
I decided, despite not having written a lot lately, that it was time to redesign the site.

I was getting sick of the blue anyway...

I write erotic stories, with the emphasis on romance. My characters mostly like and respect one another, though that doesn't guarantee anything.

The redesign means that I can now structure the multi-part stories correctly. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!



This site and the works contained within are intended as ADULT entertainment. It contains material of an adult, explicit, SEXUAL nature. If you are offended by sexually explicit content or language, please DO NOT read any further.

This site also contains depictions of acts of a sexual nature that may or not be legal to be read by persons under the age of consent. This age varies in different countries, and in different areas of some countries. If you are under the legal age to read adult material or if it is illegal to read or possess material of an erotic nature, it is your duty to use your browser's back button and leave this site.

All work contained in this site is the product of my warped mind and pudgy fingers. It is fictional in nature. All characters and events are fictional as well. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is accidental and unintentional. The author does not necessarily condone or endorse any of the activities described in these stories.


This work is copyrighted 1998 - 2007 by gentlebutfirm who retains sole possession to all rights and privileges contained within the law, domestic and international.

Permission is given to individual readers to retain 1 copy (electronic or print) for personal use. Copies to mirror sites of www.asstr.org permitted. Any other use is reliant on the written (electronic or printed) permission of the author who retains copies of all requests and grants. Any other publication, reprinting, archiving, or other use, in whole or in part is forbidden. Any exceptions to the above provisions require the permission of the author as stated. Reposting of the electronic media versions of the works of this author can be obtained by sending a request to:

[email protected]