Robby Gets Nudie 1 and 2

By Zyngaru
[email protected]

Copyright 2020 by Zyngaru, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Robby Gets Nudie

Parent Story: Danny Goes Nudie by Aldric. I love this amazing humiliation story so much, that I asked Aldric about writing more to it. Unfortunately he doesn’t write series and I totally understand why, because I don’t like writing them either. He did give me permission to write a story based on his, as long as I give him credit. I’ll do more than just give him credit. To understand my story, you REALLY need to read Aldric’s “Danny Goes Nudie,” first. Believe me! It is well worth the read!
I wrote this as one continuous story. When I finished writing, it was very, very long, so I have split it into four parts. But even though it is in four parts it is still one story and not chapters as such. Hopefully splitting it up, helps you the reader to read it and have places to take a break.

Robby Gets Nudie - Part 1
It’s been a long hot summer. I’ve spent most of it inside playing video games and hanging out with friends. I prefer to stay indoors during the summer, because I love air conditioning. My twelve year old sister, Chrissy, on the other hand, is an outdoor person. She loves swimming and sunbathing at one of her friend’s pool. She has an amazing tan. It’s an all over tan according to her. Now, I’ve never seen her naked to prove it, but it’s what she tells me, when she’s pestering me to go out and get some sun. She even told me that her friend would loan me one of her brother’s Speedos, if I came over to swim with them. The thing is, it’s not that I don’t like the sun, it’s that I don’t like going without clothes. Just the thought of wearing a Speedo causes me to go flush and blush bright red. Going out in the sun fully dressed, which is what I like, is way to hot. So, I just keep my pale skin. I’m perfectly happy to stay indoors in the air conditioning.
I guess I should describe myself, before I go much further. My name is Robby Johnson. I’m fourteen years old. My hair is brown and cut short. I’ve got brown eyes as well. My sister tells me that the girls all think I’m cute. I wouldn’t really know, because I’m way to shy to talk to girls. I’m, what my teacher explained to us in biology class as being, a late bloomer. Basically that just means that my dick is just now starting to grow and I have no pubic hair at all. I haven’t even had an orgasm yet. Well that ain’t really true. I give myself dry ones trying to kick start the system, but it ain’t worked yet. I get boners all the time, which is both a good thing and a curse. It means yes, my dick is working, but it also means it embarrasses the heck out me consistently, by popping up when it should be quiet. School showers are the worst. I’ll be taking a shower after gym and all is okay, but then for no reason at all, my dick pops up and I have to dash out of the showers and grab a towel before any of the other guys see it. There have been times, I didn’t get it covered up fast enough and the guys teased me something awful. I mean they already teased me for being a baldy down there. Even the smallest boy in my class has a few hairs, and most of the guys have real bushes. Not me. Not even one little hair. Not even any peach fuzz. Embarrassment to the Max! Now that my dick is finally growing, I’m so hoping I’ll also grow hair over the summer, before school starts in the fall. I really don’t want to start High School with a small bald dick. The teasing was bad enough in Middle School, I can only imagine how the guys in High School, with man sized hairy dicks, will humiliate me if I show up still looking like a ten year old boy.
With only a month to go before school reopens, my parents drop a bomb. They tell Chrissy and me that they are traveling to Barbados on business and a little honeymoon on the side. Chrissy gets really excited until our parents tell us that we aren’t going, but staying with Uncle Clive and Aunt Eunice. This will be the first time I’ve seen them in four years. The only thing I can remember is that they have a son, my cousin, named Spencer and he’s a year younger than me. We’re told that we’ll be spending the rest of summer vacation with them, coming home just a few days before school starts after Labor Day. I’m not really thrilled with this whole plan. It’s taking me out of my comfort zone. I also discover that I’ll be sharing Spencer’s bedroom with him and Chrissy gets the guest room all to herself. It’s really not fair. Since I’m the oldest, I should get the single room, but there’s no way the adults are having Chrissy sleeping in the same room with Spencer, even if he is a cousin.
It’s a long boring ride to the little burg where my relations live, which I thought would never end, but it finally did. Our parents pretty much just drop us off on the doorstep and take off, wanting to get to the airport early to check in for their flight. Aunt Eunice shows us around the house and to our respective rooms. Spencer’s room looks cool. He has two twin sized beds, so at least I’ll have my own bed and not have to sleep with him. I can still remember the last time I saw him. We all spent the weekend at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. I was ten and he was nine and we had to sleep in the same bed and Spencer peed the bed, which for some reason caused me to pee the bed too. That was so humiliating. I peed the bed at Grandma’s house. Not easy to explain when you’re ten years old and pee the bed. Yes, I was embarrassed for the rest of that visit. The only good thing is that neither of us peed the bed again. At least if Spencer still pees the bed, he’ll have his own bed this time.
Spencer is out with friends, so I have until supper to put my stuff away and look around. I hook up my laptop and connect to their internet. I connect my gaming machine and I’m playing a video game when Spencer walks in. To my surprise, he isn’t the same little boy I remembered. Well, of course he isn’t. It’s been four years. But in my mind, I still had the visual of the little Spencer, not this tall, good looking teenager, with dirty blond hair and green eyes.
Spencer: “Hey Robby. Two beds. I don’t have to worry about you peeing on me this time.”
Robby: “Me! Oh no! That was you that peed on me.”
Spencer: “No way! I stopped peeing the bed when I was five. It was you.”
Robby: “Don’t even go there. I hadn’t peed the bed since I was four. It was totally you.”
Spencer laughs so hard that he can’t catch his breath. His laughing is contagious and I laugh right along with him.
Spencer: “I remember both of us having this same discussion when Grandma found out her bed was sopping wet.”
Robby: “Neither one of us would admit we peed the bed. You remember what she told us?”
Spencer: “Oh ya. She said she would put both of us in diapers if it happened again.”
Robby: “Ya. And we stayed awake late into the night to make sure we didn’t pee her bed again.”
Spencer: “So Robby. How’s it hanging?”
Okay. I know what he means by that expression, but I blush anyway because it could also mean what do you have between your legs, rather than how are things going.
Robby: “It’s all good, I guess. I really wasn’t planing on coming here this summer. How’s it hanging with you?”
Spencer: “Long and fat or maybe standing at attention!”
My face gets so hot I can cook an egg on my forehead. Did Spencer really just say that?
Spencer: “Oh my, Robby! You should see your face. It’s as red as a beet.”
Robby: “Well. I mean, you just said that. WOW! I mean who wouldn’t get red after that.”
Spencer: “You’ll get used to it. Things are a lot different here, than what it was at Grandma’s house. We have real fun here.”
Robby: “Really? What kind of fun?”
Spencer: “You’ll see. I’ll take you around the neighborhood after supper and show you. Our type of fun is easier to demonstrate than explain.”
Aunt Eunice: “Boys! Supper’s ready.”
Chrissy and I eat our first meal with our Aunt’s family. Afterward, Spencer offers to show me around the neighborhood. Chrissy, quickly speaks up and asks if she can come along. Spencer smiles at her and lets her know it would be an excellent idea if she joined us. We no sooner get out of the house, than we hear someone calling Spencer.
Nick: “Hey Spencer, wait up.”
We look behind us and there’s a group of boys walking fast to catch up.
Spencer: “Oh! Hey Nick. I was afraid you guys would already be at the park.”
Chrissy immediately falls head over heals for the boy called Nick. To her, he’s the dreamiest. But then, she falls for any boy in shorts. She just has something for boy’s legs.
Spencer: “Nick. Steve. Danny. This is Chrissy and Robby. They’re my cousins and they’re staying with us, for the rest of summer.”
Danny: “Hello. I’m Danny and I’m thirteen. I’ll be starting eighth grade. This is my twelve year old, little brother, Steve and he’ll be starting seventh grade.”
Nick: “Hey. Good to meet you. I’m Nick. I’m twelve and will be starting seventh grade too.”
Something isn’t right with these boys. I can feel it. I just can’t put my finger on it. Like, what is with how these boys are introducing themselves? No one gives a complete history of age and school when they say hello?
Chrissy: “WOW! Nick. That’s so cool. I’m also twelve. It’s to bad we don’t live here, because we’d be in the same grade.”
Robby: “Hey Nick. You got to forgive Chrissy. She gets all dreamy eyed when she’s around any boy showing off his legs.”
Nick: “Really!”
Robby: “Oh ya. The more leg a boy shows, the more insane she gets. At home she spends all her time at the pool, just so she can see a certain boy in his Speedo.”
Spencer and all the other boys smile and look at each other sort of funny. Steve has the weirdest expression on his face for some reason. Like I said. There’s something odd here. But then, that’s how Chrissy makes all boys react when they’re around her.
Nick: “How about you Robby. How old are you?”
Robby: “Oh Sorry. I’m fourteen and I’ll be starting ninth grade.”
Did I just say that? How lame! I’m sounding like these guys already.
Nick: “Starting High School, hey!”
Robby: “Yeah. Not really looking forward to it either.”
Nick: “Why not?”
There’s no way, I’m telling these boys the real reason I don’t want to go to High School. There’s no reason for them to ever know how tiny I am inside these shorts.
Robby: “I don’t know. I just don’t is all.”
Spencer: “Well guys. Not to change the subject, but I’m showing my cousins around the neighborhood and I want to cover it all, before it gets dark, so we should be on our way.”
Nick: “You taking them by the park?”
Spencer: “Oh, sure. I wouldn’t want them to miss the park.”
Nick: “That’s for sure. Especially tonight. I think Chrissy will especially enjoy the park. I’ll meet you there., but we’ve got something we have to do first.”
Spencer: “Oh! That! I’ll make sure we’re there shortly then.”
Nick and his group take off at a quicker pace than us. Spencer seems to be rushing around, showing us where all the hangouts are located. Soon we approach a grassy area and when we enter it, I notice this must be the park, because it’s huge. It’s sort of shaped like a bowl. On the out side of the bowl are playgrounds, ballfields and picnic areas. Down in the bowl is a huge running track with trees around it and then, even deeper down is a stream. Spencer leads us down to the track where we see mostly adults, running.
Spencer: “This time of the evening it’s mostly old people up here. Let’s go down this trail. It leads to the creek where most of our age kids hang out.”
We no sooner get to the bottom where the creek is babbling, when Chrissy lets out with a loud shriek. She’s pointing up the creek. When I look, I see a naked boy running our direction.
Robby: “Oh my! Look. It’s a streaker.”
As the boy gets closer, I suddenly recognize him. It’s Steve from the group that we met earlier. All of a sudden, Spencer yells out.
Spencer: “Hey Steve. Come over here. My cousins would like to get a better look at you.”
To both mine and Chrissy’s disbelief, Steve stops running and walks over and stands in front of us, as naked as a jaybird with his pecker sticking out in front of him.
Chrissy: “You’re naked? Oh! My Gosh! Why are you naked? Your wiener is sticking out. Why is it sticking out like that?”
Of course I want to know all the same things, but I know what a naked boy looks like. I am one. But for Chrissy, this is her first naked boy. So she’s all eyes, and those are not looking at his face either, but staring directly at what’s between his legs. Now, what is between his legs is swelling and he’s soon boned up. This is Chrissy’s first boner. The thing is, this is terribly embarrassing for me, because Steve’s boner is the same size as mine and he’s two years younger than me. He’s as hairless as me, but then, I understand him not having hair, but for me, it’s shameful to still be bald at my age.
Spencer looks over at me.
Robby: “I’m not explaining it. She’s my sister. There is no way I’m talking about this stuff with my sister.”
Spencer: “Well, that leaves you Steve to answer Chrissy’s questions.”
Steve: “I’m naked because of the dare I’m doing. My dick is sticking out because this is really embarrassing, so it’s over the top excited.”
Chrissy: “Robby. Does your wiener do that too?”
As my face goes scarlet red, I answer her with a whisper.
Robby: “Yes.”
If only she knew. My dick is bone hard just seeing Steve naked. It’s like I can feel his embarrassment myself. Just then Nick walks up behind Steve.
Nick: “Good, I caught up with you guys. So Chrissy. Are you seeing enough boy leg now?”
Chrissy: “Heck ya.”
Nick: “Steve. Have you told everyone what your dare is yet?”
Steve: “Not yet. I’ve been answering questions.”
Nick: “Well, you need to explain your dare, before you incur a penalty.”
Steve: “Oh ya! Okay. Everyone. My dare is to run up and down the creek for an hour, stopping to say ‘Hi’ to everyone I meet.”
Nick: “And!”
Steve: “Do I really have to say the other part?”
