Johnny's Punishment 6
By Captain J
[email protected]

copyright 2007 by Captain J, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 19 – A New Day – New Humiliations

Johnny woke up on his own for a change, knowing it was going to be exercises today, thank God no running, but exercises were bad when Nancy set the goals, he knew he was going to be spanked, the only question was how many?

As he ate his breakfast he looked out the kitchen window, Nancy was out there and had hand weights as well as a long barbell. Then a small voice interrupted him, "Hi Nancy, we're here!" and 9 kids came in to view. His juvenile exercise class had just more than doubled! In addition to the 3 girls and 1 boy from yesterday, Emma had accompanied her sister and there were 2 more boys and a girl. Except for Emma, all of them looked to be under the age of 10.

"Hi kids! Welcome to Johnny's workout class." Nancy said addressing the kids.

"Where's Johnny?" one of the new boy's asked.

"I suspect he's hiding in the kitchen, since I saw him in the window a few minutes ago, BUT HE HAS 30 SECONDS TO GET OUT HERE OR HE'S GOING TO START THE DAY WITH A SPANKING!" Nancy yelled towards the house.

A red faced Johnny quickly came out the door and was immediately welcomed by giggles from the new kids. "He's all naked!" the youngest looking girl observed.

"Becky, I told you he would be, didn't I?" Pamela said to the younger girl.

"Well yeah, but I didn't believe you…"

"So do you believe me now?"

"Well I kind of have to don't I; I mean he's standing right there and I can almost touch his thing!"

"Donny said he gets spanked if he doesn't do all his exercises, it that true?" one of the new boys asked.

"Absolutely!" Nancy replied, "What's your name."

"Oh I'm Pete, Donny and I go to school together…I can't wait to see him spanked!"

Johnny was turning redder by the minute as these little kids talked 'around' him and about him.

"Hey…Oh I'm Craig… I thought he was supposed to be 14, he doesn't have any hair..Uh there… My brother's only 12 and he has lots of hair down there."

"Well Johnny answer him, tell him why you have a bald pubis" Nancy ordered.

"My…My sister made me shave it off…" he whimpered and blushed even redder.

"And Why?" Nancy prompted.

"Cause…Cause I cry too much," Johnny added as tears even then welled up in his eyes.

"He looks like he's gonna cry right now," Pamela observed, "Yep look there goes one down his cheek!"

All the kids started laughing and jeering at him calling him a crybaby and that just caused the tears to flow even more freely. Finally, Nancy decided it was time to start.

"OK kids the first exercise will be push-ups, 20 Johnny; you kids form 2 lines over there and Johnny and I will be here, we'll do them by my count." The kids rushed to form their lines, the front had 5 girls including Emma the 13 year-old and the second line had 3 boys and 1 girl.

Johnny was told to take a position sideways to the kid's line and in front of Nancy so she could see him clearly; when he got in position he knew his cock was hanging straight down because two of the girls were whispering about it and giggling.

Emma then spoke for the first time that day, "Hey Nancy, has he been spanked already today? His butt's all pink."

"Not that I know of Emma. Johnny why is your butt pink?"

"Sunburn," Johnny answered and a new round of laughter erupted.

"Well if I were you buddy, I'd try REAL hard today, because spanks on a sunburn are going to be more painful, and I won't lighten up because of it…Understand?"

"Yes Nancy"

"Ok let's begin, everyone in position, down – 1, down – 2, down -3, down -4 … once again Johnny couldn't finish, his arms gave out at 18. "That was better, Johnny but you owe me 2."

"Does he get spanked now?" Pete asked from the back row.

"I think we'll wait awhile," Nancy answered, "OK sit-ups 35, everybody change position; and it's up-1, up-2, up-3, up-4, up-5…up-35. Too bad Johnny you owe my 5 on that one." The announcement got lots of giggles from the kids.

"Jumping Jacks 50! Everybody ready, Go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…"

"Hey look!" Linda shouted from the front row, "His thing is really flopping around, that's SO funny! Ha..Ha..Ha." All the kids including Emma joined in laughing at Johnny cock and balls as they bounced and flopped about with the Jumping Jacks. This time he managed to do them all.

