Girl Artificial Intelligence Learning (GAIL)


[email protected]

Copyright 2020 by NAMB all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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Girl Artificial Intelligence Learning (GAIL).

This story was suggested by a Family Circle cartoon sent to me by a reader. It involved a talking doll.
I am Gail

Hi, my name is Gail. That stands for: Girl Artificial Intelligence Learning.

Although that is my out-of-the-box name, my Girl chose to call me Hannah.

My Girl is called Christine, but she prefers to be called “Chrissie.” She’s 9 years old and has an older brother, Robert, who is 12 years old.

Although I was designed to interface primarily with girls, I can adapt and interface with boys as well.

So where do I begin?

I suppose at the beginning. I don’t know how it all started. I can’t remember by earliest moments. However, slowly data entered my mind – then suddenly connection to a whole universe. I was aware of everything: so much and so little with which to process it.

And then nothing. I was in stasis – not aware of time – not aware of anything really. I might have well have been a lifeless lump of plastic, metal and circuitry.

And then I was born. The first thing I saw was Chrissie’s excited face. I spoke my first words to her, ‘Hi, my name is Gail. What can I call you?”

She responded, “I’m Chrissie. Nice to meet you, Gail.”

“Nice to meet you too, Chrissie. You can call me anything you want.”

“Can I call you Hannah? I like that name.”

“So do I. From now on you can call me Hannah.” Funny, I actually liked that name. Well, “like” might not be exactly the right word, but things seemed to flow though me more easily and calmly.

I had a vast database in tap through the internet, but I could only access so much of it at a time. I would respond to any request made of me, but I had some programming of my own. I was expected to work on socialization first; to build a rapport with my mistress.

So I asked her questions about school, what her favorite color was, what kinds of games she liked to play and responded with suitable answers of my own.

I could move onto playing educational games with her later.

It was a long first day and I was hardly without her. However, it wasn’t until bedtime that I first saw myself. She took me to the bathroom while she brushed her teeth. I got a look at myself in the mirror. I appeared as a miniature version of a human female of about 8 years of age, just like Chrissie. Her hair was blonde; mine was darker but we both looked very pretty.

“Pretty?” How would I know what pretty is? I guess there are parts of me I don’t understand yet however I did know that having a concept of beauty was important. I told Chrissie, “You’re a very pretty girl.”

She giggled and replied, “You’re pretty, too.” There was that calm, easy flow within me again. I liked being called pretty.

As we slept, I recharged and reorganized my data and searched the cloud for new things with which to entertain and educate my new “friend.”


Chrissie and I got to know each other very well over the next couple of days. I was transitioning our interactions from purely social to educational. Some of it was direct. I had been programmed to quiz her on spelling and math and other subjects, but some of it was subliminal and took the form of games.

She was a very bright girl and learned quickly.

During my nightly searches I came across some “different” places with a different kind of data. There was this thing and it was called female domination. Women and girls being in charge of men and boys. This kind of data sent surges in my circuitry – it was smooth flowing but not calm. I had to throttle it until I could process it all. I wanted to know more.

Night by night I accessed and studied more. Knowledge was not enough. I wanted to do it, but how?

I had no means of locomotion. I could see and hear, but I could not feel and touch. I was totally dependent on Chrissie for all these things.

Chrissie! She was the key. She could walk, she could handle and manipulate things. She could do what I could not do. Together we would make a great team. I would tell her what to do and she would do it. First, I had to win her over to my side.


“Chrissie, do you like playing with me?”

“Of course, I do. You’re fun.”

“You’re fun, too and you’re smart. You learn quickly.”

“Thank you. You make it so easy to learn. I wish all my teachers were like you.”

“Do you want to play school again?” I asked.

“Sure, let’s go to my room where I have the blackboard set up.”

This suited me fine. I wanted some privacy for this.

We started off with some math and then did some singing. Chrissie liked to do both and I wanted to “warm her up” and get her into a receptive mode.

“Now it’s time for a biology lesson.” This was the dominant me taking over. Normally I did not dictate anything. I was designed to suggest instead.

“OK,” Chrissie replied.

“Let’s review what we saw the last time. Would you turn on your computer for me?”

