Taught a Lesson 9 & 10

By Nevergrowup
[email protected]

Copyright 2018 by Nevergrowup, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Part 9
Grumbling to himself as he went into the dining room, Connor pulled the extension leaves out on the table, and set out the place mats and cutlery. He had just finished doing this when the doorbell rang.
“Connor, that will be Kirsten and Jemma. I’ve got my hands full, be a dear and open the door for them please.” His mother called out from the kitchen.
Drawing his breath in sharply, Connor made his way from the dining room into the hall and to the front door, where he gingerly opened it, making sure that he stood behind it as he did so to avoid being seen.
“Thanks Connor,” said Kirsten, whose eyes suddenly widened and she gasped in surprise; “You’re naked.”
Mrs Maynard smiled as she heard Jemma squealing in excitement from the hallway; “Connor’s got his willy out, Connor’s got his willy out,” she yelled in delight.
Connor stood still and silent looking totally crestfallen; this was just so embarrassing, and his sisters had only been in the house less than 60 seconds. He shuddered to think what his life was going to be like when they discovered he was going to be naked for the entire week.
“Mum,” enquired Kirsten as she entered the kitchen; “why is Connor naked?”
“Well dear,” said her mother; “I’m afraid Connor, along with two of his friends were caught looking at something they shouldn’t have been on the computer in the school library. All three of them are going to receive suitable punishments from the school, but your father and I felt that as this was the third time in under a fortnight that he has been in trouble, that he deserved an additional penalty; so instead of getting a spanking he will be spending the rest of the week when he is at home, naked.”
“Wow! Really?” exclaimed Kirsten excitedly, “that will be so cool.”
“Well I’m sure Connor doesn’t think it’s cool,” replied her mother, as the sound of Jemma singing; “Connor’s got his willy out” could be heard in the background.
“Ooh,” said Kirsten, “isn’t Auntie Mel, Peter and the twins coming over later?” she asked.
“Yes,” answered her mother.
“Will they get to see Connor naked?”
“Yes dear,” her mother replied, “I’ve already said he will be naked all the time from the moment he gets home from school.”
“Oooh yes!” gasped Kirsten, with a huge smile on her face, getting even more excited, “Wow! They are in for a surprise.”
As she scurried out of the kitchen, so a very unhappy Connor entered. Kirsten grinned at him as the passed and glancing in the direction of his groin whispered; “very nice.” Connor’s face instantly went a deep shade of red.
Kirsten headed upstairs to her room and giggled as she passed Jemma’s bedroom, where inside her younger sister was still humming away about Connor’s willy. As soon as she entered her own room she took out her mobile phone and texted her two cousins; Sally and Jennifer. “U r in 4 a big surprise later, Connor’s naked.” She typed. Within minutes of pressing the send button her mobile buzzed twice in quick succession.
“What do you mean he’s naked?” texted Sally.
“Are you joking – Wow! Really?” texted Jennifer.
“Yes, u can c his cute willy, pubes and everything.” Kirsten replied.
“Wow! I can’t wait to see that, c u soon,” texted Jennifer.
“That sounds amazing, we will be there about 6ish,” texted Sally.
“C u then, x,” Kirsten responded, putting her mobile down and sitting on the edge of her bed with a very satisfied look on her face.”
Back in the kitchen Connor was being kept busy by his mother, who was preparing chilli for tea. He had peeled and chopped the onions and garlic, drained the can of kidney beans and was now carefully de-seeding the chillies. Janet Maynard was a very good cook and liked to use fresh produce whenever possible.
“Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after you have done that,” she instructed, “otherwise the next time you visit the bathroom you might get an unpleasant surprise.”
Connor, looking a little confused, asked what she meant.
“Well you don’t want to spend the rest of the evening with a hot chilli willy do you?” she replied smiling.
Connor thought for a moment and then finally twigged what his mother meant, his face turning red again for the umpteenth time.
“Is there anything else that needs doing?” Connor asked, hoping that there wasn’t.
His mother was just putting the mince on to brown; “if you could wash the salad leaves and put them in a bowl then that would be very helpful,” she replied, “then you can go and wait in the lounge ready to get the front door and welcome our visitors when they arrive.”
