Nancy's in Charge Part 20
By Captain J
[email protected]

copyright 2011 by Captain J, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Part 20

At lunch the boys sat at the table and were given soup and sandwiches. "I talked to your mother Sam and she was relieved to hear you were welcome to stay here the rest of the summer. She's recovering fine, and will stop by to see you this afternoon sometime. Jimmy your father and I will go out and get you a new bed when he gets home from work this evening, so you two can be more comfortable."

"Did she say what's going on with Dad?" Sam asked.

"Yes a little, his hearing is tomorrow and the prosecutor is moving to deny bail. She's also hiring an attorney and filing for divorce. She plans on selling your current house and buying something smaller, but still nearby so you won't have to change schools and she's going to be looking for a job. Do you know what she did before she got married Sam?"

"Yeah she was an executive secretary, what they call an administrative assistant now; she basically ran the office for a company president and handled all his scheduling and made all preparations for his meetings and travel. She was planning on going back to work this year anyway; she's been making contacts for the past 6 months looking for a job she might be interested in. She had a couple of meetings discussing openings even before all this started."

"Well if she was any good at it at all, she'll have no problem finding a job like that again. Good admin assistants are hard to find. Most people can't do the multi-tasking involved in that work. You have to be everywhere all the time and 5 steps ahead of your boss. It takes talent to do that."

"She was good at it; she made more money than my Dad until she had me and had to take time off work to raise me. Then when she was going to go back to work, the company was sold to someone else and then they closed the factory like 2 years later. Dad never made as much as she did, when she was working and grumbled about it all the time. She paid for more than half of the cost of our house, in cash up front when they bought it. Even not working, it was income from her investments that kept the family going sometimes. Dad's work was so seasonal and hit and miss being in construction, she paid the bills as much as he did."

"I take it from what you've said that she kept her investments separate from his money?"

"Yeah and he grumbled about that too. But Mom said he'd waste it or drink it all in booze and kept her money separate."

"Smart woman, I don't know her very well but she sounds like someone I should get to know. More women need to protect themselves like that. I don't need to Daniel does a good job of providing for us and has never been one to engage in drinking or drugs, but still, he gave me investments in my own name to give us a fall back should his business fail at some point. Those would be safe from his business creditors should that happen. This house is in my name alone for the same reason. They couldn't come after it, if they sued his business for some reason."

"You own the house alone? Not joint ownership?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes Jimmy I do and it's paid for too. The first couple of years your father was in business were touch and go and he set it up so no one could get the house or the investments I hold, if that happened. It turned out he's been very successful, but we never changed the house or investments, just as protection for the family, in case something should happen. Businesses start and fail all the time Jimmy, all it would take is one good lawsuit and he could be out of business. Our family is protected regardless, all they can get is what's in the business's name at this point."

"I never knew any of that... but didn't need to know either... it makes sense though..."

"No you kids didn't need to know, but sometime you might want to sit down with your father and discuss financial matters like that. He's very good at them and you could learn a lot from him."

"I will Mom, protecting your family should always come first. I knew he was good with computers, but not that he knew all about finance and stuff like that."

"Jimmy you can't start and run a small business without knowing about finance, legal matters, and the subject of the business itself, not and be successful anyway. Your father is a very smart man and an excellent businessman."

"I can see that now that you've pointed it out; it's just not something I ever thought about..."

"So what are you boys doing this afternoon?" she asked.

"The Great Depression," Jimmy answered and Sam groaned.

"More history? Can't we do math or Social studies or anything but history?" Sam asked.

"History today, Math tomorrow, Social Studies the next day... get used to it..." Jimmy replied grinning.

"Slave driver," Sam mumbled.

"Yeah and you love it, so let's go and you can tell me all about how it started, what happened and how it affected society and politics. Anything you don't know, you 'will' know before we're done."

"And to think I wanted to stay here the rest of the summer, I must be really stupid," Sam said with a laugh, then got up and followed Jimmy as his mother watched them leave, shaking her head in amazement that they were joking about what she knew had to be hard work for one and boring for the other. 'Sam's in for a long summer, history is Jimmy's favorite subject and one he's really good at!' she thought to herself.

Jimmy cooked a roast on the grill during their afternoon beach time and it was done when his father came home. "Good job Jimmy, couldn't have done better myself." He exclaimed over dinner.

"I've been using that new grill almost every day you've been gone Dad. It's easy to make good stuff on it, we've used two bags of charcoal in addition to what you had on hand in the last two weeks. Oh it's available at the hardware store. The owner stocks the big 20 lb bags for about the same price the other stores charge for the 10 lb bags and he says he stocks it all year round. If you don't see it, just ask and he'll bring it out from in back, he has a grill like yours and keeps a good stock on hand for himself."

"That's good to know and we're supporting a local business, that's even better. Thanks for telling me Jimmy."

"Have you heard from Sherry Mom?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes she'll be over this evening to brief us on what they found and what happened."

"Did she say anything at all?"

"Just that what they found backed up Sam's report 100% and she was sick at what she saw. She didn't want to talk about it on the phone..."

As the boys were doing the dishes, Sam turned to Jimmy's father who was helping them. "Mr. Henderson? Uh could I ask you something?"

"Certainly Sam, what is it?"

"Uh... Hm... your naked like us and so hairless you must have been waxed why?"

