When Everything Changed 1 to 6

By WhoDaMan
[email protected]

Copyright 2020 by WhoDaMan, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now.

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When Everything Changed
by Who Da Man
Chapter 1
The Incident
It was a Saturday. Just like any other Saturday, Eric got up when he felt like it. He mozied down to the kitchen in his pajamas and made a bowl of cereal. "What are you doing today Eric?" his mother would ask, just like she asked every other weekend. Same non-response as usual, almost sarcastic. "I don't know... Who cares. I'll be out of your hair. You won't have to worry about me until dinner time." Eric's mom was used to this routine, but today was going to be different. "So, Eric. Since you don't have any specific plans, I need you to take your sister with you. I have to run over to Marie's house and there's no one here to watch her." "Mom!" Eric objected loudly. "I can't have a little dweeb female following me around!" Eric was a sophomore in High School and his sister was an eighth grader. Truth is, Samantha was old enough to watch herself, but Eric's mom wanted to change up Eric's routine. Eric was constantly getting in trouble, whether it was at school, from the local police or sheriff, or the guards at the pool, or the park rangers. She even had parents stop by at times to complain about Eric and sometimes even his friends.
"You're taking your sister today and that's final!" she insisted. "Or you can stay here and watch her." She suggested, knowing his response. "Mom, I can't be cooped up in the house all day. Player's gotta roll" His favorite phrase. "So it's settled, she is going with you. And I better not get any calls or bad reports. You need to set a good example for your sister." "OK, I will" Eric responded. The closest he got to a 'yes ma'am'.
11 O'clock rolled around. Samantha or 'Sam' was ready and waiting in the living room as Eric came downstairs. "Oh, yea. I almost forgot about you, dweeb." "Oh, shut up dork. I'm more popular than you. And more mature." "What ever" was Eric's response. They headed out the door. Eric had a car. Nothing fancy, but it was transportation. They drove to the county park, Eric's and his friends' favorite destination. They headed over by the clubhouse at the snack bar. Eric and his friend Josh loved to torment other people, especially the boys younger than them. One of their favorite things was embarrassing people.
Walking by was an eighth grade boy in Sam's class at school. She had a crush on him. "Hi, James" she said in a quiet voice. "James walked over to talk to her. He was on the swim team and had the build for it, but he was also very shy and didn't really fit in with the 'It' people. He was in his board shorts today. He chatted with Sam for a few minutes then asked if she wanted something from the snack bar. "Sure!" she said, a little too excited. She knew if he bought her something, they would probably be there talking for a while. This was awesome, for a middle school girl. They were at that age that, not only had girls been interested in boys a for a few years now, but boys were starting to take an interest in girls too. James bought her and himself a soda. As he walked back to where they had been standing and talking, Eric and Josh stepped behind him. As James was reaching to hand Sam a drink, Eric ripped his board shorts down to his ankles and right behind him Josh whipped his boxers down as well. He was now facing Sam on full display with a drink in each hand. He dropped both drinks, grabbed his shorts and underwear. He pulled them up as he took off running, fully embarrassed that he was exposed to some girls in his class, especially Sam.
Sam was conflicted. She was awestruck that she got to see James' penis. It wasn't hard or anything, and truth be told, she only saw it for a few seconds, but it was something she wasn't supposed to be seeing and it was a boy she liked. That in itself was exciting. She was also furious with her brother. He totally embarrassed James and if this made James not want to talk to her because he was embarrassed, she was really going to be pissed.
To Be Continued....
When Everything Changed
by Who Da Man
Chapter 2
Fixing Things
As fate would have it, there were others around from their school who saw everything that happened. It wouldn't be long before it was all over school. As the rumor mill would have it, word did get around and even back to the principal at James' school. She contacted the high school principal to discuss the incident and whether they had any authority or jurisdiction when the students were off from school and away from campus. Principal Martin reminded her that each student signed a pledge form at the beginning of the year 'accepting personal responsibility for their actions on and off campus and agreed that the school could dole out punishments for actions away from school that reflected on the school, teachers, and other students'. "Wow! thanks Claire" she told the high school principal.
That same evening when they got home, Sam was visibly upset. Her mother asked her repeatedly what was going on. Sam finally told her. As she related the story, she had tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" Her mother asked. "I really liked James and we got along really good. Now he probably won't talk to me since I have an ass for a brother." "Well, if it's any consolation, I won't make you go with your brother any more. You're old enough to be responsible for yourself. I was mostly doing it so you two might spend time together and to maybe keep him out of trouble. That wasn't fair of me and I'm sorry."
Her mother tried to console her. "You know, if you really want to make sure things are OK with James, you should go talk to him. Tonight. If you don't let it fester, you might be able to get past it really quickly." "You think he'll even talk to me?" Sam asked. "I wouldn't if the shoe was on the other foot. I'd be too embarrassed." "Maybe I should make your brother go over there and apologize" her mother added. "Naked!" Sam interjected. She was shocked that it looked like her mother was contemplating it. "Well, I'll talk to your father about an appropriate punishment for Eric. But really, I think you should go try to talk to him."
Sam thanked her mother, then she headed for the garage to get her bike. She went back and forth in her head what she would say when she got there. She felt better already, knowing she might get to save their friendship and, well, she did get to see his penis! Can't forget that. She rolled up in his driveway. His mother was just getting out of the car with groceries. "Hi Sam." "Hi Mrs North" Sam replied, "Is James home? I was hoping to talk to him." "Well, he told me what happened. I'm not sure he wants to talk to anyone right now." "My mom said it would be best to try to get past this a fast as possible, otherwise, when people think about it, it becomes an even bigger issue." James' mom agreed. "Come inside. I'll convince him to talk to you. You're a really nice and mature girl, and he needs friends like you." She winked at Sam. Truth is, she was happy Sam wasn't going to make fun of him or make this awkward.
