The Ark

Copyright © 2020 by VeryWellAged

Birthday thoughts...5

Author's note: These chapters are NOT stand-alones...The story starts here.

Birthday thoughts...6

Prin doesn’t have the key to the room. She gave it back to me this morning. The elevator requires you have a key to get to our floor, so I’m not surprised when my phone buzzes at a little before seven.

In the lobby. Can’t get up there! Come get me please.


Cincer stays in the room and I go to retrieve Prin.

How you do it?

Do what?

Convince her?

I didn’t. You did?

What? No, I not!

Well, she hadn’t decided until she talked to you.

But she was willing to consider before she ask you call me and give her the phone, right?


So? How you do that?

I told her the truth.

That it? No, ‘oh you are so pretty’? No, ‘please join me’?

No. None of that. When I met her she says to me, ‘What is your plan?’ I didn’t understand at first but when I did, I told her about the first plan and how I had changed my mind and came up with a second plan. I didn’t tell her it was your plan. I didn’t mention you. But she said to me, ‘You already have one you don’t want to lose. Who is she?’

What? She really say that?


Oh my God! She is very smart I think.

Yes. Probably smarter than you. And now you need to meet her. And I open the door to our room.

She is there all right. Pretty as a picture… with my tablet in her hands.

Prin and Cincer lock eyes and tentative smiles form on both faces. It’s Cincer who speaks. Friend, why do you think I will not join?

Prin is not going to be intimidated. She cocks her head and says, You have a good job I think. You have a bachelor degree from a university. In the website you say you want a one woman man and all else not to bother. I think, OK, this girl will not work for my Ira. I not think bad of you. I just think, not a good fit. So, why you say yes?

He tells the truth. You know he do. How many men do that, friend? He admit his first plan not good and so he change it. How many men admit they make a mistake, and admit it to a woman? He admit that it a mistake to contact so many women, but also it risky to marry one and find out it a bad marriage. I see he has a brain. … Yes, it true I have a degree, in accounting, but I not a CPA. I will never be. So, the pay not good. My prospects not good. Maybe you see now? Maybe you assume because you not know my life?

Ira tell me maybe, I wrong. I think, ha, he will see. Now it me who sees. … This the dress he get for you? I like it.

Yes, and we get another for you. I hope you will like it too. Come na. In the CR1. It there.

Prin laughs. It’s OK, I will get it and dress here. There’s no need to hide from Ira. I am his in all ways. He knows this. More important friend, I know it.

Maybe I make a mistake earlier dressing in the CR?

No, I not think that a mistake. You love with him yet?

No. I willing, but he say, not yet. Maybe he think it too soon?


And with that Prin goes to the bathroom to retrieve her new outfit. I approach Cincer and take the tablet from her hands. What I see does not please me. She has been looking at the dating website I used to find her and the others. She has been checking out what I have there to see.

Tell me why I shouldn’t be angry with you.

She is looking at me and saying nothing.

I’ll ask again. Why should I not be angry with you, Cincer?

As I’m asking again, Prin enters the bedroom and sees the tablet is now in my hands. I’m not sure Prin has any idea why I’m asking Cincer what I have asked. But Prin is smart enough to know what to say.

Tell him. Maybe it wrong, what you will say. That not matter, tell him the truth. It always the best with him.

Much like the moment of panic she had with me at Starbucks, Cincer is freaking out. But she stammers out, I want to see who you find and what they say to you.

Prin, what should Cincer have done?

Ask you to please see what is on the tablet.

Would I have allowed it?

Yes. You allow it with me.

What do I not want?

You not want us to take without asking first.

Cincer, will I have more problems like this?

No. I will ask first. I understand why you are angry. I was rude in what I do. Your tablet is private even if it is just laying out where I can get to it.

OK. Good. Now, what have you learned from looking?

She is frozen again. Prin speaks up. Tell him. He done being angry. Now he wants to know what you know! Tell him.

The gal is just not sure how she should proceed but takes a stab at it anyway.

I think some will stay. Maybe others not. They all seem nice. All maybe if they the only one. But not this way for some.

Prin is getting dressed and I hand the tablet back to Cincer. Tell me which you put into each group.

I get a brief and cautious nod as she gingerly accepts the tablet from me and then asks me, Which one you meet next?

I point to a link on the screen, This one, Lorie.

Prin thinks she will be OK, but I don’t say a word to Cincer as she moves around on the gal’s page and her messages. Cincer opens up Friendster2 and finds the gal’s page. Finally, I get a verdict. This one will not join.

Prin was wrong about Cincer and now Cincer is saying she is wrong about Lorie.