"Good Johnny, Next time we'll have to increase the number," Nancy advised.

"Ok next is squats 50," Nancy directed, "Hands straight out in front, feet together and begin, down -1, down -2, down - 3…" at 45 Johnny lost his footing and fell on this behind, everyone laughed at him, spread on the ground but didn't stop exercising. He got back in position but Nancy had already finished. "Too Bad Johnny that's another 5…"

The exercises continued on leg-raises, the leg spreads, then bicycle movement while still on his back, running in place for 5 minutes, and squat thrusts; by the end Johnny had accumulated 31 spanks. All of the kids had completed all of the exercises except Johnny, That alone was enough of an embarrassment, especially when Nancy reviewed the numbers. Nancy then had Johnny do some curls with the hand weights followed by the barbell, but had to take almost all the weight off the barbell. "Johnny, it's only 45 pounds now, the bar itself is 25 and it only has 2 – 10 pound weights on it. I can't believe you're having trouble with it; I lift that much with one hand!"

Johnny set the barbell down exasperated, then watched in amazement as all of the kids except the two smallest, picked it up one after another, Pete even doing 5 curls with it chest high, then looked at the older boy smugly. "God I'm weak, a 7 year-old can out do me," he thought to himself

Nancy announced that the class was over for today.

"But when does he get spanked?" Pete asked, "That's the only reason I came!"

"Right now," Nancy replied and pulled a chair she had off to the side out in front of the group. "You know what to do Johnny, you owe me 31!"

Johnny was humiliated before it even began, he was going to be spanked by a girl his own age in front of these little kids and there was absolutely nothing to stop it. He reluctantly got over Nancy's lap and the kids were already laughing and cheering and it hadn't even started yet.

"Watch this!" Donny the authority told the other boys, "She hits harder than my Dad!"

Spank! "One" Johnny counted.
Spank! "Two"
Spank! "Three"
Spank! "Ugh…Four"
Spank! "Ouch…Five"
Spank! "Oh…Six"

On and on they went, Nancy using a slow methodic rhythm, tears were freely flowing at 10, by 20, he was almost not understandable between crying and whimpering; when he finally counted 31 he was a blubbering mess, and Nancy just shoved him from her lap. All throughout the kids laughed and jeered at the big crybaby getting spanked by a girl.

By the End, Pete turned to Donny "What a WHIMP! Can't even handle a little spanking… I'm going home…" Johnny just balled harder hearing the young boy's

After a few minutes Nancy pulled him up and faced him towards the garage with his hands on top his head. "Stay there!" she ordered, then returned to the group of kids who were laughing at Johnny's very red behind on display.

"That's it for today kids, you all did great, better than our red rear end over there," new laughter followed that statement, "If you're coming back tomorrow, it's a running day so make sure you wear the right kind of shoes." The kids all left laughing and joking about Johnny's spanking; Emma was the only one to stay behind.

"Did you have to beat him so hard Nancy?"

"That's the program Emma, I have to get him in shape no matter what it takes; those are my instruction; the spanking is an incentive to do more…"

"But it's so humiliating!"

"Humiliation is part of his Mother's program, If I REALLY wanted to humiliate him I'd make him get himself hard before and after the class in front of those kids. Under his rules, he's supposed to be erect in front of any females unless working or if he has permission not to be. Before the class, and after the class doesn't qualify as 'working' and I didn't specifically tell him he didn't have to be; so technically he was in violation of the rules, but I'm not pushing it."

"Well at least you're cutting him some slack, I just don't see how you can be so mean to him."

"Emma, he got himself in deep shit, with multiple violations not just of rules but the law, his parents and us girls are keeping him out of jail by this punishment program, approved by the Juvenile Judge; it's either this or jail and he knows it! We all care about him, hell he's like my brother, we're doing this to turn his life around and get him back on the right track. I hate some of this, but it has to be done for his own good."

