Walk the Plank

By Aldric

Copyright 2020 by Aldric
[email protected], all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

My apologies to anyone who may have tried to contact me via the comment address I have used for decades. For some reason, mail to [email protected] stopped working on some platforms recently. It isn’t spamex’s fault, some email servers still deliver mail to there. But I know for a fact that yahoo does not, mail sent to that address bounces back. Since I don’t know the cause, I can’t get it fixed.

So starting now, those who wish to send me their comments may use [email protected] . Note that the underscores are part of the name and must be put in. Sorry for the confusion.

This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never confuse the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.

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Walk the Plank

“Hey guys,” Tyler Fielding yelled as he approached the two boys fishing from shore. “Catching anything?”

“Just crap,” Caden Sullivan said. “A Skate, several Mullet, and a little Grouper boy that was too small to keep.”

“How’d you know it was a boy?” Tyler joked.

“Because his dick was only 5 inches long,” Caden said straight-faced. “If he was grown up like me it would have been at least 7 inches long.” He patted his groin as he said it.

Tyler didn’t know anything about what fish were good and which ones weren’t. He knew corn and soybeans, having spent most of his nearly 14 years on a farm in the Midwest. He’d never been fishing. He was pretty sure that fish didn’t have dicks, and if they did, he was positive they weren’t measured in inches. And he was even more sure that his friend’s dick was much shorter than 7 inches. Dick jokes were new to him, and he was getting used to them.

“What have you been up to?” Grant Fullerton asked.

“I was heading to town to pick up stuff my mom ordered for school. Clothes I guess since I’m supposed to be at Halvor’s.” Halvor’s was a clothing store owned by Randy Halvor’s father. “Randy told me to vote for Adam Gibbs for something called “Walk the Plank.” He gave me what he said was an official ballot. What’s it mean?”

Caden and Grant looked at each other. “I guess we should have told him,” Caden said.

“You didn’t do it, did you?” asked Grant. “Vote for Adam?”

“Yeah,” Tyler stated. “Is there a problem with that? Should I have voted for one of you guys instead? I didn’t know.”

“That’s why we’re not catching anything worthwhile from shore,” Caden explained. “A storm must be coming.”

The two boys reeled in their lines and gathered their bait buckets and shirts. “Let’s go sit in the shade,” Grant said. “We got a lot you should know that we didn’t tell you. I didn’t think the season would start so soon.”

Fifteen minutes later, Tyler couldn’t tell if they were teasing him or not.

“Bare assed?” he muttered. “They can’t make someone do that.”

“They can, and they will, and you were already at a disadvantage,” Caden explained. “Trust me, if you get elected as the sacrifice and don’t do it, your life for the next four years will totally suck. You won’t have any friends, and everyone will be out to get you.”

“Yeah,” Grant agreed. “We like you, but anyone who treats you nice is also subject to the same. I won’t put myself in that position.”

“Besides, it isn’t like you are going to get the most votes,” Caden offered. “You’ve only been here for three weeks. None of the kids know you. Only kids who will be in middle school in the fall can vote. The problem is that because you’re new and you are older than 12 you start out with 20 votes. And for voting for last year’s sacrifice you got another 10. That means you’re starting with 30 votes. Plus one from Halvor probably. But that’s not the end of the world, even if you do get elected. Kids who win gain popularity once school starts.”

“But still, it has to be done naked?” Tyler asked. “I mean, you said the sacrificial person has to leave no earlier than 8 in the morning and no later than 3 in the afternoon. That’s daylight!” Won’t adults stop it?”

“No,” Grant said firmly. “This practice started back in the 1800’s. It’s been done every year to prevent hurricanes from hitting Gull Point.” He saw the look on Tyler’s face. “Yeah, it’s superstitious bullshit, but still, it’s history. We’ve only been hit by 4 hurricanes in over 125 years.”

“What that means is that nobody is going to stop you from walking out to the point, stripping naked, and asking the ranger for the flag,” Caden explained. “The ranger knows that someone will be elected, and what they have to do. If you get elected, the best thing you can do is not tell anyone when you are going to cross.”

“Yeah,” Grant agreed. “Kids will see you, no doubt about that. Especially on your way back. But if they know when you are going, they will see where you hide your clothes.”

“They’ll steal my clothes?” gasped Tyler. “I’ve got a sister, and I live about as far from the ranger station as you can and still be on Gull Peninsula.”

“That’s why you don’t tell anyone when you are going. If they don’t know where you hid them, they can’t steal them. But that’s not all. When you get back your clothes are still in danger. They won’t take them from you as long as you honored the tradition. You walk to the point, hang the flag, and walk back and never cover up. Show dishonor by running or covering up and your clothes are far game when you try and dress.”

“Has a girl ever won?” Tyler asked hopefully. That would be interesting indeed.

“Once I think,” Grant said. “But girls get two votes and boys only one. Stop worrying. Randy Halvor is a hottie, he’s going to get a lot of votes from girls. That’s why he’s trying to drum up votes for someone other than him. And some boys still hope for a miracle and vote for girls.”

“Yeah, it happens every year,” Caden agreed. “Two years ago a girl lost by just 18 votes. Don’t worry, you are probably safe. Just don’t be rude to anyone and don’t mock the ceremony.”

“You guys aren’t going to vote for me, are you?” Tyler wasn’t buying the line that he was totally safe just because a lot of kids didn’t know him or because the girls thought Randy was cute.

“No, absolutely not,” Grant said without hesitation. Caden shook his head. “I guess we need to go and get our ballots,” he said. “There’s a scoreboard in Halvor’s store. You can see how you’re doing when you pick up your clothes for school.”

“Randy isn’t in charge of the voting, is he?” Tyler asked.

“No way. Two girls and three boys from high school are in charge. Cheating or altering votes would be a very serious offense. Besides, this is a time-honored tradition. Nobody wants to taint it by cheating. You coming with us?”

“No, I want to see Plank Island first. I’ve never been there.”

Gull Peninsula, the home of the small town of Gull Point, stuck out into the Atlantic Ocean. Marshy, and without deep water for fishing boats, it was not a tourist area, so strangers stuck out. At the end of the peninsula, known as the Point, was a ranger shack and a walking causeway about a quarter mile long that ended on Plank Island.