I only ask Cincer, Why?

Too many family members and friends all close by. No outside interests. Prin and me, we far from family. This one is the opposite. She seems nice, but no. She will not join. Who you will see next?

The next one is the religious gal. Prin is sure she is a no-go. Once again I say nothing to Cincer.

I’m waiting so long for an answer I’m about to say, fuck-it, let’s go eat, but finally we get the answer from the oracle.

This one I am not sure. At first I think she not OK for this. But I look more and more. Maybe she will join. If she do, she will love you very much. Maybe she will call you a devil and scream at you. Maybe she will truly say Jesus good to her because she find you. For her I think bahala na!3

We can look at the rest later. Let’s go eat.

Who picked out this dress and shoes?

Why, Prin? Is it wrong?

No, I love it. Who has the good taste?

Thank Cincer.

As we ride down in the elevator, Prin asks when she can come back again.

You mean after we have dinner.

Of course, yes.

I have no idea yet and am not prepared to answer. I probably scrunch up my face because Cincer asks, Ira, may I ask something?

Yes. Please do.

Is it OK with you that Prin stay with us tonight?

That probably means no sex, but that’s OK with me. Sure, I would like that. Is it OK with you, Prin?

Prin looks at Cincer as the elevator doors open and asks, Are you sure, friend?

Cincer raises her eyebrows twice.4

On the way to the restaurant in the taxi, there begins a conversation about travel and Cincer’s job. It seems both want to fly with me to Iloilo. Prin is pushing to go tomorrow. I think that is a little too soon, as I have not been intimate with Cincer yet and for the life of me, I fail to see how Cincer can come, as she has a job.

A taxi is not the best place to talk about when I’ll bed the girl, but I do mention the job. Cincer has no problems with it. She will give notice tomorrow morning. She is done with it. But that means she is committed. Is she ready to do that?

Ira, we will take care of that tonight when we get back to the hotel.

I look at Cincer and then clearly at Prin and back to Cincer and ask, Are you sure?

She reaches out and grabs Prin’s hand before saying, Yes.

OK, I see. I still think tomorrow is too quick. I suspect you both have some things that need to be resolved before we leave. We will leave in two days. I’ll make the reservations in the morning.

As we ride the elevator back to the room after dinner, I still have no idea what is going to happen. Let me be clear. I have never been with two women at the same time. Never. Sure, it’s a fantasy I guess, though not one I have ever focused on. I’m just happy to have the companionship of both of them. There has not been even a moment’s consideration of being with them sexually at the same time.

Sure, I know guys brag about such shit, but… guys claim to have done all sorts of shit. I have always ignored the guys who make such claims. What am I to think now?

Right from the beginning, I was worried about making a bad choice but, I figured, life is a crap shoot like that. I didn’t see a way around it.

After Prin also mentioned it, told me about her life and quitting her job, I did feel guilty about what I’m doing to all these gals. And so, my head has turned enough to seriously believe that assembling a damned harem is the insane but ethical thing to do. But… making love to a woman when another is there as well? How the hell does that work?

As much as they are acting brave, I imagine that both gals will be weirded out when the time comes. I’m pretty sure I’ll be, too. I’m not saying a word. Best to wait until we are in our room. Are they also wondering? No one is saying a word.

The door closes; I have held this in long enough. Does either of you have a plan? I have no idea how this is going to work.

You and Princess say there will be more than one girl. You two are a couple, now. That why I decide I need to know. Will I like Prin… and Ira, why you call her Prin?

It’s short for Princess.

But that not her nickname.

OK, Cincer, what is her nickname?




Prin, you want me to call you Bim?

Prin is laughing. It is what everyone calls me. But it OK whatever you want! That OK with me.

Cincer, I get that you think …Bim and I are a couple, but we aren’t more so than you and I’ll be a couple. I’m still confused about how you two see this working.

Ira, will you please give up trying to control everything tonight and let the two of us make this work with you?

As I have no clue about what needs to happen and they don’t seem to be able to explain, I’m not sure I’m succeeding at controlling anything anyway. So, sure, why not? Maybe I’ll learn something.

OK. So what happens now?

You shower now. Then we shower.

I still have no idea of what the ultimate plan is, but at least there’s a direction. I go to the bathroom.

As I’m toweling off after taking my shower, both gals come in and start taking theirs. I finish up and get onto the bed, pulling the sheet up.

It’s a weird feeling of anticipation mixed with a bit of anxiety. I know they haven’t been in there very long, but it feels like they have, as I wait for what comes next. But the wait does come to an end and I find myself in the middle of the two of them.