Blushing as he answered, "Yes I am Sam and will be at home from now on. <sigh> Sam my wife rules this house and her rules apply to all males in the house. Once she decided to take charge, she ruled that all of us males were to be naked here. That rule includes me. I was naked all the time before the kids were born and mostly until they were old enough to notice. Then she let me wear clothes at home except when she and I were alone. Now She and Nancy are in charge, and I'm third on the list as far as control of this home. My wife is a natural dominant and she's trained Nancy to be that way too. It was the way things were in her house when she grew up and her mother, my mother-in-law is even more dominant than my wife. Being naked and submissive at home to her was part of being with her and I'm somewhat submissive with women by nature, so it wasn't that hard for me to accept that she was in charge of our relationship, nor accept her being in charge of our family."

"So she's in charge of everyone including you? And so is Nancy?"

"Yes, but Nancy has decided to leave 'my' supervision mostly to my wife. She doesn't feel comfortable supervising me, but still can give me orders if she chooses to."

"Sir, I'm supposing you were naked on your vacation? You've got one hell of a tan?"

"Yes we were on a 'clothing optional' cruise, mostly nudists, and I was naked the entire time except at meals which the ship required clothing for. Otherwise, I was naked and she wore whatever she felt like, sometimes naked, but not always like me. There were other female dominant pairs on the cruise ship also and we made some friends that don't live far from here. Their houses are run the same as this one."

"So you've been doing this a long time?"

"18 years give or take a little, ever since our second date."

"And you're ok with it?"

"With Susan no problem, I'm used to it. I'm still getting used to being naked around my daughter, but I'll adjust to it. Nancy is a nice girl and wouldn't abuse the authority she's been given. I'm just not used to her being in charge is all."

"OK well I was just curious, Mom kept me naked at home as long as I can remember, but not my Dad, at least not that I ever saw. I guess it's up to each woman how they run things..."

"Sam virtually all the women in that women's group do the same things with their families, it's just a matter of degrees. The women are all in charge make no mistake about that."

That evening Sherry arrived and everyone gathered in the living room to hear her report. "Forgive me if I get emotional while I talk folks it was worse than I ever imagined, even knowing what to expect from Sam's report, well it was worse. First we arrive just as they were starting lunch and parked away from the compound and walked in so that the noise of the cars wouldn't alert them that we were there. We looked around outside and could see immediately that parts of Sam's report were true, there were holes dug in the ground that were fresh just like they made Sam do, there were spots on the grass that were yellow where pee had killed the grass, and you could see marks in the dirt where boys had been made to crawl around the place. We went into the dining hall and just as Sam's report said, two boys were on hooks along the wall, the boys were all dirty, bruised, with fresh wounds, and were given just stale bread and a single slice of cheese and water while the women and girls were feasting on a big meal across the room. Judge Jenkins ordered all the boys unbound and had the food taken from the women's table and given to the boys to eat. Then demanded explanations and a tour from the staff. When they didn't take us to the barn, but showed us the 'dorm' she demanded to see the barn and when we got there and she saw the filth and the cages, Mrs. Roberts, decked the Matron and knocked her flat on the floor, the deputies had to hold her back, she was ready to kill the woman.

They inspected the books of the place and found the Matron had been stealing from the operating funds; and then interrogated each of the boys, girls and women. On the wall of the Matron's office was a chart going back years with the names of all the boys that had been there, how long and what was done to them in the way of punishments. There were at least 150 names on it. She was actually proud to display them like that! I got sick and threw up at that point! Anyway the Judge gave them a choice; the place was closed as of right then, and either they accepted her judgments or they were all to be arrested and processed in criminal court. She told them flat out that if they chose court, they'd all be locked up for 20-30 years minimum. They agreed to her judging them and accept her punishments."

"She had the matron sign over the deed to the property and all bank accounts, including her personal bank accounts to make reparations to boys who'd been there, then ruled each of the girls were criminally delinquent and to be sent to juvenile detention until age 21. Each of the women was to be admitted to a mental hospital as a danger to society, and had to agree to a minimum 5 years of commitment, the Matron 10 years minimum. They were to be psychologically evaluated and kept longer if the doctors still felt they were a danger to men or boys. So they were taken away in the van by the deputies, and more vans were brought in as well as a doctor to take care of the boys and get them home. Mrs. Roberts said the Matron was a sociopath, whatever that is, and should never get out. At any rate it's closed and all of them are locked up one way or another. The property will be sold and money sent to all the boys' families who were there. That's the best outcome they could come up with, I hope that qualifies as justice for you boys. It will never give you back your self-esteem for the torture Sam, but it's the best she could do without having it all over the news and you boys having to appear in court and recount what happened, for each of the offenders."

"They're all locked up then? For at least 5 years in a nut house? And the Matron 10?" Sam asked.

"Yes maybe longer and the girls in juvenile detention with the state until they're 21 so for most of them that's 4-6 years for them too." Sherry replied.

"OK that's acceptable, it's not enough, but it's the best I could hope for. None of them should ever be allowed around boys for the rest of their lives. They're nothing but a bunch of sadists! Thanks for telling me Sherry, I had a hard enough time writing it all down, I sure wouldn't want to have to tell it in court a dozen times. I'm satisfied that they did their best to end it." Sam advised. "I still don't want anything to do with the official women's program though. Your women's group allowed that to happen, you, not you personally, but your group never checked up on them, they'd still be torturing boys if I hadn't talked and wrote that report."