The island was cigar-shaped, about a mile long and at its widest only around 1,000 feet. It pointed to the south east; the direction hurricanes would normally come from.

Tyler stopped at the ranger station, where a young adult in a khaki shirt was sitting in a rocking chair.

“Hi,” he said. “Do I need permission to cross to the island?”

“No, but it was nice of you to ask. Stay on the path, the dune grass is fragile and the turtles were laying eggs the last few days.”

Tyler decided to leave his bike here. He wanted to know how long it took to walk to the end of the island. He looked at his watch and started across the narrow causeway.

The island had no trees or other vegetation taller than a foot or two. The path was made from crushed stone and ran pretty much down the center. To his right, Tyler could see people on the peninsula’s beach. Nearly all were kids, some swimming, some fishing, and some, the older ones, in the back making out. He suddenly imagined himself naked, knowing those across on the mainland could see him as clearly as he could see them.

At the end was a flag pole. No flag currently flew from it. The ‘sacrificial’ person would be expected to bring some flag from the ranger’s shack to here and attach it to the pole and raise it. He looked at his watch. Twenty-four minutes and a few seconds had passed. Round trip would be twice that. Almost an hour, in full view from the mainland, while totally naked. He headed back; his mind full of doubt that he could ever do it.

Tyler wanted to know how the voting was going, so he headed back into town and to the clothing store. Inside was a white board, and on it he saw that there were 243 total ballots and 121 votes cast thus far. Randy H. was in the lead with 41, but he was in second with 26. Steve R. had 10, Dave M. 11, and Kurt M. 13. He didn’t know who the other boys were, but the last name on the board was someone he knew. Lyndia C. He was sure that was Lyndia Cooper, his next-door neighbor and the best friend of his sister.

For the first time since hearing about the ‘Walk the Plank’ ceremony he had an interest in it. Less than a year younger than him, Lyndia had long blond hair and a cute nose. He’d seen her in a bathing suit and noticed that although they were about the same age, his sister’s chest was not as big. The idea of seeing her naked made his dick react.

“My stupid brother is perving over you again,” he heard from his side. He turned to see Bailey, his just-turned 13-year-old sister standing next to Lyndia Cooper. “I’ll bet he’s already imagining you walking the plank.”

Tyler was ashamed of just how right his sister was. And now he was too tongue-tied in front of Lyndia to say anything.

“Don’t get your hopes up Tyler,” his sister said with a smirk. “Those votes are all from boys in our grade, and that’s probably all she’ll get. I see you already have 26. I voted for you. Twice. Good luck.” She and her friend turned and left the store.

Tyler used the bundle of clothes to hide the tent in his pants as he exited. He tied it onto the back of his bike and headed home.

Caden and Grant showed up just as he was finishing dinner. “The voting ends at 7,” Caden said. “Let’s go see who wins. Grant had 18 votes last time we checked, so someone has it in for him but he’s still going to be safe.”

Tyler followed them to the clothing store. With a half hour to go, he saw that his hope for seeing Lyndia naked wasn’t over. His sister was wrong, she had gotten more votes, and stood at 32. Randy Halvor was still in the lead with 65. He looked quickly to his own name and saw that he now had 33 votes. Only one more than his neighbor. He felt pretty good about that, and said as much to his friends.

“Uh, Tyler, you’re forgetting something,” Caden said. “You still have 30 penalty votes, and those aren’t on there yet. “You’re right behind Randy with 63 votes.” As soon as he said it, the 32 was erased and 33 written in. “Now 64 votes to Randy’s 65.”

Shortly afterwards, the final tally was posted. He had won and was the sacrificial person. A total of 75 votes to Randy’s 71. Following Randy’s instruction to vote for last year’s sacrificial candidate had been exactly what was needed to put him on top.

“This is so wild!” Bailey said from behind him. “My modest, shy brother is going to save us all from a hurricane by parading around naked. And I can’t wait to see it.”

“Yeah Tyler, I’m also looking forward to seeing you,” Lyndia said with a laugh. “Tell us when you’re going and we’ll guard your clothes for you.” She and Bailey left.

He was the one. The boy who had to walk two and a half miles naked in broad daylight. Kids were already cheering for him. He had to find some way out of it. What if he were sick? Or got hurt?

“Bad luck Tyler,” Caden said. “I’m glad it wasn’t me, but I do feel sorry for you. I can see it in your eyes, you’re trying to think of a way to get out of it. I don’t blame you; I’d probably be thinking that too if it were me. But please, buddy, don’t try. It would be a lot worse for you if you did.”

But there had to be a way. And then he had it – his parents. They would never allow their son to walk around naked with who knows how many kids looking at him.

“I gotta get home,” he said to Caden. “Thanks for the advice, I’ll keep it in mind.” He left, suddenly in a hurry to get home.

“Tyler, we knew all about the ceremony when we moved here,” his mother said after he burst in to the kitchen where she was just finishing the dishes. You had the same chance for being selected as everyone else, your sister included.”

“No Mom, that’s not true. I didn’t know the rules, and I broke one and that’s why I lost.”

“I put the rules on your desk right after the movers left and told you to read them,” she said.

“He tossed them in his trash bin,” Bailey stated. “I saw them all curled up when I was putting his clean clothes on his bed two weeks ago.”

“No way,” Tyler said. “There were never in my room. I didn’t see them.”

“Let’s go have a look,” his mother offered. She led the way. There, under some other trash, was the letter with all the rules. It had been curled up into a ball. “It’s right here buddy, just like your sister said. If you didn’t read the rules then I don’t have any pity for you.”

Bailey was smiling, but hiding behind her mom to keep her brother from seeing. She had removed the letter right after her mother put it his room, and then curled it up and threw it away a few days later.

“But Mom, people are going to see me naked. Lyndia Cooper, other girls. Bailey! You can’t let this happen. You’ve got to order me to stay in the house.”

“I’ll do no such thing. Your father and I heard from many people that this is a time-honored process held every year as soon as the first storm warnings are posted. They take it very seriously, and you need to know that you will be shunned by everyone should you refuse to take your turn. Hundreds of kids just like you have gone through it, and none of them died of embarrassment. You’ll be fine. You might even enjoy it.”

