
Copyright © 2019-2020 by VeryWellAged

Back to Another lesson in economics...3

Author's note: These chapters are NOT stand-alones...The story starts here.

Another lesson in economics...4

Lexi and Mel are having what charitably can be called a discussion but is more like a donnybrook. Mel is crying and Lexi is yelling. As the yelling is not in English, I have no clue until Jana and Lyn explain that Lexi is telling her older sister to grow a set of balls and grow the hell up.

The three young kids are a little freaked out and Lyn decides she needs to talk to them. I suspect that she does. This place all of a sudden doesn’t seem as stable as they possibly had thought it was.

As to the fight, I decide that this probably needs my intercession. Lexi may be right, but she is not going to resolve anything with her manner of arguing with her sister.

Mel! Lexi! Stop! And listen to me. Lexi, don’t say anything. Allow me to talk. — Mel, I want you here. I want you to stay. Are you clear on that?

She just continues to cry.

Damn it, Mel, answer me. Do you understand that I want you to stay?

She seems to indicate nonverbally that she understands.

OK, now, do you want to stay?

Once again she seems to indicate that she does.

OK, then why the fuck are you crying? What is the problem?

You say I can’t see my mama.

I did no such thing. I said she can’t come here. You can see her whenever you like. Just make sure you come back. Is that clear?

What if she tell me, I not to return?

If you do not return I will be angry with you. Clear?

OK. Yes. … Sorry I make a mess. Go to the mall. They are waiting.

I am walking out to the motorcycle with both Lexi and Jana right behind me and asking me what just happened. I stop.

What’s the problem?

It is Jana who speaks, You tell me, you OK if she leaves, I explain to her this morning that you want her to stay, but she should go if she must. Now you change it. Why?

Look, she may still just go and not come back. If she does, I will not do a thing about it. But she needed to hear me say I wanted her. That is what I did. Lexi, I know if she goes to your mother, that she might not come back. All I said was that I would be angry with her if she did that. Just like her mother will be angry if she does come back. … Now either way, someone will be angry with her. Before, the way she saw it, her mother was the only one who would be angry if Mel didn’t do as told. All I did was even the matter.

Jana seems confused but Lexi isn’t. She is smiling. I look at her and ask, OK?

Yes, OK. It is good what you do. I not see what you see. Yes, she will visit mama sometimes but will always come back now.

Jana is still confused, but as Lexi is OK with it, Jana decides she is too.

The girls all go to a see a Disney movie, 101 Dalmations II, which has just come to the theater here today. I venture into the National Bookstore in search of some light reading. I am hoping for a good detective novel. Something that allows complete escape without reference to my life in any way. I want a non-jarring and pleasant escape from reality.

I am not sure how well I have done as I pick up Michael Connelly’s City of Bones, Constable’s Run by Laurie Moore, and A Knife in the Back by Bill Crider. I hope at least one of these will be a good read.

There is a little kiosk in the mall selling coffee drinks. I purchase a flavored silly coffee type thing that is some takeoff of a Starbucks drink and settle down on a chair to wait out the movie. Settling into a too small, and not too damn comfortable, chair, I open one of the books for a first read of a few pages.

Anyway, that is the plan, but I no sooner sit down and get one page read when a woman, maybe in her thirties, comes up to me and asks if I am alone. Not thinking much about it, and thinking that I am alone until the movie gets out, I foolishly say, Yes.

There are unoccupied chairs at the little table I have just placed my drink upon, but there are other tables, as of yet unoccupied, with their own complement of chairs. She sits down at my table.

I could have said something then. I didn’t. Why should I? I haven’t done anything wrong.

You like the Philippines, Sir?

Yes, I like what I have seen here.

Where you from?

The USA.

Ah, nice. California?

No, Boston.

Where that?

The other side of the country.

She looks confused but that is not enough to push her off course.

It nice there?

Yes, it is nice there.

We appear to be playing 20 questions and all I want to do is drink my coffee concoction and read a book. She, however, is leaning in and getting into my ‘space’.

Maybe you are looking for a girlfriend?

I already have seven girlfriends.

In the USA?

No, here.

Oh! You are teasing? Yes?

No. I am not teasing. Five are here, now, at the movie theater. Two are back at my house.

So, friends, not real girlfriends? Correct?

Are you asking if I make love to each of them?

No need to be rude!

But that is what you are asking, correct?

Yes, OK. You are correct.

I make love to four of them. Three are too young and I have not touched them. I just take care of them.