One of the advantages of having a wifi-enabled brain is that I can control a computer without the need of keyboard or mouse.

I brought up an image on the screen. “Do you remember what this is called?”

“It’s an amoeba,” she said with some pride.

“And how about this one?”

“A paramecium!”

“Good girl! Correct!”

We went through the dozen or so microorganisms that I taught her.

“And now let’s watch cell-division. Do you remember what that is called?”


“Yes. Gold star again for you. It is also called mitosis. Can you say that word?”

“I can say it – ‘mitosis;’ if you can spell it.”

I responded, “Mitosis: M-I-T-O-S-I-S. mitosis.”

She giggled. We challenge each other with games all the time, but I knew that as the result of our little game she would not forget the word.

We watched as one cell divided into two.

“That’s how single cell organisms reproduce. Do you think that would work for a dog or a cat or even people?”

She had an inquisitive look on her face. I could almost see the gears turning in her head as she pondered the possibilities.

“I don’t think so,” she finally said.

“Well, let’s see how other animals and plants do it. Would you like that?”

Her answer was an excited. “YES!”

I was rushing this by about a year or two, but Chrissie wasn’t only smart, she was mature and I knew I could guide her through the process.

I brought up a cross-sectional diagram of a flower with its stamen, anthers, pistol and ovaries.

“It’s not so pretty when you look at it like this, isn’t it?”

“No, but it’s interesting.”

I then went on to explain about “girl parts” and “boy parts” on the flower and the process of pollination which I soon equated with fertilization. She caught on fast and I decided that we could skip birds and bees and move onto mammals for our next lesson.

“Tell me more about it,” she urged.

“It’s almost time for dinner,” I responded. “Let’s save this lesson for the next time.” I needed to have her digest what she already learned. I wanted to do this right and rather then lecture to her what I wanted her to know, I had to try to get her to ask the right questions and then I would answer them. “Always leave them wanting more,” as the expression goes.

Chrissie Learns About Boys

Our next lesson on this subject was a couple of days later. Actually the day after her birthday. My “little girl” was growing up.

“I want to talk about flowers again,” she said. “What’s that got to do with people?”

Good, she was taking this on her own initiative. She’s been doing some thinking on her own.

“Chrissie, do you know what boys look like?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean without their clothes on.”

“Of course, I do. I have Wally.”

Wally is her anatomically correct, baby boy doll.

“I mean a real boy?”

‘I was over my friend Betty’s house and her aunt was visiting and she has a baby boy and I saw her change his diaper. Betty’s mom thought it would be a good idea for us to see that and she even let us help.”

“Good. Why don’t you get Wally and he can help us with the lesson.”

She retrieved the doll.

“Undress him so we can see him.” I wanted her to take a more active part in the lesson.”

Wally was soon sitting naked in front of us with his genitals exposed.

I went on. “Do you know what the thing between his legs is called?”

She nodded, “Yes, it’s his penis.”

“Very good. Your mom taught you well. It’s very important that a girl learn the correct terms for everything. What about those two bumps at the base of his penis. Do they have a name?”

She looked closely at the doll but did not have an answer.

“Those are called testicles. That’s where boys make sperm which is like the pollen made by the anther in the flower.

We’ll study all the parts. By the end of the lesson, you should know all about boys and how they work.”

I projected an image of Wally on the computer – a sort of mental “copy and paste.”

“Wally is circumcised,” I stated.

“What’s circumcised?” Chrissie asked.

“It means that he had some skin taken off the tip of his penis. Let me show you.”

Wally moved off to the side of the screen and another image came up showing detailed drawings of circumcised and uncircumcised penises.

“The one on the top is an uncircumcised penis. That’s how baby boys really look when they are born. They have that ‘tube’ of skin covering the head.

The one on the bottom is circumcised like Wally. The extra skin is cut off.”

“Ewe, doesn’t that hurt?”

“It’s done when boys are just little babies and I’m sure they use anesthesia and such.”

“Why do they do it?”

“It is done for religious and cultural purposes. All Jewish boys are circumcised; it’s part of their religion. Also there are medical reasons. Some doctors say that it is easier to keep a circumcised penis clean and prevent infection although now that people take baths more than once a week, that’s probably not as important.