“Enjoy it? Mom, are you listening to yourself? This is crazy!”

“Tyler William Fielding, I’ve heard enough,” Dad barked from the doorway. “You do not talk to your mother like that. And you will not bring shame and dishonor on this family. If you don’t take care of this on your own before the storm comes, I will tie your hands behind your back and have your sister walk you out there. End of discussion!”

“If you had read the rules, you would have known about this,” his mom said. “But you tossed them away unread. That’s your problem.” She saw he was about say he never saw them. “They were right were your sister said they were, so don’t you dare lie.”

He looked away from her, but she wasn’t done. “You could have been out meeting new kids, showing them that you’re a nice boy so they wouldn’t vote for you. But instead you just hang out with the same two boys every day. Think about it, why didn’t Caden and Grant tell you about the ceremony?”

That was a good question. They had said they didn’t think it would come up this early. But was that the truth? Were they really his friends? He had to find out.

“Come Bailey, leave your brother alone. He needs to think about when he is going to take care of this, and he doesn’t need you making fun of him.” His mom gently pushed his sister from the room.

“Do it tomorrow,” his dad said firmly from the hall. “The storm is coming in faster than they thought. If you haven’t finished by the time I get home from work I will have your sister escort you. That isn’t an idle threat.” He turned and left, closing his son’s bedroom door behind him. But he opened it again immediately. “And when I do get home you will be helping me put up the storm shutters. Naked if need be.”

Tyler was shocked. They were going to make him do it. He tried thinking of options. He could run away, but where too? He had less than five dollars to his name. That wouldn’t even buy him a decent burger. The police? But they had to know about it. Chances were he’d end up worse off if he used them to try to get out of it.

He picked up the curled-up ball of paper and opened it. He’d never seen this, and certainly hadn’t thrown it away. Then he guessed it. Bailey had done it. She didn’t want him to know about it, or the rules. He’d emptied his trash a week ago. If this had been in there two weeks previously, it wouldn’t be there now. But how did knowing that help him? Maybe there was a something in the paper that would help him.

He read thorough the rules. Caden and Grant had been both honest and correct with what they had told him. The rules didn’t say what specifically would happen if anyone failed to carry out the duty, but it did use the word shun. He used his phone to look it up. “Persistently avoid, ignore, or reject.” That matched what his friends had said would happen, except it sounded like it would be far worse than just avoiding or ignoring him. And both of them said they would stop being his friend if he didn’t fulfil his job because they would be shunned just as much as him.

Besides, it didn’t really matter. He had absolute belief that his dad was not kidding about having his sister drag him out to the point and back. And if that happened, she would make sure every kid she knew would know what time he was going.

Bailey. She would be keeping a close eye on him. She wanted him to be seen, and would be overjoyed if he not only had to make the crossing to Plank Island and back naked but then all the way home that way as well.

He made a decision. A plan of sorts. He’d leave as soon as he got up and hide somewhere. Bailey would think he was crossing. He’d wait until the kids she called got bored and left and then leave his clothes and make the crossing.

He left the house at 7:25 the next morning, much later than he had intended. He hadn’t slept well, and when he did finally fall asleep, he slept too long. His sister’s room was empty and he managed to get out the back door without seeing her or her seeing him. He wore a sand-colored shirt and grey shorts, hoping to blend in better. Instead of heading for the Point, he took a path that would bring him several hundred yards northwest of it. A few adults were fishing, hoping to catch something before having to go to work, but as he’d hoped it was too early for kids to be out and about. Using the ocean for cover, he made his way to some vegetation close to the Point.

His sister was there, along with Lyndia and a score of other kids. Bailey kept looking at her watch and then back along the road where he would be coming from if he were going to start the journey now. He thought she looked nervous. Maybe she’d made promises to the other kids. He hoped so. Now all he had to do was wait.

Over the next half hour, the other kids left one-by-one, and by 8:30 only his sister, Lyndia, and one boy were left. He waited another ten minutes before they too gave up the watch. Then he slipped his shirt and shorts off and buried them in the sand above the high tide mark. He noticed for the first time that the waves were crashing in much harder than normal and moved his clothes further into the brush. With a last look around, he backed down to the water and then followed the beach up to where he could go to the point inside of the vegetation that he’d hidden behind.

“Here’s the flag,” the ranger said as he approached. At least he didn’t have to knock or stand there and wait. “Remember, as tempting as it is to use it to cover yourself, don’t. I’ll be able to see you all the way to the end of the Plank. And walk, don’t run. I did this when I was your age and I know how scary it is. Don’t make it worse. I did, and regretted it for years.”

“Thank you,” Tyler said sincerely. The guy was just doing his job and hadn’t said or done anything to make it worse. And his warning was worth keeping in mind. He began his walk down the causeway towards Plank Island. He was about to Walk the Plank.

There were kids along the beach to his right, and he saw binoculars and cameras pointed his way as he walked along the path. Nothing said he couldn’t walk fast. He tried to pretend he wasn’t naked, but his brain wasn’t buying it. Rather than stand up like he thought it would, his dick shrunk down and tried to hide. Which was fine by him.

Half way there he met Caden and a girl he’d been introduced to. Terry something. She wasn’t looking at his head as he approached them. In fact, neither was his friend. He made a conscious effort to keep the flag and his hands from covering up his privates. He even astonished himself. He was naked, in daylight, approaching a girl, and he somehow managed to keep his hands to his sides.

“We figured you’d do it in the morning,” Caden said. “I’m glad to see you didn’t chicken out. I like you, and didn’t want to have to lose you as a friend.”

“Yeah, well, I guess I don’t really have much of a choice,” Tyler responded as he kept walking. Caden joined on the left and Terry on the right. Her eyes were still on his midsection, and it was causing a reaction to occur.

“You’ve got balls anyway,” Caden said. “Do you remember Terry? She lives a few doors down from me.”

“Uh, yeah,” Tyler stammered. His dick was now visible, and still growing.

Suddenly the girl looked up. “I’m sorry Caden,” she said, her cheeks turning red. “You were right, I shouldn’t have come out here.” She touched Tyler on the shoulder. “And I’ve clearly embarrassed you, and I’m sorry I did. I just couldn’t resist. I’ve never seen a teen boy naked and, well, I’ll leave you to your duty.” She turned and started back towards the causeway.

