Mf14, cons, 1st, very slow

Can attractions truly be uncontrollable? I was adamant they couldn't but then again, I'd never seen anyone like Keira.

Chapter One

THE TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLE RUMBLED underneath me as I cruised down Parchment Street, a well-established residential street lined with mature oaks. Immaculate mid-century houses sat well back on large plots. I listened to the motor's sound with a critical ear waiting for it to misfire or change timbre, a sign of problems unseen inside the engine. This Triumph was a restoration, my loving work of art still in progress; a 1967 Triumph 650. So far so good. It was purring like a well-fed lion.

The speedometer never exceeded twenty miles per hour along the sinuous street. I spotted my destination immediately. It was hard to miss. Cars and minivans spilled out of the drive and lined each side of the street announcing an event taking place in the neighborhood. Easing the Triumph to the curb I cut the engine and flicked the kickstand out. My helmet was off before I dismounted. In the residential silence I heard music and voices; the sounds of a party in progress. Damn. I really didn't want to be here.

The "here" was my older sister's house. Christina, physically five years older than me and mentally twenty years older, was holding her annual barbecue party. The fact that it was her first barbecue party didn't stop her from announcing it was to become a fine annual tradition, a get-together of the McDaniel family (that's me) and the Lamonts (her husband's tribe). I wasn't looking forward to it.

Perhaps I should explain my reluctance. Christina, despite being a smart corporate lawyer, was somewhat anally retentive . . . which was probably a great trait to have if one wanted to succeed as a lawyer. It meant that every element of the barbecue had probably been thought out, preplanned. However you can't engineer sociability, or polite conversation, or enjoyment. Yet no doubt Christina would try. Every detail thought of was her motto, spontaneity the bane of her existence.

With the helmet under my arm, I made my way around the parked cars and up the drive, admiring the modern lines of her home; sort of a Frank Lloyd Wright style modern home with a long sloping roof, wide horizontal windows, wood and brick artfully mixed. Tony, another lawyer and her husband, was also successful. He was a partner in a law firm. Together they could afford this home comfortably.

I followed the sounds of a party around to the backyard, took a bracing deep breath and tried plastering a smile on my face. It felt artificial so I let it fade and opened the slat-wood gate.

The backyard was beautiful. Each bush was immaculately trimmed, each flower in perfect bloom, the lawn perfectly edged and, if I'd studied them on my hands and knees, I'd probably have found each blade of grass perfectly vertical. The kidney-shaped pool was crystal clear and cleaner than my bathtub. A tall white picket fence surrounded the large property. It looked like it had recently been painted. I knew all this immaculateness had nothing to do with Christina's labor, just her chequebook. Still. It was nice.

To my right a group of people mingled on the flagstone patio, all seemingly with cocktails in one hand and all seemingly deep in fascinating conversation with each other, kids darting in and out. From amongst the group one woman detached herself, smiled broadly with delight, and made her way towards me.

"Hi, Mom," I greeted her with a hug.

"Sebastian, you're looking thinner. Are you eating?" Mom said, hugging me then leaning back to inspect me.

Since I'd been living on my own, starting when I went to University, Mom had greeted me with the same words. I think it was her way of showing loving concern. I was, after all, single, living alone, and in my twenties; all problems for a caring mother. Mom had been married and given birth to Christina when she was younger than I was.

"Yeah, I'm eating," I responded with a smile.

"It's yes, not yeah, Sebastian," Mom gently chastised with a smile. "Come. Christina's so happy you could make it."

I severely doubted that.

Letting Mom lead the way I studied the group. From our family I recognized an uncle and aunt from Dad's side and their kids, now grown. That made four. Add me, Mom, and my sister and we had seven from the McDaniel side, Dad having passed away years ago. There were at least thirty people milling about ranging in age from grandparent-aged to preteen kids. With a grin I decided the Lamont side must be Catholic.

I received a quick welcoming but distracted hug from my sister before she raced off to the kitchen to have a word with the caterers. I grinned again. Only Christina would cater hamburgers and hotdogs. Tony was somewhere, who knew where, but I knew his jeans would be ironed with sharp creases - he was that sort of guy. Mom passed me a Rolling Rock beer and became distracted by a lady roughly her own generation, an early sixty-something woman who, if memory served, was Christina's mother-in-law.

I hated these events. Over time I'd observed there are two types of people at these shindigs; Minglers and Minglees. The Minglers are those that circulate like birds and touch down to chat with everyone; the social ones that love get-togethers and gossip. Then there are the Minglees like me. We tend to stand in one place and observe. Minglers pass by and chat and move on. We Minglees were the less sociable ones.

There were benefits, though. I could openly observe everyone. And it was as I was openly studying the clan called Lamont that I saw her. She stepped out through the open double doors leading from the living room to the patio and into my consciousness.

Our eyes met briefly before her eyes slipped away but it was enough. An almost physical connection had been made. Awareness of each other was now established. There was no reason behind it, no logic, no rational thought. It was just one of those things. True, it had never happened to me before, but I recognized it for what it was . . . an immediate fascination with her.

For half an hour or so I watched as her eyes would turn to look at me then slide away as if shy at being caught. I had no such modesty. There were bigger problems to wrestle with; she - whoever she was - was very young . . . too young. Why did she fascinate me? I examined her in hope of understanding.

Pale red hair fell in soft waves to below her shoulders - not particularly stylish but full and thick and healthy. Each individual feature of her face, when studied separately, wasn't that special; pale red eyebrows, untouched by tweezers, arched and framed soft brown eyes; her nose was small, the bridge perhaps slightly too thick; her lips were pale pink and not overly lush, her mouth on the small side; prominent cheekbones were dusted with faint freckles; her jaw and chin were firm. By all rights she should have been a perfectly average girl, but she wasn't. Not by a long shot.

Somehow, to me, those not-quite-perfect features combined to form a girl of arresting beauty unlike any other I'd seen. My reaction to her was strong, very, very strong, yet she was so young. Her body was perfectly normal, youthfully slender. It showed no attractive, sensual curves, her hips still boyishly narrow, but she was tall, topping five feet. From the way her blouse draped on her I could tell puberty had recently arrived, two gentle swells widely spaced hinting at the beginnings of a bust. Adolescence still had work to do.

For half an hour I watched her openly, smiling when she'd glance my way. Who was she, this mystical sprite? The more I studied her the stronger my fascination. I watched an animated face talk and admired a smile that would burst so wide and bright it transformed her face and blinded me with its radiance. And throughout my observation I tried and failed to understand why she affected me so. She wasn't my type at all. She was too young, a redhead, and too shapeless.

While conversing politely with others our orbits slowly drew closer and eventually we ended up facing each other, alone in the crowd, other guests ignored. I held out my hand and took hers when she offered it, slender and delicate.

"Hi. I'm Seb," I said by way of introduction. "Sebastian McDaniel."

"Keira," she responded, a stunning smile, dimples and all, emerging when she added, "Keira Lamont."

I held her hand longer than politeness dictated, a small communication that I enjoyed her presence. Keira didn't try to remove her hand from mine. However, when someone called her name loudly, Keira reacted by jerking her hand out of mine as if caught doing something forbidden. A quick apologetic smile and she slipped away.

Throughout the catered, informal barbecue I chatted with the Lamont clan. Apparently they'd all attended my sister's wedding to Tony and knew me. I, however, couldn't remember meeting them, just Tony's parents. I have no real recollection of what we talked about at the barbecue. My memory was selective. With delicate subterfuge I mined the Lamonts for information on Keira.

She was the daughter of Tony's older brother's wife's sister, thus my non-blood-related niece once removed or something. Or maybe I got it reversed. I couldn't figure it out. Keira was thirteen years old, the youngest of three kids. They lived in the city. According to Moira, her aunt, Keira was a lovely if somewhat scatterbrained girl who rarely obeyed her parents, a fault blamed on Keira's Irish heritage (even though that was three generations ago, I was to learn).

Fate was against me. Try as I might I could not maneuver myself into Keira's company again and, before I knew it, I saw her wave subtly at me, smiling softly as she left with her parents and siblings through the gate. She left a sense of emptiness inside me which was a surprise. I was conscious of Keira's absence in the backyard. The event lost its specialness with her departure and became just a bore again. My mind was so preoccupied I hardly talked to Mom. Christina was far too busy organizing and socializing to spend time with me.

My preoccupation wasn't just with Keira. A lot of it was wrestling with my reaction to her. It had been such a foreign reaction - finding a girl so young so intensely appealing. I'd been attracted to many women and knew my chart of attraction well. Some women I reacted to on purely a physical level, sexual lust for ripe bodies. Some I found beautiful and my attraction was soft and wishful with thoughts of a short-term relationship developing. Some women were model-slender with sexy come-hither looks and great exercised and toned bodies that fired my imagination of raw, adventurous, unholy, one-night-stand sex. Some females, usually the smart ones that really appealed to me, I distanced myself from when an attraction had the potential to develop into a long-term relationship. I knew my reactions, likes, and dislikes to females of all types. Or so I thought.

But my reaction to Keira was completely different from anything I'd experienced before. This girl fascinated me. More than finding her beautiful, I realized I wanted to get to know her. Would she be smart? Slow? Shallow or deep? What did she like? Food? Films? Hobbies?

She occupied my thoughts when I said my goodbyes. She occupied my thoughts as I rode the Triumph back towards my apartment. She occupied my thoughts when I inadvertently ran a red light. When the car hit me broadside all thoughts stopped.

Chapter Two

Consciousness returned slowly. The bed was hard. My arm ached. Light was too bright when I opened my eyes. I saw chrome; sunlight reflecting painfully off the chrome frame of a wall mirror. Noise intruded in the form of a constant background hubbub. Smell arrived; rubbing alcohol, Pine-Sol floor cleaner. The sheets felt rough, starched, institutional.

"How are you feeling, Mr. McDaniel?"

Just turning my head hurt. My brain was painful. An Asian nurse smiled at me as she picked up a digital thermometer from the bedside table. Pressing a button, she bent over me and thrust it into my mouth.

"Srrr," I mumbled around the thermometer.

"I'm not surprised you're sore. I'll get you some painkillers in a moment. That was quite an accident. You just relax." She removed the thermometer, checked the temperature, and smiled her pleasure. "I'll be right back."

Maybe nurses were like dentists, capable of understanding you even when your mouth was full and you mumbled. Jeez I was sore. My right forearm felt heavy and thick. My mind wasn't very sharp. My right leg burned in several distinct spots.

Why was I in hospital? Ah, yes. Accident. Where was the Triumph? Where had I been going?

"I see you're awake," a young, prematurely balding doctor said, striding into the room with energy and authority and grabbing a chart. "How are you feeling? Any headache? Sensitivity to light?" he asked, reaching for my wrist to take my pulse with a cool, dry hand. "How's your arm feel? Motorcycles are dangerous. It's your head we were concerned about."

Was he going to stop and take a breath? Did he really care what I had to say?

"Concussion is a strange injury," he advised me, reading the chart. "It can have some strange side effects. Have you noticed any?"

"Like . . ."

I was interrupted by the sound of an alarm in the hall, a muffled P.A. system mangling something about the color blue, a code I thought.

"Oh dear," the doctor muttered, dropping the chart and my wrist before heading out in a hurry, his white coat flapping.

So. I guess I had a concussion. My arm? Reaching out I felt a cast. So that's why it felt heavy and thick. Broken? And why did my leg burn?

The nurse bustled in with a little Dixie cup. "There you are," she said as if I'd gotten lost in the nine minutes since she'd left. She poured water into a glass and handed me the Dixie cup and glass. "These should help with the pain," she said with a nice smile.

I took the pills. Hopefully they'd dull the pain that had emerged in my head and was gaining strength at an alarming rate. "Wait!" I exclaimed as she turned to leave, wincing at the painful loudness of my voice. "Can you tell me what's wrong with me?"

The nurse paused. She looked surprised. "Didn't Doctor Williams tell you?" she asked.

I shook my head and immediately regretted it, a stab of pain hitting me.

"Well, it's nothing to worry about. You've had a bit of an accident. Your right forearm is fractured; a nasty torsional fracture. Your leg is scraped raw in a couple of places and you've suffered a concussion. Thank goodness for helmets, huh?"

She patted my arm cast. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. You were lucky. You'll be out of here tomorrow."

Fine. But where was my Triumph? Sleep slinked at me making my eyelids too heavy to hold up.

I woke to afternoon sun and a head that didn't ache. Must be on the mend.

"You're awake."

Turning my head I was surprised to see Keira sitting next to my bed. She smiled, dimples emerging; just lovely. I was miraculously healed, metaphorically that is. My arm still ached. My leg was still sore, too.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. She was the last person I'd expected to see. Where was my mother? My sister?

"I heard you had an accident. Mom says that's what happens when you ride a motorbike. Anyway, I wanted to see how you were doing. Besides, it's a great excuse to get out of the house."

I quite lost myself in her animated face. She'd lost none of the impact she'd had on me at the barbecue. That's it! I was thinking about her when I crashed. "It was your fault," I told her.

"What was?"

"My accident."

A puzzled expression emerged, her eyebrows scrunching beautifully. "How was it my fault?"

"I was thinking of you. You distracted me. I crashed. Your fault."

Keira laughed brightly. She looked pleased which pleased me immensely.

"How long are you in for?" she asked.

"I don't know. Is it tomorrow?"

Keira puzzled it for a moment then announced, "You're a bit strange. Did you suffer a head injury?"

"Is it noticeable?" I asked.

She must have caught my slight smile. With a broad, glorious, dimpled grin she responded, "It's hard to say. Maybe you've always been like this and just don't remember."

I chuckled. "So tell me, why are you here? Really." I thought she looked quite beautiful in a blue plaid shirt and jeans. A simple gold cross hung on a chain around her neck. In the open vee of her shirt I could see faint freckles matching those high on her cheeks.

Keira shrugged. "I just wanted to see you again. We didn't really get time at the barbecue." She paused, her eyes drifting away. "I thought you were . . . interesting."

"I am," I claimed with a smile.

Keira grinned. "Maybe the concussion changed you. You're more of an odd-ball than I first thought."

And just like that I fell into an easy conversation with a mentally astute young girl who fascinated me no end. Time flew. I chuckled and laughed with her. We had a connection. And when conversation slowed I was still at ease, enjoying her presence. At some point I fell asleep.

Chapter Three

KEIRA LAY BACK ON her bed and looked up at the ceiling. For five days her life had been full of Sebastian, even though she hadn't seen him for the last few days. He was a presence inside her that wouldn't go away.

She thought back to Uncle Tony's barbecue. It had been such a bore. The other kids were too young, the adults too old, her brother and sister too self-absorbed. She'd hated being there until she walked out onto the patio.

She'd noticed him immediately; slender with dark hair slightly too long, deep dark-brown eyes, a wide mouth with a slight wry smile on his lips, tight jeans, loose white T-shirt and a black motorbike helmet held in one hand, his other holding a green bottle of beer. The way he stood made him seem relaxed. But the way his smile grew slowly when he spotted her was devastating, almost like a sensual caress. A flush of heat had washed through her.

For almost an hour she'd studied him trying to be inconspicuous. Yet every time she glanced at him she found his dark eyes watching her, that same amazing smile on his lips.

Lying on her back, Keira touched her right hand and remembered shaking his hand. It wasn't like any handshake she'd ever experienced. His hand was dry and warm, fingers long. But it was the way he held her hand, gently, with his thumb slowly caressing the back of her hand, that sent messages storming through her. His eyes never left hers.

His voice had been surprisingly deep, silky smooth. And then he'd grinned and she'd lost time. Seb was . . . he was . . .

Keira sighed aloud. She replayed visiting Seb in hospital. She'd not expected him to be so easy to talk to. She'd thought her attraction to him would make her nervous, but it hadn't. Seb was funny. Keira shivered slightly. He'd been unshaven in hospital and the dark stubble on his cheeks and jaw made him appear so sexy. She'd asked Mom about him and learned he was young, only twenty-five, a Liberal Arts major, and currently employed as Creative Director of the Land-Ferris Advertising Agency.

Unfortunately he'd been gone from hospital the day after she visited him. But her thoughts were full of him. Reaching out, she grabbed her iPhone and, with a deft flick of her finger, brought up the one picture she'd taken of him at the barbecue. She wondered what he was doing now. Had he thought about her since the hospital? Probably not. She was too young for him. Still, she could imagine, couldn't she?

The sudden cell phone ring startled her so much she dropped her phone, fished around for it and answered, "Hello?"

"Keira? It's Seb. Remember me?"

Keira's heart thudded. Seb was calling her! "Hi."

"How ya doing?"

"Um . . . fine. Uh, how did you get my number?" Keira asked, adding immediately, "Not that I don't want you to call. I do. I mean . . ."

She heard his easy chuckle and smiled. It eased her nervousness.

"I asked your aunt for it," he answered. "You don't mind me calling, do you? I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your visit in the hospital."

Now thrilled, Keira responded with a smile, "So you remember me being there. I guess the concussion was mild."

"Nope. Don't remember a thing. It was Nurse Ratchet that told me you visited. I thought it was only polite to thank you and let you know that whatever I might have said to you is inadmissible in a court of law."

Keira laughed brightly. She rolled onto her front, raising herself onto her elbows. Bending her legs, with her feet rising into the air, she crossed her ankles, her feet waving back and forth. Her heart beat faster. "You mean you don't remember promising to take me out to lunch as a thank you?"

"Did I do that?"


"Well, I guess I should honor my promises. Would you like to go to lunch?"


"Sure. Why not. I'm off work for a week to recover. Will your mom let you?"

"Not if you turn up on your motorbike," Keira advised.

"Don't remind me. My bike is a wreck. I have to rebuild it from scratch again. We'll take the bus."

"Okay. Noon?" Keira asked brightly.

"Sure. See you then."

Keira, full of energy, rolled off her bed and raced downstairs. "Mom? Mom!"

"In here, Dear."

Keira followed her mother's voice to the laundry room. "Mom, Seb has invited me out to lunch as a thank you. Can I go?"

"Who's Seb?"

"You know, Sebastian McDaniel? Christina's brother?"

"Oh yes. That's nice, Dear. He's not riding that motorcycle is he? I don't want you riding on it. It's too dangerous."

"Nope. It's wrecked. Thanks, Mom!"

Keira dashed upstairs to change, her mind occupied with what to wear. A skirt? Where would he take her? Should she dress up or down?

Chapter Four

IT TOOK ME THREE bus changes to get to Keira's house. Not being in charge of a moving vehicle allowed me to observe San Diego as it passed by and contemplate how excited I was at the prospect of spending time with Keira. She'd occupied my mind and I'd wrestled with the morality of contacting her. She was just so young. Yet the power of my attraction couldn't be ignored. A mental contract with myself to just have her as a friend in my life, nothing more, released me enough to find her cell phone number and call her. Talking to her on the phone brought visions of pale red hair, soft brown eyes, freckles and dimples and a bright wit. Just talking to her had brought a smile to my face. Very few people were capable of that feat.

As I stepped off the bus I checked my watch, eleven forty-five. Perfect. Glancing around I oriented myself and started walking. Somewhere on the right was Fisher Lane. The air was comfortably warm.

Ten minutes later I was standing in front of a two-story mock-Tudor home, the front lawn lush and green and well tended. A red Dodge Caravan sat in the drive. Feeling only slightly nervous, I made for the front door.

It opened as I climbed the steps, Keira emerging with a bright smile on her face. Her impact was the same; I only had eyes for her. Nothing else interested me. She wore a black camisole under a white cotton button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up. The shirt was tucked into narrow-leg jeans, simple white sneakers on her feet. It was a simple outfit but in my opinion it was lovely.

The outfit reinforced her slender youth. Now I looked closely I could see she had an almost delicate body. Did she dance? A purple-cased iPhone stuck out of one jean pocket. Several different colored bands festooned her wrists along with a purple watch on her right wrist. She must be a lefty.

"Hi," she said brightly giving me one of her wonderful smiles.

"Hi. Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup. Where are we going?"

"To lunch," I informed her with a grin.

Keira laughed brightly, turned, and stuck her head inside the front door. "I'm leaving, Mom!" she yelled, closing the door without waiting for an answer. "Let's go," she suggested, heading down the drive.

Walking down the street, the warm air moving just enough to cool, Keira asked, "Really, where are you taking me?"

"To MIHO's," I told her.

"Never heard of it. Where is it?"

"It's at Bird Park. 28th and Thorn."