James was in his room sulking. 'Holy Crap! how will I be able to go to school? How will I be able to face Sam?' he thought. He had run through these and other questions over an over. Then the knock on the door. "James, are you OK?" his mother asked. "Mom!" and he started to tear up again. "So James, I would really like you to do something for me." She paused. "What is it?" he asked. "Sam is downstairs..." James started pacing and getting distraught. "James, she is handling this very maturely." "Sure, nobody saw her naked!" He said, his voice cracking. He was speaking so loud, Sam heard him from the living room. "James, calm down honey. This may seem like a bad idea, but I think you'll find it really will help out. She doesn't want to lose you as a friend. She's worried about you. Look, it couldn't have been easy for her to come over here either. Most people wouldn't know what to say after something like this." James opened his door. She hugged her son for what seemed like for ever but was probably 20 to 30 seconds.
"OK, mom. But if she starts to make fun of me or..." His mother stopped him. "She won't, and if I'm wrong and she does, I will make her leave immediately. She wiped some tears from his eyes, kissed him on the forehead, and started for the door. She knew he needed a little nudge of courage so she put her arm around him so they could walk out together.
Sam was freaking out. She had no idea what to do or say and it didn't help to hear James mad and freaking out too. Maybe if she was affectionate. As they entered the room, she ran up to James and hugged him. "I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I can't believe Eric did that. I promise I'll get even with him, I promise!" She was crying as she hugged him. James was confused. He was expecting to be made fun of, but here was the girl that he fantasized over hugging him. He slowly lifted his arms and hugged her back. He was shaking a little. He had never held a girl like this before, especially one as pretty as Sam. "Sam, it wasn't your fault. You don't have to be sorry." "I'm sorry it embarrassed you." They hugged a little longer.
Sensing that Sam didn't know how to progress from here, James' mom jumped in. "Why don't you kids take a seat on the sofa and I'll get you something to drink." Both teenagers looked at her and took a seat. 'So now what do I do' they each said in their heads. Sam spoke up." I hope you don't feel too bad. I know it ruined both our days." Sam was kicking herself inside, 'why did I say that! I hope he doesn't think that was about him, or... his body'. "I'm not sure how to feel right now. I don't know if I can go to school and face all those people Monday. They'll all be staring and laughing."
"Well, I'll come here in the morning and we can go together. Then they might not be so bad. And if they do, so what. At least you can tell them have a girl friend." She realized what she had just said and turned red. James was taken back. "You.. You'll be my girlfriend?" He said, his voice cracking a bit again. "Well, sure! If you'll have me?" She said nervously. She was getting so wound up, she almost had tears flowing. James' mother was hiding behind the door listening and smiling. "Hell yes!" James said. "I mean, yes, sure. I really like you and, well, your the prettiest girl in my class." Sam got even redder. "I am not the prettiest, but thank you." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
James was a bundle of nerves. Here he had the most embarrassing incident in his life so far, and things turned out even better than he could have hoped. His mother brought the drinks in. "Here you go. I leave you two to get back to talking. She smiled then winked at James. She headed back to the kitchen (or to her listening post). "Your mom is really nice" Sam said. "She and I have been really close since my dad died. My sister didn't handle it as well. They fight a lot, but I know they will get there at some point. My mom is awesome."
His mother had tears streaking down her face at this point. She always felt inadequate filling the father role for James. It was nice to hear this. She walked back to the kitchen to let them talk and so that they couldn't hear her if she sobbed or sniffled. Sam and James talked for a while. Finally it was time to talk about what happened "So, you... didn't laugh when they pulled my pants down?" He said nervously. "I was shocked. I couldn't believe they did that to one of my friends. I felt bad. You were so embarrassed and ran away. I was afraid you would never talk to me again" she explained. "No I didn't laugh. Besides, I thought it was cute" Sam giggled. "Cute?" James objected. "Cute in a manly way. I.. ah.." Sam was stammering. "What the hell, I've never seen one up close like that. I'm sorry, but I was mad but I also liked it. It was a little exciting. I did feel really bad too though. Maybe look at it like this, so we're past first base already. Or at least I am" Sam giggled. James laughed too. "OK, so can we stop talking about my, uh..." "Penis, its called a penis!" Sam said, smiling, just as James' mother came in. Sam was almost bouncing in the seat. Here she just gained a boyfriend and got to talk about his penis. Girls don't get to do that at her age.
"O-K-! So, we can stop talking about that. James, it's getting late. Why don't you see your friend out. If she needs you to escort her home, that would be OK." Both kids looked at her confused. "It's good manners to make sure a young lady feels safe going home, and if not, you escort her." James and Sam turned and looked at each other. "Did you want me to walk you home?" he asked. "That would be great!" Sam replied. "I am on my bike though." "OK, we'll bike together. With that, they went outside. James' mother was beaming with pride and happiness. 'What a great girl. What a lucky boy! Hell, what a lucky girl!' she thought.
Sam and James arrived at Sam's house. They stopped at the end of the driveway. "I think this is good for me" he said as he looked at Eric's car sitting there. Sam got off her bike and laid it down. She walked over and gave James a kiss on the lips. He was surprised and happy. "I promise you we will get even with my brother for this, one way or another." She grabbed her bike and walked it to the garage. She turned and wave to James. She blew him a kiss and went inside.
To Be Continued....
