Monkey Read ~ Monkey Do

Copyright © 2016-2020 by VeryWellAged

Back to Chapter 23

Author's note: These chapters are NOT stand-alones...The story starts here.

A trip back in time

I sure wish you had left the girls at home.

I thought the three of us could sweeten you up and end this. Now what happens to us? Dad?

I don't know. You have made it clear that by your actions that, if allowed to proceed, you will cause the death of some of us and ruin the others. You tell me, how this ends without anyone dying. I really don't know.

From the back of the room Karen calls out. Ron! You need to show her!

I look at Karen, not understanding. Show her what?

These, show her these. Here, Joriz help me get this connected to the TV.

I don't have a clue. But Karen seems to think she does and that counts for something. It takes a few minutes but, Karen has links to Philippine news sites, YouTube videos and some on-line news magazines. She must have more than twenty of them. One after another they play out. Some display what prison is like here. She has a few links to prisoners who die before ever coming to trial after being in the jail for a few years. She has a news article about how the Embassy gave the PNP what they needed to arrest someone. She is showing kids, beggars on the streets and an explanation that there is no way for the government to help. We watch item after item for close to an hour. Sarah is crying. Her kids are crying.

I think we have seen enough. Thank you k'Ren. OK Sarah, maybe now you have a concept of why they want to kill you.

I didn't know. I didn't have any idea. Dad, I promise not to go to the authorities.

Good. Ros, girls, put the knives away.

Jenny and Ros are not moving. We don't trust her.

I do, and so you need to trust me. Put the knives away.

And they do. Melissa is bawling and Aubrey is just shaking and quietly weeping. Sarah is just staring at me. They trust you with their lives?

I think we trust each other. I would trust them if the situation was reversed. I think they know that.

Elvie speaks for all as the others raise their eyebrows. In this house, we take care each other. No exceptions. No one outside this house ever matter same as us inside. Ronald say no more and there are no more. That final. You think he wants all young girls? Ha! Me and k'Ren bring him five girls age fourteen and twelve. He throw them out! They maybe die. He know that. Yes he do. But he say, if we keep them, maybe we die. They all pretty. He not care. He not touch them. I here when he tell Jenny to leave and again he say leave, and again! She refuse to leave. You not know your father. You not respect him. You not honor him. You disgrace him.

Sarah looks at those assembled. Does Elvie speak for all of you?

Jenny says loudly, Yes.

Susan, who has been quiet, says, Yes. We all say yes. I speak for all. No one is going to argue. They all agree.

Dad, you have to leave and come back with me.

No, I don't, daughter. That is final.

Then return them to where they were before you entered into their world.

Stop! That is Emelyn and, evidently, Sarah crossed a tripwire. Your daughter needs more education. I will provide it. Ros, get her packed. Jenny! I need you to take Sarah and me somewhere on the 220.

Packed? Where am I going?

To where you want me to go, woman.

For how long?

Emelyn turns to me, Ron, when she return home?

A week from now. Next Tuesday.

OK I have her back by that morning.

Wait! Sarah is panicking. My medicine, I need it!

We not get medicine. You get none. You want to send us to where we come from before we be with Ron, OK, you live it first.

Dad! I need it.

Yeh, or you might die, or go blind? Welcome to their world, the world that is no problem for you. Emelyn, you have your knife?

I do. Sarah is freaking out. Quiet. It is for cooking and birth control.

Sarah looks at her, stunned.

Stupid woman, why you think I not raped? I kill him first.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

This has not been a good day. I don't think tomorrow or the few that follow it are going to be any better. I am getting an object lesson on what it means to be a stupid, arrogant first world woman in a third world country.

We are in a hut. It is dark. I am sleeping on nothing more than an old cloth on the ground. There is no clean water. She has some native charcoal, some filthy water from a public pump and little else. I am sure I will die of amoebic dysentery in a few days, if I am not raped or something worse.