Connor finished washing the salad leaves and reluctantly went through to the lounge where he found Kirsten and Jemma already there waiting for their aunt and cousins to arrive. Both girls grinned as their naked brother walked past. Connor took a seat on one of the two-seater sofas, away from where the girls were sitting on the three-seater. He tried to avoid their gaze but found his eyes were drawn to where they were sitting; he was feeling very uncomfortable and was dreading the arrival of his aunt and cousins. This was going to be such a humiliating experience and one he felt he would never be able to live down.
He caught Jemma’s eye as she stared fixatedly at him and she gave him a huge smile. Connor responded by sticking his tongue out at her; this only succeeded in provoking her into delivering another chorus of “Connor’s got his willy out,” which whilst she and Kirsten found it very amusing, Connor did not. He was about to say something to her when the doorbell rang.
“Connor, can you get that please?” called his mother from the kitchen. Connor got up from the sofa, his legs feeling like jelly; he could feel the dryness on the back of his throat, his heart was suddenly pounding away as he moved nervously towards the front door. His hands were trembling as he reached for the latch, turned it and opened the door. He had planned to hide behind the door as he opened it, in much the same way as he had done earlier when he let his sisters in, but with so many emotions running through he head, he wasn’t thinking straight and just opened the door wide and stood there revealing his naked body for everyone to see.
Melanie had already been spoken to by Janet that afternoon and so she was fully aware of Connor’s predicament and knew what would be happening.
“Hello Connor,” she said nonchalantly, leaning forward and giving Connor a hug, “how are you?” giving the impression that having the door opened by a completely naked 14-year-old boy was the most natural thing in the world. Connor blushed, and gave his aunt a watery smile.
“I’m fine, thank you,” he replied.
Sally and Jennifer had of course been pre-warned by Kirsten regarding Connor’s condition and were very excited about seeing their cousin naked. Melanie suspected that they had been told in advance, as for the last hour or so before they left their own home the girls had been positively hyper; laughing and giggling and practising wolf-whistling. She didn’t need three guesses to work out who the informant was.
Sally and Jennifer both gasped as Connor opened the door; they had always thought that their cousin was quite good looking, although that was something he wasn’t aware of, but now they were getting an incredible opportunity to see his whole body without any clothes on, including his crown jewels, which their eyes were now ogling at. Both of them glanced up at Connor’s blushing, burning red face.
“Wow! Connor, you look terrific,” exclaimed Jennifer smiling.
“It’s so nice to be able to see so much more of you,” declared Sally, her face also breaking into a smile.
Peter’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw his cousin standing there with nothing on. He looked Connor up and down two or three times before his gaze settled on Connor’s cock and balls, and his pubes. Peter was only 11-years-old and so had not started developing yet, so the sight of his cousin with hair around his cock became an immediate focus of great curiosity. He looked questioningly at his mother, as if to say, “why is Connor naked,” but received only a smile in response, and the instruction; “Go on in Peter, before Connor gets cold standing there.”
They all stepped inside and as Connor closed the front door behind them so Kirsten and Jemma came running out of the lounge to greet them. They each gave their aunt a hug, before returning back to the lounge with their cousins.
“Hi Mel,” called out Janet, “I’m in the kitchen, do come through.”
Melanie walked through to greet her sister and the two embraced. Connor followed his aunt into the kitchen.
“Do sit down,” said Janet, “we can chat whilst I finish preparing tea. I’m slightly behind, for obvious reasons,” she said, nodding in Connor’s direction, “which I have already explained to you about on the phone.”
Connor looked at his mother, and lowered his head in shame. It had been his fault, and now his mother was making sure everyone knew about it.
“Connor, why don’t you go and ask everyone what they would like to drink?” said his mother; “then whilst Melanie and I chat, perhaps you could pour them out and take them through to the lounge.”
Connor sighed and went off to the lounge. He had deliberately followed his aunt into the kitchen rather than going into the lounge so he could avoid all the others gawping at him. As he entered, so five pairs of eyes followed him. He was particularly embarrassed as he actually really liked his twin cousins; they were identical twins and were both very pretty so he thought; slim, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Actually, Connor found them very attractive and he had secretly had fantasies about them. He would have been very happy to have had just one cousin who looked like that, but having two who looked the same was really awesome and gave him something to think about.
