The Handoff 11

By Captain J
[email protected]

Copyright 2018 by Captain J, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Handoff 11
By CaptainJ
Tommy had a big smile on his face then he went back to the cabin and Jenny noticed it at once. “I take it our little boy and girl are happy campers now?”
“They are Jenny, it was wonderful to see them together. They all but crushed each other with their hugs and seeing them kiss was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. I’m not ashamed that I had tears in my eyes when I saw them together. It made all the running around today totally worthwhile!”
“It really was Jenny. That little girl just dropped her bag and grabbed that boy and kissed him like her life depended on it and it was obvious he felt the same way. They may only be 12 but those two love each other! We did good in getting them together, never doubt it.”
“And how about Shelly?” Jenny asked.
“Totally relieved and smiling as I walked her to her new cabin assignment. It was like a big weight had been taken off her back and she was happy about it. She never wanted to be in charge of Billy and was happy to hand him off to Alex, who actually wanted to be with him.” Petra advised.
“So all three are happy, that’s the best possible outcome. Good job you two!”
“And how are you Jenny, you’ve had me worried about you for a couple of days now,” he softly said as he took her hand in his and sat beside her. “Feeling any better? I sure hope so, I don’t like seeing you in pain and feeling bad.”
“I’m better Tommy and thanks for caring about me. I only have it this bad once a year or so, usually it’s just a bother and I’m a little grumpy for a couple of days but I don’t have stabbing pains like this time.”
“Is... Is there anything I can do to help? Anything at all I really mean that Jenny, I love you and want you to get better as soon as possible.” He said with a tear leaking down his cheek.
“Just keep being yourself Tommy, just knowing you love me as much as I love you is a big help. Don’t worry this will all be over probably by tomorrow evening or the next day at most. Then I want my Tommy close and I intend to let him know what a wonderful boy he is. But for tonight, just let me rest, I’ll be going to bed early and I want you and Petra to take good care of each other. Can you do that for me?”
“Tommy why don’t you just take a break, go sit on the porch or something. I need to have a girl talk with Jenny,” Petra asked.
“Yeah sure, you girls need to talk, I’ll just go out and look at the stars or something,” he quietly replied. Then got up and went outside and sat on the edge of the small deck that projected out in front of the cabin.
He’d been there about 10 minutes or so when he heard a small voice off to his left, “Tommy? Why are you out here all alone?” then suddenly was engulfed in a tight hug as a small boy wrapped his arms around him from his left side.
“Oh hi Billy is everything ok?”
“Better than ok Tommy,” as a second pair of arms encircled him from the right.
“Hi Alex, I’m surprised you two are out here, <giggle> the way you two were hugging earlier I didn’t think you’d ever let each other go?”
“I didn’t want to let go Tommy but Alex said we had lots of time to hug each other. So why are you out here alone, is there a problem? Can we help? We owe you big time Tommy!” Billy asked.
“Oh there’s no problem, Jenny and Petra just wanted some alone time for a girl talk, you know secret stuff us boys aren’t allowed to know about...” which got a giggle out of Alex.
“We girls never let you boys know everything! That’s not allowed! After all how can we be all sexy and mysterious if we let you know everything!” she added laughing.
“All girls are mysterious to me Alex. Just when I think I understand one, she does a 180 degree turn on me and I have no idea what she expects me to do... Why do you girls do that to us poor boys?” Tommy advised wrapping an arm around her and rubbing her back. Alex moved around to his front and sat on his right leg and gave him a little kiss on the cheek before answering.
“Because Tommy, boys are much better behaved around us when they have to guess how we’ll react sometimes. If we’re totally predictable, then you boys start making assumptions and don’t actually ask us how we feel or what we want. All you need to know about me though is you’re my second favorite boy in the whole world and I’ll do anything I can to help you all you need to do is ask. OK?”
“OK well that makes some kind of sense anyway... Wait! I’m only your second favorite?”
“Of course Silly boy! Billy is number 1 so the best you can be is number 2 on my list of wonderful boys!”
“Alright I guess I’ll have to settle for number 2 then, because Billy here deserves the number 1 spot, he really is a nice boy and my unofficial little brother. You ok with that Billy? Why don’t you come around front and sit on my other leg? What do you think Billy should I adopt Alex as my unofficial little sister?”
“Hey are you trying to get me in trouble with her Tommy? It’s always her choice as to who is number 1, 2 or 100, I don’t get a say in it at all! Of course you can have the number 2 spot as long as she keeps me number 1. She’s been my best friend forever and I want to keep it that way!”
“I’d like to be your little sister Tommy, it would make us closer and I’d love that.” She replied laying her head on his shoulder.
“Good Alex, I’d like that too. Just so you know little sisters have responsibilities to big brothers, just like little brothers do.” He said as he kissed the side of her head.
“Like What?” was the quiet reply.
“OK well it’s not anything drastic. But just like Billy does as my little brother, I’ll expect you as my little sister to tell me about any problems you’re having or any help you need. I may not always have the answer, or be able to help, but I promise to do my best to get answers you need and help as best as I can. But most important, I’ll expect you to always be 100% honest with me, and I’ll always be the same with you. Total honesty means we can trust each other totally to always try to do the best we can for each other. Can you do that?”
“I want that Tommy, I like the whole idea of having a big brother I can tell about my problems and know he’ll never break my trust with anything I tell him. You’re older than us Tommy and know stuff we don’t and sometimes we need advice from someone like you. So yes big brother, I’m now your little sister.”