This can't be where Emelyn was living. This has to be a setup. But then someone comes to the door. It seems to be a friend. Emelyn tells me she is asking where she has been. They think maybe she die. The woman asks after Ros and I hear her mention the girls by name.

Then the woman leaves. Yes, all five of them were living here. The school the girls attended is close by and, no matter what else, she and Ros made sure the girls got there.

I tell Emelyn I need to use the bathroom. She tells me there is a squat toilet in the back. I find this hole in the ground, with some rudimentary walls. There is no paper. I go back and ask her for paper. She laughs. She tells me to take the bucket and wash myself.

The same bucket you will use for drinking water and cooking?

Emelyn smiles and hands me the bucket.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

My girls spend time with Sarah's girls. Melissa and Aubrey had no idea the damage their mom was about to inflict on us until they saw that video that Karen put together.

Now they are freaked out but, not with those who held the knives. So Karen and the others surround Melissa and get her to relax, no one is angry with her. They just had to stop her mother. Melissa gets that and accepts the offers of friendship. They want her to go to school with them in the morning and Melissa agrees.

Aubrey gets cornered by Elvie and Susan. There is no school for her but, Elvie tells her that it would be nice if Aubrey would shadow Elvie around for a day and see how things work here. Aubrey agrees and a pact between the two begins to form.

I am very worried about Sarah and Emelyn but, Ros tells me what is happening. Granted it makes sense until you try to implement it and then all the problems that are inherent with the plan appear. I doubt they will last three days.

Speaking of Ros, she is with me tonight. Machete wielding Ros is naked, sticking out her rear and asking for a butt fuck. I don't think the world can get any weirder. Just a few hours ago my lover, offeror of a butt to fuck, was wanting to kill my daughter.

There is not much to say about it tonight. I think I am on automatic somehow. Sure, I cum and I think Ros does too. But I am in a daze. It has been too much adrenaline and too much high stakes shit. I just need to sleep. I think Ros knows it. At least I hope she does. Otherwise, I was a big disappointment tonight.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

I hold a knife at his daughter's throat just hours ago. I think another man will throw me out. No, this one loves me. I am with him but, I don't feel sexy. I don't feel romantic. I feel scared and empty. But he still wants to be with me. I give him my ass. He should fuck that. I am his. Let him take me. I need that.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

He proved it tonight. He says we will always be his. Tonight he proved it. My child has a good and strong father. He will kill a bad daughter to protect his unborn son. I am proud his child is in me. I am lucky.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

A lucky dog is one with a good master. I am a lucky dog.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Oh God! What is crawling on me? How will I ever sleep?

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Morning arrives, and with it the worry and concern. It is primarily towards Sarah and Emelyn. I have hopes my grandkids will survive this. Ros has left the bedroom and Elvie is here, with Aubrey, when I appear from the shower, dressed.

I wish them a good morning. OK, Elvie, what's on your list?

I need a grocery run today. Afternoon before we get the girls?


Also, you have time today. Please give Ros a two hour lesson.

OK, at ten.

Good. ... Can we get some of the paint and tell the painter to start tomorrow?

No, not till next week.

Jonalyn tonight?

Elvie? Too soon?

Why? She, pointing with pursed lips to Aubrey, know you have us all.

Yeh, theoretically. Just like theoretically I might remind you, it is really your time with me tonight.

This is true Ronald but, Aubrey is shadowing me and so I can't be with you tonight unless you have plans for your granddaughter. And Elvie sticks her tongue out at me.

I laugh. OK, Jonalyn tonight and Joriz tomorrow.

Of course.

Anything else?

We want to start some landscaping. May I order some topsoil?

What size load and cost?

Four cubic meter per load. The cost is ₱1,400.


We need two loads.

OK, get it.


Are we done, Elvie?

One more thing. This one is a little difficult.

I don't need difficult.

Yes, Sir, but, the School Social Worker wants to see you.

I can see Aubrey begin to freak out. Elvie, you just scared Aubrey to death. She will think Sarah did something. Just speak straight, not in code.

