Johnny's Punishment 7
By Captain J
[email protected]

copyright 2007 by Captain J, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 21 – Another Day

Johnny had discovered after dinner the night before that apparently either Tami or Jenny had scraped him with her teeth while practicing oral sex, he had a sore spot on the underside of his dick but hadn't noticed until he went to take a leak and his fingers gripped it. After inspection, he applied some first aid cream to the red area and it seemed to be better.

That night he just crashed when he went to bed, he was a tired puppy.

"JOHNNY GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE!" was the sound that woke him the next morning.

"Shit! It's Nancy," he thought, then realized, "I over slept!"

Hurrying Johnny got out of bed and quickly tied on his tennis shoes, then stood and panicked when he found himself sporting a very stiff hard-on. 'God! How am I supposed to run with this?' he thought.

He didn't have time to ponder that problem because Nancy was at his door, "Let's GO Johnny everybody is waiting!" Nancy grabbed him by the arm and dragged him through the house, slapping his behind as they went.

"Ouch!...Ouch Please Nancy I'm going!" he pleaded as she continued to apply a spank about every other step.

When they exited the house Johnny was greeted by cheers and laughing at his being brought out by Nancy. "We didn't even have to wait to see him spanked today," one little voice observed. "Hey look his THING is HARD! He MUST LIKE IT! Wow look at it bouncing around, that's really funny!" Johnny turned beet red and tried to cover up his condition, Nancy just smacked his hands away, "They've already seen it!" she said with a snarl to the red faced boy.

"You just earned an extra half mile Johnny, that's 5 laps so get moving!" Nancy commanded and swatted his behind to get him going.

Johnny started jogging down the driveway past the giggling and laughing kids, the girls pointing as his cock bounced so hard it was slapping his belly and thighs as he ran, so he was in the lead of a pack of kids on his exercise run and Nancy was right on his tail, smacking his behind if he slowed or broke stride. Round and round they went, Johnny getting more tired with each lap, by the final lap his legs were wobbly and catching breaths were painful, the 'stitch' in his side was stabbing at him and it was with great relief when he finally collapsed on the patio. Somewhere along the run his boner decided to go down, he didn't even remember when.
All the kids sat down also, only none of them were showing signs of exhaustion like him and they let him know it by jeering him with snide comments. Nancy gave him time to catch his breath then told everyone to get in position for push-ups, "20 Johnny!" she commanded and he got into position.

"Begin! Down -1, Down -2, Down -3….Down -10, Down -11"

"Look how red his behind is! He must have got at least 40 or 50 smacks while we were running!" a small voice observed, and the sweating boy heard.

"Yeah but the REAL spanking is when he won't finish his exercises!" another small voice responded, then giggles were heard.

"Down - 16,"

The comments and giggles broke his concentration and Johnny collapsed and began crying when he heard, "Only 15 good ones, you owe me 5!"

"Down -20 that's it kids!"

"Look at the crybaby!" Pamela announced, "He hasn't been spanked yet and he's already crying!" All the kids were laughing at him and jeering as he lay there sobbing.

Nancy pulled him up and over to the chair, then across her lap and began. Johnny didn't need to count, the kids did it for him as Nancy spanked full force. "ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE!"

Johnny was blubbering as he was stood back up and dragged to face the garage and placed in position. The kids stayed a while longer and watched the trembling boy stand with his fire engine red behind on display, making comments about him and how weak he was then decided to leave. Somewhere in there Nancy had left also and he was now alone, standing facing the garage. He was weeping, sobbing and crying his whole body shaking, when his Mother came outside dressed in her bathrobe, "Johnny?"

"MOMMY!" he whimpered and she quickly gathered him against her then guided him onto the porch, and sat down pulling him to her breast cradling his head.

"Mommy I….I can't do this…" he whimpered as she continued to hug him to herself, she just held him and stroked him for awhile, then her robe parted and Johnny was gently sucking on her left nipple like a baby. "There, there" she whispered as his trembling and shaking had immediately stopped when her breast entered his mouth.

