A Midsummer's Daydream, Part 1 By David daphnesecretgarden@yahoo.com copyright 2002 by David, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter One - A Summer of Fun It's been more than twenty years since that fateful summer. We'd just received word that my father was missing in action overseas, and my mother was pretty much at her wit's end in trying deal with the possibility of raising an adolescent boy on her own. I was pretty well subdued by then, having been torn apart by our loss and content to find pleasure only in the fantasies that I'd begun to build for myself. Between listening to my mother's crying and grieving, doing the household chores and struggling through school, I didn't expect much more out of life than to occasionally be left alone with my books ... and my dreams. I certainly wasn't prepared for what lay before me. For some reason, I'm still not quite sure why, as soon as summer vacation came around my mother decided to let me spend a few weeks with my grandmother at her home in the country. I was elated! No more tears, no more screaming and yelling ... away from my pain, I was going to get to lead a normal life for once! Nana's house was a grand old Gothic-styled home set back in a hollow faraway on the outskirts of a nearby county. Adjacent to a small creek that was fed by a mountain stream, it was surrounded by gardens and woods and even an old vineyard ... just the kind of place a young boy could get lost in ... to live out his dreams and be a child. I was in heaven. The only fly in the ointment was ... were ... my cousins. Sheila and Pam routinely spent each summer with Nana and they saw my arrival as something of an intrusion on their territory. As beautiful as they were arrogant - in my eyes, at least - they couldn't have cared less when I showed up, which sort of hurt my feelings, because I found them both absolutely fascinating. Like myself, Sheila fancied herself a writer of sorts, but where I liked making up stories of adventure and space travel, her path was more of a flight toward fancy and fantasy; she was always coming up with some wild tales having to do with fairies and witches and the like, and her head was always buried either in her journal or some book from our grandmother's extensive library. The older of the two - she was nearly eighteen at the time - Sheila was tall and athletic and very sure of herself, a combination that I found to be extremely intimidating. For as long as I'd known her, she'd taken great delight in torturing me in a variety of ways, from the usual cousinly teasing and pinching to much more elaborate schemes that inevitably left me red-faced and crying. You'll find out exactly what kind of schemes soon enough. Pam, on the other hand, was the quiet artist of the family. She carried both her drawing pad and a camera wherever she went and she played with them with the same sort of familiarity some people applied to humming or whistling. The walls of my grandmother's house were covered with photographs she'd taken, mostly of family members and nature scenes that looked professional enough to be in a magazine. A dark-haired beauty at the age of sixteen, Pam also shared her older sister's interest in the supernatural and would occasionally produce some remarkable and imaginative drawings along those lines. In fact, one painting she produced - an oil depicting Nana in a costume like that of the wicked queen in "Snow White" - was displayed proudly in my grandmother's drawing room. It was so real, so much like my grandmother, sometimes when I was in there by myself I would find myself staring at it, trying to catch some sense of movement, as though it was alive. In contrast to my wonderfully talented cousins stood ... me, poor little David, seventh grader, explorer and dreamer. Twelve years of age and suffering the pains of adolescence, I was a mess. Petite for my age, as well as shy and awkward, I'd always been a quiet child, easily pushed around and bullied, yet eager to please my elders ... and especially my beautiful cousins. Made even more vulnerable by the loss of my father, I found myself struggling through each day, trying to define who I was and what it was I was supposed to be doing. Lacking in confidence and easily brought to tears, I wasn't at all macho like my father, nor the pictures I saw of him from when he was a child; slender and blond, I had the fragile looks of my mother, which were even more evident when I saw photographs of what she looked like when she was my age. A serious handicap for what lay before me. Anyway, when I first arrived at the farm my cousins just ignored me, which wasn't so bad, but when our grandmother said that she expected them to include me in all of their summer activities, I received more than my share of death-stares. Oh, for my grandmother's sake they agreed to take me swimming and horseback riding and let me do all the other fun things they liked to do, but they weren't exactly thrilled to have a twelve year old brat tagging along. And they didn't bother hiding their feelings when Nana wasn't around, either. "Listen, little cousin," Sheila said one day when she and Pam were getting ready to go to visit a couple of their friends, "why don't you just find something else to do? We're just going to talk a bunch of girl talk and to be honest, you'll just be in the way." "That's right!" Pam agreed vigorously. "Go get a life!" Well, I suppose I couldn't blame them, I mean, how many sixteen or seventeen year old girls want their bratty little boy cousin hanging around bothering them all the time, especially during a precious time like summer vacation? In retrospect, I suppose I should have expected things to turn out the way they did. But then again, I was just a kid. See, I was perfectly happy to while away the days wandering through the gardens and exploring the barns and old sheds by myself. As far as I was concerned this was just fine, but after a while I met the person who would become my best friend ... for a short while, at least. Christopher was a little older than me - by nearly a week, I think - and he was the smartest and bravest boy I'd ever met. His parents had a house about a mile down the road from my grandmother's, and when he heard that there was another boy living down the hollow, he didn't waste a minute before showing up on the front steps, a bouquet of irises for my grandmother (taken from her garden, of course!) in one hand and a sack full of comic books for me in the other. My new friend and I hit it off right away. We were almost exactly alike - he was a bit taller than me and was maybe a little skinnier than I was (my cousins were always teasing me about my plump bottom and girlish arms) and he was dark-headed compared to my being blond - but that was where the differences ended. We talked alike and acted alike and even thought alike; it was as though we'd known each other all our lives! We found ourselves finishing each other's sentences, trading food from our plates - he didn't like macaroni and cheese and I just couldn't stand liver ... ugh! - and even taking up for each other whenever we got in trouble. I'd never met anyone like my dear Christopher, and I knew even then that I never would again. Unfortunately, while my cousins were somewhat happy - and relieved! - that I'd found someone to spend time with, they were more than a little derisive whenever they talked about the two of us being together so much. "Looks like cousin Davy has got a little boy friend," Pam teased me one night at the dinner table. I couldn't help but blush at the obvious reference she was making, and having everyone - including my grandmother! - laughing at me didn't make things any easier. "You shut up!" I said indignantly, my fists clenched in frustration. "He can't be my boyfriend because I'm a boy, and boys don't have boyfriends. We're just friends, that's all!" "Then why are you turning so red, pretty boy?" my tormentor shot back at me. "Is there something to what I said? Are you in love with your little boyfriend?" "Look at his face!" Sheila prodded. "Maybe he is in love!" "Davy and Chrissy, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G ..." Pam sang loudly. Sheila butted in even louder. "No, wait. How about this ... 'Daphne' and Chrissy, sittin' in a tree ...?" Both girls giggling wildly and sang their silly little song at the tops of their lungs Daphne and Chrissy, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G; first comes love and then comes marriage, and then comes Daphne with a baby carriage! "My name's not Daphne, it's David!" I cried. "Daphne is a dumb name!" "I think he's right, Pam," my cousin Sheila said mockingly. "I think 'Davy and Chrissy sitting in a tree' sounds better. Good call, little cousin!" I about choked as she made a face at me and started singing her little song again. "Oh, just shut up!" I half-begged, half-complained. "Nana! Make her stop it!" I don't know why I bothered; my grandmother was hiding her face behind a napkin, trying to stifle her laughter while swallowing a mouthful of cornbread. "Now, Davy, don't talk mean to your cousins like that," she finally said, gasping for air. "It isn't nice." "But they started it ...." "And you girls, don't be so cruel to the poor boy," my grandmother said with a smile. "I swear, I've never heard such talk." "Davy's in love! Davy's in love," my cousins sang as they got up from the table and ran from the kitchen. "They're mean," I said poutingly after the girls left the room. Their giggles and gossiping made my ears burn and I could feel my eyes stinging with tears. "They're just being girls, honey," Nana said sympathetically. "And girls like to tease boys, just as boys like to tease girls. Listen, why don't you invite Chris over tomorrow. I'll fix you all a special lunch and everything." "But what about ... them? They'll tease me again and I don't want Chris around to hear it." My grandmother shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "Darlin', they're going to be like that whether your friend is here or not. Just ignore them and they'll stop. Now, go call Chris and invite him over. I'm sure you two can find something interesting to do tomorrow." Little did I know how right she was. The very next day Chris and I went hiking down by the secret waterfall at the back of my grandmother's farm in search of relief from the heat and humidity of a wretched summer day. It was horribly hot, sweltering and unbearable, almost enough to be painful. I was feeling miserable and Chris was just as bad off, and then I had to go and make some stupid remark about how it was too bad we hadn't brought our swimsuits with us. "You don't need swimming trunks to go swimming here," my friend said in a daring voice. "Just take off your clothes and jump in. Nobody will see you!" Chris' suggestion surprised me, to say the least. Taking off your clothes? To go swimming? Outside?!! I mean, I'd never heard of such a thing in my life! "Uh-uh, not me!" I shouted back. "I'm not takin' off my clothes! No way!" "Aw, who's gonna see ya?" he said with a brave laugh. "There ain't nobody around. Shoot, I'd do it in a minute!" "You would not, you big fibber! You wouldn't do that for a million dollars!" "Would too! Shoot, I'd do it for