I am not sure how to explain it. It is not that she is going to call the cops, but she is offended and angry. Exactly why cannot be determined. But then I think I do know, as she says, I think this is not true. You say you are alone! Why you just say you not want me!?

Miss, you are good looking and I did not lie. I am alone now because they are watching the movie. Later I will not be alone. If you misunderstood my answer, I am truly sorry.

So it true, you have four girlfriends?


You married?


So these not mistresses, correct?

I am not sure about this. Please explain… I know of two definitions for Mistress. The first is a lover when already married. The second is a lover you live with even though you are not married. Which do you mean?

The first… married and another.

OK. I have no mistresses. I have girlfriends.

And they know about each other?

I already told you, five are together at the movies and two are at home. Yes, they know about each other.

How that? They will fight to make you their own, I think.

It is a reasonable assumption, but all know, if they fight, they have to leave. So there are no fights.

I think that not right. If I am there, I tell them to leave.

And as soon as you did, I would tell you to leave.

Why, I will be the best to take care of you!

First, you can’t know that. Second, you don’t know if you will like me. Third, I refuse to have anyone control how I live and with whom I make love. So, fourth, it will never happen.

You say there are three you not love?

I said there are three with whom I do not have sexual relations. I never said I did or did not love them.

Don’t be difficult.

Sorry if you think I am. That is not my desire.

OK, so why are the three with you?

I am not sure I can explain it. But if you are here when the movie is over, you can ask them.

I do not think they will admit they are your girlfriends.

You can ask them. Maybe you are right.

Yes, I am sure of it!

You say two more are your lovers?

Yes, the two older ones are lovers. But they are not old. They are older than the three. The two oldest are at the house.

How old the two here?

Seventeen and fifteen.

Oh my G! Truly?


This is wrong!

Maybe, but not illegal.

Maybe you are right, but they are too young for you! Ha, they not know how to take care of you! They cannot take care of a house. You need a woman for this! You make a big mistake!

Tell that to them… really, please try. I want to see what happens.

You must tell them to leave!

Is that an order? Really? Do you think you can order me?

This not your country!

You are right, this is not my country. It is their country. They chose this. Tell them. Argue Filipina to Filipina. I really want to see what happens.

You say, you have a house. How that? Foreigners not allowed.

Huh? What do you mean, not allowed?

You not allowed to own land here.

I never said I owned the house. I have leased it.

Oh. I see. Where this house?

I am told it is in City Heights. It is near Lagao National High School.

I really don’t want to know shit about this woman, but I have to turn off the question machine.

Are you single?

Yes, of course.

Truly single or, maybe, separated?

OK, yes, separated.

How long have you been separated?

Eight years.

Do you have children?


How many?


I feel like I am pulling teeth here. Forthcoming with answers, she sure isn’t.

How old are they?

Ten and eight.

Now the picture is coming into focus.

Do you work?

Yes, I am the bookkeeper at my cousin’s store.

My questioning continues as I kill time until my girls arrive. It is painfully clear that this gal isn’t leaving and that I am not going to get any reading done. Better my asking the questions than having her do so.

The gal, I never got her name and she does not have mine, has a high school diploma and finished two years of college before, at 18, she got pregnant and married the guy. College was not completed and two years later her second kid comes along, and the husband takes a powder at about the same time. She hasn’t seen him since before the birth of the second kid.

She is twenty-eight, and looks just fine, but I am not looking to add anyone and, if I was, it would not be her. Just like Mel’s mom, this one would create a real mess.

I understand her need. It just so happens that it doesn’t fit with mine. I am not saying that she’s a bad person, or that she might not make a guy a great partner, but it just won’t be me.

I have always been able to say that… that some gal just wasn’t going to be OK for me …  even when there was no girl I was seeing. I might be lonely at times, but I know not to do something stupid just because I am lonely.  Of course, now it is an embarrassment of riches that I am dealing with at home.

I am running out of questions and have long ago finished my drink. At the moment I am asking her about how she celebrated Christmas. I don’t really care, but I just need to keep her talking and not asking questions herself when Jana texts me.

Where U?

At the coffee kiosk on the same floor as you near the cellphone vendors.

OK, we coming.

I have company but I did not invite.

You OK?


That them?

Yes, they are coming.

We are sitting maybe thirty paces from the entrance to the theater and so it doesn’t take long for the girls to appear. If I wasn’t reasonably sure I was safe legally, I might have been more than a little concerned when the three thirteen-year-olds come into view with smiles as they trot towards me, Jana and Lexi following at a more restrained pace.

