Monkey Read ~ Monkey Do

Copyright © 2016-2020 by VeryWellAged

Back to Chapter 44

Author's note: These chapters are NOT stand-alones...The story starts here.

Celebrations, endings and beginnings.

Sarah comes to me upstairs.

Harv is with Elvie in the dining room. I suspect she will put the hard sell on him to stay. Czaren has told us she wants him. It's up to Elvie to reel him in.

Sarah sits down, sighs and asks, Was that an object lesson?

Did it work?

Yes. If I am yours, I am no different than anyone here. I am no longer your daughter. I can't be without screwing everything up. That is why you can't allow it. You wanted to keep me as your daughter. That is why you told me to not come. I disobeyed as I always did. And that made what happened today inevitable. You have to show me and everyone else that I am no longer who I was.

Well, you know it on an intellectual level. We will have to see if you can function that way in the real world. I honestly have my doubts.

I know. Aubrey explained it pretty clearly to me. I heard you telling Harvey that he can have me. If you give me to him, I will go to him as you ask. But I ask you to not do that. I have learned the lesson. Time will prove it but, I have learned. I don't lose myself but, I am part of a group of women and girls who share you and do so equally.

Yeh, that's the size of it. If you want to use that doctorate here, all for the better. I don't think there will be any complaints that you are lending a hand at whatever you will do, outside this house. Susan works at the bakery. She doesn't have to justify that and you won't either. Inside the house, no one is a slave but, none run this place other than Elvie and me. You are equal with Tamal. The only difference has been that Tamal has not been giving me trouble.

No more trouble. I swear. I think she wants to kiss me but that is an overlap with a daughter's kiss. I can see the confusion in her eyes. And then she gets down on her knees, opens my slacks, and pulls my cock out. I am not hard when she starts but, she gets me hard and takes me deep. She keeps the assault up, coming up for air and then back down, until she gets her reward. She looks up at me, hand still stroking my now limp cock, and tells me. Every time I think I want to kiss you, this is how I will do it. And you will know I learned my lesson.

I smile but wonder, what happens when she isn't wanting to kiss me. She must see it in my face. And every time I want to argue I will take you the same way. Kiss or argue, you will get me sucking your penis down my throat.

I hope that it works that way. Time will tell. She still is stroking me. My phone chimes. Elvie needs me with Harvey. I explain to Sarah that I must go, pull up my slacks and leave the bedroom.

When I get downstairs, Harvey is sitting alone. OK, Elvie made the pitch but she couldn't close the deal. If she had, I would have seen her. I wonder what the sticking point is. If it just wasn't going to happen, she never would have texted me.

It's weird to know someone so well. But I just do. There is something about me and Elvie that I can't explain.

I look at Harvey and ask, What's up? Is there something Elvie could not do for you?

It turns out, he just didn't believe Elvie's math. I confirm it and the sale appears to be made. He does want to know why I dislike Nancy so much. I have no problem explaining that. For him it explains why I have been somewhat distant for a few years. It turns out he had no idea at all what his bitch wife had done. So that's all to the good.

I gather Elvie suggested a separation as there is no divorce here. To her, marriage is forever. But hell, Harvey thinks about it for a hot five seconds and decides on divorce. All well and good. Nancy will not be poor but, Harvey will be free of the bitch and with Czaren who desperately needs a good man. Harvey is all of that.

I ask Jenny to take Harvey around to look at properties. The guy jumps on the back of the motorcycle and off they go. Elvie could not be happier. Ronald, he is a rich man. He will have more than two hundred and fifty thousand pesos a month! That is so much money. Czaren is very lucky.

Yes she is, if he doesn't back out.

He won't. I am sure.

Why are you sure?

I know this. That all.

I see. OK, Elvie.

I have only one worry. How Czaren do all for him and go to school?

The big thing for her is the supper to prepare each night after school. So make extra here and give it to her each night. I will have Harvey buy a washing machine. That will make the clothes issue easier. Keep talking to her over the next months. If we introduce older women in there, it will be a problem for Czaren.

What about another young one?

Only if Czaren picks her out and has the final say.

OK, I will talk with her.

Supper at our house tonight is all of us plus Czaren and Harvey. Sixteen at the table. My girls tease Harvey without relief for a good two hours. Czaren giggles, holds his hand and informs all that her Harvey is a world class lover. Harvey is blushing deep red.

Ros takes Sarah's Pajero and drives the happy couple home at eight. Tomorrow is another school day.

My night time activities are what I want and there are no issues. As each of the adults got a piece of me around noon, I have Pearl and the twins tonight. I have cum twice today as it is, so I am not really fully loaded but, the kids don't really care. It's sort of play time. They decide to have a contest. Who can deep throat the longest without cumming up for air? I have no clue who won and I don't care. It is a lot of fun.

The morning meeting sees Sarah rejoin us though she remains mute for the entire time. The conversation begins with Harvey. Does he want help with getting the divorce? Can he do it from here? Susan is afraid that if he goes back he will bail out. While I don't think he will I can't be sure and now Elvie is getting a little concerned. Jenny decides to enlist Czaren in the matter. They will talk during the school lunch break.