“Wait,” Tyler said. He didn’t know why he stopped her. He was thinking he should have just let her go. But now she’d turned back to him and was waiting. “I, uh, this is about as naked as I get, and by now you’ve seen everything I have to show. I guess it wouldn’t matter if you saw it through to the end.” His dick twitched as he said it, something she didn’t miss. “If you want.”

“Are you sure? I mean, I’d enjoy it, but for all the wrong reasons. Caden asked me not to come. He and Grant are really good friends and were trying to look out for you.”

That was something. He accepted her word that they were his friends and hadn’t set him up to fail.

“I’m naked. With a boner. You’ve already seen all that. I don’t have anything left to hide from you. Unless you want me to take my shoes off. If it were you who was naked, I think I’d have been out here to see you too. For all the wrong reasons. So come along if you want.”

“Wow!” she said as she came back to him and Caden. “You really do have balls. And they’re nicer to look at than I thought they would be. Oh, shit, I shouldn’t have said that.”

Tyler felt his cheeks burning, but didn’t respond. He and Caden resumed heading for the flag pole and Terry returned to his right side.

“I don’t know if Caden ever told me, and if he did I forgot. What’s your last name?”

“Post,” she said, forcing herself to keep her eyes up. “Terry Emily Post. I’m not related to her, but my mother read everything she ever published and since our last name was also Post, I was named for her.”

“Her? Who is Emily Post?” Tyler asked. Here he was, talking to a girl without getting all tongue-tied.

“She wrote about etiquette and manners. She died years ago, back in the 60’s I think. At least my dad kept my mom from using Emily as my first name. I don’t think I would have enjoyed being an Emily. Terry is bad enough. Up until I was nine a lot of boys thought I was another boy. Then, uh, I discovered that I had these.” She pointed to her chest.

Tyler didn’t know what to say. His dick was flipping up and down and he forced himself to look away from her. He didn’t know a lot about tits, but he was pretty sure that she had some big ones for her age.

“Are you and Caden like, more than friends?” He asked, hoping to change the conversation back to less dick-hardening topics.

“Oh, no, not at all,” they both said. “We’re just neighbors. Friends, like me and you,” Caden continued.

“But I did see him naked once, and he saw my tits.”

The twitching resumed, and the desire to touch it was becoming more and more a demand.

“We were eight, and my suit came off in the surf,” Tyler said. “She laughed at me and I got mad at her, so she took her top off. As I recall, there wasn’t much of a difference between her chest and mine at the time.” But Caden could see the effect the conversation was having on his friend. In fact, his own dick was hard inside his shorts. He switched the conversation.

“It’s a good thing you decided to get this over with today. The storm is coming in fast. Tomorrow might have been too windy for the ranger to have allowed you out here. I think we have a rule for that, but I’m not sure.”

“We do,” Terry said. “He has to be burned at the stake and then reborn. Unless he deliberately decided to wait until the last minute. Then he could be shunned for life. No friends, nobody to protect him or help him.” She looked from his dick back to his face. “It is a lot better that you are doing this today. Caden wanted to be with you to help keep you from making mistakes. Like I said, I just wanted to come to see a naked boy up close. I’m not very proud of that.”

“It uh, well, at first … Shit.” His problem with talking to girls had shown itself. He swallowed and tried to clear his brain. “It embarrassed the hell out of me,” he blurted. “But don’t take that to heart. I’ve never been able to talk to a girl. Every time I’ve tried I just say stupid stuff or act silly. But now, with you, I’m able to actually carry on a conversation. I don’t understand it myself. Being naked should make it harder, but instead it didn’t. So look, I know you want to.” He was pleased when she kept her eyes on the path ahead of them.

They had reached the flagpole. Bigger waves were breaking over the rocks protecting the spot from erosion.

“We can’t help or it would mean you didn’t do it yourself,” Caden said. “You’ll have to hang the flag without any help from us.”

It wasn’t hard to figure out. There were two brass rings sown into the flag, and two brass hooks on the rope attached to the pole. He connected them together and began raising the flag. Once free of his hands, it snapped in the wind. He tied the rope off once the flag was at full mast.

“That’s it, except you still have to walk and can’t cover up until you get back to the ranger station,” Terry said. “Are you sure you don’t mind me being with you?”

Tyler felt a smile come across his face. “Yeah, I’m sure. Maybe someday you’ll show me your tits.” He was relieved when she laughed.

“Maybe someday, but not today. Not out here with other kids watching.” She turned to the mainland. Even though they were at the maximum distance from shore, they were still close enough to see people, and Tyler noticed the number of them had grown.

“Let’s get going,” he said, starting out at a brisk walking pace. One he was sure did not violate the rules but would get him off Plank Island as soon as otherwise possible.

He could feel cum on his legs and knew it was dripping down from his dick as they walked. Terry glanced that way a few times, but didn’t say anything. He had a desperate need to jack off, but not only was he afraid that would be considered covering up, but he wasn’t about to do it with a girl watching. Or even just Caden.

“My report will show that you followed all the rules,” the ranger said as they approached the station. “Now that you are back on Gull Point, you can cover and run. Good job.”

“Thanks,” Tyler said as he began running. He’d only gone a few steps before his sister, Lyndia Cooper, and Janet Reynolds stepped in front of him. He covered his dick as best he could, but with the boner it left a lot of him unprotected. And he could feel more cum in his hands.

“We found your clothes and moved them,” Bailey said. “You may as well just go home like you are.”

His heart sank. More and more kids were heading this way, and the run home from here would take him right through the heart of the residential area. But then he thought for a second. This was his sister. The one who had hidden the rules from him and lied to their parents. She wanted him on display. He veered to the right and kept running. To speed up, he let his dick bounce free so he could swing his arms. Behind him he heard Caden and Terry doing their best to keep the three girls from following him.

Once in the surf, he turned to the right and followed the shore until he was sure he was in the right spot. He got out, hearing splashing right behind him. He crawled out of the water and up into the vegetation. He reached around. Nothing. His heart was beating so fast he was sure it was going to burst. Just as he was about to give up he felt fabric. His shirt, and under it his shorts. He was saved from running better than two miles home naked.