My new acquaintance patiently waits as all assemble and then waits some more for me to introduce her, which is awkward as I don’t have her name.

Lexi proves to be a unique girl, sensing something is up, (she has a nose for this somehow) introduces herself and asks, evidently, for a name, as I hear Janeth. The rest I am not catching at all as it is in their language.

I can see Jana being introduced and the three young ones.

Janeth is seemingly being cautious as she starts to query the girls. Jana is answering now as Lexi, though right next to me, texts me…

Do we tell the truth?


OK. She is like Mama I think. Correct?


The conversation continues on with Janeth asking Katrina a question. I see my young one asking Lexi and Jana a question and Lexi answer in a clear voice. My best guess is that the word was given to just be honest, because there was a flood of words from Jocelyn, and Katrina following that, and then more questions from Janeth.

Janeth gives me a weird, questioning look but then turns her head and asks Jana a question. Jana seems to give a forthright answer but maybe Janeth is not convinced because she asks Lexi a question.

I can tell by Lexi’s face that she thinks the question has already been asked and answered.

OK, so Janeth returns to ask May a question. Well now, May seems to be a bit pissed off and rude in her tone of voice. Lexi snaps at her. Katrina addresses Janeth in a more conciliatory manner.

I have no idea what is being said. Does it show on my face? Maybe it does because Lexi texts,

I will tell you later.


Janeth seems to give up talking to the young ones, or maybe she has gotten all she needs from them. She now turns back to Lexi who seems to unload on the gal.

I do hear National High School from Lexi followed by Jana saying something about a college. Once again I get a look from Janeth.

There is more conversation but it seems to be desultory rather than challenging. At one point, Jana is shrugging her shoulders, but Lexi gives a clear, No.  And then in English, I guess so I can hear it, she says, Craig say no more. No one else at least for the next few months. Maybe he will change his mind in June. That right?

She has turned to me and so I guess it is my turn.

Yes, that is right. Absolutely no one else for now.

Does she want to be added? This one, who told me she would kick the others out if she got in? She has to be kidding herself thinking that I would even entertain her desires now. And now for the benefit of my girls, because there is really no other reason to say another word…

Janeth, correct? … OK, Janeth. Do I understand you are asking to join my girls?

She isn’t saying a damned thing.

Jana, did she ask?

Yes, she say you pay for school for all. You take care of the young ones, make sure they go to school and not take them to bed. You must be someone very special. Maybe she should join us.

Jana, before you got here, she told me that if she was mine, she would kick the rest of you out. And now I turn to Janeth. You said it. Did you tell them that?

Janeth is crying. How I know it be good for me and my children if I join? I never hear of this type of thing before. Maybe it wrong, but maybe it be good for me. These girls, they very lucky.

Yes, they are lucky and I am done now. No more additions.

Maybe later? Maybe in June?

Janeth, your ten-year-old… boy or girl?


So, consider that, if you were with me, your daughter would be Lexi’s age in five years.

I think Janeth is about to answer, but Lexi beats her response by adding, May and the others want in Craig’s bed now. He says ‘no’ now but we not know when he will say ‘yes.’ Maybe long before they are fifteen.

Janeth’s head snaps back to me. All I know is that my young ones are way too young. I suspect fifteen is the very bottom, but I never said anything about that to anyone. Lexi had every right to say what she did. I just smile at Janeth and say what I have been saying all along… All I know is that they are too young now. I have not said anything else in this matter. … But there is no sense trying to scare you away, because I am just not going to add anyone else at this point.

But you might in June?

I told Lexi, I would consider it based on someone or ones she might ask me about, but as a general rule, other than that, no one else is going to be added. Maybe you would be a danger to my girls, maybe not. But it doesn’t matter because I am not going to change my mind. … Well, it is time for us to go. Nice meeting you.

And I get up as some words are passed between Jana and Janeth. Ah, they are trading cellphone numbers. I don’t see the merit in this, but what the hell, I am not going to micromanage.

The ride back is quiet, as I only have one passenger with me and Lexi is not feeling chatty.

You know, everyone here, it seems to me, is fighting a steep uphill battle to survive. Each is looking for a firm foothold. I might not be a traditional or standard foothold, but I do represent a real one. That seems to be enough. Morals, right and wrong, prior assumptions and prejudices get thrown over as soon as that reality takes hold.

But, as I said, it is pretty much everyone here and I sure as hell can’t be the answer for many at all. I already have three I ought not to have.

I think all who are here have figured that out… with the possible exception of Lexi’s need, and even that is unclear.

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Another lesson in economics...5