"Yes and Mrs. Morehead and Mrs. Lee were highly upset about that as well as Judge Jenkins. All of them vowed to never allow something like this to happen ever again and were going to have all the other camps inspected also. Any abusing the boys will be closed and their staffs handled just like these were. Some corporal punishment and humiliation is expected for unruly boys, but no one ever envisioned or sanctioned a camp or procedures like you endured."

"You can tell the women that I'll follow my Mother's orders and the rules here where I'm staying this summer, the rules in this house. But I'll never submit to their group again. I don't trust them and doubt I ever will. They allowed this to all happen and did nothing to stop it from happening to begin with. Why should I trust women who have so little regard for the safety of us boys? I don't and won't."

"I won't either Sherry, they've proved they can't be trusted with our safety. I'll follow Mom, Nancy and your directions, but not that women's group. Not in any official form. They don't deserve our trust." Jimmy advised. "Mom don't even ask me to be a member of that, we already talked about it this afternoon. I'll follow your rules but not be a member of that program. Never."

"We already discussed this Jimmy I won't ask that of you or Marty, you will follow my rules, that's sufficient." His mother replied.

"If you're out then so am I and probably most of the girls I know Jimmy, I'll inform Mrs. Morehead. And Jimmy thank you for trusting me to look out for you, that means a lot to me." Sherry added.

"I'm out too Sherry, you might as well tell her that when you talk to her." Nancy advised.

"Ok well Jimmy and I have to go to the school in the morning, so I'll tell her then. She won't be happy but that's her problem. Jimmy, Marty and Sam are more important to me than her women's group." Sherry told them.

"You care about me?" Sam asked.

"Yes Sam I do, I care about all you boys and all the others in the program. Why do you think I went there today, to make sure it was handled and you boys protected from it ever happening again. You boys are more important to me and should be to all women and girls than any program. We want you to love us and help us reach our goals; that doesn't mean making you slaves. You need to follow us of your own free will or it means nothing. So yes Sam I care about you and your welfare. If that means I'm not part of that group, then so be it."

Tears filled his eyes as he said, "Thank you Sherry..." then he leaned on Jimmy who wrapped an arm around him and tried to calm him.

Sam's mother arrived later and Jimmy told them to use his room to talk, so that they'd have privacy. The outcome was that Sam would be staying for the entire summer, his mother was divorcing his father, selling her house, buying another, would have his things moved to the new house, and that she was withdrawing him from the Women's group program but would continue his training on her own. He was to follow all rules of the house, Jimmy was in charge of him and he was to be a 'good boy' for Jimmy and the Henderson family. She apologized for sending him to that camp and he forgave her, she also advised him that she was going to quit the Women's Federation herself, since they'd failed to protect her son when she'd put her reliance in them. She'd had a long talk with Mrs. Morehead and Judge Jenkins and read his report and was appalled at how he'd been treated. After meeting with Sam, she met with Mrs. And Mr. Henderson and thanked them for taking care of her son and offered to pay them for his keep, but that offer was refused. She departed with tears streaming down her cheeks knowing that her son was safe and well cared for.

Jimmy came into his room, after she'd left and found Sam sitting on the bed. "So are you and your Mom ok Sam? She was crying when she left." Jimmy inquired as he sat beside him and wrapped an arm around him.

"Yeah we're fine, she's dropping out of the Women's Group and wants nothing to do with them after what happened to me. She's really pissed at them. She trusted them and it all blew up. Anyway I'm here for the summer, you're in charge of me, as well as your parents and Nancy since your Mom put her in charge of the house and you boys. She was going to offer your parents to pay for feeding me all summer but I told her they probably wouldn't accept it. That's probably why she was crying. You have a great family Jimmy and I'm sure Mom's feeling a little overwhelmed right now. She's got so much to deal with and it's better that she doesn't have to worry about me while handling all of it."

"So you're mine for the summer huh? I get to pound tons in information into your head every day?" he said pulling the boy into a one armed hug.

"Yeah, Mom made it clear that you're in charge of me totally and that I was to be on my best behavior with you. All of that's easy for me Jimmy, you're now my best friend and I know you care about me, so I'm good with having you in charge. You're a really nice guy you know, even if you are a tough teacher. That we get to spend all day together, everyday is just a huge bonus to me. Your Mom told her we were doing sex stuff Jimmy and she's fine with it. She said it was between us, just like your mother said. She thinks that if I'm going to do things with boys that you're much better for me than the other boys I've been with. I told her you have a girlfriend and that it was just casual, that nothing would come of it and she was still fine with us."

<yawn> "Well I don't know about you Sam but it's been a long day, how about we go to bed? I've already used the bathroom, so why don't you hit it and we'll just call it a day."

"Sounds good, this has been a long day for me too." Sam replied and got up to go to the bathroom.

When he returned, Jimmy was already in bed and facing the door. Sam turned off the light and crawled into bed facing him. Jimmy pulled him close and softly kissed him. "You up for anything tonight?" Jimmy whispered.

"With you always, but are you Jimmy?"

"Of course, you're my fuck buddy now, so I have to take good care of you."

"Fuck Buddy? What are you talking about?"

<giggle> "Sam we've had each other right? You know fucked each other and we're buddies. So now you're my girlfriend sanctioned, mother approved, actually 2 mothers approved, fuck buddy. We take care of each other and have full approval from everyone that matters to do what we want with each other. So is that big cock of yours up for action tonight?" he said as his hand reached down and massaged him, "If so my butt is empty and ready and I'd like to feel that big thing in me again."

"Really? You're not kidding with me are you?"

