Little Sisters' Discipline 5 - The Camp

By Stainen
[email protected]

Copyright 2019 by Stainen, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Sis 5, the camp
About a month had passed since Adam got to know about the medicin Puiciril that his Mom secretly gave him in order to keep him from getting into puberty. He had thought it was vitamins and gladly swallowed. His adopted three years younger sister Sofie, who now and then gave him his pill, knew about it, all along. The least you can say is that he felt insulted. It was purely wrong! How in earth could they keep such a important fact secret to him? In his mind, this hole thing was a lousy offence! One can imagine that now, when he got to know all about it, that he would refuse to take it, this horrible little pill that preventing him from becoming a man, but no. It's not like he didn't try but it's just that his mother had a weapon - Sofie. Every time he made a scene about peuciril and refuced to take it, she called on Sofie who immediately came like some kind of force of power and in one way or another made him swallow it. Most of the time the ”threat” of Sofie was enough, but sometimes he stood his ground wich actually had made Sofie, on several occations, pull his pants and briefs of him and spank him on his bare butt, with his mother’s approval, as she watched! It was all very degrading. One time she even made him stand corner time, totally naked. Spanked and made standing corner time naked, at seventeen years of age! And worst of it all, by his fourteen year old little sister! The humiliation, it was simply to much.
However, Adam and Sofe was attending a youth christian weekend camp. Their parents signed them up believing that it would be good for them to get a proper moral education and meet other young christians, mabye get to know some new friends. On this particurlar weekend the camp was actually intended for girls up to fifteen years of age, perfect for Sofie, but of course not for Adam. No one told him about this. Well, if they had, he would of cource made a scene about it and try to refuce. Talking with the woman who run the camp, Adams Mom find out there was a way he could attend any way. On every camp there were a youth assistent, older than the others, who was a leader for the class and helped the teacher with different kind of tasks. The assistent was also supposed to be a support to the young teens, someone to turn to and talk with. This time that person could be Adam. Usually the assistent was female but this time they could make an exception according to the woman.
On a beautiful sunny august day Adam and Sofie’s mother drove them out to the camp that was out on the country side. They were greeted by a large bosomy woman who seem to be around in her late fourties. She was tall with a straight posture and had her blond hair back in a braid. Dressed in a rustic yellow patterned dress, tied with a waist strap, she looked like a real old time country house wife.
”Oooh, hellooo there! Weeelcome!” Adam and Sophie presented themself and receved a warm hug each that almost smothered Adams face in that huge bossom. She presented herself as Mrs Gloria Swanson ”but it's Mrs Swanson for you kids” she said and explained that she was both the headmaster and techer of this summercamp. She then turned to their Mother ”It's mostly me who runs the show here while my hustband takes care of the farm. This is the last camp this summer though, then it's back to the usual school for the children.”
It was a farm with all kind of animals. Cows, chickens, sheep and even horses. A building that probably had been some kind of machine hall had been turned into a boarding school. Mrs Swanson gave them a little tour in the building they were staying in. In one end there were a big room with twenty beds, ten in a row on each side wich surprised Adam very much. Twenty beds was enough for the hole class. ”Is boys and girls supposed to sleep in the same room?” He asked.
”Noooohoho, hahaha, no, no, no, this camps are solely girls. No boys allowed.” ”B b but me then?” Adam stammered, totally baffled. ”I'm attending aren't I?” ”Yes of course Adam, but we straighten this out over the phone didn't we? Considering your Mothers lovely words about you being good harted, gentle student and a God fearing young boy with such a close bond to your little sister we're making an exeption for you. Your mom told me everything about you and I reckon you'll be perfect as my assistent. You'll be sleeping right here with the other girls, hmr, I mean students, haha, well both are true, hahaha.” They all laughed but Adam. This wasn't at all what he had been told. Sleeping in a room full of 15 year old girls and his sadistic little sister in the bed next to him! No, this wasn't good at all!
They took farewell to their mother and during the cource of the day he other girls dropped in. Some of the others also had younger sibling with them. The ages went from the youngest at 11 up to 15 and although Adam was two years older than the oldest girls he apeared to be in the same age as the youngest. All becouse of those damn peuciril drug he was forced to take.