one dollar." Well, this went on for some time, my buddy teasing me for being too chicken to do it and me double-daring him to go first. I don't know how it happened - I mean, I'd always been a pretty shy kid, to the point where I wouldn't even take off my shirt in front of my mother - but the next thing I knew, we were both nude as newborn tadpoles, swimming and splashing in our private pond without a second thought. Despite my initial reluctance, I had to admit that it felt so liberating, so electrifying to jump into that cold mountain water completely free of our sweaty t-shirts, confining jeans, and clunky sneakers. It was such a daring and exciting thing to do, so bold ... so naughty. I don't think I was ever so happy with myself or my place in life. Funny, how quickly things can change on you. Chris and I were sitting on a sun-warmed rock in the middle of the pool - both of us still as naked as could be - skipping stones across the water when we heard someone calling out to us. In a complete panic, we both looked up to discover Sheila and Pam, along with two other girls, standing at the water's edge. Well, we both let out a squeal of fright and jumped right back into the pond; even though the water was as clear as glass, we felt a little better with something between our bare bottoms - and our privates! - and our guests' curious eyes. We yelled at the girls and told them to go away and leave us alone, but they didn't pay any attention to what we were saying; they were more than a little interested, however, in what they were seeing. I found that sort of scary, considering the fact that each one of them was old enough to be in high school, if not old than that. What in the world would girls that age want with two twelve year old boys? In a very nonchalant manner, Sheila invited us to join in the little picnic they were setting up, and we watched in horror as all four girls made themselves at home next to the cut out in the rocks right where we had to come out of the pond. Needless to say, our clothes were nowhere to be seen, leaving us completely at the mercy of the giggling teenaged females. Chris and I sat in that pool for what seemed like forever, shivering in the freezing mountain water, trying our best to preserve our modesty while at the same time maintaining our dwindling dignity. We tried to figure a way to escape, but with the waterfall behind us and the steep slippery rocks on either side of us, the only way out was past my cousins and their friends. We were doomed. And so, through chattering teeth, we fussed and we fumed and we begged for mercy, all very much in vain. When we asked the girls to give us back our clothes, they just laughed and said they didn't know where our things were. What had seemed like a fun idea earlier in the morning was fast becoming a miserable experience, and we suffered magnificently. To make things even worse, trapped as we were, we had to endure a lot of verbal abuse and teasing while we tried to figure out what we should do next. "Hello, Davy ... hi, Chrissy ... how's the water? Having fun together? It sure looks like you are!" "You two aren't doing anything naughty, are you? You better not or we'll tell Nana!" And so on. You get the picture. Well, to make a long story short, after a lot of whining and pleading, my poor friend and I came to the realization that the girls had settled in for the duration. While we shivered and whimpered and prayed for a miracle, they unpacked for a picnic party - which, incidentally, we were invited to attend. Well, to make a lot story short, we obviously weren't going to be left alone any time soon and we were eventually going to have to get out of the water whether we liked it or not; it was either that ... or else freeze to death! And so it was that, still naked as the day we were born, we carefully made our way out of the water and up the steep rocks to where our cheering - and leering - audience awaited us. Now, while this might sound like fun to you, trust me, it wasn't the least bit of fun for either one of us! In fact, it was just like one of those dumb dreams we all have at one time or another, the kind where you find yourself completely naked while taking a test at school or singing a solo at church or something equally mundane. You know the feeling, standing there nude in front of all sorts of people, strangers and friends alike, and there's nothing for you to pick up and cover yourself with, and no matter where you put your hands, you always leave something exposed. In the meantime, life goes on, even though you feel like such a complete and utter fool. Aren't those dreams just awful? The only problem with this wasn't a dream. It was real! Believe me, not by any stretch of the imagination was this living nightmare a dream! This was harsh reality staring us in the face, complete with chattering teeth, gooseflesh, and the sounds of delighted giggles surrounding us. Being caught skinny-dipping by a bunch of high school girls might be some guys' fantasy come true, but it was a real-life catastrophe for two twelve year old boys back in 1967. Sheila and Pam were grinning like a pair of hungry cats as we shyly approached the picnic spot they'd set up along the rocks. I thought I would die as I saw Pam raise her little camera to her eye and snap a couple of pictures, and for just a second there I started to turn and run away. I stopped before I took the first step; even in my miserable, panic-stricken state, I realized there was nowhere for me to run. Nowhere at all. The trail out was booby-trapped with briars and fallen trees and just getting to it meant having to climb over all sorts of sharp rocks and gravel. And that didn't even include the long walk through the pastures and fields, right out in the open where people could see you! No, better to stay put. Until we could figure out what to do, at least. I remember Chris looking so pathetic, his long dark locks plastered across his face and down the back of his neck, his pale, slender body shivering shamefully as my cousins helped him up over that last big boulder; the pitiful smile he conjured up was his only defense as he covered his boyish privates with trembling, water-logged hands. Shaking more from fear than from cold, I wasn't in much better shape myself. I cried like a baby as I climbed up that steep, stony path and was pulled into the middle of a circle of giggling girls. In contrast to our pale, naked bodies, our captors all looked so tomboyish and rugged, clad in either cutoff jeans or overalls, dressed for a day of adventure. As I stood sobbing before them and heard their laughter and teasing I knew right then and there that we weren't going to get our clothes back any time soon. I hate being right. Chapter Two - Prisoners of War So there we were, two pathetic little twelve year old boys, all naked and crying and being held prisoner by a bunch of giggling girls in the middle of the woods. As far as I was concerned it was a nightmare come true. Things couldn't get any worse... could they? "They're so cute!" one of my cousins' friends said gleefully. "Don't they look just like a couple of doll babies?" "Funny, I never noticed it before," my cousin Pam remarked with a mischievous giggle as she fired a few more frames with her camera. "But you're right ... they are so little ... you can't even tell if they're boys or girls!" "They're little because they were in cold water," Sheila said in that know-it-all-voice she was so fond of using. "And cold water does things to boys' privates. See, look at cousin Davy." Before I could resist, she grabbed my hands and pulled them away from between my legs, holding them high above my head; for an instant my naked pubis was exposed for everyone to see. I quickly broke loose and tried to cover my modesty before Pam could immortalize it on film, but judging from the tittering of giggles that surrounded me, I was too late. "Yep, you're right," one of the other girls agreed. "He is so little, and look how smooth he is! He's a regular little Barbie doll!" "He does look like a doll!" the fourth girl repeated with a laugh. "But he looks more like a little baby doll to me, not a Barbie!" Barbie doll, baby doll, who cared? Either way I wanted to die. With a wicked tone to her voice, my cousin Sheila then took charge of our little tragic comedy. She made a grand production out of introducing us to her girlfriends, whimsically referring to us as - of all things! - a pair of water fairies like those she'd been reading about in one of her crazy books. She then went on to concoct a wild and fantastic tale about how water fairies lived behind the waterfall and that we spent all our time naked, swimming in the pond and running around in the woods and having all sorts of naughty fun. "We've known about these two since the beginning of the summer, but we never could prove anything. It was just a matter of time before we caught them out in the open like this." The sound of everyone laughing made me sick to my stomach. To my horror, Pam went on to embellish her sister's story even more, explaining how the fairy rules - which she was making up as she went along, of course - said if we were ever caught out in the open we were obliged to obey our captors and do whatever we were told. Everyone listened with glee as she explained that there was no way for us to escape because we weren't actually full-fledged fairies - which is why we didn't have wings, of course! - but mere sprites awaiting promotion. Needless to say, I was flabbergasted to hear such nonsense! I mean, it was bad enough to be caught skinny-dipping and getting teased about it, but this was something I didn't understand at all. Water fairies and sprites!!??? What the heck was she talking about ...? What in the world was going on ...? Chris didn't like it much, either; with tears of desperation in his eyes, he begged for our clothes back and for us to be let go, but once again my cousins insisted that they didn't know where our things were. "A troll probably took them," Pam said, nodding toward the wooded thicket beyond the pool. "Either them or an ogre. You know how those guys are. You can look around if you want to, but I doubt you'll ever see your little panties again." Well, we did look around, but it was futile; not only were our shirts and pants and underwear gone, but there wasn't the slightest trace of the socks and shoes we'd worn, either! In addition, the knapsack I'd brought with us was missing as well, a sure sign that we hadn't misplaced our things. There was no doubt about it - we'd been robbed!!! "This isn't fair!" I remember crying. Kneeling down in the very spot where I'd left my clothes, I hid my naked boyishness between my legs and tried in vain to cover my bare bottom. I knew I looked stupid as stupid as I felt - probably more! - but I was desperate. "I don't like this!" I sobbed. "I WANT MY CLOTHES!!!!" "Don't worry, sweeties, you can stay here with us," Sheila said with a smile. She reached down and patted me on the head like I was her pet poodle dog or something. "We won't bite you. Besides, from what Pam says, you have to do whatever we tell you anyway, so come on ... let's get going." "Yeah, Davy," her sister giggled. "Finders' keepers, you know." Following