There is talk that Czaren is going to need help. The suggestions I had made to Elvie are discussed. We decide that it's OK for now but needs to be revisited later.

Well, I think we decide but, Tamal decides she needs to offer something. There are two girls at the orphanage who might be a good match for Harvey and Czaren. Neither want any girl-girl contact. Both are hard workers and both would probably like Harvey. They would need to know they were the junior wives and Harvey would have to be clear on that too but, with the three of them and some help with the supper meals, they ought to be OK. Elvie gives me a look that I take as agreement.

I ask about the ages and there I am not happy. One is thirteen and we can work with that. The other is eleven. I challenge Tamal. How can she be sure about what an eleven-year-old wants or doesn't want? She admits she can't be sure. But the girls are sisters and breaking them up is a big mistake. I have kicked out girls older than this, and say so. I don't like it one bit. Elvie is looking at me with a steady gaze. Tamal says these two are very unusual. They will be OK. I doubt it but in the end, it will not be my house in which they will be entering and it is not my decision if they should stay.

That prompts Aubrey to ask how Judith is dealing with this and have we circled back to check with her. We haven't. Elvie will do that this morning before Tamal and I will meet those girls.

We are about to break when Jenny says she has something to share. And does she ever! Jenny is pregnant. Now there are two pregnant women here. We spend a few minutes with hugs before ending the meeting.

Later in the morning Elvie does talk to Judith. Judith gets the skinny on Czaren and seems genuinely happy for the girl. Judith is also genuinely happy with her new squeezes.

Elvie asks and Judith provides the details on the sisters Tamal told us about this morning. Judith is up for it, thinking it might be a good fit. These are the ones she was wanting to suggest to me last week. Elvie is encouraged. I remain dubious.

The difference between eleven and fourteen is the difference between total darkness at 4AM and bright sunlight at 7AM. Yeh, they are close together but a world apart.

At nine-thirty I get a call from Harvey. Jenny is going to be picking him up at eleven to look at more places but, he wants to talk to me about getting the divorce. Jenny rides over and brings him back to the house.

When he walks in through our front door, the guy asks for a cup of strong coffee and a notepad. We get him both.

I emailed Nancy last night. And you know, I asked her about what she did to you. ... The fucking bitch admitted it and said she would do it all over again. So I ask her, who the fuck she thinks she is doing that to people? She gave me this self-righteous crap and I gotta tell you Ron, I sure wish I had known that about her years ago. So, do I really have to waste thousands of dollars, to fly back and divorce the bitch, or can I do it from here?

I'm no lawyer, Harv. You sure as hell know that. But I think you can do it from here, though you will have to fly to Manila, to the Embassy to find a notary who is legal in the USA.

You got a phone that I can use to call the US?


OK so I need to do that tonight. Can Czaren and I stay here tonight?

Yeh. Well, not tonight. I have some things I need to do this evening with the phone myself. How about tomorrow night.

OK. I owe all you a dinner out so let's do the dinner tonight and tomorrow we will come here and you can feed us.

OK, sure.

Help me go over all the things I need an attorney to do.

And for the next couple of hours, with Elvie's help we make a couple of lists.

I show Harvey how to get a visa that is good and avoids having to deal with the folks at immigration. He's good with that.

We have some lunch and then he is off with Jenny to look at more properties. We tell him about the leasing the land trick, and buying the house.

Harvey and Jenny get back within minutes of the van holding all our girls plus three others. Czaren is with our girls, as are the two girls Tamal identified. Elvie, Tamal and I will talk with them and then drop them off at the orphanage on our way to dinner in town.

Harvey sees the two, Ahna and Chamille but, doesn't know who they are or why they are here. However, Czaren does and she clearly wants in on the interview.

We assemble us in the small library behind the Sala. Elvie is the one in the lead and she starts in Tagalog. Tamal stops her. Elvie looks at Tamal unsure why. But Tamal turns to me, gives me a look of, 'I know that I am doing,' before turning back to Elvie and speaking in clear English, says, We are considering these two to join Czaren in Harvey's life. Harvey has no Tagalog. If these two do not have basic English, it will not work. If they are uncomfortable using English, it will not work. I really do not care what other wonderful things they have going for themselves. If they can't communicate with Harvey, it won't matter. Do you understand now?

I agree fully! I know full well that is highly unlikely that the younger one has enough English. Elvie knows I think the girl is too young. There are moments, not many but, there are some when we see a problem differently. But Elvie gets Tamal's point and continues in English.

Girls, do you know why we asked to meet with you tonight?

OK, there are times when you are fooled in a delightful way. Ahna, the older one, purses her lips at Chamille. Chamille looks at me and then right at Elvie. Yes Ate, we know our friend here, Czaren, lives with a Kano. She is alone with him. She not want older girls there to steal him away. We are good, honest, and safe for her. We will be good to her man. That why we are here.