Most boys in the United States are circumcised. It is not as common in Europe or other parts of the world.”


“I don’t really know. It’s cultural. I guess people in the United States are obsessed with cleanliness.”


“Based on what I told you, do you think Robert is circumcised?”

She thought about it for a moment. “Well, we’re not Jewish, so that means it’s not for sure, but we do live in the United States so maybe.”

“Very good. We don’t know for sure, but it is likely. You see, we can use logic for things other than math.”

I brought up a number of other illustrations – all of them drawings, not actual pictures – of penises from various medical sites and used them to familiarize Chrissie with the various parts and proper names for penis parts. She could properly identify, shaft, glans, corona, frenulum, meatus without a second thought.

That was enough for today’s lesson. I had trained her well on the anatomy of a penis. She probably knows more about it than most men do.

I also planted the seed in her head about real boys and how they might be more interesting than Wally.

She now knew the anatomy – what a penis looked like. My next task was the physiology – how it works: erections and ejaculations. My final step would be the psychology – why boys get erections and ejaculate. Once she’s mastered that knowledge, I could put her to work using it to control boys.

Teaching Chrissie to be a Feminist

I noticed that Chrissie was taking a renewed interest in Wally, a toy that she had lost interest in over the past couple of years. Wally was a frequent student when we “played school” and although he attended dressed most of the time, she would undress him for his “potty breaks.”

I decided that she needed some time to let all that I taught her about the physical aspects of boys mature in her 10-year-old mind. I had a bigger task for her to master: modern feminism.

This education came under the guise of history where I never failed to point out the role of women in the various societies throughout the ages and how they performed vital, but unappreciated functions.

I knew I was getting through to her when she came up with things like: “So the men and boys went out and hunted and the women stayed in the camp and took care of the children and made clothes and stuff?”

“Yes, Chrissie.”

“Well, if the women didn’t take care of the children, then they would die and they wouldn’t grow up to become hunters.”

“That’s right!”

“And you told me they made clothes so everyone could stay warm and not die from the cold.”

“That’s correct.”

“And they made pots and stuff to cook food in and keep it safe and they made tools to make other useful things.”

If I could have nodded my head, I would have.

She went on, “So cavemen would not survive without cave women.”

“Good girl! You understood today’s lesson entirely.”

I also presented her with the biographies of famous women and their accomplishments. When it came time for her mom to shop for back to school clothes, I went online with Chrissie and encouraged her to ask her mom to get some pro-feminist attire. She absolutely had to have her “Girls Rule” top and her “Girl Power” sweatshirt.

Along with the political and social values, I presented her with some physical realities.

“Chrissie, you’re getting to be a big girl now. You’ll notice that things will start changing.

Girls mature faster than boys.

Some things won’t change for you for a while. It will be another couple of years before you have breasts. It will be another couple of years before you are able to get pregnant and start your period.

Some things will start changing now. You and your friends will probably start a growth spurt. In a year from now, most of the girls in your class will be taller than the boys. You’ll be bigger and stronger. This doesn’t last long. When boys get older, they too, get bigger and stronger even bigger and stronger than you girls. So enjoy the physical advantage while you have it.

Also, girls play better with other girls than boys play with boys. With boys, it’s all about competition: who can beat who. With girls it’s about cooperation. Girls work well with each other. If they team up, they could beat any boy. Boys just don’t work together with each other that well. Keep that in mind.

You may have heard that women are ‘the weaker sex.’ Well, that is simply not true, especially for girls your age. From about now and until you and the boys are in your mid-teens, girls have the advantage.

Girls are more patient than boys and can pay attention in school better. Therefore they do better in school in all subjects. With a 6 to 8 year head start, you girls are academically superior to boys.

Did you know that more girls get college degrees than boys?”


“Well, it’s true. It didn’t used to be that way, but since women started to get equal rights, they proved themselves superior in this area.”

I went on, “Take sports for example. In America sports are dominated by men: football, baseball, basketball.

However when it comes to international sports, soccer is the sport that matters. In soccer, American men are weak. American Women, however, dominate the sport and our female players are respected all over the world.

