Froggy 5

By Zyngaru
[email protected]

Copyright 2020 by Zyngaru, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Froggy - Part 5 - School
by Zyngaru
Email: [email protected]
My summer has a rhythm. In the mornings, I hang out and skinny dip with Pee-Wee and Fish. In the afternoons, I hang out with Ralph and play in the woods, creek, house and sometimes even go into town. So each and every day for the rest of my summer is full. Ralph takes over all of my discipline issues. Once mom found out that Ralph spanked me good at the movie theater, she gave him the task of spanking me whenever I don’t get my chores done or back talk her or otherwise misbehave. I can count on at least one spanking a week and usually more. Ralph loves spanking me. The Passion Play decided that they wanted a third naked boy and asked me to start ushering. Since Pee-Wee and Fish are both in the show, they are too busy to usher and still get ready for the performance. The people want to see naked boys as soon as they arrive, so the organizers of the show, asked me to usher, so the crowds can get a close up look at a naked boy, before the show begins. Of course they think I’m one of the boys in the show and I never tell them differently. Evidently one naked boy looks just like every other naked boy, because when I see them after the show, they tell me how wonderful I was doing my performance. Like I said, my summer is really busy.
Just a week before school starts, mom takes me to get all new school clothes. Evidently the school board couldn’t convince the Mayor to keep us boys naked through the school year. His thinking is that other than possibly using a naked boy for biology or health class when studying puberty and stuff like that, there isn’t any purpose for me, or Pee Wee, or Fish to be naked all the time. So I go with mom, still naked of course, and try on clothes for school. I’m so happy. Finally my days of being naked for the world to see are coming to and end. Well, mostly. Pee-Wee, Fish and I still skinny dip. We will have to stop once the weather cools off, but for now we can still swim naked. Ralph and I still get naked together of course. Ralph likes me naked, so he’s going to have me naked every time I’m with him. Besides how can you play penis games if you have clothes on and Ralph loves his penis games. I do too of course. Heck, what boy doesn’t like a good penis game? So I’m still going to get plenty of naked time. I just won’t have to go around naked all the time. The store manager did tell me, that if I keep coming to the store naked, I can still get free drinks and snacks. Evidently me being naked at her store really helps business. So I agree to stop in at her store at least once a week and of course be naked. I’m not sure how that’s going to work, once the weather gets cold.
Today, I’m dressed in all my new clothes, all the way down to my new underwear. It feels awesome to have clothes on. I do find my underwear is cramping my dick somewhat. I chose boxer-briefs this year. I prefer regular briefs, but going to high school, I thought that wouldn’t be the best choice. I totally hate boxers, even though Ralph wears them. They are just to loosey-goosey for me.
I arrive at school early enough to find my locker and check out where all my classes are. I only foresee one problem with my schedule. I have algebra right after gym. The gym is at one end of campus and my algebra class is at the very opposite end. It’s going to be difficult to get from one to the other during our short passing period, especially when I have to shower and change back into school clothes after gym. I walk it before school begins and I can do it, but just barely. I’ll just have to hope everything goes well, without any complications.
My school day begins with Homeroom. Now this is a very small town and these kids all know each other from years of going to school together. It’s obvious to everyone that I’m the new kid. Then when one of the girls tells the class that I’m one of the boys that went naked all summer, everyone wants to know why I have clothes on. Since this is Homeroom and no one has any late homework or anything else to do during this twenty minutes, while attendance and announcements are being done, I explain to everyone that I don’t have to go naked anymore. There are a lot of disappointed kids in my Homeroom. I’m not one of them of course. I’m very happy to get to wear clothes at school.