"Never about sex Sam, I love it and want more. So are you going to talk about it or give me that big dick? Remember I want kissed before and after and I'll take it as long as you can last big guy. All night long if you can manage it, but I doubt either of us could do that. Tonight you get to use my body anyway you want for as long as you can manage. Then I'll never feel guilty again when I slip my dick up your cute behind. Fair enough?"

"You're sure? Really? God what an offer..."

"Sam shut up and kiss me."

"Right! Uh remember you have to be quieter, like Nancy said but yeah!" and he pulled Jimmy in and kissed him deeply, getting both of them hot and very horny in the process.

Two hours later after exploring every possible position he could think of Sam finally gave out, Jimmy had more orgasms than ever and lost count of them. Sam after a fast cum the first time, never seemed to give out, and just kept on going trying different positions and variations and Jimmy finally gave out first, as Sam was still pumping him as he lay on top as Jimmy lay face down.

Jimmy woke first and was softly kissing Sam, when his eyes edged open. "Morning Sam," he said between soft pecks.

"Morning Jimmy, you ok? You passed out on me..."

"Yeah a little sore, but it's a good sore... I may be walking funny this morning you really reamed me Sam, did you ever wear yourself out?"

"Yeah not long after you passed out, I emptied the last of my cum in your butt and fell asleep holding you. Jimmy that was the most fantastic sex I've ever had. So don't ever feel guilty about using me ever again."

Looking past Sam's shoulder to see the clock, "Let's go shower and fix breakfast, It'll surprise my parents if we do that, then we've got our workout with Sherry and then you get to study this morning while she and I go to the school and meet with Mrs. Morehead, Roberts and Mrs. Lee about this tutoring program."

"Jimmy you know you're going to catch a bunch of shit from old lady Morehead about dropping out of her women's group program don't you?"

"Sam I was never in it, so I'm not dropping out of it. I'm just not joining it. If she doesn't like it too bad, Mom's backing me up on this."

"OK I was just warning you, she gave my mother a bunch of grief over her removing me from it. Mom just told her they'd blown their chance and she couldn't trust them with me anymore. So I'm officially out of it. I'm still doing the same things but they have no supervision or control anymore. Morehead wasn't happy about it but after that whole deal at the camp couldn't argue either."

Thirty-five minutes later, Jimmy was standing at the stove cooking, while Sam made toast, coffee and set the table, when his Dad came in the kitchen. "Morning Dad," Jimmy said, "Pull up a chair, I'll have your breakfast done in a minute."

"Good morning Jimmy and Sam, this is a surprise?"

"Since we started working out every weekday morning, we've all had breakfast together then workout in the basement. Nancy, Sherry and Marty should be here any minute. Is Mom joining us?" Jimmy responded.

"Right here Jimmy and like your father said this is a surprise? A welcome one but still a surprise." She replied.

"No problem Mom, we've been doing this every day while you've been gone. Here you go Dad, over easy, potatoes, bacon and Sam has the toast and coffee. He wants whole wheat Sam." Jimmy said as he handed his Dad his plate. "I'll have yours in a minute Mom, over easy too?"

"Yes thanks Jimmy," she replied and was handed her plate just as Nancy and Marty arrived greeting their parents.

"You know me scrambled Jimmy" Marty announced.

"Me too," Nancy added.

"Sam?" Jimmy asked.

"Scrambled is fine, just mix up a big batch and we can all split them," Sam replied as he put more toast on the table and handed Mrs. Henderson a cup of coffee.

"You kids do this every day?" She asked Nancy.

"Yeah we trade off who's cooking each day, Jimmy usually does dinners, we rotate on lunches and breakfasts though. Sherry usually eats breakfast with us, and she's been helping buy the groceries for breakfast, then we workout together. Sam's only been here since Thursday evening, but he's been helping Jimmy when Jimmy cooks. Marty usually helps me."

"Good morning everyone," Sherry said as she came in and gave Jimmy a hug from behind, "Looks good Jimmy I'll take scrambled too." She said kissing his cheek, then taking coffee from Sam and sitting down at the table.

"Sherry, Nancy said you've been helping buy groceries, that's not necessary dear," the woman said to her.

"Mrs. Henderson, I've been eating here almost every day before our workouts, so it's only fair that I help pay for what I'm eating. Besides, since I don't have to pay the health club to work out there, I'm still saving a lot of money even after paying for a few groceries. I've only bought about $20 worth, and the Health club costs me $50 per month so I'm $30 ahead already! This works for everyone, so I'm going to keep doing it." She replied.

"Ok if that's how you feel about it, but it's not necessary, we can easily afford to provide breakfast for you, one mouth more or less doesn't make any real difference to the budget. I told Sam's mother the same thing when she offered to pay for his board here. It's just not necessary, we enjoy having both of you're here, so don't feel obligated to contribute to our food budget."

"Thank you for allowing me to stay here Mrs. And Mr. Henderson, Mom has a full plate with all that's going on and not having to worry about me is taking a big load off her shoulders right now," Sam offered.

"Sam, it's no bother to us. You're a good boy and no trouble at all. The only one you're imposing on is Jimmy with the tutoring and he's enjoying it as much as you are, so it's no trouble at all. We talked about this yesterday. You don't owe us anything Sam and you're welcome here so forget about it." She replied. "Oh before I forget about it, we ordered a new bed for you boys and it will be delivered tomorrow. If I'm not here make sure that they take the old mattress and box springs away with them, that was part of the deal."