She let him continue for about 5 minutes until all stress seemed to leave his body, then pulled him away and sat him on her lap like a toddler, wiped his tears while hugging him, then told him to go clean himself up and lay down for awhile.

Johnny got up, and rubbing his sore behind made his way into his house. His mother just sat there for a couple of minutes.

"Mom? What was all that?" Jane asked from the kitchen door.

"Jane, your brother is on the verge of a mental breakdown, he lost it there and while I was holding him to calm him down my robe fell open and he suckled my breast. I guess I'd forgotten what a breast-baby your brother was. Come down here and I'll explain."

Jane quickly sat beside her mother.

"Johnny was breastfed as a baby, you both were," she started, "I fed him right up until you were born, then after you came along, I fed both of you for a couple more years. I indulged him, I guess but it was always the quickest way to calm him or stop his little tantrums, just put a nipple in his mouth and he quieted right down, and became very calm and peaceful."

"You mean he drank breast milk until he was four?"

"More like four and a half before I started to dry up and even then I let him suck until almost five, just to calm him."

"But why does it have that effect/"

"I don't know Honey, it just does… Something in his brain just clicks when he gets a nipple in his mouth… like a switch is being thrown… and all of a sudden he gets very calm and sedate… don't know why, but it's always worked."

"Strange!" his sister observed.

"Yeah I agree, but it's always been the fastest way to calm him."

"Round up the girls, we need to have an emergency meeting. I'm very concerned that as fragile as he is mentally right now, he could be forced into a total mental breakdown if we are not very careful and end up in a mental hospital."

For the next two hours two women and four girls discussed Johnny's condition and what to do about it. Finally it was decided to reduce punishments as much as possible, still physically work him hard, but to also reduce embarrassing humiliations for awhile, Nancy was specifically told to exercise with him alone, NOT with the kids until he recovered some self-esteem. Being physically shown-up by the younger kids and then spanked was particularly humiliating and they needed to back-off on that until he could at least do the exercises without having to be punished. Everyone agreed to the plan and the meeting broke up.

Nancy went home and contacted Emma and told her to have her sister pass the word that the kids could not exercise with Johnny for a couple of weeks, but that she would run a separate class for the kids if they wanted.

"So he's finally getting a break." Emma observed.

"Yeah, he pretty fragile mentally right now and we are backing off on as much humiliation as possible. He's still going to get hard physical workouts and occasionally be punished but other than him just being naked all the time, which he seems to be getting used to, we are reducing the embarrassments for a while."

"Thank God!" Emma exclaimed, "Susan, Ann and I were talking about him last night and we were all VERY concerned about where he was heading. Susan in particular after he was so patient and gentle with her sisters yesterday for that sex lesson."

"I've been concerned too Emma, I mean he's really a nice guy and I hate hurting him all the time, now I don't have to…"

"I know you love him Nancy, we all do…Please be careful with him."

"I will Emma, bye now, take care…"

Jane went to her brother's room when the meeting broke up while his mother went to get dressed and do some grocery shopping. She found Johnny asleep, but crying and whimpering in his sleep, mumbling to himself as he was apparently having a bad dream.

Closing the door behind her she sat on his bed and pulled his trembling body against her, his head on her shoulder and sat there stroking him, trying to calm him down. After a few minutes, she lowered his head some and then pulling down her tube top and guided his head to her left nipple.

Johnny immediately locked on to the nipple with his mouth, sucking and licking with a fury as Jane ran her fingers through his hair and murmured to him, not really even saying anything.

Within a minute, he was calm, his body still, as his mouth kept gently sucking at her just developing breast. 'I don't even really have a tit, just a little bump,' she thought, 'but Mom's right, stick a nipple in his mouth and he become a happy baby…' She let him continue sucking until he stopped on his own, fast asleep, then moved out from under him and decided to let him sleep until Lunch. Leaning over him she kissed his forehead and caressed his cheek before leaving her brother alone in his room.

