It's Not Fair 6
By Cassie

[email protected]

Copyright 2010 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I'd like to read it.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. Instead of repeating the whole explanation, I'll leave you with another selection of letters from the "It's Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, more boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls' modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

(Remember the magazine responses are in italics, and I'll add my own observations between square brackets).

If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I'd like to read it. Please, feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to. Thanks again to Steven, who wrote the first letter in this issue, and thank too to the reader who kindly contributed Andrew's letter.

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It's Not Fair 6

Steve (age 15)

I cannot believe it! I guess before I tell you the problem, I better give you some background.

Since I was a little boy, I and my two younger sisters have always been babysat by one of the daughters from the Scott family across the street. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have six kids, and they had five girls in a row before they finally had Tom on the sixth try. Our first babysitter was Nancy, the oldest girl, who is 12 years older than me, then Helen, who is 10 years older than me, then Anne Marie, who is 7 years older than me, and then Sharon, who is only three and a half years older than me. One of the girls would be our regular babysitter when our parents went out, and they babysat until they got into high school and got into high school activities and dating, when the next younger sister would take over.

Well, I'm 15 now, making Sharon 18+, and when Sharon recently "retired," I thought that I was finished with babysitters. Heck, I'm 15 now, and feel like a little man, even though that Puericil medicine mom makes me take keeps me from getting any body hair at all, even over my peenie (can I use that word in this magazine?)

The oldest girls, Nancy and Helen, used to bathe all three of us when they babysat, the only difference being that my two sisters were bathed together with the bathroom door closed. I was bathed by myself, but when I got my bath the bathroom door was always wide open, and my sisters could look in or come in while I was being bathed.

It was the same way with Anne Marie for a while, but then she decided that my sisters were now old and "mature" enough to bathe themselves, so my sisters started taking their own baths behind closed doors. Anne Marie continued to bathe me, however, still with the bathroom door wide open.

Sharon continued that same practice, and it was she who actually told us that my two younger sisters were at a point where they didn't need a babysitter at all, but I still did, because boys grow up and mature much more slowly than girls. Sharon made it clear that she was really only in the house now to babysit me, which my sisters found quite funny.

The different treatment between me, the only boy, and my sisters was always shown in another way as well. All of our babysitters were allowed to spank only me. Nancy and Helen only spanked me with their hands, as I was just a little boy when they sat but, but as I got older, my mother had a stout wooden paddle made for me, with holes in it and everything. To make it even worse, the paddle isn't kept anywhere private. It hangs in a prominent place in our living room, where no one can miss it and, believe me, everyone who goes into the living room can see it. And just in case anyone wouldn't know who the paddle was for, my mother had engraved on the paddle the words "For Steve's naughty (picture of a bear) tushie." Thus, everyone knew that I was the only one spanked in this house, and Anne Marie and Sharon started using the paddle when they spanked me, and like my mother, always spanked me in front of my sisters and any of their friends who might be present, and always on a naked tushie.

Anyway, as I said, I thought that with Sharon's retirement, my embarrassing babysitting days were over. However, I couldn't have been more wrong. For the last three Saturday nights, we have had Ellen Scott as our new babysitter, and she has told all the kids in the neighborhood that she is babysitting "Steve", not all three of us!

As I said before, I cannot believe it. ELLEN IS ONLY 12 YEARS OLD! Yes, she is almost as tall as me, and yes, she can look very stern and be very imposing, but she is three years younger than me, and I am the only one she bosses around. With my two sisters, she just acts like a friend, which she is. She has given me a bath all three nights, just like her sisters with the bathroom door open, and when I argued with her and gave her a problem, she led me downstairs naked after my bath by my ear and spanked me with the paddle in the living room. And she spanks REALLY hard, and won't stop until I'm crying like a baby. I'm almost a man now. I don't need a babysitter at all, and I sure don't need one who is younger than me, gives me a bath, and spanks me like a little kid. IT'S NOT FAIR!

Dear Steve, we can see how this situation could be embarrassing for you. In the beginning, it was quite all right, but as you got older the age difference with your babysitter decreased, that must have made it embarrassing to have them see you naked for your baths or your punishments, particularly when your sisters were allowed much more modesty and were treated as if they were much more mature than you, even though they are younger.