"I still appreciate your hospitality and all that your family is doing for me Ma'am, I can't say that enough." Sam offered.

"Just enjoy your stay and learn your lessons, that's all we ask of you Sam," Mr. Henderson replied.

"Thank you Sir and I will, I'll also help out whenever I can. I'm used to doing housework and there's no reason I shouldn't help here too."

"Very good Sam, I'm sure our children will appreciate the help. Now sit down and eat your breakfast, from what I understand this young lady here is going to give you a hard workout and you'll need all the energy you can get." He replied with a chuckle.

"You got that right Dad, she's a real slave driver in the gym..." Marty interjected.

"Bad move Marty, didn't you learn the last time you said that? Now you're really in for it!" Jimmy smirked.

"Damn forgot about that... Sorry Sherry..." Marty replied trying hard to look regretful.

"Too late little guy, I think we'll adjust your workout today..." Sherry said with a grin.

"I told you before we left on vacation Marty, never mess with a female supervising you; nor the cook, either is guaranteed to have bad results," his father advised.

"Right on both Dad, I just keep forgetting..."

"You'll learn sooner or later, maybe painfully but you'll learn..."

"Yeah well the last time was painful, she really worked me in the gym..."

As soon as breakfast was cleaned up the kids all headed for the basement and started their workout routines. Mrs. Henderson came down and watched them for awhile, amazed as she watched the three boys and three girls each straining as they worked to get their bodies in shape, that Susan was topless as she worked on the machine raised a question though. "Susan is it?" she asked as she knelt beside the girl pumping the handle up and down. "Why aren't you wearing you top with these boys here?"

"Yes I'm Susan, my sister wouldn't do this much work if her life depended on it. I don't bother and no one cares. I'm topless every afternoon when we sunbathe, most of us girls are. Besides, I don't have anything to see, Marty's chest looks just like mine and the shirt always gets in the way, so I just don't bother with it... Is that a problem?"

"No honey I was just curious that you'd do that with boys present, but if you do it every day, then I don't suppose it matters." The woman replied.

"Well the boys are naked all the time and it doesn't bother them, Mrs. Henderson, we're all used to seeing each other either partly or totally naked and it doesn't bother any of us. Sherry, Nancy and Mary as well as my sister and I all go topless as we sunbathe and the boys don't mind, just like we don't mind them being naked. No big deal... It's not like the boys are going to go crazy and attack us, that's just not going to happen. Jimmy's like my big brother, Sam... well he's gay and not interested and Marty... Mary has him so wrapped around her little finger that he doesn't even look at other girls. So what's there to worry about?"

<chuckle> "I see your point Susan, I'll leave you to get back to your workout." She replied and patted the girl on the shoulder, then went back by the doorway and watched for a few minutes before leaving them alone.

When they finished Jimmy and Sherry showered together, then Sam, Marty and Nancy all got in the shower when Jimmy and Sherry were drying themselves. Sherry got dressed and said, "meet you at the car Jimmy."

"Be there in a minute Sherry I need to get my shoes and uh.. the plug..." he replied blushing.

"Good boy," she said rewarding him with a kiss on the cheek.

Jimmy went to his room and put his shoes on and was just inserting the butt plug when Sam came in. "What are you doing that for?" Sam asked.

"Because Sherry wants me to wear it," Jimmy replied blushing. "It's to remind me she's in charge, it doesn't hurt, just makes me feel full." He continued.

"Pussy whipped," Sam snickered.

"Yeah I am and I love her and would do anything she wants," Jimmy replied grinning.

"I can understand that Jimmy, I'd do that if you wanted me to, so I can't complain that you'd do it for her. She's a terrific girl, one of the few I don't mind being around."

"She likes you too Sam and if you can find it in yourself, let her touch you when she wants to. She feels bad when you push her away. She went way out on a limb for you and the boys at that camp and I think you'd at least accept her hugs in exchange for her doing that. She's probably going to get more shit this morning when she tells them she's dropping out of their Women's group over their neglect of the boys. So if you can, please consider, just letting her give you a hug every now and then. It'll make her feel much better and won't hurt you to do it."

"Yeah she did go out of her way to help me and the other boys. Ok Jimmy I'll let her hug me and may even give her one now and then... It's the least I can do for what she did..."

"Your assignments are on the desk, we probably won't be back before lunch," he replied and after giving Sam a quick hug was gone out the door.

"What took so long?" Sherry asked when he got in the car beside her.

"Had to give Sam his reading assignments for while we're gone. Sorry for the delay." He replied.

"No problem I was just curious. How's Sam doing?"

"Better, now that the whole camp thing is over. He was really hurting when he wrote that report out, having to basically relive it if only mentally, hurt him. But he's better now. It will take him quite a while to get past all that, but he's making good progress. He wakes up at night sometimes, shaking and I know he's dreaming it, but it'll go away eventually."

"I don't think I'll ever forget it Jimmy, the place was a filthy hellhole and my heart broke seeing those abused boys. I just wanted to smother them with love, but all of them cringed and trembled when I approached them, they were afraid of all of us females. I'll never forgive those women and girls for doing that to them."

"Neither will the boys Sherry, Sam's getting better and really appreciates you helping him and the other boys. Don't be surprised if he doesn't hug you for doing that. He feels as bad as you do about not letting you touch him."

"And his tutor talking to him had nothing to do with that change did it? Jimmy he doesn't have to hug me or let me hug him, but after what I saw, just want to hug the stuffing out of him. I won't do that because I know it will make him uncomfortable, but I do want him to know that I'm there for him, you and all of you boys. I love boys and don't want any of you to ever cringe at the touch of a girl."