Keira looked puzzled. A short silence followed. "I don't remember any restaurant at Bird Park," she finally said. "It's just office buildings, isn't it?"

Forty minutes later Keira laughed. "This wasn't what I had in mind." She took a large bite of her Chicken Tostada, a concoction, according to MIHO's menu, of free-range chicken, chipotle, shredded cabbage, refried black beans, Juanatio, and crema fresco in a fried tostada. "Mmmm," she murmured, chewing and swallowing.

We sat side by side on white stone seating that curved through the small business park. At the curb the MIHO food truck was doing a roaring business, deservedly, too. My Jerk Burger of grass-fed beef (how exactly did one feed grass to beef? Shouldn't it be beef from grass-fed cows?), persimmon chutney, jerk aioli, goat cheese, arugula, and house-cured bacon on a brioche bun was a fiesta of spicy flavors, truly delicious. I watched Keira eat, saw the pleasure in her eyes and loved her company. She was so comfortable to be with.

Time passed too fast. Conversation with her was too easy. And she was way too attractive to me. It was far too soon when I escorted her to her front door and thanked her for the wonderful company. The bus ride back to my apartment was lonely. Without her things seemed slightly more dull. I felt a bit more isolated from other people around me. Keira was a force, of that there was no doubt.

It was later that evening, sitting in the living room sipping an Alexander Keith's Pale Ale, with the large television's volume on low just for company, that I reached an unfortunate realization. Keira was, to me, a potential distraction of monumental proportions. She was too young even though she'd told me she'd be fourteen in a couple of months, too attractive, too smart, and way too charming. Realizing that, the truth was even more shocking when I admitted I didn't care. I wanted more of her presence. Would she want to see me again?

Reaching out I grabbed the ruler I was keeping handy. Inserting it under the arm cast I scratched another annoying itch, sighing with an orgasmic relief when I hit the spot.

KEIRA LAY ON HER bed still fully clothed, feet bare. The sounds of her family drifted up to her; loud talking, the television turned up too loud, clanking from the kitchen as Mom prepared dinner. She could still taste the delicious chicken tostada and picture Seb sitting next to her. Despite all the pretty women enjoying an open-air lunch break he'd concentrated on her. He'd made her feel so mature and interesting and insightful. He'd laughed with her at her comments and she could tell it was real amusement not fake. Seb enjoyed her.

Keira wondered if he'd call her again. Should she call him? Shoot! She didn't have his cell number. But she knew where he worked, the Land-Ferris Advertising Agency. She could call him there. Damn! He wasn't working this week.

"Dinner, Keira!"

Keira rolled off the bed, her mood no longer as bright as it had been. She was in a funk now. She'd have to wait and see if Seb would call. Damn! She headed downstairs.

An hour later she was back in her room sulking. She texted Jenny, her best friend, and complained to her about not having Seb's phone number. That resulted in an immediate phone call from Jenny demanding to know all the details. Who was he? What did he look like? Send me the photo! Oh m'God he's cute! Where did he take you for lunch?

As Jenny's enthusiasm lifted Keira's spirits, it was a comment made by Jenny that brought a big smile back to Keira's face.

"Keira, you're such a ditz. If he called you his number is on your iPhone!"

"Oh m'God! You're right! I can call him. Gotta go," Keira exclaimed. But, before she disconnected, another call came in. "Bye," Keira said to Jenny, pressing a button. "Hello?" she greeted, answering the second call. Her heart skipped when a deep voice sounded.

"Hi. It's me. Seb. Is this a good time to call?"

"Sure. Anytime's good," Keira responded, her heart beating. "I mean, yeah, now's a good time. But you can call at other times if you want. Not that you have to. No, what I mean is . . . Hold on."

Keira took a deep breath to calm herself. She blushed. Gawd, what was she saying?!


"Uh, hi," Keira responded in a slightly calmer voice. "Sorry about that. I got a bit befuddled." She loved Seb's deep chuckle.

"I just wanted to thank you for today. You're wonderful company, Keira. I had so much fun being with you."

Keira smiled with pleasure. "Thanks."

"I was wondering. If you're not busy . . ."

Keira waited for Seb to continue. "Yes?"

"If you're not busy tomorrow, would you be interested in . . ."

"Yes!" Keira responded, interrupting Seb. His laughter was wonderful. She laughed, too, and blushed, glad he couldn't see her red face.

"Great! How 'bout I pick you up at ten tomorrow morning?" he asked.


"Good. I look forward to it."

"Me, too."

"All right then."

"So, until tomorrow?" Keira asked.

"I guess so."

Silence followed as Keira waited for Seb to cut the connection.

"I've never seen it," he said. Keira detected a smile in his voice.

She smiled. "Me neither," she answered, even though she had no idea what he was referring to. "But I hear it's amazing."

"Yes, that's what I hear, too. I'm quite excited at the prospect of seeing it."

Silence followed. Seb suddenly said, "Well, see you tomorrow," and cut the connection.

Keira grinned. She scrolled to her call received list and found Seb's number, pressing the call button. The phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered.

"See what?" Keira asked without introducing herself.

Seb laughed. "The USS Midway Museum."

"You want to go see a boat?" she asked in surprise.

Chapter Five

Keira chewed and swallowed a bite of her Butter Poached Lobster Grilled Cheese sandwich. She chased it with a sip of Diet Coke. Holy cow it was good! "Are you ever going to take me to a real restaurant?" she asked with a smile, her hand curling a wayward lock of pale red hair behind her ear.

SWALLOWING A BITE OF Spicy Tuna 'Nachos', I noticed for the first time that Keira had four small gold earrings piercing her left ear. Why four?

Stretching my legs, I leaned back against the bench. Devilicious, another deserving gourmet food truck at the curb in front of us, was emitting aromas of spices and jalapeños from the flat top grill. The customer line-up was still long.

"Don't you like the food?" I asked. Keira looked rather devilicious herself in light blue Capri pants and a pale yellow lacy top. A small black bra was shadowed underneath. She kicked out her Ked-clad feet and leaned back.

"It's great food, but a restaurant would be nice, too."

A sudden gust blew her hair all over, obscuring her face. Putting her paper plate down, she rolled her butt, reached into the back pocket of her Capri pants and withdrew a black elastic hair band. Gathering her wayward hair into a ponytail she tied it up, high on the back of her head. Somehow, aside from being quite lovely, the ponytail made Keira look even younger, very pretty indeed.

Our two-hour tour of the USS Midway had been great. You'd never grasp the enormity of the ship through pictures. It was truly massive. For forty-seven years it had plied the oceans enforcing America's naval might. Seen up close and personal it was easy to see why it was seen as such an intimidating warship.

We'd covered about two-thirds of the ship in our tour, exhaustion from climbing up and down stairs cutting our visit short. The trip was very revealing. I'd observed Keira closely as we roamed through the ship. She'd impressed me. For a thirteen-going-on-fourteen-year-old girl she'd demonstrated genuine interest in the ship, its massive engines, the vastness of its airplane hangars, and the complexity of a city on water. She'd not shown one bit of boredom. That was bad.

That was really bad.

It strengthened my attraction to her. Keira was disproving all my preconceived notions of teenage girls. She wasn't flighty, didn't exhibit short attention spans, wasn't shallow. She was sharp, articulate and witty. The multiple colored wristbands and multiple earrings in one ear were deceptive. They didn't reflect a ditzy personality.

Wiping my mouth, crumpling up the serviette, and collecting the paper plate, I stood. "We should go," I suggested.

"Okay. Where?" Keira asked, jumping up and taking her trash to the bin. I caught myself as I admired a rather shapely small butt in tight Capri pants.

"Home. I should get you back."

"Why? It's only one o'clock. Can't we walk for a while? Maybe along the waterfront?" Keira asked.

"Sure. Why not," I relented.

We walked slowly enjoying the sun and warmth and the bustle of people enjoying an after lunch walk. Somehow, as we moved around people, we got closer to each other. When Keira's hand brushed against mine, I didn't even think twice, taking her hand in mine. Keira leaned against my arm as we strolled. She twisted her hand and our fingers intertwined.

That was it. I was done. It was a surprisingly intimate gesture. Her hand stayed in mine through the afternoon, separating only when the taxi dropped her off at her house. She smiled, her soft brown eyes shining with pleasure as she said goodbye and closed the taxi door. A quick wave and she danced up her drive.

I felt like a teenager all over again. I had a partial erection just from holding a girl's hand. I loved it.

That night my cell vibrated. Glancing at the screen I saw a text message from Keira.

'Had a wonderful day. Thx'.

I responded, smiling. 'I had a better one. :)'

Her response came. 'Not possible'.

She filled my mind when I went to bed.

Chapter Six

Three days later I dreamed of Keira. It was detailed and sensual, an erotic dream like I hadn't had since hitting puberty. I dreamed of running my fingers through her pale red hair, curling it behind her ears and cupping her face, tilting it up to me. I dreamed of soft brown eyes shining with excitement, faint freckles, pale pink lips.

I was erect when I bent my face to hers, our lips touching softly. The impact was huge. A wave of desire flowed through me. Keira's hands touched my waist. Her eyes closed, her head tilting. The tip of my tongue lightly brushed her closed lips. A feeling of vertigo washed over me. Kissing Keira was unbelievably arousing.

Her hands tightened on my hips. She pressed her lips to mine. My eyes closed and her scent of cucumber and lilac filled my senses. In my dream Keira pressed her young body against me. Her lips moved. The tip of her tongue touched the tip of mine. My erection swelled.

In the nowhere where we were, the indistinct place in my dream, I tried to hold back the moan and failed, her kiss too sexy, too sweet, too arousing. In my ears my moan of desire sounded loud and urgent. Keira responded, her hands pulling my body to her, her groin pressing against the lump of my erection. Her lips parted, the kiss deepening, my tongue teasing hers.

In a deep French kiss I let my hands caress down her back. They touched the base of her spine and moved lower, finding the swell of her sensual small bottom, her sexy buttocks two perfect handfuls. When I pulled her to me Keira rubbed her pussy against the bulge of my erection, humping me sensually. She was petite and slender in my arms, so sexy. She moaned into our kiss, her warm, clean breath wafting against my cheek. Our tongues played friskily. Her mouth opened wide. My tongue probed into her moist mouth. She trembled against me, her pelvis pressing, caressing, stimulating.

Dizzy with arousal, I brought up one hand, sliding it up her side, bringing in to her front and over her lacy T-shirt. I cupped an adolescent breast, small and firm and sexy, not even a handful.

In my dream Keira gasped into my mouth and tugged my groin against her pussy. In my dream, my sensual, erotic dream, I came as I rubbed myself against her, my erection swelling, straining, aching. Semen burned up my shaft and exploded wet and hot into my pants, ecstasy blossoming. I snorted for breath, kissing Keira, and exploded, semen erupting in a wave of bliss, one wave after another, each bringing utter pleasure. I drowned in an intense climax, kissing a beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl, kissing Keira.

I woke up to wet boxers; I'd cum in my sleep.

I woke up with an erection; I was still horny.

I woke up to a rude reality; I wanted an underage girl . . . desperately, passionately wanted her.

Over coffee at breakfast I struggled with myself. For three consecutive days I'd taken Keira out for the day. We'd talked and done no more than hold hands. I hadn't even kissed her. The power of my dream, its intensity, and the desire I'd experienced, were warning bells. If I was this enamored with her after holding her hand and just being with her, what would happen if I kissed her? I couldn't ignore that she was underaged and, based on my reactions, there was a big chance I might not care if I ever actually kissed her. I was teetering even now.

I envisioned the embarrassment I'd feel if our developing relationship was revealed, my co-workers' disapproval, my mother's disappointment, Keira's family's disgust. The fact that those thoughts didn't bother me was an indication of how smitten I was. It had to stop. It might be as hard as kicking a cocaine habit but I had to stop. There was too much at stake for Keira and for me.

Absentmindedly I reached for my ever-present ruler, shoved it inside the cast on my arm and scratched as if I had a case of fleas. I was angry and sad and full of moral rectitude.

I was full of shit. I wanted her.

Picking up my cell, I sent a text to Keira. 'Can I see you today? We need to talk.'

KEIRA WOKE TO THE buzzing vibration of her iPhone. Yawning, she rolled over, reached out and fished for the cell on the bedside table. Bleary-eyed, she brushed her messy hair away from her face and squinted at the screen.

Wakefulness arrived suddenly when she read Seb's text message. Talk about what? Her thumbs tapped out a reply. 'K. When?'

Rolling onto her back, she stretched her arms up and curled her feet. She pictured Sebastian and smiled. For three days she'd been walking on a cloud. The more she got to know Seb, the more she liked him. And he liked her, too. Just holding hands was so sexy, an unstated message that they were an item. But when would he kiss her? Did he want to? Surely he must.

Keira closed her eyes, smiling, and tried to imagine what it would be like to kiss Seb. She felt a stab of arousal pucker her nipples, a warm feeling flow to her pussy. Reaching under the sheet, Keira caressed her breasts, tweaking her stiff nipples, arousal washing over her.

Her iPhone vibrated, interrupting her touching. She grabbed the cell and read the message. '9 am. Pic u up.'

Keira looked at the time: eight-fifteen. Damn! Scrambling up, she raced to the bathroom. A fast shower, hair wash, blow dry, and agonizing over what to wear left no time for breakfast. Racing down the stairs she called out, "Going out, Mom. Be back this afternoon."

Mom called out, "Where? Are you seeing Sebastian again?"

Without answering, Keira stepped out through the front door. Her breath caught. Seb was just walking up the drive, lanky and sexy. "Hi," she said in greeting.

"Morning. How are you today? Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?" he asked with a smile in his eyes.

Keira turned and stuck her butt out at him, blurting without thinking, "Not bushy at all, at least not my tail." When she registered what she'd just said she blushed deep red.

Seb smiled, a big amused smile that reached his sexy eyes. "Now that's interesting. Perhaps we could explore that comment a bit later. Until then, let's go." He held out his hand.

"Where are we going," Keira asked, taking his hand, her fingers automatically interlinking with his.

"Where we can talk."

"About what?" she asked.


A small bead of worry passed through Keira's mind. Was that a good or bad sign? Half an hour later she'd forgotten about it.

Seb led her up two flights of stairs, pulled out a key ring, selected a key and opened the door. "This is my place."

Keira walked in, all eyes, studying his apartment. It wasn't really an apartment, more a loft. The walls were undressed red brick, the apartment open-planned; a kitchen, dining room, living room all one large space. The ceiling was at least twenty feet high at the windows, floor-to-ceiling glass. To the right a black iron staircase rose to a second floor that was open to the living area. Probably the bedroom.

It was a real guy place. The kitchen was black marble counters and cabinets and chrome appliances. The dining table was black as were the leather-covered chairs. Pale ash-wood floors in a herringbone pattern contrasted with a large black leather sofa and armchairs. An entertainment center seemed to be floating on the brick wall.

"Wow," she said, impressed. This was so different from the floral patterns Mom had decorated their house with. "This is all yours?" she asked.

I ENJOYED KEIRA'S AWED inspection. I'd taken my time to furnish the loft just how I wanted it. It was a bit on the spare side, minimalist, with very few knickknacks around. "Nope. It's not mine yet. The bank owns most of it."

Keira flashed a smile. "That's not what I meant. Do you live here alone?"

"Uh-huh. Come on in." I indicated the sofa. "Sit. We need to talk. Can I get you a drink?"

"No thanks."

I sat next to Keira. She looked lovely in faded jeans and a well-worn cream T-shirt. Simple yet pretty. Turning towards her, I reached for her slender hand, squeezing it gently. Taking a deep breath, my nerves tingling, excitement thrumming inside me, I began to talk. Keira's soft brown eyes opened wider as I explained. A glint of pleasure, perhaps even pride, entered her eyes. Her hand gradually gripped mine harder.

I explained that we'd hit a watershed point. I told her how attracted I was to her. She knew it. I talked about my reaction to just being with her, how she set my blood singing and intruded into my dreams.

About to tell her how beautiful she was and how much I wanted to go further in the relationship, I noticed how she'd braided her pale red hair into a ponytail making her look so innocent. I noticed how silky and creamy her skin was. I noticed her freckles, faint but there. And glancing down, breaking eye contact, and seeing just how petite her breasts were, the truth about how young she was hit home. The last vestiges of common sense forced their way into my consciousness and demanded to be heard, ordering me to act responsibly. Fuck!

I tried my best to soften the blow. I really did. But tears welled in her eyes, gathered and spilled in large drops. Her hands brushed them away. Her weak smile hurt me deeply.

Chapter Seven

For the next month I worked hard to distract myself. It didn't work. Keira hovered in my consciousness, ever-present, haunting me and stealing away everyday simple pleasures. I saw her beautiful tears every time I closed my eyes. I became obsessed with distracting myself from her memory. Once casual alcoholic drinks became the norm, no longer casual, consumed to numb me and help me sleep.

In moments of inebriation I wondered if there was only one person in the world that was the perfect partner and Keira had been mine. In those moments I regretted pushing her away. In morning sobriety my life felt dull, boring, the passing of time painfully slow. Work suffered. One cannot be creative when drowning. Colleagues noticed and began to ask questions. A damaged Triumph sat waiting for attention in the rented garage I used as a workshop. I just didn't care about anything, not even myself.

June somehow passed into July, unnoticed. The arm cast was removed to reveal pale white skin and scars from scratching too harshly. The deep scrapes on my right leg healed into white patches. I didn't care. How could one young girl bring such desolation and disruption to my life?

On the first Saturday in July I wandered through the Galleria Mall seeking refuge from hot, arid weather. I wasn't really going anywhere or doing anything. I think I was avoiding home, alcohol, depression.

Through the crowd milling around a multiplex cinema our eyes met. The connection was instantaneous, almost physical. Keira, in her jeans and pale green blouse, a black lacy camisole showing underneath, with pale red hair cascading free in soft waves, tore my breath away. My heart palpitated. My blood pressure skyrocketed. I turned away and hurried out.

It didn't help.

I was back at square one, in Hell. God she'd looked so pretty. Back home I drank until numb. It didn't work. In a moment of weakness, influenced by alcohol, I pulled out my cell phone and typed a message.

'So sorry. I was wrong. I miss you so much. Please forgive me.'

That message sat on the phone for half an hour waiting for me to push the send button. Visions of her filled my mind, so beautiful, such a special girl. With a deep breath, I steeled myself. Just do it, I admonished myself. My thumb touched the send button.

KEIRA SAT WATCHING THE television with Mom and Dad, her sister and brother out. Her mind wasn't following the show. She was still shocked at the sight of Sebastian. He'd looked awful. He'd lost weight and looked haunted. Why?

It didn't matter. He deserved it! No one had ever hurt her so much. She'd cried for a week after being rejected, Mom worried when she'd hidden in her room. It had taken Jenny's constant bright enthusiasm to drag her back up, but something was missing. No matter what she did a little joy was missing inside her. Seb had damaged her somehow.

She'd spent countless hours wondering what she'd done wrong. How had she scared Seb away? She'd been confused, too. Everything had been going so well and then suddenly it wasn't. Seeing Seb today was a shock.

Her iPhone buzzed. Automatically Keira looked down at the screen. She saw Seb's text and for some strange reason she felt like crying, pressure building behind her eyes. Standing, she quickly left the living room, her hand shaking.

In her bedroom she read and re-read his text. Emotions cascaded through her; relief, joy, anger, worry for how he looked. She read the text and decided to erase it, a gesture of defiance, her finger hovering over the button. She couldn't.

She read it again, 'So sorry. I was wrong. I miss you so much.' Seb missed her! He was sorry, too. Still, he'd hurt her more than anyone ever.

Her thumbs typed, 'Leave me alone'. In a burst of courage she hit the send button. Regret immediately hit her. Oh God! He was reaching out to me! He apologized and I brushed him off!

For five minutes she stared at the iPhone screen, silently pleading for Seb to answer.

A message appeared. 'Please Keira. Forgive me. Nothing is right any more.'

Relieved, emboldened, Keira frowned and responded, 'U deserve it'.

'UR right.'

Keira smiled slightly. 'UR an ass'. She pressed the send button. The response was almost immediate.

'I am. Sorry?'

Keira smiled, her thumbs typing. 'How sorry?'

'Really sorry. Lunch?'

Keira grinned. 'Real lunch? No trucks?'


With a sneaky smile, Keira typed, 'And a kiss?'