When Everything Changed
by Who Da Man
Chapter 3
Discussing the Punishment
While Sam was gone, her mother had been busy figuring out what to do with Eric. His behavior was getting out of hand. She had called her sister in law. Margret told her about a few times her brothers got into trouble and the punishments that were handed down. Stripped, spanked, corner time facing the room. No matter who was there. If it happened away from home, they would wait until they got home and then it was worse. Sometimes they had to stay naked for a couple of days. Again, no matter who was there or was coming over. She spoke to her husband who confirmed what she had been told by Margret. She asked for more details, but none were coming. "I would just as soon forget it ever happened" He told her. "So, did it work? The punishment I mean." "Yep" was all she got. "Well, I think we may be at the point we need to do something like that with Eric." He looked at her, a bit startled. She told him what Eric had done.
After a short bit of silence, Eric's dad spoke up. "You know, honey, I agree we need to step it up on behavior problems here at home. My only problem with setting rules that go this far with Eric is that they seem like a double standard" "Well, what do you mean?" Eric's mom said, sounding perplexed. "Well, if the rules only apply to Eric, then that's the exact definition of a double standard. They need to apply to everyone equally to NOT be a double standard." There was a pause. "What are you trying to say?" she asked. "Well, first, my sisters never got spanked naked in front of us boys. And they did some of the exact same things we did to get one. You know how you're always talking about females being treated as equals. Well, except when it isn't something you or females like." "What are you talking about?" she said with a bit of a tone. "Would you consider stripping Sam and spanking her naked in front of 'whoever is there'?" His wife paused. "I see your point. I would be horrified forcing Sam to strip naked in front of Eric and any of his friends he 'happened' to invite over, let alone spank her. But, I also don't see Sam doing anything that would rise to that level. Sure, she talks back sometimes, comes in late occasionally, and goes places without telling us, but as far as I know, she hasn't pants-ed anyone, she doesn't bully people, the Sheriff has never had to bring her home or call us to get her. I think it comes down to the fact that she's better behaved than Eric."
"Well," the dad replied, "so, part of your answer makes my point exactly. You make it sound like Eric would be a perv for having friends over if he thought his sister was going to be naked. Would your daughters be pervs if they had a friend over for the same reason?" His wife should have paused and thought about the answer, "Its different for girls..." Her husband stopped her, "Exactly my point. There's always some excuse or reason why its 'different for girls' or women. At the end of the day, you view females as superior, above all the 'perversion'. 'It's just natural curiosity', 'girl's aren't like that'. At he same time, boys can't just be curious, they have to be pervs. Boys are bad and girls are good. Once you put on those lenses, you see everything different based on gender, and that is exactly what you say you are trying to overcome on the for females. All I'm saying is you need to stop looking at who is committing the offense and just look at the offense, judge it by the rules, and apply it the same no matter who it is going to affect."
"OK, I see you point. I'm sorry. Its just all the bad stuff you see going on is not being committed by the 'females'. Its the guys doing it." "Oh, you mean in all the TV mini series that you watch? Written by Hollywood? That's not real life. Most guys are decent guys, most boys are good boys. Most are just as scared of girls as girls are of boys. Most don't walk around thinking of sex 24-7-365. You know what we guys talk about when we get together? Cars, sports, work. Just like women are constantly judging each other, guys know other guys are judging their manliness. We want to seem macho, and I'm sorry to tell you, most guys don't think pervs are macho." His wife got his point but they were getting way off topic.
"I hear you. I'll work on it. At least my part in it. Now, can we get back to the matter at hand?" she said. "OK, sorry. I'll get off my soap box. One of the things you said frustrated you was when the kids repeatedly did something against our rules. Where does that play in?" "I don't think repeatedly coming in late or fibbing about it compares to breaking someone's private property or bullying them, and certainly not stripping them naked" She argued. "Well, I think if these rules you want to add are to be fair, they need to apply for repeat offenses too. The point isn't to deter only the stuff you say is really bad, but to deter bad behavior, period. So that has to be addressed at some level." "So what do you suggest then" she asked. "Let's set ground rules for when we will be using this new form of discipline and how it will escalate as bad behavior is repeated. Some things will result in immediately going straight to a naked ass whipping, some will only get there if they are not stopped. We can even take into account how long it has been between bad things as far as escalating goes. I would consider that fair."
"OK, so, how about, if you embarrass someone by exposing them or part of their body that is not meant to be exposed, that immediately goes to the top. If you get arrested and we have to bail you out of jail, that goes to the top. If the sheriff has to bring you home or call us, 1st time is a spanking in their room, 2nd time is spanking on the bare hiney in their room, 3rd is stripped and spanked in living room with 'whoever is there'" she suggested. "So, bullying and lying?" Dad jumped in "we'll consider sneaking out, not telling us where they are, and getting home late the same as lying" Dad interjected.
"So, not being truthful as we'll call it, will result in restriction to home for a week first, then add loss of privileges for a week second, then add extra chores third, we'll add spanking fourth, and Spanking on bare butt next and then in the living room. Any offenses over 6 months old can fall off the list." She finished the list. "OK, and what about the party that was harmed? Do we have them apologize? in person or is phone OK? Do we invite them for the top of the list punishment? What if they get the top of the list punishment and they still act up?" Dad asked.
Mom was surprised how far he was taking this. "So what did your parents do when you boys didn't change your behavior? I would guess it just remained as a top of the list punishment, right?" "Well, yes, but sometimes they also made us stay naked for the day, even if we were at someone else's house or, well, there was this one time, three of us got into trouble. Now it wasn't fair, because I wasn't involved, but the three of us were assumed to have been. We were at a family reunion. It was at the county park. My mom insisted we deal with it right then. Dad made us boys strip, right next to the picnic tables. He beat our asses with the belt. Mom made us stay naked the rest of the day, even after we got home. My sisters and cousins were very attentive to us all day. My parents forced us to go swimming and play volleyball with them. It was so embarrassing. And dad said we would get another whipping if we kept putting our hands in front to cover up. There we were, on total display for everyone to see, even other people in the park. I stopped hanging around my brothers after that. My mom even asked one time why I wasn't going bike riding with my brothers. I said I didn't want to have that happen again, especially when I didn't do anything. She realized then that I shouldn't have been punished, but at the time she was so mad, it didn't matter."
