Jake's Journal: The Philippines - Joyfully

Copyright © 2010-2016 by VeryWellAged

Back to Chapter 10

Author's note: This chapter is NOT a stand-alone...The story starts here.


Allow me to backtrack a bit to cover something that needs a separate section.

The first year of operation 'get them married' got sixteen marriages placed in the US. The second year we are shooting for twenty.

But we have two mothers who balk at the concept that they need to have their daughters in the mix of the marital bed to seal the deal. They are honest in their feelings and think that we are over reaching. I fundamentally disagree. But we decide, in spite of the no arguing policy Jun has, to acknowledge that they may be right and, if not, we will have a valuable teaching tool for others as the matter will certainly come up again.

We set up to produce a video of all twenty, as they go through the process this year, including the two who are insisting that the daughters are not to be included. (It is interesting to me that they told both Jun and me that I am welcome to have sex with their daughters, just not the future husband. I don't have sex with them during the experiment.)

For these two mothers, photos of the daughters are not included on the website. No mention of the sex of the child is mentioned on their pages. There were no other changes.

These two are in the middle of the pack in the time it takes to find a serious guy who is really interested. Our two mothers are excited for two weeks that they have been right ... but ... over the next two months, reality sets in.

All our twenty have boyfriends. Five have already met with their fiancées and have sealed the deal. Ten more have boyfriends who have purchased their airline tickets and are coming. The last five includes the two mothers and the last three to find guys.

In the following month, those three have their guys buy plane tickets and the guys are headed here. Eighteen who are doing it my way, against the two who have refused.

Those last two still have their serious boyfriends. The two mothers' guys have reason, upon excuse, for why they cannot come. Four months into it, I call the two mothers into my office. They know why they are there. I also guess that they will ask for more time. After playing hardball for about an hour, I give them two weeks. They should tell the guys to shit or get off the pot. They should either get their asses to the Philippines or the mothers will look elsewhere, which also means adding the daughters in to the mix.

On video, the two mothers agree that I am being fair; that, if after this much time the guys wouldn't even purchase tickets to come they are not serious after all. It reinforces the point to all, that without the daughters such things are crap shoots. Some girls will just get lucky, but many never will. We need to make sure that all get married every year.

The ultimatum doesn't take two weeks. As soon as the ultimatum comes down on them, both guys quit their contacts with the mothers. Twenty-four hours later, we post the new profiles on a different website with the photos and full description of the daughters. A week later, there is a good and serious guy in play for each of them. In a matter of another six weeks, each has their guy in a Gensan hotel begging the mother (and daughter) to marry him.

These two mothers are, arguably, the two most beautiful mothers we have the second year and their daughters are exquisite. One of these two guys is in his 50's, worth in excess of twenty million dollars, and lives outside San Francisco. The guy who had been stringing this gal along before was, no offense intended, a carpenter in St. Paul, MN. Both seem like good men but, in other ways, there is no comparison.

There are two other things about the last two daughters. They were not opposed to being in bed with the guy; it was the mothers. As to how they are in bed, while one is just average, nothing to complain about but nothing out of the norm, one is something else again.

This twelve-year-old learns, in forty-eight hours, not only how to fuck and suck, but she is able to perform deep throat and take the semen, plus she loves ass play. On top of that she is having multiple orgasms and squirting. She loves fucking, the male body, and sex in general and asks for more time with me. If you think the millionaire got her, think again. Her mother marries a chemical engineer from Denver. He is in for the ride of his life, as the mother is a rocket as well. The daughter gets the squirting gene from the mother. She also gets the deep throat gene from her mother. I have the mother both alone and with Rose. I can see why she didn't think she needed her daughter. If it was a guy around the block, she might have been right but, given the circumstances, I am right. She is smart and decent about accepting that fact in the end. Her marriage is a good one, or so I think at the time.

At the end of the second year, we have a great video for the incoming mothers. It takes them through the whole experience and quashes any incipient arguments for not involving the daughters. When we show it the next year, no one even brings the matter up.

Every once in a while I have to leave the Philippines because of remaining business issues. I receive a request from the California contingent of Jake's Girls, to spend time with them and their families. Not all the families will participate, as some of the husbands will not be comfortable, but other husbands seem anxious to meet me. Two couples will fly in from Hawaii and another from Chicago. We will have a total of eight out of the original sixteen!