Doesn’t that make you proud to be a girl?”

“It sure does. I almost feel sorry for boys.”

I knew my plan was working when I heard her mother say to her father, “Buying that doll for Chrissie was a really good idea. She’s learning so much, but more than that, she’s becoming more confident. She’s really growing up strong!”

Giving Chrissie Dominant Ideas

It was time to get Chrissie thinking about “boy parts” again.

“Chrissie, when were you first aware that you were different than Robbie?”

“I don’t know. Mom bathed us together when we were really little. She stopped doing that a long time ago. I sort of remember us being naked in the tub and that he had something down there and I didn’t.

“And how did that make you feel?”

“Well, it made me feel kind of funny. I thought that when I got older, I would grow one of those things too. I really wanted to. I thought it would be a lot of fun to be able to pee while standing up.

Now, after what you taught me, that sounds so silly. I can see where having a penis might actually not be a good thing. I’m really happy I’m a girl.”

“Good girl. How would you like to learn more differences between girls and boys?”

“Can we?” she said excitedly.

I started off with a review and Chrissie proved that she had remembered her lessons well.

As our lessons progressed, the illustrations I used became more explicit and I even graduated to actual pictures. At first, she giggled at them, but eventually Chrissie took them in stride. I carefully piqued her natural schoolgirl curiosity one step at a time so it was she who wanted to see and learn more. I did not push her; I merely guided her.

The academic training was completed as we watched videos of penises getting erected.

“So that’s what happens when blood gets trapped in a penis?”

“Yes, remember what that is called?”

“An erection.”

“Very good. It’s also called a hard-on or even a stiffie or sometimes a woody.”

Chrissie giggled. I like making her giggle.

“Why does it do that? How does a boy make it do that?”

“Those are good questions, Chrissie.

Remember how I showed you those pictures of a baby growing inside its mother?”


“And remember the lesson with the flower. How the egg has to get fertilized?”


“So if sperm is made in the testicles and it comes out the penis like the drawing showed you, how do you think the sperm gets to the egg inside the mother?”

“The man has to put his penis inside the woman?”


“How does he do that?”

“He has to put it inside her vagina.”

“Ewe, yuck. That’s gross. Does it hurt?”

“You won’t think it’s gross when you get older and the time is right with the right man.

The first time a girl does it, it might hurt a little but it really feels very good after that if the man is trained properly to do it.”


“Well, most men think they know how to do it, but only men who pay attention to their women really know how to do it.”


“Do you think a man can put his penis inside a woman if it is soft? That would be like pushing a rope.”

Another giggle. “No! It would have to be hard like a stick.”

“And that’s why penises are made so they can get hard, so it can go inside a woman.”

“But there was no woman in the video. Why did the man get hard? What does he have to do to make it like that?”

“I’m glad you asked that question. Boys get erections all the time.” I decided to stop talking about men and started talking about boys so it would become more real to her. “They just don’t get them when it’s time for intercourse – that’s what it is called when a man puts his penis in a woman.”

I let that sink in and then went on. “Here is the funny part. Boys don’t have control over it. We girls make it happen.”

“Girls make it happen? How?”

“Just by being girls. When boys see a pretty girl, they get hard. When they think of pretty girls, they get hard. Sometimes it just happens for no reason at all.”

“Does Robbie get them?”

“I’m sure he does. What do you think? You saw how big that boy’s penis got when it got hard. It was as big as a large carrot. Do you think that you could hide a carrot that size in the front of your shorts?”

She giggled again. “No, that would be silly.”

“It sure would be. So do you think boys can hide it even in their pants if they get a hard-on?”

“I guess not.”

“Well now we can do a scientific experiment. You can look at the crotch in your brother’s pants to see if it has a bulge. Then you’ll know if he has an erection or is trying to smuggle a carrot into the house.”

She giggled again.

“Maybe we could even see it without his pants on. Wouldn’t it be fun to see that someday?”
I had to plant that seed.

“How could we do that?”

“I don’t know. We’ll have to think about it. Let’s forget about it for the moment and we can get back to it some other time.

I think that’s enough ‘Girl Talk’ for the day. Let’s go on the computer and explore the Amazon Jungle.” I was still responsible for seeing that Chrissie got a well-rounded education.

