The Handoff

By Captain J
[email protected]

Copyright 2017 by Captain J, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Handoff
By Captain J
Seventeen Year old Tommy Thompson’s life and just been turned upside down.  On Puericil™ since age 12 his caregiver for the past 9 year moved out of town and he’d been turned over to a new girl…
Chapter 1
It was a shock on Monday of this week when Kathy Robinson the girl who’d taken care of him almost as long as he could remember told him that her family was moving out of town, probably never to return.  Her father had gotten a new job and they were moving 1200 miles away and leaving on Friday.  If that wasn’t enough, his mother had arranged for a girl from his class in school, named Jenny Crawford to take over his care; a girl who lived close by but who he really didn’t know other than to see her in school.  He didn’t know how to act about the whole thing.  Kathy was the one person who’d always been there for him, at first more like a sister, then later as his babysitter and primary caretaker.  She was the one constant in his life and now she was gone and without even consulting him, his mother had just turned him over to another girl…
(On the telephone Kathy was talking to Jenny)
“Hello Kathy, Jenny Crawford here.  Tommy Thompson’s mother has hired me to take your place in looking after him starting Friday.  So what can you tell me about him?”
“Oh Hi Jenny… well where to start?  First I should tell you he’s probably the sweetest boy you’ll ever find; shy and very submissive to women and girls… You know he’s on that drug Puericil™ right?”
“Yeah I figured he was given how small he is.  That’s no problem, my older brother was on it until he left for college this year and I took a major role in taking care of him so I know all about how it affects boys and how to take care of them.  Tommy’s Mom apparently told her women’s group about you having to move and one of the women referred her to me knowing I took care of my bother Mark.”
“Oh well that’s good, then I won’t have to explain all the physical side effects or any of that stuff…”
“No I know all of that, but I really don’t know Tommy at all.  I mean we’ve gone to school together all our lives, but he was never in any of the groups of friends I hung out with.  To be honest he stuck to you like glue and almost never was seen with anyone else.”
“Yeah I know and I hate that I’m moving away and leaving him behind… He’s like my little brother and I know it’s going to be really hard for him to adjust; he cried for hours when I told him.  You’ll have to be really understanding about it with him until he adjusts.  But really Jenny, I’ve been taking care of him since we were little so that’s to be expected right?  Anyway, he always stayed with me for two reasons really; one he’s really shy around people he doesn’t know and second, because of his small size, boys and some girls picked on him anytime he was alone, so I was kind of his protector…”
“Well I guess, I’ll be his new protector since his Mom already notified the school system that I’ll be his supervisor next year at school and they already sent me official notice that he’d be assigned to me for our Senior year at high school.”
“Don’t worry about that Jenny, I’ve done that for him ever since the school started assigning girls to individually supervise the Puericil boys three years ago and Tommy’s never been a problem.  He always did exactly what I told him and never had any problems at school as a result.  In fact he’s never given me any problems since I started looking after him when we were both about 8 I guess it was…”
“You started taking care of him at 8 years old?”
“Yeah… about then… You have to understand we grew up next door to each other and our mothers jointly took care of us when we were little.  We took baths together as far back as I can remember and played together all the time.  Like I said, he’s more like my brother than anything…”
“OK… but why did you start taking care of him?”
“It was sometime when we were about 7 ½ I think, and I had a major growth spurt and suddenly I was a lot bigger than him is when it started.  Mom said I shouldn’t take baths with him anymore… but should still help him with his baths.  You know how little boys are about not getting clean themselves… So anyway I started giving him his baths and later that year he had a bedwetting problem from a bladder infection and then needed diapers 24/7 for about 6 weeks and I mostly took care of changing his diapers for him.  After that, we both just took the roles of big sister/little brother and it’s never changed.”