My next few classes go about the same, except we have fifty-five minutes in all of these classes. Our teachers hand out our textbooks and give us our first assignments for the year. There’s nothing like having homework on your very first day of school. Then we have lunch. This school actually has decent food. Chocolate milk and pizza makes for a great lunch. My next class is gym and all of us boys meet our PE Teacher in the gym. After attendance, he checks to make sure everyone brought their gym kits. All of us, except for one boy have our kits. We’re sent into the locker room to change from our school clothes to our gym kits and we’re being timed. We have to do it in less than five minutes. Actually five minutes is more than enough time to change clothes. We all file out of the locker room in our brand new kits. Well except for that one boy who comes out in his boxers. We’re told that changing out for PE is mandatory and if you don’t have your kit, then you’ll participate in your underwear. Since today is our first day, all we do is calisthenics. The boy who didn’t bring his kit, has to run the bleachers. Seven minutes before the bell rings, we’re sent to the locker room to take showers and change back into our school clothes. Now to my surprise, our teacher stands right there in the locker room to make sure we all take showers. He tells us to use soap too. There is actually a soap dispenser right there at each showerhead. This is new to me, but it makes sense. I soap up quickly and then rinse off. On my way out of the shower, my teacher sends me and four other boys back into the shower to do it all over again, with the explanation that we’re to wash throughly. We do, but by the time we get out of the shower and dried off, the other boys are halfway dressed. By the time we’re halfway dressed the bell rings. I lose a whole minute finishing getting dressed so I’m going to be late to algebra without any doubt unless I really hustle.
Finally dressed, I bolt out of the locker room at a run. I have to make up time. I don’t want to be late to my first day of algebra. Half way across campus, I’m stopped by a hall monitor and given a note for running in the halls. Now, I have to go to the office and talk to the Dean of Boys. While I’m waiting, another boy comes into the office with a note. After the bell rings, both of us are allowed to enter the Dean of Boy’s office. He lectures us for running in the halls and gives us a pass to get back in class. So when I get to my algebra class, it’s already in session and I have to hand my teacher my pass and then go sit while everyone watches me.
Teacher: “Let’s not make this a habit, Mr. Ziffler.”
The rest of the day goes fine. I get home tired of a long day at school. I do my homework and eat supper and even watch some TV before going to bed. The next day goes fine. I make sure to soap up good and take a few extra seconds to rub it all over before rinsing off, and then dry and change back into my clothes. Two boys are made to go back and shower again, but I’m not one of them. I stand right at the door, so when the bell rings, I jump out and walk as fast as I can without actually running and just make it to my algebra class. I’m taking my seat as the bell rings. Since school started on Thursday, this is only a two day week. At the end of the day, we have an announcement over the PA system that on Monday we’ll have a morning assembly in the auditorium, so report there and sit by Homeroom classes. No one has any idea why we’re having an assembly, but we really don’t care.
Over the weekend. I skinny dip with Pee-Wee and Fish. I hang out with Ralph, who decides I’m going to be naked, no surprise, and of course play lots of penis games. He notices that my pubes are growing back in, so he takes it upon himself to shave them back off. He tells me, that no little brother of his should have hair down there. Since I’m acting like his ten year old brother, that only makes sense, although being bald around my dick is a little humiliating in the school showers. The boys there don’t know that I can actually grow hair, they think I’m too immature to have hair and tease me relentlessly over it. Even my PE teacher finds it funny that I don’t have any pubes and allows the other boys to tease me right in front of him. Over the weekend I still usher at the Passion Play. Of course that is done naked. They’ll be closing down for winter soon, but all through the fall foliage season they run it every weekend, so I make a little money, just for letting people see me naked. I know I make it sound easy, but it isn’t. Especially now that I’m getting to wear clothes again. Being naked is very embarrassing. I don’t think it’s something that I can ever get used to. I have no idea how nudist boys deal with it. For me, it’s all I can do to keep from walking around with a permanent boner, because of my embarrassment.
Monday morning I get up and dress. I have a quick breakfast, even though I never eat much for breakfast. I do at least try to eat a piece of toast or a pop tart each morning. I walk to school. It’s about a mile away, which isn’t more than a twenty minute walk. I meet up with Ralph at the end of the street and we walk the rest of the way together. His sisters walk with their friends, but never with us. They still haven’t gotten over not being allowed to torture me or Pee-Wee or Fish. I know deep down, that I have to keep Ralph happy, or those two will drag me right back into their web of evil.
At school we make our way to the auditorium and find where our Homeroom is going to sit. As we arrive our Homeroom teacher takes attendance. When the bell rings, our Principal, Mrs. Standish, walks up onto the stage.
Principal: “Good morning students. This morning I want to explain to everyone the new disciplinary policy we are implementing this year. As you know, beginning this school year, corporal punish has been banned from our schools. So the school board and leading child psychologists have met throughout the summer to come up with a way to tame you rowdy boys.”
Laughter goes up all over the auditorium.