Sofie wasn't the only tall girl. There was a quite fat and tall black girl, named Jacqueline. She seemed to be a bossy and loud caracter. Jacqueline was fifteen and had a twelve year old little sister along, named Marie, also a pushy type of girl. One thing that immediatly bothered Adam was that both Jacqueline and Marie ruffled his hair up the first thing, like if he was some small kid. ”Hey there kid. So we have a boy among us, huh? Who’s little brother are you then?” Marie started. ”Would you please not ruffle my hair thank you” Adam answered in a ill-tempered tone. ” My name is Adam, and she's my LITTLE sister over there. I'm an assistent to the teacher and I'm here because I'm OLDER that you all”. ”Wow, cool down kid” Jacqueline intervened and layed her arm around Adams choulders and pulled him close. ”Be nice to my sis, lil boy". He tried to get out of her grip when she suddenly ruffled his hair again and then roughly thrusted her hip against him as she let go. It made him unfortunately fall on to Marie who took him in her arms and gave him an involuntary hug. For a short moment, as he found him self stuck in the arms of the hefty twelve year old Marie, trying to wiggle himself out of her arms, he swiftly made eye contact with Sofie through the by now nearly crowded room of girls, unpacking their stuff and making their beds, in the other end of the room talking with some of the other girls. She had a gleeful smile on her lips and seemed to enjoy Adams predicament from a distance. In her mind, this look promising. It could turn out to be a really exiting weekend. Maybe she found her self a couple of partners in crime. In some way or another, mabye whith a little help, she was going to get him out of his pants. If these girls havn't seen a seventeen year old little boy naked before, this was going to be their first time.
Adam found his way over to his bed in the middle of the room. According to Mrs Swanson, the assistent always slept among the girls in a order to keep control over the grupp, prevent bullying or late night tjatter. Laying on his bed, he poundered over his ability to keep track on all of these girls. In some way he had to earn their respect and make them listen to him. To make Jacqueline, her little sister Marie and not to mention Sofie, see him as someone in control and someone in authority who they should litsten to and even obey, felt like mission impossible. But maybe with a little help from Mrs Swanson, it would all work out.
”Hi” he heard a soft voice say. A slim girl carefully leaned over to get his attention. She Introduced herself as Lydia. ”Adam” he answered as he rose to a sitting position on his bed. ”I heard you’re the teachers assistant, right?” ”Yeah, that's me.” An awkwardly silence followed. Adam was striked by her remarkable cute face. ”Can you help me find a free bed. They all seem to be occupied.” When he rose and stood in front of her he noticed that she was taller than he first thought, at least two inches taller than him. From his position on the bed she looked so young, small and fragile when she leaned over to get his attention. It may have been her disproportionately long legs and her slim frame that made her look small and quite young but now standing right in front of her he couldn't help notice breasts poking out under that big sweater. Finding a bed wasn't hard, it turned out that Marie had put her bags on the emty bed and when Adam and Lydia was putting them on the floor Marie came along and acted all tough. ”Who gave you guys permission to move my stuff, huh? Where's your manners?”
”You seems to think you can have two beds for yourself, but as a matter of fact, we just get one bed each and this particurlary bed happened to be mine.” Lydia answered in a smart tone. ”Or else, ask Adam”.
”You better step down an inch, princess! And you better work on your attitude! Cus you don't wanna get at the wrong side of me” Marie snapped.
”Hey, hey ,hey, stop right there! Marie, she’s just saying it's her bed and she's right you know. No need to hustle.”
Marie stepped forward, threatening cloce to Adams face, tensed up and spoke in a angry but low voice ”So you taking her side, huh? Ok, atleast I know what to expect from you Adam. You don't seem to know how to play your cards right boy. Like I said, you don't want me as your enemy.”
Lydia forced herself in between them and sort of puched Adam aside, eying Marie. ”if you want trouble you better turn to me girl. He ain't got nothing to do with this and I’ll say, you don't want me as your enemy to? Behave!”
They just stood there for a while , eying each other. Lydia a little taller but but Marie clearly heavier. Adam was impressed by Lydias currage. Challenge Marie like that. In a fight Lydia would probably not stand a chance against Marie.
