Delayed 3

By Jamie

The author wishes to remain anonymous and can't receive feedback

Copyright 2020 by Jamie, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Delayed Part 3

The family always looked forward to going to a summer camp usually set in a large forest with a lake or by the sea. There was Mum Sandra, 14 year old twins Sasha and Natasha and 12 year old Grace. They were a happy family and all 3 kids got along well. This year Mum chose a camp with a difference as she had been recommended a particular one by some of her friends. There was one aspect which would however not make Sasha very happy as he was about to find out much to the amusement of his sisters.

They arrived at the camp reception where all the paperwork was completed, the campsite explained, where their cabin was and the programme outlined. There would be a welcome meeting later that afternoon for all new arrivals. The camp was a small one with 30 cabins in total.

The setting was stunning in the midst of this forest of tall pine trees, a small lake bathed in sunlight, warm enough to swim in and opportunities to do things like kayaking, sailing as well. There was a climbing wall, archery and lots of social activities with team games. The kids’ groups were divided by age 7-10, 11-13 and 14-16. There were young leaders for each group. The kids were given bands to wear denoting by color their age group. Yellow for Grace and purple for the twins.

The lady at reception smiled, and spoke to Mum, "where does your son fit in with our code??" she asked.

Sandra smiled, "I’m afraid nothing has yet happened for Sasha. I haven’t told him though to save any arguments before we got here."

" A very wise decision. Now Sasha I’ve got a special extra band for you to wear on your left arm, come here please."

The obedient boy stepped forward and she placed a red band on his wrist.

"Now I understand from your mother that you are still a boy. We have special rules for boys here at Camp Sunshine and this allows boys to enjoy their childhood in its fullest sense whilst they still can." She looked at his mother, " shall I explain? "

"Please do"

"Now I know you probably won’t like this but our rules state that all boys who haven’t started puberty should enjoy camp as boys in the wilderness have done for centuries, free as a bird without having to worry about getting their clothes wet or dirty. So, all little boys go naked around here." She paused waiting for the reaction which usually came in 2 forms - anger or being lost for words as reality set in especially for older boys like Sasha. If they were younger most of them didn't care at all.

The girls looked at their mother and Natasha mouthed silently " Really naked! " Her mother nodded.

Sasha stammered as he spoke, "so you want me to spend camp naked?"

"Yes indeed, don’t worry you will get used to it and enjoy it, all boys do."

"But everyone will be able to see my," he paused not quite willing to say the word, gulping he continued "willy".

Grace giggled.

"But don’t worry about that dear, " the lady smiled benignly, “little boys hardly have anything to hide. Now don’t cause your mother any problems please, when you leave your cabin after having unpacked, we will expect you to be naked - that red band tells everyone you are a boy not a young man. Understood"

Poor Sasha just stood there, looking at the floor not quite comprehending the full enormity of what he was being told.

"Right everyone, " said Mum, looking at the map of the campsite, hop back in the car and lets go find our cabin and unpack. Thank you for your help"

The lady smiled, "we hope you have a lovely holiday here with us at Camp Sunshine. The welcome meeting will be in the main hall down by the lake at 5pm Good luck"

The family headed back to the car the two girls chatting excitedly away and Sasha silent thinking about his fate

"What was mum thinking about, naked! I’m nit a kid, God it’s not far why I am so late. " All of his friends had started puberty sone 2 years ago, he was the only one in their group still with the high voice and little willy.

Mum drove the car the short distance to their cabin which had 2 bedrooms and the sofa in the living area turned into a bed which Sasha would use. There was of course no need for any privacy for him. They carried in the bags and the foodstuffs they had brought and whilst the girls were unpacking in their room, Sandra sat her little boy down.

"Look Sasha I know you not like the idea, but we are here now and i don’t want to spoil the holiday for us or you. I’m sure this will be your last summer as a boy and by next year you will be growing young man. But just go with it and enjoy the freedom while you still can. Now whilst the girls are busy, I would like you to take your clothes off please. "

"But mum, do I really have to, I don’t want everyone looking at me"

"Darling you will be just another boy, no one is going to pay any attention to you especially. Don’t worry."