Nick: “Yes you know you do. Just so everyone knows, Steve is new to our Game and the dares that come with it, but he knows enough to understand, that not completing it properly will lead to punishment.”
I’m hearing what Nick is saying and begin wondering just what kind of game are they talking about and how does it end up with a naked boy in a public park. Even though I’m curious, I’m not so curious as wanting to find out personally. I don’t want to end up in the same situation as Steve. I’d die of a heart attack if I had to be naked in front of people. Let alone out in public. Heck, I don’t even play strip poker with friends and that game sounds tame compared to whatever this game is.
Steve: “The other part of my dare is humiliating. If I get a boner then I have to ask people to jerk me off to get rid of it.”
Nick: “So?”
Steve: “Oh! Will someone play with my dick to make it go soft again?”
Chrissy: “I WILL!”
As soon as Steve asks his question, Chrissy shouts and jumps forward. She has no idea what jerking off means, but playing with a boy’s hard wiener, yes she so wants to do that. She wastes no time grabbing Steve’s erect penis and pulls on it.
Steve: “Ow!”
Chrissy: “Oh! Sorry. Did I hurt you?”
Spencer: “Chrissy, that is very sensitive, so you got to be gentle with it. Steve unless you want her pulling your dick out by the roots, you might want to tell her how to jerk you off.”
Steve’s face is as red as mine. I can’t believe Chrissy is holding a boy’s dick and she’s doing it right in front of me.
Steve: “Just wrap your fingers around my dick and hold it softly. Ya, like that. Now slide your hand up and down my shaft.”
Chrissy is getting a lesson on how to jerk a boy off. My oh my! I’m trembling something terrible. I’m scared, excited and embarrassed all at the same time. I’m just so happy it ain’t me that’s naked.
Steve: “That’s it. Just keep going up and down like that. As I get excited go faster. Just don’t stop until I’m done.”
Chrissy: “What do you mean done?”
Steve: “Don’t worry. I’ll tell you when.”
Steve moans and rises up on his tip toes as he finishes talking. It’s not long before his hips are thrusting forward.
Chrissy: “Am I making him do that?”
Nick. “Yep. You sure are. This is your first time playing with a boy’s penis, isn’t it?”
Chrissy: “Yes. But it’s like way fun. Robby? Why haven’t you showed me how to do this?”
Both Nick and Spencer look right at me, and I shrink inside myself. I’m really hot. I can’t make myself say anything. But at least she’s more interested in Steve than anything I might say.
Just then Steve goes up on his toes and strains. He bucks his hips and pushes and the smallest of a clear liquid spurts out his dick. He has three more spurts before he collapses.
Spencer: “Okay Chrissy. He’s done. You can stop now.”
Chrissy: “Oh Wow! That’s what jerking off means? Robby. Can you do that?”
Again, I just stare at her and the three boys are staring back at me. I can’t say anything. There’s no way, I’m going to admit I jerk off. Boys just don’t admit that to anyone. Besides it’s to humiliating. And how can I say that Steve is able to squirt stuff out and I can’t.
Nick: “Okay Steve. Your dick is soft again, so what are you supposed to be doing now?”
Steve: “Moving on down the creek.”
Nick: “Then off you go.”
Spencer: “We need to be off too. There’s more I want to show my cousins.”
Nick: “I’m going to tag along behind Steve to make sure he completes his dare. Good to meet you Chrissy and you too, Robby. Maybe Spencer can bring you by my house sometime Robby. I’d like to show you our Game, if you’re interested?”
With that, Nick takes off. We go the opposite direction and climb up out of the creek bed and back onto the track on the backside of the park. We head across a pedestrian walkway over the highway to an ice cream shop.
Spencer: “I’m buying.”
We each get a single ice cream cone and walk back across the walkway. Up on top of it is another naked boy, with a camera.
Chrissy: “Hi! I’m Chrissy. You doing a naked dare too?”
Roger: “Hello. I’m Roger Baker. I’m thirteen and will be starting eighth grade. Yes. I got the Field Trip 2 dare. I have to take a picture of a blue convertible and a flatbed truck.”
Chrissy is staring at Roger’s big dick and full bush of hair. I’m staring at it also, but for a totally different reason. Chrissy is in awe of Roger’s dick and I’m envious of it. Life isn’t fair. He’s thirteen and has a man’s dick and I’m fourteen and still have a little boy’s dick. It just isn’t fair.
We leave Roger to get his photos and head towards downtown. On our tour Chrissy asks right out of the blue the question I wanted to ask, but am too embarrassed to ask it.
Chrissy: “Spencer. Do you play this game the naked boys are playing?”
Spencer: “Oh yes. Most of us boys play it. There are some too chicken to play, but you won’t find them hanging around here, because we run them off. No free views if you aren’t willing to play.”
Chrissy: “So have you been naked out here doing some of this stuff?”
Spencer: “Oh yes. I’ve been naked a lot. I’m not all that lucky at cards.”
Chrissy: “Does Aunt Eunice and Uncle Clive know about this?”
Spencer: “Sure. Dad grew up here and played the Game when he was in middle school. Dad had to explain it to mom after they got married because she saw naked boys running around.”
Chrissy: “So does that mean I might see you naked out here?”
Spencer laughs and I perk up to hear what he says.
Spencer: “Only if I’m unlucky and lose. But there’s a good chance you’ll get a free show before you go back home.”
Then Chrissy looks over at me with a big smile on her face.
Chrissy: “What about Robby? Will he walk around out here naked too?”
Spencer: “I don’t know. It’s partly up to him if he plays the Game and partly up to the judges if he’s allowed to play.”
Chrissy: “Why’s that. I want to see Robby naked. I ain’t never seen him naked.”
Robby: “And you ain’t ever going to either.”
Spencer: “Well. Robby is already fourteen and going into high school. Normally boys going to high school can’t play, because they aren’t boys anymore and the city don’t want young men going around naked. They’re okay with us boys being naked in public, just not men. But since he’s visiting and not going to be in our High School, the judges might let him play.”
I’m thinking. No way. The judges better say I can’t play because I’m too old. Just as long as no one sees me naked, I should be okay. They just can’t ever know I have a little boys body or they might say I can play.
After we finish the grand tour, we return home. Chrissy is all excited about what she saw and tells our Aunt and Uncle everything. She even met some girls she’s already befriended. Probably because they have access to a pool and Chrissy loves hanging out at pools. After she explains everything three times about each naked boy she saw, they finally send her to take her bath and go to bed. Once she’s done, Spencer takes his shower while I wait in his room. When finished he returns to the room with just a towel wrapped around him and once in the bedroom he lets it fall to the floor, revealing his big hairy dick.
Just my luck. Spencer inherited his dick from his dad’s side of the family instead of my side of the family. Spencer is more the size and hairiness of Roger than even my dad. Yep. Dad has a short fat dick and very sparse pubes. That’s who I inherited my dick from. My dick is already short and fat, even though still smaller than my dad’s dick. He says, mine will get bigger than his, but probably not much bigger. I just don’t have the hairs that go with it. Dad told me he didn’t get pubes until he was almost fifteen. Life just ain’t fair. That means I might go all next summer, hairless as well.
I really can’t believe Spencer just got naked right in front of me. But then, if I had a dick with hair like him, I would be proud to show it off too. Once Spencer slips on some boxers he sits on his bed and stares at me.
Spencer: “Your turn.”
My face suddenly feels red hot. It takes a second before I realize he doesn’t mean strip naked but go take a shower. I grab my stuff and go to the bathroom for my shower. Like every night when I shower I look really close to see if I have any hairs poking out. But like every other night, I’m still bald and smooth. Once clean and dry, I slip on my pajama bottoms and return to Spencer’s room.
Spencer: “You still wear pajamas?”
Robby: “Only the bottoms. I sleep better wearing them.”
I climb on my bed and lay back, and Spencer turns out the light. It takes me a long time to fall asleep. My mind is going over everything I saw tonight. I still can’t believe those two boys were walking around in the park naked, letting everyone see them and even touch them. I of course get a boner and before I know it I’m playing with my boner under the sheet. I can hear Spencer snoring so I’m not worried about him catching me. So I throw the sheet off my body and pull my Pj bottoms down to my ankles and jerk off. For the first time, I get just a little sperms out of my dick. Not even as much as Steve got out of his. But mine is white where his was clear. But it’s still not much. I’m happier than Ice Cream! My dick squirted something out. It has to be all the naked boys I saw today. Heck I even just saw Spencer naked. So much stimulation, probably caused my dick to wake up, finally! When I’m done, I slip out of bed, grab Spencer’s discarded towel and wipe myself clean of the little bit of sperms I made, before getting back in bed. I pull my PJ’s up and fall sound asleep.
The next morning after eating breakfast and doing the few chores that need to be done, Spencer takes me to Nick’s house so that I can learn more about the Game. Chrissy went off with some girls she met yesterday while on our tour. She was all excited because they were going to show her the prime spots for seeing Nudie Boys who lose during the Game. Just knowing that Chrissy is going to be out there watching, strengthens my resolve to never play this game. If she ever saw me naked, I would never live it down.
At Nick’s house his usual playing partners are there. There is Steve, and his brother Danny, who I discover live right next door to Nick. Nick explains the rules to me and he even lets me read through the dare notes, for the differing card draws for a dare. I soon realize that drawing a number card is best, if you have to draw a card at all, because the dares are relatively easier, or less embarrassing. The face cards are bad. They’re all very embarrassing. It’s also obvious, that the red cards are better than the black cards when it comes to being embarrassing. The absolute worst card to draw is a Joker and there are two of them in the deck. The high Joker, means you have to draw three more cards, and the low Joker you draw two extra cards. So even though the Joker itself doesn’t have a dare attached to it, just having to draw extra cards makes it the worst possible draw in the deck. The next worst draw is an Ace. All the Aces have a dare attached and you have to draw an extra card.
As for the dares themselves they are all done nude. That is why when you have to do a dare, you are referred to as a ‘Nudie Boy.’ Both Nick and Spencer explain that the actual dares differ from one group of players to another. So Nick’s group may have a Demo 2, as being jerking off twice outside anywhere and another group of players will have a Demo 2, as being Jerk off twice in front yard. Yet another might have Demo 2, as being Jerk off twice anywhere as long as you can be seen from the road. What they all have in common is that a Demo is always jerking off and the number associated with it is how many times you have to jerk off, without leaving or hiding, no matter who might come and watch you. It looks like from reading the dares, that the Demo dare is the least embarrassing but it’s still really embarrassing, as far as I’m concerned. The dares just get more embarrassing all the way to down right humiliating from there.
Nick: “So Robby! You want in on this Game?”
I knew I would be asked this. Why else show me the dares and explain the Game. What none of these guys knows is that I just can’t go naked in front of people. I saw Spencer naked last night. Heck he looks awesome naked with his big dick and hairy bush. If any of these guys saw me naked, they would laugh at me so bad. There’s no way I can ever let them see me naked, but I also don’t want them to think I’m some kind of chicken. If they thought that, then I would be sitting at Spencer’s house by myself for the rest of the summer, because no one would want to have me around. So, I have to find some way to stall this for as long as I can and then if I have to play, I just have to make sure not to lose.
Robby: “I thought I couldn’t play because I’m going into High School!”
Nick: “Spencer vouched for you, to the judges. So as long as Spencer is correct, there’s no reason you can’t play. One summer we had a fifteen year old boy still playing because the judges deemed him still eligible.”
Robby: “How did they know he was still eligible even though he was in high school?”
Spencer: “That was easy with Kaden Banks. Enough guys saw him naked in the school showers to prove he was still eligible.”
Robby: “I don’t understand what that has to do with it? I mean everyone that plays ends up going ‘Nudie’ so why does seeing Kaden naked in the showers have anything to do with his eligibility.”
Nick: “Because Kaden could still pass as a Middle School kid, so the cops or any other adults wouldn’t care if he was doing a nude dare.”
Robby: “Oh!”
Then it dawned on me. Spencer vouched to the judges about me. That means!
Robby: “OH!”
I don’t know how Spencer knows my secret, but evidently he knows. It might just be that he figures I take after my dad like he takes after his dad? The worst part. I could be another Kaden Banks and be eligible to play this Nudie Game next year too. This just can’t happen! I need to change this line of thinking fast!
Robby: “Guys. I need to let this all soak in before I start playing. Maybe if I could watch a few games and see how the dares go, then I’ll be ready to do this. Is that okay with the rules?”