“OK then here your first advice from your big brother for both of you. Do your best to take really good care of each other. Always let the other one know how you feel about things, especially about how you feel about each other and don’t be afraid to tell them you love them and care about them. We sometimes take those closest to us for granted and feelings get hurt from neglect. If you love someone, tell them and do it often so they never doubt it. Can you to do that for me?”
He’d no more than finished when he was being kissed on both cheeks, one by a boy and the other a girl both of them telling him they loved him. “You made it possible for Tommy and me to be together Tommy and for that I’ll always love you.” Alex said kissing him again.
“What she said Tommy, but I’ve loved you since that day on the bus when you pulled a lost little boy aside and tried to help him when you didn’t have to do that. Ever since then, you’re always there when I need help and I’ll always love you for that too.” And he got another kiss from the little boy.
“I love you two also kids and don’t forget your big brother will be here if you need me. Now it’s getting late and pretty soon there’s going to be a C.I.T. looking for you, so you both need to get over to your cabin and make sure you don’t get in trouble. So good night and sleep tight ok?”
“We will Tommy and thanks again just for being here for us,” Alex replied then gave him one last kiss, followed by Billy doing the same before they got up and hand in hand walked to their cabin.
Tommy just sat and watched the kids until he saw them turn towards cabin 4, when he felt arms circle him from behind. “That was one of the sweetest things I ever seen Tommy, those two have the best big brother possible. I’m proud of you for that Tommy and you gave them really good advice. Now how about we go to bed too.” Petra said then gave him a kiss of her own, but his was on the mouth and didn’t end for a full two minutes. Then she helped him stand as she hugged him against her.
“Is it wrong of me to love those two kids Petra? I worry I’m getting to involved and might give them bad advice.”
“No Tommy, it’s NEVER wrong to love someone. And don’t worry about giving them bad advice, you’re smart enough to get the right answer before giving advice to them or anyone for that matter. Now let’s go to bed.”
When Jenny’s alarm clock went off Friday morning there was a small hand rubbing her tummy and it felt really nice. With a sigh she gently moved the hand and placed it behind her giving it a squeeze before releasing it and reluctantly getting out of bed to head to the shower.
Tommy however woke to the feel of a hand stroking along his spine and then gently massaging his rear which was more than fine with him, until her finger toyed with his puckered and currently closed hole. “No playing with that in the morning remember?” he murmured.
“You’re no fun...”
“If you want to play with that, evenings and nights only, that’s the rule...”
“But today’s a medicine day, so you have to be dilated?”
“Yeah but not as much as you, Miss Amazon with a strapon, want to play with it. Remember what happens when you get me too loose? I don’t want my dilator falling out in the swimming pool.”
“Point taken so let’s go shower and you can at least help out a horny girl with your magic fingers.”
“You’re always horny, but I’d love to do that for you.”
<laugh>”Yeah I am and you love it too!”
“Of course I do! I’m a teenage boy!”
Both were smiling when they got to breakfast and Tommy gave Jenny a hug and kiss on the cheek as he proceeded drop into the seat beside her. “You look better this morning... feeling better?”
“Much better actually, today feels more like one of my normal periods. I should be good by this evening.” She replied.
“I’m glad you’re getting better, I’ve missed spending time with you,” he said as his hand gently stroked her bare thigh below her shorts under the table.
“Hasn’t Petra kept you happy? I know she’s been grinning at lot, so you’ve been busy keeping her that way.”
“Of course she has! Petra is wonderful, but she’s not my Jenny and although she’s taken good care of me, the way she handles my little body is different than the way you do. You like to spend hours just holding me and your touches are so gentle they drive me crazy. Hers are much firmer and controlling but not in a bad way. I love the way both you girls handle me, but I absolutely love your touches Jenny and I’ve been missing them. It’s not your fault since you’ve been feeling bad, but I have missed spending time with you.”
“Well we’ll just have to make up for lost time then Tommy, because I’ve missed it too.” She replied and put her hand on top of his, gripping it and then giving it a squeeze before releasing it.
Just then a hand gripped his shoulder and as he looked to see who it was, he got kissed on the cheek by a grinning Alex, who took the open seat beside him. “Good morning big brother!” she said as her hand stroked down his back and gave his waist a squeeze before retracting.
“Big brother?” Jenny asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Tommy adopted me last night. Oh I’m Alex and you must be Jenny,” the perky girl replied. “He’d already adopted my Billy as his little brother, so now he’s got both a little brother and sister.” She said with a smile that lit up her whole face.
“Jenny, meet Alex Cooper, the girl we talked about yesterday and Billy Simpson’s new supervisor. Alex this is indeed Jenny Crawford, the Assistant Director in charge of our Puericil group and my own personal supervisor.”
Reaching across in front of Tommy, Jenny shook the younger girls hand. “Hello Alex, I’ve heard quite a bit about you and all of it was very good. Welcome to the nut house we call Camp Puericil.” She said with a smile.
“Well it’s sure different than the cabin I was staying in before, but I love it! All the kids are great and welcomed me warmly. So I’ve got lots of new friends now and I especially love that I get to spend all my time with my best friend Billy! We’ve been friend forever and I love taking care of him.”
“Tommy switch places with Alex so we can talk easier and I can get to know her better,” Jenny directed and he just lifted his plate, stepped back over the bench, while Alex scooted over and then sat between her and Billy.
“Hey little brother, how are you this morning?” he asked as he set his plate back down and settled himself into place.
“Never better Tommy, last night was the best ever. Alex is the perfect supervisor for me!” the boy replied then leaned in and whispered, “Thanks for getting us together Tommy. I love that girl, always have, but now it’s so much better.”
“Good if you two are happy together, then I’m happy for both of you Billy.” He replied before resuming his breakfast.