Two hours later, Jane woke her brother and handed him a plate with a sandwich and a glass of milk. "You've slept all morning, eat your lunch then get back to work on the garage, you only have one side left to scrape."

"Thanks Sis, I'll be right out…" he responded. He immediately began wolfing down the sandwich."

"Slow down Johnny, there's no big hurry, it's just you and me; Mom's out shopping and Dad's at work, so enjoy your food."

Johnny just smiled at his sister, who was getting up to leave, with his mouth full he didn't even try to talk; and calmly consumed the rest of his lunch.

After lunch, Johnny went to work on removing the last of the loose paint on the garage and put some primer on the bare spots. Then went inside and called his father at work and told him the garage was ready for painting.

"That's great son, I'll pick up the paint on my way home!" his Dad told him.

Johnny went looking for his sister and told her he was done until they had paint.

"Well go shower, you're filthy!" Jane responded, then added, "Getting a little ripe too!" holding her nose and giggling. Johnny just smiled at his sister and ran to take a shower.

Dinner that evening was sedate, other than the fact that Johnny was very uncomfortable on his punishment chair. His father had inspected his preparation of the garage for painting and ruled that he had done a good job. "I brought 5 gallons of paint home and put it in the garage, Johnny I want to get it repainted before it rains, so other than your exercises, I want you working on this fulltime until it done."

"Yes Sir!" he responded, "It should only take me a couple of days and they're not calling for rain until next week."

"Good Johnny, you're doing great!"

Johnny got to relax and read that evening, he even got to lay on his bed to do it. At 10:00 his sister came in and he immediately tensed up. "Hi Sis, what do you want?"

"Just checking on my favorite Brother?"

"Uh…are…you going to make me do anything?" he whimpered.

"Relax Johnny, I'm concerned about you and just wanted to make sure you were OK."

Jane sat down on his bed and took his book from him and laid it on the nightstand beside the bed, then pulled his head against her and stroked his hair as she talked softly to him.

"I love you Johnny, so why are you shaking and all trembling?"

"I don't know Sis, it just seems that lately every time one of you girls comes in or to wherever I am, it's some new punishment or humiliation to endure."

Jane kissed the top of his head and stroked his shoulders as she continued. "We all love you Johnny and we don't want you to be afraid of us."

"Jimmy wrote a letter to me and said he is afraid he going to be drafted into the Army." She informed him, "Mom and Dad are concerned about him and I'm afraid if he gets taken he might get killed over in that Viet Nam place."

"Why didn't they tell me?"

"Didn't want to worry you I guess, until they knew for sure. They figure you have enough to worry about of your own right now."

"Still I wish they'd told me," he pouted, "Jimmy and I were never that close because he was so much older…and was gone so much…but I do miss him…"

"Now I want you to tell me why you were afraid of me when I came in Johnny, I've never physically hurt you ever except for your confession day, and I had to do that to get you to tell us the truth."
"I…I don' know Sis, I'm just so scared all the time anymore. It's just… just one punishment after another… and constant embarrassment and humiliation…" he whimpered.

"Look at me Johnny," as she turned his face up from her shoulder towards her own, "I love you and won't do anything to hurt you unless it's absolutely necessary, you have to believe that!"

Tears welled up in his eyes and a few leaked down his cheeks, as his head slid down onto her chest and he shuddered and trembled again. Jane reached between them and slid her tube top down exposing her breast with an erect left nipple.

Johnny's eyes looked at the pre-teen nipple then looked up at his sister and murmured "It wasn't a dream, was it?"

"What are you mumbling about?"

"This morning, I was asleep, and…and I dreamed you…you did this," a finger gently reached up and touched her nipple, "It…it was real… wasn't it…"

"Yes Johnny," and she leaned a little forward and brushed her small nipple against his lips, which immediately parted and began gently sucking, kissing and licking her budding breast. "I love you Sis," he managed to mumble as his entire being shifted to concentrate on that nipple and he was soon totally relaxed.