Under normal circumstances I would not have been able to get a visa for any of the girls in my family, but I have, over the years, transferred both land and income to Joy. She owns an apartment building. The rents go into an account in her name. She has what she needs to get a visa. So does Jun, who is paid a salary by the school (via me) for her teaching. I have put some property in her name as well. So, in the break between the second graduating class and the third, for 12 days in April, we fly to Santa Fe, NM by way of L.A. I am able to reserve all the cabins (there are twelve of them) at a ranch/resort out of town. The place normally does no business on the Easter weekend. That gives us three extra cabins, but bahala na!1

There is one totally humorous thing that happens in the booking process. I email the owner of the resort, the names of all the husbands, wives and daughters. We will assign a family to each a cabin and, if there are any dietary issues, the resort will know who is in which cabin when stocking the fridges. I also forward my name, along with Joy and Jun. Later I call the guy by phone. He wants to know which of the two is my daughter.

I wait a beat, to allow for any latency and to make sure he hears me right, and say, You should list both as my wives.

There is a beat on his side before he says, Shall I list halal as your dietary restriction?

I give him a beat and simply say, No.

It is his turn again and you have to give the guy credit, his mind is working as fast as it can.

Two beats later he asks, Have you restrictions as to coffee and alcohol?

I admit I am enjoying this. I wait before responding, Now that you mention it, I am a bit of a pain in the ass about coffee. If there is a local roaster in Santa Fe, you might pick up two pounds of Nicaraguan dark, but not French, roasted beans. If the roaster is doing this special, tell him I need the beans roasted to Full City. I will need a small grinder and a drip coffee maker with paper filters, not one of those metal strainers, in my room. You can certainly charge me for all that, plus maybe a selection of the local brews in a fridge? I love making beer and enjoy tasting the efforts of other microbrewers.

OK, now I had him, and any other man would have cried 'uncle' and just said 'Yes, sir.' This guy just doesn't know when to give up.

It has to be ten seconds before he asks, You know, many of our churches are not listed in the phone directory and are rather hard to locate. Is there a church to which you would like directions?

My next response was designed to put an end to it, No, while my wives are Catholic, they do not attend Mass. I am Jewish, but also do not participate in the observance. Sir, I said you should 'list them as wives.' I did not say they are legally wives. I am not legally married. I live with these woman and have happily done so for years in common-law cohabitation. For all the intents and purposes that you will have, they are my wives and not girlfriends. If they sign something, they are signing for me as well. If they obligate to do something, they obligate all three of us. Is that sufficiently clear?

I finally get my, Yes sir!

Jun, Joy and I arrive on Thursday morning, a day after the rest arrive. The resort is just what we have hoped for; it is in a beautiful spot, the rooms are comfortable, the staff happy to have the extra business. I have told the owner that I assume many of his staff will want to celebrate, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter. If we can be set up in a fridge with things we can just heat up, we are happy to be without any staff for much of the time. The owner has been so grateful at my offer that he and his entire staff make us feel pampered.

We three go to our room, shower and sleep for five hours. We awaken at four in the afternoon, take showers again and then at 5:30 venture out to meet the group. When the girls see Jun and Joy, they rush forward to hug and tsismis. I hate gossip... but, in this case, there is no stopping it.

That leaves me free to approach the husbands and greet each one for the first time. For me it is a real pleasure. However there are eleven guys and there are only supposed to be eight. I am confused. At the same time they are trying to ask me questions. It is an animated scene. Slowly I piece out that three of these guys are recent to the group, having just married one of the mothers from the second class. I look back at Joy, who was looking at me. She has a big smile on her face. There are the two protester mothers and their daughters, plus the first mother to marry of the second year group. I nod my understanding and return my attention to the men.

I ask if I might make some general comments to them. All assent and are patient as I gather my thoughts. I then call over in Tagalog to Joy and ask if she might join me for a few moments before returning to the girls. All the girls immediately understand that she is needed and over she comes.

At this point I am prepared to speak. Gentlemen, and I do mean that, as I am assured by your wives that you all meet all the criteria, allow me to introduce to you a woman who is, in all ways but legally, my wife. This is Joy. When I met Joy, she brought her daughter, Abbey, with her and they essentially "had me for dinner." (I get a bit of laughter from that.) Joy and Abbey have been with me from the first and I love them both to this day. They have each given me children, and those children are a blessing to me. At first, Joy told me that Abbey was there to tie me to her when she, Joy, got too old for me. I think she thought that might mean thirty-six! Joy is a beautiful thirty-eight. I love her today, far more than I did when we first met. She cannot be replaced, not even by Abbey. But Abbey truthfully joined my bed for her own reasons as well. I cannot explain all I mean to Abbey because, even though she was thirteen when we met, she is an adult now. She finished high school and graduated college in Computer Science. Yes, she is also a wife to me. I have told her that she doesn't have to stay; that I was never going to leave her mother. She told me, in front of Joy, that I was a fucking idiot (more laughter from the men); that she loved me, and I was her husband, and no one was going to break us up. Joy simply looked at me and told me that she had told me so, which she had.