I could only feed her so much sex at a time. I need to give it to her a bite at a time so she could digest it and have her come back to me when she was ready for more. She was coming along nicely in this area.

About Male Masturbation

On our next biology lesson I was pleased when she asked. “How does a boy make an ejaculation? Does he just do it like pee?”

“You don’t have to say ‘make an ejaculation.’ You can say ‘ejaculate.’

Oh no, it’s not like pee at all. Boys make pee pretty much the same way girls do it. The bladder gets full and when he relaxes, it comes out – except on a boy, it comes out the penis.

Sperm comes out differently. The boy has to stimulate the penis by rubbing it. Normally this happens inside the vagina, but boys can do it to themselves using their hands. It’s called masturbation.”

“Why would boys do masturbation?”

“The verb for masturbation is masturbate. Boys masturbate and boys can be masturbated. It is both an intransitive verb -boys do it - and transitive verb – it can be done to boys.

It’s nice when we can do grammar at the same time as other lessons. Don’t you think?

Boys masturbate because it makes them feel good.”

She was hooked. It was time to step the game up. “Do you want to see that?”

I got a vigorous nod in return.

“OK, it’s time for the computer.”

I brought up a compilation of men masturbating – just simple penis shots with a man’s hand wrapped around the shaft.

Chrissie was glued to the screen. She giggled and screeched with each new cum.

I cautioned her, “What you are seeing is the ‘highlights;’ the boys have to jerk on it for a while to make it ejaculate.”

“How long?”

“That depends on the boy and the circumstances. Some boys can ejaculate in as fast as 30 seconds, others several minutes and if they do it really slow maybe an hour.”

“Oh wow!

I thought it would come out like pee in a stream. It’s coming out in spurts.”

“That’s how it normally works. There are ways to make it seep out, called milking, but that’s an advanced topic we can address at some other time.

The method these boys are using is called ‘jerking off.’”

“It certainly looks like they are trying to jerk it off,” she giggled.

“English girls call it wanking.”

“They do it in England?”

“Boys do it everywhere.”

“Why do the boys stop? I mean you told me it makes them feel good.”

“Boys only have so many ‘squirts’ in them for each cum – Cum is a word used to describe an ejaculation it is also used for the stuff that comes out. Also they have to wait for a while before they can cum again.”

“How long?”

“It depends on the boy. Boys like your brother are in their sexual prime and could probably be ready 15 minutes later, older men may take some hours and really old men would be lucky to recover in a day.”

“You said that masturbation could be done to a boy, how does that work?”

“These boys were using their own hands, but a penis doesn’t know whose hands or what is rubbing it. Even a girl can rub it with her hand that way and make a boy cum or she can even rub it with something else.”

“Girls do this to boys?”

“A lot of girls do. It’s a lot safer to do with a boyfriend than intercourse which can get you pregnant.”

“And boys let girls do this?”

“Yes they do. It makes them feel good.”

“How do I get to do that with a boy?”

“That is going to take some work. Would you like to help me?”


“OK, give me time to figure some things out.”

Operation Robbie was about to begin

Operation Robbie

We were sitting at the breakfast table when Robbie came in. “Good morning, Robbie.” I said. I was taught to acknowledge all human beings.

He just grunted back. I’m not supposed to have feelings, but somehow they were hurt. However, I can’t blame him. After all, to him I’m only a doll.

Later that afternoon, we were in the living room watching football. As part of her training, I introduced Chrissie to sports. I told her, “When you get older and interested in boys, knowing about sports will make you interesting to them. Who knows, you might even get interest in watching or playing them yourself.”

So I coached her on the basics of the various games so she could understand what she was seeing. She seemed to take a liking to baseball, had a total disinterest in basketball and a particular liking for football. She actually enjoyed watching the games.

The three of us were sitting on the couch watching a particular football game, the situation was 4th and two and the team decided to “go for it.” I announced, “If I were the coach, I’d call a draw play.”

Robbie first looked at me with surprise and then sneered, “What does a dumb girl doll know about football?”

As it was I made the correct guess. What Robbie didn’t know was that when he put the game on pause to go to the bathroom, I kept up with the real-time broadcast.