Elvie looks at me and says, You ask what you want. You not need me!

Well, that's not entirely true but, we know the young one speaks English.

Ahna, your younger sister speaks very good English. Why is that?

Before our parents die, we speak only English at home. We are wealthy then. But our parents are killed. We lose everything. We learn Tagalog but we happiest in English, Sir.

There will be sex in the house. Will you be OK with that?

With a man or a woman?

A man.

Then yes. I am. My sister says she is but, I think she is too young.

I agree with you. ... Czaren, would you like to ask questions?

She does. She looks at the oldest. Can your sister cook at all? Can she iron and fold laundry?

Yes she can Ate. She can do all. I promise you.

Czaren looks at the girl and with as calm a disposition as you can imagine, and tells both, You steal from Harvey, you lie to Harvey, you do anything to hurt Harvey and I will slit your throat. This I promise you. You know who my uncle was. Believe me when I tell you I will do this. You still want this?

Ate, we know you love him. We hear it at school that you love him. We know you will protect him. This is as it should be. We will be good.

OK, let's stop for a second, in case it slipped your mind. The exchange you just read was between a fourteen-year-old and a thirteen-year-old. I didn't make it sound older than it was said. That is what a hard life will do to a young soul. Make no mistake about it. These four, if you include Tamal, are young in years but, have been forced to grow up and make difficult decisions far earlier than you and I did.

Czaren announces that she approves and wants them to join her. She turns to Tamal, and quietly says, You are special. No one here knows how special. But I do, Tamal. Thank you. Tamal leans over, kisses Czaren's cheek, and whispers in Czaren's ear.

The only question now is when do they join Harvey? Czaren turns to Elvie. Please tell Judith that these two are going to dinner with us. Afterward, we will stop off, and pick up their things. They are coming with me.

Did you hear that? She didn't ask permission. Harvey's life is hers now. She will make the decisions to make him happy and his life good. These two new ones are there to assist her. She is making her position clear to us and them.

I am happy for Czaren. She is without any reservations, crazy for Harvey. We already have seen that he treats her with respect. He has told me loves her cooking, at least the adobo she made. He seems to have love for her. That she has more plans for his happiness than he seems to have, I guess doesn't surprise me.

We go out to join the rest. Harvey has no idea what has just happened and won't until we take him back to the condo with three girls rather than just one.

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Something is up. I have no idea what it is but, I don't recognize two of the girls. Ron, Elvie and Tamal took them somewhere and Czaren went with them. This place is filled with intrigues. One is close to Czaren's age but one is impossibly young.

When they come out of the room all the girls are smiling. Why does that give me a feeling that, as much as my life changed forty-eight hours ago, it is going to change again?

As we are walking out the door towards the van, the little one asks me in perfectly serviceable English, What State are you from, Sir?

New York State.

Really, I so much want to see New York City!

I live far from there but, yes, I can understand why you would say that.

OK I know these two were probably vetted to make sure they have English. It is clear that the little one does. I suspect they both do.

We go to a nice restaurant but it is wasted on the young ones. They eat like sparrows.

After dinner we drive over to the orphanage and the two get out. So I guess they are not for me. Elvie and Ron engage with a young woman who Czaren tells me is Miss Judith. She doesn't have fangs or horns. There is something between my little one and the woman but, what it is, is not obvious. Anyway the conversation has been going on for a bit and truth be told I want to get home and have some quiet time with Czaren.

It looks like they are finally wrapping things up and moving back to the van when the two sprites reappear with satchels. Not a word is said as we pull away from the orphanage with what must feel, to the two with the satchels, as a jail break.

The next stop is the condo. I get out, followed by Czaren, who is followed by the two new girls.

We get into the condo. I turn on the lights and turn to Czaren. Explain please.

Harvey. Taking care of you is a big job for a school girl. I need help. These two will help. They are your girls now and they will assist me. If we are not enough for you, please ask me and we will find more. I will do the selecting to make sure you are safe and there are no problems.

The young one... yes you, are named Chamille?

She says, Yes.

Czaren, are you expecting me to have sex with Chamille?

Czaren says No! but Chamille is saying, Yes very loudly.

I call Ron. I suspect he is still in the van but he's not driving.

He doesn't say hello. He says, Let me guess, you told Chamille there is to be no sex and she argued with you?

Close enough.

Yeh, I don't like it either. I said as much a couple of times. Normally, I would kick the two to the curb but, Czaren needs them and they are sisters. You can't take the older one without the younger one. The older one is also on your side. But you have to go to sleep at some time and that little one is determined. So my best advice is, go break the fucking law and enjoy it as best you can. I don't think there is a choice here.

Oh man, Ron.

Yeh, I know.

Ron was this Czaren's idea, or did someone put her up to it?

She discussed the issue with Elvie and asked for help.

So I have three girls now?

Looks like it.

Are you going to add more?

Me? No. Your girl? I have no idea.

Is this how you got so many?

Yeh, you got it. Night Harv!

Chapter 46