my cousins' example, the other two girls soon joined in the fun by saying how they loved fairies, and that they'd never seen real live water sprites before. I remember Linda, the oldest of the group - like Sheila, she was almost eighteen! - saying I was so cute she just had to make sure I was real; she then pinched my bare bottom so hard I cried. The other girl, Anita, made a special fuss over me, leading me around by the hand like I was a trained monkey and asking if I would go home with her and live in the pool in her mother's garden. "I really wish you would," she giggled, poking me right in the belly button. "You'd be the only fairy in our neighborhood ... I'd just love to show you off to all of my girlfriends!" "Stop touching me!" I shouted, smacking her hand away. "And stop calling me a fairy! I don't like it!" WHOMP!!! Something hit me upside the face and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on my butt with my cousin Sheila standing over me. It took me a split second to realize that she'd slapped me, and with no ordinary, playful, cousinly slap, either; this was serious business, enough to make me see stars and take my very breath away. The blows that followed were even worse. "FAIRIES ... DON'T ... HIT ... HUMANS!" my cousin chastised me, smacking me across the face with every word as hard as she could. All I could hear was a ringing in my ears as I wiped my tears and nursed my bruised ego. "Now, you either apologize to Anita or I'll give you something to really cry about!" Kneeling there in all of my naked twelve year old glory, I did as I was told. I never felt so helpless - or ashamed - in all my life. As I gathered myself together, Sheila took the opportunity to warn both me and Chris that as of that moment we were indeed their prisoners, and if we didn't want any more trouble, we'd best do as we were told. "You've been asking for this all summer, little cousin, and if you think I'm going to let you get away now, when you're like this," she gave a small, but very scary giggle, "well, you just try me." In accordance with the rules my cousins were making up, we were immediately drafted into helping serve lunch. My cousins and their friends all giggled and laughed at the prospect of having a pair of helpless, bare-bottomed boys wait on them hand and foot. They may have liked it, but Chris and I weren't pleased. Not one little bit! "We're not gonna do any such thing," Chris said bravely. At least one of us was strong enough to stand up for what was right ... or at least strong enough to try. "Are we, Dave?" "I just want to go home," I whined softly. With my hands covering my boyish shame and my eyes cast downward, I didn't feel very defiant. "Oh, that's a good idea, Davy, honey," Sheila giggled. "I'd like to see you explain to Nana why you're out running around without any pants on." "We can do it. We'll run home and get inside before anybody sees us," my friend countered. "You'll see, and then you'll be sorry!" "Go right ahead," Sheila dared us. "Nana's entertaining her church group, and there are people all over the house. I'm sure they'll all be glad to see both you and your pretty little boyfriend." "She's right," Pam added brightly. "You'll never get in without all those old ladies seeing your bare butts!" Darn it! I'd forgotten all about that stupid church meeting ... of all days for this to happen! Those church socials went on forever, and there would be all sorts of women - and even a few girls! - wandering about. And the way our day'd been going, we'd have surely gotten caught the instant we came within sight of the house. I felt sick just thinking about what might happen if we got caught. "You're mean!!!" I said with a pout. Insulting my cousin probably wasn't a good idea considering my predicament, but what else could I say? "I hate you!!!" "You might hate us," teased Anita, giving me a pinch on my bottom, "but we just love you." All of the girls giggled at that. "Of course, if you stay with us and do as we say for a while, maybe we'll help you find your clothes," Sheila said. She fluttered her eyelids and blew a little kiss. "But you'll have to mind us, sweeties, or we'll drag you home just like you are and tell everything we know." "And don't forget," Pam interjected, holding up her camera. "We've got pictures to prove everything we say, too! You're just going to have to get used to the idea of being our slaves and doing whatever we tell you!" I know, I know, it was stupid - no, it was worse than stupid - it was insane. But even now, looking back at what happened ... well, what choice did we have? I bet if something like this had happened to you when you were twelve years old ... well, you probably wouldn't have done much better. And, I suppose, things could have been a lot worse .... At my cousins' direction Chris and I spread blankets across the warm, sun-soaked rocks adjacent to the waterfall and then we helped unpack the picnic baskets and serve the food. All these tasks were performed as though it was the most natural thing in the world for us to do, though I must admit that making sandwiches in the nude is extremely difficult when trying to preserve one's modesty; after a while I just plain gave up and let myself be seen, much to the amusement of my cousins and their friends. While the girls talked and ate, Chris and I took up modest positions on the blankets and tried to act as casual as possible ... which was no small feat considering the ridiculousness of our dilemma. Chris ended up laying on his stomach - as though he was sunbathing - which kept his privates private but left his bare bottom for everyone to see; I, on the other hand, maneuvered myself into a kneeling position, sitting on my heels with my boyish shame tucked safely away and my hands in my lap, though it still felt like everything else was exposed. To make things worse, Pam kept taking pictures of us, even when we had to get up and perform some menial task such as make additional sandwiches or pour lemonade for our captors. Chris and I tried our best to maintain some sense of dignity while doing our chores, but with all the giggling and grinning that was going on, well, that was just plain impossible. We were two very despondent - and desperate - water sprites. Once everybody was finished eating Chris was given the responsibility of putting away the extra food and cleaning up the mess the girls made. In turn, it was decided that I should go up the hill and pick some wildflowers. I refused, of course, saying that I wasn't going anywhere without any clothes on. To my horror, Linda and Anita quickly volunteered to go along as my escorts, to make sure I did as I was told; before I could even begin to protest that outlandish idea, my cousins' friends were dragging me off into the forest. "Bye, little cousin," Sheila and Pam called, laughing hysterically at my plight. "Be a good little fairy!" As I was led kicking and crying up the steep path and toward my fate beyond the hill, I remember glancing back and seeing Christopher, looking ever so helpless in his own nakedness, laboring under the watchful eyes of my nagging cousins. For an instant I was actually glad I was being taken away. That feeling, however, didn't last long. Padding along barefoot and bare-bottomed, I found myself being led far from my clothes - lost in their long-forgotten hiding place - and whatever security I thought I once had. I cried and I begged and I even tried clinging to a small tree, but I was doomed to what I thought was a fate worse than death. It turned out that Linda and Anita were both just as mean- spirited as my cousins, if not more so, and they were quick to take advantage of my vulnerability. Anita, the younger of the two, produced a thin, sharp tree limb to use as a switch for whenever I showed the slightest hesitation to do as I was told. For instance, we weren't out of site of the waterfall when, in my hurry to stay ahead of the girls - and out of reach of Anita's biting switch! - I'd stubbed my toe something awful on an exposed tree root, bringing crocodile tears to my eyes. Going barefoot through the woods, I discovered, was just as hazardous as being naked. "OWWW! Please, Anita... don't ...!" I cried out in pain as a sharp, burning sting flickered across my bare legs and bottom. "I broke my toe!" "Oh, you did not!" my tormentor fussed. "Stop being such a crybaby! More than your foot is gonna get hurt if you don't straighten up!" The tall girl then grasped me cruelly by the ear and forced me to my feet. Instead of receiving sympathy, I was teased and ridiculed for being such a bumbling, silly little fairy. This was followed by a volley of quick slashes across my bare bottom to let me know I'd better learn to do as I was told ... and now! "Don't make me mad," Anita said with a menacing tone. "I'll wear your little bottom out if you give me any more trouble." Linda giggled and nodded. "She'll do it, too. I've seen her whip her little sisters and she's pretty mean with a switch." "Okay, okay! I'll do whatever you want," I sobbed. "Just don't hit me anymore, please?" There wasn't much I could do about my predicament, and the few bits of dignity that were left to me quickly disappeared. Because I was such a bashful child, I kept trying to hide my embarrassment by holding my hands over my privates and my bottom, a practice that was soon stopped; the girls absolutely forbade me to cover my boyish modesty, saying that only perverted little boys liked touching themselves and how it wasn't at all polite to do such things in front of young ladies. "You can jack off when you're around your little boyfriend," Anita said with a mean-spirited laugh. "But don't you dare do it in front of us!" "Oh, don't say that." Linda looked me dead in the eye. "I've never seen a boy jack off before. That would be kinda neat, don't you think?" I couldn't help but blush to hear such words coming from a girl, especially in my vulnerable state. I hardly ever sad that kind of thing myself, and I felt really uncomfortable whenever other people used it around me. "I wasn't ... um, you know ... jacking off," I protested feebly. "I'm just ... kinda shy, that's all. You all aren't supposed to be seeing me like this!" Linda poked me right in the crack of my bottom with the stem of a wild rose she'd found along the trail, causing me to jump about five feet off the ground. "Hey, don't be telling us what we shouldn't be looking at! It's not our fault you aren't wearing any pants! You're the one who was caught running around in his birthday suit, showing off that pretty little bottom of yours." Of course, my feelings didn't matter, and to ensure that I didn't touch myself anymore, the girls insisted that I hold my hands atop my head prisoner of war-style ... which I suppose I was, in a manner of speaking. This was extremely tiresome - just try it sometime and see for yourself! - not to mention how it made me so vulnerable, leaving me bouncing around for them to see and make fun of. Whenever I lowered my arms from either fatigue or modesty, of course, my captors would whip my exposed bottom for being disobedient. Fighting tears of humiliation and anguish along the way, I felt ridiculous walking through my grandmother's woods so completely