“OK that all makes sense… “
“Then at about when we were 10, I had another big growth spurt and was actually starting puberty and of course he didn’t grow hardly at all those two years and by then I was so much bigger, that everyone just assumed that I was older than him.  His Mom worked and his Dad had left after a nasty divorce and Tommy spent his time after school and weekends at our house and I was basically his babysitter from that point on.  The fact that he had more health problems requiring him to wear diapers after his parents broke up, just kind of reinforced the fact that I was his babysitter, since I was the one changing him most of the time.  Then his Mom had him put on Puericil just before he started puberty and well he never did grow much physically after that.  That’s why he’s one of the smallest kids in the school.  He never went through puberty at all.  Physically, he’s still a 12 or 13 year old… Even though he’s 17 as of last month.”
“Well that explains a lot!  My parents didn’t put my brother on that drug until he was 14 and well into puberty, he was smaller than non-Puericil boys but not by much.  Just slim and of course no body hair, or muscle mass, but much calmer and non-aggressive like you’d expect of Puericil boys.”
“Yeah I knew Mark was on it too from some of the other boys joking with him about his bald pubes and the fact that he was in the Puericil supervision program at school.  Anyway, like I said, you won’t have any problems from Tommy.  He’s sweet, lovable, intelligent and very cooperative.  He loves being cuddled and hugs and kisses as rewards get’s you 110% cooperation from him.  So I guess I’m handing him off to you; wish I could keep him, I love that boy.”
“OK thanks for the handoff, those are the things I needed to know since I take over Friday.  Good luck in your new school and send me an email when you get settled and I’ll keep you advised as to how it’s going with your ‘little brother’.”
“I will and thanks for looking after him… I love that boy… bye…
<End Flashback>
The last day of school was Thursday and Kathy’s family left immediately.  Her father had left earlier driving a rental truck with their household goods; she’d actually moved out of the house next door a couple of days ago and was staying in a motel with her mother.  Kathy and her mother took a taxi from the school and were on a plane to their new home within two hours of school ending.
Friday morning, Tommy got up and dressed for his first day of summer vacation and his new caretaker would be assuming his supervision immediately.  He walked down the street and around the corner to Jenny’s house, it wasn’t far, only a couple of blocks.  As he walked he thought about everything he knew about her.  She was a big girl 5’ 9 or 10” he guessed and very athletic, on both the girls swim and track teams, pretty with light brown hair in kind of a ‘tomboy’ cut, but he guessed that was to keep it out of the way when doing her sports.  Other than that, he didn’t know much other than she was smart since her name was always on the class Honor Role at school.  Soon he arrived at her house and after taking a deep breath, knocked on the door…
When she opened the door, Jenny smiled as she looked down at Tommy as he stood there fidgeting as he waited.   “Hey Tommy!” she said with a big smile as she started to usher him inside.
“Uh… Hi Jenny… Mom said I was supposed to come here… that you’d be taking care of me from now on…” he replied blushing.
“Right… so come on in and let’s get to know each other better,” she replied as her hand gently took him by the shoulder and guided him past her so she could close the door.  “Let’s go in the den Tommy, we can relax and talk in there.  You know we should know each other better than we do, we’ve been going to the same schools for years?  But somehow just never seemed to really meet one another until now.”
“I know… that… that’s why it kind of surprised me when my mother said you’d be taking care of me… Kathy always looked after me… I really miss her and it hasn’t even been a full day yet,” he said with a sniffle.
“I sure she feels the same way Tommy, I know she sure wasn’t happy about moving when I talked to her on the phone the other day.”
“No… we… we both cried the day she told me about having to move…”
“Well it’s happened now, so all you can do is make the best of things a go on with your life.  Mom and Dad always tell me that friends come and go during your life for various reasons and all you can do is keep moving on and make new friends.  Don’t forget the old one’s but things happen that we can’t change and we just have to keep living our lives as best we can…”
“That sounds like good advice Jenny, but it’s really hard right now…”
“I understand Tommy.  Now about you and me sit and get to know each other better, it will make things a lot easier for both of us in the long run and we’re going to be spending a lot of time together for at least the next year.  I already got a notice from the school that I’ll be your Puericil Supervisor at school so that means we’ll be spending all day, every day together.  That will be a lot easier if we’re good friends right?” she said as they took seats beside each other on a big sofa in the den.
