Delayed 6

By Jamie

The author wishes to remain anonymous and can't receive feedback

Copyright 2020 by Jamie, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Delayed Part 6

This story continues from Delayed chapter 4.

Location: Swim school Saturday morning at Mrs. Sweeting’s

It was Saturday morning and Bobbie was up early as a busy morning awaited him. He had to be at the pool for 8 an and his second swim practice with the new team and then he would be helping Mrs. Sweeting for the first time with swim school and earning some money too. He packed his things and hopped on his bike enjoying the ride in the early morning sunshine.

Arriving at the pool he had to get through the initial embarrassment of stripping naked again and walking out under the gaze of the girls and Mrs. Sweeting but once in the water he was fine. The session passed off fine and was hard work but good fun. He felt more relaxed and there no comments about his nudity though he was conscious the girls looked, not that there was of course a great deal to see. At the end of the session the others all headed off to the changing rooms and he stayed behind as Mrs. Sweeting wanted to explain how the swim school worked and what she wanted him to do.

These was the first classes of the new sessions - she usually ran 8-week sessions and then had 3 or 4 weeks off before starting again. There were 4 classes, 2 at 30 minutes and 2 at 45 minutes each. The first 2 groups were the tadpoles (beginners), and the minnows (improvers). These children were aged between 5 to 6 and 7 to 8 respectively and there were no more than 6 in every class. The third and fourth groups were the dolphins for the boys and the porpoises for the girls, for children aged 9 to 12.

The first session would start at 930am and there was a 15-minute gap between each group so the last group would finish at 1245pm. After clearing up he would be free to go at 1pm so he would work for 3 ½ hours. Mrs. Sweeting explained all this and the role he would perform, including demonstrating strokes, helping in the water, and ensuring each child had the right equipment and keeping the register which not only had all the names but recorded the progress of each child.

"I think it would be good if right from the start you take the register for each group so you get to know each child and can see their progress to date. I use the time between each class to write in what they each have done." She showed him the register in a folder, and all seemed to make sense. She showed him where all the equipment was stored and had a list of what they needed today.

It was now 915am and there was just one thing that was on Bobbie’s mind as he heard the front door open and the sound of children’s voices. He was of course still naked but wasn’t sure what to do say or do? Did Mrs. Sweeting expect him to stay naked! He had to get the equipment ready and Mrs. Sweeting was just about to head off to the front of the pool as he was standing there, "anything else Bobbie any questions?"

He stuttered gulped and nervously asked, "do I stay like this? " not really wanting to say the word naked.

She smiled "of course Bobbie you are still a boy, nothing to worry about, boys are naked in this pool always" and with that she turned and headed to the door and he could hear he greeting everyone. He shook his head – ‘what had he got himself into, swim team in front of the girls was bad enough but now this’. He didn’t though have time to dwell as he busied himself getting the equipment ready for the first lesson of the tadpoles. He looked at the register and saw it was just 5 names.

10 minutes later, Bobbie was standing by the pool, register in hand ready nervous but determined to do a good job. Mrs. Sweeting emerged from the girls changing room followed by 2 girls dressed in one-piece swimsuits and their mums, and out of the boys changing room name the other 3 children, all naked little boys and their mums. The children stood in a row whilst their mums sat on the bench which ran along the length of the pool. Bobbie couldn’t help but notice they were looking at him.

"Good morning everyone" said Mrs. Sweeting, "welcome back to swim time and hello to Rory who is joining us for the first time. I’d like to introduce Bobbie my new assistant, he’s 14 years old and just joined my swim team. He’s going to be helping me with the classes."

The gaze of the kids and mums settled on Bobbie who was feeling rather on show and a bit embarrassed as the mums now all knew he was 14 and could see he was still a boy. Mrs. Sweeting asked him to do the register and so he read out the names,

"Ruby, Frances, Billy, Damien and Rory" all the children sweetly answered yes to their names.