Mom giggled. "So you had to parade around naked in front younger and older girls and moms all day? Wow, I would have loved to see that!" Dad was quick to reply, "And that's the problem. You think it was funny and cute that we got paraded around naked, but if it was a bunch of girls being put in the same situation, every girl thinks its not right for boys to see girls naked. 'That's just wrong'." Mom stopped giggling. "Well, that's why we didn't say the list we just made applied to only one or the other, but I do think Sam won't have an issue since she doesn't really act up." "Oh, I think girls act up just as much as boys, they just never get into trouble. We had girls pants boys in school, threaten to kick them in the groin or cut 'it' off. Women can be violent and verbally abusive. Hell, you could say they even promote rape culture!" He knew he poked the bear on that one.
"What the hell are you talking about? Females are the ones who get raped and threatened, not males!" She was incensed. "So, ever see a police woman or lawyer talk to someone who was arrested and tell them they'll be somebody's bitch in Jail. 'Oh they'll love your cute little ass'. And now they have a law that a woman can kill a man or cut off his junk if she can convince them she was verbally or physically abused? If some guy said or did that stuff to a woman, oh he'd be dead meat. Anyway, we're getting off the subject again. To answer your question, we had extended naked time. Hell, one time my brothers got in so much trouble, dad took the door off the bedroom and the bathroom for a month. That sucked, especially since I wasn't even in trouble but we all shared the same bathroom."
"Wow, so you had no privacy from your sisters? For a whole month? Wow!" she replied. "Oh, not just them, their friends too. They would invite their friends over for sleep overs and stuff or even just dinner if they knew we were getting a naked spanking and they were there almost every day for as long as they could be for the month we were punished. Basically we were the main entertainment. They weren't allow to hang out in our room, but they would congregate at the door around bed or bath time, hoping to get a show. We got good at dressing and undressing wearing a towel. One time my oldest sister ripped one of my brothers' towel off. She got a bare butt spanking for that. They did do it in her room and let her get dressed afterwords because, well, 'she's was a girl' and it wouldn't be appropriate to do that in front of others. If I had done that! Naked ass whooping, extended naked time, who knows what else."
"Well, lets not start down that 'she was a girl' rabbit hole again. So after a top level punishment, 10 minutes in the corner. 2nd one will add rest of the day naked. A 3rd will result in naked at home for a month. I doubt we will get that far or more, but we will worry about that then. What do you think?" she asked, proud of herself. "OK, as long as it's fair across the board" Dad insisted "But only a week." "Agreed."
To Be Continued....
When Everything Changed
by Who Da Man
Chapter 4
By this time they had calmed down somewhat from initially finding out Eric exposed a boy naked in front of Sam. "So what about this current situation? Do we use these rules?" mom asked. "Well, it was pretty bad and warrants something in line with the crime. I think we should call his buddy Josh's parents and talk about it. After we agree on a punishment, we should talk to James' parents. Not sure where that will go, but we're in uncharted territory here." Then Eric's dad added, "Oh, and any taking pictures of someone naked, being in possession of pictures, or threatening to take or share pictures of someone naked or their privates, Top level punishment. No playing around with that stuff." His wife paused, then replied "Agreed."
They called Josh's parents and went over there for a discussion. Josh's parents hadn't even found out about the pantsing. His dad was furious, his mom thought it was kind of funny and shared a few grins and giggles with Eric's mom. Josh's dad was ready to get this discussion finished. Dinner time was coming, and if there was going to be a punishment, it should happen sooner than later. "So, Bill, I think the punishments y'all came up with are a little extreme, but I think these boys are headed down a path to trouble, so I think we'll institute the same rules here. For everybody, like you said. I think we should deal with the boys together, and I think James and his family should be part of it so they get justice and closure." He looked at his wife who quickly agreed.
Eric's dad answered. "OK, I will call James' house and speak to his parents. My wife will start dinner. You folks bring the clan over for dinner. After dinner, I have James' family join us and will meter out this punishment and establish the new rules." Josh's mom jumped in, "Wait, you want me to bring Iris and Julie with us?" Eric's dad answered back, "Of course. From here forward, punishments will involve the whole family, no matter who is in trouble and no matter where they are, well, within reason. Well, unless you think you're girls are not mature enough to behave during someone's bare ass spanking." Josh's dad jumped in, "They'll be fine. I'll talk to them and let them know that they will get some of the same if they are rude or make fun of the boys. See you at 6." With that, Josh's dad got up and started leading the way to the door. There was a lot to do before dinner.
Eric's dad called James' house. He asked for James' dad. When he found out she was a widow, he apologized. He was a little embarrassed at his approach. He explained what they were going to do to punish the boys. "So if just James or your whole family wants to be there to see justice take place, your invited. I'd invite you for dinner, but that might be weird for James or even you, knowing what happened I'll let you know when we are almost done." "Well," James's mom replied "I think some of the punishment sound extreme. Not sure what having all the girls there accomplishes." She secretly liked the idea. "Well, if its to be a deterrent, it needs to be embarrassing and humiliating for them. I think that will cover it." Eric's dad explained. "OK, not sure about this, but we'll be there. You know I have a daughter in Eric's class at school, right?" "Yep. I be in touch." Eric's dad hung up.