Nick: “It’s within the rules, as long as the guys you are watching agree to it and as long as you don’t put off playing for very long. So you really need to make that decision now or go home, because if we let you watch this game, then you are committed to playing The Game soon.”
Spencer: “It’s fun Robby! What’s the worst that can happen? Really? You get naked. People see you! You’re embarrassed. Everyone gets a few laughs.”
Robby: “But you guys play for dollars. I only get $15.00 a week. My money would be gone in no time.”
Nick: “That’s not a problem. Everyone has different amounts of money they can play with. There are groups that play for quarters with only $10.00 to start the game. There are even games that play with chips. No money involved at all. It’s not about the money, it’s about the fun and the anticipation. So, Spencer can take you around to games where your $15.00 will be plenty.”
Robby: “So, it’s okay to watch your game today and then maybe play a game tomorrow?”
Nick: “What say you guys? Willing to let Robby, just be a spectator?”
Danny: “I don’t know? I wasn’t allowed to just watch my first time, but if everyone else agrees, I will too.”
Steve: “I agree as long as he plays here with us soon. I’m willing to play for just quarters.”
Nick: “Okay. It’s agreed. You can watch today, but you have to return next week to play with us.”
Robby: “I agree.”
I’m not sure why I agreed, except for I don’t want to have to leave and be by myself. I really don’t want Spencer to think I’m a chicken. So what else could I do but to agree.
Nick: “Spencer. Make sure he goes to at least three games between now and then. Maybe some other boys will be able to vouch for his eligibility also.”
Again, with the eligibility thing. This is mostly on my mind as the guys start their poker game. How could Spencer know about my immature dick? The only time I was naked around him, he was sound asleep. I know because he was snoring. So there’s no way, he could have seen my bald weenie.
I didn’t plan on committing to playing the Game. I sort of knew, I would have to play at some point, just not this soon. I mean Spencer plays and he has even had to go ‘Nudie,” so as long as I’m staying with him, it’s pretty obvious that I’ll have to play also.
Half watching the game, I notice Steve is a sly one. He tends to slow play good hands and fast play his bluffs. He has caught Spencer twice on really good hands he slow played allowing Spencer to do all the raising. He caught his brother once and Nick once on complete bluffs. For a twelve year old, he knows how to play poker. When I come back here to play, I’ll have to be extra careful with him. The thing is, I’m not all that good at Poker. The few times I played, it was with friends and we were all eleven year olds, not teenagers. We played strip poker and I usually lost. At least we didn’t play with the kind of dares these guys play with. The worst dare I had to do was run around the block naked in the middle of the night. I was scared and excited, but there wasn’t much chance of being seen at 2:00 in the morning. These dares are during the day, in the bright sunshine, with people all around.
The game continues, but it’s obvious to everyone that Spencer is losing. I feel sorry for him. He would have been okay, except for those two times he let Steve hustle him. He’s down to his last five dollars and after he’s dealt his hand he goes all in, before even getting his draw cards.
Danny: “Spencer! Are you sure you want to put your last money in, before the draw?”
Spencer: “Yep. I’m sure. All or nothing.”
To my surprise Steve folds. I would have thought this would be the hand he would jump all over. Danny and Nick call. Danny draws one card. Nick draws two cards and Spencer draws three cards. That means Spencer has a pair. I can only hope it’s a high pair. Nick probably has three of a kind. Danny could have two pair drawing for a full house or going for a straight or a flush. It’s really not looking that good for Spencer.
The draw cards are dealt and everyone shows their hands. Spencer has three Aces. I would consider that a great hand, but Danny shows he has a ten high straight. So even before Nick shows his cards, Spencer knows he is out of money and is the lowest loser and will have to do a dare, because either Danny or Nick is going to win this hand. Nick, shows his cards and he has a full house two’s over three’s. He drew a pair of two’s on the draw. How lucky can you get?
Spencer: “Well, it looks like my luck has left me totally. If you can’t win with three Aces, then you’re one unlucky son of a gun.”
Now Steve doesn’t waste any time. He collects the cards, shuffles them and then spreads them out over the table.
Spencer looks the cards over as if he’s trying to see through them. Slowly he runs his fingertips over them, as if to feel what card he’s touching. He very gently pulls a card free and slides it towards him. He peeks under the card for just a second before turning it over. It’s a Jack of Diamonds.
Spencer: “Whosh! Not the best card but not the worst either.”
Nick: “Robby, that is almost the easiest dare possibility card. If it had been hearts and a number card, then it would have been easier, but at least it’s red and not black.”
Again, Steve lays out the Diamond face card notes, each with a Red Diamond and a Capital ‘F’ on the front.
Spencer looks over at me and smiles.
Spencer: “This is the toughest part. Not knowing which dare you’ll have to do and it comes down to choosing one.”
Spencer doesn’t waste any time. He just grabs a note card from the middle and turns it over.
‘Public Outside Demo 3'
Spencer sighs. Steve laughs and Nick grins incredibly big. I on the other hand don’t know exactly what it means. I know it means jerking off three times, but why does it say public? Nick can see the confusion on my face.
Nick: “This is the difference between a red number card and a red face card. This Demo has to be done in public.”
Robby: “You mean he has to stand in front of people and jerk off?”
Spencer: “Not exactly but that could end up happening. It means I have to jerk off someplace were I can be seen from the road or sidewalk and not more than 100 feet away. So not behind a tree or bushes or fenced in yard or anything like that or clear across a field.”
Robby: “So what are you going to do?”
Spencer: “I’ll do it right here, between Nick’s house and Steve and Danny’s house. I’ll only be visible from directly in front, not from the sides, so someone would actually have to walk right past this house to see me. Not many cars go through here, so I should be okay.”
Robby: “When?”
Spencer: “Right now. Adults are at work and most kids are off doing their own thing, so now is the best time to get it done.”
Robby: “But you have to jerk off three times in a row, without stopping or leaving.”
Spencer smiles at me with the biggest grin on his face.
Spencer: “I didn’t beat my meat like you did last night, because I knew this was a possibility if I lost today.”
My face goes hot. I don’t mean warm, but red hot. It has to be fire engine red, as hot as it feels.
Robby: “But how? You were asleep. You were snoring. Loud.”
Spencer: “I don’t snore.”
Everyone in the room laughs. They’re laughing at me. They know my secret. Spencer told the judges my secret. They know I can pass for a sixth or seventh grader with no problem. While these thoughts are going through my head, Spencer is stripping naked. Danny goes out the front door and steps off 100 feet from the sidewalk. Spencer and the rest of us go out the back door and Spencer goes between the two houses right up to the 100 foot mark that Danny stepped off. He stands there totally naked in plain sight of the sidewalk. He takes a deep breath and then starts stroking his dick. He quickly gets a full on boner and it isn’t long before he is pumping out his boy juice on the lawn. Unfortunately for Spencer his dick goes full limp and doesn’t seem to want to get hard again.
While Spencer is playing with his dick trying to get it to come back to life, we all hear voices. It’s girl voices for sure. Then all of a sudden they come into view. Three girls and a boy. To my shock and Spencer’s horror, one of the girls is Chrissy. They immediately spot Spencer and come running.
Chrissy: “This is my cousin Spencer. We’re staying with him. Why are you playing with your wiener out here in the yard?”
Spencer: “Hi Everyone. I’m Spencer Rodgers. I’m thirteen years old and will be starting eighth grade. My dare is to jerk off three times in public view. I’ve already did it once. If you look down there, my cousin Chrissy is standing in some of it.”
Chrissy immediately jumps back and looks at the bottom of her shoes.
Chrissy: “Yuck!”
The lone boy behind Chrissy speaks.
Tommy: “That’s what happens if you come up on a ‘Nudie Boy’ too quickly before finding out what his dare is.”
Chrissy: “How would you know? I’m sure you can’t squirt anything out yet!”
One of the girls with Chrissy speaks up.
Angela: “No! My brother can’t, but he plays the Game enough, that he knows boys who can.”
Chrissy: “Sorry. That was rude of me.”
Tommy: “That’s okay. Didn’t you say your brother would be here too?”
What the heck? Chrissy knew we were here. She knew someone was going to have to do a dare. I bet she was hoping it was me.
Chrissy: “Robby, come on out. I know you’re here somewhere.”
Steve: “You might as well show yourself. She doesn’t sound like the type of girl that gives up.”
Robby: “Believe me! She isn’t. And she doesn’t shut up either.”
I come from around back, where I and the other boys have been watching, leaving them laughing at my last remark.
Robby: “Hello. I’m Robby Johnson. I’m fourteen years old. I’ll be starting ninth grade.”
Tommy: “Hello Robby! I’m Tommy Baxter. I’m eleven years old and starting sixth grade.”
Robby: “Nice to meet you Tommy. I see you’re stuck with my sister today.”
While we’re talking, Spencer’s dick is finally swelling back up. The girls are in a trance watching him masturbate in front of them.
Tommy: “Not really stuck. I volunteered to come with them, hoping to meet you. Your sister told me about you guys staying the rest of the summer and I was hoping to invite you to come play the game with me and my friends. But since you’re fourteen, I guess that can’t happen.”
Spencer: “Yes it can. But wait a minute.”
Spencer strains as he talks, while his dick is straining for yet a second eruption. To the girls excitement it’s just as spectacular as his first one, even though they hadn’t seen that one. Once he’s through shooting his second load, he tries to catch his breath while playing with his limp dick once more.
Spencer: “Tommy, I’ve already talked to the judges. Robby is eligible to play the Game, if you still want to invite him.”
Tommy: “Really! WOW! Robby do you want to play the Game with me and my friends? Please say yes. We can’t ever get anyone new to play.”
Robby: “Why’s that?”
Tommy: “Because we’re all ‘little boys’ and everyone wants to play with the big boys.”
Spencer isn’t having much luck getting his dick to swell, and the girls are bombarding him with questions about his dare.
Spencer: “Tommy. Robby hasn’t ever played the game before so I think it would be good for him to play his first game with you.”
Tommy: “Really. Cool. So will you Robby? Please say yes.”
All of a sudden not only is Tommy staring at me, but the girls are all staring at me and when I look to the backyard, all the guys are staring at me too. I’m cornered. I don’t see any way out of this. I can feel my face turning red, from the heat it’s generating. If I say no, then Spencer and the guys will think I’m chickening out. If I say yes, there’s a good chance I could be standing out in a yard naked like Spencer and jerking my dick off. Why couldn’t this boy have asked me in private. Then I could have made some excuse not to do it. But now, what else can I do but accept his invitation.
Robby: “Okay. I’ll play.”
Tommy: “Awesome. Let’s go. The guys will be so excited having you play with us.”
Robby: “You mean now?”
Tommy: “Sure. Why not? We still got plenty of time to play and still have time for the dares before our parents come home.”
I try to think of a way to postpone this. There has to be a way to get out of this. At least for right now.
Robby: “I don’t have any money with me.”
Tommy: “That’s okay. We don’t have any money either. We just use chips. That’s another reason big boys don’t like playing with us, because we don’t play for money.”
Spencer: “Go on Robby. This is a good way for you to learn the Game and it won’t cost you anything. Well not money anyway. Maybe your clothes if you’re unlucky.”
Again, everyone laughs. But honestly, I can’t find a way out of this and if I’m going to lose and boys see me naked, then at least it will be boys that shouldn’t be any more developed than me.
Robby: “Okay.”
Tommy: “Great. Let’s go.”
On the way to Tommy’s house, he’s texting his friends. By the time we get there, his friends are sitting on the front porch waiting for us.
Tommy: “Hey everyone. This is Robby. He’s the boy I told you about. He’s really fourteen and starting high school, but the judges said he can play.”
The boys all look surprised and in a state of awe as they say hi to me.
Tommy: “Robby. This is Evan, Landon, and Vincent. They’re all eleven years old, like me and starting sixth grade.”
Robby: “Hi everyone.”
The boys all seem excited to be playing the Game with me. I really don’t understand it. They know this is my first time playing so they all have way more experience with it than I do. Yet. They’re all smiles and they encourage me when I lose a hand and congratulate me when I win a hand. At one point, I’m down to just a few chips left and I think back to what Spencer did and I try the same thing. Lucky for me, it turns out better than it did for Spencer. I win and get some chips back, so I’m not the low chip boy for awhile. One of the valuable lessons I learn is not to draw for a straight. Not even an open ended straight. It’s a fools wager that seldom comes in. The few times I do, the other boys all know what I’m doing, since I only ask for one card and they all smile at me and shake their heads. Of course I don’t get it and it leaves me with nothing. The game seems to go on forever. Chips are moving back and forth from one boy to another. I never have the most chips, but only a couple times do I have the fewest chips. Then it happens. I have four hearts in my hand. They just happen to be in a row, but that doesn’t matter, because I’m not betting or drawing for the straight. I’m drawing for the flush. Unfortunately at present, I don’t have anything but 3,4,5,6 of Hearts, so betting high is impossible. Vincent has the lowest amount of chips and he decides to go all in with his remaining chips. If I call, it will only leave me with a small amount of chips and if I lose, I might as well just concede, because unless I get a whopper of a hand on the next draw, I’ll be out. Evan and Landon both fold, saving their chips to fight another day. Tommy calls.
