The Rainy Season

Copyright © 2013-2015, 2017-2019 by VeryWellAged

Back to Chapter 28

Author's note: These chapters are NOT stand-alones...The story starts here.

Heartbreak Hill

Saturday morning and Ann has been gone since Thursday morning. We have not heard anything from her or Belen. I have resisted from asking Iay to text her mother for me and I have not asked her if she has done it on her own, but Angeli has no such reservations. Evidently there has been communication but it terminated with ugly words. Ann and Belen have been staying with Belen's cousins. They are safe but Iay does not know if they are coming back. Belen has asked Iay, if she wants to stay here or move in with them. Iay seems to have laid in to her mother. Telling her that this is a bunch of shit and they should get their asses back here now. Belen, in turn scolded her daughter. Iay, was not interested in being scolded by a home wrecker and called her mother the Visayan equivalent of that. There has been no further contact.

I am not sure Belen is a home wrecker. It may be that this is all Ann and Belen is just there to be with and protect her love. She may have felt bad about walking out on her daughter. The harsh words from Iay were not helpful. I understand Iay's desire to protect my heart, but it was probably unfortunate.

Angeli tells me all this with an air of self-righteousness toward Belen. When I explain why they are possibly wrong, Angeli is in tears. I tell her to say nothing to Iay, but to get me Iay's cell phone. Fifteen minutes later, after writing out my idea of the type of message I want her to type, but in English, I asked Angeli to recompose it in Visayan, so that it sounds like Iay and not me.

I do not know what she writes but here's what I tell her to write. 'Mom, I told Sir Lewis what I say to you and he tell me that I am wrong. He say you are just protecting Ann and that it is Ann who leaves and you are just worried for her. He say that you ashamed you leave me and love me. That is all you are trying to tell me. If that is correct, then I act very wrongly and I am very sorry.'

However Angeli writes it, it works. Belen writes back only minutes later. Angeli translates it for me. Sir Lewis is very smart and has a better heart than does Ann, I think. I love Ann, but I know she is wrong in this. I am glad you love Sir Lewis and that he do right. I promise Ann I not chat Sir Lewis or have you do it for me, so please do not tell him I write this. I do not know what to do with Ann. She is being very stupid.

All this needs to be shown to Iay by Angeli with the information I gave Angeli first. She says she can do it. I trust that she can and leave it to her. What happens next is unscripted. Once Angeli explains it all to Iay, along with the texts, the fake one from her and her mother's response, Iay cries, hugs Angeli, pulls away from Angeli, finds me, hugs me, kisses me and blubbers like a baby. Then she texts her mother. The text explains that she, Iay, was not so bright, nor so good and that it took Lewis and Angeli to fool Belen into thinking it was Iay, and her mother's response to show Iay that she had been so wrong about her mother. She apologizes for her foul tongue but in doing all that, she let the cat out if the bag that I had read the previous text.

Belen, thankfully, took it well and thanked her daughter for protecting who she so loved, just as Belen was doing. She didn't say a word about my knowing.

All this doesn't make my situation any better, but I know Ann is safe. I understand Belen's position in this and am grateful she is with Ann. Iay is less conflicted. Angeli has learned a lesson about Belen, and is probably right about Ann.

I text Ann.

Look, I have been here long enough to apply for Dual Citizenship. If you really do not love me, I will accept that we are over. I don't like it, because I still deeply love you, but I will accept it, if you tell me that you no longer love me. Live where you like here, until I can get the Citizenship. We will transfer the land title, house title and car title to me. I will settle with you from our savings. You or I then file for an annulment based on the fact that you are and evidently have always been a lesbian. We will be legally annulled. Since you are a Dual Citizen with a USA passport, you can file to get Belen a fiancée visa to the USA, bring her there. You can marry her. If she wants, and Iay wants, you can even bring Iay over with you. Ann, I do not want to lose you, but sometimes to truly love someone, it is necessary to let go. Let me know.

Fifteen minutes later I get a text back from Ann.

You do that for me?

My simple answer is...


I will talk with Belen and text you back.


Belen will not go! She will not marry me! She say she belong to you, not me!

I will text Belen and give my permission.

Thank you, Lewis.

I do text Belen and tell her I release her from anything that makes her think she has a duty to me. Her answer is unexpected.

No! Ann wrong. This would be bad marriage for wrong reasons. Ann needs go back to you, her husband. I tell her that. I love her and love to go the USA. But no. I not do this.

I text Ann.

Belen is unwilling, but my offer still stands. If you want out of this marriage, I will cooperate if you will cooperate. I do not need to tell you what Belen tells you. I know you do not believe I love you, but I do. I will do what my wife and true love wants.

I get nothing back from Ann.

I get a text from Belen.

Give her time. Maybe she come back.

Maybe she will, but maybe not. I text Belen.

Why do you think her leaving me would be for the wrong reasons?

She thinks you not love her, but everyone tells her she is wrong. She thinks all are against her.

Belen, does she love me? Do not protect my feelings. Does she really love me? I want to believe she does, but I do not know.

Are people telling you she does not?