“I told you we needed to look there,” Lyndia said as the three girls stopped once they saw him dress. Caden and Terry were right behind them.

“You got lucky this time,” Bailey said. “But this isn’t over yet.” She and her two friends turned and headed back towards the beach.

“I, uh, really need to do something,” Tyler said as his friends got close. “Something private if you don’t mind.”

“Maybe this will help,” Terry said. “Turn around Caden Sullivan.” As soon as the other boy turned, she lifted her top. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

They were the first tits Tyler had ever seen. Well, he’d seen his sister’s, but that was when she was around eight years old. He had nothing to compare them too except stuff he’d found on the internet, but it was enough for his dick to stand straight and proud. Then she lowered her top and turned around.

“We’ll wait for you on the beach,” she said as she and Caden left him.

It was easily the best jack-off he’d ever had, even if it was done outside in daylight. Once he cleaned up as much as he could he joined Caden and Terry and joined them in the walk to their houses.

When he got home he changed out of his wet shorts. His mom told him his father was coming home early from work but wanted him to get the storm shutters out of the garage and moved to the windows they went to. She gave him a map that showed each window with a number. The shutters had a corresponding number.

Although they were made from aluminum, they were thick and heavy. They had holes in them that lined up with bolts set into the walls of the house. When aligned with the bolts, the shutters were then held in place with wingnuts.

Tyler still had three more shutters to get out when his dad got home. “Did you take care of your other duties?” he asked.

“Yes sir. All done. Bailey got to see me naked and she had a wonderful day.” He didn’t try to disguise his contempt for the role he’d been elected to.

“Don’t start with me,” his father warned. “I think she told the truth when she said you violated a voting rule intentionally because you wanted to win the election without understanding what it meant. Get the rest of these shutters out while I change clothes and then we’ll get them hung before dinner.”

It took just over an hour to hang and secure the shutters, and by then the winds were already blowing strong. Twice bands of heavy rain showers passed over them, and his dad continued working so he had to stay and help. A third band was just about upon them when the last shutter was secured.

“Drop your clothes in the washer and go take a shower,” Mom said as he entered. “You’re soaking wet with rain and sweat and I can smell you from over here.”

“I’ll change in my room,” Tyler said sternly.

“You’ll feel my belt over your ass if I have to tell you one more time about talking that way to me or your mother,” his father warned. “That applies to how you talk to Bailey too. Now do as your mother said.”

His sister had entered the mud room and her smile at hearing their father’s words pushed Tyler’s anger to a new limit. It had been a long day, and he was not ready for this. But he also knew his dad didn’t make idle threats. Using all of the will power he had left he managed to keep his voice civil. “I don’t have underpants on. Just the shorts and shirt.” He pulled the shirt off, willing to give up that much in the hope that his mom would relent on the shorts.

“I’ve already seen you naked, so why does that matter?” Bailey asked, sounding innocent.

“Oh for goodness sake, it isn’t worth all this drama,” his mom said. “Wrap this around you and drop the shorts in the washer.” She handed him a bath towel that she’d been about to wash. “And don’t dawdle in the shower. The storm is nearly upon us and I want this load out of the dryer in case we lose power.”

He decided to go to bed early that night. There was nothing much to do in the house anyway. The power had gone out and come back three times already and the winds were still getting stronger. Rain came in waves that made so much noise when it hit the shutters that you almost had to shout to be heard over it.

Bailey followed him to his room. He tried to close the door but was too late.

“How big is your thing when its hard?” she asked. “Lyndia wanted to know. Ryan Smith said it looked like just four inches, which he said is really small.”

“None of your business or hers,” he said. He started to call her a name and then remembered his dad’s warning. “Now please leave my room,” he insisted instead.

“I’ll find out,” Bailey said. “If I get a chance, I’ll measure it myself and then everyone will know.”

“You’ll never get such a chance.” He was pushing the door closed behind her.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that if I were you.” She let the door close, miffed that he hadn’t slammed it. Seeing him naked had been entertaining. Watching him get belted over his bare ass would be out and out fun.

Tyler decided to sleep in the clothes he had put on after his shower just in case. He thought about his sister’s final words and was sure she knew something he didn’t. He got up to try and find the sheet of rules, but it was now gone from his trash basket.

The storm blew itself out during the night. Tyler woke up having no idea what time it was. With shutters over his window, there was no light. His alarm clock was flashing 12:00 at him after the power losses. He got up and saw that lights were on in the kitchen and headed that way.

His father and Bailey were there and a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon had just been set in front of the chair he normally sat at.

“Ah, good, you’re up,” Dad said. “I was just about to send Bailey to wake you. I’m going to go into work for a few hours, and your friends called and said they’d be here around noon. We’ll take down the shutters this evening.”

“What time is it?” he asked as he sat down in front of the food.

“Just after ten thirty,” Dad said. “I’m going to get going. Keep in mind how you speak to family members. Last night’s threat was not idle chatter. I know you’re a teenager, but talking like that to me, Mom, or your sister will not be tolerated. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

Tyler said goodbye to his dad and began eating, ignoring his sister.

She let him finish. “This isn’t an order. It is a recommendation. Go put on some old clothes. Stuff you don’t like or that doesn’t fit well.”

“Why would I do that?” he asked her.

“It’s up to you to decide, I’m just making a suggestion.” She got up from the table and went out the back door.

Tyler had no idea what she was on about. She wasn’t one to give him suggestions that would actually be in his benefit, but this seemed like something strange. He washed his plate and went back to his room. An old shirt, with holes in the armpits, was at the bottom of his dresser. And in the closet was an old pair of gym shorts he’d had to wear at his last school. He couldn’t see any harm in wearing either one, so he changed. He was just tying his shoes when he heard a knock at the door.

“It was a hurricane,” Grant said when he answered the door. “A minimal one, but a hurricane all the same. Sorry about that, more bad luck for you.”

“You need to come with us,” Caden said. “We need to take you to the park.”

“Why, what’s up?” Tyler enquired. The expressions on his friend’s faces was scaring him.

“You really don’t know?” Grant asked. Tyler shook his head. “We’ll talk on the way, but you have to come.”