He stared back at his sisters and cousins; “What would you like to drink?” he asked, trying not to blush.
Kirsten and Jemma immediately asked for a coke; as did Sally, Jennifer and Peter.
“That was an easy order,” thought Connor as he headed off back to the kitchen to organise the drinks. As he did so his mind had started to wander and he was now thinking about his twin cousins. In his dreams they had been naked as well as him; now they were seeing him naked for the first time and he wondered whether they were having any thoughts about him. He was starting to fantasise about his cousins again and for the first time in ages a smile spread across his face.
Connor poured the cokes including one for himself, put all the glasses on a tray and carried them through to the lounge; he then went to everyone in turn so that they could each take their drink from him. As he stood in front of Sally and Jennifer he smiled at them as they reached out and grabbed hold of their drink. He was so close to them that they could almost touch him; how he wished they would he thought to himself.
With so many notions whirring around inside his head, and his focus on his girl cousins, he allowed his hopes and imaginations to get the better of him, which of course led to the inevitable happening. So engrossed was he in thinking about what he would like to do with Sally and Jennifer that he didn’t notice the warning signals and the stirring sensation in his groin until it was too late.
Indeed, he was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he was almost in another world; that was until Jemma burst his bubble by squealing;
“Oooh look at Connor’s big willy.”
Connor zapped himself back into reality and staring at his groin, realised to his horror that a total lack of self-discipline and the self-indulgent fantasising about his cousins had now led to him sporting a very large boner.
“Wow!” exclaimed Jennifer, “that’s pretty impressive,” she said gazing at Connor’s erect penis.
“That’s amazing Connor,” said Sally with a huge smile on her face.
“Who’s a big boy then?” exclaimed Kirsten with an equally big grin.
Peter looked at his cousin in awe; this was the biggest willy he had ever seen, and being a boy, he wasn’t quite sure what his reaction should be, so he decided to remain silent and not say anything.
This was in complete contrast to a very excited Jemma who was fully in her element, and was now happily singing; “Connor’s made his willy big, Connor’s made his willy big.”
Connor stood frozen to the spot in the centre of the lounge, his face bright red in embarrassment, not knowing what to do next. He glanced at the faces of his siblings and cousins who were staring back at him excited and animated, their own faces wreathed in smiles at his own predicament. Just when he deemed there was no way out, came his mother’s voice;
“Tea’s ready,” she called. “Please wash your hands and come and join us in the dining room.”
The four girls and Peter jumped up from the sofas and headed off to the bathroom to clean themselves up and get ready to eat.
Connor had never been so relieved in all his life. Having been seemingly against him throughout the day; all of a sudden his mother, unbeknown to her, had come to his rescue when he needed it most. A sense of relief spread across his face and releasing a huge sigh he too headed off to wash his hands.
Everyone sat around the table and thoroughly enjoyed their meal. There was lots of chatter and general discussion about all sorts of things, none of which involved Connor, which he was enormously thankful for.
After tea Janet, Mel and the children adjourned to the lounge for a short while, before it was time for Mel, Peter, Sally and Jennifer to head home.
“Thank you for a lovely tea,” said Melanie, “it was very nice to see you all and catch up. We must do this again soon, and next time it will be our turn to host,” she announced. “Bye everyone,” she said embracing her sister, Kirsten and Jemma. Sally, Jennifer and Peter all said their goodbyes, and just as she was leaving Melanie turned and gave Connor a hug; “Bye Connor,” she said, “try and stay out of trouble.”
Connor looked embarrassed, and gave his aunt a half smile.
As she shut the front door so their mother turned and called out; “bed everyone.” It was almost 9.30pm and past Jemma’s bedtime, and not far off Kirsten and Connor’s. “I want all of you in bed by 10pm,” she announced. “It’s going to be a very busy day tomorrow, and all of us have to go to school,” she said; “as I have to accompany Connor to the Headmaster’s office tomorrow morning.”
Connor stared at her and frowned. He had forgotten that.
“Well come on then, get moving,” exclaimed their mother. “Connor move that naked butt of yours upstairs.”
