. I advanced and retreated over and over until my inches slowly disappeared into Nora. "Nice and slow like that, Greg. Nice and slow. Spread me out." "You feel so tight, Nora. You feel heavenly." "And you feel so great. So many times while I was jilling myself here in the apartment, I've tried to remember what it was like having you inside of me. You feel wonderful." One last gentle push and I was all the way in. I rubbed Nora's ass cheek and said, "You have a beautiful ass, Nora." "Thanks. You ready to fuck me?" I pulled back and thrust into Nora. "Oh yeah, I'm so ready to fuck you." "How long have you wanted to fuck me?" "Since I vaguely saw you in that lacy red bra. You've been driving me crazy, Nora. I've never wanted to fuck someone as much as I want to fuck you." I held Nora by her hips and rammed my dick into her as she slammed her ass back at me. I fucked her like an animal. I was crazy with lust. All the months of teasing, all the months of her flaunting her body in lingerie. I pounded Nora and she fucked back just as hard. "Ah, ah, ah," moaned Nora in a pitch a little higher than her normal speaking voice. The way she arched her back and held her head up made her look like she was baying. "You feel so good, Nora." My dick felt like it fit perfectly inside of Nora. She was still tight, marvelously tight, but she was very wet so I slid easily in and out of her. We continued our furious fuck. To my surprise, the table she held on to moved very little. She must be taking most of the force of my assault with her arms. Her hair flipped forward and back in time with my thrusts. Nora said, "It's okay to cum quick this time. We're going to be fucking all night." A thrill ran through me and what little restraint I had was gone. I was fucking my beautiful, sexy sister and would be all night. My heart was pounding and I was sweating. Fucking Nora this hard felt similar to sprinting, but ten thousand times more fun. Then I felt it - the tingling in my balls. I continued slamming Nora as pleasure swept over me. Moments later I was cumming inside of her, filling her with my sperm. I slowed as I continued cumming, savoring the end of a great fuck. When I was done cumming, I stopped. "That was great, Nora." "Was that a crazy thing you wanted to do while you were in your prime?" "I never knew I wanted to fuck someone like that, but now I'm damn glad I did." "When you pull out, I'll run to your bedroom." "My bedroom?" Nora looked back at me and smiled. "We're going to mess up your bed and then cuddle and sleep in mine." I was soft now. I pulled out of Nora and she dashed into my bedroom. I took off the rest of my clothes and walked into my bedroom. Nora was waiting for me by my bed with a big smile on her face. She had kicked off her shoes but otherwise was fully dressed. She turned around and looked over her shoulder at me. "Unzip me." I stepped up and unzipped her dress. Nora spread it and slipped it down enough to fully expose her corset. The corset was dark blue with a shiny satin exterior and came down to above her belly button. Nora gave me a few moments to admire it before sliding the dress down until its top reached the top of her garter belt. She looked back at me and said, "Ready to see everything?" "Yes." Nora dropped the dress the rest of the way and stepped out of it. Before me was her perfect ass framed by her baby blue garter belt and dark blue stockings. She had a hand towel between her legs that she tossed on the floor. I grabbed her around the waist and held her at arm's length to admire her body before moving up close to her. As I kissed the back of her neck, I said, "Has anyone told you that you look incredible in a corset, garter belt and stockings?" "No one. No one has appreciated me in lingerie like you do." "Then they were all fools. You in lingerie is a like a work of art." Nora turned her head and kissed me. I slid my hands forward and cupped her tits through the corset. Nora said, "Speaking of the corset - see that zipper on the side. You're definitely not pulling that zipper down. Only boyfriends get to see my tits." I turned Nora to face me. "Let me see if I understand what you're saying. If I leave the zipper up, then we have a lot of fun tonight, sleep together and in the morning once I leave your bedroom, we go back to the old rules. If I pull that zipper down, then everything changes between us - I'm your boyfriend and we're living together." Nora kissed me softly. "Very happily living together." Nora kissed me again. "Having lots of adventures." With one hand, I pulled Nora close to me for a long kiss while with the other, I reached up to the zipper. When I started moving the zipper down, Nora pushed her tongue into my mouth. As I slowly pulled the zipper down, our tongues dueled. Kissing Nora felt so good, so right. When the zipper reached the bottom, Nora replaced my hand with hers. She broke the kiss and stepped back. "Are you ready?" she asked. I smiled and said, "Yes." Nora disconnected the zipper and then held on to the front of the corset as the back side swung out behind her. She gave me a quick smile before dropping the corset on the floor. "They're wonderful," I said of Nora's tits before giving her a quick kiss. I pulled back and admired her tits some more. They were a teardrop shape and stood proudly on her chest. Her areolas were normal-sized and a dark pink. Her nipples were erect. What made Nora's tits wonderful was that they belonged to my wonderful sister. I moved forward and kissed Nora again. As I reached up to feel her tit, she pulled on my hand as she fell back on my bed. She yanked back the covers as she pulled me to her. As I fell on to the bed, she guided my head to her tit. "That's it. Suck on my tits." I moved my hand towards Nora's crotch. I slid it through her light brown crotch hair to reach her pussy. I parted her wet pussy lips with my middle finger and slid it down to her to clit. Nora moaned. "That's it. Make me cum while you suck on my tits." Nora guided me in my exploration of her tits. Periodically, she'd grab my head and move it to the