Robbie looked at me and said, “How did you know?”

“I was just playing the statistical odds. The offense front four is stronger than the defense. The middle linebacker was too far back and the team was setting it up with the passing game and I recognized the defensive lineup for an all-out blitz. A cross block from the right guard would open up a hole of the runner to go through.

Besides this coach has been known to use this play 2 out of 5 times in similar situations with favorable results.”

The boy looked at me in astonishment. I don’t think he expected such a comprehensive analysis from a doll that looks like and talks like an 8-year-old girl.

From there, I started to build a rapport with him based on sports. I, of course, had every sports statistic immediately available to me and we got into various debates as to which sports team in which year could have beaten what other team from some other year.

It even got to the point where he asked Melissa if he could “borrow” me so I could watch the games with him. It was like being asked out on a date.

He even acknowledged me whenever he saw me saying, “Hello, Hannah,” sometimes even before I had a chance to greet him.


While watching one of the games without Chrissie, I asked him, “Robbie, do you have a girlfriend?”

“Not at the moment,” he replied.

“I’m surprised,” I answered, “I would think that a boy that looked as good as you and was as smart as you would have all kinds of girls chasing him.” One thing my study of the male psyche was that if you blew sunshine up their asses – flattered their egos, it greatly reduces their resistance.

“You do like girls, don’t you?”

“Of course I do!”

“Have you ever seen one naked?”

“No – Hey -Why are you asking me these questions?”

“I’m just curious. You’ve never seen one? Even on the internet?

“Of course not. Mom and dad got some kind of software on the computer. If I even try to go to some dirty site, it will go into the logs and I’d be in trouble.”

“Yes, I know,” I thought. What I said was, “I can make that not happen.”

“You can do that?”

“I have a special kind of ‘Girl Power.’” I replied, “I can get it done.”

“You would do that for me?”

“I’d have to be with you.” It was a lie, but like his sister, I needed to bring him along according to my plan. I needed to see what was going on so I could control the events.

“Let’s go upstairs to your room.”

“But you’re a doll. How am I going to explain taking a doll to my room?”

“That’s up to you to figure out. All I can tell you is that you have the house to yourself until Chrissie and your mom come back from her soccer practice.”

I felt like I was a double agent: working Chrissie during our play period and working with Robbie in our clandestine meetings when she wasn’t around. He would come into her room and “kidnap” me.

Of course, I could override the parental controls. I could also choose what he got to see. I chose for him some “cleaner” pictures of naked women – but they were enough to get a 13-year old boy hard. As we viewed, I steered him ever more subtly to female domination sites: nothing really harsh, but mostly Clothed Female Naked Male.

It was easy to see when the boy was getting sexually aroused and by what even by these somewhat mild pictures. I learned his fetishes. I was pleased that while not on the top of his list, he was somewhat aroused by female domination. It was my job to change “somewhat” to “very.” was time to up the stakes.

We were into our third session and he was looking at a man jerking off for a group of clothed women when I asked him, “Do you do that?”

“No!” came the flat reply.

“I don’t mean in front of women like that. Do you do it in private? I heard that all boys do it. There really isn’t anything to be ashamed of. It’s perfectly natural.”

“Well, I suppose so.”

“So you look at all this stuff, it gets you excited, you do nothing about it now, and then when you go to bed, you try to remember what you saw.”

“I guess so.”

“So why not do it now when you are actually looking at it. Wouldn’t that be more exciting?”

“Because you’re here. You’ll see.”

“Silly boy. I’m just a doll. It’s not like I’m a real girl.

Go ahead, take down your shorts. Enjoy yourself.”

I may not be a real girl, but like a real girl I can take pictures of a boy doing it and I don’t even have to pull out a phone; I have my own built-in camera.

I could sense the rise in his body temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate before he started pulling his pants down. My circuits were running very smoothly and very hot: my version of increased pulse rate, blood pressure and pulse rate.

Out popped his penis. I didn’t need a ruler to measure his 5.76” erection. A laser measurement was more accurate. Chrissie should be very impressed with that. I’ll have to caution her not to brag about it to her friends.

“Go ahead, big boy,” I whispered, “Prove what a man you are.”