The lesson started and Bobbie spent most of it in the pool helping as they were all just learning the very basics of staying afloat learning to kick their legs and gaining confidence. Their enthusiasm was great, and all seemed to love their lesson. Soon it was over and then 15 minutes later he was standing once again naked in front of another set of boys and girls and their mums. The minnows were better swimmers and beginning to learn the more about breaststroke and freestyle and aiming for their badges of 10, 15 and 25 metres. Each of the 6 children were at different stages and at the end of the class one boy Simon managed his 25 metre breaststroke for the first time. Mrs. Sweeting lined all the children up at the end of the class and presented him with his badge, which could be sewed onto his towel. His mum took a picture of him, Bobbie thought "no doubt she will show it to all her friends, his little willy for all to see."

The next class was truly embarrassing for Bobbie. The kids were the porpoises, aged 9-12 year old girls. Some of the older ones came by themselves whilst others had their mums with them. He stood there for the third time that morning as the next set of swimmers and Mums trooped in from the changing room only this time, he was truly the only one naked as there was not another boy in sight. Naked in front of 6 girls and 5 women including Mrs. Sweeting.

Mrs. Sweeting did the same intros and Bobbie could see the big grins and suppressed giggles on the girls faces and felt even more embarrassed if that were possible as Mrs. Sweeting felt it necessary to explain her nude boy philosophy,

"As some of you know, because your sons or brothers have or have had lessons with us, we do not allow boys to wear swimming trunks before puberty. This has been shown to help boys behave better and also to learn that there is nothing wrong in a naked little boy. No doubt you may be surprised to see a 14 year old like Bobbie naked, but as you can clearly see he is still to reach puberty and thus the rule still applies even though he is much older. Now girls I expect you to behave with decorum in class at all times, there is nothing wrong in seeing a naked boy and you may of course look at Bobbie but you will not tease or giggle, understood? Bobbie is here to help; he is a very good swimmer and will be a great asset to the swim school as his strokes are excellent for demonstration. Now Bobbie will take the register please."

Bobbie was blushing as she gave this speech noticing the approving nods of the mums and the staring eyes of the girls on his willy. He shook his head and told himself to concentrate, looked down at the folder and read out the names, his voice somewhat higher than usual given the strain he was under,

"Daisy, Grace, Harriet, Abigail, Josie and Jade."

He looked up as he marked the page and the last name with a tick to show she was present, Jade smiled and as she said “Yes here”, it dawned on him that Jade lived across the road and had even been into his house before as she was only a year younger than his sister. Jade's mum smiled at him in recognition. He now felt even worse. The lesson began and it was good to get into the water and out of sight. Mrs. Sweeting got him to do a couple of lengths of front crawl slowly where his excellent technique was helpful as a demonstration. The girls then each started to practice swimming for technique not speed.

After a while, Mrs. Sweeting placed on the side a brand new piece of equipment, a tilting padded bench, on the side of the pool. She called everyone out of the water, told Bobbie to dry off and explained what this new piece of equipment did. Once Bobbie was dry, he was told to lie face down on the bench with arms stretched out in front. She adjusted the bench to ensure that when he moved his arms, they wouldn’t touch the floor.

"This is bench allows the strokes to both be demonstrated and practiced and it really allows the coach to be close to the swimmer rather than watching from the side. To prevent falling off two straps can be used to hold the body in place." She strapped Bobbie in around the lower legs and just above the bottom not to tightly though.

"Now Bobbie allow your arms to move as it you were swimming it may feel strange at first, I tried it yesterday but soon got the hang of it."

Bobbie began to "swim" and indeed after a while got into a rhythm, as Mrs. Sweeting explained the correct position of the arms at each stage of the stroke."

Bobbie finished and she released him and as he stood up, he realised too late that his willy had stiffened with the friction against the bench. A couple of the girls giggled and got a hard stare from Mrs. Sweeting; each girl then had a go on the bench with her making adjustments to their technique. Then it was time for more practice and back into the water for the girls.

Bobbie stood there on the side watching, trying to concentrate on the strokes of the girls but all the while acutely aware of his erection, which just wouldn’t go down. The time was soon up and the girls’ climbed out the water,

"Well done everyone good session. Next week we will move on to our third stroke - we’ve been working hard on our breaststroke and freestyle, so we will start a series of weeks on the back stroke. Quite a hard stroke to both master the technique and swim in a straight line at the same time!"

