Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. My Sister's Friend the Witch Story Codes: 1st, mgg, inc, mc, oral, preteen, rim My summer was looking to be a good one when school let out. I was turning 16 in early July, and the minute the DMV opened on my birthday, I'd be ready to take my test and get my driver's license. I already had my own car parked in the garage waiting for me, and even better, it was completely free. It's a Volkswagen that my uncle gave to me as an early birthday present when he bought a new Fiatt. So from the end of May to July 9, I had nothing to worry about and zero stress. By the way, my name's Casey O'Shannon. Actually, there was one slight thing I had to worry about. I had no way to pay for gas. I'd tried applying for a job for months but every place I went to refused to accept an application from me until I was 16. If felt hopeless; once I got my license, I wouldn't be able to drive my car for at least a month, probably longer, considering how long it might take to process a job application. So what else could I do? The only other thing I could think of would be to borrow money from my mom, but I couldn't bring myself to ask her. She was a single mom with two kids and no child support or alimony, since my dad split when my sister was just an infant. I just didn't feel right asking her for any amount of money when I had no way to guarantee when I would pay it back, at least not unless I worked hard for it. But there was nothing that she needed done that was worth the amount of money I was looking for. It looked as if my summer was going down the tubes before it even started. Then, at the very last minute, the Fates dealt me a good hand. On the Sunday before Memorial Day, my mom got an extremely urgent call from her boss. The company desperately needed her to attend a business convention in Spain that started that Thursday. Since it was so short notice, she would get paid extremely well. There was only one problem: the trip would last three weeks. After jumping at the offer, my mom searched frantically for someone to look after my 12 year old sister, Caitlyn. Unfortunately, she had no luck. Finally, with no other options, she turned to me. She offered to pay me if I cooked, cleaned, and shopped for Catie while she was gone, and most importantly, I had to make sure she went to school. The school would be especially easy, since Catie only had four days left of school, and mom would be home for two of them. Mom's flight left after Catie went to school Wednesday, so I only had to wake Catie up on Thursday and Friday. School only lasted an hour or so on Friday; the kids basically showed up, got their report cards, and left. Yeah, getting up early would kinda suck, but since I had finished school a week earlier, I could just go back to sleep once Catie left. I gladly accepted Mom's offer. ********* Wednesday went off without a hitch. Mom got Caitlyn out the door on time and made it to the airport ahead of schedule. I cooked dinner when Catie got home, and we spent the rest of the evening just hanging out in front of the TV. Then around 9:00 Caitlyn turned to me and asked, "Hey, do think it would be okay if I had Lilith sleepover tomorrow night and Friday? Like as a `kick off the summer' kinda thing?" She was talking about her friend Lilith Goldwyn. The two of them had only been hanging out for the past six months or so, but they had become close friends. Lilith was a year younger than Catie, but they shared the same birthday, August 31. I had met Lilith a handful of times before; she was a cute kid. She was sort of into the "goth" thing; black nail polish, dark clothing, and hair usually dyed some sort of unnatural color. She had a little pentagram pendant that she'd sometimes wear around her neck, and if you'd let her, she'd go on about different spells she could cast and what not. It was cute; a bit weird but harmless. "Sure, why not? Bring her home after school tomorrow." Catie's green eyes lit up with joy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she started, running to give me a hug. "I owe you big time, cus I know how mad mommy would get at you if she found out you let me have a sleepover while she was gone." "Hey, she can't get mad about something she doesn't know about," I responded casually. Still grinning, Caitlyn said, "I'm gonna go text Lilith right now, then I'm getting in the shower and going to bed. Good night!" With a flash of red hair, she was gone up the staircase. ********* The two girls arrived at the house shortly after school got out, Lilith carrying both a large pink duffle bag and her backpack over her shoulder. "Hey, you like my hair?" she asked with a grin as she walked through the living room. Her hair was freshly dyed black with bright blue streaks. "Yeah, it looks good," I answered. "Aww, thanks," she responded. The rest of the night was pretty much like the night before. The three of us sat around not doing much, just watching TV and talking. The girls retreated to Caitlyn's room around 7:30 to do their usual sleepover things. I stayed downstairs, watched some more TV, and straightened up a bit. Then at about 10:00 I decided to hop in the shower before calling it a night. As I showered, I started thinking about a million different insignificant things all at once. I ended up getting so wrapped up in my thoughts that I was practically unaware of everything else around me. The shower water had run cold for ten minutes before I noticed and turned the water off. Just as I turned the faucet, there was a noise that caught my ear. It sounded like... giggling. "No," I thought to myself. "I must be over tired so I'm hearing things." Then I heard it again, but softer. I held my breath for a moment so I could hear better. There it was once more! Convinced the sound was real, I whipped open the shower curtain, and there they were. Catie and Lilith were standing directly across from me, dressed in their pajamas. Catie had on a white tank top and a matching pair of short shorts, with her fiery red hair pulled pack in a loose ponytail. Lilith wore a dark purple and black t-shirt that just barely covered up her lower half, as well as a pair of knee high purple socks. She had a medium sized purse on her left shoulder and was holding a small pouch in her hand. "What the hell are you guys doing?" I shouted, trying to cover myself with the shower curtain. "Well, we're trying to get a look at your cock but that shower curtain's in the way," Lilith answered nonchalantly. "Do