No. Joy2x thinks she does, but says Ann doesn't think I love her. Angeli is confused but knows that I will never marry her. You can ask her. What I tell Angeli is I love Ann in ways that can never be replaced. If I should lose Ann and I pray I do not, that I will wait until Noime is old enough to marry. I will never marry Angeli. She knows that and accepts that. She has no reason to be against Ann. The little ones are just scared. No one tells me Ann does not love me. They are only confused.

Clearly I am lying a bit. Angeli thinks that Ann does not love me, but I simply discount it and it does no harm.

I do not know if she loves you, Lewis. It impossible to separate what she thinks is her obligation to you and love. She only want to marry me because she think you do not really love her. That why it is wrong. If she know you love her and she say, 'but I do not love him anymore,' then OK it is not good situation, but then she should get annulment. Still I not willing to go to USA and marry her. If she do that to you, she do that to me later. I do not trust her feelings. I trust yours.

So, yes you are reading something that makes no sense. I am a man with six or eight (depending on whether we are counting Ann and Belen) girls, all of whom I fuck and most of whom I deeply love. I took Belen by raping her ass. And she trusts me? I need a rhum! It's only 11AM.

I get a text from Frank.

Got some time this afternoon?

Yes, what's up?

Need to talk.

Oh my. I am not sure I am ready for this.

I'm doing some things around here, but can stop for a bit if you come over.

Good, See you around 2PM.

I turn toward Angeli who is standing in the kitchen, texting.

Is that Flory?

Yes, was that Frank?

Yes. She coming over?

Yes, all three are coming over. I tell her that Ann is visiting relatives. Not here. She say OK. Lewis, what we do?

I have no idea. Where's Joy2x?


Text her we have company coming at 2.

One thing that has happened is that two of the females that keep this house ship shape on a daily basis have been missing now for three days. This morning Joy2x and Angeli gave each of the little ones specific instructions. Each has been busy, washing clothing, and other housekeeping duties. If Ann and Belen are to be gone for much longer I am going to have to dip my toe back into the school mothers, just to get that matter under control and that will cause a wreck if Ann then comes back. I say as much to Angeli who says nothing.

Is the fact that Frank is coming over at 2PM the reason I decide to eat a frankfurter for lunch? Don't know, but it is possible. Anyway, that's what I have and then sit down to do some writing until Frank et al. arrives. Joy2x arrives back at just before 2. The house looks pretty good at this point. Granted it is not up to Ann's standard, but it will pass.

Frank pulls up in a Honda Fit. How he drives that here I have no idea. The thing has no clearance and scrapes bottom all the time, but he seems to like it. He parks in front of the gate. To my surprise, both Agnes and Flory emerge from the back seat. There is no front seat passenger. Just to be clear about something I have not mentioned before. Agnes is no old hag. She is a twenty-nine-year-old beauty who Frank married when she was but 18 years of age. She was a virgin when they married, according to Frank, who had engaged in what I told him was TMI. Flory is lovely, but no prettier than is Agnes, and Flory is a bit older.

I escort them into the Sala. A conversation in Visayan starts between Agnes and Angeli. Agnes is doing most of the talking. Next thing I know, Agnes, Angeli, Flory and Joy2x all disappear into the master bedroom. Frank and I am alone in the Sala. I move us to the dining table.

What's up Frank?

You know about my maid?

I know you have a maid. Ann told me, you got one. Ann wouldn't be without maids. I was always surprised you didn't have one.

That's not what I meant. You really don't know about my maid?

What about your maid, Frank?

She's not just a maid.

OK, explain that one.

She's a, um, oh hell, Lewis, I am fucking her. Not just me, Agnes too, she is doing us both!

How's that working for you?

That's what you do? You ask, how's that working for me? You are one weird fuck. You know that, Lewis?

I'm sorry, Frank, what was I supposed to do when you tell me that your maid is a bi-lover for you and your wife. I am not sure I know what the proper response is supposed to be.

Sorry, I don't know, but I guess I expect you to be surprised? But you wouldn't be would you. I mean you are fucking all your maids.

So what's up? Surely you didn't come over just to tell me that.

No, no I didn't. Damn it, Lewis. How can you be so laid back dealing with this?

Frank, what's up?

OK, OK... well Agnes and Flory want to add another girl. But Flory say it not all that easy to get a right one, unless we do something maybe we don't want. It seems wrong to me and I think to Agnes too, but Flory say if we just get a single girl, we will have trouble. But Flory is a single girl. She won't explain and so Agnes says we come here for the answer.

And they are getting an answer from Joy2x and Angeli?

Yes and I am getting an answer from you.

Uh-uh. Nope, that won't work. Come with me.

I walk to the master bedroom with Frank right behind me telling me that I should not go in there. Oh, bullshit. I have to be in there and if I am right, both my girls are freaking out right now. I do not knock. It is my bedroom, not theirs. I see two truly three panicked faces and one determined one. I can guess what is going on, but I am not going to ask based on guesses.

Angeli, please fill me in on what's going on.

