
By Alpenhorn
[email protected]

Copyright 2019 by Alpenhorn, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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[Alpenhorn, 2019]

‘I vant yerrr bluuud!’ the nurse said in a fake Romanian accent.  Just like in all those American vampire movies.  I laughed then.  But I am not laughing anymore.

I woke up this morning with a fever and a rash.  Mom called my usual doctor.  We have an appointment with him for this afternoon.  Blimey: I get to skip school!  But he suspects I may have something serious.  I had to get a blood test done this morning, so that the results would be ready when I see him this afternoon.

LabCorp has an office only a block from our flat.  They would draw my blood this morning.

When we got to LabCorp, I was still in my pyjamas.  Even though there were others already waiting, they took me back to one of the cubicles right away.  I didn’t really feel bad but I must have looked terrible!  Mom stayed in the waiting room.

‘Hello, Batman,’ the nurse said.  She called me that because of my Batman pyjamas:  a big bat symbol on the tee shirt, and Batman action poses on the shorts. Her name was Evelyne.  That’s when she said, ‘I vant yerrr bluuud!’

Mom had told me it would be easy, but still I was worried.

‘Sit up in this chair; you’re a big boy now, aren’t you?’

Of course I am a big boy.  I’m ten and a half.  Almost grown up.

Evelyne gave me a little rubber mouse.  ‘This is Rupert,’ she said.  ‘You can talk to him.  Or you can squeeze him.’

Evelyne put latex gloves on.

There was an arm-rest for me.  She tied a rubber tube around my upper arm.  Then she patted the soft spot inside my elbow, searching for a vein.

‘There will be a prick,’ she said.  There was.  She stuck the needle in.

I didn’t cry.  I am a big boy.

She looked concerned.  ‘Nothing.’  No blood.

She tried another spot.  Still nothing.

‘Well,’ she said.  ‘You better hold Rupert with this hand, and I will try the other arm.’

She tried the other arm.  Nothing.

With each poke it was harder not to cry.

‘It seems that you are dehydrated,’ she said.  ‘That means you have not had enough water to drink lately.’  It was true: I had not had anything since last night.

‘The next thing to try is the back of your hand,’ she said.  ‘Normally we don’t do it that way, since it is more painful.  But you are a big boy, right?  And Rupert will help.’  She called another nurse in to assist.  One of them would puncture a vein in the back of my hand, and the other would hold the vial for the blood.

Evelyne patted the back of my hand with two fingers, to find a good vein to use.  She stuck me.

Nothing.  Then they tried the other hand.  No blood.

They got out a little packet.  Thy broke the seal on it.  That made it heat up.  They put the hot packet on my hand for a while.  ‘This will get the blood flowing,’ Evelyne explained.

They tried the hot pack on both elbows, both hands.  But still nothing.

‘Maybe we can send him home, have him drink lots of water, and try again later?’ Evelyn asked.

The second nurse went out to consult my Mom.  Mom called the doctor.  He said it was important to get the blood, no delay.

Evelyne sighed.  ‘So young,’ she said to herself.

I was afraid, I admit it.  Evelyne took me out of my cubicle, down the hall to the last one.  It did not have a chair to sit on; it had a padded exam table.

‘Lie here, on your back,’ she said.  She took another mouse from a drawer.  ‘This is Cosette.  When it hurts, squeeze Rupert with one hand and squeeze Cosette with the other.’  She didn’t fool me.  The two rubber mice were exactly alike.

Now she brought in not only the second nurse, but also Mom.

One nurse held my legs down.  Mom tightly held my arms above my head.  Mom kissed Rupert.  ‘For luck,’ she said.

‘Hold tight!’  Evelyne warned.  ‘Don’t let go.’

I was worried about pain.  But, as it turned out, pain was not the only thing involved.

Evelyne grabbed my pyjama shorts.  She pulled them down!  Below my knees!

Then she picked up my willy with one hand!

What was going on?  Three women looking at my willy?  I normally did not even let Mom see it anymore!

I started to sob, tears flowing.

‘Don’t worry, luv,’  Evelyne said.  ‘Squeeze Rupert and Cosette.  They will help you.’

She patted my willy with two fingers, just as she had done before, searching for a vein.

She stuck the needle in the side of my willy.  That hurt a lot more than the others!

No blood.

She stuck my willy again.  And again.

I was crying then.  I guess I am not such a big boy after all.  Even James Bond would cry if Doctor No was stabbing his willy with needles!  (Hollywood is too prudish to put that in the movie.)

Evelyne prepared a hot pack.  She surrounded my willy with it, held it tight, to heat it up.

She stuck it again.  Nope.  Again.  Again.  I lost count of how many times.

Even Mom was crying.  She was kissing Rupert, Cosette, both my hands, and my hair.

‘What now?’  Evelyne said.

‘You are beyond me,’ replied the other nurse.

‘Well, luv.  Just lie still,’ Evelyne said.  ‘There is another way to get the blood flowing.’

She got some oil, put it on the glove on one hand.  Then used it (so I thought) to soothe my willy.  Stroking slowly, coating my willy with the oil.

It felt good.  I was only sobbing, now.

Oh no!  Doesn’t she know what will happen if she strokes my willy like that?

I was held in place by two women.  It was too embarrassing to say anything.

Sure enough, my willy got long and stiff.  It stood up straight.  Even Mom had never seen that before!

Quick as a wink, Evelyne stuck the needle into a vein in the side of my willy.  She got the blood she needed.

So.  Next time you go to have blood drawn: drink plenty of water in advance!  You’ll be glad you did.


(End of File)