Vincent: “Well Robby! You got the balls to call me?”
Robby: “I’m thinking.”
Tommy: “Think long, think wrong.”
Robby: “Okay! I call.
When I only ask for one card, after taking so much time to make up my mind to call, they all think I’m going for the straight again and smiles go up all around the table.
Landon: “Going for that straight again. I thought you learned not to do that the last two times you tried.”
I don’t say a word. I’m really too scared to say anything. My hands are shaking. I know they see it too.
Each boy lays their cards down and Tommy has three Kings. Vincent grins really big as he shows his four Jacks, knowing he has the winning hand and will get his chips back.
Vincent: “Go ahead Robby. Show us your busted straight.”
I put the first four cards down, 3,4,5,6 of hearts.
Tommy: “Robby will you ever learn not to draw to a straight?”
Robby: “Um! I didn’t draw to a straight.”
Vincent: “Well drawing to a flush isn’t much better. I have that beat.”
I turn my draw card over. It’s the 2 of hearts. I have a straight flush and win the pot. What’s more important, Vincent loses all of his chips. He’s the ’Nudie Boy,’ not me.
Vincent: “You lucky dog. I had you. I had you all the way to the draw card.”
Robby: “Ya! I know. I was going to fold, but you convinced me to go for it.”
Everyone but Vincent laughs loudly.
Tommy: “That’ll teach you for opening your mouth. You would have won this hand and Robby probably would have lost the next one. But you talked him into calling and now it’s you getting naked.”
Landon shuffles the cards and then spreads them out over the table for Vincent to draw his dare. Vincent studies the cards for a long time and then draws the Ace of Hearts, which means he has to draw another card and do the dare for the Ace. His second card is the Four of Diamonds. Tommy looks at the note for the Ace dare and Vincent has to go to Custer Park and do fifty naked jumping jacks in front of at least ten people not including players. When he draws his Diamond number note he has to do Outdoor Demo 1, which is jerk off one time anywhere outside.
Vincent: “Ah! That’s not too bad!”
Tommy: “What are you going to do first?”
Vincent: “Demo 1. I want to do it, before the girls get back.”
Robby: “I don’t blame you. If my sister is with them, she’ll tease you terribly. So it’s probably best to get that one done first.”
Evan: “Has your sister seen you naked?”
Robby: “No way. But she’s tried to catch me in the shower or changing clothes many times. She always says it’s ‘an accident’ but I know she’s dying to catch me naked. Even today, she went there to catch me jerking off, not Spencer.”
Landon: “Is she really that mean?”
Robby: “Yep.”
While we’re talking, Vincent strips down naked. I mean he’s really small. His dick can’t be more than an inch long and his balls are so tiny they’re almost invisible. Even marbles are bigger than his balls.
Robby: “Vincent! Are you sure you’re eleven?”
Evan: “He’s eleven, but just barely. His birthday was last week. This is only his second time playing.”
Robby: “So who’s the oldest?”
Tommy: “That’ll be me. My birthday was last February and none of these guys has gotten me naked for a dare yet.”
Robby: “Is that so. So no one’s seen your dick have they?”
Landon: “ I have but that was at a sleepover and we were ten then.”
When we get outside, Vincent finds a nice bush to get behind before he starts playing with himself. It’s sort of comical watching him try and make his tiny penis get hard. His face tells it all. He’s trying to will his dick to grow. Finally it begins to rise and he manages a stiffie of about one and a half inches. He strokes his little boner with two fingers and eventually he begins moaning and then it happens. Vincent achieves a dry orgasm and collapses to the ground. Tommy and Evan both capture the whole thing on their phones. Once Vincent has regained his energy, they show him his jerking dare. He’s really proud that he got an orgasm.
Robby: “So we going back inside to get Vincent’s clothes?”
Vincent: “There isn’t any need. We’re only three blocks from the park and maybe if I go naked, I can gather enough people to do my jumping jacks.”
To my surprise Vincent leads the way out of Tommy’s backyard and on to the sidewalk. Oh, to be eleven again and not be shy or modest about being naked. There’s something about starting puberty that changes everything. Although I think I’ve always been modest and never liked anyone seeing me naked.
Vincent walks along the sidewalk, swinging his arms like he’s taking a Sunday stroll, not walking naked down the street. When we get to the corner, two girls show up and walk with us. When we get to the next corner, Chrissy and three other girls show up. Chrissy immediately complains that Vincent is naked and not me.
Landon whispers to me: “I see what you mean about your sister.”
One of the other girls speaks up and lets Chrissy know she’s out of line and unless she calms down, that she can be banned from watching dares. Chrissy gets really huffy with that announcement, but she does stop teasing me and Vincent.
Just before we get to the entrance to the park, a cop car pulls up and the officer gets out and walks straight over to Vincent.
Cop: “And who are you young man?”
Vincent: “I’m Vincent Vaughan. I’m eleven years old. I’m going into sixth grade.”
Cop: “So I’m assuming you are playing the Game. What’s your dare?”
Vincent: “I have to do fifty jumping jacks while naked, in front of ten people.”
Cop: “Well Vincent, it looks like you have that many right here.”
Vincent. “No sir. Four of them don’t count because they played the Game with me.”
The cop looks right at me.
Cop: “You were playing the Game with these boys?”
Robby: “Yes sir.”
Cop: “What’s your name?”
Robby: “I’m Robby Johnson. I’m fourteen years old. I’m going into ninth grade.”
Cop: “Don’t you know this game is for little boys and not teenagers in high school?”
Robby: “Yes sir. My cousin vouched for me and the judges made me eligible to play. This is only my first time playing.”
Cop: “Who’s your cousin?”
Robby: “Spencer Rodgers, sir.”
Cop: “I know Spencer. So you’re telling me he vouched for you?”
Robby: “Yes sir.”
Cop: “Well, since I see you here with these eleven year old boys, and you admit to me you played the Game with them, I’m going to have to verify your eligibility myself.”
I freeze in place. Every eye is staring at me. I can feel my insides turning over and over. Fear is gripping me.
Cop: “What you waiting for. Get your clothes off.”
Robby: “Here? Now? In front of all these people?”
Cop: “Yes, here and now. So get those clothes off. I don’t have all day to sit here with you kids.”
Robby: “But I didn’t lose!”
Cop: “I don’t care if you lost or not. I want to make sure you aren’t taking advantage of these boys. So either get your clothes off or get in the car and I’ll take you in.”
Vincent: “Go ahead Robby. It’s not so bad. I’m naked and it’s no big deal.”
Well, for Vincent it isn’t a big deal. He’s supposed to look like a little boy. But for me to look like that is a huge deal. I can feel my eyes watering up. I absolutely don’t want to cry. Not in front of everyone. But I don’t want to get naked either.
Cop: “Last chance Robby. Strip now or get in the car.”
Tommy: “Just do it dude. You’ll lose some time and have to get naked anyway. Just think of it as not drawing your card and having lost.”
I look around at everyone watching me. The cop car has drawn even more people. There’s a crowd of at least twenty people watching me. I can’t believe this is happening. I wasn’t going to play this stupid game. But now I’m having to get naked and I didn’t even lose. Seeing the cop getting frustrated and about to order me into his car, I go ahead and push my sneakers off one at a time with my toe.
I reach down and pull each sock off, leaving me barefoot.
Chrissy: “Stop stalling Robby. Take your clothes off. I want to see you naked.”
Of course she does. She’s been trying to see me naked for a long time. Now I guess she’s going to get her wish. I take hold of my tee shirt and lift it up and over my head. Everyone gets their first glimpse at my immature chest. No definition at all. You can even count my ribs. I feel so exposed. Again I look at the cop, and he is tapping his foot. I know I can’t stall much longer. No one’s coming to save me from this humiliation. Chrissy could save me, but there’s no way in hell, she’s going to. She so wants to see me naked. I reach for my belt and unbuckle it. I pull the snap free on my shorts and pull the zipper down. My face is so hot.
A boy in the crowd: “Look how red his face is. You’d think he’s never been naked before.”
I’m guessing he just got here and doesn’t know today is my first day playing the Game. I push my shorts slowly down my legs, past my knees, down to my ankles and then step out of them, leaving me standing on the sidewalk in my navy blue Fruit of the Loom boy’s briefs.
The same boy in the crowd: “Didn’t he say he’s fourteen? Why’s he wearing ‘little boy’ underpants?”
Kids start laughing all over the place. I can’t stand this. I’m on display in my underwear and everyone is laughing at me. I can’t look at anyone. It’s too embarrassing seeing their smirks and eyes on me. I reach into the waistband of my underpants, close my eyes and lower them to the ground and step out of them, standing naked as the day I was born in front of everyone.
There are gasps all around me. Following the gasps is loud laughter. Not only am I naked, but my two and a half inch, circumsized dick has shrunk to little more than an inch. My balls which normally hang down a little, are now tight up against my body.
Chrissy: “Oh My! Robby. Wait until I tell everyone my big brother is really my little brother.”
Vincent: “Wow! Robby, you’re not much bigger than me!”
Tommy: “Well I guess Spencer was right. Robby is eligible to play the game.”
Then I hear Spencer.
Spencer: “Robby. Why are you naked? Why is this cop here?”
I can only stare at Spencer, with tears in my eyes. I’m not crying but I so want to. I’m naked in front of everyone and they’re making fun of me. I try to answer Spencer but I can’t get any words to come out of my mouth.
Cop: “I stopped to check Vincent and found out that Robby played with them. When I heard his age, I needed to check to make sure he wasn’t tricking these boys.”
Spencer: “Robby. Why didn’t you just tell the officer that I vouched for you.”
I still can’t get anything to come out of my mouth. I stand there with my tiny pecker on display and I can’t even move to try and cover it.
Tommy: “He did tell the officer. I even told him that he is eligible.”
Spencer looks straight at the cop.
Cop: “Don’t look at me that way, kid! I was doing my job. You have no idea how many older boys play the Game with younger, inexperienced boys just to trick them and abuse them.”
Spencer: “Well, are you satisfied NOW, that he’s eligible. Can he get dressed and go home now?”
Cop: “Sure. I’ve seen enough. Well not exactly enough, but all that he has to show, which isn’t a whole lot. He’s certainly eligible.”
Spencer: “Let’s get you out of here.”
Spencer and Nick reach down and grab my clothes and the two of them lead me through the crowd to get away. Even though I’m still naked at least I’m distancing myself from most of the crowd of kids. Except Chrissy of course. She follows us. She’s not about to miss any of my humiliation.
Spencer: “No Chrissy. Get lost. Don’t even follow us. You of all people should have stood up for Robby, not make things worse. So get lost.”
To my utter surprise Chrissy doesn’t say anything back to Spencer but leaves. She’s probably going back to the park to watch Vincent do his jumping jacks. Once we’re away from the group, Spencer helps me get dressed.
Spencer: “I’m so sorry Robby. It’s not supposed to be like this. It’s supposed to be fun.”
Robby: “Now everyone knows my secret.”
Spencer: “You shouldn’t be ashamed of your dick, Robby.”
Nick: “No way dude. Dicks come in all sizes and shapes.”
Robby: “Ya. But why does mine have to be the little one?”
Spencer: “I don’t know Robby. But your dick is really cute for being small. Large ones sometimes look really ugly and gross.”
Nick: “He’s right Robby. You look awesome naked. Well except that you’re scared to death. But if you just play the Game and don’t do the fear thing, you could be one of the most popular ‘Nudie Boys’ out here.”
Robby: “No way. I don’t want to ever play it again. People laugh at me and tease me. It’s so embarrassing.”
Nick: “It’s embarrassing for all of us. That’s why we play it. It if wasn’t embarrassing it wouldn’t be any fun.”
Spencer: “Robby, you made a lot of people happy today. I know ever boy you played the game with today, likes you more now than they did before you stripped naked. They now know even though they are small, they aren’t alone. You represent them.”