“You didn’t protect the town from the hurricane,” Grant began as they started walking toward town. “You now need to be tarred and feathered, and then burned at the stake.”

“Come on, what’s really up?” Tyler chuckled. “That isn’t going to happen and we all know it.”

“Well, it kind of is,” Caden asserted. “You will be tarred and feathered. With shoe polish and seagull feathers. And then your clothes will be burned to symbolize your demon self being driven out. Then you’ll be reborn as a new man.”

“Wait, you’re serious?” Tyler asked. He noticed that the area around the park was crowded with kids.

“Yeah, I’m afraid so,” Grant said. “Please don’t dishonor us by running. If you do we’ll have to go through the same process along with you when you get caught. We were sent because we’re your friends. Almost the only ones you have.”

“Terry wanted to come, but she was afraid it might make it worse for you,” Caden added.

As they began to penetrate the crowd, people hissed at him. Grant saw the look on his friend’s face and pointed out that most of them had smiles on their faces, showing they did not seriously consider him a demon. They were playing a role.

In the center of the park was a stage with two posts. Upon the stage was Lyndia Cooper, Janet Reynolds, and Bailey. “There he is, the boy beset by the demon,” his sister yelled when she saw him. “Bring him forward!”

“Please don’t run,” Caden whispered as he grabbed his friend’s right wrist. Grant grabbed the left one. Neither boy was holding him tightly, he could easily pull free if he wanted. “I know this sucks, but I don’t want to go through the rebirth ceremony. Sorry for this.”

If it had been anyone else on the stage except his sister, he could have faced it. He pulled his hands free from the loose grip his friends had on them.

“Shit, please Tyler, don’t do it,” Grant begged. His voice broke as he spoke.

He knew almost nothing about what was going to happen, but he knew he’d lose the only two friends he had. Three, if he included Terry Post. He stood there even though his brain was screaming at him to run.

“I don’t need to be brought to slaughter by friends,” he yelled out. “I will face my tormentors on my own.” Then, in a very quiet voice he said, “Stay here unless you have to come up on the stage. I am not going to run, but I don’t want you to have to do this to me. I know you don’t want to.”

He took two steps forward, pleased that Caden and Grant stayed behind. Then he mounted the steps.

“Tie the demon boy!” Bailey shouted and Lyndia and Janet turned him around and used leather straps tied to the two posts to secure his arms out to the sides.

He couldn’t run now even if he wanted. Whatever was planned was going to happen. Only his two best friends had not pulled him up on the stage. He’d managed his fright on his own.

“Strip him so we can tar and feather him,” Bailey yelled.

Scissors were used to remove the shirt and shorts he wore. At least his sister had been honest in suggesting that he not wear clothing he would miss. As his clothes were cut free, Tyler scanned the audience. Up close, and cheering loudly, were scores of kids, some as young as nine or ten and others as old as 18. But the majority were within a year of his age.

When told they were moving here he’d looked up facts about the town. He knew the population of Gull Point was around 700 people and the elementary school had about 175 kids enrolled while the middle and high schools each had about 80. Judging from the crowd, he guessed that nearly every kid who would be in middle school with him was seeing him naked. While there were older and younger kids, most of the mob were kids aged 12 to 15.

Being naked with his arms outstretched while kids he’d be seeing in school caused him to get a boner. With a huge smile on her face, he saw his sister approach him with a ruler.

“I told you I’d do this if I got a chance,” she said. “Too bad you didn’t listen.” She stuck the ruler against his dick and looked down. “Four and three-eighths inches,” she bellowed. And to think he turns fourteen in just 22 days.”

“How thick is it?” he heard someone shout. He recognized the voice and quickly found the face. Randy Halvor was standing next to Adam Gibbs, last year’s vote winner and the boy he’d voted for based on Randy’s request. The vote that had made him the sacrifice this year.

His sister’s fingers gripped his dick, making it jump. “Fifteen sixteenths,” she shouted to the crowd. “Do we burn a man child or a boy to rid us of the demon?”

“A boy,” was shouted back. Tyler had never been so humiliated in his life, and he wondered what else was in store for him.

“Tar and feather time,” Bailey offered, and her two helpers began using their hands to spread black shoe polish onto all parts of his body except his eyes, ears, and lips. To the wild yell of joy from the kids near enough to see, hands covering his dick made him shoot a load of cum.

Then a box containing hundreds of feathers was brought up, and Bailey called to those who would be in middle school next year to come up on the stage to ‘decorate’ the demon within the boy.

Kids by the dozens came up on stage. While the majority of them were girls, boys were there too. Many of the girls wanted to apply feathers to Tyler’s groin, which gave them reason to touch him. Boys were more likely to put them on his head, between the cheeks of his butt, and on his back. It didn’t end until all the feathers had either been applied or there was no longer any place for them to be added.

During the process, Tyler was shocked to be made to cum twice more by the attention of girls he would be going to school with. He tried to avoid making eye contact with any of them. And then, remaining in the audience, he saw Terry Post. She had given up the chance to touch him, to be near him again, and had waited off the stage. But she was smiling, and her smile brought some measure of ease to his darker thoughts.

Then it was time to destroy the demon by fire. All the scraps of his clothing, everything except for the shoes on his feet, were added to a 50-gallon drum. There must have been lighter fluid in it because when a match was added there was a boom and flames shot up three feet above the top. His clothing was now gone for good, and Tyler was trying to figure out how he was to get home.

“The demon has been destroyed,” Bailey said as the fire burned itself out. “Now it is time for the boy to be born again. I understand that this can take days.” She turned to her brother, who couldn’t miss the look of absolute joy in her eyes.

“Your rebirth will not be complete until your skin and hair has returned to its former color. Until then, you are a child, to be guided and protected by others. You will remain naked until the rebirth process is complete.” She loved the look of horror on his face, but turned back to the audience.

“I call on Terry Post, Grant Fullerton, and Caden Sullivan to come forward.”

Tyler saw the look on the face of each of his friends. It was clear they had not expected to be called, and were reluctant to approach the stage. Then an older teen stepped forward and spoke to Terry. She listened, and when the teen had said what he had to say she motioned for Caden and Grant to move forward.