Meanwhile Eric's mom had gone shopping and got enough food for the two families. She started cooking. She asked her daughters to help. Both complained. "Mom, I was going to go to Heather's house for dinner and spend the night." "Well, you'll just have to cancel those plans. You'll be glad you did." Sam sensed something was up and stopped whining. "What do you need me to do mom?" They all jumped in and started dinner. It wasn't going to be complicated, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, green beans, and squash. As they got close to being done with everything but the noodles, dad stepped in.
"Girls, I need to talk to you. Let's go outside." He was very matter of fact and both girls were concerned that they did something wrong. As they reached the picnic table in the backyard, which was out of earshot to the house. "Daddy, did we do something wrong?" Amy asked. "No honey, but this is serious. I need to explain something. You are going to be a little shocked, but I need you to behave and pay attention."
So your mom and I have come up with some new rules for you kids' behavior. Things haven't been improving even after punishments. Some of the things happening are getting bad so we need to step up the punishments. I want the punishments to be fair, so these rules apply to everyone. No exceptions. You with me so far?" Both girls answered "yes daddy." Eric's dad continued "So from now on when you lie, come home late, go somewhere other than where you are supposed to be and don't tell us, well, those infractions will result in restrictions. The second time it happens, you get restrictions and you lose privileges The third time we will add extra chores. Now, here's where things step up a bit. If you continue those behaviors, you will get a spanking in your room. The next time you get a spanking on you bare butt in your room."
"But daddy, you never spank us, only Eric." "Well, if you girls behave and Eric still misbehaves, he will still be the only one getting spanked, but from now on, if this lying, sneaking out, going places other than you told us continues, you will join him." "So... is mom going to spank us if its on the bare behind?" Amy asked. She could not image a dad seeing his 17 year old daughter naked. "No, your mother and I will both be present and it will be me that spanks you unless I am not able to be home, then it will be your mother. Anyway, as I was saying, if that does not stop the behavior, then you will be made to strip completely naked and get a spanking in the living room with all the family members there and who ever else is around."
There was silence. Dad let the girls chew on that for a minute. "Now, remember, all you have to do is follow the rules and you will be OK." "Daddy?" Amy said pleading. Sam did not reply because she had a feeling this was related to what Eric did to James. "Now, a few more rules." "More?" Amy objected, "and why don't these rules apply to Eric?" "We'll talk about Eric in a minute. So, If the Sheriff has to bring you home or call us because you did something, that will immediately move you up to a bare butt spanking in your room. If we have to get you out of jail or something like that, you go to the top of the list." The girls looked at each other. "Yep, you guessed it, in the living room naked. Oh, and you get 10 minutes corner time facing the room with no covering up. Everyone gets to see ALL of you. I suggest you don't let that happen."
"Now, stuff you do wrong only counts against you for 6 months. After 6 months, the 6 month old stuff is erased. Depending where you are at on the list, you might be able to breathe again. But, if you make it to the top of the list and you keep getting into trouble, then the 2nd top of the list punishment, you will stay naked the rest of the day. I don't care if it is 10 in the morning, rest of the day for a week. And probably no matter where we are. If it continues, you will come home from school, you will take off your clothes, and you will be naked at home the rest of the time. You'll already be on restrictions, so you can't go anywhere and none of your friends can come over. Not sure you would want them to anyway. You will not spend any time in your room except sleeping. Homework will be at the dinner table, naked. You will keep your activities confined to the living room, kitchen, or back yard. Yes, you can go outside. In fact, if you have chores to do, you will complete them dressed as you are, even nude. That includes yard work, taking out the trash, even getting the mail. Now, any questions?"
Amy looked at Sam wondering why she hadn't said anything. Sam had a serious look that said 'I understand'. Amy resisted the urge to object. "OK" Eric's dad continued. "So it came to our attention, that yesterday, Eric and his friend Josh pants-ed James in front of a bunch of people including Sam." He paused and Amy gasped. She had not heard yet. She was shocked her little sister had not told her. "So, any time you embarrass any one by exposing their body parts that are supposed to be covered, you will go to the top of the list. Even though these are new rules, we feel Eric's behavior warrants this punishment. He and Josh will get stripped and spanked in the living room" Amy's eyes got really big and she could not close her mouth. Sam had a look of surprise as well. "We have invited Josh's family for dinner as you saw. After Dinner, James' family will be joining us to see justice doled out. You girls will contain yourselves between now and then and the rest of the evening. You will be there to add the embarrassment to the punishment, not as a treat for your teenage hormone infected minds."
Both girls looked at him with both a grin and a look of shock that he categorized them as hormone infected. "If you do not behave, you will immediately be made to strip and get the same punishment. I don't care if you enjoy it, but no laughing, pointing, ridiculing, no pictures. You can talk about it later in your rooms. Do I make myself clear?" Both girls tried to straighten up and answered "Yes sir. Then they looked at each other and grinned. Eric naked! "Now, Eric does not know about this. I will explain it to him and Josh when we are all gathered in the living room. You can have your girly fun and talk about it before our guests arrive, but once they are here, not a peep. Got it?" Both girls answered "Yes Sir" and giggled. I mean it. "I'll strip you naked in hurry if you..." Amy cut him off "Daddy we got it. Don't ruin the surprise and don't give the boys a chance to try to run away and avoid the punishment. Got it." She saluted him, which came off as making light of the situation. "I mean it!" and he got up from the picnic table and headed in the house.
He let his wife know he had spoken to the girls. "Wow, I'll bet they are excited. I hope they understand the seriousness of this. I know if I were them, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about penises." She giggled. "I swear, I can whip your bare ass too!" and he swatted her butt as he exited the room. He was mad but he could also see the girls' side of it and that they probably would enjoy seeing high school boys stripped naked. He wondered how much they also liked the part about him being spanked.
To Be Continued....