This raised a laugh. "So to end Bobbie I know this is your weakest stroke but hop in the water and give us a couple of lengths please.” Bobbie did as he was told and so was swimming along on his back, his willy clearly visible as Mrs. Sweeting pointed out to the girls what he was doing right and how he could improve.

"Next week we will have each of you swimming individually so we can see what you can do, so if you get a chance to practice that would be great. Okay that’s it, see you next week girls."

The girls all trotted off towards the changing room at the end just as Bobbie was climbing out of the pool, Jade said "hi Bobbie I think you look really cute," turning to her friend Harriet she added, "Bobbie lives opposite us."

Harriet giggled "love your willy, Bobbie. Isn’t this great girls" they giggled and headed into the changing room. Bobbie shook his head not quite believing the humiliation he felt and walked up to towards Mrs. Sweeting only to see that she was chatting to Jade’s mum! He had no choice though but to continue to walk towards them. As he approached Jade’s Mum, Mrs. Baker, smiled, " hello Bobbie nice to see you. I was telling Mrs. Sweeting that you live opposite us. She says this is your first day as her assistant, a very good job you are doing and I must add Mrs. Sweeting I do approve, as you know, of your policy, Harry doesn’t like it but there you go. You’ll be seeing Harry in a minute Bobbie as he is the boy’s class. " Harry was 10 and apparently thought it was really unfair he had to swim naked and that because they came together as a family his sister got to watch him swim naked.

"Yes, boys are so much better behaved " Mrs. Sweeting said, "all the parents agree and well there isn’t exactly a lot to hide is there." She added looking at Bobbies little appendage. "I’m toying with the idea of making all the boys in my swim team go naked now that that Bobbie has joined the team. The older ones might object but we shall see."

She gave Bobbie the list for the next lesson and asked him to put the equipment away as they wouldn’t be needing any for this coming lesson. A few minutes later Jade appeared dressed and as her mum and Mrs. Sweeting were still chatting, she wandered over to where Bobbie was putting the equipment back in the locker at the far end of the pool.

"Hey Bobbie, sorry I didn’t mean to make fun of you earlier.” She smiled demurely. "But we girls do like seeing the boys naked, as you can imagine."

"I think your willy is cute, its bigger than Harrys but then he is only 10. One of the boys in this class has really long one. My mum says I shouldn’t stare but it’s hard not to."

Bobbie was open mouthed at this flood of admission from Jade about boys’ willies. He didn’t quite know what to say. "Err no worries I’m getting used to it."

She grinned “I love my Saturday mornings! " and wandered back to join her mum as a group of boys emerged from the changing room. There were only 4 of them including Harry and Bobbie immediately noticed the boy with the long willy, it was indeed quite lengthy for a boy of only 11 or 12.

Jade and her Mum were now seated on the benches joined by just 1 other mum. Mrs. Sweeting turned to the boys and said good morning. She introduced Bobbie and he took the register: Harry aged 10 and Philip also 9, whose mum was there and then 2 older boys both 12 Oliver and Edward who had the long willy. They both smirked at Bobbie the 14-year-old who was still a boy. Both had willies that put his to shame and clear signs to the experienced eye of someone like Mrs. Sweeting that puberty was very near with their ball sacks dropping. She made a mental note to ask them afterwards.

The session was all about diving, focusing on the starting dive for a race, and the tumble turn. Mrs. Sweeting said Bobbie would give 3 examples of racing dives showing how entry should be as smooth as possible without splashing. At the far end there was a small springboard but also a couple of starting blocks and so they all headed down there. Bobbie did the dives, 2 good 1 awful and then she got him back up on the block and with her hands positioned him into the best diving position. Bobbie felt funny being touched by her, her hands on his bare skin and adjusting his bottom and legs. He dived again executing a smooth entry gliding out of the water and to start the stroke.

The boys began to practice from the side and then one by one on the block. After a bit of distance swimming they moved to the tumble turn. A move none of the boys had ever done. Here was Bobbie’s chance to really show his skills and with them all in the water 2 on each side he demonstrated the turn firstly by them observing from above and then with their goggles on watching what he did under water. Then it was their turn to try and they practiced the moves broken down by Mrs. Sweeting into parts and after time were all slowly getting the hang of it.