Keira grinned, a feeling of elation permeating her. 'K'

KEIRA STOLE MY BREATH when she opened the front door.

"You look awful," she said.

"You look wonderful," I responded with a smile. She did, too. I'd missed those soft brown eyes, that sweet smile, those sexy freckles. Damn but she was pretty.

Dressed in pale green Capri pants, pink Keds, and a lacy cream-colored top over a lacy pink camisole, Keira was edible. I bent in and made her blush lightly by kissing her cheek, her skin soft. My nose detected cucumber and lilacs.

Keira's eyes widened. She smiled with pleasure and told me, "That's not an acceptable kiss." Without waiting for a response, she leaned back into the open front door and yelled, "I'm off, Mom!"

The door closed. She looked at me. "You really don't look well. You've lost weight."

"I have."

"It doesn't suit you," she chastised. And, as an afterthought she added, "You're a real ass, Seb. I hate you."

She reached out and grabbed my hand, fingers intertwining. Giving my hand a firm tug we started walking.


FROM THE UPSTAIRS BEDROOM window, Keira's mother watched her daughter reach for Sebastian's hand. She saw the spring in Keira's steps and how animated and bright her daughter was. In some ways she was thankful. For the last month or so Keira had been unnaturally quiet and reserved.

She'd known her daughter's heart had been broken and felt for her. That ache, while something all girls had to experience at some point, was still agonizing.

For more than four weeks she'd held her tongue and wrestled with the situation. She knew who had been responsible for Keira's suffering - Sebastian McDaniel. She'd initially frowned on the relationship, although she suspected nothing had really happened with them, sexually, that is. Keira was too smart for that.

She'd made some inquiries and discovered that, contrary to the image he projected, Sebastian was apparently a relatively trustworthy young man doing quite well in a prestigious advertising agency. She couldn't even disapprove of him being eleven years older than Keira. Paul, her own husband, was ten years older than she was and their relationship was wonderful.

But Keira was only thirteen. Too young. What should she do about her daughter? Interfere? Turn a blind eye?

As Sebastian and Keira disappeared from view, she turned away from the window and resumed putting the laundry away, her mind recalling her own excitement at new love when she was Keira's age. A smile played across her lips. She knew the sensations Keira would be feeling; light-headed, giggly, aroused, excited, tender nipples, and dampness below. She sighed. It had been too long since she'd felt that way with Paul and she missed it.

Perhaps she should have a chat with Keira, just to be on the safe side.


THERE'S A SENSE OF euphoria that accompanies the release of guilty stress. Keira, with a few words of admonishment, seemed to lift a heavy weight from my shoulders. Her chastising had a reverse impact, raising my spirits. No one had had such influence over my feelings. And, honestly, I couldn't be happier. A forgiving smile, soft brown eyes twinkling, and her hand gently holding mine giving me a soft squeeze, and my world was back on an even keel.

I didn't take her to a restaurant. I brought her back to the scene of the crime; the source of my emotional torture. I brought her home to my apartment. Lunch was planned down to the smallest detail; my sister would've been proud. It started with a kiss.

Leading Keira into my place, as I closed the front door behind me with a foot, I drew her to me. Her soft brown eyes smiled at me making my heart thump. She leaned into me. I held her slender hips, her face turning up. Pulling her to me our bodies met. Lips touched. Eyes open, I drowned. Kissing Keira was far, far more intense than my dreams. Her lips were silkier, her taste more delicious, her soft murmur more thrilling. It was a Herculean effort to ease myself away from her.

It was only one kiss. But kissing Keira I knew beyond doubt she was the one for me. It was stupid. It was hard to accept. But no one had ever held such sway over my emotions. It didn't matter that she was thirteen, soon to be fourteen. It didn't matter that I was twenty-five. Keira was the one I wanted to spend time with, grow with, celebrate successes with, and overcome setbacks with. I knew it with one kiss.

Keira sighed when the kiss ended. "Okay. That was a kiss," she said breathlessly.

I didn't bother agreeing. Hugging her, I kissed her again, harder. She felt right in my arms, slender, petite, exciting. She smiled against my mouth, her sweet brown eyes twinkling. And at the touch of the tip of her tongue I was lost.

There was no resistance left in me. My eyes closed. I hugged her to me. Lips parted. My tongue met her moist tongue and dizziness and arousal assaulted me. Kissing Keira was an experience like no other; sweetly innocent yet intense, arousing, hot, thrilling. A lifetime of kissing her would never suffice. Thank God she broke the kiss. She was about to be carted up to the bedroom.

Her breath panted. "Okay, that was even better," she said with a smile. "I could get used to kissing you, Seb."

Not me. I'd never get used to such intensity.

Lunch was Canadian Smoked Coho Salmon, lemon, capers, paper-thin sliced red onions, toasted New York bagels, and cream cheese. Alcohol was nonexistent; I'd sworn off booze. And as we ate, distracted by Keira's smiles, I said offhandedly, "Don't get scared, but I think you're the one, Keira." It was an easy comment to make. It felt true.

Her hand paused with a half-eaten bagel raised to her mouth. Her sweet brown eyes widened. She made me ache with her expression of surprise. For what seemed like for ever there was silence. And then she surprised me.

I wasn't sure what sort of reaction I expected, but unshed tears glistening in her brown eyes wasn't one of them. She smiled softly.

"You hurt me, Seb," she said. "I won't take hurt like that again. Don't fool with me."

Reaching across the dining table, I took her hand and squeezed. "I'm not fooling, Keira. You're the one. Trust me."

She smiled, mature beyond her years. "If you ever hurt me like that again I'll never forgive you, Seb. I'm serious. I can't take it."

"I promise."

Keira smiled. A mischievous expression stole into her eyes. Her smile grew into a grin. "So, are you gonna try to seduce me?"

I laughed. "Nope."

She looked crestfallen for a moment. "Why not?"

"You're thirteen."

"So? Is that too young?"

"Yup," I said.

Keira cocked her head and considered me. She smiled. "Is fourteen too young?"

"I don't know."

With a very slight blush, she said, "I'm fourteen in two weeks."

"Congratulations," I responded, straight-faced.

She burst into laughter. "You're weird, Seb."

Lunch passed far too quickly. But it was followed by cuddling on the sofa and, my oh my, was that exciting. Small sexy kisses, hugs, and Keira smiling so happily made my day. I felt like I was a teenager again, aroused by just being with Keira, having my arm around her shoulder, the potential for greater intimacy a delicious tease. Thinking of intimacy . . .

"Can I ask you something without embarrassing you?" I asked. There was something I was dying to know ever since my "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" comment.

"Okay. What?"

"Do the collars and cuffs match?" I asked.

Keira looked at me as if I'd lost my mind or suffered another concussion. "What?"

Quite seriously I said, "You're a redhead and, when you made that comment about it not being your tail that was bushy . . . well, it's sort of been preying on my mind, you know, collars and cuffs? Matching?"

When she grasped my meaning a furious blush emerged, a red deeper than her hair. It was totally charming. Her eyes darted away from me and stayed away while she thought about answering me. Eventually her eyes came back, a shy smile making her look very pretty.

Looking at me directly in my eyes, she nodded.

"So they match? Red?"

Keira nodded again.

"How exciting," I observed. "Did I ever tell you red's my favorite color?"

Keira laughed nervously. "You're weird, Seb. Sorta cute but weird."

"Yes I am, and proudly weird, too. It's what makes me so good at my job."

With the introduction of my job into the chat, Keira relaxed. We talked in a casual, easy-going way. Every so often I leaned towards her to get a light kiss that sent messages of intense pleasure to my body, and every so often the kiss would linger, tongues would come out to flirt and I'd become erect, hard, and ache with desire. Kissing Keira was just about the sexiest thing in the world. It wasn't just that she was so illicitly young, but damn she could kiss like no one I knew!

The afternoon passed too quickly. Sunday was over.

Chapter Eight

Work occupied me for the next week. I was energized and creative and productive. My life found balance. During the day Keira would keep me smiling with a flow of text messages detailing her day or funny observations. It sounded like she had a true friend in Jenny. Those two seemed to get into trouble wherever they were. Evenings would bring a phone call and we'd chat.

Unfortunately, as happens in the advertising business, a last-minute project ruined our plan to meet on the weekend. Keira was upset. I was upset. I missed her rather badly.

The week after, Wednesday, was Keira's fourteenth birthday. I'd bought her a small present and, being locked up at work again, couldn't drop it off. I FedEx'd it.

Later that evening, still at work, I received a text.

'OMG! THANK YOU! Luv ya :)'

It made me smile. But the last little bit really affected me. Like a teenager I saved the message so I could read it again and again.

KEIRA STOOD IN FRONT of the mirror inspecting it. It glowed yellow and felt heavy around her neck. The slender chain was sleek, intricately constructed to look almost like it was one continuous molten piece of gold. Hanging at the end, resting on her chest was a narrow vertical gold rectangle about an inch long. Inside the rectangle five hieroglyphs were embossed by hand. According to the birthday card that came with it, they were Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols spelling her name, Keira.

She adored it. It was beautifully made, simple but elegant and, truth be told, much nicer than the gold cross Mom and Dad had given her years ago.

Seb was so thoughtful! In a rush of affection, she reached for her iPhone and sent him a text, 'OMG! THANK YOU! Luv ya :)'

She went back to admiring the necklace, her fingers stroking the warm gold. It was so pretty. The buzzing vibration of her iPhone drew her attention. She read the text message.

'U deserve it. Luv u too.'

Could her birthday get any better? A thoughtful, gorgeous present from Seb and he loves me. Oh! He loves me! Seb loves me!

Keira threw herself on her bed, one hand fondling the necklace, the other pressing the screen of her iPhone. She found the number and called.

"Jenny," she said breathlessly, "You'll never guess what just happened!"

Absorbed in confiding with her best friend, giggling, laughing at some of Jenny's comments, time flew. A knock on her bedroom door finally interrupted her, the door opening, Mom sticking her head in.

"Can we talk?" she asked.

"Gotta go, Jen. See you tomorrow. Uh-huh . . . Uh-huh . . . Kay. Bye." Keira sat up. "Sure."

Her mother entered and sat on Keira's bed. "How's the birthday girl?" she asked.

"Great. Thanks for the clothes, Mom. They're really beautiful; just what I wanted," Keira answered.

Her mother smiled and glanced at Keira's neck. She reached out and touched the necklace with a finger. "This is beautiful. Is this what came by FedEx?"

"Yeah. It's from Seb," Keira responded.

"Keira, honey, is there anything you want to tell me?" her mother inquired, still touching the necklace.


Her mother paused, smiled gently, "Keira, don't lie to me. I don't deserve it."

Keira wrestled with the urge to tell and fear that divulging her relationship with Seb would ruin everything. She looked at Mom and sighed. Mom was right. Keira had never lied to her on anything important, and Mom had never been unfair on anything important either. "We're sort of seeing each other. Seb and me," she added.

"Thank you. I knew that, Honey. But thank you for telling me." She caressed her daughter's cheek lovingly. "Have you and Seb . . .?"

"No, Mom!" Keira interjected, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"But you've thought about it, haven't you?"

Keira looked away. "Maybe . . . yeah. How did you know?"

Her mother smiled softly. "Believe it or not, I was fourteen once. Should we be getting you birth control?"

Keira spoke, told her mother about Sebastian, how she felt, his humor and wit, his smiles. She talked about him refusing to do more than a simple kiss, how he thought she was too young. Keira talked, a mother listened, commented, and smiled at memories of her own. Together they grew closer than they'd ever been through shared feelings. It was late at night when Keira's mother bent and kissed her daughter's cheek softly.

"Happy birthday, Honey," she said softly.

Chapter Nine

KEIRA WAS ON MY mind Thursday as I worked. In rare moments when work waned or I'd take a short break, I perused online motorcycle sales sites on the Internet and wistfully dreamed of buying one, of having Keira sitting astride the bike holding my waist, pressed into my back as we headed away together to nowhere, that somewhere where being together wouldn't raise eyebrows or run the risk of being seen by those that knew us.

At other moments I wondered if she really liked her birthday present. I also wished fourteen was legal.

Her text message arrived at two-thirty; 'Call me when you can talk. Luv ya :)'

It wasn't until four forty-five that I found a half an hour of peace. Leaving the office, stepping out of the building into late afternoon warmth, the city bustling with cars, busses, and people heading home early, I pulled out my cell phone, strolled along the street, and dialed.

Before I could get a word in, Keira gushed, "Seb, hi. Guess what? I talked to Mom about us."

She must have heard my groan.

"No! It's not like that. Honest. Mom was really cool about it."

I didn't believe her. No mother would be 'really cool' about her fourteen-year-old daughter dating a twenty-five-year-old guy; a relative at that. "You shouldn't have, Keira."

Silence followed. Keira finally broke it, saying, "You didn't expect me to lie to Mom, did you?"

"Maybe not lie, just not mention our relationship," I countered.

"Well don't worry. Mom said I can see you! Isn't that great? I told her you were taking me out Friday night to celebrate my birthday. You are, aren't you?"

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, not believing her mom would react that way.

"What's wrong with Friday? It's tomorrow. Are you busy?" Keira asked.

"No . . ."

"What? You don't want to take me to a real restaurant?" Keira said, interrupting me.

"No it's . . ."

"Then what? Is it you don't want to be seen with me?" she asked, her voice becoming harder.

I smiled and shook my head. "Keira, shut up."

"But . . ."

"Stop talking, Keira."

"But . . ."

"Hush! Let me get a word in!" I paused, still smiling, waiting to see if she'd keep quiet.

"Well?" she asked sternly, clearly uncomfortable with silence.

Laughing, I explained, "When I said you're kidding I was referring to your mom's permission for us to see each other, not to dinner."


"And no I'm not busy Friday night and yes I'd love to see you," I reassured.

"Oh. Well good. What time?"

I arrived exactly at six. I'd sneaked away from work in order to prepare everything. My instructions to Keira were to dress casually, be comfortable. She clearly hadn't heard me.

The girl that emerged from the front door of a faux Tudor-style house was shocking, breathtaking. This was a side to Keira I'd never imagined and, let me tell you, fourteen was not too young in the slightest.

Pale red hair fell free in soft waves over exposed shoulders. Soft brown eyes twinkled. A small smile on pale pink lips greeted me. Her off-the-shoulder olive-green dress clung to her like a second skin revealing sensual curves I hadn't noticed before; a waist, narrow hips leading to the sensual swell of a compact, sexy rear. The dress was short, high thigh-length, and Keira's legs seemed endlessly long and svelte, the heels of her matching olive green shoes adding length. A small black purse was held in one hand and, resting over her dress, hanging around her neck, was the gold necklace I'd given her for her birthday.

"Ta-da," she exclaimed softly striking a pose, her knee bent, body artfully turned.


Her smile grew. "Thanks."

"I feel underdressed," I said.

"You look great," Keira replied.

The front door closed behind her. I caught a glimpse of her mother smiling just before it shut.

Reaching out for her hand, I said, "The taxi awaits."

Somehow Keira folded herself into the back seat without exposing more of her legs. I was impressed and disappointed. She had gorgeous legs. The way she'd dressed really impressed me. She'd lost none of her youthful beauty. In fact the outfit emphasized her slenderness. Yet it also made her so sexy, so sensual, not too young in the slightest. It was a dangerous outfit.

Twenty-some minutes later Keira said, "This is NOT what I had in mind," the disappointment clear in her voice. "This is NOT a restaurant."

I led her up to my apartment ignoring her complaints. Opening the door, I ushered her in.

"Wow," she whispered.

It had taken me a while to get right. Subtle mood lighting cast glowing circles here and there. The blinds were closed blocking light from entering the twenty-foot-high windows. To the left the black dining table had been set with china, silverware, and three silver candleholders with thin, white, tapered candles waiting to be lit. A single pale red rose sat in a small crystal-glass holder.

One smaller plate sat atop a larger plate. On the small one rested a black silken box, three inches by two; the second half of her birthday present.

My apartment was full of aromas; rosemary, garlic, tender lamb.

Keira turned and asked, "You did this for me?"

I pulled her to me and smiled. What a dumb question. "Of course it's for you." With her heels I didn't have to bend my head so far. She pressed her slender body to me, warm and petite. A gorgeous smile emerged. Soft brown eyes twinkled at me. Lips touched.

Kissing Keira took me away. All thoughts vanished. My world consisted of velvety-soft lips, a small, warm, moist tongue-tip, a slender sexy girl in my arms, her taste; clean and exciting with a hint of mint. Her quiet murmur sent chills through me and I became erect, hard, desire rushing in.

My heart was beating a loud staccato by the time the kiss ended. Leading her to the dining table, I let her sit before moving to the kitchen to get drinks.

"What's this?" she asked, picking up the little black box.

I pulled a bottle of sparkling apple juice out of the fridge and popped the cork. "The rest of your birthday present," I said. "Go ahead. Open it."

Keira was silent as I poured sparkling apple juice into champagne flutes. Lighting the candles, I sat and watched her. A look of surprise emerged. She gently lifted the exquisitely made, thin gold chain from the box. Hanging from the chain was a miniature replica of her necklace except there were, if one looked closely enough, only three hieroglyphs.

"A matching bracelet?" Keira said with awe.

"No. An ankle chain," I corrected.

Keira grinned with delight and, lifting it up, squinted at the tiny medallion. "It's different," she observed

"Uh-huh. It has my name on it. I want everyone to know you're mine."

Keira smiled, blinding me. "I love it! Here," she added moving her chair back. A slender young leg rose. A small bare foot found my lap and wiggled, accompanied by a giggle. "Put it on," she instructed, handing me the small chain.

It was a fiddly little clasp that proved rather challenging. Keira giggling every time I touched her foot didn't help. And, as I grabbed her leg to stop her moving, I caught a glimpse of a white, silky, panty-clad pussy. It was just a flash, but oh my! It was full and pouty and sexy and man did I want more.

It made the job of putting the chain on even harder. Once done, Keira innocently raised her foot to admire, giving me another tantalizing flash of white. Standing suddenly, I went to get our hors d'oeuvres; blackened shrimp with a chipotle dipping sauce. I was hard, fourteen now seeming to be the perfect age.

Placing a plate in front of her, I brushed her silky pale red hair away from her neck, bent and kissed her just below her earlobe. Scents of cucumber and lilac filled my nose.

Keira smiled when I sat down. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

I grinned. "Perhaps. How am I doing so far?"

She gave me a coquettish smile, "I'm not sure. Keep trying and I'll let you know."

She almost choked on a shrimp when my sock-covered foot found her leg and caressed upwards. Taking a sip of the sparkling apple juice, she smiled and said, "You're incorrigible."

"Indubitably," I answered.

"Definitely," she added.


"Undoubtedly," she countered.

"Undeniably," I said, grinning.

"Goof!" she uttered with a laugh. "You're just weird, Seb."

"Nice weird?"

"Unquestionably," she replied with a giggle.

Dinner of Dijon-mustard-crusted rack of lamb, rice, and oven-roasted root vegetables seemed to pass too fast, Keira far too charming. She seemed to flourish and glow under my attention. Perhaps that was because I was treating her as an adult, a lady. In my eyes that's what she was becoming. We moved to the sofa and cuddled as I started the movie, The Notebook. My hand found a bare, silky thigh and I caressed slowly. Keira's hand rested on top of mine and sent me messages, small squeezes of affectionate encouragement. At some point I turned to look at her. She looked at me. The kiss was sweet and exquisite. Tongue tips teased and I caressed a bare thigh, a slender, sexy, firm thigh.

Keira surprised me by pulling my hand off her leg as we kissed. I though she wanted me to stop, but no. She guided my hand up and pressed it to her small breast. God it was magnificent; petite, not quite a palmful, firm. I actually moaned and suffered a wave of disorientation.

Needing air, I broke the kiss. "Jesus, Keira."


"I'm supposed to be seducing you, not the other way around," I said.

Keira grinned at me. "How am I doing so far?" she asked cheekily.

Bugger me! I laughed and replied, "I'm not sure. Keep trying and I'll let you know."

Keira burst into laughter, her eyes twinkling with amusement and pleasure, her smile blinding, dimples, freckles, sweetness, God she was lovely . . . and irresistible.

Our heads moved slightly towards each other. Keira smiled. Eyes closed and once again I was drowning, kissing Keira. My hand retuned to a silky, bare, slender thigh and caressed. Keira's tongue met mine. Her hand settled on the back of mine and I could swear it pulled mine up, up and under the hem of her short dress. I was achingly hard when my index finger gently brushed against the warm, silky gusset of her panties. Jesus Christ! I was feeling her up!