"He's thinking about it Sherry, that all I can say."

"Well just don't force him or guilt trip him into it. If he hugs me or accepts hugs from me I want it to be because he wants it."

"I won't and I'd never do either of those, I hope you know that."

"Yeah I do... one of the many reasons I love you."

"So are we going to sit here in the garage all day or go to the school? I can't wait to get verbally beat on for not joining the Women's Group's program. I just know that's going to happen." He replied.

"Not nearly as bad as I'll get it for dropping out of the program, they'll double and triple team me; so we might as well go face the firing squad." She said as she started the car.

They arrived at the school and each wrapped an arm around the other in support as they entered and approached the school office. "Hello Mrs. Roberts," Jimmy greeted the woman who was sitting at her desk.

"Hi Jimmy! Sherry, Mrs. Morehead and Mrs. Lee would like to see you in her office. I'll keep Jimmy occupied while you meet with them. Then they'll want to meet with both you and Jimmy." She advised. "Come over here Jimmy, you've been doing a fantastic job with Sam and deserve a big hug," she said smiling at him.

Jimmy walked over to the woman and was quickly placed on her lap with both her huge arms around him as she kissed his cheek. "Good job Jimmy, his papers are looking very good and you're two weeks ahead of schedule." She said rubbing his back.

"Thanks Mrs. Roberts, he's moving quickly through the material, and since he's living at our house we can do a lesson a couple times per day, so it's going much faster than we'd projected. He's really motivated to do well this year and I'm pushing him as hard as he can handle and he's eating it up."

"He's living with you now?"

"Yeah he's been at our house since last Thursday, when his Dad beat him. Yesterday his Mom was over and she agreed to let him live with us for the rest of the summer, so she had more time to handle legal matters, selling and buying a house and finding a job. It works out well for all of us."

"You're wearing a plug again, why?" she whispered.

"Because Sherry wants me to. I wear it whenever we leave the house. Is that a problem? I don't mind and it makes her happy so I do it."

"No, no problem, I was just curious that's all."

"How are the babies? Remember I want to help babysit them."

<laugh> "They're fine Jimmy and yes you're at the top of my babysitter list, that is if my husband will leave them long enough once their born so that I'll need a babysitter. He's already singing to them and talking to them inside me, I can't wait to see what he'll do when they're born and he has them to actually touch. He's going to spoil them rotten, I just know it. But some messy diapers may change that."

"He won't spoil them, but they'll know they're loved and that's important Mrs. Robert, all kids need to know that both their parents wanted them and love them. Messy diapers aren't that big a deal either, you just clean the kid up and love them some more, I know, I've done that with my brother and sister and they loved being cuddled after a diaper change."

"I'm sure they did with a loving boy like you Jimmy, they were very lucky to have such a good brother."

"No I'm the lucky one, they're such good kids and always have been. Both are wonderful." He replied. "You went to the camp with them yesterday didn't you? Sherry said you decked the Matron."

"Yes I was there and never been so disgusted with women in my life. The deputies had to hold me back, I wanted to kill that woman when I saw those filthy cages in that barn. I don't understand how anyone could do that to another person, let alone young boys like that. I'll never forget that place, I knew people could do things like that, I've read about it, but seeing it was an experience I'll never forget."

"Are they doing anything with the other camps? That one was number 6 so there are at least 5 more?"

"There's 14 as far as I know and yes, inspection teams are visiting each of them today. Judge Jenkins is on a tear and wants reports on all of them, plus regular, periodic and unannounced inspections. She's threatening legal action on any infractions found in any of them, whether in this state or another. She's no one to mess with Jimmy, a problem like that will never happen again. She's a national officer of the Women's Federation and won't take no for an answer when she gets her passion stirred up and it's as high as anyone has ever seen it right now."

"Am I going to get a bunch of crap over not joining Mrs. Morehead's training program? Mom and I talked about it and I'll be doing the same things, just under Mom's supervision and not the women's group. To be honest I don't feel I can trust those women to look out for the boys, not after that camp. Someone should have known what was going on long before they did. Too many boys have been hurt, abused and tortured under the guise of 'training' sanctioned by that group."

"She won't be happy nor will she be happy that other boys and girls are being removed or dropping out, but she knows why and won't hold it against you. I suspect she's trying to talk Sherry out of dropping out right now, but won't force the issue. You know more about what happened than many and Sherry has firsthand experience with it. She was ready to kill yesterday, especially a girl named Diane. Do you know why she was so hot at her?"

"Yeah, Diane was Sam's Mistress at the camp and was particularly abusive since Sam's gay. Didn't you read the report Sam wrote?"

"Only part of it as we drove there yesterday. I was too disgusted to finish reading it and after seeing those abused boys and the conditions didn't need to read the rest of it."

"Well for what it's worth, my brother, Sam and me will still be doing the things the program outlines, but not under the supervision of the Women's group. Our mothers will supervise it. Nancy, my sister is still going to be in charge at home, Sherry is in charge of me too and my brother's girlfriend Mary and her mother will supervise him when he's at her house, which is frequently. So we're still doing it, but no one but out mothers will be responsible for overseeing it. None of us feel comfortable with the Women's group supervising us right now."

"I believe many of the families will be doing the same thing Jimmy, so don't worry about it. I don't have problem with it being done that way. The mother of the boy should always play an active role in his training and the group doing it gave many women an excuse to abrogate their responsibility to the group."

