Sean Fraser's Predicament 9

By Ritchie Moore

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Copyright 2019 by Ritchie Moore, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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On Wednesday he sneaked out of the house as soon as he could and went off to join his pals, who were a bit miffed that they hadn’t seen him for days. He stammered some excuses about his bloody cousins, but the others detected some reserve in his remarks, and thought he was concealing something. As he was, of course, and again that spectre rose in front of him – what will they say if they find out about the nudity business? But he thought he had carried it off quite successfully. Later, when the others were going home, they brought it up, and decided to have it out with him the next day. They didn’t like the idea of him keeping something from them. They were all in the gang, after all.
Sean stripped in the hall and sauntered through to the kitchen, where he found his mother and his aunt deep in conversation with an elderly gentleman with ridiculous black-framed spectacles and a poor attempt at a beard, who was in the middle of some anecdote. He turned and gaped in astonishment at the nude, who fluttered his hands as if to cover up but heaved a sigh and stood straight to let the old goat have a look at him.
“Sean,” said his mother brightly, “this is Mr McCracken.” Sean looked at her, at him, and nearly laughed at the silly-sounding name. “We’ve been telling him about your school marks, and we’re trying to persuade him to tutor you in the holidays.”
Sean was speechless. Not so McCracken, who offered his hand to the naked apparition somewhat tentatively and said “H-how do you do? I’ve heard a lot about you, young man. But—”
Doreen came to the rescue. “Yes, Mr McCracken, but we were just telling you about his new discipline. This is part of it. He is naked in the house, and outside in the garden too. It’s designed to rid him of his over-consciousness about modesty.”
“Ah,” said the old man rather throatily, “I see. Yes, I suppose it is a good idea. And you monitor his progress, shall we say? See how he reacts?”
“Yes,” said his mother, “and we’re actually thinking of broadening it, if you see what I mean, with other people. Particularly his sister’s friends, who come to the house.”
His eyes widened. “Yes, hm, I do see. Well, what does he think about it?” He peered through his owlish glasses.
“Well,” said Sean finally, “I don’t like it! I may as well tell you, I’m fed up with it! I—”
“That’s enough, Sean,” said Doreen. “You have no say in the matter, and it’s for your own good. Now listen to what we want to do with you. Mr McCracken has taken several private pupils over the years, and has an excellent reputation. He’s well capable of coaching you to bring up your marks. Which, you must admit, have been slipping.” She stared accusingly at the shrinking boy.
“Yes, okay, aunt Doreen, but—”
“No buts. It’s up to Mr McCracken.”
The old man blinked at his possible pupil and smiled thinly. “I’ll be very happy to. I’m glad to make your acquaintance, Sean. I hope we’ll get on well together.”
Sean gave a sickly sort of smile and merely said “Oh yes. I hope so.”  
“Right!” said Jo, beaming. “It’s all settled. You are going to go to his house next Monday, and we’ll see how you get on. Now let’s all have some coffee before you go, Mr M, and you can finish your story about that school you were at.”
Later that evening Jo and Doreen were able to fill in the details for the others.
“He’s really an excellent teacher, by all accounts,” said Jo. He’s been able to pull up his pupils’ marks amazingly. It’s as if he can inspire them to more efforts, somehow.”
Veronica looked at Sean. “Well, Sean, do you think he can inspire you?” She gave a sort of droll smile and challenged him to be negative.
“I don’t know,” said Sean heavily, “and at the moment I don’t much care. But I’ll try, I suppose.”
“Right!” said his father. “And you are going to listen to him, and pay attention to him, and seriously try to take in what he’s telling you. I may as well say right now that if you slack about this, there will be penalties. As yet to be determined.”
“Ooh!” said Alison, “more of the same?”
Peter smiled grimly. “We’ll see,” he said in a threatening tone, and Sean gulped. What more could they do to him?
Thursday passed without too much embarrassment, though the young woman who brought the post was rather startled by her reception. In the evening, everyone joined in a board game, and again Sean was a bit surprised to find he forgot all about his condition.
Friday, however was different. Jo and Doreen were off to some meeting or other, and Peter was at the mill, so Alison was left in charge. She didn’t bother Sean till the afternoon, when he heard giggles and feet on the stairs, and a horde of young girls poured into his room to gawk. It was no use trying to hide, or trying to ignore them – they sat around and looked at him expectantly. His cousins seemed amused at the attention, but were taken by surprise when Alison clapped her hands and said “Right, it’s up to Maddy I think. Maddy, give the word!”