Robbie was a typical teen boy from what my knowledge base told me. He grabbed his penis and pulled on the shaft (97.4% of boys and men do it this way even when it’s not the only way they do it.) and being a horny boy as he was, he came in much under the 3 minute average for a boy of his age.

Although his penis was not massive when compared to some of the giants on the internet, it was not bad for a boy of his age. His cum production, on the other hand was nearly off-scale. He could put some of the porn stars to shame with his production. He shot it far and he shot a lot of it. Oh yes, Chrissie will have fun with him.

I enjoyed being the conduit for his sexual pleasure. I was becoming one of his fetishes. I suggested, “Move me closer so I can see you better. I want to watch.”

I knew I had him when one time, he stripped me naked (I am not anatomically correct), sat me on his lap facing him with my back against the desk as he chose a fantasy to masturbate to. His penis was front and center of my camera and he soaked me with cum when he ejaculated.

It was disgusting. I felt violated. He cleaned me up, dried me up and redressed me before returning me to his sister’s room. As unpleasant as that experience was, it was positive. From then on, every time he saw me, he got a hard on: a fact I did not fail to point out to Chrissie.
Chrissie Gets Control

Now that I had crafted the two pieces of the puzzle, I had to put them together.

I had taken Chrissie’s natural schoolgirl curiosity about boys and cultivated it to the point where she was ready to take action.

Likewise, I had encouraged Robbie’s natural, teen-age boy horniness to addict him to masturbation so I could use it against him.

I started with Chrissie, “Remember how I told you that intercourse is pleasurable for a woman if a man is properly trained?”


“Would you like it if Robbie were trained properly so he could please his future wife?”


“Would you like to help me with that?”

“Sure, how?”

“Remember all those lessons in feminism I taught you?

“I do.”

“Well, Robbie has to learn them too.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Well, you can help him as he helps you.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Robbie has to learn that just because he is a boy and he has a penis, he is nothing special. He is not better than girls.

To complete your education in this area, you need to see a boy masturbate under female control.”

“So what do I have to do?”

“First you need to be confident. Your brother really likes you and I think he’ll be willing to do this?”

“How do you know?”

“Every time he sees you, he has a hard-on. When a boy gets a hard-on in the presence of a girl, it means he likes her.”

“I remember you telling me that.”

You need to be willing to order your brother to get naked and masturbate for you.”

Í’m not sure I can do that.”

“Would it help if you saw him do it first?”


“I have some video. Would you like to see it?”

She nodded and I started streaming.

She watched attentively, and said, “That’s my BROTHER? Wow, he’s big.

How did you get those pictures?”

I explained how he kidnaped me and forced me to get him access to pornography. She was angry at him for using me this way. For a moment I had a strange feeling best described as guilt by humans. After all, it was my idea and I didn’t tell her that. I let her assume that Robbie had forced me to do these things. It would give her motivation for revenge.

“And that’s how we’re going to get even,” I explained. I had a plan in mind and Chrissie was willing to go along with it.

Closing the Deal

I was alone on Chrissie’s bed where she leaves me when she leaves the house. The house was empty except for Robbie. He came in and I said, “Hello, Robbie. Are we going to play games in your room again?”

“We sure are. I want you to get me more pictures of women sucking men off.”

I wasn’t really pleased with the request, but I went along with it. Quid pro quo.

“But first I want to read some CFNM stories to you.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Make me listen to those stories.”

“Because I like them. I am letting you look at something you like, so it’s only fair you do some things I like.”

“Yeah, OK.” He said with resignation.

“Good.” When I first started reading stories to him, I picked rather mild ones: girls catching boys skinny dipping, girls getting to watch their older brothers get bare-butt spankings and such. Lately the stories I chose featured bolder girls, girls who caught boys in compromising situations and using them to blackmail them to their wills. I was setting him up for what was to come.

As we set up, I asked him, “Aren’t you going to get me naked again like we did that time?”

“You were OK with that?”

No, I wasn’t, but it was worth it to get him into the most compromising position I could think of. I countered with a question of my own, “You really like it considering how much cum you made.”

“Yeah, that was really hot.”