"They're ready to meet both of us Jimmy" he heard Sherry's voice say from across the room.

"OK, <sigh> Into the breech!" Jimmy said as he got up. Mrs. Roberts stood also and followed him to the office.

"Mrs. Morehead? I've discussed Jimmy's situation relative to the training program with him and concur with his mother's decision. He'll be doing the training under her supervision, not the Women's Federation's, I don't believe further discussion would be helpful regarding it at this point." She said to the woman behind the desk.

"I'll defer to your judgment then, thank you Mrs. Roberts. Now Jimmy we've reviewed the students you'll be tutoring and have additional information on each of them for you. Here is a file on each, outlining their academic problem areas and also any social problems we are aware of. Let's start with Joey Wilson shall we. Joey is two years younger than you and has had disciplinary problems in addition to academic underachievement..."

Two hours later, he emerged from the office and immediately went to Mrs. Robert and gave her a hug. "Thanks for shutting down the argument about the training program," he whispered to her. "I wasn't looking forward to it at all. After you said that to her she never mentioned it. I owe you for that."

"For you it's the best solution Jimmy so you don't owe me anything. Just be a good boy and listen to your Mother and Sherry and everything will be fine," she whispered back, then kissed his cheek and patted his rear and let him go.

Sherry wrapped and arm around him and they headed out of the office towards the parking lot. "How the hell did you get her to short circuit Morehead like that?" Sherry quietly asked as they approached the back door.

"I didn't ask her to do that? We talked about the training and what Mom and I decided and how I felt about it all. That's all, then when I'm expecting to get jumped on with both feet, she said that to Mrs. Morehead and the whole subject was dropped. That's what happened, I didn't ask her to say anything."

"Yeah will I got 40 minutes of all the reasons why I shouldn't drop out of the program or the group and the hard sell from the first minute I stepped in there, so you lucked out mister. I need to get to know Mrs. Roberts better, she seems like a good person to have as your friend!"

"It's not that hard Sherry, she's a nice lady and easy to talk to, I told you that before?"

"And she happens to like to cuddle beautiful boys on her lap, so you've got an in I don't have Jimmy," she replied with a giggle.

"Hey I have to use anything I can to get by with all these women, so if they want to cuddle me a little and it gets me out of being yelled at; then cuddle the hell out of me!" he replied as his arm slipped around her waist. "But just remember Sherry, YOU are the one I want cuddling me," he added leaning against her as they walked.

"That's it butter me up, some more, it might get you kissed. You're just to lovable to spank so I'll have to cuddle you," she replied with a laugh as her arm pulled him in tighter against her.

As she drove them towards, home, she turned down a side street unexpectedly, "Where are we going?" Jimmy asked.

"My house?" she replied.

"Can I ask why?"

"Because no one's home..."


"And I want some quality alone time with my boyfriend."

"Oh ok.... Anything particular in mind?"

"Actually yes..."

"Care to tell me?"

"My aren't we inquisitive?"

"Yes we are..."

"Sex Jimmy... Sex..."

"Oh ok I'm fine with that..."

"Good!" she replied smiling

Sherry parked at the rear of the house and quickly hustled her naked boyfriend inside. Once in and the door closed, she threw her gym bag on the sofa in their den and started undressing. "Ok baby, once I'm naked I want that talented tongue of yours going to work!" she ordered and was quickly nude and spread open for him. Jimmy smiled as he looked at her and leaned over between her spread legs and kissed her mouth, then slowly worked his way down her body, paying particular attention to her neck and breasts on his way to a very wet and ready pussy. Once down there, he went to work with fingers and mouth until she was arching and thrashing, her thighs locked around him as she had two strong orgasms before releasing her lock on him. "God Jimmy you are SO good at that. I need that more often!"

"Anytime you want it, you know that," he softly replied as his elbows rested on her thighs and his hands gently stroked her sides.

"Yeah and we WILL be doing that more often! Now it's my turn," she replied grinning and pulled her a different strapon from her gym bag. "This won't take long since that plug has you already open," she said as she held it up while reaching for the bottle of lubricant and coated it.

"Wait! That's different, I've never seen that thing before..." he said leaning in to look at it. "Why is it blue and where are the straps?"

"Oh this is a new one my Mom picked up for me. No straps at all, see it's 'L' shaped. The short end here goes in me and the longer end is for you." She explained as she reached down with it and slowly inserted it into her pussy. The result was a blue cock sticking directly out of her body with no harness or straps at all.

"Wow! I've never seen anything like that. How does it feel?" he asked.

"Like I've got a big one inside me and according to the instruction sheet, I'll really get off when I start moving with this thing; now stand up and turn around so I can get that plug out and you lubed up," she directed and he complied.

Sherry quickly extracted the plug and applied lubricant to his opening. "Turn around and straddle my body and sit on it Jimmy, I want to see your face while you ride it," she ordered and turned his hips. Jimmy let her put her legs together then crawled onto the sofa, his knees on either side of her and reached underneath to hold the dildo while he positioned it at his hole, then slowly lowered his body onto it, until it was fully inside him, then paused to get used to it, while she held his body just below his ribs to steady him. Once he'd adjusted, she pulled his feet forward so that his entire weight was on the dildo and he groaned loudly. "You must be letting Sam have your bottom to take it that quickly," she snickered as her hands roamed his chest and arms, "You didn't even hesitate?"