Ten minutes later Johnny was sound asleep in her arms and she gently extracted herself, laid him down and covered her sleeping brother, then quietly turned off the lights as she left the room. Jane went to bed and again masturbated herself to sleep, Johnny's mouth had excited feelings she'd never felt before…

Chapter 22 – A New Routine

Nancy and Jane conferred the next morning before waking Johnny. "Go easy on him Nancy, give him numbers he can meet without having to be beat on; you should know by now where is breakpoints are, just add one or two each time so he can meet the goal yet still make progress. I'm really worried, he scared to death of us girls, he lost it twice yesterday and I had to calm him down."

"How did you do that?"

"You're not going to believe it but Johnny has a breast fixation! Seems Mom breastfed him until he was about 4 ½ and even after that if he was upset or out of control, all she had to do was put her nipple in his mouth and bang, instant calm Johnny! It really works! Twice yesterday I had him suck on my nipple, and I don't have hardly anything but a nipple and within a minute he was calmed down and sedate. Let him suck for awhile and he falls dead asleep!"

"Wow, I've never even heard of something like that, of course Mom bottle-fed us, she said Vicky had a habit of biting and after her, she didn't take any chances."

"All I know for sure is it works. Dad wants him working fulltime on getting the garage painted before it has a chance to rain, so leave him enough strength to do his work. OK?"

"Sure, No problem, Oh the kids will be working out with me every day at 10:00 after I finish with Johnny, if you want to participate."

"Not a chance! I'm no jock, I like my body just the way it is, girls should be at least a little soft; I'm no iron woman and don't want to be one."

"Whatever! Just thought I'd offer, now let's get your sleeping brother up and at it."

Johnny was surprised that day when he reported for his exercises and only Nancy was on the patio. He had been worried all through breakfast about how much humiliation he was going to have to endure today in front of the kids. "Where are the Kids?"

"I'm giving them a separate class for the next two weeks," Nancy responded, "You need time to develop some muscle and they are a distraction; so until you are up to at least minimum, it's just you and me Johnny. So let's get started shall we?"

For the next hour Nancy worked him through all the standard exercises and he managed to do either all or almost all of each, by the end, he had earned only 3 spanks and he accepted his penalty spanks without a whimper, just a few grunts as they landed and a few rubs to his behind.

"That all for today Johnny you did much better, you seemed to be concentrating without the distractions, so we made the right decision to eliminate the kids; now your Dad wants you to get with it on the painting, so I'm going to let you get to it. Bye Johnny!"

"Bye Nancy, see you tomorrow if not before," and Johnny turned to get started with the painting.

Johnny stirred the first can of paint and set up the ladder and was painting along the one eve when below him the usual 'exercise' kids arrived and were met by Nancy.

"Hey how come he's up there painting, I thought he exercised with us then got spanked?" Pete the little smartass from the other day asked.

"He's already done his exercises for today," Nancy answered "He'll be painting all day so are you ready or not?"

"I only came to watch the sissy get spanked again, if that's not going to happen I'm leaving!" Johnny turned red at being called a sissy but didn't say anything.

"Then GO!" Nancy told the boy standing in threatening manner with hands on hips, "Or maybe YOU will be the one spanked! AND DON'T COME BACK!"

Pete took one look and Nancy and ran not walked back down the driveway, he was never seen at the house again.

As Johnny worked the kids exercised below him on the patio, he noticed that Nancy set higher numbers for every exercise than she had for him that morning, and all of the kids completed almost all of the exercises. 'God I really am a weakling' he thought as the continued to work. After an hour the kids all left and Nancy waved to him as she returned home.

Thinking about what had happened during the class, he also noted that none of the kids made comments about the naked boy working on the ladder above them, it was as if he either were not there or it was now normal in their minds to see him that way. 'Guess Debbie was right, they see me but don't SEE my nakedness unless I give them a reason to…"

Two hours later Jane carried his lunch out onto the porch. "Did you get ANY paint on the garage?"