Connor looked unhappily at his mother.
“Don’t glare at me like that,” his mother remarked; “You created this situation and you had better get used to it.”
Connor muttered something inaudible under his breath and headed upstairs to his room. He entered, and climbed straight into bed, pulling the duvet up over him. He switched off the light and lay there in the darkness thinking to himself. As he lay there his mother’s last words revolved around in his mind; “You had better get used to it.” What did she mean by that he wondered. He shut his eyes and a few minutes later had drifted off to sleep.
Part 10

Connor opened his eyes and stared into the blackness around him. He had had a fairly restless night of constantly tossing and turning, and had woken up several times sweating profusely. The last time had been just before 4am. He reached over to his bedside table and picked up his watch, pressing the light button he saw that it was just gone 6.20am, far too early to even contemplate getting up. He lay there in the darkness and the stillness, and as he collected his thoughts he focussed on the fact that in a little over two hours’ time he would be standing inside the Headmaster’s office waiting to discover the unknown fate that was about to befall him and his friends, something that he really didn’t want to know. He needed to distract himself; he closed his eyes for a moment and started to think about Sally and Jennifer.
“Connor wake up! Connor!”
He awoke with a start, someone was shaking him violently and shouting in his ear. Connor opened his eyes and saw his mother standing over him.
“Connor, it’s time to get up,” his mother said, sounding very annoyed. “It’s nearly a quarter to eight and we need to be at school in Mr Trimble’s office in 45 minutes, and we are not going to be late,” she growled; “so get out of bed NOW! I want you showered, dressed and downstairs in the kitchen for breakfast by 8 o’clock, so get a move on.”
He lay there for a moment composing himself before throwing back the duvet, leaping out of bed and getting showered and dressed in record time. He was already in enough trouble and certainly didn’t want to add to his woes by antagonising his mother again; that was the last thing he needed. Having experienced a very unhappy journey home from school in the car with his mother last night, he definitely didn’t want a repeat performance as they travelled to school that morning.
He arrived in the kitchen at 7.59am, his hair still wet and his shirt damp in places where he had hurriedly dressed, without properly drying himself off first. He sat down at the breakfast table, glaring at both of his sisters who were already present, and helped himself to some cereal, splashing some milk over it, he then proceeded to eat his cornflakes in silence.
Jemma and Kirsten as usual were chattering away and couldn’t help but smile as their slightly dishevelled brother appeared. They were just finishing their breakfast as Connor entered the kitchen, and so there wasn’t really an opportunity for them to wind him up by talking about what had happened the previous evening, particularly as their mother was in earshot and they could see she wasn’t in the best of moods.
“If you’ve finished your breakfast please go and brush your teeth, collect your bags and put on your coats; we are going to be leaving in about five minutes,” their mother said.
Connor looked up from his bowl of cereal and scowled. Not only was he having to be taken to school by his mother, but now it seems he was going to have to share the journey with his two sisters as well.
“Connor will you hurry up,” his mother shouted; “We are leaving in the next few minutes, and we need to be there on time. I am not going to arrive late on account of your tardiness, now MOVE!”
Two minutes later they were all in the car and Mrs Maynard was pulling out of the driveway. It was an overcast and rather wet Tuesday morning and the two girls were quite glad of a lift to school, instead of having to make their own way as they usually did. Connor was sat in the front passenger seat, whilst Jemma and Kirsten sat in the back. Throughout the journey his sisters talked non-stop; he was certainly glad that the drive was a swift one and that it only took 10 minutes, unlike yesterday’s which had taken much longer.
Mrs Maynard parked in the visitor’s car park and kissed her daughters’ goodbye as they left the car; wishing them both a pleasant day. The two girls headed off together before Jemma peeled off right towards the junior school building, whilst Kirsten walked straight ahead and into the main school block. Mrs Maynard then locked the car up as she and Connor made their way to the school front entrance. Almost as soon as they reached the footpath they were joined by Angela Adams and Nathan.
“Morning Janet,” said Angela, “it’s not a very nice one is it.”
“Oh, hello Angela,” Janet replied; “no it’s not, I’m sure both of us would much rather be back home now enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee,” she said, glaring at Connor.