When Everything Changed
by Who Da Man
Chapter 5
Time To Pay The Piper
Amy was beside herself. She was going to get to see her jerk brother stripped naked and then get his ass whipped! 'No one will believe me!' she thought to herself. 'I have got to get proof'. She looked around the living room trying to figure out where the stripping would take place, how would she get a picture or video of it. She wasn't even thinking about the consequences if she got caught. She found a spot she thought she could put her camera phone and no one would notice. It was under the buffet, off to the side of the couch. She probably would get mostly profiles, but that would be proof. Plus, there was a plug so she could plug in her phone so it wouldn't die. She put her plan into action, being careful not to be seen. She barely got finished when the door bell rang.
Josh's family arrived. As she let them in, Amy looked at Josh wondering if he suspected anything was going on. Eric came downstairs and greeted his friend. Josh's parents didn't say a word to Eric, they walked past him to avoid any awkwardness. The families chatted a little while Eric's mom finished the cooking and preparing. Everyone gathered around the table. Eric's dad had the two boys help bring in the food. They passed food around the table and everyone ate. Chatter was a little less than normal. Everyone but the boys had other things on their minds the whole time. When they were almost finished, Eric's dad excused himself for a moment and went in the other room. He called James' Mom to let her know it was time.
Dinner finished and Eric's dad Asked everyone into the living room so he could talk to them. They all moved to the living room and took seats in various places. Amy positioned herself to make sure no one blocked the view of her phone. The boys of course took seats right up front on the couch. Eric's dad shook his head. He would have never done that as a young boy. Eric actually spoke up first. "Dad, what's this about? We going on a vacation together or something?" "Or something" his dad replied. Just then the door bell rang. "Sam, why don't you let our guests in?" he suggested.
Sam got up and answered the door. Eric and Josh were the only two who were surprised to see James, his mom, and his older sister, who happened to be in their class at school. "Eric, Josh, why don't you two come stand up here" Eric's dad suggested, or more like insisted. He pointed to a spot between he and Josh's dad who was standing on the other side of the fireplace. Eric and Josh looked at each other a little confused. 'What's going on here' they each thought. They did as instructed. James' Mom and sister took a seat on the couch, right up in front of Eric and Josh. James stood behind the couch.
"So, everyone here is aware that at the park, Eric and Josh pants-ed James and exposed him to a crowd of people including my daughter. Sorry James, but I had to mention why we are here." He felt like he was making James relive the ordeal. "Its fine sir, I understand" James replied, very respectfully. "So my wife and I discussed it and we also discussed it with Josh's parents. We came up with what we think is an appropriate punishment." Eric and Josh got very nervous. Eric was considering how he might get out of there. The two dads took a firm grip on the arm of each boy. "Eric, Josh, we expect full cooperation. You are not going to like it, but it is going to happen. How quickly it is over is up to you two." They looked directly at the boys with serious ans stern looks. Everyone else in the room knew what was coming and some even had their hands to their mouths, realizing this was really going to happen.
"Boys, for stripping James and exposing him, you will both receive a spanking here in front of everyone." Eric and Josh were highly agitated and nervous and they hadn't even heard the worst part. Eric had heard about some of the punishments his dad received as a boy and hoped they weren't going there. There were threats over the years but it never actually happened. "You will receive 10 spanks with a belt and it will be on your bare butt." Eric's and Josh's heads were spinning like they were on a swivel. They looked for a way to escape, they looked at the others in the room. They couldn't imagine being seen naked by their sisters or another girl in their class!
"You both will strip here and you will get your spanking, then you will stand over there in the corner facing the room for 10 minutes. After that you may gather your clothes and go to Eric's room to get dressed. While you are in the corner, you will lock your hands behind your back. We are hoping this will stop anything like this from happening in the future. If it does happen again, we will be right back here. Everyone else in this room has been talked to and given instructions not to ridicule or harass these boys afterward, and no pictures. Any violation, and that person or persons will get the same punishment." Eric's dad looked around the room almost as if to get agreement. Eric spoke up. "Dad, you can't do this. This isn't fair. You can't make us strip in front of everyone. Its not right!" "Well, you didn't seem to adopt that attitude when you two boys exposed James, now did you?" "But dad.. " Eric's dad stopped him. He barked an order in as loud a voice he could, "Strip!". He squeezed Eric's arm.
He was really getting angry at this whole situation and at being made to enforce this punishment. Eric's mom hoped Josh's dad delivered Josh's spanking first because she could see how angry her husband was. The mood in the room changed a bit with this new tension. Sure, the females were still anxious to see two naked boys, but their excitement was more subdued. Eric's dad reached up and grabbed Eric's shirt. It was a button down shirt. He ripped it open. All the buttons flew off. He started forcing it over Eric's shoulder. The boys realized this was going to happen. Nervously, they started removing their shirts. Josh's dad almost removed Josh's shirt by himself. Both boys looked at each other. They both were tearing up. They hooked their thumbs in their shorts and after a brief pause, they pushed them down to their feet.
They were both in their underwear. Eric in his white briefs and Josh in his boxers. Josh showed signs he was getting the beginnings of an erection which he was trying to will to go away. The problem is, the more you concentrate on that, the worse it gets, not better. "Shoes too!" Eric's dad ordered. Eric just had flip flops on, he kicked them off and then his shorts too. Josh had to remove his shoes and socks bending down in is underwear in front of everyone. He finished and just like Eric, he kicked his shorts off as well. "Get on with it" Eric's dad ordered, not quite as forcefully as before.