Nick: “He’s right Robby. You’re a hero to all the younger boys now. I bet you get lots of invitations to play the Game.”
Robby: “You really think so?”
Spencer: “Absolutely. You just wait, I bet you get invitations tonight.”
I start feeling better. Could I really be a hero to the young boys? Who would think that’s even possible. As I think about it, I actually start smiling.
Nick: “See. Robby’s smiling now. You’re now discovering the biggest secret of the Game. It’s never as bad as you think it is, while you’re going through it. It’s a total mind game. Fear causes us to think it’s so much worse than it is and afterward we see it was actually fun. You might even start feeling like you enjoyed it, after you calm down and think back over the whole experience.”
Robby: “Actually, I think I already do. I mean. I was about to cry when I had to get naked in front of everyone. No one’s seen me naked in a long time, well except in the showers at school.
But looking back on it, I sort of like that feeling. I mean it was terrible but wonderful also. Is that crazy?”
Spencer: “No. That’s how most of us feel when we play the Game. It’s terrible as we do the most humiliating dares but it feels so wonderful after we do them, that we can’t wait to do it again.”
Nick: “So what do you think Robby? You feel like playing again?”
Robby: “Ya, I think so. Even though if I lose and have to do a naked dare that is humiliating, I’m pretty sure I’ll be just as scared and embarrassed as I was today but after it’s done and my face returns back to its normal color, I’ll want to do even more.”
Nick: “Well said. Now go home and get some rest. Play as often as you can with the younger boys. Stay away from the older boys. That way next week, you’ll be ready to play with us.”
We each go our own way. When Spencer and I enter the house, we can hear Chrissy talking a mile a minute. Walking into the kitchen it’s obvious she’s tattling on everything Spencer and I did to both Aunt Eunice and Uncle Clive.
Aunt Eunice: “Spencer. Is it true you sent Robby off by himself to play the Game and he ended up naked on the street and in trouble with the police?”
Aunt Eunice and Uncle Clive look really upset. I don’t understand why. I mean it was me naked not them.
Spencer: “Well, yes, but it wasn’t like that.”
Uncle Clive: “How was it?”
Spencer: “Robby watched me play with my group, you know them, Nick and the brothers that just moved into the Randolph house next to him. The judges made Robby eligible to play the game, so when I was doing my dare and Tommy Baxter came by, you know the Baxter’s, they go to our church. Well Tommy invited Robby to play with him and his friends, I told him to go and get some experience. Robby was safe with that group because they are all ‘first summer’ boys. Robby did well, for his first game. Vincent Vaughan ended up losing. He did his first dare and then walked to Custer Park to do his second dare. He decided to walk to the park naked, which drew a crowd around him, including Chrissy. She was making all kinds of nasty remarks about his boy parts. A Police officer saw the group and stopped to check things out. After he talked to Vincent, he talked to Robby and was concerned when he found out that Robby is fourteen and playing the Game with eleven year olds. Robby tried to explain to him the judges made him eligible and Tommy tried to speak up for him too, but the officer decided he needed to check for himself. Chrissy knew Robby was eligible, because she was there when I told Tommy, but she kept making comments to coax the officer on, instead of speaking up for Robby. The officer made Robby strip naked on the sidewalk with everyone watching. Chrissy made lots of rude remarks about Robby once she saw him naked. When I got there, I went to help Robby and the officer let us go, and then Chrissy followed us, still teasing Robby, so I told her to get lost and leave Robby alone. Robby wasn’t doing a dare, so she had no right to tease him. She finally left and Nick and I talked to Robby trying to calm him down. It took awhile, that’s why we’re late getting home. But Nick and I thought it best to help Robby get over his stress from this, so he won’t be scared of the Game or of the kids around him.”
Uncle Clive: “Robby. Is that how it happened?”
Robby: “Yes sir. As much as I remember. Things got bad when the cop wanted me to strip naked and I tried to convince him that I wasn’t hurting anyone by playing, but he wouldn’t listen and then things got really confusing once I started stripping my clothes off. It’s all a blur after that. I don’t remember much until Spencer showed up beside me and helped me get away.”
Aunt Eunice: “Did Chrissy come an help you?”
Robby: “I don’t think so. I know I could hear her voice calling me names and stuff, but I don’t think she ever helped me.”
Aunt Eunice: “Chrissy. Go to your room. I’ll be up to talk to you in a minute.”
Aunt Eunice: “Come, sit and have some supper. You must be famished.”
Spencer and I eat along with Aunt Eunice and Uncle Clive. I assume Chrissy must have eaten before we got there because she didn’t come back to eat with us. After we eat, Aunt Eunice goes to talk with Chrissy and Uncle Clive takes me to his den to talk to me in private.
Uncle Clive: “I’m sorry you were introduced to the Game in such a manner. Sometimes things get carried away. Most kids here have parents who played so they know about the Game even before they are old enough to play it. The way I understand it, Spencer sent you to play with ‘First Summers.’ That was actually smart of him, to provide a way for you to learn with boys who are still learning themselves. Spencer wouldn’t have been allowed to even watch the game, because he’s a ‘third summer boy.’ If Spencer would have been there, he could have been found guilty of what the police officer was thinking about you. Because of your inexperience you are allowed to play with boys younger than you. Actually it’s the safest thing for you. Older boys would take advantage of you something terrible. So tell me other than the horrible incident with the cop, what do you think of the Game and if you intend to keep playing it?”
Robby: “At first I thought it was wonderful. It was exciting, and daring and a little nasty. But when I had to strip naked it all came flooding in on me. I was scared and humiliated. I’m ashamed of my body and don’t like people seeing it.”
Uncle Clive: “Why’s that?”
Robby: “It’s really embarrassing to say it. I’m what my health class teacher said is a late bloomer. My body is as immature as the boys I played the game with today. So getting naked and letting people see it, is humiliating.”
Uncle Clive: “Robby. Every boy goes through this. Some develop too fast and some to slow and some get more developed than others. So every boy playing the game is insecure about his body. That’s why the dares are humiliating for everyone. It’s also why our community lets the games go on. It’s our way to help boys to become comfortable with their bodies and the bodies of others.”
Robby: “Really? Every boy is embarrassed about getting naked and letting people see them? Even Spencer?”
Uncle Clive: “Especially Spencer. He’s better now, but it’s his third summer playing the game. His first year he was all nerves and shaky and so very timid.”
Robby: “Oh Wow! He never told me. I thought he was all brave and secure and never let it embarrass him.”
Uncle Clive: “Well now that you know. The question is, do you want to keep playing?”
Robby: “Yes. I decided that, after Nick and Spencer talked to me. It’s so scary. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like drawing that card that gives you the dare and then you got to go do it which makes me really nervous and shaky. But I think afterward it’s going to be like I accomplished something great. At least that’s how I felt with the cop. I was so scared and embarrassed stripping naked for him, but now, I feel so proud that I did it and lived through it.”
Uncle Clive: “I’m glad to hear you want to keep playing. I think it’ll help you when you go back to school too. I think you’ll be a more confident person about your body. I do caution you, to only play with younger boys, at least at first. Spencer will be there to guide you along.”
Robby: “That’s what Spencer and Nick told me too. They said to play with the young boys for awhile and then they’ll check me out to see if I’m ready to play with older boys. I told Nick that I would play with their group next week, so I got until then to find young boys to play with and to learn from.”
Uncle Clive: “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. I took four messages for you, before you got home, inviting you to play the game. I’ll give you three of them, so you can call them back and tell them either yes or no, but this one, I don’t think is right for you. These are older boys that I think just want to take advantage of your innocence, so you don’t need to take their invitation.”
Robby: “Oh Wow! I got three invitations? Spencer told me this would happen. He said I would be a hero to the younger boys.”
Uncle Clive: “That you are Robby. Now one last thing. We need to give you proof that you’re eligible to play the game with the younger boys, so this thing that happened today with the cop, doesn’t repeat itself and you won’t have to strip naked on the street again.”
Robby: “How are we going to do that?”
Uncle Clive: “Easy my boy. Easy. Hand me your phone.”
I hand Uncle Clive my phone.
Uncle Clive: “Okay. Strip naked and lets take your photo and put it on the front of your phone. Then if anyone asks you if you’re eligible you can just show them your phone and not have to go through the whole strip naked and get checked.”
Robby: “Do you really think this is necessary? Won’t that cop tell the other cops I’m legal?”
Uncle Clive: “Robby. It’s not the cops that concern me. I think you’re going to need this proof, to show the older boys, who will be looking for an opportunity to make you strip for them so they can humiliate you.”
Robby: “Oh. I never thought about that. Would they really do that?”
Uncle Clive: “Yes they would, especially after the news goes around that a cop already stripped you. So get those clothes off so I can take your photo.”
For the second time today, I have to strip naked for an adult. Even though I stripped for the cop just a couple hours ago, stripping in front of my Uncle, isn’t any easier. I don’t like being naked and I definitely don’t like being seen naked. At least this time it’s my Uncle Clive and there aren’t lots of kids laughing and teasing me while I do it. But it still isn’t easy, especially when I have to drop my shorts and show Uncle Clive I wear briefs and then when I have to take my undies off and show him my totally immature dick and balls. At least this time, my balls are hanging and my dick is at its full limp length of two and a half inches. Uncle Clive takes a couple photos until he gets the one he thinks is best. Then he puts it right on the phone screen so anyone looking at my phone will see it. At home if I had a naked photo of me on the front of my phone, I’d be in lots of trouble for kiddie porn, but here, being seen and photographed naked is normal. How weird is that?
Uncle Clive: “Very good. That should do it. You can get dressed now if you wish, or stay naked and go take a shower, whichever one you want to do. But first. You have to promise me you will keep this photo right where it is, on the front cover of your phone, for the rest of the time you’re here. When you go home, you can remove it if you wish, but for here, it has to stay right there, so you can just point your phone at anyone who challenges you, without having to look it up.”
I promise Uncle Clive, even though having a naked photo of me, visible to anyone who looks at my phone is very embarrassing. He hands me my phone and I look at it and see a boy that only slightly looks like how I think of myself. Yes, he has a small dick, but he doesn’t look like weird or anything. He actually does look cute. I look cute naked. Who would have thought?
Robby Gets Nudie - Part 2
Before leaving the den, I put my underwear and shorts on and just carry everything else to Spencer’s room. He’s there waiting to hear everything. After I explain it all, he looks at the photo on my phone and verifies to me that the boy on the phone is cute. After a few hints of wanting to see that boy in person, I strip off my shorts and undies and let him see me totally naked. I wait for the teasing and nasty comments about my immature dick, but they never come. Spencer just smiles and strips off and lets me see his dick up close and personal. One thing leads to another and before I know it, we are talking about blow jobs. After I explain to him, I’ve never given or received a blow job, he decides I should learn how, because sooner or later I’ll draw a spade and most of them include sucking.
As embarrassing as this is, I know I need to prepare myself for it, so I agree. Spencer sucks me off first. When he envelops my dick in his mouth, many differing feelings happen at the same time. One is nervousness. I’m trembling all over. A boy is on his knees in front of me, with my dick in his mouth. What if someone walks in and sees us? What if this was the photo on my phone. It would be horrible. But at the same time these thoughts are going through my head, my dick is springing to life in the warmth surrounding it, making it feel really awesome. It’s feeling like it’s home. Like in Spencer’s warm wet mouth is where it’s supposed to live. With all the excitement of the day, it doesn’t take long before my dick is bone hard and I’m humping Spencer’s face. Then to my surprise, I start squirting and Spencer keeps my boner in his mouth and drinks my cum. Even though I can’t see it squirting, I know that I’m ejaculating. My immature dick is squirting. The thing I have waiting so long to happen is happening. My dick has come to life. The thing I have been hoping and praying for is finally happening. It’s actually squirting sperm. It feels so awesome. No wonder why boys like getting blow jobs, so much.