The fifteen-year-old grinned and said “Okay, Sean, this is it. We’re all waiting for the show. Some of us haven’t seen it yet.” She raised her hand in signal. “Go!”
He knew what was expected of him, and blushed crimson as he looked round the room. There had to be about a dozen at least gathered to gloat at his shame, all intent on his poor penis, which was of course erect and beginning to throb under that hot gaze. He put his trembling hand to his member and began the expected exercise.
The girls followed his every move with pent-up breath. Some had already enjoyed the sight, but others had been merely told about it. In particular, Jackie had brought along another two girls  she was friendly with who happened to be visiting, and they were beside themselves at witnessing this awfully boyish thing they’d only heard about. As Sean’s excitement grew, so did theirs, and comments began to be made in a common solidarity of erotic fascination.
“God! How big he is!”
“It’s only six inches, you know, but still—”
“And it’s so red, so hot-looking!”
“I bet it is, and I’d like to hold it!”
“Hold it!” screamed Melissa. “Oh yes!”
“Look, he’s sweating!”
“I’m not surprised. He’s really into it!”
Sean’s hands slowed as he reached his climax, and held the poor penis out as if to say “Look at this!” as his seed spouted forth to land on his belly, his chest, his sheet and his hands. The girls gave what sounded like a cheer, but was probably just a noisy exhalation to see this extraordinary act. Sean collapsed on the bed, but only for a minute. Maddy coaxed him up and led the party out into the bathroom.
“Well,” she said, grinning at him, “you know what’s coming. Clean yourself up. Though actually I think we should do a lot of it.”
“No, Maddy,” said Alison, “you’ll get wet! And you can’t do it naked, can you?”
Sean stared at her and sighed. No such luck. He turned on the taps in the shower and seized the soap. Let them look at him as he spread suds over his tired body, and follow the water as it dripped over his naked skin, all over. Let them look. Damn them.
When he came out, on the other hand it was a shivering repeat of the other drying episodes. They all wanted to get a hand in, a hand on, and busied themselves over his body with laughing enthusiasm. And naturally, once he was all dry, and they had all felt him all over to make sure, a little bit extra application and his reliable penis awoke again to pleasure them. At which they tried tickling his tits, as he’d recommended, as well as other portions, and were rewarded with another grand show, this time handled by one of the new girls, a blushing fourteen-year-old called Harriet, who seemed to stroke the shaft in an almost reverent way as it produced its wonderful stuff.
He almost thought he might be given another clean, but they left him alone to run downstairs and make themselves coffee, and chatter about his performance. By the time he joined them they were all quite solemn and well-behaved. They drank their coffee and ate biscuits and thanked Alison for a wonderful time, and left in a jolly mood. The cousins relaxed in front of the television, and Alison got on the phone to report the doings to Marjorie, who evidently was annoyed she hadn’t managed to come.
By the time the adults came home all was as normal as might be expected, and another game occupied their evening. They spoke about Saturday, the last full day of the visit, and Alison suggested a farewell party. To which her friends would be invited. At which Sean would be naked. Yes, why not?
The others joined in the discussion very readily, suggesting all kinds of games, for instance.
“What about charades?” asked Doreen. “That was always good. I haven’t played charades for years. It’ll be great fun.”
“And forfeits,” said Jo. “D ‘you remember, you were told to bite six inches off a red-hot poker?”
The girls looked askance.
“No, children,” said Peter sententiously, “it’s a matter of interpretation. You don’t go near the poker, you make a biting motion at a distance of six inches. At least. There’s others just like that. Bow to the wittiest, kneel to the prettiest, and kiss the one you love best.”
“Which means, I suppose, we’ll have to have all three types. And if it’s Sean who gets it, he should have a lot of girls to choose from.”
He glowered at his aunt, who laughed merrily and said only “Come, Sean, I’m sure you’ll have a good time. And it’s our last night. It’ll be fun.”
He sighed and nodded. Only another day, and he’d be rid of their embarrassing presence. He was fond of his aunt, but this whole thing had been a great trial. After they went, things might be able to be controlled, somehow, without her and her awful trio aiding and abetting the sexual circus. So he nodded and smiled insincerely, and all settled down before they went to bed. He pondered the thought of a wank to cheer himself up but somehow couldn’t be bothered. That made him wonder for a bit whether he was doing too much of it lately.
Oh, to get back to normality!   


(End of File)