The lesson ended with the chance to do some dives off the springboard. Jade was watching happily as each boy bounced and dived giggling especially at the two biggest boys as their willies bounced up and down. Both Oliver and Edward got erections as a result but seemed non plussed by them.

And so the final lesson of 4 ended for Bobbie, he had been naked for 5 hours! Harry and Philip headed off to the changing room and their Mums and Jade headed outside into the sunshine to wait for them. Oliver and Edward wanted to speak to Mrs. Sweeting. She told Bobbie to wait as well,

"Miss can we ask you something " Oliver said. "Of course", she smiled.

"Ermm” he went all shy and struggled to get his words out, that Edward took over, "what Oli’s trying to say Miss is that we can now wear trunks cos we are you know... since last class"

She smiled, "so you’re trying to say that both of you have started puberty? "

They nodded, grinning and proud. "And this not just a ruse to stop swimming naked? " "No Miss definitely."

"Okay stand on the bench Edward hands by your side" he looked at her wondering but did as he was told. She looked at his willy and balls close up "ahh a few hairs young man. Congratulations Edward. Step down. Up you get Oliver." Oliver was blushing far more than his friend and seeing her examination of Edward had caused him to ger hard. He stood on the bench anyway.

"Well Oliver I didn’t expect you to show me everything, but are you sure?"

“Yes Miss I’ve had a wet dream and everything. I’ve got hairs five counted them- look"

She peered closer and nodded “okay, you as well. Well boys swimming trunks aren’t compulsory but up to you, you can carry on swimming naked if you wish. I know Jade will be disappointed if you cover up.”

The boys though had made up their minds though their days of forced nude swimming were over and as Edward pointed out, " well she’s got Bobbie to look at now Miss!” Bobbie gave the boy a hard stare!

“Right boys off to the showers and see you next week. Bobbie you can go too, thank you for your help and I’ll catch up with you at practice next week. Enjoy the weekend boys."

The 3 naked boys headed into the changing room to find that Harry and Philip had already gone. They stood under the showers and the two younger boys looked at Bobbie,

"Are you really 14? " asked Edward poor Bobbie nodded, "God it must be awful being naked at your age. so embarrassing. It’s been bad enough being naked with the girls watching ever since we were 5 hasn’t it Oli." Oli nodded, "thank god it’s over." He smiled broadly "all because we can do this".

Oli started to play with himself and soon he was very hard and getting redder in the face. With a small grunt he then came spurting out a few globules of cum. Both Edward and Bobbie had got hard watching him and Edward couldn’t help but do the same, not taking long to cum also. Poor Bobbie looked on jealously at the younger boys. Oli said, “have you tried mate, it’s a great feeling even if you don’t cum" Bobbie looked at him as he hadn’t been initiated into any wanking at all.

"Try it" said Oli, and so Bobbie tentatively began to stroke his willy. Soon he was feeling excited and his heartbeat quickening and then he began to feel a strange sensation which was nice. He enjoyed it but was also sad as nothing else was happening. The other 2 looked on "bad luck mate " said Oli , "sure it will happen soon. In the meantime, naked for you, one of the little boys" laughed Edward. "Only kidding" but the message Bobbie took was clear, "you are still a little boy and we are younger, and you are 2 years older” how much more embarrassing was that!

He got dressed and headed home on his bike. He’d enjoyed the lessons and helping out but why did he have to be naked, it was a stupid rule, but Mrs. Sweeting made it clear it was her pool and her rules. He also liked the prospect of the money too. Well I suppose have just have to put up with it. He arrived home put his bike in the garage and walking into the garden couldn’t quite believe that sitting there on the grass chatting and laughing were his sister Belinda, her friend Chrissie and Jade who was no doubt telling the others about this morning. His sister looked up waved and said " hi Bobbie, aren’t you a bit overdressed! " and the girls descended into a fit of giggles. Bobbie blushed and walked into the house to get away from them.

(End of File)