Like a first-time virgin teenager, a thrill of excitement pulsed through me. I remembered the excitement of actually touching a girl's most private place and with Keira I was experiencing it all over again. But this time, with maturity's guidance, I could appreciate it fully.

Under the edge of my finger Keira's pussy was soft and sensual. With a light touch I explored the shape of adolescence, plump and lush, my erection straining. Our kiss intensified. Keira's hand rested on my forearm. I caressed the stupendously arousing shape of her pussy, warm and exciting. Our kiss deepened. Keira's hand dropped from my forearm to my thigh. I pressed the edge of my finger against her pussy and rubbed gently. She murmured into my mouth.

Dizziness set in when her hand eased up my thigh. It touched the bulge of my erection gently, hesitantly, a soft exploration of the shape. God I was hard. Our kiss broke. I gasped for air.

Keira's eyes opened.

Looking into her eyes, I said, "I'm so turned on right now. I think we should stop."

"Why?" she whispered, her hand gently squeezing my erection.

"Because if we don't stop now, I'm not sure I will be able to later."

Soft, sexy brown eyes stared at me. She smiled slightly. "Who said anything about stopping?"

Breath whooshed out. My heart raced. My erection strained. It would be so easy to succumb to my desire, to lead her upstairs to the bedroom, undress her and make love to every inch of her fourteen-year-old body. I wanted to more than anything else in the world. But it was too much too soon. I didn't want a quickie on a Friday night; hurried sex so I could get her home at a decent hour. I didn't want that. I wanted time. There wasn't enough tonight.

I took some deep, calming breaths. Better.

"How about we make out some more?" I suggested, gently pulling her shoulder as I rolled. We stretched out on the sofa, shoes kicked off, side by side, the movie ignored. My hand found her bare thigh as my lips found hers. Keira's hand rose to caress my neck when we kissed again, such a mature loving gesture. My hand on her thigh inched up, my excitement returning.

Keira turned herself slightly, her knee rising, and suddenly I held a sexy little pussy, silky panties warm against my palm. Her pubis was mounded and seductive, soft, so arousing. Our kiss deepened, mouths open, tongues caressing, nostrils flaring as we breathed harder. With a curl of my middle finger I traced her cleft, bottom to top. The kiss broke. Keira gasped, burying her face into my neck.

A slight disorientation overcame me. Jesus, I was fondling her! I was actually fondling a fourteen-year-old. My erection ached, pulsing, dampness emerging. I couldn't remember being so horny.

I stroked the indent of her slit again. She trembled, her pelvis twitching slightly. Warm, fresh breath wafted against my neck. My poor erection cried out for a touch. Stroking her I added pressure. Keira trembled against me, her hips moving in rhythm with my stroking finger. My erection swelled rhythmically, thick and rigid, constrained in pants.

My lips found Keira's soft cheek. I kissed her gently inhaling her scent, stroking her warm sexy pussy. Adding just a bit more pressure to my fingertip, pressing her white silky panties into the valley formed by her labia, I rubbed her harder, finding and stimulating her clit, and gently squeezing her plump mons.

"Seb," Keira whispered tremulously into my neck. Her body jerked lightly, hips twitching. She pressed her pussy into my hand and rewarded me with the sweetest, quietest climax I'd ever seen. Like a fawn she trembled, hips jerking accompanied with almost silent little gasps, more like panting breaths. Her hand held onto my neck, her breath hot against my cheek. Gradually she calmed, stilled, relaxed.

I had a raging erection. I hadn't been so hard in years. But, when Keira finally raised her face and looked at me with a sweet, shy expression on her flushed, pretty face, I forgot about my urges. My God she looked sexy. I still had her pussy cupped in my hand, my other arm around her.

I truly surprised myself when Keira reached down to feel my erection. "No," I said, letting her pussy go and removing her hand. I surprised her, too, her eyes opening in question. "I just want to hold you," I said, kissing her mouth gently, inhaling her scent. For some strange reason I thought this enchanted, perfect moment would be lost if I let Keira fondle me.

We lay together cuddling, kissing gently, intimate and beautiful; making out with a teenager was so sexy. My mind was full of her. I was still horny. But the experience of giving her a climax, of fondling her sexy panties, was one I wanted to treasure for ever; our first intimate contact, so gloriously beautiful. Somehow, not finding release myself intensified the experience. Why? Who knew. I'd have to think about it later.

At nine thirty Keira kissed me in the taxi before slipping out and dancing up to her house. In the taxi, on the ride back, I brought my hand up to my nose and inhaled, catching the faint musky scent of Keira's arousal. It sent waves of aching desire cascading through me, so damned sexy. By ten P.M. I was home, in the shower, release arriving explosively as I replayed touching Keira's panties, caressing her. I tried to picture her pussy with a youthful pale red pubic bush and couldn't. I came hard and completely to the memory of Keira kissing me and sucking my lip, nibbling it with amazing skill, and her soft, quiet orgasm filling my ears.

The sexual release didn't help. Nor did the text message from Keira waiting for me on my phone when I stepped out of the shower. 'Luv ya'.

Chapter Ten

I woke up on Saturday morning with a raging erection, desire punishing my body, and no moral restraint whatsoever. The power of my desire was truly frightening. Had Keira been anywhere near me she would have been coerced into sex with no regrets on my part.

A heavy breakfast of eggs and English Bangers, otherwise known as breakfast sausages, and several mugs of strong black coffee, did nothing to mute my raging desire. It scared me. Keira was all I could think about. Her incredible climax from my touch echoed through my mind. I worried about it. Would I have any restraint when around her? My mind pictured her on the sofa and then in the same pose on my bed. My mind teased me with images of undressing Keira and seeing her in her lingerie; small bra, sexy panties. My mind imagined the sensation of slipping my hand inside her sexy panties to touch soft, silky pubic hair.

Standing in the kitchen, a mug of coffee in one hand, I suffered a raging erection that cried out to me. One thing was very clear; I could NOT have Keira back in my apartment. If she was here, nothing, nothing at all, would stop me from taking her to bed. That was the power of her attractiveness, the sway she held over me.

We'd go out somewhere. With a grin I decided maybe I'd actually take her to a restaurant. She'd sure be surprised.

KEIRA WOKE TO MORNING sun streaming in and warming her bed covers. She yawned and stretched, her body aching. Smiling, she let the last of her dream fade away. It had been about Seb and her; kissing, making out, Seb touching her and making her climax. Last night was her first; the first time she'd ever made out and wow! No wonder Jenny talked so excitedly about it.

Her dream had been different, though. In her dream Seb hadn't stopped her from feeling his erection. In her dream she'd kissed him, her hand slowly opening his pants, lowering his zipper. In her dream Seb had gasped when she slipped her hand inside his underwear to gently hold his erection. A wave of arousal hit Keira as she let the dream memory play, kissing Seb while stroking his cock, feeling it, thick and alive, caressing it and making Seb inhale with pleasure. In her dream his heated, loving gasp, "Keira!" as he came from her caress had made her so horny. Just remembering the dream had the same effect, horniness arriving. Keira jumped out of bed and hit the shower. It took almost no time for her to cum, her body shaking with pleasure.

Calmer, with the bath towel wrapped around her body, Keira studied herself in the mirror with a critical eye as she brushed her teeth. She studied her face and wondered what Seb saw in it. Her cheekbones were too prominent and had too many freckles. Her nose was slightly too wide at the bridge. She didn't even have lush lips like Angelina Jolie, lips all guys liked. Hers were thinner.

She studied her hair, long and damp, darker when wet. Should she get a haircut? Go for a short bob? Bending, she spit toothpaste into the sink and rinsed. Keira wondered if she'd have the nerve to ask Seb what it was that he found attractive in her. She wanted to know.

With a brush in hand and hair dryer roaring, Keira set about drying her hair. It was a mindless job that let her drift. She had all these questions. She and Jenny had giggled and discussed how far they'd go with a boyfriend . . . when they eventually had one. Would they go all the way? Maybe. Would they give their boyfriend a blow job? Swallow? If they went all the way, would they also try anal sex?

Together they'd giggled and decided, maybe all the way with someone they loved, maybe even a blow job as long as they didn't get the guy's cum in their mouth - yuk! And no anal. That was for porn stars. Besides, it was dirty, too.

Full of excited giggles they'd discussed what semen would feel like in real life. The Internet hadn't really answered that question. Huddled together they'd watched videos, laughing and gasping. Semen seemed to be different, sometimes liquidy and pale, sometimes thick and creamy white. Why? They couldn't figure it out. And nothing they saw explained what it felt like. Neither of them wanted to find out what it tasted like.

Hair dry, Keira unwrapped her towel to finish drying. She looked at her naked body in the mirror and quickly turned away. It didn't match with how mature she felt. It looked too girlish, too young. Would Seb be disappointed when he saw her naked?

Doubts now trickled in. She didn't know what he liked about her. She doubted he'd like her body. So why did he like her? Somehow the confidence she'd woken up with vanished under the weight of self doubt. Keira wasn't stupid. She knew Seb liked her. But she needed to know why.

Dressing was done mindlessly with no regard for fashion; a first for her. She grabbed her cell and sent a text, 'I have to see u. It's important. Can we meet?'

Keira was disappointed with Seb's response when it arrived. 'Busy till noon. Lunch?'


She moped.

It was love at first sight. No. Lust at first sight. All black and chrome, the classic 1972 Norton 750 Commando was gorgeous. I'd spotted it on the Internet while trying to distract myself from the aching yearning for Keira I was suffering from.

Suddenly, I had to have it. I couldn't wait until my Triumph was rebuilt. It was heavily damaged and was going to take me months of weekend work. I needed to ride, desperately.

The Norton Commando was $11,995, way more than I should spend and, with the shake of Peter King's hand and a certified check, it was mine by ten thirty Saturday morning.

By eleven fifteen I had bought a second helmet. By eleven forty-five I parked the Norton carefully around the corner from Keira's house. The rumble of its engine echoed in my head as I walked to her house, a big grin of pleasure plastered on my face. I couldn't stop smiling.

As usual, Keira stepped out the front door before I climbed the steps. She was gorgeous, beautiful enough that I forgot about the Norton. She'd collected her pale red hair into a ponytail. Tendrils had escaped to brush her cheeks. Her soft brown eyes studied me, a lovely smile on her mouth. She wore a thin, olive green camisole that suited her and tight dark blue narrow-leg jeans, pink sneakers. The outfit emphasized her slender youth, her petite breasts, her narrow hips.

"You look incredible," I announced.

She gave me a pleased smile before asking, "What are you smiling about."

"You," I answered.

"No you're not. You look like a kid in a candy store with a black AmEx."

I chuckled. "True. I've been naughty."

"How so?" she asked, reaching to accept my proffered hand. Our fingers intertwined without thought.

Leading her away, I said, "I have a surprise."


"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise."

Keira countered with, "Tell me! I don't like surprises."

"Liar," I accused.

Before she could plead her case we turned the corner, lost to view from her house. I stopped. "There."

"Where?" she asked.

I pointed to the Norton. "There!"

"You got another motorbike?"

"Yup. Just bought it this morning. And here," I added, handing her a black helmet.

"For me? You want me to ride on it?" she asked.

"No. I want you to stand on the sidewalk wearing a helmet and watch me ride away. Jeesh, Keira. What do you think?"

Keira laughed. "I meant, Mom told me I couldn't ride on your motorbike."

"And so?" I asked.

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"I'll drive slowly."

She considered it for a moment, smiled, and reached out for the helmet. "Okay. But promise you won't tell Mom."

Ten minutes later, with Keira hanging onto my waist for dear life, cuddled to my back, she yelled, "Faster. Go faster, Seb!"

I peeled off onto the San Diego Freeway and accelerated, the Norton roaring with throaty joy and gorgeous laughter coming from behind me. Fifteen minutes later we left the freeway and headed up into the hills, the bike leaning left then right at ever-steeper angles, Keira's joyous laughter increasing. We slipped down towards the coast and cruised along the oceanfront, eventually coming to a stop south of Chula Vista at Imperial Beach.

Keira's face was flushed with excitement when she removed her helmet, a big smile on her face. Her eyes were wide open and glistening with pleasure. For the first time, with sun hitting her irises just right, I noticed striations of olive green mixed with the brown. Very pretty.

"Wow, Seb! No wonder you like motorbikes. That was fantastic!"

Locking the Norton up and running a wire through both helmets, I grabbed Keira's hand and led her away.

Ten minutes later she was laughing at me while we stood in line in front of Recess, an incredible gourmet food truck parked at the curb. I eyed the menu settling on The Juvenile Delinquent burger, apt, I thought, as Keira complained without conviction.

"What is it with you and food trucks?" she asked. "You have a phobia about restaurants, don't you? Restaphobia, right?"

I laughed. Keira made me so happy.

As we finished lunch sitting on the boardwalk at the beach, Keira suggested we head back, maybe go to my place. I refused. She hinted we could be alone if we did, could kiss and cuddle, too. I refused. I could not risk having her at my place. I didn't have that much self control. Instead, to distract her I asked what was so important in her text message this morning.

Tossing garbage into a receptacle, we held hands and strolled. Keira leaned against me as we walked. I really enjoyed it.

"You like me, right?" she asked.

"Dumb question. Ask me something else," I said.

She peeked up at me before asking, "Would you tell me what you like about me?"

It was the way she asked, the slightest hesitancy in her voice that told me this was an insecurity question, not one seeking compliments. It amazed me that girls, in this day and age, still suffered from self-confidence issues. We were in the most liberated of times and yet, through images and television and fashion and movies we set ideals for girls that were unattainable to most. In my mind, Keira had nothing to worry about, yet it seemed she did.

As we strolled along the boardwalk in the sunshine, weekend sunbathers and surfboarders sprinkling the beach, an active and vocal volleyball game being played on a makeshift sand court, I tried to explain.

"I like nothing and everything about you," I said. I talked about a mystical attraction that had first drawn my eye, that indefinable something that defies words.

"When I look at you I feel a physical connection wrapped up in desire and joy and longing. You don't have the most perfect nose, nor the most perfect mouth, nor the most perfect cheeks, chin, or eyes. But somehow, those not-quite-perfect elements combine to make the most exquisitely beautiful girl I've ever seen. Perfection is overrated, Keira. Perfection lacks character; its beauty fickle. You are eternally beautiful, full of character, exciting, thrilling, and everything I've never known I want."

Keira leaned against my arm. "Kay," she said softly, her voice full of pleasure.

"I'm not done," I said. "You're smart and sharp and witty, more so than the smart people I work with. Beauty isn't just physical, it's mental, too. You have the full package, Keira, so let's not have this conversation again, okay?"

"Kay." After a brief silence, she asked, "Can we go back to your place? Please?"

"No. We can't."


"Because I have no control when around you. I need people around and need to be in public to restrain myself."

"But I don't want you to restrain yourself," she said softly.

Fuck! The temptation was so, so strong.

Coming to a halt, I kissed her. Her warm tongue teased. Her soft lips moved, mouth opening. She ended the kiss by sucking my lip and sighing with pleasure. Jesus, she could kiss like no one I knew, my wall of resistance cracking rather alarmingly.

Our stroll was interrupted by Keira's cell phone ringing. She pulled it from her jeans and answered. I listened to one side of the conversation . . .

"Oh, hi. Yeah, with Seb. Uh-huh. Really? I'd rather not. Sure he can. Hold on."

Keira held the iPhone out to me. "Mom wants to talk to you."

Oh shit.


"Hi, Sebastian."

"Hi, Mrs. Lamont," I mumbled.

"Call me Claire. Listen, we're heading out for an evening barbecue and swim at friends. Keira doesn't want to come. Would she be all right hanging out with you for a while?"


"You sure? You don't have plans?"

I chuckled. "No. No plans."

"Great. Thank you." She added, with a smile in her voice, "Although I don't think you mind too much, do you?"

Laughing, I answered, "No. I don't mind at all."

She laughed easily, just like her daughter. "Can I talk to Keira?"

Keira took the phone. "Uh-huh . . . Uh-huh. Really? Uh-huh. I promise. No, really, I promise! Great! Thanks, Mom! Bye."

"So?" I asked.

Keira grinned. "Mom told me to be home before midnight! So . . . restaurant or your place? I vote your place. We can be naughty."

Fuck me!

"No. I'm taking you to the movies," I said.


"Then we'll go shopping at . . ."

"Nope," she interrupted.

". . . followed by dinner at . . ."

"Nope. I've changed my mind," Keira announced. "We'll order in."

"We could go for a ride on the motorcycle and then . . ."


"Keira," I said with exasperation.

She stopped walking. "You're my boyfriend, aren't you?"

I grinned. "Yeah."

Sweet but firm eyes looked at me. She matched my grin. "So start acting like one. Boyfriends are supposed to want to make out. And, by the way, Jenny and I decided fourteen isn't too young. A lot of other girls have gone all the way and their boyfriends are nowhere near as cute as you are. Jenny agreed."

Amused, and rather turned on, I asked, "What else did Jenny agree with?"

Keira surprised me by blushing. "That's more personal," she said. "Well?"

I couldn't resist her. It was too hard, real punishment. It was altogether too easy to give in.

When I asked her what she wanted to order in, Keira almost squealed and jumped at me, her arms going around my neck, her legs around my waist. I supported a compact rump and, not caring if people saw us, kissed her again.

The Norton couldn't go fast enough as we headed home. Speed limits were too conservative. Keira urging me on, "Faster, Seb. Hurry," didn't help matters.

Nerves grew as we climbed the stairs to the second floor. Every step coincided with an uptick in my heart rate and a strengthening of the erection in my pants. I couldn't believe I was doing this, going to make love to Keira, a fourteen-year-old. It excited me beyond anything I'd experienced before. No words could describe the taut anticipation of undressing her, seeing her adolescent body, actually seeing pale red pubes.

Keira must have been excited, too. She was unusually quiet, her hand in mine.

After some fumbling, the front door opened. It was two-fifteen. The third Saturday in July. The temperature was hot outside, cool in the apartment, hot inside me. I remembered these details. They seemed important. Keira's butt looked fabulous in her tight jeans, compact and petite and grope-able. Her olive camisole top was sexy. The thin black shoulder straps of her bra were erotic, her ponytail cute.

The door closed behind me. Keira turned and smiled, moving into me, pressing her body against mine, pressing me back against the front door. I knew the moment she felt my arousal, her eyes widening then narrowing as she smiled with satisfaction, pressing her crotch against me.

"You're horny," she said softly with a little suggestive rub.

"Yes I am."

"Wanna do some naughty things with me?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes I would," I said, my hands slipping down to hold her beautiful butt. I groped, satisfying one urge; firm, petite, very exciting.

"How naughty?" she asked, giving the bulge of my erection another sexy rub.

"Very, very naughty," I replied. "Things that would make a Victorian lady blush, a Greek vestal virgin shudder, a nun say Hail Mary's for a year, a . . ."

Keira laughed loudly. "You're just weird, Seb."

With a sneaky grin, I replied, "Just wait and see how weird I am."

"Really? You'll show me?" she asked. "You're not into whips and chains and spanking and stuff are you?"

"Hmmm. Spanking. Now that you mention it . . ."

Keira burst into laughter. I stopped it with a kiss, a light touch of lips that somehow morphed. Tongues entered the fray when lips parted. Her head tilted, tongues probed and Keira started rubbing her crotch against the lump of my erection. Eyes were closed, breath panted through nostrils, arms clutched. Cucumber and lilac filled my senses. I groped her butt and tried to slip my hands down inside her jeans, succeeding and holding two of the sweetest panty-covered young buttocks I'd ever groped. Her tongue entered my mouth, toyed with mine, and withdrew. The kiss ended with Keira sucking my lower lip.

"Mmmm," she murmured like a satisfied kitten.

A wave of erotic excitement washed over me. Pushing her away, I gasped, "Holy cow, Keira."

"What's wrong?" she asked, her face flushed, her lips slightly swollen, eyes glittering with excitement.

"Nothing. Who the Hell taught you to kiss?" I asked.

"Do I kiss well?"

"Are you kidding? I think you could kiss me right into an orgasm!"

Keira laughed brightly, pure joy in her eyes, and pride, too. "You'll have to thank Jenny, then."

I groaned, an image hitting me; Keira and the as yet unknown Jenny Frenching each other.