Both boys looked at each other and suddenly started openly crying as they reached down and pushed their underwear to the floor. There was a collective gasp in the room. All the females reacted including the three moms. You just don't get to see this up close, even at their age. All eyes were on the two penises. Both boys moved their hands to cover their penises. Both dads grabbed one arm and slapped the other hand away. "No covering up. This is meant to be embarrassing so this type of behavior never happens again!" he said in a strong tone. Eric's mom handed the belt to Josh's dad, as if to suggest he go first. "I can't believe you made me do this!" he said to Josh, then turned him sideways. Amy had chosen her spot well for her camera. She had gotten the whole beginning and was now getting a good shot of his butt.
"Bend over and grab your ankles!" he ordered. Josh hesitated. "Now!" It was his turn to yell. Eric's mom realized it didn't matter who went first, this was going to be very painful. Josh did as he was told. In that position, He was not exposed. Most of the eyes in the room shifted to Eric whose penis was still on view and was also starting to grow. Josh's dad stepped back a little and let go of a horrendous swing. The sound of the crack of leather on bare flesh wash loud and resonating. Josh immediately howled in pain. He started to stand up, Eric's dad had been prepared for that. He put his hand round the back of Josh's neck and held him in place while still holding Eric's other arm.
Josh's dad let go a volley of blows. He wasn't even counting. He was so angry he just swung and swung. Josh was screaming in pain. Everyone in the room started feeling sorry. They didn't expect it to be this brutal. After he passed ten swings and hit eleven, and started on twelve, Eric's dad released his grip and stopped Josh's dads arm. It hit its target slightly but not at full force. Josh's dad stepped back. He was crying as well. 'This sucks!' he thought to himself. Josh stood, bawling his eyes out and howling in pain. He immediately went to hopping around and rubbing his butt, which didn't help but it was an automatic reaction. Eric's mom headed to her bathroom to get some cold cream.
At this point they all got a view of Josh's ass, it was welted and bleeding. That had been a brutal beating. He would not soon forget it. His erection had subsided. His father guided him quickly to the area they would spend their corner time in. Now everyone was staring at Eric. Well some of them, most of the females were staring at his partially erect penis. He was openly crying. He fully expected the same brutal ass whipping his friend and co-conspirator got. His dad took the belt from Josh's dad and turned Eric. He was now crying hard. He started to bend down and his father helped speed it up by pushing down on his neck. Eric's dad took a deep breath, stepped back, and started delivering blows. Josh's dad had positioned himself to help keep Eric in place and placed his hand on Eric's neck.
This beating was not quite as brutal. Eric's dad had seen what Josh's dad had done and tried not to transfer as much of his anger into his swings. It didn't matter much, as the swings were effective and Eric was howling and screaming just like Josh had. He stopped at ten. Eric stood and was hopping around rubbing his ass just like Josh had. He hadn't noticed how much this made his penis flop and twist, drawing even more attention to it, if that was possible. He was guided to the corner next to Josh. Eric's dad looked at his watch, marking the time. He turned to address the room.
To Be Continued....
When Everything Changed
by Who Da Man
Chapter 6
Sharing The New Rules
"So, my wife and I have come up with a punishment system that is going to stop this and other bad behavior." Josh's dad interjected, "and my household will follow the same rules as Bill's". He looked back to Bill and nodded as if to suggest he continue. "So, little things, like arguing when told to do something, not doing your chores, sneaking out, going somewhere without notifying us, lying, coming home late, those will start with restrictions. A second time you get restrictions and we add on loss of privileges at home. A third one and you get the previous 2 plus extra chores. If it continues or other offenses happen, you graduate to a spanking in your room as well."
"Now, bullying starts at the spanking level. So does us getting a call from school or the police for serious infractions. If those continue you graduate to a spanking on your bare butt in your room, even if you have other consequences at school or from the police and both parents will be there. The next level is what we experienced tonight." He paused and looked at his watch. 2 minutes to go. He did not want to excuse the boys until he covered all the punishments. He also noticed that although the females were completely listening, they were still staring at the penises that had started to plump. "If you're not paying attention, it will not be an excuse to get out of a punishment. So, if you expose someone's normally covered body parts, embarrass them with any kind of naked situation, photograph someone naked, blackmail some one either because you saw them naked or to get them naked, or we have to bail you out of jail, you will end up her."
He paused for a second. "He turned to the two boys. You two can get dressed, but I don't want you to leave until I am done. I'll let you know when you can leave." Both boys leaped for their underwear. They had it on in a flash. They continued to dress. "Now, if you have already reached this level of punishment," he looked at the two boys to see if they heard. They both nodded acknowledgment that they knew what he meant. "You graduate to 'additional naked time'. You will receive the punishment we all witnessed and you will stay naked the rest of the day. You may be punished where ever we are, or we may wait until we get home. If we wait, the naked time extends to the next day after dinner. While in extended naked time, you will only go to your room to sleep. You will spend the rest of the day in the living room, kitchen, or outside. If you have outdoor chores, you will still perform them, naked. All of this will happen no matter who happens to be here or come over."
He continued. "And during this time, there will be no covering up. this is meant to be embarrassing and to deter this bad behavior. It's unfortunate that we have ended up here, but here we are. Now, after extended naked time, if you still get into trouble, after your spanking, the naked time will be extended. A week, a month. As far as you want it to go. If your bad behavior seems to have curbed, stuff you did 6 months ago will be forgotten. You can get some breathing room. But lets hope it all stops altogether." His daughter, now able to concentrate with no penises on display raised her hand. "And yes" he said looking at her, "If you have graduated to spanking and then you do something less serious like lying, you move up. It will be your fault at that point, as you let it get there, so don't." She put her hand down. "Any questions?" he asked.