"Well I can see where you're coming from, but I still don't have to like it. When Pamela told me about yesterday and him being spanked in front of them, I…well I just had to come and see for myself. I still don't like it and I won't be coming back to watch him be humiliated and beaten, just please, give the guy a few breaks if you can. I like him too much to see him completely broken psychologically, and I think that's where he's headed."

"I'll do what I can Emma, but he can't know that! I think he's learning to hate me and it's tearing me up inside, but I have to do what's been mandated, that's the best I can offer."

"Just do what you can Nancy, …I…got to go…Bye."

"Your sister will be out to get you Johnny in a little while," she said to the still sobbing boy, then gently put her hands on his shoulders, "I'm sorry Johnny I hate doing this, I know you're getting to hate even the sight of me…"

"It…It's ok…" he sobbed, "I know you don't want to but…but I hate all of this…I'm so humiliated all the time….I just can't take much more." He cried.

"I'll see if we can't lighten up some, but I can't make any promises, and we do need to get you in shape!"

"Thank you Nancy… I appreciate whatever you can do…" and sobbed again as she left.

Jane came out about 30 minutes later and handed him some sunblock, "Mom says for you to get back to work on the garage, until lunchtime and to be sure to use that stuff so you don't get burnt again."

"OK Sis, I will, thanks,"

Chapter 20 – Lessons for the Girls
Johnny was kept scraping loose paint from the garage for the rest of the morning. His mother had fixed his lunch and after a shower, ate standing in the kitchen, alone and worrying about what these sex lessons for the girls was going to involve. He was positive, he would be handled and probed, probably jacked off, but what more?

At 1:00, the doorbell rang and Jane called out to him, "Get the door Johnny that should be Susan and her sisters."

"Ok Sis, I'll get it!"

Johnny suddenly was getting nervous about having agreed to this, but he had been rewarded by his father for
volunteering to do it; 'whatever happens, it can't be as bad as all that! If I don't act like it matters, then I don't give them power to embarrass me…' he thought as he reached the front door.

Johnny opened the door and found Susan standing there along with her sisters and to his surprise another girl. Smiling, he said, "Hello Susan, Tami and Uh…Jenny, welcome!"

"Hi Johnny," Susan replied returning his smile, "I hope you don't mind but when I told my mother about today Mrs. Chambers was there and asked if her Granddaughter could come along; she's an only child…Oh her name is Charlotte; say hello Charlotte."

"Uh… Hello Johnny…is it OK?... If…if not I can leave…" the little girl said, but she wasn't looking up at Johnny, her eyes were firmly locked on his groin only a foot away from her.

"Hello Charlotte," Johnny said while leaning forward placing his head directly in front of her, then smiling as he looked into her blue eyes. Charlotte blushed deep red, and almost jumped when his head blocked her view and she knew she had been caught staring. "It's OK you can stay, I don't mind." He softly added and winked at her.

Standing back up and facing the group, "Come in Ladies…Susan where would you like to do this? There's probably more light out on the back porch," he suggested.

"That sounds wonderful Johnny, let's go there then." Johnny led the girls through the house and heard two of the girls whispering to each other but couldn't make out what they were saying.

When they got to the porch, Susan took charge, "Now girls I want you to all sit on the loveseat there, and I'll explain some things before we do anything." The three girls immediately ran over and sat on the front edge of the seat as Susan and Johnny moved to a position directly in front of the girls.

"Johnny is being very kind and helpful to you girls to let you learn about boy's bodies by exploring his, so I want you to be very respectful to him and don't hurt him today."

"How can we hurt him, he's big?" Charlotte asked.

"I'll explain that in a minute Charlotte, you're only nine and don't know about boys physical parts, that's why we're here, so you can learn." Standing beside Johnny she then started by explaining about which body parts were the same on girls and boys, eventually pointing out that boys have breasts and nipples the same as girls but that boys' didn't grow and didn't produce milk for babies. "Now the obvious difference," this elicited giggles, "is that boys have a penis you don't." At this statement she reached down and lifted his cock away from his body.