"I said did you get any paint on the garage? You have so much on you I was wondering if any made it to the wood."

"Well of course I got paint on the wood."

"Couldn't prove it by looking at you. Your lunch is on the porch, but don't sit on any of the furniture like that!" Jane yelled as she returned inside the house.

Johnny looked down at himself when he got off the ladder and saw he had paint on both hands, spatters all over his chest and face, a couple big spots on his thighs from leaning on the latter where he had obviously smeared some on the rungs, and spatters down both legs.

Johnny got the garden hose and washed hard to get the paint off, at least it was water based latex paint so he didn't have to use a solvent, then sat on the patio stones and ate his lunch. His sister returned when he was finishing up and handed him a big glass of iced tea, since his glass with lunch was empty.

"Well you got most of it off," she said looking him over, "I suppose that's good enough, you just be covered again this afternoon." And gave him a big grin.

"Comes with the turf, I guess," he said smiling back at her.

"Oh…really, I thought maybe you were putting on you 'war paint' so you could play cowboys and Indians."

"Nope… need cowboys if or at least cowgirls if I'm going to be the Indian."

"At any rate make sure you get it all off before you come in at dinnertime, Mom would not be happy with you tracking paint through the house."

"Sure Sis but I may need some help, can't see all myself you know."

"Get what you can, and I'll make sure your backside is clean, brother, but you may not like it if I have to scrub REALLY hard," she smirked.

"It's OK, scrubbing is better than spanking, I can handle it."

Jane took note of the sigh which accompanied his last statement, "Don't worry Johnny, I'll get you clean," she offered in a softer voice, "Now back to work."

"YES Slave Driving Sister, anything you say!" He chuckled as he got up to start working again.

"I'll show you slave driving," she said as his back turned towards her and 'goosed' him with her hand on his butt, getting a little jump and yelp from him as they both laughed.

At 4:30 Jane came back out with a rag and a bar of soap. "Come down Johnny!" She called to her brother who was now up on the ladder on the backside of the garage. Johnny came down and closed up the paint can he had been working from then cleaned the brush. "You're wearing even more than you were this morning," Jane observed, "come on let's get you cleaned up."

Jane sprayed water over him as he scrubbed himself with the soapy rag made from an old towel, and when he'd managed to get most off the front took the rag and started scrubbing his back, butt and the back of his legs. "How the hell did you get so much back here?" she asked as she scrubbed at his behind which was covered in white paint.

"Slipped and fell back against the garage where I'd already painted," he replied.

"Thought maybe you did this intentionally so I'd have to scrub your butt for you," she said with a giggle.

"No, but it's a thought! Maybe I will the next time, you're hands feel good back there." He kidded in return.

"You Wish!" and handed him back the rag and soap, "Now finish the front, you still have spatters all down your chest."

"Thank you Sis," he said as he kept scrubbing at himself, "I'll be inside in a few minutes."

"Anytime Brother," and she was gone.

His dad arrived home and inspected the work done so far, Johnny had used 3 of the 5 one gallon cans already. "I'll have to get you some more paint the way it looks."

"Yeah, that South side is really drinking it up where it take the brunt of the weather," Johnny agreed, "I'm going to need at least two more gallons, the North side is kind of weathered also."

"I'll get three to be safe, let's put a second coat on where it weathers. Good job Son!"

Dinner was a non-event, he had to sit on his punishment chair and hated every second of it then was allowed to go lay down and read again.

Once again his sister came in and sat on his bed as bedtime approached. "How you doing?"

"I'm OK."
"You worked hard today Johnny, you did a good job."


"Need any relief?"

"Do you mind?"

"No it's part of MY job."

"Should I just do myself?"

"How about I help you."