“You three are in charge of this child,” Bailey began. “Until he has been completely reborn, you will take him for walks and introduce him to all the people you meet. He may be given chores to complete. In the evenings, you will bring him to me for his care.” You will not hide this new child from the public’s eye, but you will protect him from harm. However, he is not to allow the demon to re-enter by being ashamed of his nakedness. If he does, you should immediately reapply the shoe polish until his rebirth is complete without the demon’s presence.”

She turned back from them and faced her brother once again. “Since the boy that you were was not able to protect us from the hurricane, if another storm threatens us again this year you will repeat your duty and Walk the Plank. Hopefully, the demon has been completely banished and your sacrifice will be sufficient to keep the town safe.” In a voice that only he could hear she added, “And I hear another storm might threaten us as early as next week.”

Tyler’s arms were untied and his three friends led him down the steps. Dozens of kids stood around, and they took turns introducing him to the kids he would see in school. It took the better part of an hour before the crowd of kids began to move on.

As soon as they were alone, Terry explained. “This is a special ceremony for when a hurricane does hit us. Much of it is scripted by rules, but a person in charge can establish some conditions and duties. That person this year is Lyndia Cooper, who ensured she got more votes than any other girl, which is how she became the leader of this ceremony. She gave away the speaking role to your sister because she knew it would be more humiliating for you. In exchange for us agreeing to be your escorts, she let you know that covering up would require a re-application of the shoe polish. Had we not come forward, your sister and her friends would have taken the role and they would not have told you the price for covering up.”

“Thanks,” Tyler said sincerely. “Have fun, I won’t be pissed. You saved me from a worse fate by far.”

“There is one other part that you need to know. Do not cover up. If you do, and we don’t cover your body again with shoe polish, we have to go through a re-birth process. I would be the only girl to ever have that happen. And you can count on the fact that people will be watching.”

“Simple,” Tyler said. “Tie my hands behind my back.”

“Are you serious?” Grant asked. “It might take days for us to get you clean.”

“And the longer it takes, the more likely I will be to cover up. So do it. You can remove it for me to eat or times when I need to have my hands free. Otherwise, I can’t cover up if my hands are bound behind my back. The ropes don’t even have to be tight. It won’t matter if I can untie them. The point isn’t to keep me from getting free, it’s to remind me not to put my hands over my dick.”

With a mixture of regret and excitement, his friends loosely bound his hands behind his back. They then set off on a trip through town that Tyler hoped would never, ever, be repeated.

The majority of the girls who saw him close up giggled. Some screamed a little, especially the eleven and twelve-year-old ones. But they also gave him encouragement, talking about how brave he was. How cute he was. And how they understood how difficult this task must be. But they didn’t let those feeling stop them from enjoying seeing a naked teen with an erection.

The boys were a slightly different story. Away from girls, they made fun of him, especially now that they knew his measurements. Every boy who expressed an opinion said they were bigger than him. Of course, when challenged by Terry, none of them were willing to prove it. After spending what they hoped was long enough in town to meet the rules, they turned back towards Tyler’s house.

Tyler’s father was home, and after one look at his son he shook his head. “You’re going to help me take the storm shutters down,” was all he said.

That night Tyler tried to look up how to remove shoe polish, but he didn’t have an internet connection. He called Caden who said the internet was out for all of Gull Point and might be for a day or two. He took a shower, but that did nothing to remove it.

Before going to bed he had one more thing he needed to check. He got himself hard and pulled out a ruler. Bailey had lied. His dick was just shy of four and three-quarter inches long and one and one sixteenth wide. But it was too late now. Boys his age would forever believe the smaller numbers his sister had given out.

By the next morning the internet connection was back up, and he was able to research ways to remove the shoe polish. It still took four days to remove all of it because he could only work in the evening. He spent much of the day in town or on the beach, always with his hands bound behind him so he wouldn’t have to start over on the rebirth process.

The two hardest areas turned out to be his head and his groin because of hair. He gave up and let a barber shave the hair on his head to just a quarter inch long, and that was largely new growth that didn’t have polish on it. He then borrowed some hair remover from Terry to use on his pubes.

He tried to present himself to Bailey to show that he was reborn, but she said that Lyndia had to be there. The next morning the two girls completed a very thorough inspection, laughing at his now missing pubes. But they found two tiny spots, one behind his left ear and the other on the bottom of his balls. That meant another day totally naked in town again.

Finally on the fifth day since his rebirth began, Lyndia and his sister pronounced him re-born and he was allowed to dress again.

The very next day storm warnings were posted, and his friends came by to tell him the bad news.

“It’s okay, I’ll post the flag first thing tomorrow,” he said. After five days of forced nudity where probably everyone in town saw him, Walking the Plank was not going to be the challenge it had been the first time. He told his sister he was going to make the journey as soon as he was allowed the next morning, knowing that she would be there along with friends.

The next morning just before eight he headed for the Point. Caden and Grant were there waiting for him. So was his sister and Lydia, and easily a dozen girls their age. He walked up to the group and stripped, placing his clothing on the sand.

“I’m hiding my clothes here, so if you want to steal them it should be easy,” he said. With his hands to his sides, he and his friends headed for the ranger shack.

The ranger smiled as he handed over the flag. He didn’t feel he needed to give instructions. The three boys crossed the quarter-mile long causeway single file due to its narrow width. Tyler took the lead. He could see many other girls lined up on the island. Most of them would be in his grade at school in the fall. His sister had been busy.

“Did Terry really show you her tits last week?” Caden asked.

Tyler nodded, feeling his dick grow a bit from the memory.

“How big, I mean, what did they look like?”

“I’m willing to bet that if you make this crossing as naked as I am she will let you see them again. I didn’t see them when you two were eight, but I’m sure they’re more fun to look at now.”

Grant stopped, and as soon as Tyler and Caden noticed they turned back. “What’s wrong?” Tyler asked.

“This,” their friend said. “Me and Caden are out here dressed, asking about Terry’s tits. And you’re naked and don’t even seem to care.”