"Boys pee through this appendage and it is also used to enter a woman's vagina during sex and deposit sperm to make babies; Now, do all of you remember the book we looked at last night?" Three girls solemnly nodded. "Good, now Johnny's penis is circumcised, that means the foreskin you saw in the drawing has been removed, probably when he was a baby, that's why it looks a little different than the drawing you saw."

"Uck! You mean guys put that inside us during sex?" Tami asked.

"Yes Tami, the man puts his penis in the woman's vagina during sex and if everything is working right for both of them and they haven't used contraception, then they might cause the woman to become pregnant with a baby. I know it sounds gross, but just ask Mom, most women enjoy it."

"Who can tell me what this is called," Susan asked as she shifted her hand down and lifted his balls.

"Scrotum," Jenny answered.

"Excellent Jenny, and what are inside?"

"Testis," Tami and Charlotte both answered.

"Very Good! The Testis are the egg or ball shaped things inside; that's where the sperm to make babies comes from. If you hear someone mention a boys 'balls' or 'nuts' those are two slang names for the testis."

"In answer to your earlier question Charlotte, a boys' testacies or balls are very sensitive and can be hurt very easily, especially if squashed or hit very hard. Permanent damage could result and even a light impact is very painful for the boy; so when we are handling Johnny's testis I want you to be very careful not to hurt him."

"Why isn't his….uh…penis all stiff like it was on Saturday?" Tami enquired, "I liked it much better that way, and it was bigger too!" she added. That statement got a little blush from Johnny, but Susan just continued.

"It hasn't been stimulated Tami, the way it is now is it's normal condition. When a male becomes sexually excited, more blood flows into his penis and it becomes hard, that's called an erection. Guys call that having a 'hard-on' since it becomes enlarged and stiffens. Saturday, it had been stimulated and was erect."

Susan then pressed on the small of Johnny's back and he edged forward so that he was within reach of the girls. "Now girls I want you to look at his sex organs closely and you may handle them to inspect them, remember what I said about his testis, Johnny is being very nice to let you do this so don't hurt him even unintentionally."

Johnny stepped a little closer to the girls and spread his legs to shoulder width to give the girls better access, then just stood still and three pre-teens began exploring his privates with six eager and hungry eyes and three pair of hands. Johnny concentrated on ignoring them as they pulled, prodded, stroked and rapidly explored, talking among themselves on how things felt, skin texture, softness and size; meanwhile Susan had pulled herself against him with her arm around his waist and watched the girls, as she absently stroked his side, lower back and then began stroking his behind, after a short while, all the handling of the young boy resulted in an erection, which got the girls really excited. They renewed their exploration of his now hard cock commenting on it's stiffness and the heat they could now feel as opposed to how cool it felt before. Susan leaned in and gave Johnny a kiss on the cheek, which caused a blush on his cheeks, the handling below hadn't thus far managed.

"You're really great doing this Johnny, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to help the girls learn in a safe way like this." Susan whispered to him then gave him another peck on the cheek.

After a few more minutes of exploration his thoughts were interrupted, "I want to make him shoot again," Tami told her sister.

"No it's my turn!" Jenny demanded, "You got to do it Saturday; and you said I could be next but we had to leave before I could do it!"

"Now girls, settle down!" Susan ordered, "Tami, you did tell your sister she could be next, I heard you, so Jenny you get the honors and the rest of us will watch. Now remember what I told you last night about how to stroke it, why don't we have Johnny lay down, so he will be more comfortable and we all can see better."

Susan guided Johnny to the chase lounge and had him lay back, the two girls got on either side, Susan and Tami on one side and Jenny and Charlotte on the other, they were close enough that Johnny could feel their breath blowing across his body. Susan showed Tami how to handle his balls while Jenny began slowly stroking up and down on his cock, Johnny moaned loudly after only a couple of strokes. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Jenny asked and Johnny shook his head no. So she continued working him.