Principal: “Go ahead and laugh now, because I think the plan they came up with will change your laughter into crying by the time you experience the new method of punishment first hand.”
She pauses until everyone settles down.
Principal: “Mr. Kavanagh, your Dean of Boys, will come up here and read off the names of the first boys who get to experience our new disciplinary policy.”
Dean of Boys: “Adam West. Bryan Key. Jack Billings. Zachary Ziffler. Make your way up here on stage.”
Okay. Why’s my name called? I haven’t done anything to get in trouble. Everyone stares at me as I push past the other kids in my row and then make my way down to the front of the auditorium and up on the stage. Mr. Kavanagh has us stand in a line about two feet apart across the front of the stage, facing our peers.
Principal: “These four boys were sent to Mr. Kavanagh’s office last week. Now we only had a two day week and already have four boys in trouble. I’m curious as to how many boys will be standing up here next Monday for getting into trouble this week? Hopefully, all you other boys will learn from what is going to happen to these four. If not, I’ll see you here next Monday.”
Now the only thing I can remember going to Mr. Kavanagh’s office for, was running in the hall. But I explained to him, why I had to run. Surely I’m not up here for that.
Principal: “Mr. Kavanagh. Please read out to the entire student body why these four boys are up her.”
Mr. Kavanagh: “Mr. Key was sent to my office for being a disruption in his English class. Mr. West was sent to my office for running in the halls. Mr. Billings was sent to my office for being tardy to class. Mr. Ziffler was sent to my office for running in the halls.”
Principal: “Now last year each of these boys would have received swats, privately from Mr. Kavanagh in his office. Since corporal punishment has been banned and the school board has enacted their new disciplinary policy, these boys will be punished publically. Instead of it being done and over with, with a paddling, now it will last the entire week. Mr. Kavanagh, pronounce the boy’s punishment.”
I’m going to be punished for the whole week. How is that fair?
Mr. Kavanagh: “In accordance with School Board rule 35-2a, boys who violate in-school rules, will disrobe and go nude, each and every school day for a week.”
WHAT! Did he just say, we have to go naked. AT SCHOOL! I just got my clothes back and now they want to take them away from me again. This can’t be right. This can’t be legal. There’s no way this can be true.
Principal: “I see this has shocked all of you. I understand your skepticism as to this being true. I also understand your thinking, that this can’t be legal. Let me assure you, that it is true and it is legal. As many of you know, over the summer, there were three boys living nude here in Eureka Springs. At that time, the Mayor and Prosecutor, checked into the laws governing minors being nude in public. What they discovered is that as long as the boys don’t have pubic hair, they can go nude in public.”
Okay, there was a little more to it than just that. There couldn’t be any major objections to the boys nudity either. But I see she left that part out.
Principal: “It was at that time, the School Board took notice. Initially, all they wished to do was have those same three boys be naked at school, like they have been all summer. But the Mayor decided there wasn’t any practical purpose for them being nude at school, so he denied the School Boards request.”
So that’s why mom took me to get new school clothes. The school was denied letting me go naked. I know that upset mom. She would have me naked forever if she could.
Principal: “But that got the School Board to rethink their disciplinary problem with corporal punishment being banned. Since discipline is a practical use for nudism, as a replacement for paddling, the Mayor along with the legal experts, approved nudism to be used in school instead of the paddle. So, as I have just outlined. Boys who are sent to Mr. Kavanagh’s office will spend a week nude in school, without exception. If you think about skipping school that week, two days will be added for every day you miss.”
Mr. Kavanagh: “Well boys. You heard your punishment. Time to take those clothes off.”
Adam: “Here! In front of everyone!”
I can see total fear in Adam’s eyes. He definitely doesn’t want to get naked in front of everyone.
Principal: “Yes. Here in front of everyone. You’ll be attending your classes with everyone here, so there’s no reason to not get naked right here and now on stage.”
Bryan: “I can’t, Mrs. Standish. I have pubes and you said the law states that no boy with pubes can be naked in public.”
Mr. Kavanagh: “That won’t be a problem Mr. Key. Mrs. Handy, will you come up here with your electric razor, please?”
Principal: “As you’ll see. Our school nurse will shave off any pubes that a boy might have, thus making it legal for him to be nude in school. As a warning to boys in the future, if you know you are going to receive this punishment, you might want to shave yourself at home, before coming to school, to spare yourself the embarrassment of having Mrs. Handy shaving you.”