"We should try sometime," Keira suggested.

Still reeling from too active an imagination and too sexy a kiss, I asked for clarification. "Try what?"

"See if I can kiss you into an orgasm! It would be fun."

Lord God almighty! "I need a drink," I announced. Keira followed me to the refrigerator. Grabbing a bottle of Dasani water, I drank deeply, ice-cold relief slipping down my throat. Keira was still studying me when I drained the bottle.

"Thanks for sharing," she commented.

"Oops." Turning, I grabbed another bottle and handed it to her after opening the top. She swigged, her arm rising, pulling her camisole tight against her, small breasts emerging, so petite and sexy. Desire heated me again.

"Come on," I said. "I want to show you upstairs. You haven't been there yet."

"No thanks to you," she answered with a laugh.

With a sly smile, I said, "There's a part of my bed you should see."

"Which part?"

"Come see," I answered, dragging her by the hand towards the iron staircase. Her giggle was charming.

The upper section of my loft apartment was open-plan overlooking the living room-dining room. There was a large bathroom on one side, built-in closets and drawers on the other, and a low queen bed in the middle. Like the furniture downstairs the bed was black wood, the sheets black, pillows black. The floor was the same herringbone ash wood as downstairs.

Leading Keira to the bed, I pulled the sheet back and pointed, "There."

She peered. "Where?"

"You have to get in to see," I deadpanned.

Keira burst into laughter. "So this is how guys seduce girls? Show them a bed? How often has it worked?"

I grinned. "Never. There's always hope, though."

She laughed deeply. "Where's the bathroom. I need to go."

KEIRA SAT ON THE toilet peeing, her eyes taking in the marble bathroom. She was surprised to see everything white, except for black towels. It was really nice and that shower was huge. It would be fun to try it . . . maybe with Seb!

Wiping herself carefully, a stab of arousal hit her. She tugged her panties and jeans up, moving to the sink to wash her hands, looking at her reflection. Seb said she was beautiful. Keira studied her face and tried to see what Seb saw, the whole not the pieces. She couldn't. Never mind. Seb thinks I'm beautiful and that's all that counts. A shiver of anticipation hit her. They were going to make love, her and Seb. What would it feel like? Would it hurt a lot?

Taking a deep, shaky breath, Keira dried her hands, checked her hair, and left the bathroom. Her breath caught. Seb was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her, his shirt removed. She hadn't appreciated how . . . healthy he was. Did he run or work out? There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Those looked like six-packs!

Then she noticed his dark brown, expressive, sexy eyes. Everything vanished. The hunger, the desire in them was for her! She'd made him look like that! Her! Keira!

Nervousness vanished. She smiled calmly and moved towards him. His hands found her hips and drew her between his parted legs. She cupped his upturned face, bent and kissed him, her eyes never leaving his. Gawd he's delicious!

Her nipples responded, perking up, sensitive, aching to be touched. Below, her pussy grew heavy, flushed, horny. Keira couldn't stop her eyes from closing when Seb sucked her lower lip, the kiss ending just as she murmured, her heart racing. She felt so mature with Seb, so desired, so wanted. It was perfect. He was perfect.

When she straightened up, Seb pulled her body close and hugged her, his head on her stomach; a gesture of adoration that thrilled her. She combed her fingers through his dark hair. She could smell him, almost like sandalwood and leather, really nice.

MY BODY WAS ACTUALLY trembling from holding her. It was so hard to maintain logical cogitation when kissing Keira. She could empty my brain in a split second. Taking her narrow hips in hand, I drew her down with me. We shuffled around ending up facing each other on our sides. Soft brown eyes twinkled with excitement. I caressed her side, from her chest to small hip and back to her chest. Leaning towards her, Keira tilted her head, closed her eyes, and our lips touched, light, a sexy brush. We breathed each other's breath. The light kiss ended, our mouths still very close. Her breath wafted against my face. This time she moved in, her mouth touching mine.

My hand caressed up from her hip and, with a light touch, my thumb caressed her petite breast, explored the remarkable shape of adolescence. Keira moaned and pressed her mouth against mine, her lips parting, tongue emerging. I felt the small bump of her nipple under the bra and circled it teasingly, my erection now achingly hard.

Somehow our kiss intensified. Somehow Keira rolled onto her back and I followed, leaning over her. Suddenly I had her petite breast in my palm, firm and sexy. My aching erection was pressed against her hip. Our kiss broke when she placed her hand over mine and pressed, encouraging my gentle fondle.

"Are you sure?" I asked softly.

Keira nodded.

"There's no going back," I said.

"I don't want to go back," she answered.

Looking at her in her eyes, I pulled my hand away, slipped it down and found the hem of her camisole. Our lips just brushed against each other. I felt Keira inhale, her stomach pull in. My hand discovered silky, warm skin and caressed upwards, finding a silken bra. I cupped her petite breast, a beautiful palmful.

Keira started wriggling. Her hands tugged the camisole up and off exposing her small bra. When she reached for the clasp between her breasts I stopped her. "Let me."

Bending, I kissed her navel, kissed her stomach, her skin so silky. My fingertips found the clasp. My heart rate jumped. This was it. I was going to see her. Pausing, I smiled into her eyes, and brushed her lips with mine. Keira smiled, almost shyly, so cute.

The clasp opened, bra separating with a tug. I glanced down. Oh God.

Two perfect breasts mounded up in adolescent glory, firm, perky and petite, with pale pink areolae and gorgeous nipples. I actually trembled when I kissed the tip of one. "Just gorgeous," I murmured before lightly kissing the tip of the other. "Perfect."

Reaching down, I rearranged my erection to relieve the pressure, my boxers damp. Finally, with only a slight tremor in my hand, I cupped one glorious petite breast, soft yet firm, unbelievably sexy. It yielded to my caress, her nipple perking nicely from a teasing touch. Keira moaned, her hand covering mine and pressing my palm against her.

Undeterred, my mouth found the other. Lips parted and I took her areola into my mouth, my tongue teasing her nipple. Her other hand found the back of my head and pushed my mouth down, emitting a quiet moan. Opening my mouth I took almost her entire adolescent breast in and sucked. So damned arousing.

My body actually ached from arousal. Muscles were taut, erection pulsing. Clear thought was becoming difficult, my thoughts fogged by raw desire.

Moving up, Keira stared into my eyes. I smiled at her. "You have beautiful breasts," I told her, my hand giving one a final caress, so firm, before gliding down her body.

We kissed again, gently, lips moving, tongues touching, soft, loving, Keira's hand caressing the back of my head. My hand touched the waist of her jeans, felt for the button and opened it. In the quiet the zipper sounded loud.

Still kissing gently, Keira raised her hips and helped me push her jeans down. Some leg kicking followed before she settled down. Our kiss intensified when my hand settled on her panties, cupping the remarkable shape of her mons, her panties silky to the touch. I thought I could detect the crinkle of pubic hair. I definitely found her camel toe and relished how full her vulva felt between her legs. Caressing her cleft gently I thought I could feel the nub of her clit. In my mind I wondered what pale red pubes would look like, a surge of arousal hitting me.

I couldn't wait any more. Breaking the kiss, ending by sucking her now plump lower lip, I smiled at her. She smiled back at me, her smile still slightly shy. Glancing down her slender body, eyes admiring the remarkable perkiness of adolescent breasts, I finally saw her panties. They were lilac, lacy waist trim, silken below, sexy. The front mounded up, her mons swelling seductively beneath. With mounting excitement my fingertips eased under the waist and slipped in.

I detected the rise of her mons and then I touched silky softness, Keira's pubic hair. It felt sparse, so fine, so soft and new. Unable to resist, with a twist of my hand, her waistband stretched. I peeked inside the gap. Oh my God! Pale red. Gorgeous pale red.

With a racing heart, I closed my eyes and, surprising myself, laid my cheek down on her breast. In my ear I listened to her heart beating. Keira's hand combed through my hair. I withdrew my hand and caressed a small, bony hipbone. My shorts were damp, erection rigid, jeans constricting. I needed to calm down. It was too much stimulation, too much excitement. I wasn't appreciating this incredible experience enough.

KEIRA INHALED DEEPLY, HER fingers combing Seb's dark hair. Her heart was beating hard. She felt slightly breathless. But more than anything, she loved the weight of Seb's head on her body. It felt like he was adoring her and she couldn't get enough. It made her feel mature, grown-up. There was a sigh inside her chest that wouldn't come out.

She could still feel the ghostly touch of his hand on her pussy and hear his moan of excitement. She could still feel his lips on her breasts, her nipples hard and achy. This was perfection. Seb was perfect. A stab of arousal hit her pussy. She clenched. Need washed through her. She wanted sex. She wanted Seb. She needed Seb.

Reaching down, Keira tugged at the waist of his jeans, sending a message. He stirred, glancing up at her with those dark, sexy eyes. The slow smile that formed on his lips made her heart skip. Desire flared in his eyes.

He shuffled and twisted, jeans and boxers thrown to the floor. She caught a brief glimpse of his large erection before he moved up, drawing her into his arms. She rolled to face him. She felt his erection pressed to her, thick, hot, huge. His arm slipped under her neck to hug her, his other hand slipping down her back to rest on her ass, fondling her gently. He kissed her, lips brushing lightly.

"I want you so much, Keira," he whispered.

The sigh in her chest finally escaped as a quiet moan, her mouth seeking his. She probed with her tongue, her body trembling, her arms wrapping around his chest. Unable to stop herself she rubbed her body against his erection, feeling slippery moisture spread.

I WAS SUFFERING DISORIENTATION again. Kissing Keira was an event all on its own, deeply pleasing. But holding her compact bum, pulling her slender body to press against my erection, pulses of need making me throb and leak, had me panting through my nose.

And then I slipped my hand up and under her panties. Cool skin greeted my palm. Suddenly I held her sexy small butt, caressed two firm, sensual buttocks, gorgeous buttocks. My heart raced again. With care I eased her panties down over one hip. Keira rolled and let me ease the other side down, exposing her rump. She wiggled and kicked and panties fell to the floor. Grasping one succulent buttock I pulled her against me trapping my weeping erection between us. We kissed, deep, mouths open, tongues at war. Keira's knee rose over my thigh, her leg hooked around me and my hand swept down her thigh, moved to the inside and up.

She moaned into my mouth when my fingers touched her moist pussy and found her slippery cleft. She pressed her stomach against my erection when my fingertip eased between silken labia. She was hot and moist, her folds welcoming. I touched her clit, probed and touched a very slippery entrance. Her leg tightened. She pressed her pussy to my body.

Still kissing, Keira's hand wormed between our bodies. She found my slippery erection, gasped into my mouth, and, easing away from me, pushed my cock down, the tip sliding across her mons to slip along her slit.

Our kiss broke at the contact. I gasped, "God, Keira," as her labia parted to hug the tip of my crown in a moist kiss. The urge to thrust was almost overwhelming.

I didn't.

Keira's arms returned to hugging me. She started curling her pelvis slightly, the effect astonishing. My crown slipped up and down her pussy, rubbing over her clit before slipping deep, only to come to rest at her entrance. With a curl of her hips, she repeated the move. It was sensual and sexy and arousing. We were very, very wet, very slippery.

I'd imagined I'd be the driver, this first time. But I wasn't. With her arms tugging and her leg pulling, Keira urged me to roll onto her slender body. As we kissed gently, I reached up to caress a perky petite breast. Keira's knees cradled my hips, her legs hooking over my thighs. I was still lodged at her entrance, my erection rigid, thick, and harder than I could remember ever being.

We paused in this new position. I teased her nipple and smiled. Her eyes narrowed with pleasure. A smile emerged.

Lifting my body up, I glanced down between us, shuddering at the sight of my erection pressed to her small pussy. Her pale red public bush was too young; it hadn't spread to cover her mons, still thin and soft and so damned arousing.

Bending my head, I kissed her breast, sucking her areola into my mouth, teasing her hard nipple with my tongue. Keira groaned in response, her arms tugging at me in an attempt to bring my weight down on her. I resisted and kissed her other perky breast, sucking, teasing. My loving attention turned her areolae from light pink to dark pink, flushed with arousal.

No words had been spoken but through looks, soft encouraging smiles, caressing hands, and subtle body movement, we'd said everything. Through soft lips brushing together and harder deep kisses, we'd expressed the attraction and love we felt. It seemed only natural when movement began.

I let her draw me down onto her, her young body feeling so petite, almost delicate under me.

It was exquisite torture, beautiful and exciting. Keira, looking deeply into my eyes, smiled shyly and tilted her pussy up, pressing herself against the tip of my crown. Pressure. She eased off with a tilt of her hips and reversed, pressing her pussy up at me. A flicker of pain passed through her eyes, a slight squint. She eased off, reversed and pressed her pussy against my tip, soft, moist labia hugging me. Another flicker of pain passed through her eyes. Still staring at me, her smile faded away. She eased back and tilted her hips again. Pressure increased. Pressure. With a sharp hissing inhalation, a wince on her face, and eyes closing, Keira's pussy oozed over my straining crown. She was no longer a virgin. I was penetrating her.

I groaned when her pussy clenched, her thighs pressing against my hips trying to close.

All motion stopped. Senses assaulted me. Keira's pussy was tight, incredibly tight, almost painful. The scent of cucumber and lilac seemed to intensify in my nose. Her nostrils flared with deep breaths. She clenched her pussy again drawing another groan from me. God she was tight.

Eventually Keira's eyes opened, she smiled. "You're in," she whispered.

"Yes I am. Thank you," I whispered. She understood. She'd just given me her most cherished gift.

Motion started subtly. Holding her shoulders, I pressed and eased back making no headway despite how wet we were, her pussy just too tight. Nevertheless, my erection throbbed and pulsed with pleasure. Keira smiled, pressed up and eased off, no headway made, the crown gripped in heaven. My cock throbbed and swelled. Damn I was achingly hard.

Then, almost by mistake, we both moved. We both gasped. I slipped into her silken grip, a moist glove snugly holding my shaft. We pulled back, reversed and in one smooth, exquisite thrust my cock slid deep, deep, the tip nudging against something hard and rubbery just as her pussy pressed to my groin, her moist warmth surrounding me. We stopped.

"How do you feel? I asked in a whisper.

"Full. You feel so big, Seb," she whispered.

"No, you're really tight. But God you feel good," I answered. "Does it hurt?"

"No. A bit at first but not now."

"Good," I whispered. "Because I plan to stay here for ever."

Keira giggled. Her pussy tightened with each giggle, squeezing my shaft wonderfully. My eyes might have crossed. I was so damned horny but didn't want to move. I didn't want this to end but wanted to move. It was so hard to accept I was actually making love to Keira, that I was actually making love to a fourteen-year-old, a newly turned fourteen-year-old at that.

My determination to remain buried to the hilt in her, to be held in a warm, moist velvet hug was ruined by Keira. Arms hugging me, hands caressing my back, she moved, tilting her hips, my erection withdrawing reluctantly, slowly, exquisitely. Reaching down, gripping one sexy buttock, I pulled her back, thrusting into her slowly, snug, her velvet heat welcoming me, my shaft buried, God so good.

Our lips met, a soft kiss at first until we moved, my shaft slowly oozing out from her tight pussy. The kiss intensified when I gripped her gorgeous buttock, tugged, and penetrated her again, deeply, slipping in easily despite her tightness, hugged by silken perfection. Tongues toyed as we moved. Suddenly we were fucking, slowly, exquisitely, long withdrawals, sexy thrusts, heaven discovered in her pussy. We fucked languidly, easy strokes, her hands caressing me, our heart rates climbing.

The first tendrils of my orgasm stirred, fleeting waves of pleasure coursing through me. We moved together, fucking gently, penetrating her deeply, beautifully, my erection swelling, so damned hard. The kiss broke suddenly, both of us gasping for air, Keira clutching at me, hips moving faster, urgency arriving in her movements. My cock swelled, feeling thick and incredible as I fucked into her, withdrew, fucked into her, deep, all the way, so tight.

"Keira," I whispered, passion thundering through me. Gripping her small buttock, thrusting, fucking, perspiration arriving, the waves of pleasure grew. Tightness arrived in my groin, pressure following. Heart racing, thrusting, thrusting into my young lover, my orgasm threatened. Fucking Keira was too good. She was perfect, petite, tight, sexy, so sexy.

"Oh Gaaaaawd," Keira gasped quietly. Her movements underneath me lost rhythm, her body jerking and trembling. Her pussy gripped my erection rhythmically, her thighs clamping my hips. Fingernails raked down my back. She cried out her pleasure softly.

Too much.

Gripping her buttock and shoulder, thrusting into her spasming pussy firmly, my nose full of cucumber and lilac, and my cock achingly rigid, it hit. A wave of ecstasy slammed into me. I thrust into Keira's pussy and gasped, "Keira!" semen erupting deep inside her. A massive wave hit as I withdrew forcing me to thrust again, cock swell, cum exploding. Stars burst behind closed eyes. My body ached, muscles cramping. Another massive burst of pure bliss hit me, semen exploding, ecstasy washing through me. Suddenly, with Keira gasping and jerking underneath me, my strokes became short and hard and desperate, spurting cum with exquisite pleasure, spurting, spurting, cumming, filling her with aching, beautiful pulses until there was nothing but dry heaves left and cramping feet and cramping body. I chased my orgasm, collapsing at its sudden passing. Limp, sweat-coated, drained, utterly drained, and muscles relaxed, my heart finally slowing.

With a gentle caress, I let Keira's buttock go and eased myself off her, rolling to the side. Keira rolled into my side and cuddled. I inhaled the scent of Keira now mixed with the scent of sex, a wonderful combination. Unbelievably, despite my body being drained and exhausted, I still desired Keira. I still wanted her, even more now. Had my body been capable I would have started over again.

"That was incredible," I said softly.

"I was okay?" Keira asked.

Her question surprised me. Was she uncertain about my pleasure? I had to stop this in its tracks. Looking directly at her, I told her, "Keira, it was not only better than anything I've ever experienced, but, if I have any say in the matter, we're gonna be doing this a lot. I sure hope you enjoyed it."

She cuddled closer, saying with satisfaction, "Kay. I really liked it."

"Are you sore?"

"Uh-huh. But a nice sore." After a few minutes of silence she asked, "So what now?"

Glancing at the bedside alarm clock, I suggested a shower together and ordering some food, but after resting; she'd exhausted me. She smiled with pride at that. I don't know if Keira slept. We were surprisingly comfortable together. But after half an hour Keira stirred.

With a lovely blush, she said, "I need to go," rolling away from me.

"Why?" I asked, deliberately trying to make her blush harder. Reaching out I grabbed her arm restraining her.

"Because! Let me go, Seb," she replied, tugging her arm.


Her blush intensified into a lovely red. She glared at me. Very cute. "Because I'm leaking, you doofus!"

"Let's shower together," I suggested with a big grin.

"You're incorrigible," she announced, her smile returning.

I admired her scrumptious butt as she made her way to the bathroom. I kept reminding myself I'd just made love to that beautiful creature. I'd just had sex with her. Me! Following her, when she turned to start the shower, I admired her beautiful pale red bush, mature yet not, still thin, small, the pubic hair soft. It was very, very sexy.

Keira tilted her head and tugged off the scrunchie holding her ponytail together. She shook her head, pale red hair filling out and falling over her slender shoulders. A hand tested the shower temperature. Satisfied, she stepped in, leaving the glass door open for me to follow. I was amazed at our comfort level. It felt so natural to be with her.

Chapter Eleven

KEIRA ROLLED ONTO HER side, a slight soreness between her legs making her smile. Her bedroom was inky dark. It was past one o'clock and she still couldn't sleep. It kept repeating in her head; I made love with Seb! I'm not a virgin any more!

She fluffed her pillow and closed her eyes.

When she'd opened the front door at eleven thirty and slipped inside, closing the door quietly, she'd found Mom waiting, sitting quietly with a side lamp on reading a book.

Mom had smiled softly. "You're home. Did you have a good time?"

Perhaps it was the way Keira said "Oh yes," that made Mom pat the sofa.

"Come. Tell me everything."

Keira didn't know how, but somehow Mom knew and, rather than showing any disappointment, she'd cuddled and comforted and talked, letting Keira know what the limits were, what behavior she expected from Keira. And then she'd asked, "Was it good for you?" and Keira had grinned broadly. Good didn't begin to describe making love with Seb!