The room was silent for a moment. James' mom spoke up. "I think most of this sounds like a good way to have a fixed set of rules and how it affects their punishment. I think we will institute this at my house too. I will type up the rules and post them on my fridge! That should be a good reminder. She looked at her daughter who had her mouth open with a look of objection on her face. She didn't really expect problems from James. He was a really good boy. Her daughter, aaahh. lying, arguing, sneaking out. All right down her ally. "Quick question, what were your thought about if they get up to the more severe punishment but there are no people around to add to the embarrassment?"
Eric's dad looked at his wife then back to James' mom. "Well, I guess that's entirely up to you" he said. Maybe we agree if we need more 'witnesses' we can call another family in our group" he said, winging it. "We know how important this is, so we would be OK with helping out" he said, with a little grin in the corner of his mouth. He had not even thought about being in a situation where he got to see a naked teenage girl punished. Now he understood his wife's reaction to seeing two teenage boys naked. "Of course, if someone in the other family is on restrictions, they could not attend. And if anyone proves they cannot handle it because they obsess over seeing it or talking about it, they probably shouldn't come either."
"Sounds good" James' mom answered. "I think my family is done here. We need to get back home. I'm sure we and you all have things to discuss. I'm sorry this all was necessary, but thank you for allowing us to get closure on this episode. I do hope there are no reprisals on James and that the boys know he had nothing to do with this?" she had a look like she was expecting assurances. Eric's dad responded "Oh, I will make it abundantly clear that there will be no reprisals, verbal or otherwise or we will repeat this session and add on extended naked time. Maybe we'll have a block party, invite the neighborhood!" They all looked at the boys, who dropped their heads.
"Well, thank you all, and good night." With that she got up off the couch, indicated for her daughter to join her. Everyone said their goodbyes and James received some apologies and reassurances. They headed out the door and headed home. As soon as they got in the car, Iris could not help herself. "Oh, my god! Did you see that?" Of course they did. "Calm down you little hussie. Better behave or everyone will be seeing that much of you. Soon!" her mother admonished. Truth was, she wanted to talk about it too, but she needed to set an example for her daughter.
Josh's parents started saying their goodbyes to Eric's. This seemed like the right spot to get out of there and let everyone meditate on what they just saw. As everyone was saying their goodbyes, Amy walked over to an embarrassed Josh. "Thanks... for the, uh, show." She giggled slightly. Josh turned a deep shade of red. Her mother heard her. They let everyone leave. Amy's mother turned to her husband. "We need to have a talk with Amy in her room." Her husband looked confused. Amy was worried. What had she done? Did her mother hear her comment to Josh? 'Oh NO!' she thought. She wasn't even thinking about her phone.
Amy's dad didn't know what happened, but if mom was upset, obviously it was serious. "Upstairs, now" he said insistently to his daughter. He had started putting his bet back on. His wife reached over and took it from him. 'Oh, this was really serious!' he thought. They went to Amy's room. After the three of them entered, she shut the door. She turned to Amy. "We just got through warning you not to ridicule or try to embarrass the boys further. Your dad told me he also warned you earlier!" Amy started s=crying. "What happened?" dad asked. "She walked up to Josh and told him 'thanks for the show'" she said it with a sarcastic tone to make a point. "Is that true Amy? After all the discussion we had?"
"But, I , you, you can't put us through an ordeal like that and expect us to know how to react. I don't know what I was doing. I don't even remember saying that. I, I. I'm still trying to understand what all happened tonight!" "Don't give me that" her mother replied, "you knew exactly what you were doing. You've been a little too big for your britches for a while now." She looked at her husband. He was supposed to be the bad guy. He responded nervously, "OK, honey, your going to have to remove your shorts and undies." Amy started bawling at the prospect of being naked in front of her parents and then getting a beating. "But daddy!" she pleaded. "Let's get this over with. I don't like it any more than you do." She wasn't reassured.
Her mother stepped over and started to undo her snap on her shorts. Amy tried to stop her, but mom slapped her hands. Dad reached out and grabbed one of Amy's arms, just like he had done to Eric. This felt weird, treating her just like he had with Eric. 'Did he subscribe to double standards too?' he thought to himself. Meanwhile his wife had undone the buttons on their daughter's shorts and was pushing them down. Amy sobbed openly and blurted out 'Daddy!' while flexing her body. He held tightly to her arm. His wife slid her crocks off, then her shorts. Next, she reached for Amy's panties. Amy repeated her plea, "Daddy?". His wife grabbed her panties and almost ripped them to the floor. Her neatly trimmed bush came into view. She went to cover up. Her mother slapped her hand away. "None of that! You know the rules! Or we could go downstairs! Why would you shave it into a shape of a heart anyway? Who were you expecting to see it?" she asked. Amy was crying loudly.
Her mother took the belt she had set on the bed and handed it to her husband. He looked back at her with a shocked look on his face. He reluctantly took the belt. His wife turned their daughter to face the bed. "Put your hands on the bed" mom instructed. Amy leaned over while pleading, "Mommy! you can't..." "You brought this on, breaking the rules we just gave you! You saw how serious this was. You brother and his friend were forced to stand there naked and get their asses whipped, and while being watched. How could you take this lightly?"
Dad stepped back, took a breath, he doubled the belt over to shorten it. 'Maybe this won't be as bad this way' he thought. He swung. That smack of leather on her milky white skin sounded worse to him. Amy screamed. Downstairs, Sam and Eric just stood there. They knew what was going on. Eric was still occasionally giving a sob from his beating. They listened as Amy got 6 strikes from the belt. When he finished, her dad was openly crying. Not the thought that went through his head while speaking to James' mom earlier. When he was finished, he marched out of Amy's room. He went straight downstairs and to he and his wife's room. He slammed the door, crying the entire time. Both children were shocked to see his reaction. They never realized how their actions affected their parents.
To Be Continued....

(End of File)