Sir Lewis, Agnes wants to know why Flory says that if they take another girl, she needs to have a daughter who they also take. They can't really trust a girl to be good to them as a couple, if she not have daughter there too. She wants to know who Flory's daughter is and where she is. She wants to know why Flory thinks what she thinks.

And what have you and Joy2x told her.

Wala pa.1

I see. Agnes, Flory's daughter is not here. I know where she is. I can tell you she is safe and has a bright future. But because of required confidentiality I can say no more. Flory will say no more. My girls will say no more. To the extent that Flory's experience is special and not like others, she is not speaking about her experience but rather about the knowledge of how it frequently works. You should, if you care about Flory, give her a pass and not push her on this matter.

So you are saying that Flory and her daughter are not what she is recommending? I am confused?

Clearly, she is not part of that. She is with you, without her daughter and her daughter will never join you.

Agnes, calms down a little.

I ask, Agnes, why do you want to add someone else?

When I am with Flory, Frank is not. That is not fair.

So you don't enjoy her together?


Why not?

Well, … I, … It's not right!

Agnes, what part of what you are doing is right?

I, … I, ... Lewis, I would not be comfortable.

Flory, would you be comfortable joining both Agnes and Frank in bed?


Frank? What do you think? And, Frank, don't tell me I'm a sick fuck, just swallow hard and tell the truth for once.

Yeh, yeh, I'd like that.

Good, Frank. Good for you. Now, Agnes, both Frank and Flory can go for this and you are with both of them individually. So do a threesome and get over it. It will be fun and you may no longer need to add anyone else. Adding others, has its own issues and complexities. While it can be very rewarding, there is nothing wrong with keeping things a threesome. Flory is a special female and I suspect you will not find another girl like her.

What about this issue of the daughters?

Agnes, you don't need to pursue it. Leave it alone. There are some things best just left undisturbed. Leave it alone and be happy with what you have.

Lewis. Tell me about your little ones.

No, Agnes, I will not. Go home and be happy with your life. I will keep your secrets. Don't explore mine.

OK Lewis, OK.

Is there anything more?

There is not and the three leave, Flory holding back a little. She thanks us and leaves.

I sit down on a couch in the Sala. Joy2x is giving me a look, like I told you so. I see it and nod my head. Angeli brings me a rhum on ice. I have been needing these a lot lately.

By 6PM we are sitting down to eat when Belen walks through the door. There is silence in the room. Belen stands there looks around and seeing the confusion, speaks. It's just me. Angeli tell me things falling apart here. She can't do it all. Maybe you have to find other girls to help. I tell Ann we must go back. She is still being stupid. I give up and come back. Sir Lewis, may I stay with you or am I only here if Ann is here?

Belen, do you want to be here without Ann?

Yes, Sir. I do.

Then you stay. Come sit and eat.

The issue of the housekeeping is now resolved, but I remain without my wife.

Uncle, who will be with you tonight?

I have no idea. I have given it no thought. Once again, I really just want to be alone. There is silence. They are waiting for me and I have no idea.

Joy2x speaks up, Boss, I think you should be with Belen tonight, unless she want to be alone or with Iay.

Sir Lewis, you willing to be with me? I leave with Ann and refuse your texts for two days!

Yes Belen. Please join me tonight.

§ § §

This is not supposed to be. Belen did not want to ever be with me when she first entered this house. She is a lesbian and now there are two confirmed lesbians here. Why she wants to be with me is a matter of honor, respect and not burning desire. I am fully aware of the difference as I enter the bedroom and find Belen there, under the sheets. I will not belabor her with questions. We both know what this is about. She will be on her back as a sign that I am the big dog here and she knows the rules. I don't need to be forceful with her. She has already submitted. But if I do not touch her, which would be my first choice tonight, she will take that as a rejection of her submission. These damned interpersonal games of manners even in messed up situations like this, can be just so damned silly.

I know not to kiss the girl. I bring her to me and suck on her breasts. I spend a very long time doing this and only this. I move down on the bed and take her pussy in my mouth. Belen seems happy with what is happening. Her body is responding. I keep it up until Belen cums. I continue until she cums again. I back off her cunt and kiss her hips, belly, breasts, neck and nibble her earlobes. I hold her and patiently wait for her to settle in. She doesn't do that. She takes my member and starts stroking it. She works her body around into a novel position. I am on my side. Her knees are behind my head. Her face against my ass. Her arms wrapped around me and stroking me. She nuzzles her face into and between my ass cheeks and tongues my butt while stroking me furiously. As God is my witness, I have never experienced anything like this and I blow my load in minutes.

Sir, last week you told me I belong to you, not Ann. You are right. I belong to you. You tell me the girls I have for sex, I will be happy with that, but I am yours.

Belen, can you love Joy2x?

Yes, I do already.

Then, Belen, you and Joy2x are now a couple. Keep her happy, Belen. She deserves to be happy.

You tell me I am no longer Ann's love? I am to be Joy2x's?

Yes. Ann will need to find her own way.

Yes, Sir. I do what you say. Sir, I do not think Ann is coming back.

I know, Belen, I know.

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1 - nothing yet.

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Chapter 30