Judith wants you to fuck her again, just to make sure she is no longer a virgin. And Aubrey, Judith is the School Social Worker. She is also Ros's niece and Pearl's cousin. Ronald doesn't want to have anything to do with her. I think she loves your Grandfather. She is becoming a problem for us.

Poppop, why do all these girls and women want to be with you? I mean, no offense but, you are not Justin Bieber.

Aubrey, your point is taken. There are many reasons why some females, even younger girls, find me someone they want to be with. Those reasons do not connect in your world back home. Mr. Bieber is famous, young, cute, and popular. That works in your world. In this world, being stable, decent, honest, and having a US passport, counts for a lot more. ... Elvie, when does Judith want to see me?

Whenever your schedule will allow.

Tell her I am truly very busy today. However, if she needs someone to check and see if her cherry has been removed, she can contact Pearl. I am sure Pearl can perform that task. Also, let Pearl know exactly what we have told Judith.

Elvie looks at me. Is there something I don't know?

Pearl and I spoke. Pearl needs a puppy.

Ah, OK I see.

Well, I don't, and, if I am shadowing you, I want to know.

Pearl loves your Grandfather very much. As much as the rest of us. But she is also a girl who wants other girls and she wants that girl to obey her. That girl would be a puppy. Your Grandfather is saying if Judith wants to be close to him, she may need to be Pearl's puppy. If he has to accept Judith at least Pearl can get what she needs.

So Poppop, there is a lady who wants you to have sex with her and you send her to one of the girls here? Is this lady ugly?

No, she is very pretty. But I have all the girls and women that I want now. That has got to be that. OK, Elvie, we done now?


Good, give me a kiss before you go. Your shadow doesn't need to copy everything you do.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

OK time to make some money if we can.

I'm a bit hungry.

Me too. Maybe we get to eat today. We will see. Now we try to make some money.

Why are you smiling?

Frowning make money? No! But you smile then maybe, yes!

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Elvie and Aubrey depart, leaving me with a little time to look at my news sites and check the email. The email contains nothing of interest. The news has some juicy bits but not enough to keep me with it for too long.

The driving lesson is OK and so is Ros. I think we were both a little off last night. Damn, I am lucky to know these gals.

Aubrey has been following Elvie around all morning and she announces to Elvie that she is going to have lunch with her Poppop. I like that a lot and sit down with her for a lunch of Ampalaya and egg over rice. She isn't sure as she looks at it but, as I am clearly enjoying it, she takes a forkful and smiles.

Try using your spoon. This is a rice culture and the main implement here is the tablespoon.

She nods and switches to use it.

Poppop, when you said Elvie ran the house, well I sort of didn't think so. I mean, she is just about my age and I can't run a house. I can't run my own room! But she does it. Ros and Jenny consult with her but she makes the decisions. And she works so hard! It is hard to keep up with her, she is so fast. She says she needs me because Emelyn is not here and she does a lot too. I ask her, ‘Are you the maid with benefits?' I don't think she understands that. So I ask her, ‘Maid, Mistress, Lover, Wife, Slave? Which are you?' You know what she said?

Hummm, let me guess. Ah, I got it. She said, ‘All.'

How did you know that?

I know Elvie. Aubrey, I don't just know her, I love her. She started as just a maid. And she whipped my house that I had then into order so fast your head would spin. She also got in my face and told me the things she needed for the house, and not just sort of, I mean the exact things and how much each would cost and where to get them at that price. She was like a drill sergeant for the house. And so has she been ever since. She has also become my second in command for activities here. Jenny does that for things outside the home.

OK, so now explain Susan and Karen but, you don't call her that.

Her nickname is k'Ren. I could explain why that is to you but for now, we'll skip it. Have you noticed how Susan is the older version of k'Ren?

Uh-huh, I did.

Well, I fell in love with the two of them on sight. I can't explain it but I did and I pitched it to them as a pair, to come with me, be mine and love me. I knew it was crazy and assumed I would be turned down cold. They accepted and have been with me ever since. I asked each if she wanted me to marry her. But each said it would be unfair to her sister. No marriage, just commitment. That's what they have from me. My commitment.