 “Yeah I got that notice from the school secretary yesterday afternoon too Jenny.  She stopped me in the hallway last period and handed it to me in person…  Mom said, I’m to be here after school until she comes home from work each day… you know she works afternoons and some weekends right?  And I guess, I’m either here or you’re at our house every day this summer when she’s at work…”
“Well that’s mostly true Tommy.  Actually you and I will be spending half of June and the entire month of July at a summer camp; maybe longer if things work out.”
“We will?  Mom didn’t say anything about that?”
“OK well I’ve been hired as a Camp Counselor at a private summer camp called Camp Firebird.  I’ve been going there for years every summer and went through the Counselor Training Program last year.  This year, they decided to set up a special program for boys like you on Puericil and I’ll be the Sr. Counselor for boys and girls in that part of the camp.  Camp Firebird is actually a girl’s summer camp and the same company that owns it also owns a boy’s camp.  But with boys like you on Puericil growing in numbers every year, they decided to run a trial program this summer for boys and their girl supervisors.  Since girls can’t be in the boys camp, it’s being run at the girl’s camp.  There will be lot’s to do, swimming, hiking, all kinds of sports, canoeing, campfires and overnight sleepouts in tents, you name it and they have it… Sound like fun?”
“We won’t be sleeping in tents all summer will we?  That doesn’t sound too good…”
<laugh> “No mostly we’ll be sleeping in a cabin, but a few overnight trips are the usual thing.  Canoe to a campsite down the lake a ways and then stay overnight cooking on a campfire and return the next day sort of thing…”
“This is a girls camp?  How… how many boys?  I won’t be the only one will I?”
“No you won’t be the ‘only one’ Tommy, just the only one staying so long since you’ll be with me.  The first two weeks there will be a dozen boys and the girls supervising them in our part of the camp.  If that works out ok, then for the rest of the summer there will be 24 boys and an equal number of girls.  In the rest of the camp there will be about 200 girls at any given point.  The number varies week to week but it’s usually 200 + or – about 20 or so.”
“OK just so I’m not the only boy in a camp full of girls… some girls are as mean to me as boys are…”
“That’s not going to happen Tommy, you’ll be with me at all times so no one is going to bully you while I’m around.”
They spent the next hour just talking about themselves and things they liked or didn’t like and Tommy was finally able to relax around the big girl. 
“OK Tommy now that you seem more comfortable around me, I need you to stand here in front of me for a few minutes,” she directed and then smiled when he quickly stood before her between her spread knees.  Reaching out and holding him by the hips, she took hold of the bottom of his t-shirt and began removing it.
“Jenny…. What… what are you doing?” he asked but didn’t move to stop her.
“Undressing you Tommy,” was the matter of fact response. “Since I’m responsible for you from now on, I need to inspect your body to see if there’s any problems and so that I know the ‘starting point’ I’m working from.  That way I’ll know of any new injuries or changes that occur.” She continued.
“But?  You need to see me naked?”
“Yes Tommy I do and I’m going to have to look at your body closely… just like a doctor or nurse.  Tommy, I’m going to see you naked a lot, over the next year, so there’s nothing for you to get embarrassed about.  I DO know all about boys’ bodies, between taking care of my brother and lot’s of other boys babysitting, I’ve seen tons of boys naked and it’s no big deal to me.  Think about it, ALL girls see naked boys all the time all our lives so it’s nothing to get concerned about at all, it’s not sexual, it’s just naked.”

By the time she’d finished that statement, his shirt was off and his shorts and underwear were around his ankles and she was lifting his foot to remove them completely.  Tommy, just stood there his mouth hanging open in semi-shock that she stripped him so fast.  Once the last of his clothes were off, she stood beside him and holding him with one hand on his shoulder, gently stroked a hand down his backside as she inspected his body from behind.  She felt his body tremble some and when she turned him to face her, just smiled and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead before speaking.  “Tommy, there’s nothing for you to be afraid of with me, I’ll never hurt you intentionally and you have nothing to be embarrassed about either.”  Then began inspecting his front side.