naked and helpless. The trees never looked so dark and scary to me; I felt like I was on display for the whole world to see and that everyone - even the creatures in the woods - was laughing at me. To make matters worse, a cool breeze followed me every step of the way, causing me to shiver in a combination of fear and exposure in spite of the summer heat. It was like some horrible, humiliating dream that would never end! At long last we stepped out of the darkness of the woods and into a bright, sunlit meadow filled with wild flowers of every color imaginable. Just beyond a clump of trees across the field I could see the silhouette of my grandmother's horse barn, which meant the house couldn't be very far; the screech of one of Nana's peacocks wandering nearby emphasized just how close we were to civilization. My heart skipped a beat, and for an instant I could have sworn that I heard adult voices laughing and talking in the distance. Surveying my situation from the middle of the meadow, I suddenly felt more naked than I'd ever felt before. The sense of being so close to the safety and security of my bedroom - and my precious clothes! - was offset by the very real possibility of having to explain to my grandmother and her ladyfriends why I was running around her farm without any pants. Despite my pitiful pouting, my tormentors put me to work, saying that I didn't have anything to worry about since there was no one around to see me; besides, I was told, even if we did meet somebody it was all right, because no one expected fairies to wear clothes anyway. Any further argument was swept away with a threatening wave of Linda's thorny switch. Between the three of us it didn't take long to gather up a huge pile of flowers, including daffodils, violets, daisies, honeysuckle, and some sort of reddish-orange things that I thought looked kind of pretty. Linda then set me down under the shade of an old tree and proceeded to show me how to make chains out of daisies. Anita began doing the same with the other flowers, and it wasn't long before all three of us were busy braiding flower stems. As we worked the girls talked and joked with me as though I was one of them. Even with her switch by her side, Linda was really very funny and she soon had both Anita and me laughing with her hilarious stories and impressions. In fact, when she described how silly Chris and I acted when we were caught skinny-dipping, I found myself actually rolling on the ground with laughter. "Look, Linda, our little fairy's smiling! Can you believe it?" Anita winked at me and giggled. "I thought he was just an old pouty face." "Of course," the older girl said with a grin. "Davy is having fun ... he just doesn't want to admit it 'cause he's afraid we'll think he's queer or something. Isn't that right, sweetie?" "I guess," was about as far as I could come to admitting the truth. I wanted so badly to tell her how right she was, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. As time went on I found myself with the unenviable task of entertaining my captors. Anita's talent was in music, and she taught me several silly songs and made me sing them over and over until I knew them by heart. Her favorite was one she made up, sung to the tune of "I'm A Little Tea Pot," which went something like this: I'm a pretty fairy, oh, so sweet! See my pixie smile and my bare feet? Hiding in the forest all night and day, I play fairy games so happy and gay. I don't know which I hated worse, singing such an idiotic song, or having to do the dumb little dance steps she taught me to go along with it, over and over and over again! I felt more than a little stupid at first - who wouldn't??!!! - and for a little while I even refused to cooperate. Alas, my reluctance nearly ruined the happy tone of the afternoon; I clearly remember kneeling on the ground after getting a quick and sudden whipping, tearfully nursing my freshly striped bottom and literally begging for mercy. "Are you going to argue with us any more? Or are you going to give up and do as you're told?" Anita stood over me - hands on hips - and grinned a grin that made me feel so hopelessly helpless. "I-I-I'll do it," I sobbed quietly. "Just don't hit me anymore." From that point on I didn't hesitate to do as I was told, no matter how ridiculous the order or how silly I felt. Taking my cue from my captors, I posed and danced and performed like a circus animal, garnering both praise and applause from a very appreciative audience. I even started smiling - with genuine pleasure! - whenever someone gave me a compliment. "Very pretty, sweetie," Linda said when I finished singing "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star" for the hundredth time in a row. "Really, you sing too pretty to be a boy!" "Well, I'm not surprised," Anita replied proudly. "After all, it's a well-known fact that fairies have the prettiest voices in the world. Go ahead, doll ... sing us the fairy song one more time." Funny thing, once I stopped making such a big deal about everything, my captors treated me rather well and - to tell the truth - I kind of enjoyed this part of our little expedition. After a while I practically forgot that I was sitting stark naked in the middle of a meadow as I chatted and sang and worked on my chain of flowers. In fact, once I got going, I didn't stop until I ran completely out of blossoms; when that happened, I simply went off by myself and collected some more and then came back to work. What else could I do? Run away? Yeah ... right .... Chapter Three - Initiation Rites Despite my unfortunate plight, I did more than my share of the collecting and braiding, a fact the girls were quick to notice; as a reward for being so helpful, I was duly promoted from water sprite to flower nymph, an honor I accepted with blushing reluctance. In celebration of my new title, Linda and Anita conducted an elaborate coronation ceremony, presenting me with a tiara they'd made of violets and honeysuckle. You would have thought I was already embarrassed enough, but my face burned white hot as Linda set that silly little purple and white crown of flowers atop my head and kissed me on the cheek. Anita then followed suit with a pair of matching bracelets and a necklace, all decorated with tiny pink and yellow buds; better yet, she gave me a quick kiss on the lips! Completing my fairy costume was one of the chains of daisies that I'd spent so much time putting together. The girls draped it loosely around my bare waist and added a few jonquils here and a few daffodils there, which did little to cover my boyish shame; in fact, as I climbed up on an old tree stump to model my new attire - the girls insisted on putting me in center stage, you see - I looked down and realized that stupid belt of yellow flowers actually drew attention to my pre-adolescent nakedness. Forgetting myself for an instant, I broke the rules by trying to cover my penis, which had gotten a little excited in the midst of all the attention I'd been getting. "Oh, no you don't," Linda said sternly, swatting at my hands with that ugly switch of hers. "You know better than that. Here, put your hands up over your head ... now, be a good little ballerina and up on your tippy-toes and turn around and around so we can see how pretty you look in your new fairy costume." "But, Linda ..." I whined. I felt just awful, my boyish member sticking out like that, as though it had a mind of its own! I mean, this was something that was supposed to be private! "Ple-e-e-e-e-ase ...?" "I said to hush up and keep your hands back up there. Unless you want something worse, that is!" A quick slash across my bottom and the threat of even greater misery reminded me that I had little say in the matter. Tearful and red-faced, I placed my hands up in the air and performed a clumsy pirouette on the tips of my bare toes, taking extreme care not to fall off my improvised pedestal. I remember wishing that I was somewhere else far, far away. "Perfect ... just like a little ballerina. Oh, look, his little boy toy is standing straight out! Isn't it that adorable?" "It sure looks like somebody is having fun," Anita said with a giggle. "Hold still for a minute, fairy boy." I almost died as the eager sixteen year old reached out and took my shiny pink erection in her hand, examining it as she would have a baby bird or some other tiny creature she'd found in the woods. My perch atop the tree stump made examination of my boyish privates quite easy for my curious audience. "O-o-o-h-h-h ... please, be careful ...." I pleaded breathlessly. This was the first time anyone had ever touched me like this, and I wasn't at all sure what to think. "Shush, you!" Linda said, poking me in the belly with her switch. "You just keep your arms up and mind your own business!" Mind my own business ...? Dear reader, you don't know how badly I wanted to cover myself, that and run far, far away. But the sharp scraping of a thorn against my tender, bare stomach inspired me to do as I was told. I just stood there, all twelve years of me, stark naked, adorned in my pretty wild flowers, balanced so carefully on my pedestal with my hands held high ... and my most private parts the focus of attention for a pair of beautiful teenaged girls! To my horror Anita continued to chatter and carry on as though I wasn't even there. "I've never gotten to touch one of these before. How neat! Aren't you the cutest little thing ..." she sweetly sang to my penis. I felt my knees turn weak as she rolled the pink, mushroom-shaped head between her thumb and forefinger; she then parted the slit at the end with her fingertips and blew into it. I thought I was going to have a heart-attack! "Oh, look! It's smiling at me!" "Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails," Linda sang teasingly, "that's what little fairy boys are made of." "Please ... don't ..." I gasped out of frustration. Of course, my plea only encouraged my tormentor, and I shivered all over as Anita took the tip of my aching organ between her fingernails and tugged on it sharply. "Oh, don't be such a crybaby!" she scolded. "You get to play with it all the time. How about letting me have a little fun for a change!" "I don't play with it!" I shouted tearfully. "Oh, I'm sure you don't. I've heard all about little boys and their little toys." "Here, let me pet it!" Linda said. "You don't mind, do you, Davy?" The keen, bright look in her eye challenged me to resist, but like a dummy I just stood there and let her have her way. "Oh, please ... No-o-o-o-o-o ....!!!" This was the extent of my resistance. "See the little sack underneath?" Linda said to her friend. She cupped my testes in her warm, sweaty hand. "Here, touch it. It's neat." I shivered as Anita took a turn. My arms were aching like crazy and my breathing strained, but she couldn't care less. She gave a gentle squeeze and grinned. "Oooh ... feel how soft it is ... it's kind of like a small peach, isn't it?" The giggling and laughter that surrounded me was more than humiliating - if you can imagine such a thing - but I was literally paralyzed by the touch of my captors' curious hands. I looked quite the fool in my birthday suit and gay accessories, my two new friends fondling and caressing me and