She pulled him towards her where she was sitting and as he stood facing her, she told him to life his arms up and off came his t shirt. Before he could object, she undid the zip on his shorts and down they fell. He grudgingly stepped out of them and was left standing there in just his underpants.

"Take them off Sasha " she said wanting him to do it, because if he did it would be the start of the acceptance. "It’s not as if I haven’t seen your willy before is it darling. Come on don’t let me down now"

He sighed, swallowed hard and pulled them down. His mother was right in one respect there wasn’t a great deal to hide. His penis had been growing a bit longer, a sign that puberty was on its way, but he had a 2-3 inch bald willy, sitting on top of his balls pointing downwards. He almost wanted to cry his bottom lip was quivering but he felt as if he had to be brave. This was going to be awful holiday.

The girls came out of the bedroom and instantly from the rear could their brothers little bottom. They smiled big grins at each other knowing that he was naked and they weren’t and of course the thing that made it worse was that not only was his twin sister well down the puberty path, his kid sister 2 years younger was also a young woman. Sasha was the eldest, by 5 minutes, but he was now officially the baby!! And everyone could see it.

The girls walked across the room and stood looking at their brother. Grace giggled, "it’s not very big mummy" she said

"No dear that’s because Sasha hasn’t started puberty yet, so he’s still got a small boys willy. Once he starts, I’m sure it will grow a lot with the hair as well of course. But at the moment your brother is still a boy and so he is naked. Now don’t stare please. It’s not polite. Let’s get everything sorted and we can then go and have an explore. Plenty of time before the welcome meeting” she said looking at her watch.

"Sasha there are still 2 big bags for the kitchen and a box can you fetch them please. Grace all the bathroom stuff needs putting away, Natasha come and help me in the kitchen."

The girls and mum headed off into those respective rooms leaving the naked Sasha contemplating going outside to the car. "What if someone saw him? Spoke to him. How would he cope"

He knew he had no choice but just needed to summon up the courage to go outside.

He stepped out the front door immediately noticing the warmth of the sun on his body, that’s nice he thought, he went round to the rear of the car opened the boot and picked up the two bags and carried them inside to the o kitchen where his mother and sister were unpacking. He popped them on the table and headed back out. Back at the car he was pulling out the box when he heard a lady’s voice,

"Hello, have you just arrived? "

He turned around and there was a lady smiling at him and she had a boy with her, naked like him aged about 10.

"Err yes just unpacking. "

"Well we are next door, so tell your parents if she needs anything give us a shout. We’ve been here a week its lovely. "

"Okay” said Sasha keen to escape. “Thank you. It’s just my mum and my 2 sisters here."

" Well my husband and I have 2 sons Dougie here who’s 11 and Taylor who is14. "

"I’m Sasha. Nice to meet you.”

She looked at his naked form noticing the purple band on his arm and that meant he was older than he physically looked. "How old are you Sasha? "

"Err 14" he blushed knowing that he didn’t look like a 14 year old!

"Same age as our Taylor, I’ll get him to come say hello, maybe he can show you around. I’ll let you get on with your unpacking. "

He grabbed the box and carried it indoor telling mum about the conversation.

"That’s nice " said Sandra.

About 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door and Sandra was greeted by the same lady only this time accompanied by both her sons. She said to come in and gathered the kids to say hello. The girls giggled a bit when they saw the naked Dougie, they had already had a chat in their room about seeing all these little willies and Natasha had moaned that it was a pity that not every boy was naked, that would be far more fun!

Taylor was a tall lad dressed in shirts and tight fitting t shirt and clearly a young man. He looked at the naked Sasha smirked and thought this kid is going to get some real teasing at the group. His mother was chatting away as she always was, and he heard her offer him up as a guide to the twins. He thought the girl was quite pretty so he smiled. Dougie could show Grace round if she wanted. She nodded enthusiastically at the naked boy, what more could a girl want. Dougie didn’t seem at all worried about his nudity and happily led her off to show the campsite. Be back for 5pm said her mother.