Beside him he heard, “So Tommy adopted you? What’s that all about? And I heard he’s been teaching you swimming too?” Jenny’s voice said to the girl.
“Yes and Yes, Tommy’s a wonderful teacher! I’ve learned so much from him and he makes it so easy!” Alex’s voice responded as he tuned out the girls conversation, feeling that eavesdropping would be wrong.
Later, Kristen came over to get Tommy to take him to the pool and found Alex sitting beside him. “This is new! What are you doing sitting here Alex, I thought you were in the ‘B’ cabin group?”
“Hi Kristen, I’m with the Puericil group now as of last night I became Billy’s Puericil Supervisor and I love the change. None of the gossiping and sniping the girls do in the all girl cabins. Over here all the girls and boys work together and everyone helps each other and it’s just wonderful!”
“Then the change was a good thing. I’m happy for you Alex.” She said smiling at the girl. “Now I need to take my Asst. Instructor to the pool so you’ll have to excuse me if I take him away.”
“Actually we can just walk with you Kristen, unless that’s a problem, since I have take Billy over there anyway. He’s in that first class and if you want I can escort Tommy too, since I’m now a Puericil Supervisor.” Alex replied.
“I don’t get to escort Tommy anymore? I like escorting Tommy!” Kristen pouted.
“You can escort me anytime you want Kristen, I love spending time with you,” Tommy replied. “But now you don’t have to do it if you have something else you need to do; and neither will one of the C.I.T.’s have to be tied up doing it. Alex and Billy are both in the morning classes, so they’ll both be there all morning and have to return here for lunch. So Alex could escort me both ways if needed.”
“OK but I still plan on walking with you both ways when I can Tommy, I love spending time with you too. Now we need to head out, so if Alex and Billy are coming with us, it’s time to leave.”
“Of course Kristen, I’m done, so we can leave, no problem.” He replied.
“We’re done too so we can leave, no problem.” Alex replied.
When they left the dining hall, Kristen let Alex and Billy take the lead and she and Tommy followed them along the path with her arm around Tommy’s waist as she pulled him in closer. She smiled when she saw Alex pull Billy into her side as they walked and the boy seemed happy about it. “They’re good together Tommy, how did that happen?” she quietly asked.
“Long story, but the short version is that the girl who was Billy’s supervisor was temporary and actually didn’t want to do it, they didn’t even know each other before here at camp; but she got drafted for here at camp. Neither were happy as a result. So after talking to the kids, we found out Alex and Billy have gone to school together, were good friends and Alex had been his babysitter a number of times. So we approached Alex about taking over as his supervisor and she loved the idea, as in her words, ‘he’s my best friend, so of course I want to do it!’ a few approvals later and we have the happy couple in front of us,” he quietly advised.
“Well it looks like a good match to me, so it should work out well,” she replied.
“I think it will, she wants to continue as his supervisor at school and he’s all for it, I’m happy finding a solution was so easy.”
“So what’s on for today?” he asked.
“OK, I said I’d rotate you three, so first class, you and Rachel are in the pool and Sandy lifeguarding. Second class, you’ll be lifeguard and the girls in the pool. Then Monday, we just keep the rotation going, agreeable?”
“Of course it is Kristen, we’ll do it however you want, you’re in charge. I’m just happy to be involved at all...”
“Not nearly as happy as I am to have you there Tommy, you really are a good instructor and you’re making my job much easier!”
Alex and Billy sat on a bench alongside the pool while Kristen and Tommy met with the other instructors so Kristen could outline her plan for the day. Tommy glanced over and saw Alex holding Billy against her as the two were talking rather excitedly and he just smiled and returned his attention to Kirsten and the girls.
When the first class got underway, the kids were at the point of combining the kicks and arm movements into actual strokes and Tommy was working with them to get them into coordinated movements when he noticed Alex swimming back and forth at the end of the pool near the wall. Moving over near her, he watched and saw she was doing very well, so he turned his attention back to the other kids. At the break, he moved over beside her as they leaned against the wall. “You’re doing much better Alex.”
“Thanks Tommy but I owe you for that, I feel more confident now and it’s almost natural feeling.”
“That’s good, that’s the way it should feel when you’re doing it right. But I can’t take credit Alex, you’re doing the work, all I did was show you a few tricks and correct a few mistakes. So why are you in the water? You’re not in this class?”
“Oh Kristen said I could practice as long as I didn’t interfere with the class, so I’ve been trying to keep out of the way and just get some practice in. It was nice of her to let me do that.”
“Like they say, ‘Practice makes perfect’ and the more you practice, the better you get and the more comfortable you are in the water. So it’s good that you get more practice time,” he replied.
At the break between classes, Tommy asked Alex to take him to the restroom and she of course was more than willing to do it. Inside the small building, he sat on the toilet and looked up at her standing with him in the stall, then patted his lap and guided her to sit on it and slipped his arm around her waist as she sat on his legs. Reaching up he tapped her on the nose where she sat a full head higher than him.
“You know little sister I should be upset with you, but I’m not because I think I know why you did it.”
“What did I do? I’m sorry about doing something wrong really Tommy, I don’t want you upset with me.”
“You lied to me and Kristen the other day when you asked to look at my body up close. You said you’d never had the chance to do that with a boy before. But thinking about it, you later admitted to having babysat Billy a bunch and knowing you like I do now; there is no way you didn’t check him out very closely when you had the chance. Am I wrong about that?”
<giggle>“No, I’ve given him baths a number of times and yes I checked him over very closely...” she replied blushing.