exploring my body as though I was some poor animal they'd caught in a trap. "Please, stop it. My arms hurt and I want to go home. Please?" "You have to be careful when you play with these little things," Linda warned, ignoring my whimpering "They have a tendency to make a mess." "So I've heard," Anita replied. "It's supposed to be pretty funny." "Oh, it is. Disgusting, but funny. Here, watch this ...." Linda then licked her lips in a most frightening way, and then she turned to me and said, "Nope, I got a better idea. Davy, you can put your arms down, but you gotta do what I say if you do. Give me your hands, sweetie ... there's something I want you to do for us ...." The next thing I knew, the tall girl was holding me by the wrists and guiding my hands between my legs, pressing me to take hold of my slender erection. She then forced me to roll my little penis between my palms back and forth a few times. It took me a minute to realize what she wanted me to do, but I eventually got the idea. I didn't like it, not one bit. "Please, no ... I don't wanna ...." "Oh, shut up and do as you're told," I was ordered. "You were gonna do it anyway, so why not now? We don't mind." "Come on, sweetie," Anita chimed in. "We won't bother you. We just want to watch, that's all!" "But I don't wanna!" I cried pitifully. This was about that most awful thing that ever happened to me. "I just want to go home!!!" SLAP!!! "You're not going anywhere until you do as you're told! Now, do you want another?" The blow against my face sparked a flood of tears that burned my eyes and blinded me. I never felt so helpless as I shook my head. To make a long story short, I was given a choice: either jack off or get a whipping and then get jacked off against my will. And the way Linda was acting, I really didn't want her touching me, so I had to go ahead and ... well, you know .... Sigh .... Yes, I know I looked stupid ... it was an adolescent boy's nightmare come true, standing on that tree stump in my flowery, sissy decorations, crying and rubbing my little-boy erection in front of two very determined girls like that, but what choice did I have? I mean, I literally wanted to lay down there and die, I was so ashamed!!! The truth was, believe it or not, that I was telling my captors the honest truth when I said I'd never actually done this before. I mean, I kinda knew what was going on and I'd heard other boys talking about all this kind of stuff - okay, yes, I'll admit it ... I'd had a couple of "accidents" while sleeping - but I'd never actually sat down and played with myself like this before. The situation just hadn't ever come up, so to speak. And to think that now, under such utterly bizarre and mortifying circumstances, I was about to lose my innocence in a manner that would imprint upon me for the rest of my days. "I can't believe he's actually doing it!" Anita said, her giggling voice ringing in my ears like a bell. "I thought I'd never see something like this!!!" Linda seemed rather pleased as well. "Oh, this is what fairies do all day long. Just run around without any clothes on and play with themselves ... and each other. Isn't that right, fairy boy?" I was too ashamed and breathless to say anything. Funny thing, as scared as I was, you'd have thought my little thing would have shrunken up and hidden itself, but it didn't; it was as though the more frightened I got, the more excited it got. I didn't know it at the time, but this was the beginning of something that would affect me for a long, long time to come. It was so very confusing, to say the very least! Oh, sure, I was tempted to refuse to disgrace myself in such a humiliating way, but when I paused to rest for just an instant, a painful lash across my legs with Linda's cruel switch told me my pride would only cause me more suffering. And so, ever so slowly and steadily, I continued masturbating before my appreciative audience, my face hotter than the midday sun and my knees wobbling like a baby bird's .... The heightened sense of fear and helplessness, coupled with the constant assault of sensations on my poor, naked body - between being hit by Linda's thorny switch and Anita's persistent giggling, I was tingling all over!!! - created in me a spark of erotic electricity that grew to incredible proportions as I reluctantly caressed myself before my captors. The girls, of course, were having a wonderful time watching me and making teasing remarks while I played with myself. "This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen," Anita said; the fascination in her voice didn't escape me, even in my frenzied state. "It's like he's playing with a little bitty animal of some sort, trying to get it to do some tricks." Linda laughed loudly, her voice ringing in my ears. "Isn't it? I think boys are so cute when they do this. They get all nervous and excited. Like my mother says, they just can't help themselves." "More silly than cute," Anita added thoughtfully. It didn't take but a few minutes for me to feel a horrible surging of energy building up in my body. Starting just at the tip of my poor, aching organ, traveling to a secret spot deep within me and then spreading all over my body, wave after wave of muscular spasms swept through me like I'd never experienced, shaking me all over until I thought I would pass out. It was the most frightening sensation I'd ever felt in my young, limited experience. Silence seemed to fall over the meadow as the mind-numbing orgasm held me captive; a silvery white stream spurted out from my tingling organ in a series of fierce spasms, leaving me paralyzed and breathless. The girls responded with predictable flair. "O-o-o-o-h, look at that!" Anita squealed. "That's disgusting!" Linda just laughed and laughed hysterically, barely able to catch her breath. I hoped she'd choke. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" I sobbed with equal hysteria. I felt so dizzy, I almost fell of the tree stump. "I ... I can't ... help it ...." Linda stopped laughing long enough to take me by the arm and help me keep my balance. She apparently had some experience with this kind of stuff, so she wasn't at all shocked to see the mess I'd made ... all over my hands, the ground and the little clump of wildflowers growing before me. "Lookie there!" the older girl said with glee. "That's how all these flowers spread so quickly! They're pollinated by fairies!" This being Anita's first time seeing such a thing, well, her reaction was somewhere between disgust and delight. "Yuck! That's so nasty! Watch out ... you don't want to step in that stuff!" "You're mean ...." I said weakly, trembling from the aftershocks of a very powerful and draining orgasm. I couldn't say much, I was so out of breath and dizzy, it was all I could do to keep from falling off my perch. "I hate you both ...." "Aw, that's no way to talk, sweetie," Linda said with a laugh. "We know you really love us. Otherwise, you wouldn't have made such a mess!" "Hey, fairy boy, I thought you didn't play with yourself," Anita teased as I struggled to keep my balance on my high- standing pedestal. "I thought you weren't that kind of boy. Well, it looks to me like you've done this before. A lot." "Yeah," Linda agreed with another cruel laugh. "I wonder what your cousins will say when they hear about all this?" My naked shoulders slumped forward wearily. "Please ... don't tell them. I really don't do this stuff! It's nasty ... and I ... I don't like it!" "Then why did you have such a pretty smile on your face? You loved it, you little pervert!" A smile on my face ...? Oh, god, I prayed, I hope not!! I couldn't have ... could I ...? Confused and tearful, I whined desperately. "Can I get down now? Please?" "You're fine where you are," Anita said, wrinkling her nose as she surveyed the colorful meadow around us. "Now, come on, Davy ... I want to hear more about you jacking off. You can't tell me you never play with yourself. Look at all the flowers in this field alone. Seems to me that someone has been pretty busy spreading their seeds." "I don't jack off!" I shouted in disgust. "Leave me alone!" "Oh, that's a lie and you know it! You do it all the time with your little fairy boyfriend, running around naked and playing with each other, just like we saw you doing today. You know you do and you love it!" "We weren't playing with each other! Not like that!" "Well, whatever. I just want him to do it again," Anita said. She was apparently over her disgust and now her curiosity was taking over. "This isn't something you get to see every day." Linda agreed wholeheartedly. "O-o-o-oh, yeah, that's a great idea! You heard her, Davy ... let's see you make some more pretty flowers." Tears of hopelessness welling up in my eyes, I started to protest, but the touch of that thorny switch against my pale, plump bottom reminded me of just how powerless I really was. And so, I wiped my hands on my legs (yuck!) and carefully took my poor pink penis in between my palms and started the entire process over again .... I was completely exhausted by the time we began heading back to the waterfall ... exhausted, sore, and drunk with confusion. Painfully spent and weak-kneed, I wasn't sure what had happened to me, nor did I understand what kind of power the girls had used on me; all I knew was that in spite of the shame I felt, not to mention the overwhelming sense of helplessness and terror I'd just experienced, something had occurred that made me feel all tingly and electric all over ... something horribly, terribly wonderful. The scariest part of it all was that regardless of all the tears I'd spent and as much as I hated what was happening to me ... I didn't think I wanted it to stop. I know this sounds kinda weird, but I was kinda beginning to enjoy some of the things that were happening to me, in spite of - or was it because of ...? - the humiliation that went along with it all. Whatever it was, I knew one thing for sure: the spell I was under was powerful enough that I wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again. * * * All along the return trip - during which I had my sticky (yuck!!!) hands full with the bundle of flowery handicrafts we'd put together - Anita made me sing the songs she taught me while Linda guided me with her thorny switch, poking and swatting my bare bottom in a playful, yet not-so-gentle manner that she thought was extremely funny. Between the silliness of the songs I sang and the occasional stinging across my naked skin, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be laughing or crying. "It's about time you all got back!" my cousin Sheila shouted as we made our way down the steep rocky path toward the waterfall. "We thought maybe you'd run away or something," she teased. "You didn't see Chrissy anywhere along the way, did you?" Pam asked. "We sent him on a little errand a while ago. He ought to be back by now." "Nope," replied Anita. "Didn't see anything. You don't think he went home, do you?" "Oh, I doubt that," laughed Sheila. "He's still wearing his birthday suit." "He's still naked? And you sent him on an errand?" Linda giggled wildly. "Oh, my, that's just great! What kind of errand?" "Just wait and see," Pam said with a grin. She then turned to me and with sparkling