Mr. Kavanagh: “Okay boys. Off with your clothes.”
All four of us, look at each other in total disbelief. This can’t be happening. None of us want to be the first to start taking our clothing off. Looking out at the kids watching us, all of them, are leaning forward in their seats with great anticipation of the show they’re about to witness. Seeing them, just makes each of us, even more nervous.
A boy in the audience shouts: “Go ahead Zac. You were one of the summer nudie boys, so you should be used to this.”
The other three boys stare at me. Our Principal even perks up to the new news she just heard.
Principal: “Is that true Mr. Ziffler. Did you go nude all summer?”
Me: “Yes ma’am.”
Principal: “So it looks like you enjoy parading around in your birthday suit.”
Me: “No ma’am.”
Principal: “Well, you’re up here about to get nude.”
Me: “It’s all a mistake. I have Gym after lunch. Then Algebra right after. My algebra class is clear on the other side of campus and I can’t get there on time if anything slows me down. That’s why I was walking really fast and the hall monitor called it running.”
Principal: “Well being nude all week should help you then. You won’t have to change out, so you can get away from the boys locker room quicker.”
Leave it to an adult to find a silver lining in my tragedy.
Students chanting: “Take. It. Off... Take. It. Off... Take. It. Off.”
Principal: “Boys it’s like this. You’re going to be nude all week, whether you like it or not. So you might as well get started getting undressed. But to further motivate you. It’s seven minutes before the bell rings to go to first period. The sooner you get your clothes off, the sooner you can go to the boys locker room to put your clothes away and then go to class. If you wait until the bell rings before getting naked, you’ll probably be late to first period, which means a trip to the Mr. Kavanagh’s office and guess what? You’ll be going nude again next week.”

That snaps all four of us out of our trance. We start stripping fast. Well, everyone but Adam. He’s hesitating taking his clothes off. It’s like he’s scared of something, other than just being naked. Three of us get naked at the same time and Mrs. Handy begins shaving Bryan’s and Jack’s pubes off. I of course am bald down there, since Ralph keeps me shaved. Adam finally removes his boxers and he’s bald as well, but not because he shaves his pubes. He’s still immature. It looks like he’s just barely starting puberty. I only get a glimpse of his hairless dick, before he cups his hands over everything.
Principal: “If you’re nude and hairless, you can take off for the locker room to put your clothing in your gym locker. Just remember, every morning you’ll go to the locker room and get naked before school starts and can go there after school to get dressed again.”
Adam and me take off as soon as the principal gives us leave. We have to go up the main aisle of the auditorium to the cheers of the students. I just take off at a fast walk. Adam is still trying to cover his genitals which slows him down. Although once we’re out of the auditorium, he drops his hands and walks as fast as me to the locker room.
Adam: “Zac. You don’t remember me do you?”
Me: “No. Sorry.”
Adam: “I was in the Dean’s Office the same time as you. I have gym with you and I had to go back and shower again, like you, so it made me late for History class. That’s why I was running to try and get there on time.”
Me: “Oh. Sorry. I was sort of worried about myself that day and didn’t even really look at you.”
Adam: “That’s okay, Zac. I figured you hadn’t seen me in the showers or you would’ve remembered me for sure.”
Me: “Why? Because you don’t have any hair yet. No big deal. We all get them at different times. Oh. By the way. Call me Froggy. All my real friends do.”
Adam: “So you’re saying we’re friends?”
Me: “Hey. Us bald, naked boys need to stick together.”
Adam: “Cool. But why are you bald down there?”
Me: “Part of my having to go naked all summer. Mom wanted me naked and the only way to be naked is to be hairless, so she shaved me bald. Down here, not on my head.”
Both of us giggle at that.
Just as we get our clothes in the lockers, the bell rings. That’s also just as the other two boys enter the locker room.
Me: “See you later. Adam.”
Adam: “See you in Gym. Froggy.”
Me: “Oh ya. We’ll have to do gym naked too, won’t we?”
Adam: “Yep and all those perverts are going to be slapping our butts and pulling our peckers, for sure.”
Me: “And old Mr. Shaw will let them, because he’s as much a perv as the rest of them. Ever notice how closely he watches us in the showers?”
Adam: “Oh Ya. He stares at me the whole time I’m in the showers.”