A car passed in the street outside, headlights washing across Keira's bedroom ceiling. Her mind turned to Seb in the shower. Even after sex he'd behaved as if he had to touch her, his hands gentle, a soft caress of her shoulder, her arm, and, eliciting a giggle, her butt. He washed her, too! It wasn't sexual at all. It was more like Seb was adoring her, no groping, just soapy caresses. And then he'd washed her hair and Gawd, strong fingers had massaged her scalp calming and relaxing her.

Keira rolled in bed, facing the window. She could still feel his body when she'd washed him, his hard abs, sleek muscles, his firm buttocks. He'd even let her wash his penis and balls and that had been eye-opening. As she washed with soap she'd actually felt his penis grow, thicken, and lengthen slightly. It was amazing!

But even better was after the shower. Seb had given her one of his dress shirts, one that smelled of him, and she'd lounged around in it for the rest of the evening, eating delivered pizza and watching The Notebook, which they'd missed before. It was so comfortable, homey. Relaxing with Seb was really wonderful. His hugs and unconscious caresses were so loving. He was perfect.

Keira rolled onto her front, arms under her pillow. Sleep was not cooperating. Her iPhone buzzed and vibrated. Reaching out she read the text message and smiled.

'Miss u already.'

With dexterity, she responded, 'Me 2. Luv ya lots'.

I COULD SMELL HER on my sheets. I had a partial erection. I was tired and too wound up to sleep. I missed her. Reaching out I grabbed my cell phone and sent her a text, 'Miss u already.'

My apartment was empty without her presence. But what still surprised me was what I missed. It wasn't the sex. It was Keira, cute as a button, cuddled to my side in my dress shirt. She looked gorgeous and sexy in it.

The cell buzzed. She'd responded, 'Me 2. Luv ya lots'.

I smiled and replace the cell on the bedside table.

There was something so cute about Keira. I was totally gone, completely charmed by her. Throughout the evening she'd inadvertently given me peeks of lilac panties and glimpses of unfettered perky breasts down the open neck of my shirt.

I wondered what the future held. How could we have a relationship? She would be going back to high school in September. I worked during the week and sometimes over the weekend, too. When would we see each other? Could a relationship flourish with just weekends?

And how exactly would I handle this intense desire for her? She filled my thoughts, her pale red hair, soft sexy eyes, freckles, and that amazing, blinding smile.

She'd given me one of those smiles when we were on the sofa. I'd asked her, "What was your mom saying on the phone earlier? You kept promising her."

She'd toyed with my hand, playing with my fingers. "Mom told me to only do what I wanted and not give in to coercion, no matter what you said or did. That's what I promised."

"Ah. I didn't, did I?"

"Didn't what?"

"Coerce you?"

Keira let out a bright laugh. "Nope. You're pretty useless at coercion. I think I was the one coercing."

"I wasn't trying," I claimed. "I'm saving my coercing skills for some really naughty stuff."

Keira's smile was broad and blinding, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Like what?"

"Just wait and see. You'll know it when it happens. It'll really shock you."

"Will it make a Victorian lady blush, a Greek vestal virgin shudder, or a nun say Hail Mary's for a year?"

"Man, you have an amazing memory," I said, truly impressed.

"You better remember that," she answered with a giggle.

I fluffed the pillow and rolled, smiling at the memory of her. Sleep was determined to shun me. But like a kid on Christmas Eve, I pleaded for sleep to hit me so tomorrow would arrive faster.

Sunday morning light brought a groan. I was exhausted and didn't want to wake up. Glancing at the alarm clock I was shocked to see it was ten thirty. Rolling out of bed, I descended to the kitchen and started the coffee maker. Going upstairs, scratching my pubes as I went, I automatically made for the shower. The water was warm and refreshing. The memory of making love to Keira returned, as did a renewed erection, a very, very rigid erection. I debated ignoring it and gave into my basal needs, sighing with pleasure when my orgasm arrived.

With sanity restored, dressed for the day, I sipped from a mug of coffee and debated what to do for the day. My cell phone set the plans. It was Keira actually calling me, asking me to come to her home after lunch.

At two thirty I parked the Norton around the corner from Keira's place, took the helmet off and locked it with Keira's to the bike. As usual, Keira opened the front door before I climbed the steps. She gave me a wonderful smile, soft brown eyes twinkling, and a small blush of intimacy - such a gorgeous girl.

"Hi," she greeted me brightly, grabbing my hand. "C'mon," she said with a tug, "Mom wants to meet you."

Oh shit!

"Do I have to?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"Don't be a baby, Seb. It's not what you think," Keira scolded me, tugging my hand.


Her home was bright. The walls were pale yellow, white edgings. Cherrywood furniture and bright floral patterns were the predominant theme. Big windows added airiness. Keira led me with a firm grip on my hand. We entered a large kitchen, white cabinets, light grey granite counter tops, an eat-at center aisle, and her mother sitting on a stool with a cup of tea on the counter.

The family resemblance was immediately apparent. Claire, her mother, had the same pale red hair, the same faint freckles, and the most stunning green eyes. In Claire I was seeing what Keira was going to be and it was very, very attractive.

Claire smiled and stood, extending a slender hand. "Hello, Sebastian."

"Hello, Mrs. Lamont."

She smiled and indicated a stool. "Call me Claire. Can I get you some tea?"

I nodded. Before I knew it we were chatting about the weather, upcoming local elections, and somehow, advertising. That naturally led to my job.

"I made some inquiries," she said with a smile. "I understand you're the youngest Creative Director Land-Ferris has ever had."

"That's possible," I responded.

"You don't know?" she asked with arched eyebrows.

"It never occurred to me. Why?"

"No reason." She studied me, her eyes rather penetrating. "I'm not going to ask details about your and Keira's relationship." She tilted her head, changed the subject and asked, "Have you taken Keira for a ride on your motorcycle?"

Blood drained from my face. How did she know? Should I lie? No. If Keira wouldn't lie to her mother, I couldn't. "Yes, I have. But I'm a very good biker," I added.

"I see. And how exactly did you end up in hospital?"

I coughed. "Um."

Keira laughed.

Claire smiled. "Thank you for telling me the truth, Sebastian. I appreciate it."

In my defense, I told her I'd never crashed before. It was Keira's fault I had an accident. She found that rather amusing, as did Keira. And then she became serious.

"I think you're too old for Keira right now. Put another way, Keira's too young for you. I have no problem with the age difference. Keira's father is ten years older than I am. But you two are possibly breaking the law . . . No, you are breaking the law. I won't have Keira hurt, nor her reputation destroyed."

Claire glanced at her daughter and smiled, reaching out to caress Keira's hair. "But telling Keira what to do is an exercise in futility."

Her eyes turned back to me, a very firm expression emerging. "You'll be discreet. If even a hint surfaces of anything inappropriate you'll have me to deal with. If you hurt my daughter you'll pay. I have an Irish heritage. You do not want to cross me, Sebastian. Do we understand each other?"

I didn't answer right away. That would have been trite. Claire was being honest, tough, a protective mother. I admired her for it, even if it sort of scared me. Draining my cup of tea, I spoke. "I hear you. I think, if you asked Keira, you'd find that I've been very careful, very cautious. But Keira is rather forceful. She's very strong-willed."

Claire smiled, some pride emerging. "Yes she is. She's hard to say no to. But I expect you to say no when appropriate. You're the adult in the relationship."

"Okay. Just so you know, there's no way I could hurt her again. It was too painful to me last time. I won't survive it again."

"Good. So what are you two planning for the afternoon?"

Embarrassed, I said, "I was going to take her for a ride on the motorcycle. Maybe head down to the waterfront for a snack. But, maybe we'll take the bus."

Keira laughed. "Nope. We can take the motorbike, Seb. Right, Mom?"

"Just be careful and ride slowly," Claire said, standing. "Well, I have chores to do. Be home for dinner, Keira."


Five minutes later, as Keira put her helmet on, she said, "Let's go to your place and fool around."


"I'll let you do some coercing."

That made me laugh. "If you let me, it's not coercing, Keira."

"We'll pretend."



Twenty minutes later Keira turned and pressed herself into me, my back closing the apartment's front door. She smiled smugly before kissing me.

Everything faded. I was kissing Keira and nothing else seemed important. Her young body pressed to me. Her arms slipped around my waist. Soft lips pressed to mine. Cucumber and lilac wafted at me. Keira murmured, emitting a quiet, "Mmmm," as if my kiss was manna from heaven, pressing herself against my groin. When she felt my response, the lump of my erection, she actually smiled into the kiss, her eyes twinkled with pleasure before closing. A tongue emerged probing at my mouth. She rubbed her pussy against my erection and drew a moan from me.

My world became the two gorgeous buttocks in my hands, the sylphic girl rubbing her crotch against my now straining erection, the small, active tongue probing, silky lips, sexy murmurs. Gripping her jeans-clad buttocks, I pulled her against my crotch and, like a teenager, we dry humped. My erection strengthened. Precum leaked. I thought about carrying her upstairs and tossing her on the bed, stripping her, taking her again, harder this time, hard like her kiss.

An alarming wave of pleasure hit me. I broke the kiss suddenly. Jesus, she'd almost made me cum in my pants!

"What happened?" Keira asked.

"I'm thirsty," I replied.

Keira grinned knowingly. "Did you almost . . . you know, like, cum?"

I chuckled. "No. But I could have. You kiss like no one on earth, Keira."

Following me to the kitchen, she observed brightly, "Lucky for you. You need practice. I'll have a water."

I laughed at that, shaking my head in amusement. "I don't need practice," I claimed, handing her a bottle of Dasani.

"It couldn't hurt," she suggested. Her soft brown eyes twinkled. "I could teach you."

I laughed, a wave of love hitting me. Keira was so damned charming. Would she be the same as an adult? As a mother? . . . Wow! Where did that thought come from?

"What?" she asked studying my face.


The rest of Sunday was spent on the sofa, necking occasionally, my mind distracted. If Keira noticed she said nothing.

That night I received a text, 'Luv ya forever'.

Chapter Twelve

LEANING ACROSS THE SMALL round table, Jenny asked, "How far have you gone?" The Starbucks iced Latte in her hand was ignored, her eyes excited.

Keira didn't answer right away. She and Jenny had shared everything, but it didn't feel right sharing intimate details about her and Seb. Those were private details, personal memories. Without Seb's permission, she couldn't tell Jenny. Besides, Mom was right. It could be dangerous.

"We've kissed and stuff," she told Jenny before taking a sip of her iced Latte.

Jenny studied Keira. "Come on, give, Keira. Did he give you tongue? What other stuff?"

"Well, like, we've held hands and we've made out on the sofa, too."

"Really?" Jenny asked. "Did he feel you up?"

Keira grinned. "Yup. Just over my shirt."

"Did it feel good?"

"Yeah. Really sexy good," Keira laughed.

"Did you feel Seb up?" Jenny asked in a whisper. When Keira didn't answer she said, "Oh m'God! You did! What was it like? How big? Come on, Keira! Tell!"

Keira considered and decided that that much information would be okay, but no more. "My hand brushed against it when we were kissing," she admitted.

"Was it big?"

"It felt big."

Leaning back, Jenny sighed. "You lucky girl." After a slight pause, she asked, "What does he smell like?"

For the next hour they chatted and giggled. As noon approached, Jenny suggested they call Seb. Maybe he'd join them for lunch. His office was only a few blocks away. Besides, she wanted to meet him.

WALKING ALONG THE SIDEWALK, heat radiating up from the concrete, my mind was distracted. Getting the text message from Keira followed by the phone call inviting me to lunch with her and Jenny was intriguing. I wanted to meet Jenny.

Keira had guaranteed I'd love lunch. We were to meet at the corner of Market and 6th, the Gaslamp Quarter. I had missed Keira. For the last couple of days we'd been unable to meet and I was suffering withdrawal symptoms and a rather powerful desire to get her into my bed again.

Eyes peeled, I neared the intersection. A glimpse of pale red made me smile, then I stopped. Standing with Keira was a slightly shorter girl. But the surprise was Jenny. She had the darkest ebony skin that seemed to shimmer like silk in the sun, and exceptionally long, thick, raven hair tied into a ponytail. From a distance she appeared to be about the same physique as Keira, but, while still youthfully slender, adolescence was further along, more evident in some attractive curves. My surprise was that Jenny's race had never been discussed. I'd been guilty of assuming she was Caucasian, just like Keira.

Keira spotted me. A glorious smiled erupted on her pretty face making me catch my breath. My God she was spectacular. She danced to me and wrapped her arms around my waist giving me a tight hug.

"Seb! I missed you."

"Missed you, too," I responded, hugging her, bending just enough to inhale her scent. Releasing her, I held out my hand to Jenny and smiled.

"Hi, Mr. McDaniel. I'm Selene. It's great to finally meet you." Large dark brown eyes sparkled. Her broad smile revealed bright white teeth.

Selene? Who was Selene? "Hi."

Clearly my confusion was showing. Keira grabbed my hand and led us away. "Jenny's my best friend," she said. "This way," she added with a tug.

"Keira, Selene, excuse me but where and who is Jenny? I'm confused."

Selene grinned. "It's okay, Mr. McDaniel . . ."

"Call him Seb," Keira interrupted, still leading me.

"Seb, my middle name is Jennifer. Selene Jennifer Fleurie. Keira's called me Jenny since kindergarten. You should call me Jenny, too, otherwise we'll all be confused."

"Okay. Fleurie is an interesting name. It's French, isn't it?"

"Louisiana. Dad's side."

"Here we are," Keira announced, leading me to a hotdog stand. "Just for you," she said. "I'll have the cheese dog and a diet Pepsi."

Lunch was really nice. Despite the visual differences, Jenny and Keira were peas in a pod, both bright, both smart, both observant and funny. They seemed to feed off each other, their banter growing more absurd by the moment until, with bright laughter, they'd stop and start on another subject. I was enchanted. But being near Keira again I was also aching with desire. I made a spontaneous decision.

Pulling out my cell, I called my boss and asked for Friday off, a mental health day. Keira listened in, a smile emerging as she understood. He agreed. Luckily late July wasn't a busy time for the advertising business.

Lunch ended too soon, my chilidog quite excellent. We parted with a hug, Keira's eyes revealing her excitement.

My eyes popped open at six thirty Friday morning. I was wide awake, my blood surging. Hopping out of bed I descended to start the coffee maker before hitting the shower, a mild erection forming. Today was Keira! I was spending the whole day with her.

By eight I couldn't wait. I sent her a text message to get her ass in gear. I would be there at half-past. This time, I drove the Norton up into their drive and parked behind their red Dodge Caravan. Keira stepped out through the front door before I started climbing the steps.

She was so damned sexy. Very short, frayed, cut-off jean shorts looked two sizes too small on her, hugging her privates very snugly. Sandals with long wrap-around straps exposed her feet and pale red nail polish on her toenails. Her top was a loose, wide-necked white T-shirt that slipped off one shoulder revealing a white bra strap. Her hair bounced in a ponytail.

In a flurry, she leaned back into the house and yelled, "I'm off, Mom," before slamming the front door closed, bouncing down the stairs, pausing to give me a tight hug, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and grabbing her helmet. She put it on. "Come on! Let's go!" she exclaimed, swinging one long, bare leg over the seat.

The flurry of motion resumed when we arrived at my place. Both of us ran up to the second floor. Keys were fumbled, the door refusing to open. When it did, we tumbled inside, the door slamming behind us. I had Keira's hand and hauled her upstairs. We tumbled onto the bed, Keira giggling with excitement. I was already erect and horny. Friday stretched ahead of us. It was nine in the morning. A day of sex, fantastic!

"Quick, strip," I ordered, loving Keira's laughter.

"I can't," she laughed.

"Of course you can. Want some help?" I asked, tugging my T-shirt up and off.

"No. I mean we can't. It's that time of the month."

All motion stopped, my T-shirt still on one arm. Thoughts tumbled through my mind; no sex! Keira was fertile! We'd had unprotected sex! Keira was . . . NO SEX!

"Dammit, Keira. How could I have been so stupid?"

Soft brown eyes glistened with glee. She smiled broadly, dimples emerging. "Got 'cha. I'm on the pill."

When I didn't smile with relief, she added, "And I don't have my period. I was just teasing."

Flopping back on the bed, relief coursed through me. My heart had actually been racing. Keira leaned over me, her arms crossed on my chest, her pretty face studying me with a smile. "You should be spanked," I told her, reaching up to brush a stray tendril of pale red hair behind her ear.

"Ooh, naughty time. Coerce me."

I burst into laughter and grabbed her. Damn I loved her. With pure delight I wrestled with Keira, grabbing her T-shirt to pull it off. When she held onto it stopping me, I groped her ass. She laughed hard and tried to grab my hands. Quick as lightning I had her T-shirt up and off revealing a very sexy plain white bra, small breasts mounding underneath.

Now sneaky, I made a move for her bra. Keira giggled and wrapped her arms across her chest protecting herself. A fatal misjudgment. Bending across her body, blocking her upper half, I went after her shorts, unbuttoning them, the zipper yanked down, Keira screaming with laughter, her body bucking and writhing under me as she tried to dislodge me.

It didn't work.

As her fists hit my back, she yelled between laughing, "Stop, Seb," with no conviction. I ignored her. Those tight little jean shorts were sewn on to her, difficult to remove. My grunts of effort only made Keira laugh harder.

"Stop moving!" I ordered.

"Stop undressing me!" she countered.

"You're getting naked, Keira. You don't have a say in it," I explained, wrestling with her damned shorts. When white silky string bikini panties appeared, I paused. Man they were sexy! I couldn't resist. With my weight keeping her pinned to the bed, I touched her panties, caressed sensual silkiness, and explored the magnificent shape of her mons underneath. Keira stopped struggling and went quiet. I traced my fingertips down one steep side of her mons, across her rounded vulva, and up the other side. It was truly a marvel of nature, petite yet full, distinctively shaped, a tapered mound drawing eyes down to between her thighs, and nestled there, coddled by white silken panties, the bulge of her sex, the promise of rapturous pleasure, heaven.

With a delicate touch, I traced the faint camel toe. The front of her panties were slightly dimpled from pubic hair beneath. Bending, I kissed her navel.

Keira's hand rested on my head. Her fingers combed through my hair.

Moving off her, her shorts collected mid thigh, I moved up. All the friskiness had evaporated in a surge of love for her. She was, for me, exquisite, perfect, gorgeous - all I ever wanted. A small smile played on her lips as she studied me, her eyes moving from one to the other of mine. Her arms guided me. We kissed. Soft lips touched, brushing lightly, a prelude to greater passion.

Keira, in a move I was beginning to love, sucked my lip and nibbled it lightly, emitting an "Mmmm," before breaking the kiss. "Delicious," she added, smiling. "You can take my shoes and shorts off, Seb," she instructed.


Sitting up, with Keira cooperating by lifting one leg, I opened the straps to her sandal and removed it, taking a moment to caress her feet and kiss her big toe. She raised her other leg, her eyes twinkling at me. It received the same treatment. And then, jean shorts were edged down and off, tossed to the floor. There she was, my sexy lover, on her back in sexy lingerie, a slender sylph, so young and desirable.

"My turn," she announced, sitting up and shoving me down. She tugged my sneakers and socks off before climbing up and straddling my legs. Unlike me, Keira wasn't as efficient in undressing me. As panties stretched across a plump pussy distracting me, Keira drew my attention back with a hand gently rubbing the bulge of my erection over my jeans. "What's that old movie saying?"

"What saying?"

"You know. That one about a gun."

I grinned. "Mae West. 'Is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me,' I think."

"Yeah, that's the one."

Her rubbing distracted me for a moment, my erection straining. "So?"

"I like your gun and that you're happy to see me."

I chuckled and raised my arms, folding them under my head. Horniness didn't distract me from the wonderful sight of a fourteen-year-old sitting astride me in bra and panties. It actually made the whole thing more erotic.

Keira started unbuttoning my jeans. She wrestled with the zipper and then shuffled down a bit. "Lift please," she instructed, tugging my jeans. I did. With some effort and hard tugging, Keira pulled them to my thighs. Climbing off the bed, she grabbed the cuffs and yanked hard, jeans coming free. With a toss, they hit the floor and Keira crawled back up to straddle my thighs.

Somewhere in all the movement my cock was released. It popped up inside my underwear to rest against my stomach. Keira studied its outline and grinned when I flexed it. Her hand settled along the shaft and she pressed gently. It flexed again. "It's like it's alive," she observed. "Have you named it? Like, Big Ben, or The Incredible Bulk?"