eyes gave my trembling form a thorough inspection before snapping a picture with her ever-present camera. "I'm more interested in our pretty Davy. Look, Sheila! He's a real fairy! Look at all the pretty flower jewelry he's wearing!" "Hmmm, I see ... is that a smile on your face, honey? How come you aren't crying? I thought you didn't like having girls looking at your bare bottom?" "Oh, he doesn't mind as much anymore," Linda said with a smirk. The fiery seventeen year old then gave me a quick but stinging lash with her switch. I bit my lip, refusing to cry out with the least bit of pain; I mean, sure, it hurt like heck, but I knew better than to say anything. "We broke him of all that bratty boy modesty." "No kidding!" Anita added, prompting the other girls to burst out giggling. "See what we brought you?" I said politely but nervously. The bundle of flowers was getting heavy and itchy, but I didn't dare put them down for fear of retribution from my masters. "I hope you like them." "My, oh, my," my cousin Pam said, lowering her camera for a moment and shaking her head with disbelief. "I don't know what you did to him, but this is obviously not the same little crybaby who left here all bawling and whining a little while ago." "I like his little flower outfit," Sheila chided. Looking me dead in the eye, as if to dare me to block her hands, she reached down and adjusted the belt of daisies and daffodils around my waist, caressing the smooth, hairless skin between my belly button and my tingling pudenda in the process. "He looks just exactly like the fairies in my books!!!" Pam nodded enthusiastically. "Doesn't he, though? He's just adorable!" "We figured you'd like his little costume," Anita said with a broad smile. "Isn't it perfect?!" Sheila and Pam seemed just as impressed with my quiet demeanor and obedient nature as Linda gave me my instructions. As silent as a mouse I laid the braided flowers and loose blossoms in the middle of the picnic blanket. I was then sent to wash myself off in the cool mountain water, a small blessing considering how hot and itchy I'd gotten from our trip to the meadow; not only that, but my hands and legs were still stained (ugh!) from my boyish exertions earlier in the day. While I splashed around in the water and scrubbed myself clean, Linda and Anita bragged about how much fun they'd had with me, telling my cousins how helpful I'd been and how they'd promoted me to flower nymph and all. Then the girls all went into a huddle, and the next thing I heard was a hoot and a holler and a whole bunch of giggling and laughing. There was only one thing in the world that could elicit such a reaction, and my stomach fell as I heard my cousins shouting with glee. "You're teasing us!!" Sheila cried out in disbelief. "He didn't really ... did he ...?" "Our pretty Davy really jacked off?" Pam squealed. "In front you both ...?" "Three times!!!" Anita replied proudly. From the way she was boasting, you'd have thought I'd won some sort of contest or something. "It seems that once he got started he just couldn't stop!" "That's because we're so beautiful, darlings," Linda sang haughtily. "The poor boy just couldn't resist our charms." "Well, I thought he was going to wear his little dingleberry down to nothing, the way he was going at it," Anita added with a sense of awe. "That's not true!" I shouted. "They made me do it!" The girls all laughed. "Oh, I doubt that, you little pervert!" Anita teased. "Nothing you ever do surprises me." "What a horny little booger!" Sheila said in amazement. "You should be ashamed!" This was met with a burst of laughter and the repeated cry of "Can you believe it?" from the other girls. I never felt so low, so perverted in my entire life as I sat at the edge of the pool and cried my eyes out. I wasn't left to sulk very long. The next thing I knew I was pulled out of my reverie and into the middle of the giggling girls. "Davy ja-acked off! Davy ja-acked off!!" Pam sang at the top of her lungs. The other girls then joined in, holding hands and dancing in a circle around me as they shouted their disgusting song. "Davy ja-acked off! Davy ja-acked off!" they sang, over and over and over again. If I could have, I would have jumped back into the pond and drowned myself. "You should have seen him," Linda bragged. "He made the biggest mess all over the ground! There was fairy junk everywhere!" "Fairy junk?" Pam made a face and giggled. "I never heard it called that!" Anita chimed in even louder. "Yeah, Linda said that's how the fields get pollinated ... fairies go around jacking off all over the wildflowers!" "I always wondered where the seeds for all those pretty blossoms came from," Sheila said, giving me a cruel, mocking smile. "You must be a very busy little fairy ...." "Our little cousin ..." Pam pretended to sniff back a tear, "the flower nymph." "I wonder if our other little feller has ever jacked off before?" Linda said wistfully. She turned to me and winked knowingly. "Tell us, little fairy, have you ever seen Chrissy play with himself?" It was hard to hold back the anger in my voice. "I wouldn't know! Boys don't do that kinda stuff with each other!" "Oh, I find that difficult to believe. I bet you two jack each other off all the time." The other girls all laughed wildly at hearing that. "Yeah," Sheila added. "Everybody knows fairies can't keep their hands off each other!" Linda persisted with her questioning, ignoring the pitiful look I gave her. "Come on, sweetie, you can tell us. We already know you two run around without any clothes on whenever you're alone together. We caught you doing it this morning, remember? Surely you've seen him jacking off." "I never seen any such thing!" I cried. Why wouldn't she leave me alone?!!! "We were just playing this morning, and that's all!" "Yeah, you were playing all right!" Anita shouted with glee. "With each other!" "Well, I think it's sweet," Pam said in my defense. "I mean, if Davy wants to get all lovey-dovey with Chrissy, then I'm happy for them both." She turned to me and winked. "I think you make a very cute couple, li'l cousin," she added with a grin. After a while the teasing subsided and the girls found other things to talk about. Pam wanted to take some pictures of her "fairy cousin," so after a bit of touching up on my flowery headdress and jewelry, I reluctantly obliged her. On trembling knees in the midst of the colorful collection of flowers and blossoms I'd sorted, I posed prettily as my cousin reloaded her camera and took some more photographs, my hands clasped primly behind my back just as I'd been taught; I knew the lens could see everything I had - glancing down, I saw my pink, boyish member peeking from underneath the belt of flowers I wore around my waist, but I resisted the overwhelming urge to cover it. I had my orders and I knew better than to ignore them. "Come on, sweetie, give me a great big smile for the camera," Pam gently ordered. "We don't want anyone to think you weren't enjoying yourself in your little fairy costume." My humiliation didn't end there. Without Chris there to share the burden, I remained the center of attention for the longest time, subject to every whim and wish my tormentors could come up with. Imagine my frustration as I was put to work making a variety of braided flower jewelry for my captors, including rings, bracelets and necklaces. Sheila even taught me how to braid flowers in the girls' hair, which seemed to take forever to do, especially when you consider my vulnerable state. Afterward I had to kneel patiently - with my hands behind my back, of course!!! - as flowers were then braided in my own locks, making me feel even more foolish than I already looked. At least an hour must have passed - I had no idea what time it was because my watch was long lost in my pants pocket, wherever that was!!! - and I was sitting prettily on a rock like the little fairy I was supposed to be. I'd been singing that stupid fairy song Anita taught me for about the millionth time when the girls spotted someone emerging from the edge of the woods overlooking our picnic site. "Well, lookie there," sang Sheila with a loud voice, "it's the 'berry fairy'!" "Yay!" Anita shouted. "And it looks like he's got quite a haul!" Sure enough, it was Chris - still as naked as a jaybird - carrying a basket in either hand, each filled with enough strawberries to feed an army. So that had been his secret mission! The girls instructed my friend how to get to my grandmother's strawberry patch - one of the best-kept secrets on our farm - and ordered him to sneak in and gather up as many of the ripest berries as he could without getting caught; between Nana watching from the house with her binoculars, a nearby bee hive and an ornery billy goat that roamed the property, raiding the strawberry patch was about as risky as shoplifting at Ft. Knox. But Chris had done it, and now, even in his nudity, or perhaps because of it, he was the hero of the moment. As I watched the girls all fawn over my friend and shower him with kisses and hugs and pats on his bare bottom, I could only imagine what must have gone through his mind when my cousins first gave him such a dreadful assignment. His naked legs and pale cheeks carried a collection of light scratches and red stripes similar to my own, betraying the cruel method Sheila and Pam used to motivate him; he later told me that as scared as he was of being seen by my grandmother or being stung by a swarm of bees, he'd have done anything - quite literally!!! - to get away from my cousins when they were swinging their switches. "Shoot, I'd sooner let your grandma's old billy goat hit me in the butt than let your cousin Sheila get at me with that switch of hers," Chris later confided to me. "She can be real mean when she wants to be." Didn't I know it! Funny thing, though, about the way my friend was reacting to his situation. As the girls crowded around and congratulated him on his safe return, I couldn't help but notice his reaction to his newly found celebrity status. I mean, you'd have thought that after all the things he'd been through, the tears and fussing and humiliation, Chris would have been angry enough to up and run away. But he didn't. Neither did I, for some odd reason. Truth be known, I suppose we were both getting kind of used to our roles as fairies ... or slaves ... or whatever it was we were that day. I mean, there stood my buddy, his naked form covered with dirt, scratches and sweat, all those stupid girls poking and teasing and doing their best to make him feel ridiculous ... and he had this great big dumb smile on his face. Oh, his cheeks were red with embarrassment and his voice was nervous and hoarse, but I could tell he was happy; okay, maybe not completely happy, but ... well, definitely happy enough to smile. Considering the circumstances, I knew exactly how he felt. It was a very confusing day. Chris was eventually sent down to the pool to wade and cool off while the girls held a meeting of some sort. I followed him to the water's edge, and while the girls held their whispered, giggling conference, my friend and I traded whispers of our own. "Cute outfit," he teased, plucking a petal from one of the daisies hanging around my waist. "I