“Don’t be embarrassed about that Alex, all babysitters do that when they give boys baths. Now the reason I’m NOT upset with you is those other girls probably hadn’t had that opportunity so you just arranged things to they could have that chance and it was nice of you to do that for them.”
“Yes that’s why I did it, because none of them had ever had a chance like that. So you’re not mad at me? Truth? I did enjoy getting to look at you up close, I like your body. Those other girls really appreciated you allowing it too.”
“No sweetie, I’m not mad about it. But from now on little Sis, you don’t get to tell me any more lies agreed?”
“Agreed, I’ll never do that to you again, promise Tommy. I need you to trust me totally.”
“Good!” he replied and gave her a peck on the cheek as he stroked up her spine and said, “Now get up, I’m done and we need to get back outside.”
<giggle> “I really like having a big brother!” she said as she have him a quick kiss on the lips and then quickly got up from his lap.
Tommy was lifeguarding the second class and wasn’t surprised to see Charlie waiting for him at the bottom of the chair when the break was called. “Thanks Charlie, you have no idea how much I appreciate you girls doing this for me,” he said as they walked to the restroom. “I drink way too much water up there in that chair but if I don’t then Kristen gets on my case.”
“Forget it Tommy I love it that I can help you even if it’s nothing more than escorting you to the restroom. Besides it gives me something to do. Watching other kids learn to swim isn’t that exciting for those of us watching. But I’m happy that my Sam is getting much better at it. Billy sitting with Paula and me is nice too.”
Once in the restroom stall Tommy looked up and the young girl and grinning said, “Any good gossip from the cabins? I miss out on all the good stuff being housed with Jenny and Petra.”
“Not much Tommy, we all get along really well. A lot better since Sherry’s gone. She never joined in much with the other kids, actually she admitted she didn’t want to be there. She wanted to be in the general camp, not with us, so just did the minimum to get along with the rest of us...”
“Someone should have told me, Jenny or Petra. Charlie, we can’t fix a problem we don’t know exists.”
“Yeah we should have, but you did fix it. Alex is great, she fits right in and is excited to be with us.” She replied. “Actually I’m surprised Billy never said anything...”
“Charlie, Billy is new to the whole Puericil thing, he’d only been on it two days when we came on the bus and had no clue about anything related to it. When I first talked to him on the bus, he was totally clueless about what was expected of him or how he should act. It really doesn’t surprise me that he didn’t say anything. He’s still trying to find his place as a Puericil boy.”
“We figured that out Tommy, he’s always asking the other boys and girls what he should do in different situations and well all the other kids have tried really hard to help him fit in. Sherry was no help to him at all, since she was a clueless as he was. He’s a really nice boy and all the girls have done our best to help him.”
“Ok well for what it’s worth, Alex is new to it also, so I hope you girls can help her adapt too.”
“Oh that’s no problem, once we found out she’d been Billy’s babysitter a bunch and that they were close friends, she’s adapted easily. She says it’s just Babysitting 24/7 and loves taking care of Billy.”
“Good but could I ask a favor? If any more situations like Sherry come up, please make sure someone tells me? I want all the kids in our group to be happy and that can only happen if I know what’s really going on. I promise to keep secret who told me, but I can only help if someone lets me know of the problem. Don’t think of it as snitching or anything like that, think of it as helping your friends.”
“I will and I know Paula will too. Just seeing Billy so happy and excited now tells me we should have said something about it.”
“Thanks Charlie, I really appreciate your concern and from what I’ve seen Sam’s a lucky boy to have you as his supervisor. He’s always smiling and so are you and we want all our campers to have those same smiles.”
The rest of the class went without issue and when he came down from the chair, Paula was waiting and escorted him to the restroom. When they returned to the pool, only the Puericil kids and Kristen were still there. Kristen sent the other kids ahead to lunch while Tommy took a quick shower in the outdoor shower and Kristen threw him a towel when he was done. “Feel better?” she asked grinning.
“Much better, I felt like a big glob of sweaty sunscreen,” he replied smiling. “So we’re off to lunch?”
“Yep, and I get to escort you all by myself!”
“Oh goodie! I get to be alone with the hot Waterfront Director! Is my virtue in jeopardy?” he replied grinning.
“Knowing Jenny and Petra, I seriously doubt you have any virtue left young man!” then laughed as she saw him blush very red.
“Not much, but I’m not complaining. I love both of them and couldn’t stop them even if I wanted to and I certainly don’t want them to stop. I consider myself a very lucky boy,” he replied blushing even more if that was possible.
“I’m quite sure they feel they’re the lucky ones Tommy. You’re a very special boy and I’d snatch you up in a heartbeat if you were available!” she said in a serious voice.
“Really? That’s the part I don’t get. How could you girls want someone as small and well underdeveloped as me?”
Gently taking him by the shoulders and pulling him into a tight hug against her much larger body, she tilted his face up and running her fingers through his hair, gave him a light kiss before answering. “It’s the boy inside your small body that we love Tommy. You’re kind, considerate, very smart, totally honest and overall the most lovable boy I’ve ever met. You never play games with people and that alone makes you someone I could fall deeply in love with, without a second thought. I really hate all the macho, Alpha male games boys play and you never do any of that. That makes you a very special boy to girls. Besides, your little body is very attractive to look at and very nice to touch so what’s not to like? Now we’d better get to lunch before I decide to have my way with you little guy!” Then grinning gave him another friendly kiss before releasing him with a playful swat on the butt.
As they walked with her arm around him he decided to respond to what she’d said about him. “Kristen, I appreciate you telling me how you see me. But honestly I don’t see myself that way. I look at other guys and can’t help comparing myself to them physically. They’re bigger and stronger and I’m physically weak and small when compared to them. As for the rest, I’m just a boy trying my best to treat people the way I’d like them to treat me. You know the whole ‘Golden Rule’ thing. I’m just a small boy trying my best to get by within the big world I find myself in...”