Sometimes things happen that way and there's not much you can do. Statistically, it's true that girls tend to mature faster than boys, so you must try not to be too ashamed when younger girls see you naked or are given authority over you. It's not your fault, but a fact of biology that girls and boys mature at their own pace. However, there are things you can try, in order to make things better. If you act more maturely, you'll probably end up being treated in a more mature way. So, even if it doesn't seem to do much good in the beginning, try to be obedient and well-behaved. No one can expect you to be perfect, but even a small effort in that direction can do wonders.

Having said that, we would advice you not to be in a hurry to grow up. It's natural for growing boys to want more freedom, and to be allowed more privacy, but with freedom comes more responsibility, duties and worries, and the truth is that childhood is a very happy and enjoyable part of life, even if it doesn't always seem that way. Keep being a boy and enjoy yourself, even if sometimes you have to put up with some embarrassment!

[[As always, the magazine response encourages the boy to accept the status quo and work within the system. It wouldn't do, of course, to encourage teenage rebellion.

Do notice how the fact that Puericil gets rid of all traces of pubic hair (all androgenic hair, in fact) makes it easier for parents to allow girls to supervise older boys and bathe or discipline them when necessary. Pubic hair or not, teenage boys are nowadays widely regarded as children, but the image of a young girl handling the mature-looking penis of a teen boy, with its pubic hair, would make many adults uncomfortable. However, without even a vestige of hair, that same penis looks much more infantile and innocent, even if it's bigger than a small child's and more capable of achieving erections. Of course, the main effect of Puericil is making boys, particularly teen boys, much more docile and manageable. For obvious reasons, that makes it easier for young girls to handle teenage boys, and exercise authority over them.

The advantage in maturity of a girl over a boy the same age exists, but from an objective point of view it's not big enough to justify the disparity in the way boys and girls are treated. Mostly, it's the effect of the widely-used Puericil what makes boys seem much more immature than girls. However, a lot of social tendencies and reactions against problems of the past have made it possible for this disparity to develop. Juvenile delinquency has all but disappeared, and parents and adults in general are quite happy with the way things are. The Conservative Resurgence seems to be here to stay.]]


Andrew (12 years old)

My school has a swimming pool, and all students are required to take swimming lessons once a week. I like swim classes except for the fact that the boys have to be in the buff for the lessons. No kidding. Stark naked. There are no exceptions and no excuses. When we get older I heard that we will have separate classes for boys and girls, but for now our sessions are all co-ed. That's right. Girls are right there with us, but unlike the boys, the girls get to wear nice one-piece swimsuits supplied by the school. One-piece suits! What do you think of that? The girls can see every inch of us boys, top and bottom, front and back, but we're not even allowed to see their belly buttons! Is that fair?

A lot of the boys seem to like being naked, or at least they don't seem to care, but I hate it. The worst part is when Miss Benson, our swim instructor, makes us line up for roll call. She's very thorough and it seems to take forever to do the roll. Miss Benson wears a swimsuit that matches the girls', and she stands next to the pool. Girls line up on one side of her and we boys have to stand in front of them, at the other side of Miss Benson. During roll call, we have to stand there, arms at our sides, and no covering is allowed. That's when the girls giggle and point and whisper among themselves, and Miss Benson almost never stops them. And if she does, she just scolds them. But if a boy ever makes noise, or runs in the pool area, or tries to cover himself, he gets the stick. Is that fair?

After class the girls like to tease, especially the shy boys like me or the guys who got the stick that day. I bet they wouldn't think it was so funny if they ever felt the stick themselves, but they don't because girls are exempted from corporal punishments. So they have no idea how much it hurts. Girls are so lucky. I bet Miss Benson never felt it either, but we have to. Is that fair?

Us boys were told that we had to swim naked because fibers from our swimsuits could clog the pool filters. Well, if that's so, then how come girls get to wear suits? We asked Miss Benson why the girls could wear costumes and we can't, and she said that it was because "girls have modesty issues" but that "boys have nothing to hide". Is that fair?? Not at all! It's not fair!

Dear Andrew, it's true that fibers sometimes clog the swimming pool filters, but fibers from girls' suits clog them just as much as those from boys' suits. Still, people think that girls are more sensitive about their bodies and that their modesty needs to be protected more. The reasoning then is that only girls suited is better for the filters than both boys and girls suited. You may not like it, but it's the way things are at many schools and swimming pools, so you'll have to get used to it.