I burst into laughter. Where did she get these ideas? "No. I haven't named it."

With a soft, exploratory squeeze, Keira announced, "Then I will."

I waited. Names passed through my mind, Thor, The Punisher, The . . .

"We'll call it Fred," she announced.


"Yup. It's a Fred." With a remarkable grin, Keira tugged the waist of my boxers down saying, "Hey, Fred, come out and play."

Damn she was cute.

When my erection was completely revealed, her grin faded away. She studied it, reached for it and carefully wrapped her hand around it, the soft squeeze sending a pulse of arousal through me. As if shaking herself from a stupor, Keira let it go, rose, tugged my boxers off and resumed her position astride my thighs.

This time she took my erection into both hands and stroked it gently. "It's soft and hard," she observed. "Which part is the most sensitive?"

"The underside of the crown," I told her, pointing.

"How often do you get erections? Is it hard to walk with one?" Without waiting for my answer, Keira bent and kissed the crown lightly right on that sensitive spot.

I groaned mentally. I had a vision of her taking me into her mouth, of her head bobbing, of Keira sucking me off. She didn't. Straightening, she shuffled up, her plump pussy settling down on my shaft, panties bulging erotically. Keira leaned forward, her Egyptian necklace swinging forward. Her face neared mine. Soft eyes smiled at me. Lips touched.

The kiss was slow and sensual, tongues moving slowly, seductively. My hands found her small hips. Keira rubbed her panty-clad pussy along my shaft. She broke the kiss suddenly, gasping, "Gawd that feels good."

Her mouth returned, kissing continued. She humped my erection, her body shuddering slightly. With one hand I found the clasp of her bra and opened it, pushing the bra aside to carefully cup her petite breast. Keira shuddered again, her pussy moving up and down my shaft slowly.

Still kissing Keira, I tweaked a stiff nipple. The kiss broke. Keira gasped and rolled off me. Panties and bra were shed. A pale red pubic bush appeared. She straddled my hips and settled.

The groan was mine, a deeply felt groan. Keira's pussy, warm and moist, pressed down on my shaft, her labia plumping out and hugging my cock. She rubbed my erection and a clear bead of precum oozed from the tip. My hands caressed two sexy, perky breasts and Keira reacted, falling forward to kiss me, tongue urgently probing.

"Lift," I whispered when the kiss ended. I grabbed two buttocks and raised her butt. Reaching down, I straightened my erection, the tip sliding along her cleft, both of us shuddering. Keira wiggled and pressed, lodging my tip to her entrance. She pressed down, eased off, pressed down. I felt the pressure on the tip of my cock. She continued, slow and gently, pressing, relaxing, pressing, and gradually, in the most exquisitely erotic motion, Keira's pussy yielded. It started with moist labia hugging my crown, then hugging the ridge, then, with a wave of arousal hitting me, her labia gently hugged my shaft, moist, velvety heat surrounding my crown. She was still tight, deliciously, gloriously tight.

Keira groaned. One small up motion and she settled, her snug pussy slipping down my shaft to press to my groin. Warm heat encompassed my cock. The tip pressed against her cervix, rubbery and firm. Keira melted on top of me, her body relaxing, warm and alive, so sexy.

"I missed this," she whispered.

"Me, too," I admitted.

When I held her hips, Keira said, "No. Not yet. Can't we stay like this for a while?"


Keira's arms wrapped under my neck. Her body grew heavier as she completely relaxed. My erection throbbed and pulsed inside her, held tightly, an incredible silken grip. The side of my thumbs caressed the sides of her breasts pressed to my chest. She murmured, "Mmmm. I love feeling you inside me, Seb."

Caressing her bare back and down to her taut buttocks, I agreed, "It's wonderful."

Our loving started very subtly. When my erection throbbed and swelled, Keira gave it a loving squeeze, a beautiful tightness gripping my entire length. I throbbed. She squeezed. I throbbed. She squeezed.

The next time was accompanied by her moan of desire. She moved slightly, a turn of her hips. It must have teased her clit. She trembled and repeated the motion. The effect was astonishing. Deep inside her I could feel her velvety vagina caress my crown. I throbbed and swelled. Keira moaned, rubbing her clit against me.

Her buttocks flexed. I caressed them with one hand and wrapped my arm around her body, holding her. She sighed, "Seb," and humped, my thick erection suddenly sliding inside her. The move was repeated. We were fucking, just like that, Keira humping, me moving, my erection sliding out, in, pressing deep, out, in, nudging into her cervix. Keira's breath was warm and fresh against my neck, her arms holding my neck tightly. She murmured and humped, curling her pussy up, down, my cock slipping out, in, so tight, so moist.

We fucked slowly, a languid movement, both lost in the sensations assaulting us. Keira's breath started panting. She started thrusting her pussy down on my cock with greater urgency. My hand on her butt guided her and pushed her down harder, my erection withdrawing, thumping in, withdrawing, thumping in, so incredible. The pace accelerated, the sound of very moist squishes emerging. We humped and fucked each other in growing need, hearts racing. Keira suddenly held her breath. Her body twitched. She slammed her pussy down hard, gasping, "Seb!"

Her vagina squeezed. Her breath exploded and Keira climaxed, sweet moans accompanying each desperate thrust. I let myself go, cock swelling. That first exquisite, almost painful burst of pleasure hit me. Thrusting up into her, shoving myself deep, all the way, gasping her name, I exploded, semen jetting out into her. She cried out and humped me, my cock slipping out, in, semen erupting in an endless spurt. Holding her naked young body tightly I fucked Keira, thrusting and cumming, spurting, exploding as ecstasy wracked my body. I came hard, hard, thrusting, pulsing, spurting, glorious bliss, beautiful pleasure. I came completely, the crest arriving and passing too soon, bodies stilling, panting, heart racing.

I hugged Keira on top of me. We didn't move. Calm arrived, peace, relaxed, endorphins coursing through us bringing beautiful satisfaction. She was perfect. She was mine.

I noticed the time; nine forty. The whole day stretched out ahead of us. With a smile, I kissed her hair and inhaled the scent of cucumber and lilac.

Holding hands, we walked along the forest path. Despite my plan to stay in bed all day and do nothing but make love to Keira, we'd both found ourselves energized after sex and a fun shower. We'd both had energy to burn. Perhaps it was the excitement of our relationship; still new and thrilling. I didn't think so. To me it was Keira's incredible blend of cute, young girl and sexy, adventurous female. It was an intoxicating mix that I was beginning to suspect was not age related. It was her personality. And I loved it. I adored it.

The motorcycle ride up into the hills had refreshed us. Pine scent filled the air.

"Do you feel like going out to lunch somewhere?" I offered.

Keira leaned into me. "Nope."

"Shop for lunch?"


"Then what?"

"We'll grab take-out and go back to your place. I want to try some of those naughty things you refuse to tell me about," Keira announced, perfectly seriously. She added, "Would you let me hold you when you pee? I've always wanted to know what it feels like. Is that naughty?"

I chuckled, surprised that I found the thought arousing. "No. It's not naughty."

Keira glanced up at me. "Then what is?"

"Let me see. Naughty is stretching the limits, your limits. So naughty for me might be different than naughty for you."

"What's naughty for you? Tell me. I'll tell you what's naughty for me," Keira offered.

"Hmm. Well, naughty for me is sex in different places, places I wouldn't normally have sex in."

"Like what?"

"Like . . . sex in the kitchen while cooking, or sex outside, maybe oral sex, or fondling each other to an orgasm at the movies, or trying adventurous positions never tried before. Your turn," I said.

"All those. We'll try all those."

I laughed. "No. I want to hear what your naughty is."

"I just told you, all those, although I wouldn't mind trying spanking, too."

I stopped, shocked at her comment. "Really?"

"Yeah. The idea excites me for some reason. But not hard spanking." Without missing a beat, Keira continued with, "Have you tried anal sex? Or is that just something porn stars do? I thought it would be dirty before, but now I'm not sure. Does it feel good?"

An erection was forming as Keira talked. My imagination was in overdrive. How could she be so adventurous? Still, I wasn't complaining. "Let's go home," I said.

Keira grinned at me, eyes twinkling. "You're horny, too?"


It seemed like a repeat of this morning. We tumbled in the front door, my foot slamming it shut. This time it was Keira leading me by the hand and, when she made a beeline for the kitchen, I assumed it was for water. Nope.

"Let's cook."


"Yeah. We'll strip to our undies and cook! Didn't you say sex in the kitchen when cooking was naughty?" Then she shocked me by asking, "Do you need to pee?"

I was so surprised I didn't respond immediately and, by the time I did, peeing was out of the question. "What can you cook?" I asked.

"Pretty much anything," Keira answered.

"Okay. You start cooking."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna be naughty."

Keira smiled. "Okay."

I waited, sipping water while she hunted through the cupboards and fridge. She settled on a jarred pasta sauce and spaghetti with a salad, her eyes keeping me in sight.

When she started I slipped up to cuddle her from behind, my hands resting on her narrow hips. I nuzzled her neck and kissed her. She smiled. My hands slipped up, caressing. They found two delightfully petite breasts. I caressed, running my thumbs up the sides and across her nipples.

When she didn't react, I tried again, sliding my hands down and under her T-shirt, back up to cup her bra-covered boobs. I caressed again and felt her nipples perk up. She trembled only slightly, reaching to fill a pot with water for the pasta.

Undeterred, I found the bra clasp and popped it open. Without touching her breasts, my hands moved down to her butt, fondling and edging my fingertips up the leg openings, sliding them around to the front, and gently teasing her pantied crotch. Aside from a soft laugh, nothing.

Not to be beaten, while she poured sauce into a pan to heat, I opened the button on her jean shorts, unzipped her and tugged them down. Keira calmly stepped out of them. I fondled her silken covered little butt, massaging her lovely buttocks. She smiled and wiggled her ass at me.

Backing away, I stripped. Erection thrusting out, I cuddled her from behind, my cock slipping up under her T-shirt to press against her sexy bottom and lower back.

Keira stopped moving. She glanced over her shoulder at me and grinned. "So this is naughty?" she asked.

My fingers found the sides of her string bikini panties and eased them down. "Nope. Not yet." The panties fell to the floor.

Turning her around, I lifted her up and onto the counter. She still had a soft smile on her lips when I removed her T-shirt and showed not the slightest modesty when her bra was shrugged off revealing those perky boobs, pale pink areolae and firm, aroused nipples. "Don't move," I ordered, eyeing her sexy little pale red bush.

Fishing around in the fridge I found a carrot and handed it to her. Her eyes left my erection.

"What's this for?" she asked, taking it.

"It's so you have something to eat, too," I answered with a straight face.

She figured it out. A beautiful blush emerged and spread all the way to above her breasts. She laughed, "You're so weird, Seb!"

"Yes I am. And naughty, too. Spread your legs."

Keira's laughter intensified. She didn't resist when I eased her knees apart, instead taking a small bite of the crisp carrot, her twinkling eyes watching me with amusement.

Tugging her butt to the edge of the counter, I first bent and kissed one perky breast, pausing long enough to suck her areola and nip her stiff nipple before doing it to her other, this time sucking in as much as I could of her petite breast first. Kneeling, her sexy pussy came into view in all its magnificence. Her pale red pubes were much thinner than I'd thought. They hid nothing, providing more of a decoration, small pubic hairs, silky and soft covering her plump labia. With her knees parted her cleft was partially open revealing her clitoral hood and the folds of her inner labia. But below, deeper in her silken cleft, I could see the entrance to her vagina, a very, very small, dark opening.

Moving in, I caught her scent; utterly female, a hint of musk, earthy, very arousing. Her thighs brushed against my cheeks when I moved in. My lips touched moisture first. Warmth followed, softness and the tickle of soft pubes. Her scent was stronger now.

With my hands reaching under her legs and up to hold her buttocks, I kissed her pussy and tasted her, that earthy scent now an ambrosia on my tongue. Her thighs trembled when I kissed her clit. My tongue emerged to discover a velvet smoothness between plump labia, the nub of her clit, warm moisture. I sucked. Keira gasped quietly, her thighs twitching again.

Easing away, my tongue probed down through her slit to explore the entrance to her vagina. She was very moist, her flavor rich and heady, all female, arousing. My erection leaked precum. It slid cooly over my crown and down my shaft.

Probing into her entrance, my nose nestled to her clit. I heard a sudden snap of a carrot being bitten and grinned into her pussy. Moving up, my mouth found her clit again. I brought one hand into play, my finger probing into her as I teased her clit with suction and tongue. Keira's hand found my hair and curled into a grip. I heard her moan, quiet, soft, deep.

Her vagina was snug and warm and moist around my finger. I felt for that rough spot on the upper side, the g-spot, and found it. Sucking her hardened bead-of-a-clit, teasing it with the tip of my tongue, I caressed her g-spot.

Keira gasped. Her legs clamped closed around my head. Her body bucked, fist gripping my hair. With an explosion, Keira gasped, "Oh Gaaaawd!" and climaxed. Her body shook hard. I received a small gush of liquid into my mouth just as she cried out, her pubes pressed into my nose. She scrubbed her pussy on my mouth and heaved again, another little squirt of liquid spurting. Suddenly Keira was tugging my hair, trying to pull my mouth away from her pussy. "Enough! Oh Gaaaawd!"

Another hard tremor hit her. Something clattered on the counter. Looking up I saw Keira collapsed back, her perky breasts trembling, her stomach muscles clenching. Her expression was one of almost pain, eyes screwed shut, mouth open, gasping.

Easing off, slowing, I gradually stopped, giving her pussy a gentle kiss, her mons a light kiss. Standing, I moved between her knees and drew her trembling body up and hugged her. Beautiful. Her climax had been amazing, like nothing I'd experienced. She buried her face in my neck, her arms around me hugging me tight, her body tremors slowly fading.

Eventually she stirred. "The sauce is burning," she observed quietly.

I chuckled silently.

"This naughty stuff is intense," she observed, mumbling against my neck.

I caressed her bare back. I was still erect, horny. I'd accepted Keira's experience had been too intense, too draining for more. But a gentle hand carefully held my shaft. Without moving, Keira rubbed the crown against her slippery pussy. She sighed deeply, her legs hooking behind mine.

Rolling on her butt, she moved closer to the edge of the countertop. Her hand guided my cock, the crown easing between her soft labia. With some moving around, Keira lodged the tip against her vaginal entrance. Her other arm pulled at me, her legs tightening. The feeling was exquisite. Her pussy yielded reluctantly to welcome me in a moist, velvet hug. Penetrating her was easy despite her being tight. The feeling of being buried in her was amazing.

"Can you turn the sauce off?" she asked.

Smiling, I reached over and turned the stove off. Keira's smiling face was waiting for me when I straightened. "I love feeling you inside me," she said. "How come no one ever tells us how fantastic sex is?"

Her arms circled my waist and tugged, pulling me deeply into her. She squeezed her pussy. "You're so deep, Seb. I feel so full. Are we still being naughty?"

"No. But this is too good to stop."

Her face turned up to me. I kissed her. Very gradually I started fucking her, my cock achingly hard, thick, my need driving me. I loved how I completely filled her, my crown touching her end with each thrust. I loved how tightly Keira's pussy held me, how warm and soft she was inside. The stimulation of withdrawals and thrusts made my erection swell, ache. Holding her tighter I fucked Keira gently, concerned for her comfort after just experiencing a hard orgasm.

Our kiss broke when I moaned. Keira pulled me into her, "Cum, Seb. Cum," she murmured.

My climax washed in gently, erection swelling. Semen pulsed out in a beautiful, glorious wave of pleasure, hot and thick. Another soft wave hit. I swelled and spurted deep inside Keira, hugging her, hugging her. My gentle orgasm washed through me, a completely different experience, soft and loving, cumming into my lover in deeply pleasing pulses, spurting, cumming with beautiful bliss in a completely satisfying climax. It peaked and faded away, my penis remaining thick but soft. Peace and love rushed in.

Keira sighed. "I felt you cum," she whispered.

The kitchen clock showed one fifteen. I was tired, drained physically and emotionally. Supporting Keira's butt, I carried her upstairs. We settled into bed, my penis slipping from her. Snuggled together, we slept.

The sun was slanting in, a late afternoon sun, when we stirred. Keira felt wonderful in my arms. I wanted to wake up to her every day. She sort of snuggled first emitting a quiet, "Mmmm," before announcing, "This is nice."

We'd slept for almost three hours.

Brushing stray hair away from her face, I smiled and kissed her softly. "This is very, very nice," I agreed.

Keira's eyes lost focus for a moment then looked at me apologetically. "I think I've leaked on the sheet." She blushed slightly.

I hugged her. "Don't be embarrassed. I'm not. It's what happens with making love."


"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Eat! I'm starving. We missed lunch."

"Want to go out?"

"No. What do you have in the fridge?"

"How about breakfast for dinner?" I offered.

"Great. Can I wear another of your shirts?"

Forty-some minutes later we ate a Brie and chive omelet and watched TV, sitting side by side. Keira had taken one of my sky-blue button-down shirts and it contrasted very nicely with peeks and flashes of satiny white bikini panties. She was so sexy, young and exciting. I found cuddling with her was more than enough. My sexual urges had been temporarily sated. Now I could just enjoy Keira for the amazing person she was. I was finding that exposure to her wasn't reducing her appeal, it was having the opposite effect.

"Seb, is what we're doing bad?" Keira asked suddenly, her left foot raised to study the gold ankle chain.

I answered, "No. Illegal? Yes. But bad? If you're not being coerced, not being hurt, and I'm not being hurt, then I don't think it's bad."

"Then why does everybody behave like sex is wrong, or dirty, or something to be ashamed of?"

"Those are old attitudes, some just left over from decades ago, others from narrow religious beliefs."

"So you like what we're doing?"

I smiled. "Not really. But for you I'll do anything."

Keira's fist thumped me. She turned her face up towards me, a sneaky smile emerging. "Anything? Wanna do some coercing?"

Laughter burst out. My smile hurt. What God did I please to deserve her? "You constantly surprise me, Keira."

"How?" she asked, her hand falling to my thigh in an easy possessive way.

"You seem so relaxed and responsive with sex," I explained.

A short silence followed. "I've discovered I really like sex." She paused before clarifying, "With you, anyway. It still embarrasses me to think about other people even seeing me in my underwear. Is that weird?"

"It suites me just fine," I responded, my hand covering hers.

Chapter Thirteen

My life became settled very quickly. Aside from the occasional lunch, Keira and I saw each other on the weekends. She charmed me in every way. I thought things would never change, but they did, and not for the better.

We rolled through August and into September. School started. Our weekends became intermittent as my work intensified preparing ad campaigns for the Christmas season. Through it all Keira kept me amused with funny text messages and calls every night, some lasting a long time.

It was a mid-October phone call from Claire that changed things. It came on a Tuesday morning.

"Sebastian, it's Claire, Keira's mom."

"Hi. What's up?"

"I'd like to meet. Can we have lunch? Today?"

Glancing at my schedule I made some quick calculations. If I rescheduled a couple of creative meetings . . . "Sure. Absolutely. Where? When?"

We met at Richard's, a small French bistro. Claire was waiting for me when I arrived. Seeing her reminded me of Keira, of what Keira was going to become when she fully matured and it was a very pleasant sight indeed.

"Hi. Been waiting long?" I asked, noticing a glass of half consumed white wine in front of her.

Claire smiled. "The traffic was not as bad as I remembered. It's been a while since I've been downtown."

I ordered a Perrier. I was still off booze. We ordered lunch and, before it arrived, Claire calmly informed me that Keira's grades had plummeted.

"She's never been a straight A student, more because she's lazy. She could easily get A's if she wanted to. But this term her school has noticed a precipitous decline in her work. If it continues the way she's going she'll fail most of her classes."

I said nothing, shocked that Keira, of all people, might fail a class. She was so bright, so acutely smart.

"I think it's because of you," Claire said, adding quickly when she saw my shocked expression, "Not your fault, Sebastian. I think she's too infatuated with you and has no room left for school work."

Lunch arrived. It was eaten mindlessly as we discussed Keira. Claire was very concerned. She'd tried talking to Keira just to be brushed off.

"You need to talk to her, Sebastian," Claire said. "Please?"

"Absolutely," I agreed. "But how?"

A long discussion ensued. Claire was adamant that Keira would not respond to threats. She was too smart for that. We finally settled on a carrot. It was Claire's surprising suggestion. If Keira improved her grades, she'd be allowed to sleep over at my place once a week. But if they slipped, that privilege would be withdrawn.

