Jimmy's Naked Summer 6 to 7

By James Breitbart
[email protected]

Copyright 2018 by James Breitbart, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 6
I spent most of the next week sulking in my room, as angry as ever about my enforced nudity. To make matters worse, my parents had started having sex out in the open. They were both college professors and had the summer off, which meant that their days were completely free for sex, except of course when they made me go with them to the grocery store or the library or the post office.
When I complained about it, they just gave me the same old speech about not being ashamed of your body. Of course, when Sunday came around, my parents wouldn’t let me avoid going to church. I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, but of course people stared at me on my way into the Sunday school room. When I got there I was shocked to see that Kyle was as naked as I was.
“Um, this isn’t my fault, is it?” I asked sheepishly.
“Kind of,” Kyle admitted. He was blushing furiously. I assumed that he couldn’t show any anger, since he was the minister’s son.
I wanted to explain that it was all my parents’ fault, but I figured I’d get in trouble with the Sunday school teacher. I sat down and sulked through the lesson. At least with Kyle naked too, I only got half the stares.
When Sunday school ended my parents made me sit next to Kyle in the front pew. I wondered if Reverend Durham and my parents had arranged this all behind my back. My suspicions were confirmed when Reverend Durham got to the sermon. He stepped out from behind the pulpit and stood at the center of the church. Then he asked me, Danny, and Kyle to step to the front. A murmur ran through the congregation as we got up. I stood with Danny on one side of him, and Kyle stood on the other. Reverend Durham turned us around to face the congregation. I blushed with shame and immediately tried to cover myself with my hands.
“As you can see,” Reverend Durham announced, “a few of our parishioners have decided to take up the practice of nudism, and I’m having my own son Kyle join them.” He started in on a sermon that was basically the lecture my parents had been giving me about not being “ashamed of your body,” with a couple of references to Adam and Eve thrown in. At the end, he asked for anyone else who wanted to embrace nudism to come to the front of the church.
There was silence for a moment and then Adrian got up and stood next to me and Danny. I watched, stunned as he took his shirt off and then bent down to untie his shoes. He carefully removed each shoe and then peeled the sock off. I took in his bare feet as he balled his socks up and put them in one of his shoes. Then he removed his belt and stepped out of his pants. He hadn’t been wearing any underwear, and his erect cock jutted out from his body as he stood straight with his hands at his sides.
The church was dead silent except for whispering between Adrian’s brothers and Mr. and Mrs. Holloway. Chris ran down the aisle, followed by his parents, and loudly announced “I wanna get naked too!” Adrian helped Chris get his clothes off, and Mr. and Mrs. Holloway both stripped. Justin came up the aisle next.
“Are you gonna be naked too?” Danny asked.
“I guess so.”
“Awesome!” Momentarily forgetting that we were in church, Danny high-fived Justin before he stripped.
Finally, Jordan walked up to the front. “I guess I shouldn’t be the odd one out,” he remarked, before joining his family in nudity.
No one else volunteered, and Reverend Durham sent us back to our seats for the final hymn. I was in a much better mood than I’d been at the beginning of the sermon. If I was going to be stuck naked all summer, at least it looked like I’d have some company.
Chapter 7
The next morning, I woke up around 9:00 and went downstairs. Mom and Dad were fucking in the kitchen, but by this point I had given up trying to get them to stop. I just rolled my eyes and poured myself a bowl of cereal. When they’d finished doing it, Mom and Dad sat down across the table from me.
“Well, that was fun,” Mom remarked.
“I’m sure,” I responded sarcastically.
“So, what are you doing today?”
I shrugged. “Nothing.”
“Nothing? You’ve hardly done anything but lay around in your room all summer. Why don’t you see if your friends want to come over?”
“You guys aren’t gonna do...that...again if they do.”
“How about this,” dad suggested, “you invite your school friends for the afternoon, and your mother and I promise not to have sex while they’re here.”
“This time,” Mom added, which didn’t bode well for the long term, but there was nothing I could do about that.
I texted Caleb, Dae-Huyn, and Joey, and they were all at my house within half-an-hour.
“Are your parents home?” Caleb asked in a whisper.
“Yeah, why?”
“I got something we might like to try, but if they’re home it can wait for another time.”
“What is it?” Dae-Huyn asked.
“I’ll show you.” Caleb looked around to make sure my parents weren’t watching and pulled out a pack of joints, the pre-rolled kind they sell behind the counter at drug stores, out of his backpack.
“Cool, how did you get those?” Joey asked.
“My brother got them for me.” Sam was 16, which was the minimum age to buy pot in Pennsylvania. “My parents aren’t going to be home tomorrow if you want to come over.”
I didn’t really want to leave the house naked, but I also didn’t want to get left out, so I agreed to come over to Caleb’s house the next day.
We went outside, and Caleb, Joey, and Dae-Huyn stripped off their clothes. Caleb was still wearing his anklet. We sat down in a circle on the grass. I rubbed my bare foot against Caleb’s feeling the calluses that had developed over the beginning of his shoeless summer. He smiled at me and reached over to retract my foreskin as Joey lubed up his dick. I reached out to grasp Dae-Huyn’s erect cock, and we started the circle jerk.
When we’d all cum we lay back on the grass, enjoying the warmth of the summer sun on our nude bodies. No one said anything until Danny came outside.
“What are you guys doing?”
“Nothing,” I responded defensively. I was annoyed at him for breaking up the moment.
“Doesn’t look like nothing.”
“What do you want?”
“Mom said to make sure you had on sunscreen.”
I sighed and stood up. I actually had forgotten to put on sunscreen. I still wasn’t used to being outside naked. Caleb, Dae-Huyn, and Joey gathered their clothes and followed me inside. Danny went straight to my dad and started tattling on us.
“Jimmy and his friends were lying on the grass, and they all had sperm on them.” I looked down and realized that I had, in fact, let my own cum dry on my stomach, and Dae-Huyn’s on my hand. Suddenly embarrassed, I got up to go get a washcloth from the kitchen.
“They’re just having a circle jerk,” Dad explained, “that’s when a bunch of guys sit in a circle and rub each other’s dicks until they cum.”
“Cool! Can I play?”
“We’re not going to do that again for a while,” I responded, annoyed equally as much at Danny and my Dad, “and besides, you’re too young.”
“I think he might enjoy it,” Dad suggested.
“Well, I’m not going to jerk off my own little brother.”
“Alright, we’ll discuss it later.”
I let the issue drop and went back to my friends with the washcloth. Everyone wiped themselves clean and we spent the rest of the afternoon playing video games.
When the guys had left, Dad pulled me aside. “I really would like you to start including Danny in you guys’ activities.”
“Come on Dad, he’s only nine.”
“Like you weren’t playing with yourself when you were nine...”
“I was playing with myself,” I admitted, “not older guys. Why can’t Danny jerk off with his own friends?”
“There’s not a lot of parents who are as open-minded as your mother and I.” I wanted to make aa sarcastic remark, but I had to admit that he had just let me jerk off with my friends in the house, which I’m pretty sure would get most kids grounded.
“What about the Holloways?” I asked.
Dad smiled mischievously. “You know, that’s a good idea. We should invite them over some time.”




(End of File)