Tommy stood stock still as her soft hands roamed over his body and when she got to his crotch trembled as her fingers gently felt his balls and handled his small cock, which grew at her touch to a stiff but slim 3 ½ inches erect.  Jenny didn’t say anything just left it and again felt his small sack noting his testis were very small and the sack tight against him like a much younger boy.  By the time she’d finished checking him over, his erection had faded and his penis looked to be only an inch and a half soft.  He was shifting from foot to foot and fidgeting.  “What’s wrong Tommy?” she asked concerned.
“I need to use the bathroom please,” he quickly replied and she just guided him from the room and back a hallway into a bathroom.  Tommy all but ran for the toilet and quickly seated himself on it and almost immediately she heard water splash as he peed into it while she stood and watched from the doorway.  Looking back at her, Tommy blushed, but didn’t say anything.  When he finished, he shook his penis between his legs to make sure it was empty, then stood and flushed the toilet and moved to wash his hands.
Jenny waited for him to finish drying his hands before speaking.  “Do you always sit to pee Tommy, most boys stand to do that?” she asked actually wanting to know.
“I do now days… I mean I used to stand like other boys… UM… I guess I started sitting when we had to use the girls bathrooms at school and they made us sit so we couldn’t accidently miss and pee on the seat or floor… I got used to doing it that way from school I guess….”
“Well that makes sense.  So let’s go back and talk some more…”
“Should I get dressed?  Are you done checking me?”
“I’m done, but there’s no need for you to get dressed.  Tommy, are you embarrassed that you’re naked with me?  There’s no need to be, like I said, it’s no big deal to me.  Physically, you’re a little boy and no need to be embarrassed at all.”
Guiding him back to the den, she sat and had him sit on her right leg, and leaned him back against her arm gently holding him.  “So little guy, your body looks perfectly normal, just small for your age, but that’s to be expected as long as you’re on Puericil.  Are you having any medical problems that I should know about?  Allergies?  Anything like that?”
“Just one,” he replied blushing, “Didn’t Kathy mention it when you talked to her?”  Jenny just shook her head ‘no’ so he continued.  “Hmmm well you see, I have an undersized bladder so I have to go to the bathroom more often than normal since it won’t hold as much.  I had a bad infection when I was 8, I guess it was, and well after that it didn’t grow when the rest of me did… even though I haven’t grown that much since then…”
“How tall are you Tommy?” she asked.
“5’7/8” as of my last physical, I’ve only grown 1/4” in the last 4 years and it really sucks!”
“OK well there’s nothing that will make you grow fast, so we’ll just disregard that part.  Kathy did say something about your infection when you were 8 and that you needed diapers for a month or so and then again when you were 10, but that’s all.  Are there any issues besides needing to go more often?”
“Mostly no, I just need to use the bathroom more often and have to make sure I don’t drink too much late at night, or I might wet the bed.  Sometimes I have a harder time holding it, the doctor’s say it’s weak in addition to undersized and when that happens, Kathy had me wear pull-ups in the daytime and diapers at night to be safe.  Usually, it’s just dribbles not full wetting and that happens maybe once or twice per year for a week or two at most.” He replied blushing.
“Tommy that’s nothing to be embarrassed about and not your fault so don’t worry about it.  I can diaper you if you need it and I don’t want you to be reluctant to ask me to if you’re having problems like that. Agreed?”
“Yeah I’ll ask… but Jenny it IS embarrassing to have those problems when you’re my age… I know it’s a medical problem and not my fault, but it’s just one more thing for kids to tease me about when they find out…”
“I understand, but know this Tommy, if they tease you then they get to deal with ME and not many want to deal with a pissed-off Jenny Crawford, boy or girl!  I won’t allow that to continue.”
“Given how easily you picked me up and sat me on your leg, I can see that.  I sure wouldn’t want you pissed-off at me!  You’re really strong!”
“The only time you’d need to worry about that young man, is if you were really bad and I had to spank you, but I don’t think that’s going to happen because I can tell you wouldn’t cross me enough to make that necessary. Right?”
“Absolutely!  I’ll always be good, I promise!”
“Then we’re good.  Besides I like hugging, cuddling and kissing boys much more than punishing them so expect lot’s of hugs and kisses.”