We both take off down the hall with hundreds of kids staring at us. It’s not easy getting through the crowd but I make it to class on time. Once seated, some of the boys begin teasing me. Nothing unusual really. Being naked and hairless, I do look more like a ten year old than a fourteen year old. So the teasing comes with the territory of looking like a little kid and having to be naked.
Me: “Have your fun guys. But remember. If you get called out by the teacher for teasing me, you might just be naked like me, next week.”
That slows them down fast. Just the idea of having to go naked, makes all the bullies in school, go timid. I hope Adam doesn’t get teased too badly. He looks even younger than me without his clothing. For some reason, I really like that kid. Maybe it’s because he even looks younger than me.
We meet up again in Gym class. Our PE Teacher enjoys the idea of us having to play basketball outside naked. I know the old perv enjoys seeing our peckers bouncing around as we take shots. Adam and me bond over the week of being naked together. I only have this one class with him, but it’s a class where you have physical contact with each other. When our teacher divides the class in shirts and skins, obviously we have to be skins, so are on the same team. We joke with the other boys on our team, they need to take their jocks and shorts off, so they’re truly skins. They don’t go for it though.
Occasionally I see Ralph in the halls. Since I’m a freshman, he has totally different classes than me. He does let me know he likes seeing me naked at school and wishes it was a permanent situation. That is unlikely though. I’m a boy who obeys the rules. Now that I don’t have to get dressed after showering for PE, I can be the first boy out of the locker room when the bell rings. Well, Adam and me. We make sure to get right at the door while everyone else is getting dressed. Now next week, when I’m wearing clothes again. I’ll have to see if I can still get to class on time. But for now, all is going well, except of course being naked for everyone to see and gawk at.
The new sport in school this week is watching for a boy, any boy really, being sent to the office for any reason. Even boys with legitimate reasons to go to the office, get harangued about being the next naked boy in school.
To my surprise, during next Monday’s assembly, nine boys are called up on stage. I would have thought every boy in school would have been on their very best behavior. Evidently some boys just can’t stay out of trouble, because one of those boys is Bryan Key making an encore performance of being a nudie boy at school.
As for myself. I make it to Algebra class on time four out of five days. You guessed it. I too will make a return trip to that stage next week. I don’t think it’s fair. I got inside the classroom before the bell rang but hadn’t gotten to my seat yet. My teacher asked the class, if being in the classroom is enough or did I have to be seated to be on time. Of course they said that I had to be seated. I can’t wait for one of them to be still standing when the bell rings and they get their turn going naked. It looks like for me, it’s going to be an every other week experience. It seems that at least one day a week, something slows me just a fraction of a second, which makes me late. Adam is having the same issue.
We seem to be naked on the same weeks. I like Adam a lot, so I invite him over to my house for a sleepover. He returns the invitation and I get to sleepover at his house. I even invite him to come skinny dipping with Pee Wee, Fish and me, which he does. I get to watch Adam throughout the school year as his dick and balls grow. He still hasn’t grown any pubes, so he doesn’t need to shave for his nude weeks, but he’s maturing right before the entire school’s eyes. He even tells me that his Health teacher is using him as a demonstration dummy, so everyone can see how boys mature through puberty. He says, it’s really embarrassing, especially when he gets a boner and the teacher starts teaching about boners and ejaculations. Now, before you ask, yes, Adam and me, jerk off with each other. Now, we do that privately. No spectators. Spectators only get to see us at school walking the halls and sitting in classes.
If you’re reading this and still in school, make sure your parents don’t move to Eureka Springs. Well, unless you want to go naked at school. From the beginning of school to Thanksgiving, I think every class has had at least one naked boy in it each week. It seems that even if you don’t do something wrong, teachers find something to send you to the office for. Heck one boy was sent to the office because his homework was deemed to sloppy for the teacher to grade. He had to go a whole week naked just because the teacher decided she wanted to see him naked. So, if your mom or dad gets transferred here, don’t come. Find a way to get them to change jobs or something.
Christmas is around the corner. The weather is cold outside. It hasn’t snowed yet, but I’m told it won’t be long. Ralph tells me when it does snow, I’ll have to make naked snow angels all over town or else. I know what the ‘or else’ is going to be. Now, should I make the snow angels or take the ‘or else.’ You decide?”

(End of File)