“All I can say Tommy is don’t ever change your personality, because it’s what makes you so Special!”
“I wouldn’t even know how to be different than I am Kristen. I’m in that category of ‘What you see is what you get’ for good or bad, I am what I am and can’t change it.”
“Then don’t worry about it Tommy. All you have to do is give your love and accept love in return and you’ll be just fine.”
“I can do that. Thanks for being so honest with me, I really appreciate it.”
At lunch Alex sat beside Tommy again with Petra on his other side. “Alex you’re ready to pass that C.I.T. swimming test if you still want to take it,” he advised.
“You think so?”
“I know so... you could swim 3 lengths of the pools with three different strokes no problem,” he replied.
“OK thanks Tommy, but I’m not sure I’d need to take it now...”
“Why not?”
“Well since I’m a Puericil supervisor now, I’m already considered a counselor... why would I need to be a C.I.T.?”
“OK that’s good for the rest of your stay this summer. But wouldn’t you like to be a full counselor or Sr. Counselor like Petra at some point? You’d have to go through the C.I.T. training to move to those jobs, and as long as you’re assigned within the Puericil group, you’d still have Billy with you... Who knows in a few years when you’re older, you could end up replacing Jenny as the Asst. Director?”
“Hadn’t thought of that... I should talk to Jenny and see what she thinks. I’d like to be a C.I.T. but only if I could keep Billy with me...”
“Then I’d suggest you talk to her. Who knows you might be one yet this summer?”
“I will, thanks for thinking of that Tommy, it gives me some options I hadn’t considered.”
“Just doing my big brother thing, little sis.”
“So what’s on for this afternoon?” Tommy asked.
“Our group is at the Pioneering area, Tommy. Shawna will be taking them all over there but they’ll split up into smaller groups once there trying different things. Why? Would like to go with them?” Jenny replied.
“Am I allowed to go with them?” he asked.
“Of course silly. You’re not a prisoner you know, anytime you want to accompany our kids you’re welcome to do that.” She replied.
“Actually some of the stuff I saw over there when Petra and I visited, looked interesting. So I can go too? What about an escort?”
“No problem there, Tommy, I’m in charge of our group while they’re there, so you’ll be with me,” Shawna replied.
“OK, thanks Shawna, I’ll go with you then.” He replied smiling.
“He doesn’t want to spend the afternoon with me at the Archery range again. Boo Hoo, woe is me...” Petra said sarcastically.
“It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with you Petra, but trying stuff I’ve never done, sounds more interesting than sitting around watching kids shoot arrows. I’ll make it up to you I promise.” He replied.
“But you’ve never actually tried archery yourself Tommy, even though I’ve tried to get you to do it?”
“In case you haven’t figured it out Petra, I’m a non violent person and have no desire to use weapons since I have no inclination of ever killing anything or anyone and that’s what those bows were invented for. OK I know every time I eat meat I’m being a hypocrite about it, but I’m content letting someone else kill the animals I end up eating. So sue me if you want.”
<laugh>”OK Tommy, I’ll relent, but you WILL make it up to me!”
“I promised didn’t I? And if you know anything about me, I ALWAYS keep promises I make!”
“Yes you do Tommy, it’s one of the things I really like about you little guy!”
No one was surprised when as they walked to the Pioneering area that Billy was holding one of his hands and Alex the other. Once they got there, he walked around with Shawna as she described what was happening in each of the small groups and answering his questions about various of the activities.
“They just finished the rope bridge yesterday” she said as she pointed out the various knots that were necessary for it to be build between two towers as it stretched across the open area. Just then a girl worked her way across it and he watched as it dipped and swayed with her progress but she just held on to the side ropes and let it settle before advancing further. “It’s very strong and although it sways some, safe, I tested it myself when they finished it before allowing any of the kids to use it.” Shawna explained.
“Should it sway like that?” he asked.
“It has to or it wouldn’t work at all. The sway allows the ropes to take up the stress. If it were stretched tight, too much weight at any one point and the ropes would be overstressed and begin to part and eventually unravel.” She explained. “Want to try it?”
Seeing that it was mostly only about six feet off the ground so even if he fell, it wasn’t that far he agreed to give it a try. Climbing the tower on one end, Shawna walked out a few feet onto the bridge and turned back facing him. “The trick Tommy is to turn your feet sideways on the bottom rope, so it’s your arch that’s holding your weight. Hold on to both side ropes to stabilize yourself, and just move at a slow pace. If it starts to sway or dip, just let it stabilize to vertical before moving forward. Don’t lean to either side or it will tend to tilt in that direction. You want to be vertical at all times. OK?”
“Got it!” He said as he watched her walk out about a third of the way across and then back to him demonstrating what she’d described.
Tommy started out and noticed immediately that the whole thing bounced up and down as he took each step forward. It was almost like walking downhill since the further he got from the tower, the more the whole structure sagged in the middle. He went slowly and was about half way across, and just starting the upward slant when someone yelled like they were in pain off to his left and he looked that direction just as he was taking a step. He quickly discovered that looking away and being distracted was a big mistake! He stepped down, with his toes instead of his arch and his foot slipped right off the big rope that was the main support and since he was already transferring his weight to his lead foot, his body dropped to where he was straddling the bottom rope, with his arms up still hanging onto the side ropes. “Oh shit!” he cried out as his balls hit the rope and were resting right on that big bottom rope and had been banged pretty hard.