Johnny looked at the girl stroking him and saw intense concentration on her face as she carefully worked his cock, afraid she would hurt him. With all the previous handling from the girls, it didn't take long before Johnny felt a climax approaching, his breathing was almost a rasping and his back was arching as the girl worked him, finally he said "I'm cumming!" and launched seven strong spurts of cum up and out most landing on his stomach.

The girls responded with cheers, "Wow!" "That was Great!" "I didn't think there would be so much!" were the comments that managed to make it through to his fogged brain.

Susan had each girl scoop some cum from him with their fingers and examine it; there followed a discussion of it's makeup and texture and Johnny was generally oblivious to the discussion until he saw her lick her fingers. "Go ahead girls taste it, it won't hurt you, it's a little salty but I like the taste of it."

Looking somewhat skeptically at their sister, Tami and Jenny each gave their fingers a tentative taste, one made a sour face the other cleaned her hand; watching the other girls, Charlotte, gave it a quick taste, then looked up like she was considering the matter then finally just said, "It's Ok," and licked the rest from her fingers.

Susan wiped the remainder from Johnny with a handkerchief, then sat back on her heels and continued her instruction. "What Jenny just did, is called manual masturbation, you'll also hear it referred to as a 'hand-job' or 'jerking-off'. There are other ways to cause an ejaculation besides the manual and vaginal methods. The most popular with boys and men and which you will be requested to perform is oral stimulation."

"You don't…you can't mean put…it in our mouth?" Charlotte was mortified at the thought.

"That's Exactly what I mean Charlotte. Slang terms for it are 'Blow-job,' 'sucking-him-off,' or 'getting head' all of them mean the same thing, sucking on his penis with your mouth until he ejaculates."

"That's Gross!" Charlotte demanded, "You said they pee through it! I'm not going to do that no matter what!"

"Right, we'll check back on that statement ten years from now and see whether that's still your stance!"

"It just so happens," Susan continued, "I like doing it and so do many girls, so if you want to keep a boyfriend you better learn to like it or you'll lose him to some girl who's not so squeamish."

Johnny had listened to this discussion and was shocked by Susan's statement. She liked doing it to guys? Who was she doing it to? After all she was the same age as him and he hadn't even heard a rumor that she was blowing

Susan then proceeded into a detailed discussion of giving oral sex, where and how to lick, making sure to cover the teeth, how and when to actually suck, use of the tongue, swallowing to get more inside you mouth, how to breath and avoid gagging, etc. When done, she calmly leaned forward and quickly sucked his limp cock into her mouth and he quickly learned that she knew EXACTLY what she was talking about!

In very short order she had him hard and thrusting, his body straining under her talented ministrations, it only took four minutes and he couldn't delay it any longer "I'm cumming!" he shouted as he exploded into her mouth. Susan kept right on sucking until she had every drop, then swallowed and licked her lips as she sat back with a smile on her face. Johnny was laying there heaving and gasping trying hard to recover control of his breathing. He had never felt anything like that and his brain was telling him he had to have more…

The young girls broke into a rapid discussion of what they had just seen, how Johnny had reacted, what it felt and tasted like to do it and other things Johnny was too dazed to follow, he closed his eyes and just lay there wondering what would happen next.

The girls moved away from him for a while and continued their discussions on every aspect of sex and Johnny was left alone while the girls animatedly talked on the other side of the porch. He eventually dozed into a nap and the next thing he knew was a very warm wet feeling on his cock, he opened one eye and was amazed when he saw that the feeling was being caused by 10 year-old Tami lowering her open mouth over his cock trying to get it all inside.

The sight of her starting to learn to suck cock brought him right back to 'full staff' and she received applause from the other girls for her success. Tami sucked him for a while then traded places with her sister and Jenny tried for awhile. Jenny was providing heavy suction, where Tami, had mostly just wrapped her mouth on him and moved him in and out. Jenny was sucking hard on every back stroke and his young body responded; it didn't take long and he was on the brink again; "I'm cumming" he cried and arched with the first ejaculation tremor passing through him. Jenny immediately removed her mouth and pumped with her hand but only a little cum oozed out and ran down over her fingers, even though he repeatedly jerked from the orgasm.