bet the girls just love you." "Hey, they made me!" I said defensively. "I didn't want to wear any of this stuff. I feel like an idiot!" "Then why didn't you run away? You're a good runner! They'd have never caught you if you didn't want them to." "I don't know. I was too scared. I was afraid somebody else would find me before I could figure out what to do." "I know what you mean." My friend grinned his dumb grin again as he swam around in the cold mountain water. "I thought about running away, too, but I didn't know where to go. I was thinking that they might give our stuff back if we did like we were told. Do you think they're through with us?" "I hope so." I thought about what happened to me in the woods and shivered. I bit my lip and with more than a little difficulty I looked my friend dead in the eye. "Please, Chris ... when this is all over, let's promise not to tell anybody about it, all right?" "Don't you worry about that! I ain't telling a soul! I'm just worried about what they're gonna do with all the pictures they're takin' of us." "Yeah," I whispered softly. This was something I'd try to put out of my mind. Even then, as the two of us sat down side by side on a rock and dangled our feet in the water, my cousin Pam was aiming her camera at us and clicking away. "I'm kinda worried about that, too." A little while later our reverie was broken by a shrill whistle, and I remember looking up and seeing four very happy, very mischievous faces looking down on us as we played in the water. "Hey, little fairies!" Pam called in a sing-song voice. "Come up here and keep us company for a while." "Oh, man ... here we go again," Chris said, shaking his head in resignation. Once we'd climbed up the rocks, my friend and I stood before our captors and we were given an impromptu inspection. Although it wasn't quite the shock it had been to me earlier, I still shivered as my cousin Pam poked at my shy boyish member with a curious finger and looked me over with a critical eye. "Good grief!" she said with amazement. "This little thing is so small, I still can't tell if you're a boy or a girl!" "Please, don't do that ..." I protested weakly. Worn out from its earlier adventures, my poor penis tingled in an intoxicating mixture of pain and pleasure. "I think that's because fairies aren't just boys or girls ... I think they're a little bit of both," Sheila said. My cousin stepped close behind me and wrapped her arms around me, giving me an affectionate, sisterly hug. I squirmed uncomfortably as she then cupped my little-boy breasts and then pinched my pink nipples, which were still erect from exposure to the cool water. "See, they've got the best of both worlds. Just look at these cute little boobies!" I looked over at Chris for some support, but he was having troubles of his own. He was squirming desperately as Linda and Anita held his hands high above his head, preventing him from covering the most embarrassing erection. I couldn't take my eyes from his little pink penis as it bounced and bobbed about in the most ridiculous fashion, and I was ever so thankful that I wasn't the one garnering so much attention. "Well, this one's little thing is pretty excited!" Linda said with a laugh. "Remember what we said a while ago? Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails ...." "Ple-e-e-ase ...." my friend whimpered helplessly. "No-o-o-o ...." "Poor baby." Pam tried to sound sympathetic, but she couldn't disguise the mischief in her voice. "Maybe he needs a little relief." "Uh-oh, then we better keep him away from Davy," Anita giggled. "He just loves playing with cute little weenies!" For a moment all eyes turned in my direction and I found myself wishing I could drop into a hole in the ground. This wasn't funny anymore. Chapter Four - First Kiss After an awkward silence that seemed to last forever, our captors stopped teasing us and it was announced that Chris would be promoted to the rank of garden fairy for his good deeds, bringing him into line with my own distinguished status as flower nymph. In a ceremony that would prove as mortifying as my own, my friend would be decorated with blossomy bangles and jewelry and put on display and kissed and applauded ... a very strange, almost dreamlike event, one that will never leave my mind. I remember in particular how the sun's rays streamed through the edge of the forest and struck the waterfall behind the blushing boy, forming a magnificent rainbow that completely encircled his nude, elf-life silhouette. Firing frame after frame of film, Pam would later show off a photograph that captured all the fairy tale magic of the moment, immortalizing my friend's dubious experience. As I watched each girl present Chris with a gift, either a tiara made from strawberry vines or a flowery bracelet or a necklace, I noticed that they each also gave him a kiss on the lips and a little hug. As instructed by Sheila, it was my job to present my friend with a chain of daisies, just like the one I was wearing around my naked hips. I remember a feeling of imminent doom sweeping over me. It felt awful weird, standing so close to my friend, the two of us in our birthday suits. Egged on by our captors, I wrapped strand upon strand of braided flowers around his waist, my fingers unavoidably brushing against his bare skin more than once, touching him in places where boys just didn't touch other boys; I'd never touched a naked boy before, not like that, not at all, as best as I could remember. I do remember a cold shiver sweeping over me as I ran my fingers tips across his bare belly and bottom, his skin feeling so smooth, so silky, that I marveled at its doll-like texture. I didn't have to look to know that what I was doing was being preserved on film; it wasn't easy, but by forcing myself to ignore my cousin and her camera I could at least pretend things weren't as bad as they seemed. Instead of worrying about that, I did my duty quickly and with little complaint in hopes that the more cooperative we were, the quicker the girls would tire of this stupid game and the sooner we'd get our clothes back. Needless to say, my logic was flawed. "Now you look almost like twins!" Anita said when I was finished adorning my friend's waist with the belt of brightly colored blossoms. "Yeah ... a pair of fairy twins!" Pam added with a laugh. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew they were right; judging from how Chris looked, from the top of his tiara with its strawberry blossoms to the honeysuckle embracing his wrists and the jonquils and daffodils encircling his slender waist ... I mean, even with his little erection poking out from between his legs, he did look an awful lot like one of those pixies that decorated the pages of my cousin's books; all that was missing were the wings. Of course, I knew better than to laugh or say anything out of turn. I figured I looked about as silly ... maybe even worse. "Don't forget to give pretty Chrissy a kissy." Sheila's voice sounded as though she was talking to a five year old. "That's the best part of the ceremony, you know!" "Do what?" My stomach suddenly turned inside out and I began to feel sick. "What do you mean ... give him a kiss ....?" "Dummy, she means you're supposed to give our new garden fairy a kiss," Pam said. "We all did it, so you have to, too!" "M-m-me?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing! They wanted me to actually kiss another guy? A GUY??? Just the thought of it was enough to make me sick! There was no way I was going to kiss another GUY!!! "Yes, you, pretty boy," Pam sang cheerfully. "Hurry up! Everybody's waiting!" Like I said, I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Even worse, I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Every single one of those girls were standing there and smiling at me ... us ... in a way that made it obvious they meant business. They were expecting to see two boys kissing, and by darn they weren't budging until it happened! "Just plant a big ol' wet one on him, right on the mouth, that's all you got to do," Pam encouraged. "Got a problem with that?" I nervously cleared my throat. "A ... kiss? On the mouth?" Just saying that made me swoon with shame. My cousin nodded her head vigorously, her face beaming with mischief. "Shaking hands won't cut it, li'l cousin." "Aw, come on. I don't really have to ... do I ...? You're teasing, right?" Sheila stepped in and gave me that look. "Nope. Serious as a heart attack." "But I don't wanna," I whined softly. Chris wasn't quite as demure in his argument. "I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm not letting him kiss me!" he shouted. "He's a boy, and I don't kiss boys and boys don't kiss me!" I looked up to see his face. It was all red and his eyes were watery. I couldn't believe he was about to cry! "Hush, little fairy," Linda said in stern, motherly tone of voice, "before you get yourself into serious trouble." "No! You hush! It's bad enough that you took away our clothes. Now you want us to kiss on each other like a couple of queers? I don't like this anymore! I'm going home ... and you can't stop me!" My poor friend! He regretted his outburst almost as soon as he made it; but it was too late. Before he could even begin to run away, Sheila slapped him across the face, knocking his fairy crown off his head. She then grabbed him by the hair of his head and gave his bare backside a switching like I'd never seen before! He jumped up and screamed and yelled like his legs and bottom were on fire. I was scared to death! "Please, Sheila, don't," I begged tearfully. I couldn't believe she was beating my buddy like that. "You're hurting him!" Chris tried his best to get away, but he was so little compared to my cousin, and she was so much more powerful than he was. The grip she had on his hair was so fierce he caught every wicked slash of her switch. By the time she was through he was quivering and whimpering submissively for forgiveness; his erection, I noticed with some wonder, still hadn't subsided. "I'll do it! I'll do it! I'm sorry ... please, don't hit me anymore ... please don't ...." "You'd better be sorry!" Sheila said with a toss of her hair. I remember watching her ample breasts heaving beneath her shirt. She'd obviously put a lot of effort into punishing my friend; judging by the smile on her face, she seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. "You'll do what you're told and you'll like it, too! Do you understand me?!" My fairy twin sobbed and nodded his head. "Are you going to let him kiss you?" He nodded again. "Like the little queer that you are?" Chris nodded one more time. "Then say it!" Chris licked his lips and looked down at the ground. "I'm gonna let him kiss me," he croaked nervously. "Say all of it!" A sigh of despair was followed by a quiet, almost imperceptible sob. "I'm gonna let him kiss me." Deep breath. "Like the ... the queer ... that I am." "That's better. And, now, what about you, my little pixie? Are you going to be difficult, too?" I felt a sensation like ice water running down my naked back as I realized that everyone was now looking directly at me. Wide-eyed and shaking with fear, I made a last ditch attempt to get myself out of this horrible