“Hold Still!” Shawna yelled from below him and when he looked in her direction he found she was almost even and just a little lower than him and within her reach. “Let go with your right hand and reach for me,” she ordered and he did as she instructed and felt her grab his arm and shoulder. “OK now let go with your left hand and just let yourself fall in my direction. Lift your left leg as you fall and I’ll catch you!” she ordered and he soon found himself in her strong arms as she lowered him to the ground. Tommy grabbed his balls as soon as his arms were free and gently massaged them. “You’re down and safe,” she told him as she looked him over.
“God that hurt!” he whimpered.
“Let me look,” she said as she moved his hands away and she knelt in front of him. He felt her fingers gently examine his cock and balls and that didn’t seem to hurt, but when she touched the inside of his thigh, he said ‘ouch’. “OK Tommy it doesn’t look like you damaged your balls or dick, but you’ve got a big rope burn and scrape on the inside of your left thigh. That’s gonna hurt for a day or two, so I’m going to send you to the infirmary to make sure and get that scrape treated.” She advised.
“What happened just before I fell,” he asked, “It sounded like someone hurt themselves!”
“Nothing serious, one of the kids dropped a piece of firewood on their toe, they’ll be fine. It startled them more than anything. It’s you who actually got hurt. You weren’t paying attention to your footing!” the black girl admonished.
“I noticed,” he replied somewhat sarcastically.
“So it’s off to the infirmary for you Tommy, I want that scrape cleaned up so it doesn’t get infected.” She ordered.
“I’ll take him!” he heard Alex offer. “Paula look after my Billy will you please?”
“No problem!” he heard the other girl reply.
“Come on Tommy let’s go get you fixed up,” she said, as she pulled his left arm over her shoulders and her right arm around his waist. “Just walk slow and put your weight on me and keep it off your left leg as much as you can.” The younger girl directed and he just did what she said without argument.
As they started on the path outside of the Pioneering area he turned his head towards her and said, “Alex I really don’t need you to support me like this, I can walk on my own...”
“Maybe, maybe not, either way I’m not taking a chance on you getting hurt further. Jenny and Petra are already going to be pissed that you’re hurt at all. So just shut up and let your little sister take care of you ok?”
<laugh> “OK Alex, I won’t argue and let you do whatever you feel you need to.”
“It’s not funny, damn it! Tommy you scared the shit out of me when you fell on that thing!”
“OK well that part wasn’t funny but my little sister taking charge of me and giving orders. Even if they are reasonable and all that is what’s funny to me.”
<giggle>”Yeah I did get kind of bossy there didn’t I? But you did scare me, so you’ll just have to live with me being bossy until I can safely turn you over to Jenny or Petra. Clear?”
“Clear. I promise to be a good boy while in your care.”
When they got to the infirmary there were more people there than Tommy expected. There were 5 or 6 sitting in chairs along the one wall, obviously campers, and one girl up on an examination table getting treated for what must be a sprained ankle since a girl he didn’t recognize dressed in medical scrubs was putting an Ace bandage on it.
“What do we have here?” the head nurse asked.
“Tommy fell on that rope bridge and banged his privates pretty good and Shawna said he’s got a rope burn and scrape on his thigh that needs cleaned up,” Alex reported.
“OK well let’s get him treated then,” she replied before turning to the other nurse. “Sandra, you’ve got all the normal ones, I’ll take care of our Mr. Thompson here.” She said with a smile. Then turned to another girl and said, “Becky please pull Tommy Thompson’s file and bring it over please?”
“Yes of course,” the girl replied.
Helping him up onto her examination table, she strapped his feet into the stirrups then walked up near his head and gently stroked his hair. “Just relax Tommy and we’ll get you fixed up ok?”
“You remember my name?”
“Of course I remember your name young man. Not only did I examine you when you first came to the camp, I was there for your Puericil presentation to the staff and must say it was excellent! I learned a couple of things about that drug from you that I’d missed when I read the literature. You did a much better job than I would have covering the same material and that it was coming from a boy who was experiencing the drug’s effects, made it much more real and effective. Now just relax and we’ll see how much damage you did to yourself.”
Just then the girl returned with his file and Mrs. Oliver just took it and lay it on a small table off to the side as she then pulled a pair of rubber gloves from a box and was putting them on. “Tommy this is Becky, she’s a student nurse at the local community college, I’m going to have her assist in your treatment as part of her training. Are you ok with that?”
“That’s fine Mrs. Oliver, she’ll need to learn on someone and I need treatment after not paying attention to what I was doing. So why not me? I can’t be more embarrassed about being stupid than I already am.”
“Thank you for being helpful Tommy, I’m sure Becky will appreciate it. OK Becky put on some gloves and we’ll do an initial assessment. Apparently all the damage is his groin area and thigh from what his escort has advised.”
“Her name’s Alexandra Cooper, but she goes by Alex,” Tommy advised the women. “She one of the Puericil supervisors and volunteered to bring me here.
“Hi Alex,” the woman said smiling at the girl. “Believe it or not, Tommy’s our first male patient other than the initial exams. Two of your girls have been in for minor things but no boys, so you girls must be taking good care of them and keeping them from hurting themselves. To be honest, I’d expected to see several by now, boys being boys and all.”
“All of them are very well behaved, not like normal boys, Mrs. Oliver and we do try to keep them out of trouble.” Alex replied grinning.
Throwing the lever that raised and opened his legs, she stepped between them and said, “Ok let’s see what you did to yourself Tommy,” then proceeded to examine him closely. Once she was done, she stepped back and said, “Ok Becky, examine him and tell me what you find and your recommended treatment.”