<giggle> “I’ll vote of that, I loved it when Kathy did those things with me and I know I’ll feel the same with you.  You’re a really nice girl!” he replied then giggled again when she pulled him tighter against her and smooched him a couple of times as they both laughed.
They talked about a number of things over the next couple of hours as he sat naked on her lap with Tommy getting more and more comfortable with her.  “Tommy what type of Puericil are you taking? Pills or Suppositories?” she asked.
“Pills,” he answered matter of factly.
“OK well that’s not the best form, we’ll start you on Puericil-Plus™ on Monday.  We’ll swing by the Drug store this afternoon and pick up what we need.  Your mother already gave me a copy of your prescription so that’s no problem.”
“What’s he difference?” he asked.
“It’s a suppository and you only get them 3 times per week instead of pills every day.  It’s stronger so your body may take a week or two to adjust to the change but it’s the preferred method since it’s the most stable form of the drug.”
“So you what?  Shove them up my butt?” he asked with a worried voice.
<Laugh> “Yes Tommy they go up your cute little behind.”
“It’s not funny!”
“No but the way you asked that was,” <giggle>
Tommy pouted until he got a soft kiss on the cheek and was snuggled a little tighter.  “Relax Tommy, it won’t hurt, I gave my brother his that way for a couple of years, ever since they developed it.  In fact why don’t we start today getting you used to the procedure?  We just won’t put the drug in.”
“Well yes, in addition to putting the suppository in I have to take your temperature and since it has to stay in for at least 4 hours, you’ll wear a dilator to keep it high up inside you until it’s absorbed.  We had my brother wear the dilator everyday in the evening so that having it in on Puericil days was just normal.  I think we’ll do the same with you.”
“Yes kind of a plug in your bottom.  Tell you what we’ve still got a couple in the bathroom so let’s go in there and I’ll go through the whole thing, minus the drug, so you’ll know what to expect and have time to get used to it before we start actually giving you your drug that way.”
“If you say so…. You’re in charge… but I’m not liking the sound of this dilator thing.  Kathy gave me enema’s when I was sick, but that’s the only thing I’ve ever had inside me like that…”
“Don’t worry Tommy, my brother actually liked having his butt plugged, he said the dilator rubbed his prostate and made him cum.”
When he gave her a questioning look, she explained more. “Tommy your prostate is part of the male sexual system and rubbing it can be pleasurable for boys and men and makes them have orgasms.”
“Oh… I didn’t know that… I’ve never had many of those… Kathy gave me a few handjobs but that’s all…”
“Then she didn’t take care of you very well!  Boys need to be drained on a regular basis to be healthy!  When was the last time she did that for you or you did it yourself?”
Blushing very red he stammered his reply… “Last year… I… I have wet dreams about once a month but Mom said I’m not allowed to do it myself and well Kathy didn’t seem interested in doing it.  I’d get hard when she gave me baths or diapered me, but she almost never helped me, just ignored it…”
“Well THAT is changing right now mister!  Let’s go get you a bath like you’d just come home from school and we’ll go through the whole thing, including getting all that backed up cum out of you!” was the stern reply as she moved him to stand then led him to the bathroom.
Tommy was ordered to empty himself on the toilet then quickly found himself in a tub full of warm water as she carefully washed him and when she had him stand to wash his privates she gently took hold of his little stiffy and proceeded to stroke him with her soapy hand until he jerked repeatedly as his body expelled his cum.  At the same time, her soapy fingers had found their way without him even seeming to notice into his tight little hole and was both stretching him open and rubbing his prostate. His entire focus had been on the hand doing wonderful things on his front and it was only after he recovered from the best orgasm of his life that he noticed her fingers inside him.
“Thank… Thanks you Jenny that was wonderful…” he murmured as she steadied him on shaky legs and helped him from the tub after rinsing him off.
“No problem Tommy, I love doing that for boys, especially good boys like you,” she replied giving him a kiss on the forehead as she dried him with a big fluffy towel.  “Now I’ll need you to lay across my lap and I’ll take your temperature then open you more and put the dilator in and we’ll be done and we can relax and have lunch then go to the drug store and get your new suppositories ok?”