Taylor said " shall we go then" to the twins. Natasha was of course very keen, Sasha for obvious reasons less so but realised it was now or never. So they went outside, three 14 year olds, two dressed for summer one completely naked. Taylor began to show them around and talked about the activities they could do including all the water spirts and games.

"We also have age group time, so we don’t have to put up with the little kids. We are the 14-16 year olds. There us about 10 of us at the moment. Most of the families have younger lids, loads of noisy naked little boys running around. " He looked at Sasha and then directly down at his willy, " sorry mate but you definitely the oldest naked kid here. I think there are a few 13 year olds but they aren’t very big."

Natasha smiled, " big as in height or in willy size"

Taylor laughed, " good one both". Sasha just stayed quiet. Not sure where he stood seeing his sister laughing and joking with this lad.

The tour continued and they headed down to the lake where there were lots of families and kids playing in the, water, some kayaking going on. True to his word, Natasha could see lots of naked boys.

"Wow its busy here".

"Yep this is where all the action is most afternoons. Especially when it’s a lovely day like this." He looked at his watch. "Almost time for the welcome meeting. I can take you to the hall. We will probably have dinner then; shall I call for you after as our age group meeting is at half 7."

They both agreed and he led them to the hall building where a few other families were arriving as well as their mum. Dougie turned up soon after with Grace. They smiled goodbyes and he ran off after his brother

Mum said, "how did that go? "

All very positive replies kept Mum happy and she was pleased to see that Sasha appeared more relaxed in his naked state. As she looked at him, she was worried that despite the penile growth nothing else seemed to be happening. The meeting was for 5 new families, the vast majority of them had younger kids, boys and girls. The camp director welcomed everyone, set out the ethos of the camp, and the basic rules, programme and event schedule.

She then went on talk about the kid’s clubs. She introduced 2 young ladies who would look after the 7-10s and called those children up on stage. There were 5 kids, 3 boys naked of course and 2 girls. They all said their names and ages and then rejoined their parents. The 11-13s were led by a young man and young women and there were just 4 new kids, 3 girls and a naked 13 year old boy who didn’t seem that happy to be on show. Grace gad a good look at his willy whilst waiting her turn to say who she was. As she retook her seat, she said " his willy is quire long! " Natasha giggled.

The final group 14-16 was again led by young leaders of each sex Troy and Frances. They read out the names for their group to come on stage and it was just 3 Natasha, Sasha and a 15 year old lad called Cal. Troy was somewhat taken aback when Sasha stepped forward, naked kids in the older group were rare. Cal looked at Sasha and had to stop himself from laughing but Sasha could feel his stare and smirk.

They introduced themselves and then after any questions the meeting was over. Troy called Sasha over, with Frances in tow too

"Hey mate how you doing? Just wanted to say hi and assure the group is safe place. It is going to be difficult as you are the only naked kid, but we don’t make the rules. The group are a friendly bunch. Just try and be yourself and I’m sure once everyone gets to know you the naked thing won’t be an issue. Any problems just ask."

Sasha nodded said thanks

Frances touched him in the arm, "for what it’s worth last year with the group I had a 14 year old naked lad, just like you, he was most popular boy with the girls by the end of the holiday. I’m sure they will look after you. " They left him and as he was about to follow his mum and siblings back to the cabin for dinner, when Cal intercepted him.

"Hey Sasha, isn’t it, I’m Cal. Bummer about the naked rule. Bet you hate it. But not got much to hide though have you! My kid brother is not happy too, he’s that 13 year old with a face on over there. “Oi Casey come here." He beckoned the boy over. "Look bro you are not the only one, this guy is older than you and naked as well. You two are about the same size.” He looked down at their willies, laughed. “Willy and body size! Have to put you in a wrestling match, the girls would love that! Anyway, boys enjoy the nudity, at least you’ll get a good tan. Sees ya later kiddos."

He walked off leaving the two naked boys lost for words.

"God, I hate him, and I hate this place" said Casey. " why should we be naked so all girls cab stare and laugh at us. It’s not fair. "

Sasha nodded in agreement, but didn’t know what else to say.

(End of File)