"You don't mind? That… that would be great… but I don't want to…impose"

"Shush, let me help you…"

Jane sat and positioned her brother across her lap, then holding his head against her shoulder used her free hand to gently manipulate him, when he was hard and starting to strain, she untied her halter top exposing both her young breasts and pulled his head towards her right nipple. Johnny got the idea at once and started sucking on her as she resumed firmly working his rod. It didn't take long before, she heard, "I'm cumming" mumbled against her chest and felt the twitches and throbs announcing his pending ejaculation. She just kept stroking as he grunted against her while continuing to feverishly work her nipple, by the time he was soft, he was also asleep against her, and she kissed him before extracting herself, wiping him off and covering him with his blanket.

"Good night Johnny" she softly called across the dark room as she retied her halter top and left her sleeping brother.

Chapter 22 - Friday
A hand was shaking his shoulder to wake him, when he recognized Nancy's voice calling his name "Johnny!"

He literally jumped up from the bed in fear that he had overslept again managing to knock Nancy off the edge of the bed in the process.

"Nancy! I'm Sorry, I…I didn't mean to oversleep, I didn't hear the alarm clock," he all but cried his voice pleading.

"Easy Johnny you didn't oversleep," just then the alarm sounded and she reached over and turned it off. "I just came in to wake you, and make sure you weren't late."

The trembling boy standing on the bed looked scared to death and Nancy stood and lifted him from the bed, then sat and placed him on her lap and hugged him. "Easy Johnny you're not in trouble and I'm not going to punish you," she softly said in his ear, "I just came to wake you so that there would NOT be a reason to punish you, OK?"

"OK," he whimpered

'God he really is terrified of me,' she thought and hugged him tighter as he continued to tremble in her arms. Nancy remembered her discussion with Jane yesterday morning and decided this was an emergency, she shifted slightly to get a little room, then in one swift movement removed her top exposing to firm young breasts about the size of big oranges. Johnny sat paralyzed on her lap not even seeing her naked chest.

"Johnny," she softly said to him as she turned his face towards her.

Johnny was shocked when he realized what he was seeing and could only whimper "Nancy?"

"Yes Johnny," and she lifted him and repositioned him with his mouth at her left nipple.

Johnny didn't need any further direction, her nipple and half her breast was in his mouth in a flash. He kissed, licked and sucked in a feverish manner. Within minutes, his body was slack and all trembling had gone away and she pulled him from her breast, "That's enough for now, we have exercises to do."

Johnny gave a little whimper as she removed him from her chest and stood him on his feet, but was totally passive as she put her top back on and guided him to the bathroom and then the kitchen for breakfast.

Neither said anything as he ate his breakfast, but Nancy's mind was reeling at 90 MPH. 'One little suckle and total control, I never would have believed it!'

Outside she stood him in front of her, "Wednesday you made it 2 ½ miles so we'll do that again today Johnny, now let's get started," and faced him in the right direction and gave him a light swat to get him moving.

Johnny ran the circuit today seemingly without major strain, he was huffing and puffing but keeping a good pace, his mind seemed to be elsewhere, Nancy thought but he was doing better than ever before. By the time they completed the run he was out of breath but not collapsing like before.

"Push-ups – 15" She directed and he made all of them.

"Sit-ups – 35" she ordered and again he made them all, they were facing each other and she could see his eyes fixed on her, specifically her chest, and noted he was rock hard between his legs.

When they were done, she kissed his cheek and told him he had done excellent, then gave his hard cock a stroke before turning to leave. "Better get to your painting!" she called to him as she was well aware he was staring at her retreating back.

Nancy shook her head as she crossed the yards to her house, 'who would have thought, a little flash of titty, a couple minutes of sucking and he does everything without a problem, well that's a 'different' incentive program but it sure seems to work! Sure more effective than whacking his ass.'

Johnny was still standing there in a daze when his Mother called to him from the kitchen, "That garage isn't painting itself!" and he quickly got to work.

It was his mother who brought out his lunch that day, and in addition a full pitcher of iced tea was set beside his plate. "Geez Jane was right, you get as much on yourself as you do the garage! Sit outside, I don't want that paint all over the porch furniture."