I whispered to Joy, Salamat, can you please switch with Jun?

But my life is more complicated because Joy and Abbey brought another female into my world. That was Joy's niece, Mitch, who was fourteen at the time. Mitch, now also a college graduate with a BS in Business, continues to live with me as a wife and for the same unknown reason. Jun, who has just joined us, gave her virginity to me when she was seventeen and, pointblank, told me she was mine forever. (Jun stands there straight and proud, nodding her agreement with my summary.) She meant those words. No one requires Jun to be with me except Jun and, for that, she is in every way treated as my wife. ... It is because of Jun that you are all here today. Make no mistake, while I had a lot to do with the execution of the plan, it was Jun's needs that created that of which you are the beneficiaries. ... And so I am, even more, the recipient of such wonderful females as are you. Each year it costs me, to make this happen. I do not want a dollar from any of you. What I want is for your marriages to continue until God pulls you asunder. I mean that. I want these marriages to endure when others do not. I want your girls to know stability and grace and I want you to know what it is to be really loved and cared for by women, even if one of them, for a while, is under age. ... And now, please, one at a time I will answer any questions while Jun returns to her girls.

One husband says that he is spoiled for life. He could never find anything in life like this. He is only afraid that his girl will leave. Another husband says that, as far as he could see, if she has a child with him, she'll stay. Other husbands seem to agree. They ask me. All I can offer is that if you love your wives, both of them, and treat them well, I see no reason why they will leave. To a Filipina, marriage is for life.

One of the guys sorts of grunts out, I'll be damned, that's what she told me. I think the way she put it was, 'we are married, no choice.'

After a while, we all move into the hall where the food is served. The meal is outstanding. The husbands are seated with their wives on one side and their daughters on the other side, alternating, so that daughters sit with daughters and mothers sit next to mothers. Of course that does not account for all those at the table. Of the eleven families, there are six with babies in arms and two pregnant thirteen-year-olds. It is one hell of a sight. I am enjoying myself.

For these families, it is an important bonding. These are the only other people who can ever know the truth about their families. The men grow tighter and the women reenforce their ties.

Both Jun and Joy tell the women, in no uncertain terms, that the grass was not greener over the fence. If they try, they court disaster, the loss of their families and jail. I don't have to say anything to the men. A couple of the men hear from their wives about the warning that their wives have received. All that is said to me is a 'thank you' in each case.

In the meantime, something else unexpected occurs. After the big dinner, two daughters come to my cabin. Neither has a child nor is pregnant. Jun meets them at the door. After a palaver, they are brought to me. Their "fathers" are feeling a bit exposed. For the girls who do have babies, the babies have DNA that did not match the "father's". In both cases, these girls "fathers" have sent them over to see if I can give them the same cover. Joy and Jun are laughing as the request becomes clear to me. I ask each one about when she has had her last period. One has finished five days previous and the other three weeks prior.

I tell the girl who just finished her period to come back in two days. The girl who is three weeks on, I have seen not so long ago. Her mother is one of the protesters and she is my deep-throat champion. It is a little late in her cycle, but I will try. We undress and get right to business. She is every bit as good and as sexy as I remember her.

As I slide into her, both Jun and Joy are in the room and are watching. I don't mind and I don't think my partner minds either. Her pussy is as tight as I remember it. The only difference is that she is begging me for a baby and that does get to me. I give her three loads that evening and two more the following evening. After the last time, as she dresses she leans over and whispers to me that she is mine. Any time I ask for her, she will come to me. That is from a twelve-year-old and yet I believe her.

The following night, the student from the first batch arrives. I remember that I had not spent much time with her. The reason is not clear to me, but maybe I can rectify that now. I keep her with me for the next three days straight and take her three to four times a day. It is a little early in her cycle, but we might catch a break. She is a wonderful little lover and we enjoy each other. Her breasts are large for a Filipina and I suck on them while I finger fuck her. Once she is red hot, I get her to orgasm and deposit cum inside her during her orgasm. When I finish with her for the last time, a few hours before I am to leave, she has been thoroughly fucked.

The trip for Jun and Joy has been great. They have spent three days shopping and playing tourist in Santa Fe. Before we return home I take them to see Washington, D.C. and New York City. They get to see a Broadway play and we have fun at the Smithsonian. We also visit my eldest son and daughter, and some cousins I have not seen for a decade. Then it is back to Gensan. Joy and Jun are two very proud and happy girls.

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1 - It is out of our control, but I have done all I can...or ... Whatever will happen, or ... it is up to God.

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Chapter 12