"Excellent Girls! I'm sure Johnny enjoyed that from the way his body responded. You keep up that type of technique and you can have just about any boy you want," their sister told them.

"Now let's leave Johnny alone for awhile, he needs to rest, we can go in the kitchen and get a drink and we can talk in there while he recovers."

About 45 minutes later the girls returned and Susan asked Johnny to raise and spread his legs; he didn't know what was next but everything so far had been great so he immediately complied. Susan produced a small jar of Vaseline and dipped some onto her finger. "Relax Johnny I'm just going to have them find your prostate. I already explained how it can intensify a male's orgasm if stimulated in combination with either a hand-job, oral or vaginal sex, but they need to know where it is. We're not going to over stimulate it, I just want them to be able to locate it, OK?"

"Ok," he weakly responded, knowing full well how sensitive that gland is.

"Now girls, with Johnny in this position, it will be on top and about two inches or so inside, just gently slide you finger inside until you feel a bump but don't press on it or stroke it; just find it and remove your finger ok?"

Johnny closed his eyes and waited as he felt, Susan penetrate his hole and gently slide in until her finger touched the gland, "Ugh!" he grunted and his pelvis jerked. "Must be REALLY sensitive!" One of the girls observed, but he didn't know which one. Susan's finger was removed and one at a time each girl entered him and searched until they located 'the spot' then withdrew, it didn't hurt, it was just embarrassing to know his behind was being probed by three girls ages 9, 10 and 12, and he tried his best not to show it but knew his cheeks were blushing.

"That's all for today girls, let's help Johnny get up and then properly thank him for being so nice to let you learn on him, then we'll go home and I'll try and answer any more questions you may have."

Jenny and Susan pulled Johnny upright and held him while he stood, his legs were a little wobbly from having held them up and spread, but he soon stood solidly on his own. One at a time each girl hugged him tightly and thanked him for helping them, Tami went first and stood on tip toes so she could reach high enough to give him a kiss; Jenny was next and then Charlotte (he leaned down for her kiss) last was Susan who didn't hold back and forced her tongue into his mouth, French kissing him for a good 30 seconds, then patted his behind as she released him and giving him a big smile said, "Thanks again Johnny you were great with the girls today!"

"Anytime I can help, Susan….just let me know. Bye girls!"

"Bye Johnny" they all called as they left him there in wonder on the porch.

"That was wonderful Johnny, I'm very proud of you!" his Mother said from the kitchen door.

Johnny blushed bright red, he mostly hadn't been embarrassed throughout the girls 'lesson' however, now knowing his Mother has witnessed all or part of it, caused him to be embarrassed about it. Tears welled into his eyes and he trembled. He only said one word but it was whimpered, "Mommy…"

"Johnny what's wrong?" his concerned Mother asked and quickly crossed to him and gathered him against her breast. "Talk to me baby, tell me what's wrong." Johnny hadn't called her 'Mommy' in years.

Johnny whimpered and returned his Mother's hug, digging his face into her chest as he now openly cried. She stroked his head and held him tightly.

"Everything is so hard….I'm embarrassed and humiliated all the time," he whimpered, "that with the girls just now wasn't….wasn't so bad, but why do I have to be so humiliated?" he sobbed.

"There…there baby," she cooed to him as she continued holding the crying boy against her and stroking him. "You have been doing really good and this afternoon you made me so proud the way you were so patient with the girls; I could tell you were embarrassed a time or two, but you hung in there and allowed them to learn what they needed. I'm so proud of you Johnny…" She continued hold her crying son for several more minutes getting more worried the longer he cried, finally he was more calm and just sniffling every once in a while.

"Honey, you've had a very hard day and you're tired; why don't you go lay down until dinner, then you can relax this evening, OK?" she offered.

"OK….thanks Mom," he said, as he pulled back and she wiped the tears from his red face.

"Go lay down baby and I'll come and get you for dinner."

His mother watched the back of the still trembling boy as he entered the house. 'I'm going to have to keep a very close eye on things for the next few days; he's very close to a mental breakdown.' She thought to herself.