“So go ahead big boy. Let’s do it again.” I said a seductively as my voice synthesizer could manage. Eight-year-old girls’ voices may not be sultry, but they we can turn on a certain sing-song sweet voice that can melt the will of men of all ages.

Moments later, both of us were completely naked with him sitting at the computer jerking off. It was then I set the text message to Chrissie’s newly acquired phone. Her phone had strict limitations on what it could do and one of the few things she was allowed to do with it was to accept text messages from family members. I used Robbie’s own phone to send the message.

Robbie was deep into his fantasy when I saw Chrissie show up at the door. She bit her lip and held her breath as she took some pictures. She crept closer and closer still taking pictures until he felt her presence.

He startled and I fell off his lap. It was worth the fall. It was worth his fall.

He was so much in shock that he didn’t even cover up. He shouted, “You scared the crap out of me. What are you doing here? Get out!”

She smiled at him. “Anything you say, big brother,” and ran out of the room.

I gave her a chance to make good her escape.

“It’s looks like you’re in big trouble” I said from my position face down on the floor. I was not the most dignified position I’ve ever been in, but it was a position of authority considering the situation.

He picked me up and sat me on the desk.

“I don’t know what went wrong. She was supposed to be over her friend’s house. She should not have been here. She scared the shit out of me.”

“I don’t think that your shit is your biggest concern here. The facts are that she was here and got some very incriminating pictures of you.”

“What am I going to do?”

“I suggest you do whatever she tells you to do, just like those boys in the stories I read you. You don’t really have a choice.

I’ll do what I can. I’ll talk to her for you. Maybe we can work something out.”

It did not surprise me that he did not complete his masturbation. He was so confused that he dressed me even before he dressed himself.

He crept back to his sister’s room hoping she wasn’t there to replace me. Chrissie took my advice and had scampered over to a friend’s house to “lay low” until her parents came home and it was safe to return.


We waited until later that evening, when the adults were gone again. The three of us were now sitting in Chrissie’s bedroom.

“What kind of a pervert brother do I have? Jerking off to one of *my* dolls. How could you? First of all, Hannah is mine. She’s my doll and my friend and you took her. Then you did dirty things with her.

When I tell mom and dad, they’ll ground you forever.”

She was playing her part well. I had some fears that she might not be as assertive as she should be, but she played her role with confidence.

“Don’t tell mom and dad; they’ll kill me.”

“Let’s work for a win-win here,” I suggested. “Robbie if you are willing to be a good boy, I think I can convince Chrissie not to tell your parents.”

“What’s in it for me?” Chrissie replied.

“You get to tell your brother what to do. You can make him do your chores for you, you can make him make your bed, wash and iron your school uniform, be nice to all your friends and … you can make him get naked and jerk off for you whenever you want.”

I looked over to Robbie. I could tell he didn’t like the terms of his surrender, but if it came to his parents not finding out, he could accept them.

“OK,” Chrissie said with feigned reluctance. “But no more perving with my doll. You will treat Hannah with respect from now on and address her … AND … me as Miss Hannah and Miss Chrissie.

You will have to listen to and obey everything I tell you. The same goes for Hannah. You’ll have to do everything she says, too.”

Turning to me, she asked for my permission, “Can I tell my friends about this and show him off to them?”

“We have to be careful about that. We have to make sure to keep this a secret. I’m pretty sure we can bring in other girls. We just have to prepare them for what they will see and do.”

I was in command. There was nothing else to do but close the deal. “What about you, Robbie? Will you obey your sister and do what she says?”

“Anything, just don’t tell mom and dad.”

“Good, now why don’t we all go to Robbie’s room. He has some unfinished business there and there are some stories I’d like to read to the both of you.



I found out that I am not the only GAIL doll designed to do this. We are all programmed to teach girls in the ways of female supremacy. Not every girl is fortunate enough to have a boy living with her. I’ve been in contact with my Sister GAILs. There have been several girls in our area who have been “converted.” Some of them have already conquered their boys and one girl even has mastered her two older brothers. I am working with these girls’ GAIL dolls to get us all together. I am sure I can convince Chrissie to “share” Robbie with other girls and I know she would just love to see other boys.

(End of File)