That evning Mrs Svanson made them play some games to make them get to know each other better. It was a pleasent night. Most of the kids made new friends and over all there was a friendly vibe but when Adam layed awake that night, he couldn't avoid worrying about the fact that Sofie spent a the most of the evening with Jacqueline and Marie. He sure hoped they weren't up to some mischief.
On their collective breakefast Sofie did't make a effort to hide the pueceril pill she handed him. Their Mother didn't trust Adam to take them on his own accord so Sofie was given the responsibility. Some other girls wondered what it was, but to Adams relief, Sofie didn't answer. ”Just some pill" she said. Mrs Swanson started of with a prayer and some religoluos songs. It all felt very awkward! She talked about what the christian lifestyle was about, the bible and all kind of boring stuff. She gave Adam a chair beside her desk and made him sit facing the class and read them bibleverses as she proceeded. He felt quite stupid, sitting there like the teachers little pet but Mrs Swanson was a forceful woman who he rather did't want to challenge. He better do as he was told. On that evning they went out on a little hike around the lands that surronded the farm, made up a fire and barbecued up on a hill, watching the sun go down. It was all very beautifil! Adam got to know several of the girls that night, but most of all Lydia. He felt some real connection with her and couldn't help feeling startled by her beauty! Sofie spent most of that day with her two newly found friends, the two black girls, Jacqueline and Marie, the very siblings that Adam from the start came on the wrong foot with. These girls along with Sofie could at this point be described as Adams three nemesis. His own little sister! How did it come to this? Adam had a bad feeling about it.
 Well, if only he hadn't woke up on that horrible third and last day! It was a lot of girls standing in line to get into one of those two showers after brakefast. Adam waited patiently for his turn. Of course he was the last one and he only had a couple of minutes before they were supposed to gather out in the garden to get one of those boring preachings from Mrs Swanson. After a quick shower he discovered that someone must have unlocked the door and stole his towel. The only thing they left was a pair of red girl panties. Typically one of those pranks that one could expect from his sister, Jacqueline and Marie. He glanced out the door just to note that he was the only one left. Probably everyone was already in the garden. After calling out and no one answered he made the desicion to put on the panties and run over to his bed to get his clothes. But there in his bag he couldn't find the rest of his briefs. The sly girls must have hide them or something. Allready late and all, he made the unfortunate decision to keep the girl panties on, put on the rest of his outfit and hurry. He had to deal with this later. They had made a big circle of chairs on the porch and the preaching had allready began. Beside Mrs Swanson stod an emty chair and when he aproached she made a pause eying Adam sternly. ”So you finally dicided to show up, huh?” ”Yeah I'm sorry Mrs Swanson, I had some problems finding my clothes.” ”Is that right Adam? But you found what you were searching for?” ”Yes Mam, I did.” It was an awkward atmosphere and all the nighten girls were looking straight at Adam. He felt very uneasy about the hole thing. It was something in the way they gaced at him but he just couldn't figure out what. Something must must have happened before he came. Suddenly he meet Maries eyes and saw that she looked very pleased, with a smug smile on her face. He followed the line of girls and saw that two more of them had a sly smile on their face, Sofie and Jacqueline of course.
”I want you to read 2 Timothy chapter 3 for us" Mrs Swansson said. Adam opened his bible and found the verses ”But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires” ”Ok Adam, you can stop there. What kind of unatural evil desires and sins do you think Paul the apostle is refering to?”
”Well, I not sure, b but steling maybe?” ”Anything else that comes in your mind?” ”Hm... could it be eh.. for.. eh fornication?” ”Thats right Adam, good boy!” Mrs Swanson smiled. And what could that include? Someone?”
Marie raised her hand and Mrs Swanson nodded for her to answer. ”Could it be like if a boy dove in to some innocent girls bag to steal her underware and then use it secretly himself?”
”Well that would atleast be a case of unatural evil desire” Mrs Swanson said as she turned her gace to Adam.
Adams heart dropped and a long cilence followed were everyone had their eyes on him. ”I.. I... c c can explain! They hide my underware!” he trembled when he spoke and his voice started to crack up. Jacqueline, Sofie and Marie glanced to eachother happy about how their little prank seemed to pay of. Mrs Swanson didn't pay any attention to his excuse. For her it was probably just whitewash.