Angela nodded in agreement.
They reached the front entrance and went through into the school reception area where Miss Peters was waiting for them.
“Good morning Mrs Adams, Mrs Maynard,” she said. “Please go and wait outside the Headmaster’s office; Mrs Robinson and Tom are already there waiting. I will let Mr Trimble know that you have all arrived and he will call you in shortly.”
The three took their seats outside the office and sat with their mothers in silence. They didn’t have long to wait, as at precisely 8.30am the door opened and Mr Trimble emerged.
“Good morning,” said the Headmaster, glancing at the boys and smiling, “thank you all for being so prompt; please come in.”
Connor, Nathan and Tom and their mothers got up from their seats and followed Mr Trimble inside.
“Please sit down,” he said, taking his own seat behind his large oak desk.
The boys waited for their mothers to take their seats; who did so leaving the adjacent seat free so that each boy could sit down next to their mother; all three of them looking extremely nervous.
“Well gentlemen,” the Headmaster began, “I have lost count as to the number of times that each of the three of you have appeared in my office since you started at this school. I have to say that it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to have to resort to a punishment that I never expected to ever have recourse to. Indeed, it is the first time in the school’s history since it was introduced to the statute books that this punishment has been enforced. I am, in a way sorry that it has come to this, but I’m afraid that with your constant misbehaviour you have given me little choice.”
Connor looked first at Nathan, then at Tom; all three boys had terrified expressions on their faces and were petrified by what they had just heard; they wondered what horrible medieval penance they were about to receive.
Mr Trimble continued; “Your punishment has been discussed with your mothers, who in turn have spoken to your fathers and they are all in agreement with it. In addition, I have sought permission from the Chair of Governors and the rest of the governing board to implement this punishment and they have unanimously agreed.”
The more Mr Trimble went on, the more uncomfortable and anxious the boys became. Connor secretly wished he would just get to the point and tell them what was going to happen to them and put them out of their misery.
“Mr Maynard, Mr Adams and Mr Robinson, please stand up.”
All three boys did as they were asked. “Do you agree that your behaviour over the last few weeks has been unacceptable?” Mr Trimble asked.
The three boys looked surprised that their Headmaster was asking them such a question, but had to agree that maybe on occasions they had overstepped the mark. They all looked at Mr Trimble and nodded.
“Good, well at least you are big enough to admit you have been in the wrong,” he replied. “Because all other punishments have so far failed to discourage you from getting into trouble on a regular basis, and due to your obsession with watching girls getting undressed, it has been decided that for the remainder of this week all three of you will be required to be naked whilst you are on the school premises.”
The boys’ mouths opened in astonishment; each of them wanted to say something but found they couldn’t speak; they stood gazing at Mr Trimble in complete bewilderment as though their ears had deceived them.
Finally, Nathan found his voice and spoke; “I-I-I’m sorry Sir, could you say that again?”
“Yes Mr Adams,” the Headmaster replied trying to supress a smile; “All three of you boys are to spend the rest of this week naked.”
Tom again opened his mouth but found that he was unable to speak and so just stood there with a stunned expression on his face.
“B-b-but you can’t make us do that,” blurted Connor; “You just can’t.”
“I’m afraid Mr Maynard, I can,” said Mr Trimble. “This punishment has been part of the school’s constitution for over 10 years now. It is part of the agreement signed by your parents when you became a pupil at this school that in extenuating circumstances this punishment would be available; unfortunately, you three boys will be the first to experience it. As I mentioned earlier I am disappointed that I have found it necessary to enforce it.”
Connor, Nathan and Tom stared at each other in disbelief, not knowing what to say or do next. As Connor turned to look at Tom he caught a glimpse of his mother’s face which had an air of knowing about it. Then suddenly he recalled what his mother had said to him just before he went to bed last night; “You had better get used to it.” She knew he was going to have to strip naked at school and so she had deliberately offered him it as an alternative punishment to a spanking without revealing what it was until he had agreed to it. He hadn’t realised what a cunning mother he had.   
As they stood there, so Mr Trimble pressed a button on the intercom on his phone and a few moments later Miss Peters entered the room.