Still, there are also advantages to being a boy. Boys in general are more active and enjoy themselves more. Just check the articles and activities featured in this issue!

[[Ah, the good old "clogged pool filters" explanation. Supposedly it's a big deal, but somehow girls and adults can use swimming suits without problems. The truth is that parents, schools and other institutions sometimes go out of their way to make sure boys are made to be naked in relatively public settings. No matter the rationalization, it's actually a matter of control, of keeping boys, reputedly more boisterous and rebellious than girls, in their place.]]


Robbie (15 years old)

Since I was a little boy, my brothers and I go to a child's doc when we are sick or when we need to have our checkup. I really hate going, because it's humiliating. He takes us over his lap for temp taking and any injections... he calls them booster shots. He has us take our pants and briefs down, and then checks our peepees and he brings us up and over his knee. Did I already say I hate it?

At least my brothers have to do the same, although not together. Mom or Dad are usually there too, and it's embarrassing to have my temp taken that way in front of them, even if they see me that way often enough, when I get a spanking at home. Often enough... or too often, if you ask me. And I really hate injections. At least I don't get them every time I go to the doc, but why does he have to take my temp every time I go there, even when I have no fever at all?

But that's not the worst. The last time I went there for my checkup it was the Take Your Daughters to Work Day, or some other lame thing like that. So, when I went into the exam room with Dad the doctor was there, and so was his daughter, who seemed to be my younger brother's age, around 12.

I said I didn't want her to be there during my checkup, but Dad said to shut up and not make the doctor waste his time.

"But I'll be naked, dad!!" I whispered to him, and he just laughed and said "Who cares? It doesn't matter if a little boy is naked." He said loud enough for the girl to hear, and I swear the little brat was smirking at me!

"Well, I care," I said, and almost stamped my feet on the floor, but Dad said "No more nonsense, young man!" He was looking at me in the way he looks at my brothers or me when he's about to sentence us to a spanking.

So I didn't want to make things worse, and I said "OK," and then I had to strip to my briefs for my exam.

After a while, the doc told me to get my panties down (I hate how he calls my briefs "panties"). I didn't move, because his daughter was right there, watching me real attentive. So he just went and did it, took my briefs right down to my ankles, and my peepee flopped out in front of that little brat.

She actually giggled, can you believe that? But instead of telling her off, the doc smiled and took my peepee in his hands and made a show about checking it, and peeling the skin at the top back. She saw everything! Everything! And it was even worse because I have no hair at all down there, just like a little boy, because of that Puericil stuff my parents make me take.

Then the doc sat on his chair and said "Come over here, son" and I had to walk there, all naked and stuff, and get over his lap. He separated my cheeks and slipped the thermometer in my bottom, while she watched real close. Talk about uncomfortable and embarrassing!

Finally I was allowed to dress and Dad told me to get back to the waiting room and tell one of my brothers to come in. I was too embarrassed to enjoy sending them in knowing what would happen to them, though.

I cannot forget how uppity that girl was, and how she stared. How come she gets to see us boys naked but we never get to see girls naked? And why do we have to get our temp checked that way? It's not fair!

Dear Robbie, it's too bad your brothers and you had such an embarrassing checkup. Adults want girls to be modest at all times, but often they don't realize that boys get embarrassed too. For them, boys are boys and therefore have no real need for modesty, no matter whether they are five or fifteen. Still, it's the way things are, and it doesn't pay to get too upset about it. You have to trust your parents to decide what's best for you, because they love you and, being grownups, they do know better. You were just unlucky it was Take Your Daughters to Work Day. It is his father's job, after all.

Speaking about knowing better, you must listen to your doctor and do what he tells you without protest. He is the one who knows about medical procedures. You should be grateful you have good medical care. Not all children in the world are so fortunate.

We know it was embarrassing, but it's not the end of the world. Cheer up! No permanent harm done!

[[Rectal thermometers for boys have made a big comeback. Its invasive nature is actually seen as an additional benefit, it reminds boys of who is in charge and how they are subjected to adult authority. If they don't even have control over their own bodies they are unlikely to feel grownup and rebellious. Since this is the reason, it's no wonder that this treatment is not discontinued when a boy reaches his teens. Quite the opposite, in fact, for parents and other adults make a point to show their dominance and authority over teenage boys.

Robbie is far from the only boy who has had an embarrassing experience related to the Take Your Daughters to Work Day, but more of that some other time.]]

(The End)