"He's done me a couple of times," Jimmy replied blushing, "Mostly it's me doing him though."

"Jimmy don't be embarrassed about doing that with him, I'm fine with it as long as you always come back to me." She replied then pulled him forward for a deep kiss. "As long as you remember you're mine, you can play all you want with your brother, sister or Sam and I'm fine with it."

"I'm always yours Sherry, you know that and if you don't then I don't know how to prove it to you. I'll always do anything you want, you know that!" he replied as he gave his hips a small circular motion to move the dildo inside him.

"You're proving it right now sweety, most boys wouldn't ride a dildo just because their girlfriend wanted them to." She replied as she 'tweaked' his nipples, while he moved on her lap.

"Then they don't know how good it feels and don't really love the girl," Jimmy gasped as the dildo rubbed his prostate and sent little shocks through him. Holding him by the hips, Sherry lifted him slightly and then started thrusting up into him, rapidly, causing him to moan and his cock to flop about from the vibration of her thrusts. It only took a few minutes and cum was leaking from him onto her tummy as she forced it from his gland with her thrusting. She watched him as his body stiffened and he fell forward to lay against her body, panting, hot and sweaty from his climaxes. "You're really good at that too Sherry," he murmured as his head lay on her shoulder his face against her neck as her hands roamed his back and sides.

Sherry just held him there for awhile, the dildo still in him while he recovered. "Now we need to get you cleaned up, both of us cleaned up actually, then get you home before your Mom starts wondering what happened to us," she told him, then lifted him enough to extract the dildo from him, before lowering him back against her body.

"So how did that new thing work for you? I came twice and it's not a stiff as your other strapon, seemed to have more flex in it."

"Jimmy there's no comparison, you came twice but I came 4 times! Between the internal friction and your body rubbing right on my clit; well let's just say the other one's getting retired and I'll be using this new one from now on. I may even get a couple more, they come in different lengths and colors... Now we need to get moving here," she continued as she lifted him off of her lap.

"Sherry Mom knows I'm with you and trusts you to keep me out of trouble, she wouldn't get worried or even wonder until this evening." He replied as he kissed her neck and cheek. "She trusts you totally with me and so do I."

"Regardless, we both need a shower right now, so let's get into the bathroom and you can clean all this cum off of me, while I wash your delectable body. Then I'll get you home before any questions arise."

<giggle> "I'm delectable?"

"Yes and some time I plan on licking and tasting every inch of you!"

"Whenever you want! That sounds like fun to me!" he giggled more.

"Soon, very soon Jimmy, I love your body and love the boy inside it even more..."

"I love you too Sherry, so are you going to hold me here or do we take that shower together?"

"Shower, we both need it."

<giggle> "Whatever you say deal lady..."

An hour later they pulled into the garage again and headed into the house, Nancy was running the sweeper in the living room and no one else was in sight. "Where's Mom, Marty and Sam?" Jimmy asked.

"Mom's out seeing her women friends, Marty's at Mary's house and Sam's been in your room studying all day. He came out for lunch but that's all." Nancy replied. "He offered to run the sweeper for me, but I told him his studies were more important, so he disappeared into your room again. Last I checked he was laying on your bed with his nose buried in a book."

"OK well it's almost our beach time, so I'll go get him out of there, he doesn't need to study all the time." Jimmy replied, then headed back the hallway towards his room.

"Come on Sam, it's almost time for sunbathing," Jimmy said as he entered the room.

"Just two more page to finish this chapter, then I'm 4 chapters ahead of what you told me to read," he replied without looking up.

"OK then finish them and meet me outside," Jimmy directed.

"Ten minutes max," Sam said as he continued reading.

Sam came out and joined him as Jimmy as spreading blankets. "Have fun did we? You were gone longer than you projected..."

"Why do you ask that? The meeting went better than expected. Mrs. Roberts short circuited Morehead so I didn't even get yelled at?"

"Because first, you've got that 'I just got laid' look about you; second, you're not wearing your plug which you had before you left and didn't take it out in your room and last but not least, Sherry's got the same 'freshly laid' look and is wearing different clothes than she was this morning and her hair is still damp like she just took a shower."

"My we ARE observant aren't we? Yes to all of those. Problem?"

"No not at all, I told you I'd never interfere with your relationship with her. Just curious..."

"OK well we had our meetings and then she drove over to her house and had sex before coming back home. Is that enough or would you like all the details..."

"Nope don't want to know the details. Just confirming my observations..."

"Good I wouldn't tell you all the details of what she and I do anyway. Get the suntan lotion from the garage, I need to lay down and rest some. That girl is too much for me."

<chuckle> "Yes master, whatever you say master...."

"Just go! I'll master your ass!" Jimmy replied giving him as playful slap on the butt as Sam scooted away trying to avoid it, laughing.

"Actually I like it when you 'master my ass' you do it really good!" Sam replied laughing.

When the girls all came outside Sherry cornered Jimmy, "Mrs. Morehead just called on the phone she wants to meet with you and me again tomorrow morning. I told her it would have to be after our morning workout and she said ok, so you'll have to do Sam's lesson in the afternoon I guess." She advised.

"What's this about?" He asked.

"Don't know, just that she wants to meet with you, me Pam Martin, and maybe a couple of the other tutors, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Lee and maybe some of the School Board members."

"School Board members? Should I be dressed then?"

"No if there are any there they will be members of the Women's group."

"Ok well I'm not thinking about it today, it's time to relax and catch some rays..."