Tommy just lay back and tried not to think about what was happening between his legs, as he felt the student nurse handling his privates. Alex stayed by his head and was gently running her fingers through his long hair keeping him calm. Then he heard Becky ask, “What’s this thing in his anus?”
“That’s his dilator Becky. You remember the reading material I gave you concerning Puericil boys? Today was a medicine day for him so that device holds the suppository high inside him while it’s absorbed. It’s perfectly normal for boys on Puericil Plus to be wearing a dilator like that. Don’t worry about it. But I am surprised you didn’t seem to recognize it for what it is or why it’s there. You’ll need to read that material again. All the boys here are on that version of the drug.” She admonished and Alex noticed the girl blushed in response but all Tommy could see was the top of her head.
Once the girl was done examining him she rose and reported her findings. “Ok, his testis seem normal and no damage to his penis. The only groin damage is a small red irritation as the juncture of his leg and groin. The main damage is as reported a friction burn along the inside of his thigh and an actual abrasion approximately 4” in length by an inch wide. There’s slight seepage of blood from the abrasion but it appears to be surface bleeding only, there are no lacerations so it’s just capillary seepage.”
“And proposed treatment?” the head nurse asked.
“Well obviously disinfect the entire area since we don’t know what might have been on that rope he fell on; then apply an antiseptic lotion or cream to the abrasions and friction burn area. I’d suggest one with a Lidocaine content to help with pain suppression. Beyond that follow-up treatment would be to keep the area clean and give him a combined antiseptic-lidocaine topical cream or lotion to apply until the abrasion heals completely. Oh and no swimming until it does heal. Chlorine on that abrasion would burn like heck right now. Other than that, just rest until it heals.”
“Excellent! So proceed with the treatment and I’ll just observe. Were you listening Tommy? No major damage, but this will be a bother for a couple of days and we’ll give you a cream to put on it to help healing and reduce pain and irritation. But she was very correct about swimming and Chlorine until that heals. As high as I know Kristen keeps the Chlorine in the pool you don’t want to be in there until it’s healed or it will burn like hell!”
“Well I wasn’t scheduled back at the pool until Monday, so hopefully it will be healed up by then and if not, I’ll just do lifeguard duty until it is healed.” He replied.
“It will scab over by later today, but don’t scratch or pick at it. Just keep it clean and put the cream we’ll give you on and by Monday it should be fine,” the nurse advised.
Becky the student nurse returned with some supplies and again disappeared between his legs. “This part will sting some Tommy, but there’s nothing I can do to prevent it,” the girl advised as he felt her swabbing his groin with something and then went to his leg and there it burned and he hissed his breath in and flinched a little. “Sorry about that Tommy, but it couldn’t be helped. This part will make it feel better though,” the girl said as he felt her spreading a cool lotion or cream on his leg and the pain from whatever it was she’d used before slowly disappeared. She then coated his groin with the same cool stuff and by the time she was done, he didn’t feel any pain from his leg anymore. “That will last about 3 or 4 hours, Tommy, then just coat it again if you’re feeling pain from your leg. The cream we’re giving you has a local anesthetic called Lidocaine so it will lessen any pain you might feel, it’s similar to sunburn cream, but stronger. The scrape will heal faster if exposed to the air, so don’t cover it. But then that shouldn’t be a problem since you boys are mostly naked here.” The girl advised, then stood and tripped the lever that closed and lowered his legs and she unstrapped him. “All done Tommy, you’re good to go!” she said with a smile.
Alex helped him down from the table and he saw Mrs. Oliver making notes in his file. Turning to the student nurse, he said, “Thanks Becky you were very gentle and I think you‘ll make a great nurse! I appreciate you taking care of me.”
“And you were a very good patient Tommy. I know that alcohol had to burn when I cleaned the scrape, but like I said, it couldn’t be helped. I actually expected more of a reaction than you gave when I wiped that area. Now here’s your cream to take with you. And please try not to hurt yourself again? I wouldn’t mind you being my patient again, but don’t want you hurting yourself to where that would be necessary.” She said with a smile.
“Understood Becky. I didn’t intentionally do it to myself this time, but I promise to be more careful so trips here won’t be necessary. Thanks again!” he replied with a smile and turned to the nurse. “Thanks to you to Mrs. Oliver, you run a nice clinic here, you’ll understand if I make an effort not to visit again?”
“I understand perfectly Tommy, now get out of here! Dinner time is almost on us.” The woman said as she gave him a pat on the back. “Keep him out of trouble Alex!” she said with a grin.
“I’ll try but you know how boys are...” Alex replied also grinning.
“Come on Tommy I’m sure Jenny and Petra have already heard some horrid report on your injury and are worried about you and I don’t want to deal with them.” She said urging him towards the door while giving the women a wink and grinning where Tommy couldn’t see it.
When they entered the dining hall Tommy was immediately surrounded by Jenny, Petra, Shawna and Billy all of whom were asking how he was. “Hey will everyone settle down? It’s just a scrape and not serious, it’s been treated and will be fine in a couple of days! I appreciate your concern, but it’s no worse than a scraped knee. It’s just that it’s on the inside of my leg instead of my knee ok? So calm down and let’s eat dinner, then when we get back to the cabin you can all look at it if that’s what it takes to assure yourselves that it’s not serious. OK?”
“Fine! But I WILL check it myself!” Jenny ruled and he saw Petra had the same attitude about it.
“OK and you can even put the cream on for me if you want. Now relax please?”
After they calmed down, Alex sat beside him as was now coming to be usual. “Now you know why I wanted to get you back here quickly,” she whispered. “I knew they’d be in a panic and worried about you.”