Tommy found himself in an entirely new position as he lay face down over her lap and felt her rubbing his back with one hand while she applied Vaseline to his bottom and then was probing him again with her finger.  Then a rectal thermometer was inserted and she just held him in place while they waited. “We have to take you temperature like this Tommy, because if you were running a fever then I couldn’t give you the drug, so this will be necessary every time you get you suppository.”
“I understand, but Jenny, I haven’t had my temperature take this way since I was really little… it’s not so bad though, you’re very gentle…”  He continued to just lay there until he felt her pull the glass rod from him and looked back over his shoulder as she held it up to read it.
“Perfectly normal Tommy.  So next we open you more then put the dilator in, so just relax.  You’ll feel my fingers opening you and stretching your sphincter some, but it won’t hurt as long as you stay relaxed ok?”
“Yeah ok… I’m a little nervous about this though…”
“I can understand that Tommy, but I had two fingers in there in the bathtub and you didn’t feel any pain did you?”
“Uh no… but my attention was more on what you were doing with your other hand…”
<Laugh> “Of course it was Tommy.  All boys are that way when a girl has a hold of their cock.  Nothing else matters at that point!” <giggle>
“UM… I don’t know about that Jenny, I don’t have much experience with it… But it felt wonderful so all my attention was on what you were doing with my front.” Was the soft reply.
“Well you’re going to experience that a lot more often Tommy, you need to be emptied regularly and I plan on you being healthy while you’re with me.”
<giggle> “Works for me!  I’ll never argue about you doing that.  I loved it!”
<Laugh> “Of course you did!  Now just stay relaxed and I’ll give you another thing that feels good to think about…” she replied as her fingers were gently entering him and then slid up inside and started gently stroking his prostate.
“Ohhhhh he moaned as suddenly he felt little shocks…”
Jenny smiled as she watched and felt him have two more orgasms as she intentionally worked his prostate while stretching him open.  While he was recovering from the second, she quickly pulled out of him and inserted a 5” dilator  then wiped her hands before turning him over to sit on her lap and cuddled him as she gave him soft kisses for the a ‘good boy’.  Tommy just stayed relaxed on her lap accepting her attention and loving every minute of it.  “You OK Tommy?  That dilator doesn’t hurt does it?”
“No I’m fine, just a little tired and I feel full back there but that’s all… Jenny is it going to be like that every day?  Kathy never made me feel so good like this…”
“Yes little guy it will be like that as long as you’re a good boy for me.  I gave your prostate extra attention that wasn’t necessary to open you for the dilator.  But if MY BOY is good then he gets extra attention to make him feel good.”
“Your boy?”
“Yes Tommy from now on you’re ‘MY BOY’ and I intend to take good care of you.”
“Good!  Then I plan on being your boy as long as you’ll have me… I’m going to really like being your boy Jenny if that’s how you’re going to treat me.”
“Oh we have lot’s of other things we can do to make you feel good Tommy and I plan on teaching you all of them.  Kathy wasted so many opportunities when she had you and I don’t plan on missing out on all the fun we can have together.  Now let’s grab a sandwich, then we’ll go to the store and get your supplies ok?”
Setting him on his feet, Jenny followed him as he walked out of the room headed for the kitchen and had to suppress laughing as he wiggled and seemed cautious as he learned to walk with his butt plugged getting an occasional ‘tingle’ as it obviously rubbed him inside.  Then again as he squirmed while sitting to eat his sandwich and glass of iced tea. 
As they ate their lunch, Jenny realized she was dealing with a total virgin and her mind raced with all the fun she’d have teaching him about sex.  If a simple handjob was all he’d ever had and not many of those, she had a wide open field ahead of her.  Oral sex, came to mind immediately and she’d have to check to make sure her ‘toys’ were ready to teach him about the joys of anal sex for boys.  Yes he definitely had strapon sex in his future.  It was just a matter of going slow and gentle as she taught him.  As sweet and clueless as this boy was; she could train him to be exactly what she wanted and could keep him forever in a female led relationship with her as the dominant partner.  Yes this was going to be a fun summer and she had a whole year to train him.  Then she’d take him to college with her and who knew where from there….


(End of File)