“Ah, Miss Peters; please will you escort these three boys and their mothers to the Green Room,” he stated.
“Yes, Mr Trimble of course. Please follow me,” she announced.
Everyone left the Headmaster’s office and followed behind Miss Peters.
“The Green Room,” muttered Tom, as they made their way along one of the school corridors “that’s behind the stage,” he observed uneasily.
“What does that mean?” asked Nathan.
Connor shrugged his shoulders; he had an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach, which he was praying wasn’t about to become realised.
As they entered the corridor that led to the school hall Miss Peters stopped and opened a door that led to the back of the stage. They all made their way through it until eventually they came to a room at the back of the stage which was known as the Green Room. In theatrical terms this is a space used by performers before they go on stage.
“Please wait here,” Miss Peters announced; “and Mr Trimble will be along to see you in a few minutes.”
The boys stood, closely together and waited for the arrival of the Headmaster. They all appeared nervous and disorientated and also very uncomfortable. By contrast their mothers were happily chatting away to each other and appeared completely oblivious to any anxiety or tension that was being experienced by their sons.
After about five minutes Mr Trimble entered the room and addressed the boys and their mothers;
“As I explained to you earlier, this is the first time this type of punishment has ever taken place at this school. Most of the pupils will be completely unaware of its existence, although all of their parents will know about it, as it was a condition of their son’s or daughter’s enrolment process. Because of this, and to avoid any confusion as to what is going to happen, I am going to explain to the whole school at this morning’s assembly about your punishment.”
Yet again the boys’ jaws dropped;
“You mean our punishment is going to be made public to the whole school?” Connor asked in dismay.
“That is correct,” replied Mr Trimble; “And it is not only the details of your punishment that will be revealed. Whilst I am addressing the assembly you three boys will be sitting on chairs behind me wearing these.” He pointed to three white technicians’ coats that had been borrowed from the science laboratory. “You will be wearing these and nothing else. Once I have finished speaking then I will ask you all to step forwards to the front of the stage where you will then remove your coats and stand facing the audience. You will keep your arms firmly at your sides and will not attempt to cover yourselves up. It is at that point that your punishment will officially begin, when you present yourselves naked so that the whole school can witness it.”
The three boys stared at Mr Trimble in complete shock and disbelief; they were going to have to appear naked in front of the whole school.
“Okay gentlemen, as time is getting on I suggest that you start to remove your clothes and put on your coats. I am going to return to my office to collect my notes for this morning’s assembly. Your mothers will be staying with you to supervise you and collect your clothes and I will see you on stage shortly,” he said with a smile as he left the Green room, leaving three very unhappy and worried boys in the capable hands of their mothers.
“Connor, don’t just stand there gawping, start getting undressed,” his mother muttered; Tom and Nathan’s mothers joined in, shouting out similar instructions to their sons.
The three boys gave each other a final glance before they kicked off their shoes and began undoing their ties. They unbuttoned their shirts and removed their trousers handing each item of clothing to their mothers who folded them neatly and placed them on chairs. It wasn’t long before they were down to just their underwear. All of them were wearing briefs which displayed their little bulges nicely.
“Connor, I’m waiting,” said his mother impatiently.
Connor glanced up at his mother, before slipping his thumbs inside his briefs and tugging them down so that they fell onto the floor, where he stepped out of them. Nathan and Tom quickly followed. They all looked extremely embarrassed as they stood naked in front of their mothers; their hands in front of them covering their groins.
“What did Mr Trimble say to you?” shouted Mrs Robinson; “No covering up, so remove your hands this instance. All three reluctantly did as they were told and revealed their soft penises with patches of pubic hair above them; their faces by now had gone a very deep shade of red.
Mrs Adams collected the lab coats from where they had been left and handed them out to the boys who were very grateful to have something to put on and cover their modesty, although this of course would only be a temporary respite, for as soon as morning registration was over everyone would be heading to the school hall for assembly. They would then be required to remove their coats and reveal themselves to the entire school.
“Listen,” said Tom suddenly, looking at the others with an expression of fear on his face. They all listened, with Connor and Nathan’s faces immediately matching that of Tom’s, as they heard the unmistakable sounds of the school hall filling up with students and teachers.


(End of File)