“I do care. I’m not naked by choice, keep that in mind. But every one of these girls have seen me. Many of them touched me. They’ve watched me get jacked off. I can’t take any of that back. Pictures were taken, so my almost 14-year-old dick will be immortalized for years to come. So I’m acting like I don’t care. Look around, they seem to me to look slightly disappointed. I’m not trying to hide, or sneak out here. I’m not hard, but I think I will be soon. But as long as I look like I don’t care, the fun goes out of it. Even my sister was disappointed when I gave her my clothes to steal. I’m not even sure she’ll do it now. Don’t worry about me, I’m doing as okay as I can and I’m trying to just get it done.”

“And in the process, you are making us look like cowards,” Grant said. “I know that isn’t your intent, but that’s what I see when I look at the girls. Two dressed boys and one naked one. I’m not a coward, and I’m going to test your theory about seeing Terry’s tits.” He pulled his shirt off over his head. The interest level of the girls closest to them went up. It went up a lot more when his shorts joined his shirt on the path.

“Caden, you too,” Grant said as he stood there in his boxers and shoes. “Show them you are every bit as brave as Tyler. Don’t let him get all the glory from this.” Without waiting for his friend to respond, he pushed his boxers down and stepped out of them. His dick was half hard, but he resisted using his hands to hide it.”

Caden was torn. He understood what Grant was saying, and he agreed, it did make him look like a coward. But to strip naked with scores of girls around? That took some real balls. He had to hand it to his friend, he had them. But then he realized that now it made him look even more chicken. Two naked boys, and one dressed. All friends.

“Fuck,” he said. “Why’d you have to go and do it?” But in less than a minute his clothes were also on the path.

“If you leave them there the girls will take them for sure,” Tyler said. Seeing his two friends naked, and both of them with boners, made his own dick start filling with blood. At least they could cover up if they wanted. He couldn’t.

“Let them,” Grant said. “You’re going home naked, and so will I. I can’t consider myself a true friend if I let you suffer something that I’m afraid to do. Let’s go, it’s still over half a mile to the flagpole.”

With new terror taking over his every thought, Caden stepped forward to join the other two boys. Resisting the natural thought of using his hands to hide his privates was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but he managed it.

The girls were not allowed to touch or interfere with the chosen sacrifice as he Walked the Plank. They didn’t know if that applied to his friends or not. To the best of their knowledge, no other boys had ever volunteered for this duty. So they giggled, laughed, screamed, and took pictures, but did not touch any of the boys.

The flag was raised and the boys were nearly back to the causeway. The girls on Plank Island must have phoned others because the number of girls had easily doubled. When they passed the point at which Caden and Grant had stripped the clothes were gone.

“I’m not as sure this was as good an idea as I thought it was twenty minutes ago,” Grant said.

“In for a penny,” Caden said, not completing the jingle. “We go with Tyler.”

“What if Bailey didn’t take my clothes?” Tyler asked. “What if mine are still there?”

“Shit, you don’t think that’s possible, do you?” Grant said.

“If so, don’t worry, I won’t disrespect you guys by wearing them. I’m in for the pound.”

They pressed through the larger group of girls at the end of the island. Tyler again took the lead as they crossed the narrow causeway to the mainland. He nodded at the ranger as they passed the shack. Then he looked to where he’d stripped and saw her.

Terry Post was standing there. She was not alone. Three boys, all big and strong, and of high school age were with here. And at her feet were three sets of clothing. “My brother and cousins went to great lengths to ensure your clothing remained behind,” she said as the three naked boys ran to her and began dressing.

“And you two are either the bravest or stupidest boys in existence, but I’ll go with some of each,” she said to Caden and Grant. “I’m proud of both of you. Let’s hope the island is safe now from a hurricane.”

Later, at Tyler Fielding’s house, the boys discussed their reasoning for stripping naked in public. Terry thought it a very noble act. “If I was a queen, I’d Knight the both of you,” she said.

“Hell, the real reason they did it is because I said if they Walked the Plank naked like me that you’d show them your tits,” Tyler joked.

“Is that true?” she asked the other two.

“Well, he did say that,” Grant admitted. “But the truth is, I didn’t want to be labeled a coward. Not a sense of being noble or brave, but because he was doing it and I either had to leave him to make the walk himself or join him.”

“And I did it because Grant stripped, making me look more chicken then both of them,” added Caden. “But it would be cool if…”

“Close the door Tyler,” Terry said. He walked over and closed it.

She wasn’t wearing a bra that day either.


The tropical storm bypassed Gull Point, and Tyler’s sacrifice was seen as successful. He was not contaminated by a demon.

The giggling slowly ended as the boys were seen around Gull Point. By the time school started it had all but stopped. Boys tried to pass pictures around, but only a few girls even seemed interested in looking and many threatened to tell if the boys didn’t delete them. But everyone knew that most of the girls had their own pictures anyway.

Tyler’s hair had grown back. He kept it short on his head, using a style that Terry said would look good on him. Down below he let it grow wild and free. His fourteenth birthday was a boy-girl party, a first for him. His parents specified behavior rules – no spin the bottle, no removal of clothing, and no kissing. The last one occurred anyway, just out of sight of the adults. Bailey saw her brother get his first real kiss from Terry and decided since it was his birthday she wouldn’t tell Mom or Dad.

Terry Post and Tyler Fielding were friends. Neither of them would call it boyfriend or girlfriend, just friends, but to others the name didn’t seem to matter. Out of a respect for her, girls didn’t try to become more than friends with the new boy in school.

But that left Caden Sullivan and Grant Fullerton as available and desirable boys to hang with. Terry helped them to pick girls who she thought would be good mixes for them. By the end of the year, the boys were still with the girls she had recommended, and the six of them spent a lot of time together.

As spring ended, so did school, marking the beginning of the next hurricane season. The bar had been raised. Tyler Fielding and his friends had shown remarkable courage in protecting Gull Point, and whoever got elected next would be expected to display just as much courage. For their role the previous year, Caden and Grant were made ineligible for the vote. That put more pressure on any other boy aged 12 to 15 who had not been elected previously.

Even more so for Randy Halvor. He was still the girl’s favorite and Terry Post had spread the word about how he’d tricked Tyler in order to protect himself. He hoped and prayed that there wouldn’t be any storms requiring a sacrifice this year. He had no doubts about where he would likely end up in the voting should a vote be required.

The End

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