Johnny scrubbed his hands and face but didn't bother with the rest o himself, he knew he'd be covered again by the end of the day anyway, then sat on the pavement eating his lunch. His thoughts were interrupted by a comment his mother made.

"You must have done better on your exercises today Johnny I didn't hear any spanking."

"Yeah, Nancy said I did good, I managed to get through everything today."

"Excellent! Keep up the good work, we're all proud of you Son."

"Thanks Mom, I'll… get back to work now."

"OK Johnny just leave the plate and glass and I'll get them. I'll leave the pitcher and a glass for you, be sure to drink lots of liquid, it's hot out there."

"Thanks Mom…"

When Jane came out to get him at 4:30 he was not only covered but crusted with paint. "My god Johnny! You've got at least a half a can all over you!"

It took a solid forty minutes of scrubbing by both of them to get all the paint off and it was a very pink boy that was left when the scrubbing was done. Where the paint had caked on his hands, arms and legs, the hair came off with the paint and as a result he was now almost totally hairless below the neck. "Your skin's smooth like a baby's with all that hair gone, I better get you some lotion though or it's going to be tender where the hair got pulled out," his sister observed.

Jane guided him into the bathroom and helped apply lotion to his now hairless arms and legs. "That's better," come on Mom's holding dinner, Dad won't be home till late."

His mother immediately noticed his very pink skin and asked what happened.

"The paint dried in the hair on his arms and legs and when the paint came off, so did the hair," Jane answered for him.

"Well at least it won't happen again," his mother said knowingly, "there's no hair left for the paint to get stuck on." And gave a little chuckle. "Sit and eat kids," she ordered but Johnny stood looking for his punishment chair.

"Sit Johnny," she again ordered, "Your chair's not here and well, you're not supposed to know this until tomorrow, but it's being eliminated, so act pleased and surprised when your Father tells you tomorrow."

"That won't be hard, I hate that thing!" Johnny replied, "But thanks Mom for letting me use a regular chair tonight."

"You're welcome Son, now sit and eat before it get's cold."

Once again Johnny was given permission to relax in his room that evening and once again his sister showed up just before bedtime, this time she closed his door when she came in.

"How's my brother?"

"OK… why did you close the door?"

"Just wanted privacy while we talked."


"Need relief?"

"Almost always, but you know that."

"OK, go ahead."

"You going to do me?"

"Nope, I'll just watch."

"That really embarrassing having someone watch me"

"Too bad, I like to watch you do it yourself."

"You like to watch?"

"Sure, you think guys are the only one's who get off watching sex?"

"I never thought about it."

"Sure, my pussy gets wet and I get all tingly down there watching you, then I have to go rub myself before I can go to sleep."

"Girls do that too?"

"What did you think boys were the only one's who could give themselves an orgasm?"

"Never thought about it."

"Well wakeup my retarded brother, girls get off too, we just aren't as messy and we probably don't do it as often. Now are you going to do it or not?"

Johnny grabbed himself and started working trying to get hard, but wasn't having much luck, his sister watched him struggling, "Need help?"

"Would you?"

"No, but how about a visual stimulus?" and removed her top, then her shorts, and sat there now only wearing her panties.

Johnny's body responded as he stared at his sister's mostly naked body, and remembered what was hidden under her panties, a smooth almost hairless cleft. Jane just watched him and her left hand massaged her nipples while her right snuck down into her panties and he could clearly see the wet spot on the cloth between her legs.

Her fingers were moving in her panties as she rubbed herself in front of him, he was feverishly pounding away on his cock staring at the movement in her panties until he couldn't take it any more and cried "I'm cumming!" and started shooting his load.

Jane had been watching her brother while she fingered herself and when he started cumming so did she and her whole body shuddered with her orgasm. When she recovered, she calmly put her shirt back on and picking up her shorts, walked to the door and just said, "Good night Johnny sleep well."

"Night Sis, you too and she turned of the lights as she left.