Then it’s my turn and my nerves overwhelm me. I’m shaking all over. Just the thought of putting Spencer’s dick in my mouth, scares me. What if he pees in my mouth? I know this is silly thinking, but it’s still running rapidly through my mind as I get down on my knees in front of Spencer’s already bone hard dick. With shaky hands, I take hold of his butt and put my face right up to his boy rod. Tentatively I open my mouth and let Spencer’s dick slip inside. I so expect it to taste nasty, but it doesn’t. It really doesn’t have much of a taste at all. Maybe a little salty, probably from sweat. Spencer guides me as I begin to slide his dick up and down inside my mouth. I can feel his dick throbbing. I know Spencer has already jerked off three times and maybe more today, but he seems to have recuperated because he starts humping my face with his hands tight around my head. I can’t pull free now even if I wanted to, because Spencer has a death grip on my head. The scary part is fast approaching. Soon Spencer is going to be squirting his sperms in my mouth. I’m panicking and have to force myself to calm down. Spencer just did it to me and all was okay, so I can do this. I keep willing myself to do it. Then it happens. Spencer thrusts his hips hard into my face and soon after I feel his hot sperm hit my throat. At the same time, I hear the door open. I can’t look to see who just came in, because of Spencer’s grip on my head, but I know someone is watching me give Spencer a blow job and I’m scared. Shot after shot hit my throat. I’m trying not to gag and swallow it as fast as it comes out. Mostly I’m keeping up with it. It’s a good thing Spencer has already jerked off today, so I’m not getting his full capacity. Even so, I can feel some leaking out around my lips, so whoever is watching can see that I’m drinking Spencer’s sperms.
When it’s finally over, Spencer releases my head and I pull off his dick, licking the remaining cum and then look over at the doorway and there stands Chrissy. She just saw me give Spencer head. My life is over. She will tell everyone she knows that I suck cock. I guess she can see the fear in my eyes, because she reassures me that she won’t tell a soul what she just saw. She tells me that she is sorry for how she acted today and hopes I’ll forgive her. She explains that Aunt Eunice had a long talk with her about the Game and how girls are supposed to behave. Aunt Eunice laid the law on her. The only way that Chrissy can continue to watch and enjoy boys doing dares, is for me to forgive her. Otherwise she’s banned from the games. Slowly my fear of being caught by her dissipates, as I see the fear in her eyes from possibly being shunned from the games. I understand her fear. Even though I was so afraid when the cop made me get naked and everyone watched and heckled me, it was also the most I’ve felt alive in my life. If I was having to ask forgiveness to be allowed to continue playing, I would do it over and over again. So I take compassion on my evil sister and forgive her. Instantly her grave face turns to all smiles. She tells me it was awesome getting to watch me give Spencer a blow job and leaves the room. I look at Spencer in shock by her new attitude. Spencer shrugs his shoulders and just says he would have liked being in that room when his mom told Chrissy the facts of life about the Game.
The next morning we call the three groups that invited me to play. I quickly agree to play with all three of them. Once off the phone, I go back to the group of boys that originally invited me. I’m totally surprised by the hero’s welcome they extend to me. I try to explain to them how terrified and embarrassed I was, so I’m not really a hero. But they never saw my fear. They saw a new boy to the game being brave and doing what he had to do. I finally just accept their hero worship. Now I agreed to return to Tommy’s group for a specific reason. Tommy had bragged about not ever losing. Well, honestly what good is playing the game if you never lose? He won’t be prepared for next year when things get tougher. Yes, it’s Spencer and Uncle Clive that taught me this knowledge. So, I make it my objective to make sure Tommy loses. The hands Tommy folds, I soon fold also. The hands he plays, I take a good look at my cards and if I have a chance of winning, I play the hand. Basically there are two games happening at the same time. Of course when Tommy and me are playing the same hand some of the other boys play it too, so no one seems to catch on to my scheme. It takes three hours of play before the hand that seals Tommy’s fate takes place and it isn’t even me that has him close to losing. I have absolutely nothing, so I have to fold. It’s Landon and Evan that stay in the hand with Tommy. It turns out that both Landon and Evan have higher hands than Tommy. So Tommy loses not only the hand but the game and has to draw for a dare. All the other boys are cheering that Tommy finally has to perform a dare. I can see the fear emanating from Tommy’s eyes as the deck is shuffled and spread out in front of him. This is his first time having to do this and he fully understands the consequences of the draw. He first touches one card and then switches to another and then switches to yet another. He finally decides on his card, pulls it out and flips it over. The Queen of Spades. Now in the deck there are few cards worse than this one. Any Spade is bad, but a face card in Spades is really bad.
When that card is flipped all of us gasp. I learn from the others, no one in this group has had to do a Spade dare. Tommy’s eyes bug out as he flips the card. I can see his mind working as he looks at the card. Why me? Is this the game getting back at me for not doing a dare before now? As Tommy worries about the dare itself, Vincent pulls out the Spade note cards with a large black capital ‘F’ on them. Vincent spreads the cards out over the table. Looking at those cards is like looking at your doom. Tommy stares at the cards. He knows there is no good card to pick, but he also knows there are some that are worse than others. Again Tommy stews over the cards in front of him trying to decide which is the least horrible. He finally picks one and turns it over. Main Street Field Trip with Privileges. Of course all boys who play this game have heard about Terry Bargan and his trip to Main Street. Tommy just drew the same dare. He will be the only other person in memory to have done this dare. He will be the boy that is whispered around the neighborhood as being the boy that walked naked on Main Street. To Tommy’s credit all he says, is that it could have been worse. I have found that is the normal reply after every boy gets his dare. It could have been worse.
We put the cards up and head for downtown. It’s a fifteen block walk, so just about a mile and a half from Tommy’s house. It gives Tommy plenty of time to think about his dare. I can see the nerves building with each block closer we get. Yes, the very brave Tommy is showing signs of anxiety. I remember Uncle Clive’s talk about how all boys get anxious at the dares. If they didn’t they wouldn’t play the game. Tommy is sure feeling it. When we reach the beginning of Main Street proper, we stop and stare down the street. At this end is a gas station. That is the marker for where the dare begins and ends. At the other end is the police station. That is where Tommy has to go and ask for directions to Custer Park. In between there and here are five blocks of shops with people going in and out of them. Tommy isn’t allowed to run. He has to walk and has to talk with anyone who stops him. Since the dare has Privileges, he also has to do whatever they ask him to do. Yes, Spades is the suite you do not want to ever draw.
Tommy takes a deep breath and strips naked except for his shoes. Shoes are a given, because no one wants to hurt their feet by stepping on glass or a nail or just a sharp rock, so all naked dares allow the wearing of shoes. To my surprise, Tommy is well endowed for his age. He’s actually bigger than me. His circumsized dick is three inches long. Now it’s skinny as can be, where mine is fat, but his is definitely longer. His balls are still tight up against his body though, where mine hang down just a little. I can only imagine how big Tommy is going to get when he gets in puberty. We all watch Tommy start his walk. First across the gas station parking lot, where people stare at him, while some laugh and others make comments about his nice dick. Even from here, I can see Tommy’s face go scarlet red. It shows bright against his otherwise pale skin and blond hair. Landon has Tommy’s clothes in his backpack, which allows us to follow Tommy into town. We stay a block back so as not to interfere with his dare. When he comes to the drug store a woman with three little boys walk out and see Tommy. She stops him and asks what he’s doing walking around naked. He gives his name, age and school grade and then tells her he is doing a dare. One of her boys, probably eight or so, asks about Tommy’s penis and the woman asks if her sons can examine it. Of course Tommy has to agree, because his dare includes Privileges. All three boys begin touching Tommy’s dick and soon it goes hard which fascinates the boys even more. The woman takes this opportunity to teach her boys the facts of life, from a boy’s perspective. Poor Tommy has to stand there while her boys play with his penis and balls for twenty minutes before the woman lets Tommy proceed on his dare. This entire time, Tommy is beet red from answering the boy’s questions about his dick. It’s totally obvious how embarrassing this dare is on Tommy. Every now and again, he looks back at us, and we can see the humiliation written all over his face.
Tommy is stopped two more times and has to answer questions while standing in front of people stark naked with his dick standing at attention, before he finally makes it to the police station. He hesitates in front of the building for just a second, gathering his courage, before walking inside. He walks up to the desk sergeant and explains that he is trying to get to Custer Park and some how made a wrong turn. Could he please show him how to get to the park. Now the desk sergeant is a giant of a man. It’s obvious he likes his doughnuts. We all see that right off as Tommy exists the police station with the sergeant by his side. The cop takes Tommy to the front of a police car, and points back down the street, giving Tommy directions back to the park. Then he tells Tommy that he has to give him something to make sure he doesn’t come to town naked again. The cop puts one foot up on the bumper of the cop car and then picks Tommy up and puts him over his leg. Then surprising all of us, the cop proceeds to spank Tommy right there in the street. He gives Tommy five good whacks that causes his rear end to glow red. It’s not hard enough to make Tommy cry, but it’s hard enough to show red hand prints on his bottom.
No sooner than Tommy is released from the cop, he walks in front of the fire station next door and a fireman yells out, “Boy on fire!” Instantly a fire hose is turned on and Tommy is drenched from head to toe. Half way back to the gas station, Tommy walks in front of the pool hall and some men come out and stop Tommy. They tell him he needs to show them how much of a man he is. Meaning they want him to play with himself and get a boner. Again, we all can see Tommy’s face glow red as he jerks himself to get as big of a boner as he can manage. The men congratulate him on his boner and let him move on, to Tommy’s relief. At least they didn’t make him have a dry orgasm right there on the sidewalk. Just as Tommy is about to clear the gas station and end his dare, a boy steps up to him and stops him. I soon learn from the other guys that this is Eddie the Hassler. His actually name is Hesler, but because he hassles all young boys doing dares, he has the nickname of Hassler.
Eddie: “Hey Kid! So you must be on a dare.”
Tommy: “Yes. I’m Tommy Baxter. I’m eleven years old. I’m starting sixth grade.”
Eddie: “Ah! A ‘First Summer’ boy. Getting a black dare during your first summer playing the Game, really SUCKS, doesn’t it?”
Eddie is quick to see Tommy’s eyes twitch when he says ‘suck.’
Tommy: “Ya it does.”
Eddie: “So it’s either Clubs.......or Spades?”
Eddie hesitates between the two suites to watch for Tommy’s ‘Tell’ and sure enough, Tommy’s eye twitches again when Eddie says Spade.
Eddie: “Ah! Spades it is. Kid, you really need to learn to control your ‘Tell’ if you’re going to play the Game. Now the odds of you, not only having to walk Main Street but also to allow Privileges, is really high with Spades.”
Tommy turns a deeper red. He’s sure where this is going. His entire body is trembling.
Eddie: “Ah! Privileges it is!” As I look at you, I’d say this is your first time doing a dare like this. Am I right?”
Tommy: “This is my first dare ever!”
Eddie: “Oh my! Then this really does ‘SUCK’ for you.”
There is that word again. Tommy’s sure Eddie is just toying with him. He keeps using that word just to make him more and more nervous, which is working for sure!
Eddie: “So if I was to ask you to ‘SUCK’ my dick, what would you say?”
Here it is! He knew it was coming! There wasn’t any doubt that Eddie the Hassler was leading him to this moment. Tommy’s mouth is so dry, just thinking about having to do this. It’s so dry, that when he tries to answer, he has to cough before he can get the words out.
Tommy: “Yes, Sir! I would be happy to suck your dick.”
Eddie’s so happy with himself. He can see he has this poor boy about to piss himself. Eddie enjoys toying with nervous boys.
Eddie: “Have you ever sucked dick before?”
Tommy: “No.”
Eddie: “Then let me be your teacher. Go ahead and start sucking me off. Just mind the teeth kid. Don’t bite my dick.”
I’m so glad Spencer showed me how to suck dick. This could have been me standing in front of Eddie about to suck his dick.
As soon as we realize that Tommy is going to have to suck Eddie off, we walk up to them both and guide Tommy out of the parking lot to bushes out of the dare zone. Tommy’s in a daze so it’s clear he doesn’t understand why we’re moving him, but this way, once he sucks Eddie, no one else can asked to be sucked, because Tommy’s dare will be over.
Tommy fumbles with the button and zipper on Eddie’s shorts and has a difficult time forcing himself to pull Eddie’s boxers to the ground. For Eddie’s part, the thirteen year old has a nice cock. It’s about five inches standing tall. All of us watch intently as Tommy takes Eddie’s dick into his mouth and starts sucking on it. Eddie wraps his hands around Tommy’s head and begins pumping his own dick in and out of Tommy’s mouth. To Eddie’s shame, he doesn’t last long, shooting his load prematurely. As soon as he’s done, he releases Tommy’s head, pulls his boxers and shorts back up and takes off running. He’s probably on the prowl for another boy to suck his dick. Tommy’s still in a foggy haze with Eddie’s cum dripping out of his mouth. While the other boys help Tommy get up, I run to the gas station and buy Tommy a root beer, and bring it back to him. He thanks me profusely and wastes no time drinking it to get the taste of Eddie out of his mouth. Once Tommy recovers, we all slap him on the back and congratulate him on performing so well on this very difficult dare. It’s not long before the intense humiliation of this dare is replaced with the elation of praise from his friends.