And Jenny? I don't get why she is here.

Jenny was the first one I met. I told her she wasn't what I was looking for. She refused to give up. She basically said, I will do anything, be anything you want. I will get you your women, if that is what gets me in the door. In truth the things she did to get in the door are not for your ears but, she convinced me that she should stay. Looking back on it, I made the right choice.

So you only wanted Susan and k'Ren?

In the beginning, yeh, that's right.

And all the others just sort of barged their way in?

Well, Elvie is the exception but, yeh.

And still, you will go to any length to protect them?

Aubrey, these people have given me their bodies, their hearts and their trust. I owe them the same in return.

That includes Pearl and Joriz and Jonalyn?

Yeh, absolutely. When a young girl gives up the most precious thing she has, then for me to walk away from that girl would be unforgivable.

Poppop, these are your family now. I see that. They are bed partners but, they are much more than that. k'Ren told me she wants to get pregnant and you said no. She said all the other mothers and all her friends backed you up and said no. She says she is required to stay in school, they all are.

Yeh, what's so weird about that? They need an education.

But if you were a real pedophile, that wouldn't matter to you. I checked on line. You don't fit the profile it listed. ... Is Elvie going to get pregnant?

Maybe when she turns eighteen. Not now.

Is Mom going to be OK?

Probably. Hard to say. Emelyn's life before she came here was not good. If that is what is happening right now, I'd say your Mom is really struggling.

So you are never leaving here? Not now, not ever?

That's right.

And all Mom has done is make problems?


Damn. OK, well I have to get back to work. Elvie will have my hide.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

How much did she pay you?

Twenty pesos.

So you earned forty pesos today. That's slave labor. If you did that every day for a month you wouldn't have made thirty dollars for the whole month.

Sometimes I do make fifty pesos in a day. Those are the good days. On a day like today I have enough for rice for three days but, no vegetable, no dry fish. It take two or three days of work before there is enough to really buy some food. If my girls help on the weekends, maybe we make eighty pesos in a day. That a very special day.

So no money for food today? Emelyn I am so hungry.

Some days you not eat. That is life. Time for sleep na.

I am sweaty and dirty. I need to wash.

Bucket there. Refill from the pump when you done.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

We go shopping, Jenny, Elvie, Aubrey and me, before picking up the girls from school. While we are waiting for the kids, Judith comes up to the van. I roll down the window.

Good evening, Sir Ron.

Good evening, Judith.

Sir, Po, I promise I be good. No more trouble.

I am happy to hear that.

Po, you make room for me in your life?

Judith, I have nine already. That is too many for any man. I do not want a tenth.

Sir you are good and respectful to them. You don't have to be that way with me. I respect Ma'am Jenny and friend Elvie and the others. I be good. Promise.

Judith, I thought you like young girls. What has happened?

Sir, I am confused too. Maybe we can find time to discuss it?

Judith, discuss it with Pearl. I will talk with Pearl.

Yes, Po. OK, Po.

Jenny is indignant. Ronald, how you do that in front of Aubrey.

Relax, Jenny, she already knows about Judith.

Jenny turns to Aubrey. That true?

Yes! It is sort of funny. It is exactly what Elvie said she would be like. And the bit about Pearl, they discussed that this morning, too. Poppop, you are amazing.

The girls arrive and we start toward the house. Joriz asks, Who tonight?

Aubrey answers, Your sister. Which gets laughter and lots of happy faces. It also tells Melissa that it is OK. But Melissa has been spending a good part of the day with Jonalyn. She now looks at Jonalyn in a different light. Melissa turns to her new but good friend and asks, This is good for you? You love him for real? You don't feel it is required?

Jonalyn puts her lips close to Melissa's ears and says, I want him inside me. I want to feel his cum fill me. I love him. I want it maybe more than he wants it.

That is news which Melissa is trying to absorb. It's a hard thing for her to fathom. But if her friend wants it, then it must be OK.

Chapter 25