I knew Keira, though. She'd be quite happy letting things go on the way they were if she could see me. That wasn't acceptable. I'd need threats, too.

Lunch ended with smiles of relief. Claire was a mature Keira, interesting and witty, very good company.

As Saturday approached I began to feel nervous. I was right to be. When I finally had her home, sitting on the sofa, I told her we'd no longer be seeing each other if her grades didn't improve.

Keira's reaction was immediate and physical. She jumped up from the sofa and yelled at me, telling me to stay out of her business. And in anger, her eyes suddenly glittered with unshed tears and she accused, "You promised not to hurt me! You promised, Seb!"

She backed away when I stood and reached for her. She tried to break away when I grabbed her and hugged her firmly. I told her about the carrot, staying overnight with me if her grades improved. It didn't sink in, Keira trying to escape my hug, her eyes accusing. Tightening my hold, I told her again, louder, ordering her to listen, staring into her hurt eyes. Her struggles faded slowly. She calmed.

It was the first Saturday we'd spent together where we hadn't ended up in bed. The day was spent cuddling on the sofa, Keira only slightly mollified. She'd been deeply hurt by my threat to stop seeing her, not because of my threat, but the fact that I hurt her. She saw it as breaking the promise I'd made and it took a full day of apologies and kisses and hugs and loving touches to bring back a weak smile and a soft laugh.

I hated that Saturday.

For the next four weeks Keira's text messages were just as frequent, just as witty, and just as funny. She'd taken to ending each message with, 'Its all UR fault. I hate work'. But, the final line was always, 'Still luv ya'. Phone calls still happened every night but no longer lasted an hour, just short calls.

And, the third week in November, on a rare drizzly, blustery day with grey clouds hanging low in the sky, on a Wednesday, at just after five in the afternoon, I received a text that made me smile stupidly.

'Yay! Sleepover this weekend! Luv ya :)'

While not a straight A student, Keira had boosted her grades dramatically.

Saturday morning arrived with sunny skies and blood racing, excitement and an erection. The wind was warm as I rode over to pick Keira up, traffic almost non-existent at eight fifteen in the morning.

I'd only managed to turn the Norton off when Keira appeared. She flounced out of the front door in a short pleated tartan skirt; a white, brown and red pattern. She wore knee-high socks, ankle boots, and a white blouse under a short brown leather jacket. Her high watt smile almost blinded me. Over one shoulder she had a small leather bag.

"Seb!" she exclaimed, throwing herself at me, arms wrapping around my neck. A quick smooch and she grabbed her helmet, putting it on as she swung her leg over the bike to settle behind me.

The Norton Commando let out a throaty roar and we were off, my mind preoccupied with a short skirt. It was the first skirt I'd ever seen her wear and damn if it wasn't sexy, in a schoolgirl kind of way. While she held me around the waist, I dreamed of peeking under that skirt and discovering what panties she was wearing. My mind drifted into the erotic; the sofa, Keira bent over . . .

"Watch out!" Keira yelled.

Braking hard, rear tire squealing, I brought the bike to a halt at the red light, my heart thumping. Fuck that had been close!

"What happened?" Keira asked, her voice a bit shaky.

"That damned skirt," I informed her.

She laughed nervously. "Pay attention to driving," she admonished before hugging me tightly.

We were back in familiar territory as soon as the front door closed, Keira turning and pressing herself into me. Her smile was big and broad and bright. "Sleepover! Yay!"

When our lips brushed, Keira still smiling, I reached down and groped her butt, edged the back of her skirt up and discovered soft cotton panties, firm sexy buttocks, a valley between. Keira's smile held, her eyes twinkling at me, our lips pressed together. She pressed her crotch against the bulge of my erection and rubbed. Her lips parted, head tilted, eyes closed, her hand reaching up to hold my neck. A soft murmur and her tongue teased my lips.

I drowned, again. I'd never get used to kissing Keira. She was too good at it. I caressed her panty-covered buttocks. Keira murmured, sucked my lip, emitted an, "Mmmm," and left me breathless and horny. "You're delicious, Seb," she announced, pulling away.

My empty hands still felt the shape of her young glutes, firm and compact. My eyes watched that short tartan skirt bounce as she went to the kitchen, those long bare legs, knee-high socks. My erection strained. Damn I was so horny!

Just as she shucked her jacket and leather shoulder bag, I reached her, wrapping her up in my arms from behind. She laughed brightly.

"What are you doing?"

Lifting her, I carried her over to the sofa, putting her down and bending face first over the arm. Her sexy butt gained wondrous shape. Lovely. "I'm doing what I was dreaming about when we almost had an accident," I informed her.

Keira's face turned to look over her shoulder at me, her soft brown eyes twinkling with amusement, a dimpled grin on her face. She laughed when I carefully raised the hem of her skirt to expose plain white cotton panties, sexy panties, arousing panties.

She tried to move and couldn't. My hand on the middle of her back prevented her. I didn't look at her. My gaze was taken up by her sexy butt, the slight outline of her bum crack, and the breathtaking sight of her plump little pussy squeezed between slender thighs. It looked lush and ripe and mouthwatering.

"Let me go, Seb," Keira laughed.

"No! I want you like this. I need you like this. I have to have you like this. I'll die if I don't take you like this."

She burst into giggles. "You're just weird, Seb." But she didn't try to escape. Instead she relaxed and rested her head on crossed arms.

Peeling those sexy plain white cotton panties off her butt was pure eroticism. The panties were small and soft and thin, very sexy. The valley between her buttocks emerged. With some tugging, Keira not helping at all, I pulled her panties down to collect mid thigh, my attention distracted by the sight of pale red pubes dusting a tightly closed cleft, her labia plump and lush. The tip of her clit peeked out, coddled by her lips.

With a moan, Keira laughing at me, I knelt and kissed each cool buttock. Her scent was strong, her arousal evident. Prying her buttocks apart I kissed her anus before moving down. Thumbs pulled her labia apart to reveal the glistening pink interior. I kissed her moistness, sucked her clit, tongued the small entrance to her vagina.

Keira was silent when I stood and unbuttoned my jeans, they fell and gathered at my feet. My erection jutted out, the tip glistening with precum. Keira's pussy and pubes looked damp from my saliva. She was at the perfect height. Shuffling closer, I guided the tip to kiss her pussy. A wave of desire hit me hard, a primal urge to take her.

Keira glanced over her shoulder at me and smiled. Damn she was cute.

When I pried her labia apart again and nestled my crown into her cleft, it hit me. The size difference was huge. Keira's slit was small, her vaginal opening even smaller. My crown almost filled her cleft. How could she take me without discomfort?

Then, pressing into her, I was treated to the incredible sight of plump labia oozing apart, stretching, thinning. My crown partially disappeared into her entrance. She dilated, her opening tight. One more gentle thrust and my crown disappeared, Keira's pussy tight around my shaft, moist heat gripping me. Jesus she felt incredible.

Her sigh was loud. Finally looking away from the arousing sight of my adult erection penetrating her, I saw her eyes were closed, face turned. Holding narrow hips, I started, pressing in, pulling back, each arousing thrust penetrating her little pussy deeper. I loved the sight of plain cotton panties gathered at her thighs. I loved her short skirt flipped up over her back, her rounded bum so sexy. And I adored the sight of my shaft penetrating her.

I wish I had lasted longer. It was Keira's fault I didn't. With careful strokes I penetrated her deeper and deeper until, finally, I was buried in her, held by her tightness, so utterly beautiful. With long withdrawals, my crown almost emerging, long thrusts, her labia gripping my thick shaft, I fucked Keira slowly. It was incredible, amazing, so sexy. My balls slapped against her clit gently, my entire rigid erection buried, withdrawn, buried, waves of pleasure intensifying as I strived towards an orgasm.

With Keira's rosebud showing between spread buttocks, I caressed it with my finger. She clenched her buttocks in response, her pussy squeezing my cock. Liking her reaction, I licked my finger and pressed the tip against her, fucking her slowly but completely, deeply. Keira's butt relaxed. My finger penetrated her to the first knuckle and Keira reacted as if hit by lightning.

Her butt clenched. Her body tensed. "Oh Gaaaawd," she exclaimed, trying to press back at me. My finger penetrated her to the second knuckle and she fell of the cliff, her body jerking as she climaxed. Her pussy clamped my erection so tight I almost couldn't withdraw. When she gasped again, her rosebud gripping my finger, her body shaking, my orgasm arrived like a freight train.

Removing my finger, I gripped her hips, shoved myself into her hard, hard, and exploded, semen erupting in a long agonizing pulse. The rage of my orgasm took over. Gripping narrow hips I fucked Keira hard, thrusting and exploding in an intense storm of ecstasy, cumming hard, filling her. My cock ached and strained, spurting deep inside her as I emptied myself into her, fucking her, fucking her until nothing but painful, straining pulses were left.

With one final deep, deep thrust my orgasm passed, releasing me from an almost painful body cramp. My knees went weak.

Keira was quiet. I caressed her sexy ass, my erection fading. Withdrawing from her I saw cum dripping out. Grabbing some Kleenex from the side table I held it against her pussy. She didn't stir. Wadding the tissues, I tugged her panties up to hold them in place. Keira hadn't moved. Bending, I kissed each succulent buttock before pulling her cotton panties up all the way.

With jeans kicked off but boxers on, I moved to her side. Her soft brown eyes greeted me. She was flushed and smiling, her pale red hair mussed. Her butt was still bent over the arm of the sofa, her skirt rucked up.

"You okay?" I asked, caressing the freckles of one cheek.

Her smile broadened. "That was amazing," she claimed. "You stuck your finger in my butt."

"I did," I admitted with a smile.

"I thought anal sex would hurt."

"That wasn't anal sex," I pointed out with a smile.

"Maybe not, but now I want to try. I really liked your finger in me. Has anyone put a finger in your butt when having sex?" she asked. "Is that naughty? Want to try? Coerce me, Seb," she ended, letting out a sparkling laugh.

I helped her up. Nine twenty in the morning, early. Plenty of time to recover. "Let's go shower," I said, offering her my hand.

I was surprised we didn't spend the day in bed. It might have had something to do with her sleeping over. We weren't in any rush. We enjoyed shopping for lunch and dinner. We enjoyed sitting outdoors at a local coffee shop and drinking iced cappuccinos. Keira was bright and funny and an overwhelming presence. I adored being with her. But her naughty side emerged just after lunch, just when we were about to settle onto the sofa and watch a movie, and cuddle and kiss and grope lovingly.

One too many Diet Pepsis called.

"Excuse me," I said, standing. "I'll be right back. Don't start the movie until I'm back."

"Where are you going?" Keira asked, fiddling with the remote control.


Keira tossed the remote down and jumped up. "To pee? Can I come?"

"No," I said very firmly.

She was giggling by the time we were in the bathroom standing at the toilet, her hand fishing down into my sweat pants. She grabbed my semi-flaccid penis and announced, "It's so soft!" A few gropes and she added, "Not any more. That grew really fast, Seb."

I was rigid by the time she fished it out of the sweats, despite not feeling exceptionally horny. "Now you've done it," I complained.

She glanced up at me from my side. "You can't go when it's like this?"

"No, dammit!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Keira started stroking me. "I'll help. Is this how you masturbate?" she asked, adding a gentle squeeze. Then she shocked me by bending in and kissing the tip. Warmth enveloped my crown briefly. My heart skipped. Keira had just taken me into her mouth!

"I thought it would taste weird. I didn't taste anything," she announced, stroking my now harder erection.

"That wasn't semen. That was precum."

"Oh." Bending, she sucked me again, a sensual moist mouth surrounding my crown. Her mouth popped off and she resumed stroking, her expression serious. Too damned cute. Man I was getting horny.

"Undress," I told her, pulling my erection from her grasp. As much as I liked being stroked, her dry hand was a bit chafing.

Keira didn't move until I turned the shower on. When she understood, she was buck naked in a flash. We hit the shower, all naked skin rubbing against each other, soft stomach pressing to my erection, perky boobs, succulent butt. Soap added some rather exciting sensations, my fingers washing every nook and cranny of her body, Keira reciprocating. Giggles and laughs evolved into purring when erotic places were caressed. Movement slowed when lips met. Keira became all slinky and sexy, her kiss distracting me.

Somehow my hands landed on two sweet buttocks. She was too easy to lift, so slender, so young. Her legs wrapped around my waist, her hand reaching down between us. I backed her up against the tiled wall. She shuddered, her kiss growing harder. It ended with a gasp as I thrust up into her, no preliminaries, no gentleness, just raw desire. She grunted when I buried myself in her, her arms rising to hang onto my neck.

We looked at each other in the eyes as I fucked her. She couldn't move, pressed against the wall. I fucked her with long firm strokes, pure lust, her pussy so tight, so amazing. Gripping her sexy buttocks I thrust into her, withdrew and thrust, again and again, my cock growing heavy, heart racing. Keira's hair fell in a wet, dark mess, her eyes intense. Her perky little breasts jiggled seductively with each hard thrust. Her eyes stared at me, no expression, observing. This was raw sex.

My fingertip found her rosebud and eased in. Keira's eyes narrowed, softened and lost focus. Her face fell to my shoulder. "Oh Gaaaawd," she whispered just before she climaxed, tremors shaking her body. She hugged me tight as I fucked her, deep, firm, in, out, in, and, holding her, thrusting hard, I came.

"Keira," I gasped as my erection swelled. Thrusting deep I lodged the tip at the entrance to her womb. A powerful wave hit, semen erupted, pleasure crashed. Withdrawing and thrusting, I exploded into her trembling body again, again, again, emptying myself into her, bliss coursing through me.

Sound returned slowly, the hissing fall of water. Keira was limp and clinging to me. She kissed my neck. "So can you pee now?" she asked, her body shaking with silent laughter.

I was quite sure I was sexually done for the day. I didn't have the stamina to keep up with Keira, but God I loved trying.

Eventually we watched a movie and ate dinner, Keira back in one of my dress shirts, naked and glorious underneath, me in soft, loose sweat shorts.

Something woke me up in the pitch black of night. Keira's aroma, cucumber and lilac, filled my nose, her hair tickling my face. I was hugging her gently, spooning her, her bare bum pressed to my groin, one of my hands cupping a petite breast, her slender body pressed to mine.

What woke me?

Keira moaned quietly. Was she dreaming?

In my palm I actually felt her nipple stiffen. It was a new experience. She moaned again and moved, pressing her butt back at me, buttocks squeezing. Unable to resist, I gently tweaked her nipple. She moaned again and flexed her buttocks against me. Was she awake?

"Keira?" I whispered. No response.

This was fascinating and arousing. Caressing her nipple gently, an erection formed, my cock thickening and pressing against the back of her thighs.

When she moved again, it felt like she was humping slightly, undulating in my arms. My erection strengthened. This was just so sweet and sexy. With a slight tilt of my hips, my erection popped up and pressed to the bottom of her bum crack, right where buttocks meet thighs. Keira moved her ass, the tip of my erection finding the natural gap.

"Keira?" I whispered again. Nothing.

For a minute or two she settled down. It was exquisite teasing to me, the tip of my erection pressed into her, pulsing, precum emerging, her warm bum pressed back into me.

Keira moved. Her hands rising to hold my forearms. She murmured quietly, mumbled something unintelligible. Was she really dreaming? How interesting. Then, in a slow, exquisite move, Keira pressed herself back against the tip of my cock and squeezed her buttocks, curling her hips. The effect was astonishing. The tip hung up briefly before suddenly sliding along her pussy and between her thighs. Keira moaned, a bit louder but still soft.

Her thighs squeezed my erection. I throbbed and swelled, hugging her slender body a bit tighter.

"Keira?" I whispered, hoping she wasn't awake. This was just so erotic, so new, an experience I'd never had. She didn't respond.

For several moments nothing happened. My erection was firmly sandwiched between her legs, pressed to her pussy. I hugged her gently, my fingers softly caressing the stiff nipple on one perky breast, her sexy aroma filling my lungs.

Keira muttered something. She gripped my erection with her thighs and moved, humping slightly. Precum and her arousal spread and we were slippery, my erection sliding smoothly, helped by me, a slow pull back, a slow thrust, her soft buttocks pressing firmly into my groin. A pulse of horniness washed over me. This was so sexy, so arousing!

A few short moments passed and Keira repeated her humping motion, drawing her pussy along my shaft, reversing to press her bottom back at me. We were very, very slippery. With a thrill I realized Keira was wet with my semen from the shower earlier. Could I actually penetrate her while she slept? The thought had my erection aching. When she moved again, I eased my erection back further, tilting my hips, the tip pressing into to her slippery cleft when she reversed, labia parting. It caught up at her entrance and slid past, sliding along her pussy and across her clit, her legs squeezing my shaft.

I waited.

Keira murmured something again. I squeezed her petite breast, almost milking her, ending with a gentle pinch of her stiff nipple. She responded, her crotch moving. Once again my erection slipped out from her legs. When she reversed to press her bottom back at me, the tip caught at her opening again. She paused. Her movement changed into a slow, gentle wiggle. Surely she was awake!

"Keira?" I whispered. Nothing.

The feeling was like nothing else. Her gentle wiggle pressed the crown of my cock between slippery labia, a warm hug welcoming me. Her vaginal opening resisted me at first, but she was too wet. In a slow, intensely erotic move Keira's entrance oozed over my wide crown. With a soft popping sensation her velvet warmth hugged my helmet. Motion stopped.

My heart pounded. My cock swelled and leaked, the tip grasped tightly inside her. I held myself still waiting to see what she'd do. Somehow penetrating her while she was asleep, perhaps dreaming, too, was astoundingly arousing.

She started with a clench, her tight pussy gripping me experimentally, her buttocks flexing. An almost unheard moan was followed by her pressing back towards me and I experienced Keira impaling herself on my erection, her hot, moist pussy slowly taking me deep, my shaft gradually being surrounded by her silken vagina. A slight tremor passed through her body. Reversing, she eased herself partially off me, reversing and, with my help, took me completely, entirely, fully, my tip nestled to her deepest part.

Keira trembled in my arms. She muttered something again, her hands gripping my forearms.

"Keira?" I whispered again, my erection aching, swelling. God it felt wonderful being buried in her. No response.

I waited, aching, and horny as hell. I waited for Keira to move. She didn't. I waited a bit longer and, unable to stop myself, the sensations just too good, I eased my erection out slightly, perhaps an inch, no more. Reversing, I pressed into her, penetrating her completely again, the tip nudging against her end. My cock swelled. Damn but this was so erotic.

I wanted to wake her up yet I wanted her to sleep. I'd never had sex with a sleeping girl and man it was arousing! What I did was close my eyes, hug Keira's slender body gently, inhale the scent of cucumber and lilacs, and fuck her with slow, slight strokes, moving just enough to tickle my crown deep inside her. Her tight pussy caressed me, hugged me. I moved gently, fucking her gently, excitement building. The sensation on my crown was amazing, a gentle nudge against her cervix, ease off, another nudge, my shaft wrapped in moist silken warmth. Her buttocks rocked on my groin as I pressed tightly against her. I fucked her softly, a sensual inner massage, slow movements, no rush, no desperation, enjoying every single sensation. Keira murmured something quietly. My crown moved, back and forth slightly, deep inside her. My erection swelled, balls growing heavy, pressure building, building.

In the most exquisitely intense orgasm I'd ever experienced, I came. Utter bliss washed over me in a wave as I strained, strained, and suddenly released, my erection pulsing, semen spurting hot and wet against my tip. Inhaling deeply, hugging my sexy lover gently, another wave of ecstasy hit, cock swelling, semen spurting. Moving my erection less than an inch, fucking Keira softly, I came beautifully, swelling spurting, filling her. Waves of intense pleasure washed though me as I emptied myself in her, cum flooding her in gentle, exquisite pulses. My orgasm peaked, pulses weakening, the waves of bliss passing. With final weak spurts it passed. I stilled, peace and utter contentment arriving, my cock still thick, still held snugly by Keira's amazing pussy.

My heart slowed. Weariness arrived. God it had been fantastic. In my drowsy, satiated, post-orgasmic state I almost missed her whisper.

"I love you, Sebastian."

Kissing her hair, still hugging her, I smiled; she'd been awake. "I love you more, Keira," I whispered in response.

"Not possible," she murmured.



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This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under the legal age of consent. This story is copyright protected.
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