I’m propped up against the headboard on my back. What happens first is Bim draping over me and giving me a truly loving kiss. She holds my head with both hands. My senses are encased between her palms. But as the kisses continue, I feel hands on my manhood, stroking me.

There’s a rustling of the sheets on Cincer’s side and then maybe a minute later, while I still feel her hands, I’m pretty sure I feel her mouth as well. Cincer is giving me head.

Lips on lips; lips on cock. Did they discuss this while in the shower? How does this get choreographed? Fuck if I have a clue, but one thing is certain, I’m enjoying it.

Bim’s lips, Cincer’s lips, mouth and hands, it’s amazing.

There’s no timer; it just goes on and on… until Bim pulls away from my lips and whispers in my ear. Pull her up, put her on her back and fuck her hard, my love. Make her ours.

Ours? As in Bim and I are a couple? Huh. Well, since I gave up the control, I guess I will just follow the instructions.

Pulling Cincer up off my member is not a difficult task as she comes willingly. Putting her on her back is equally easy to do, but before I plunge in I want a kiss. I also want to feel her cunt with my fingers. If she isn’t wet, I really need to deal with that rather than just plunge in, as Bim wants me to do.

Cincer is more than willing to accept my attentions. Her lips accept mine and her arms encircle me as we proceed. And, in part of the process, my fingers explore her cunt lips, separating them and looking for the moisture we will need to complete the coupling.

All the while Bim — damn it’s hard thinking of Prin in that way —Bim is kissing the back of my neck, stroking me from my ass and down my leg. It’s sweet and feels wonderful as I continue to kiss Cincer.

The outside of Cincer’s cunt lips are dry but just inside I find the moisture we need. I start fingering the gal, bringing moisture up to her clit and over her cunt lips. She is getting revved up. Her lips are more demanding and she is pushing her cunt up, seeking more from me.

I don’t need any more clues. I mount her and slide into a tight and willing cunt. Her legs spread as far as she can, and I put my arms under her hips, pulling her up as I push in.

Bim’s mouth is on my shoulders… licking, kissing, biting. Her hands are on my ass as if to push me deeper into the other.

Cincer is going nuts all on her own as I pound the gal. I have no idea if it’s an orgasm, but she is definitely experiencing something.

No words are spoken. Nothing is in slow motion. This is not sweet love making. This is frantic, pounding, demanding, sweaty, and primal. It doesn’t take long by the clock, but it has changed everything between the three of us. I can’t explain it; but, we are a unit now. There are three of us, and yet there’s only one of us.

Does that sound nuts? It sort of sounds a little too much like Leonard Cohen or Kahlil Gibran to me, and yet there’s a simple truth to it. I guess there are times when the sappy stuff becomes the stuff of reality.

Sappy or not, cum is in Cincer. I’m on my back again with an arm around each of them. Each has a hand on my chest and a head on a shoulder.

I would be sweating buckets if it wasn’t for the air conditioner which is still on a high setting. As it is, I’m happy right where I am.

You two, who think you know better than me all too often… do you know what I’m thinking now?

It’s Cincer who answers, Yes and the answer is no. We are going to Iloilo. No stopping now.

Huh, am I that easy to read? What are you saying no to?

But it’s Bim who answers. No, we do not stop with just us, we go to find the other girls. That what. Yes, especially since this wasn’t ever your idea. You know what else? I know something else you are thinking.

Oh, and what have you decided that I have thought?

Not a couple any more. We are three now.

Cincer grabs my arm, Is she right, Ira? Is it the three of us and not you and Bim allowing me to be with you?

Well, is that how it feels to you?

Yes. That is how it feel. Truly. Is Bim right? Has it changed in your heart?

Bim’s right. It is exactly how it feels to me. I can’t say I know why. It sure is happening way too fast, but yes. Are the two of you really ready and wanting to share me with others? I know it was my idea to meet all those gals, but things have changed now, and now I have both of you. So, regardless of my sense of guilt in leading the others on, Cincer do you really think we should go to Iloilo?




You know this is nuts, right? You two are plenty. I don’t have a need to add anyone else.

Bim and I know you can afford it. Why is it nuts? You will make others happy. We will have good lives. Why it nuts?

Does love have any part of this?

Ira, how we not love a man who is good and sweet, and good to us? How that?

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1 - Comfort Room is one of their terms for bathroom. They almost never say the words and use the initials instead. There is a Tagalog term as well, banyo.
2 - A social networking site before MySpace and Facebook. It was popular in the Philippines.
3 - There is nothing to know or do, it’s up to God.
4 - A quiet way of saying yes.

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Birthday thoughts...7