other tit. She'd pull my head back to break my sucking her nipple before telling me what part of her tit she wanted me to suck on. She was teaching me exactly how to excite her with my mouth and tongue. The whole time, I worked her clit to Nora's moans. Eventually, the moans were replaced by deep pants. "Oh yeah, Greg. A little harder with your finger." Nora dropped her hands to her side as she concentrated on the pleasure I was giving her. I stopped sucking on her tits and pulled back to watch my sister cum. She had her eyes closed and was squeezing my sheet in her hands. I worked her clit hard as she continued to pant and gasp. Then she let out a deep moan as she started thrashing. Her thighs clamped on my hand. It was wonderful to make Nora cum again, but this time was more enjoyable as I could watch. When Nora recovered, she commanded, "On your back." I complied with her command in the middle of my bed. Nora quickly sprang on top of me. "I want to fuck my boyfriend this time. Let me do all the work." Nora raised up, grabbed my dick and guided it to her pussy. She slowly let herself down. It felt so good sliding into her again. "Oh yeah. Feels so good. Just lie there." Once I was completely inside of her, Nora put her hands on my chest and slowly raised her ass straight up. My dick slowly slid out of her. Before it came out, she slowly moved her ass down. Nora continued raising and lowering her ass, sliding me in and out of her pussy. She reminded me of the oil well pumps we used to see all the time as kids when we had driven through the Texas countryside. I asked in a bad British accent, "Good woman, may I please feel your tits?" "Certainly, good sir." I took Nora's tits into my hands, enjoying their heft and size. I squeezed her nipples between my fingers. "I love how they feel." Nora smiled. I groped her tits for a while and then dropped my hands to focus on her fucking me. Nora kept up her steady rhythm so my dick continued to slowly sliding in and out of her. I loved the slow gentleness of this fuck compared to the furiousness of our earlier fuck. "Feels so good, Nora." "I like it too. I want to make you happy." "You make me very happy. No girl has done this with me before." "I've never done this before too. I want to establish at the beginning that we are equals. I'm in charge now..." Nora stopped to pant. "And I'll be in charge later. And when I'm in charge, I'll look to make you happy just like you're looking to make me happy now." Nora nodded her head then closed her eyes and went back to focusing on fucking me. She let out a series of long, deep breaths as she continued pumping my dick in and out of her. Nora finally said, "I'm getting tired." "I'll help out." I grabbed her waist in my hands and helped her fuck me. That changed the angle of our fucking from almost straight up to more like a forty-five degree angle towards me. I asked, "Is this the pace you want?" "Yes. Is it good pace for you?" "I'd enjoy fucking you at any pace." We continued to leisurely fuck. I felt her wetness slowly spread down my dick to my crotch. Each plunge into her made a squishing sound. At one point, I shifted my hands back to cup her ass and held her that way as I helped her fuck me. I loved the feel of her firm ass in my hands. "You have such a great ass, Nora." "Keep telling me that and I'll keep it in great shape." "You have such a great ass, Nora." Nora smiled. "You feel so good inside me. This is a great angle for me." I moved my hands back to her waist. "I'd like to go a little faster." "Getting close?" "Yes." Nora said, "Let's finish strong." Finish strong! had been Dad's favorite phrase whenever Nora or I had played sports. I pushed Nora up and when I pulled her down, I thrust up to meet her. I repeated that over and over, gradually increasing the pace. Not nearly as fast as the earlier fuck, but fast enough to get my body thinking of cumming. We both were panting hard. I was thrusting more now - thrust, pull her up, thrust, pull her up. Finally, I felt my cum begin. I thrust into Nora one last time and then held her down on top of me. Nora collapsed on me. My earlier cum had been so big that it was almost painful. This time, it was series of gentle, pleasurable squirts. I hugged Nora and said, "I love you." "I love you too." "I'm glad I didn't make the hotel reservations for our ski trip yet. I'll get a room with a king-sized bed now instead of two singles." "I'm taking my own bag. I'm packing lots of lingerie." "And I won't watch you dress so you can tease me with flashes of what you're wearing." "Sounds very naughty and very fun." I was soft now, but still inside of Nora. She made no move to get off of me. I asked, "Glad to be back on the living-with-your-boyfriend track?" "I am. I'm so goal-oriented. I know it's way too early, but I'm already thinking a little bit about getting engaged." "We'd have to keep it a secret." "So what? Our personal lives are our business and no one else's." Just like the fact she wore lingerie to work was only our business. I said, "No one needs to know why we are happy. What's important is that we are." "Exactly!" Nora kissed me. "And you make me very happy." I felt myself stiffen inside of her. "You're definitely not moving into my bedroom." "You're right. There isn't any space for my clothes." Nora laughed. "Okay. I'll move some of my clothes in here." "You're definitely not going to strut around the apartment every evening in just lingerie, getting us both hot and bothered." "That would be a terribly naughty thing to do." "Can I be on top?" "Sure." I pushed Nora lightly to the left and together we rolled so that I was on top with my half-hard erection embedded in her. She wrapped her silk stocking-covered legs around the back of my thighs. I loved how they felt so soft against my bare skin. I was almost fully hard now and eager for a hat trick. I pulled back an inch and thrust into her. I said, "And we're definitely not going to fuck like bunnies every night." Nora said with a grin, "Because if we did that, you'll eventually get me pregnant." For pics visit ---->>