you think you can move it?" "Both of you get out of here now!" I yelled, unable to process what was going on. "Aw, c'mon, it looks like you don't have anything to be ashamed of anyway," Lilith continued. "I can tell from here how hot your abs and pecs are, now just let us see the main event!" "Yeah, show us the goods!" Catie chimed in. Unable to believe my ears, my face flushed with a mixture of rage and bewilderment as I tried to come up with something to say. "You're not gonna play along? Fine." Lilith said forcefully. At that moment, she emptied the contents of her little pouch onto the floor. Before I could even see what the substance was, Lilith snapped her fingers twice, and the powder disappeared into thin air. My nostrils suddenly filled with the smell of burning cedar. "Now, Casey, come over here so we can get a good look at that cock," Lilith cooed at me, and before I knew what was happening, I calmly walked across the room to the girls. "My, my, my, you are a big boy. And you're uncircumcised, so that should be fun," Lilith commented as she put on a pair of black horn rimmed glasses. "Let's get you hard and measure it. Go for it, Cat." I watched in a surreal, dreamlike state as my younger sister reached out with her pale, freckled hands and began slowly massaging my dick. "Like this?" she asked, turning to her friend for reassurance. "Mhmm, that's good," Lilith responded. She dug around in her purse for a moment. "How cute that your first cock is your brother's." She took a moment from searching to reach down and pull the crotch of Catie's shorts to the side. "Wow, Cat, you're already really wet. Ah, here they are." Lilith pulled out a ruler and tape measure from her purse. Lilith reached over to check Catie's progress. "Alright, now I'm gonna measure the length with the ruler. You wrap the tape measure around the middle to get the girth," Lilith instructed. "Okie dokie," Catie answered cheerfully and did as she instructed. "Holy cow, it's 5 inches!" Catie exclaimed a few moments later. "What's the length?" "10 inches," Lilith stated matter-of-factly. "Your cock is massive!" Catie said, looking up at me as I struggled to figure out if any of this was real. "Well, let's get this started," Lilith said. Catie quickly removed her tank top and Lilith then helped remove her bra. "God, I wish I had tits as big as yours," Lilith said longingly. "They're not that big," Catie responded as she pulled her shorts down to her ankles. "36B is big for 12! You're probably gonna have D cups by the time you're fully grown." Lilith leaned forward from behind Catie and slowly began sucking her left nipple. "God, that feels good," Catie let out in a whisper. "Alright, so I guess I should start now, huh?" She took the base of my cock in her left hand and slowly started moving it into her mouth. She gently slurped at the tip of my cock head for a minute or so then paused. "Lil, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to stretch my mouth that wide." "You'll be fine. If anything should worry you, it'd be the length." "Okay, here I go..." My little sister than opened her mouth as wide as she could and started moving my cock into her mouth. 1 inch... 2 inches... 3 inches... 4 inches... 5 inches... This was definitely real. With a retch, she stopped just before the 6 inch mark. Coughing and gagging, Catie came up for air. "I don't think I can do this. It's too big." "Yes you can. Just let me do something to ease your mind," Lilith said slyly. She made Catie bend over further and began slowly fingering her. Lilith then ran her tongue up and down Catie's ass crack. "Oh, fuck that's good," Catie let out. "Shut up and keep sucking," Lilith commanded, her voice muffled by Catie's anus. Catie went back to focusing on my cock and picked right back up where she left off. She started moving faster and quickly past the 7 and 8 inch marks. At the 9th inch she let out a moan as Lilith picked up her pace. "Okay now, you fuck her throat," Lilith suddenly commanded of me. Without thinking, I grabbed a hold of Catie's ponytail and started thrusting my cock into her face. Her eyes began to tear up more and more as my pace increased. I then noticed her whole body begin to flush and she began to let out loud, high pitched moans into my cock. She was cumming. After Caitlyn finished her orgasm I pulled out of her throat to let her catch her breath. "Okay, my turn," Lilith said with a grin. "I've been playing with myself for the last 20 minutes anyway, so I'm pretty close already." Lilith headed over to the sink and bent over, hiking up her t-shirt and pulling her purple polka dot panties to the side. "C'mon, show me what you got," she taunted, twisting her hips at me. I rushed over and shoved my full length into her all at once. She let out a shriek of pleasure. "Oh! Fuck me like your dirty little bitch. Who's your dirty little bitch?" "You." Say it!" You are!" "That's fucking right! Oh baby, I'm so close. I need you to smack me on the ass cus I've been a very bad girl." I did as I was told, timing the smacks perfectly with my thrusts. Seconds later, Lilith's voice got shriller and her hands started to twitch. "Oh god, oh god, right there--- right there--- I'm fucking cumming! Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop!" She crumpled down onto the floor and joined her friend, trying to catch her breath. I stood still and silent, still fully erect. I tried to will myself to move or something, but nothing happened. Finally, Lilith spoke again. "Oh, look at you; you didn't get to cum yet. Well here, I'm gonna let you cum on my pretty face. Or wait- better yet, you can cum on your little sister's face! I know you've always wanted that, right?" I nodded in agreement. What was I thinking? I had never lusted after my sister before. Still, I couldn't help agreeing with everything Lilith said. Both girls got up on their knees. "Alright, you better start cumming soon, `kay?" Lilith said. She began sucking at the root of my shaft and tickling my balls while Catie licked at the head. "C'mon, Casey, I want you cum all over my little face," Catie began to egg me on. "Coat me, drench me, saturate me. Bust your hot fucking nut on me!" At that moment, I finally started cumming. I shot what felt like gallons of semen all over Catie's freckled little face. I must have cum for 2 minutes straight. Catie giggled. "You got a bunch in my eye!" "Here, let me help," Lilith said, leaning over to lick my cum off of Catie's face. And then I blacked out.