”Adam, I would also like you to read Proverbs twentytwo, vers fifteen for us"
Our young hero was visibly shackeing and struggeling to keep his tears back wich made him unable to find the scripture. Mrs Swanson leaned over and snapped the bible from his hands. She quickly browsed the scripture and handed him the bible.
”F f ffolly i iis bound up on the heart of a ch child" Adam had a hard time to distinguish the words through his tears wich by now rolled down his sheeks. ”b b but the rod of di di dicipline will drive it far away."
”Well, girls. What do you think would help a boy like Adam to get back on the right path? Gods word is clear about it, don’t you agree?”
”The rod of dicipline?” Sofie happily answered. ”Good point Sofie. It wasn't hard to see, huh?”
You could hear birds singing from a distance, the wind whiz through the branches, but on that porch in that moment, there was a absolute silence and in Adams mind it felt like it went on forever. The chair squeaked as Mrs Swanson turned to Adam and took him by the arm. ”Stand up.” She lead him to stand right in front of her.
From Sofies point of wiew Adam, who now was standing in front of the large bosomy woman, looked wery small and pitiful. She even felt a little bit sorry for him. For a moment ago, many of the girls still regarded Adam as a figure with athorithy. They all knew he was older and just the night before he was the one who told them all to be quiet when some of them was chit-chatting in their beds. Now he looked like a little pitiful child as he was scolded in front of them all.
Mrs Swanson unbucked his belt and swiftly pulled down his trousers to his ankles, and there is was for them all to see, a couple of red girl panties that covered his little hiney. A buzz went among the girls. Lydia was chocked! She just realised that those red panties was hers. They had a little bit of lace and was a quite rare model. Why on earh would he do such a decpicable thing? It wasn't like him! He was such a plain good guy and she had on the evning before had such a nice time with him. She was even beginning to get feelings for him.
 Mrs Swanson took his both hands and with one foot on the trousers she led him to step out of them, leaving them in a little pile on the floor. ”Adam, be a good boy, fold your trousers and give them to your sister.” They could now all see tears running down his bluching face as he turned around, forced to walk over to Sofie and with trembling hands surrender his folded trousers. She beamed with exitment as she received them. Leaning forward, she reached out for his jaw, tilted his head and forced him to meet her eyes. It was to most of the girls from that point obvious that it was actually Sofie, the little sister, who was the top dog of them two. ”Now do as you are told" she said to him for them all to hear. As he turned around sobbbing, she even managed to give him a little pat on his bum as he was about to walk back to Mrs Swanson.
He really looked like a little boy when Mrs Swansons placed him over her immense knee. Who would have guest that this little child, about to get spanked, accually was Sofies seventeen years old brother. It sure was a scene for all of the nighteen girls to watch! Mrs Swanson took her time, used both her hands to carefully scroll the t-shirt, up his back and upper body, thoroughly all the way up to his armpits. Then she pulled the panties down to his knees, leaving his bare butt for them all to see. Everybody could hear the now nearly naked Adam sobbing. He knew what was about to hit him and there was no escape. There would be pain, but even worse was of course the humiliation. He could feel the palm of Mrs Swansons hand caressing his buttocks, rough allmost like sandpaper against his smooth skin. Well, she was a farmers wife and probably did some hard work along the farm so there were both some thick skin and greate strength to expect from this huge woman.
SMACK! ”Aaaoh”
SMACK! ”Aaaooh”
SMACK! ”Aaaoooh!”
SMACK! ”Oooohh noo!”
SMACK! ”Aaaahhh”
SMACK! ”No, no, no, no, noooo!”
SMACK! ”Aaaahhh! Pleaseeee!”
SMACK! ”Aaaaah! Sory pleeease!”
SMACK! ”Aaah! Nooo nonono!”
SMACK! ”Aaaaaooo! Pleeease no!”
The blows were fierce and his buttocks swiftly changed colour. His pleading became more and more high pitch and desperate.
SMACK! ”Aaaahh nooo please nooo!”
SMACK! ”Aaah dooon't! I'm soorry, pleeease!”
The show went on. Jacqueline was enyoing it and her little sister Marie couldn't even hide her joy. She was delighted! This was better than any of the despicable little squad of three ever could have forseen! His bare ass being spanked in front of everybody and his nearly naked body on display were just fantastic! But not all of the girls was enoying the humiliating spanking session. Lydia looked miserable and those close by could even see little tears running down her cheek.