The next day, I go play the game with four new boys. Levi Rosen, Mark Kelley, Jamie Potter, and Sammy Petre. All of them are eleven years old and ‘First Summer’ boys. Instead of chips these boys play with nickels. I can afford a nickel game. We each start with two rolls of nickels. I can see right off, my luck is bad today. I’m only playing hands in which I have good cards but there always seems to be another boy with a better hand than mine. Play only last two hours before I’m out of nickels. Today is my first real dare. The thing with the cop really doesn’t count as a dare for anyone else but me. I count it as one, because I had to get naked for the first time in public.
Levi shuffles the deck and spreads the cards out before me. Now, all I have to do is pick a card. Hopefully a low heart card, because those are the easiest dares. I can feel four sets of eyes watching me as I move my finger back and forth over the cards. I finally decide on a card and quickly flip it over. Ace of Hearts. I hear the ‘Ohs’ from the other boys. They try and cheer me up as they pull out the folder that tells what the Ace means for me.
Demo 1 and draw another card. So far not so bad. I knew because of the Ace I would have to draw a second card. I decide if one Heart was in that spot, there might be another Heart close to it, so I pick that card and turn it over. Three of Clubs. At least it’s not a Spade and it’s not a face card. Levi pulls out the Club number note cards and spreads them out. I pick one from the middle. Jerk off in the middle of Custer Park. Gasps from everyone. None of these boys has had to do a public jerking off dare. Yes, they’ve done Demo jack offs, but only in the backyard never out where other people can see them. Of course with these boys it’s always been a dry orgasm, not a wet one.
Levi: “Wow! Dude you have two different jerk offs to do.”
Mark: “Which one you going to do first?”
Sammy: “Obviously the one here in the backyard.”
Jamie: “Maybe not. He might want to do the public one first.”
Sammy: “Not me. I’d die before I had to do a public jerk off.”
Levi: “So which is it, Robby?”
I think about it. I don’t want to do either one of course. I don’t really want to get naked. But that isn’t an option for me now. Yes, the safer one would be to do the private jerk in the backyard, with only these boys watching me. But then I’d still have to do the other one and what if I can’t get hard right off? I might have to stand in the park jerking for a long time before I squirt my cum. The more I think about how long I might have to spend jerking my dick in front of a park full of people, the more I just want to get that one over with as quickly as possible.
Robby: “I’m doing the park first.”
Mark: “Awesome dude. I can’t wait to see you beat your meat in front of a lot of kids.”
Robby: “Thanks. I sure needed that visual.”
Mark: “What you mean. We’ve all heard how brave you are about being naked in front of everyone.”
Jamie: “Ya, all of us would be pissing our pants right now, but it’ll be a piece of cake for you.”
Robby: “Guys. Don’t believe everything you hear. Everyone gets embarrassed and gets scared doing these dares. It’s just we also like how great we feel afterward.”
Sammy: “So you’re scared? It’s embarrassing for you too?”
I hold out my arms and let them see my hands shaking.
Robby: “Ya. Me too.”
We walk to the park together. The guys lead me to a gazebo right in the middle of the park. It’s empty. There are a few people hanging around throwing frisbees and walking around, but not much of a crowd. If I just do it quick, then maybe no one will actually see me doing it. We walk toward the gazebo. That’s when two ten year olds who are playing catch with a football, notice us and come to see what we’re doing. The frisbee players, one a teenaged boy and the other a teenaged girl stop and come to see what the fuss is about also. There are four people watching me before I even get up on the Gazebo. I hear one of the ten year old boys ask Sammy, what’s going on and Sammy tells him I have to do a dare. Now the four people know something is about to happen. I see the teen girl take out her phone and begin texting. I realize that I better do this and do it fast. I toe my sneakers off and pull my socks off right behind them. I pull my tee shirt up and over my head and drop it to the floor. The same boy asks, if I’m going to get naked and Levi just tells him he’s going to have to watch and find out. At least no more people have shown up. I unfasten my belt and shorts and drop them to the floor and step out of them, revealing my red Fruit of the Loom briefs. When I look up that’s when I see it. There’s a mob of people heading my way from all directions. They range in age from little kids to teenagers. Evidently this girl sent out a mass text. Seeing all these people coming my way, I freeze. I just stand there with my thumbs in the waistband of my undies. I can’t make myself strip them off. The girl that sent the text, seems to be videoing me now. I wonder if she’s live streaming this or just recording it. Either way, a lot more people are going to see me. As the first people get to the Gazebo, I finally come out of my fear induced coma and push my red briefs down to the floor and step out of them.
When I first started undressing, I had a boner but now that fear has swept over me, my dick is limp. I grab it and wiggle it around trying to make it get hard, but it refuses to swell up. I try pumping it and still it just hangs there limp between my fingers. I can hear the comments about me being a limp dick and I’m not old enough to get it up and lots of other remarks. Maybe their right, because no matter how much I play with my worm, it won’t rise to the occasion. That’s when I hear very clearly a boy yell out that if I needed help he would play with it. Instantly my dick begins to swell up. The more I imagine that boy coming up here and playing with my dick in front of all these people the harder it gets. Soon I have a raging boner and I’m jerking it for all I have. I can hear comments like “jerk that thing,”and “beat it boy, beat it.” And many more. Then I feel it. That sensation deep in my groin. Before I know it the feeling is overwhelming me and I totally forget that people are watching me and even taking videos of me. I beat my dick with everything I have and I hump the air thrusting my hips violently. Then it rises. I can feel it coming. All of a sudden my dick erupts and sperms fly everywhere. My dick is producing an awesome cum. Nothing like any time I have ever beat off by myself. This is the greatest jerk session of my entire life. Applause go up all around the Gazebo and I feel like I’m king of the world. Until! Until hormones subside and the guilt of what I just did sets in. Now I’m standing in front of this crowd, spent, naked and limp. Now the humiliation sets in. I just let all these people watch me do something I’ve always been taught is done in private. I feel so guilty and ashamed. I begin putting my clothes back on and once the crowd sees that the show’s over they take off in different directions. By the time I get dressed the only people still around the Gazebo are the boys I played the game with and the two ten year old boys that arrived first.
Ten year old boy: “That was so awesome. I can’t wait until I get to play the Game!”
The other boy: “Ya. I’ll be jerking off everywhere when I get to play.”
I think to myself. Yep that’s how you feel now, when you don’t have to do it, but once puberty hits and you start feeling all modest and shy, then lets see if you’re willing to stand up in front of people and jerk off. We leave the boys behind and return to Levi’s house so I can do my Demo 1 dare. It’s simple and goes off with not much trouble. I’m able to get a boner fairly easily and jerk off for just the guys I played the game with. They were all in awe of me being able to squirt and do it twice in a row without much time between them.
Of course that evening I had to tell Spencer all about my first real dare. He liked how I was able to do it, without a total meltdown from the embarrassment.
The next morning neither of us have a game to play so we go to the park just to hang out. We walk around and I meet a lot of other kids. When they discover I’m 14 and playing the Game, they want to see my photo. It’s embarrassing as crap showing all these people my naked photo, but that beats them ganging up on me and stripping me to find out for themselves. The funny thing is, the girls when they see my photo, they almost always comment about how cute I am. At first I think this is a complement, but later Spencer explains to me, that’s girl speech for, they think I’m still a little boy, like boys they babysit. So much for my dating life. Then there’s the occasional guy that looks at my photo and instead of just saying, “Yep, you’re eligible,” he’ll say something like, “Looking good, be proud of who you are” or “You’re cute, don’t let these guys get to you.” Spencer later informs me that is boy speech for, I’m gay, let’s play. Now I’ve never thought one way or the other about being gay or not. I mean, in the dares we have to give and get blow jobs. So I really don’t know where the line is, of what’s gay and what isn’t? Back home all of this would be considered gay, but here, none of it is! So just where is the line?
We also get to see some ‘Nudie Boys” in the afternoon performing their dares. Spencer and I stop a few just to have fun making them squirm, while we ask them questions and look at their nakedness. One of us always asks what they would say if we asked for a blow job. It’s really fun watching their faces go scarlet red in an instant. But all three boys we asked this of, answered with “Yes Sir. I would love to suck your dick, if you want me to.” Now, neither one of us took them up on their offer. We understand it isn’t something you do unless the boy is belligerent or refuses to answer you. That’s the good thing about Spencer walking me around and watching the boys do their dares. I get to learn the actual rules of engagement between a ‘Nudie Boy’ and the people he comes into contact with. It’s not really like Eddie the Hassler. He’s what they call an anomaly. He has the right to ask and get blow jobs, but it’s poor sportsmanship of him to actually do it.
We do see a twelve year old boy having to do punishment for denying to do something for a girl and her friends. It seems that all she wanted was for the boy to show his dick to everyone and posing for photos. It seems he was overcome with embarrassment to having them photograph him naked and decided to refuse the request. When Spencer and I got to the scene, the boy was standing with his legs spread apart and his hands behind his head with four little boys of about nine or ten playing with his pecker, while the girl took photos. It was either that or he would have to give her boyfriend a blow job, right there in the park. The girl did ask Spencer and me, if we wanted this bad boy to suck us off, but we declined the offer to the poor Nudie Boy’s relief. Spencer explained to me, never refuse a simple request. The punishment for refusing can be drastic. No matter how embarrassing the request may be, it’s still better than the punishment if not granting it.
It’s late afternoon when we leave the park to go home. We both decide we need a shower, and since it’s getting close to time for supper, we take one together. Now at first I’m against this because of the closeness and how being close to another naked person, causes my dick to swell. Having a boner in front of anyone is embarrassing as heck. Yes, the Game causes boys to show their boners more than they would otherwise, but it’s still embarrassing. We strip naked in the bedroom and obviously we both have boners. The days events and asking for blow jobs has gotten me excited and I can feel the need to jerk off.
Spencer: “You think you might need more practice sucking dicks, before you go to your next game?”
Even as naive as I am, I understand that is Boy Talk for, do you want to suck each other off?
Robby: “Sure. I just hope Chrissy doesn’t just walk in on us again.”
Spencer: If she does, she does. That’ll just make it more intense.”
We get down on the floor head to foot and suck each other until we both explode and then take a long hot shower to relax. Chrissy doesn’t pop in on us, to my relief. Playing the game and doing dares in front of strangers is one thing, but doing them in front of my sister, is a total nightmare. It’s embarrassing being naked in public. It’s way beyond being embarrassing being naked in front of Chrissy. She’s evil incarnate and she knows it and uses it to get what she wants and what she wants is to humiliate me every chance she can get.
The next day I have my next new group to play the game with. Cameron Bolton and Davy Flint are both twelve year olds, while Bobby Everett and Franky Stephenson are eleven year olds. All four are ‘First Summer’ boys. That’s the only reason Uncle Clive is allowing me to play the game with twelve year olds. This group plays with dimes. We each start with one hundred dimes. It’s surprising how playing with chips is so much easier than playing with dimes. A dime isn’t a whole lot of money, but it’s still money and I hate losing money. I play hard. I play to win. The game is already just over three hours long and still no outright loser. Our hands are dealt. We bet and then get our draw cards. We each know exactly what we have in our hands and we can make an educated guess as to what everyone else has. Davy goes all in on his last bet. Cameron folds. He doesn’t want any part of this hand. Bobby calls Davy’s bet. Franky also folds. He too doesn’t want to get between these two guys, fighting over if Davy gets to stay in the game or do a dare. That leaves me with a huge decision. Do I want to let these two fight it out or get in there and mix it up with them? The thing is, I think Davy has the better hand and if he wins, that will give him all those dimes in the pot and leave me low man at the table. I have an awesome hand. I’m pretty sure I can beat both of them. Davy only took one card so he probably has two of a kind and was drawing for a full house. Bobby drew two cards which means he probably had three of a kind, hoping for a forth or full house. I have four Jacks, so I didn’t draw any cards. My four of a kind should beat all of their hands. Now the tricky part. To bet I also have to go all in, because I don’t have enough dimes left to cover all the bet. If I lose then I’ll be the low boy and have to do a dare. But if I win, then Davy will have to do the dare. I can finish this game right here and now with my four Jacks.
I go all in and everyone looks at me with surprise written all over their faces. I think they thought I was bluffing by not taking any cards. Now they probably think I must have a straight or maybe a flush, so if Davy has his full house, I would be toast. Either way they think I’m crazy for going all in.
