

I am a writer of short stories, novels, and screenplays. My work has been described as not strictly erotica, not strictly literary, but literate erotica. I have no hard preferences for specific themes (i.e., story codes) but work with many different themes if it allows me to create interesting characters and situations.

While I have had some success in the traditional press, this work would never be accepted there, and I hope it will find a following among discriminating readers here. If you find something you like, click the Contact Fabula link in the navigation bar to send me your comments. I always appreciate hearing from readers.

If you don't find something you like, check again later, I have a backlog of work I plan to publish here, as time permits.

This work contains explcit descriptions of sexual acts. If you are offended by such, or are not an adult, do not read any further.

Thank You,


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