Adams buttocks were by now crimson red and he cried like a baby over Mrs Swansons knee, kicking his legs in desperation.
Adam had lost all control of his body and as he kicked and cried uncontrollably, Lydias panties was flying of his legs, all the way into the middle of the circle.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! ”Aaaahhaaaahaaa! Uuuuuhhh! Uuuuhuuuuhh!”
Mrs Swanson increaced her pace as well as her force and Adams crying became higher. There wasn't words coming out of his mouth anymore, just high pitched cry and blubber.
After about three or four minutes of furious spanking she finally she stoped. ”shysss shysss shysss, there you go” she caressed his butt and tried to give him a little comfort. ”there you go, it's all over now, there you go" The girls had just wittnessed the greatest humiliation ever. That seventeen year old boy over there was their leader. It was hard to grasp that it was accually him laying there allmost totally naked over Mrs Swansons knee, bare butt, spanked and diciplined like a little toddler in front of them all!
”Adam, you now have one more thing to do. Give those paintes back to the righfull owner and apologize.” Adam tried to answer, still laying over her knee. ”I, Ih d, dont kn, sniff, know, sniff, sniff, who, sniff it is” he sobbed. ”What I saw, it looked like he stoled them from Lydias bag” Marie happily announced. ”Then you better go over to Lydia to apologize and give her back the panties” Mrs Swanson said and suddenly shoved him of her lap. Adam, surpriced, shocked and dizzy was hardly able to stand up. At first he grabbed her knee as a suppport as he was struggeling to keep his balance, but in a couple of seconds he realised that some of the girls now had a full wiew of his privates. He covered his groin in a hurry, but the murmur that was clearly heard from the girls made him understand that it was to late. When he stod there in front of them all, using both his hands to cover his privates he notised that Mrs Swanson made such a good work scolling up his t-shirt that it stayed up there under his armpits almost not even covering his nipples and he felt very exposed. ”If that t-shirt only would fall down and atleast give me a little bit of cover" he thought. So he tried to roll down the t-shirt with his one hand while he still covered his privates with the other. But in the process he felt a sudden blistering pain on his buttocks, ”SMACK!" and realised that Mrs Swanson just gave him another blow with her bare hand. He lost his balance because of the blow and fell forward. ”NOW young man! Or do you want me to put you over my knee for another session?” To catch the fall, he had to use both his hands. On his four, in the middle of the circle of rapted girls, naked, down on his hands and knees, he only saw one way to end this - do as the large forceful woman told. Exhausted and close to fainting, he crawled the seven feet distance, with a bare crimson butt on display and the t-shirt still up his armpits, to fetch the panties. Some of the girls leaned down trying to get a better glimpse of his dangling genitals. The girls were all curious whether he was small and bald like a child, or if he maybe had some signs of a budding manhood down there between his legs, like pubes. Mrs Swanson and the girl next to her, had a perfect wiew of his behind from were they were sitting. His scrawny buttocks gave them, not only a wiew of his spincter, but the two inch gap between his slim thighs also made his little ballsack clearly visable from behind. Beyond the ballsack, shrouded under his belly, they could even see the shadow of Adams little penis wobble as he crawled away from where they were sittning. Swanson really made an effort to hide her excitement. To the girls, it seemed like she was untouched by the crying teenager who she spanked and unpantsed in front of them all, but Mrs Swanson was despite her stoic appearance, thrilled and even a aroused from the handling of the boy.
With the panties in his one hand, Adam rose, trying to cover his boyparts the he best he could, with his other hand. They could all by now clearly see that there was no bush peeking out around his covering hand and that he was bald and smooth as a child down there. Shamefully, with a bowed head he aproached Lydia, whispered the apology and handed her the red panties. ”WE CAN'T HEAR YOU" Mrs Swanson yelled behind him. Through tearful eyes, he made eyecontact with Lydia and loud out, with a cracked up voice, he told the apology they all waited for. ”Sorry I... sniff, I... st... stole your underware, sniff". Adam noticed that Lydia also cried as they swiftly made eye contact.
To be continued


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