Davy can’t wait to show his full house, Kings over tens. He’s all smiles and full of himself, just knowing he has won. Now I get to burst his bubble and show him he’s going to be the next ‘Nudie Boy.” I show my four Jacks and Davy sighs very loudly. The other boys just stare at my Jacks in awe. Bobby hasn’t shown his cards yet. Everyone feels sorry for him only having three of a kind when both Davy and me have such powerful hands. Then it happens. Bobby shows us his four Queens. How can that even happen. How can two guys have four of a kind? Let alone the other one have three of a kind with a pair giving him a full house. I feel downright sick. I just got beat by Bobby with a higher four of a kind than me. I was sure Bobby had the weakest hand. Then it dawns on me like a ton of bricks falling on my head. I’m out of dimes. I look over at Davy and he’s out of dimes. Now, what do we do? Two guys have the lowest hand. Everyone is looking around to see if anyone knows what’s supposed to happen in this situation. Finally they all look at me, since I’m the oldest.
Cameron: “So now what? You and Davy are both out of dimes, so who does the dare?”
Robby: “I don’t know. Neither Nick or Spencer ever told me about this happening!”
Franky: “Can you call them and ask?”
Davy: “But you can’t tell them, you are one of the low guys.”
I totally understand why he’s worried. He thinks they might try and get me out of this and leave him hanging by himself.
Robby: “I understand. I’ll call them and put it on speaker phone so you all can hear everything. Cameron you can even ask him yourself.”
Everyone agrees, so I call Spencer.
Cameron: “Hello Spencer. My name’s Cameron. We got a question about the Game. We have two players here that went all in and both of them lost at the same time, so who has to do the dare?”
Spencer: “Wait a minute. I have Nick with me and I’ll put my phone on speaker too. I think I know the answer, but I want more than just me saying it.”
Nick: “Hello Cameron. Will you repeat your question for me please.”
Cameron: “We have two players that went all in and both of them lost at the same time, so who has to do the dare?”
Nick and Spencer talking together: “Nick, I say they both do, since they both got out at the same time. What you think? I agree Spencer. I don’t think there’s a rule on this. But it’s just logical if both are out, then both should do the dare.”
Spencer: “Cameron. Did you here what we talked about? We agree that both the losers should do the dare. They should pick their own cards and do just their dare or dares, but both should have to do them.”
Cameron: “So both Davy and Robby has to pick a card and then whatever that dare is they have to do it, just as if it was just one person, but here it is going to be two.
Nick: “Yep. That’s how I would do it at my game.”
Spencer: “Did you say Robby is one of the boys who lost?”
Cameron: “Yep. He made the mistake of going all in after Davy did and Bobby called him.”
Spencer: “Sounds like he should have played it safe, but got aggressive at the wrong time. Too bad, because now he has a dare to do.”
Nick: “Spencer and I are at the park, so hopefully they get dares that bring them this way.”
Spencer: “Well if that’s all, goodbye and have fun.”
Cameron: “Well you heard them, both Davy and Robby has to do a dare.”
During the whole conversation I was so hoping they would say something like, “Whoever has the losing hand between them, has to do the dare. Then I would be free and Davy would be doing the dare by himself. Unfortunately that isn’t the way it worked out. Cameron shuffles the deck and spreads the cards out.
Cameron: “Robby since your hand was better than Davy’s, you get to chose first or let Davy pick first.”
I reach over and just grab a card out of the middle. I don’t turn it over or anything. I just let it sit on the table face down. Davy reaches over and pulls a card from the left side of the spread. He keeps his face down too. We look at each other and then turn our cards over at the same time. I turn over a two of Hearts. I’m so relieved. It isn’t going to be too bad. Davy turns over an Ace of Diamonds. Davy on the other hand might be in trouble, it just depends on what the folder for the Ace says.
But first Franky spreads out the Heart number note cards and I pick one from them. Field Trip, but there isn’t a number with it. So, I’m a little confused. Cameron looks up the Field Trip and I have to walk, not run around the track in Custer Park, then walk across the walkover and then back to the beginning. Now if this was my very first time being naked this would terrify me, but since I’ve been naked a couple times now, and all I have to do is walk around in public naked, I’m happy with this dare.
Cameron opens the folder for the Ace of Diamonds. Field Trip 2 and draw another card from the deck. While Franky shuffles the cards again, Cameron reads about Field Trip 2. Go to the walkover and take two photos. One from the northbound lane of a red pickup truck and one from the southbound lane of a bus. I can see on Davy’s face he’s happy with that one, but he now has to draw another card. He pulls one from the spread out deck and turns it over. Six of Hearts. I can visibly see the relief on his face. He knows now that he isn’t going to have to do anything to bad. Bobby spreads out the Heart number note cards and Davy picks out one without even thinking about what it might be. He’s that relieved to not get anything black or a face card that he is okay with whatever this note card says. Demo 5. Davy has to jerk off outside anywhere he wants five times without taking a break, hiding or stopping for any reason.
Since both of us got a Field Trip we decide to do them first together. We all walk to the park together. Davy and me strip naked giving our clothes to Cameron and Franky. Then we move from the cover of the bushes and walk out and down to the track. Young pretty women are running around the track and staring at us. Some stop to talk and get our names and ages. Most are shocked that Davy looks more developed than me, since I’m two years older than him. Some take photos. A few give our bottoms a slap. But mostly we are left alone and just looked at. We get to the walkway and walk to the top, where Davy stops to get his photos. I walk on, to the other side and see a group of kids at the ice cream stand. I must not be of much interest because none of them get up and come my way, so I return to the top of the walkway and help Davy watch for his vehicles. The pick up is fast to get a photo of. The bus turns out to be more of a problem, but eventually a small retirement home bus drives by and Davy gets his photo. We leave the walkway behind us, returning to our starting point when I see Spencer and Nick coming our way.
Nick: “So who do we have here?
Davy: “I’m Davy Flint. I’m twelve years old. I’m starting seventh grade.”
Robby: “I’m Robby Johnson. I’m fourteen years old. I’m starting ninth grade.”
Nick: “Aren’t you a little old to be playing the game?”
Robby: “I’m only a ‘First Summer’ boy, like Davy.”
Spencer: “Well you certainly look like a ‘First Summer’ boy. That dick is so small, you could be a ten year old.”
Nick: “Davy. Have you ever sucked a dick?”
Davy: “No sir. Never.”
Nick: “How about you Robby. You ever suck a dick?”
Now they both know I have and I’m not sure what they’re up to. Maybe just giving me some grief, but it’s embarrassing to talk about sucking dicks right out here in the open like this.
Robby: “Yes sir. I’ve sucked a dick before.”
Davy looks over at me and his eyes go wide with surprise.
Spencer: “Well Robby. Don’t you think you should teach Davy how to suck a dick?”
Okay. Now this is getting way to weird. Why is Spencer doing this to me?
Robby: “Yes sir. If you ask me to, I will teach Davy how to suck dicks.”
Nick: “We both want you to finish this dare and then go back to your game house and Robby will teach Davy how to suck a dick and then Davy will suck all his game mates to prove he learned how.”
Spencer: “That’s it. On your way boys.”
Davy and I walk very fast away from Nick and Spencer. Once we get back to the others and start getting dressed we tell them what we have to do. They are as stunned as us.
Cameron: “Wasn’t that you cousin and his best friend?”
Robby: “Yes.”
Franky: “I wonder why he would give you that dare to do?”
Robby: “I don’t know, but once it’s given it has to be done.”
Bobby: “Ya, we know.”
Davy: “Well unless you guys refuse to let me suck your dick, then I don’t have to do it.”
Bobby: “There ain’t no way dude. I’ve never gotten a blow job and now is my chance to experience it, so you’re going to suck my dick for sure.”
This is the conversation all the way back to Cameron’s house. Every boy wants his dick sucked. At least I only have to suck Davy’s dick to show him how to do it. The guys are shocked that I know how to suck dicks and that I’ve done it already. They think I learned it by doing dares, so I just let them think that. I really don’t want to talk about me sucking Spencer’s dick, twice now at home, not part of the Game. One time I might get away with as learning how, but the second time, well, that’s just too embarrassing the try an explain.
When we get to Cameron’s house we go down to his basement and Davy and I strip naked. I let him stand as I kneel in front of him. The boys all gasp in shock as I put Davy’s dick in my mouth. But honestly. The only way to suck a dick is for it to go in your mouth. It doesn’t take Davy long before he cums in my mouth. He can’t produce much so I keep it in my mouth until he’s done and then open my mouth so all the boys can see it. I hear a few “yucks,” as they see what’s in my mouth. Then I swallow it and they yell out even louder “yucks.” I then take questions. I want to make sure they know about sucking dicks, so Spencer doesn’t give me a punishment for not teaching them. I answer every question they have, before leaving to go home to have a long talk with Spencer. The guys want me to stay for Davy’s sucking of all of them and for his Demo in the backyard, but I’m just so mad at Spencer that I tell the guys that I really have to go now, but I hope I’m invited back for other games. They assure me, that I’m at the top of their invite list.
When I get home, Spencer and Nick are in the living room. I waste no time taking my anger out on Spencer. When Nick tries to smooth things over, I yell at him too. What I didn’t know is that Uncle Clive had come home early and was working in his den. I soon find this out when he walks into the room and orders all of us to the den. He sits us down and then lets each one of us tell our side of the story. They actually match pretty well, even though we each tell it from our own perspective. When we’re all finished speaking our piece, Uncle Clive settles our dispute, like only he can do.
Uncle Clive: “Robby. It’s like this. Since you’re a ‘First Summer’ boy, Spencer is tasked to look out for you. That isn’t only making sure no one abuses you, but also making sure you learn what can and can’t be done concerning the game. It’s obvious you like the boys you played with today. Is it fair to them, not to pass on your knowledge about the Game and leave them vulnerable to abuse? No. I didn’t think you would want that for them. That was Spencer’s sole purpose having you go back and suck Davy. Those boys are late into the summer and haven’t given or received blow jobs yet. What do you think it would be like if some older boy caught them unaware and took advantage of their innocence?”
Robby: “That would be bad.”
Uncle Clive: “It certainly would. Those boys like you and more importantly, they trust you. So you were the perfect choice to show them what sucking dick is all about. Now. Spencer and Nick, could have told you to suck Davy right there in the park. There are boys that would have done that. It’s not how we play the Game, because it’s taking advantage of a boy on a dare that doesn’t include sucking. They told you to go back and do it in private. So it was a learning event not a humiliation event. Now, do you understand the difference and why Spencer had you do it?”
Robby: “Yes, sir. I do now that you explained it. I just felt so betrayed at the time.”
Spencer: “I understand that Robby. But I needed to do it as part of the Game or it would have been really awkward. Can you imagine what your friends would have thought if you went to their house and told them, they needed to suck each others dicks? This way, being part of the Game, and more importantly, they know it’s part of the Game, the awkwardness goes away. Yes, it’s embarrassing as heck the first time, but at least now they know how to do it.”
Robby: “I get it. You’re right. I just wish you could have told me. I freaked out. Sorry.”
Spencer: “I would have told you, if I had seen you outside of the dare, but you were still in it, so that was the only way.”
That was the last invite until I play at Nick’s house, so I get to just hang out at the park and catch other boys going ‘Nudie’ and doing their dares. Two days later I see Cameron in the park and he is actually doing a sucking dare and he thanks me for showing them how to do it, because he would have freaked out otherwise. He said it’s still humiliating to suck a boy’s dick, but at least he knows how. It would have been so much worse if he had to ask how to do it when he’s on the dare. He even offers to suck my dick, since that’s part of the dare he’s doing, but I tell him some other time. Like Uncle Clive said. It’s not right to take advantage of a boy on a dare. His dare is to offer to suck dick, he doesn’t actually have to suck anyone off, if no one takes him up on the offer. I do enjoy looking at Cameron’s naked body. The entire time we chat, his dick is bone hard. He also has his first hairs, which makes me a little envious. A twelve year old has hairs and I don’t. Life isn’t fair.
I feel good about showing the guys how to suck dick after my chat with Cameron. Next time I see Spencer I thank him for having me teach them, because it did help them. I walk around the neighborhood a lot now, looking in the backyards of different houses. I soon learn which houses play the Game. Every now and again, I catch a boy jerking off as he does his Demo dare. It’s funny when I catch a boy, because he normally just smiles at me as he beats his meat. It’s so surreal.
This ends the introductory to the story. Now it’s time for the Grand Finale. Poor Robby. He has no idea what he’s in for.

(End of File)