“I knew what you meant but didn’t think it would be this bad,” he whispered back. And got a giggle from her.
“What are you two whispering about?” Petra asked.
“Just a big brother/little sister inside joke, nothing for you to be concerned about Petra. Don’t worry about it.” He replied calmly.
“OK but I don’t like it that you got hurt, we’ll be keeping you on a shorter leash!” the big girl replied sternly.
“What you think I’m some kind of dog that you have the right to leash? That’s total bullshit! He replied slapping the table with his hand hard.
“I didn’t mean...”
“Petra, it was a stupid mistake on my part and no ones fault. I got distracted and slipped. Nothing more than that, hell I could have stepped in a hole like Charlie did and gotten injured just as easily. So back off you’re not going to make me a prisoner of some kind and if you try, you’ll find out I can override the Puericil effects if you push me hard enough! You don’t own me! I’m not your pet and I won’t put up with anything that wraps me in a cocoon or anything near it! Are we clear on that?” he replied obviously upset.
“Yes but I still don’t like that you were injured!”
“I don’t like it either, but it happened and it’s ME that has to deal with it not you! Enough already! One more word about it and I’m out of here and returning to the cabins and see if I can’t find somewhere else to sleep! There ARE empty beds in both the camper cabins and if you keep this up, I’ll be using one! Damn it I just lost my appetite! Could someone besides Petra escort me back to the cabin?”
“Sure Tommy, I’ll walk with you,” Amy quietly offered.
“Thank you Amy, let’s go... I’m fed up with this whole discussion!”
“Are you happy now Petra?” Jenny growled. “That ‘short leash’ line of yours hit a hot button with him and now the rest of us have to deal with the fallout.”
“But I didn’t mean...”
“Petra if anyone will be sleeping in one of those empty beds it won’t be Tommy. Now I’ve got to go try and repair the damage you’ve done and I’m guessing it’s not going to be easy. Just remember this, all his live he’s been bullied and controlled by someone else, whether he agreed or not. ANY implication that you plan on controlling him is likely to get the result you just saw. And I might add, if my life had been like his has been, I’d be inclined to respond the same way he did. So give me some time alone with him before you come back to the cabin. Excuse me folks I’ve got to go talk to the boy I’m responsible for supervising...” Then got up and left the table.
Petra just sat there quietly trying to finish her dinner, but not interested in it at all. While receiving glares from several others at the table.
Back at the cabin she found Tommy laying face down on the bed crying. Sitting beside him and gently stroking his back, she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Tommy I’m not going to allow anyone to control you or cage you in, in any way. You’re old enough to look out for yourself in most cases and I have no plans on not allowing you all the freedom I can either here in camp or when we get back home. I was concerned that you got hurt, but knew it was an accident and nothing more. Shawna told me you were distracted when one of the kids yelled in pain; and I can’t say I wouldn’t expect you to look to see what happened. That’s just how you are, always concerned about the kids. I probably would have had the same reaction. The downside is it caused you to slip and fall. Shit happens and this was one of those times.”
“I’m sorry Jenny. I lost my temper when I shouldn’t have... it’s just that ‘leash’ thing set me off like suddenly I was going to be trapped like some animal or treated like a little kid who’s incapable of looking out for myself. I can’t go back there Jenny, half my life’s been like that. I’m sorry I was rude, but she just wouldn’t let it go...”
“Tommy I don’t want you worrying about it. Now turn over and let me check your scrape myself, not that I don’t believe you, but just to assure myself that it’s minor. Then I need to hold you in my arms so I’m sure you’re not upset with me. Can you do that for me?”
Tommy rolled over onto his back and opened his legs. Jenny leaned over and gently checked both his groin and the obvious injury on his leg. “Does it hurt when I touch it?”
“No the creams got some stuff in it to make it a little numb... Lido.. lido something... like in sunburn medicine...”
“Yeah that’s it, she said it was stronger than the stuff in sunburn medicine though...”
“Do you need some now?”
“No she said it would be good for about 4 hours and it’s only been about 1 ½. I figured I’d coat it again before going to bed after my shower.”
“That sound like a good plan. Are there any other restrictions?”
“Just rest it and not to go swimming because of the Chlorine, until it’s healed. She figured it would be healed by Monday or so.”
“Well that’s not too bad, now do I get to hold my boyfriend?”
<giggle> “You always get to do that whenever you want Jenny, I hope you know that...”
“I was hoping that was still the case. You do realize that holding you in my arms is controlling your body don’t you?”
“Yeah but it’s a kind of control that I’ll happily volunteer for anytime you want because I love and trust you totally.”
“Then sit up a minute so I can slide under you, because I plan on controlling your sexy little body while I cuddle and kiss you.”
“I’ll always volunteer for that with you Jenny,” he said as he sat up and she slid behind him and then cuddled him against her body.
After a few kisses, he looked up at her, “I should apologize to Petra, for going off on her.”
“No you don’t need to. I told her she was wrong in pushing you like that and she knows she pushed too hard when she wouldn’t let it drop. I would have told her while you were still there, but didn’t get it out fast enough. If anyone needs to apologize it’s her, not you.”
“You don’t think she’ll be mad at me? I was rude to her...”
“She was rude in pushing you... so she has no reason to be mad that you responded like you did.”
“Ok well I’ll let it drop, but I won’t allow her to control me unless it’s something I agree to in advance.”
“Fair enough! Now I need more kisses, you’ve got 3 days worth to make up for and I want my quota!” <snicker>
<giggle> “Yes Ma’am, I’ll do my best to make up for all those you missed out on and add some extra just in case.”
“I like the sound of your logic!”


(End of File)