nightmare. "Please, Sheila ... Pam, don't make us do this," I whined. My plea was completely ignored as someone grasped me by the shoulders and turned me around to face my twelve year old partner, positioning me so that his pouting mouth only inches away from my own; sharp fingernails dug deeply into my tender skin as they guided me forward. "I don't want to kiss a guy ...." "For the last time, you're not guys," Pam fussed with a wicked smile. I watched with shame as she replaced my friend's flowery tiara back atop his head. "You're fairies!" "A couple of little fags if you ask me," someone said with a giggle. "Shush! They are not faggots, they're fairies" Pam insisted. "And everybody knows fairies aren't boys or girls ... they just ... well, they just are!" "And everyone knows fairies just love kissing one another, too!" Linda added gleefully. The other girls all giggled wildly upon hearing that. Chris and I just stared at each other; I remember seeing his tear-filled eyes looking directly into mine. Neither of us said a word. "Am I going to have to use my switch again?" Sheila asked, her voice thick with a syrupy wickedness. "I see a couple of pretty little bare butts that are just begging for a whipping ...." Well, there we were, two naked twelve year old boys, standing face-to-face, adorned only in our red faces and tears, our adolescent forms accented by the flowers in our hair and around our waists ... faced with an awful, terrible decision. The sense of defeat, the utter humiliation I felt at that moment cannot be described except to say that every molecule in my body was burning up with intense shame; from the top of my head to the tip of my bare toes, it was as though I was about to burst into flames, I was blushing so fiercely. I prayed to God that I would just wake up and discover that it was all some ugly nightmare or that I would be struck by lightning or something would happen to put an end to all this ... but instead, I heard a voice, my voice, say those awful words. "You win. I'll do it." The cheering was so loud I just knew my grandmother heard it all the way back at the house. For a moment I stood there and thought about my predicament and wondered what she would think if she saw me like this; I prayed to God she never would. "Well, don't just stand there, sweeties!" my cousin Pam said brightly. I felt a wave of nausea sweep over me as she lifted her camera to her eye. "Pucker up and get to it!" "And none of that sissy on-the-cheek stuff, either," Anita instructed. "On the lips, just like the rest of us did it." I screwed up my face like I smelled something bad. "You're sure? On the ... lips? Yuck!" For my trouble I got a hard rap on top of my head. Under the close scrutiny of our tormentors, I gave up all hope of keeping my dignity and did as I was told; turning shyly to face my friend, I leaned forward, quickly and very lightly touched my trembling lips to those of the tearful boy opposite me - awkwardly bumping noses in the process - and then straightened up and backed away to a safe distance as though nothing at all unusual had happened. "Gee," I thought to myself,"that wasn't so bad." To be honest about it, it felt about the same as it did when the girls kissed me earlier in the day, warm, wet and kinda weird. I looked at Chris and shrugged my shoulders; he just kind of rolled his big brown eyes and sighed with relief. Apparently our forced display of affection hadn't killed him, either, as painful as it'd been. But, at least it was over. Now maybe they'd leave us alone .... "They did it!" someone whispered loudly. "They actually did it! They actually kissed each other!" "I know," replied another voice. "I've never seen boys kiss each other before. This is so neat!" "And they're naked, too!" somebody else yelled. I could still feel the warm moisture from Chris' lips on my mouth and I couldn't help wiping it off with the back of my hand. Sheila swatted me severely on the bare butt with her switch for my effort, making me jump. "Don't do that! You act like you're not enjoying this." "Well, I'm not," I said with an exaggerated pout. "Look, we did what you said. Ain't that enough? Now can we please have our clothes back?" I begged my cousin ever so delicately. I was about as desperate as I'd been all day, but I was trying my best not to show it. "Oh, no, you can't! Fairies don't wear clothes!" "Please? You promised!" "And I promise you'll get another whippin' if you don't hush!" Sheila shook her head in serious consideration of what she'd just seen. From the look on her face, she wasn't at all interested in giving us back our clothes ... or our dignity. Something else was on her mind. "What do you all think? Should they do it again?" "Oh, I definitely think so," Pam said in agreement with her sister. "That wasn't nearly long enough. I need to take a few more frames to make sure I got it right." "I want to see it again, too!" one of the other girls seconded. This was followed by an even more enthusiastic, "Me, too! Me, too!" Needless to say, I was astounded, not to mention frustrated ... and scared to hear all this crazy talk. Once was bad enough, but they wanted us to do it again! No way! While the girls went on about how much they wanted us to kiss again, I glanced at Chris. He looked like the proverbial deer caught in the proverbial headlights. We had to stop this, and fast! It took me a second to muster my remaining strength and clear my throat. "Why do we have to do ... it ... again? We did what you all said. What was wrong with that?" "Lots of things," my cousin said flippantly. "That was an awful kiss. Why, I'd be ashamed! How are you gonna be fairies if you can't kiss right?" "But we don't want to be fairies ...." "That's right!" spat Chris. "We did what you said! Now you want us to ... yuck!!! ... do it all over again? It just isn't fair!" Before I could push the issue further, Linda stepped in between the two of us, putting one arm around my shoulders and the other around Chris; she then gave us each a big hug, so hard, in fact that I couldn't have gotten away if I tried. Whenever I try to imagine an teenaged girl with a couple of wimpy, bare-bottomed twelve year old boys in her grip, I can't help but blush. This was almost as humiliating as having to kiss my best friend on the mouth! The other girls all grinned like crazy, and I felt like the biggest fool in the world as I struggled to breath. "You guys are taking this too seriously. We're just kidding around with you. Nobody's gonna care if you kiss on each other little. You're just a couple of kids having little fun. Don't make such a big deal out of it. Just do it and enjoy yourselves, all right?" "Guys don't do that kinda stuff," Chris countered. His shrill voice quavered with fear. "No way, no how!" I nodded. "Yeah! And it ain't fun, either! If it was, then why are you always smacking us around?" "That's because you're acting like such a doofus," Pam said, giving me a sharp poke right on my nipple with a needle-like fingernail. "Stop being so stupid and maybe you'll get treated decent." Linda gave us each another little hug. "Yeah, dummy. We're trying to show you something neat and you won't let us. You know, if you'd just be good little fairies and do like we tell you, you'd both have a lot more fun!" "Yeah," Anita added. She had the scariest smile on her face. "A lot more fun." My friend made a sour frown and kicked at the rocky ground with his toe. "Kissing a guy isn't my idea of fun." "Me, neither," I agreed. "That's only because you don't have enough practice," Linda said. "Practice makes perfect, you know." I about had a heart attack as she shifted her hold up around our necks and bumped our two heads together. I couldn't believe how strong she was; I tried to pull away, but it was futile. I still remember the odd sensation of my cheek rubbing against her boobs and smelling Chris' breath as she smooshed our faces together. I remember getting poked in the eye with his nose and getting his spit all over my face, she pushed us together so hard. "That's why you're going to kiss each other again and let us watch. You're going to do it again and again, until you get it right. Even if it takes you all day!" "Yeah! When we get through with you, you'll just love kissing each other!" Sheila added with a smirk. "Okay, okay!" I cried, gasping for breath. I could hardly breathe with my face locked in against my buddy's. "I'll do it, I'll do it!" To make a long story short, between the threat of further violence and the promise of being released, Chris and I agreed to kiss one more time. But that would be it. Period. No more. No way, no how! Yeah, right! Surrounded by our giggling captors, we started out by standing as close together as we could without touching anywhere, face- to-face, shy and reluctant to even look at each other. After a bit of prompting we then inched toward each other, leaning forward until we bumped noses. Then, with a simple tilt of the head and a slight push, we moved even closer. "Keep your mouths open," someone instructed. "It doesn't count if they're closed!" "Yeah, we'll make you start all over again if you don't do it right!" another voice said sharply. With the sound of Pam's camera practically clicking in my ear - the photographs I saw later were extremely close up, catching every horrible detail! - my face burned like fire. I felt so ashamed, so scared ... so helpless and confused. But, I did it. I did as I was told and Chris did likewise, each of us tilting our heads just slightly, our noses sliding alongside each other's until we were pressing lip upon lip, four pink boyish petals locked in a forbidden kiss. Technically it was a kiss, I guess, since we did have our lips touching, just barely. In fact, there really wasn't much "kissing" going on. I, for one, was doing my best to keep this whole thing low-key, and putting too much effort into this whole thing could only make my life ... well, complicated. With just enough contact to meet the requirements, Chris and I froze in position like that for as long as we could, our mouths hardly making any contact, and doing as little as possible to make sure we could never be accused of "cooperating with the enemy." The important thing is that we appeared to kiss for, oh, I don't know, at least a minute or two. I tried not to pull away too soon in hopes that we'd passed the amount of time we'd kissed the first time and therefore keep the girls happy. I think that's what Chris had in mind, too, as he didn't budge until I did, and once I made my move he pulled away even faster that I did. There was silence when we pulled away this time, something I didn't expect at all. At the very least I figured on some more teasing, but the only thing I remember hearing was the soft splashing of the waterfall and me smacking my wet lips and fighting the temptation to wipe them. I looked at my buddy Chris for a second. You don't know how hard that was. Thank goodness he didn't seem to be mad, not at me, at least. He just kinda shrugged his bare shoulders and gave me a sickly little smile. After a second or two of silence a wave of whispers swirled around us. I thought I heard someone say, "See, I told you so." I had no idea about what that meant, not until I noticed Anita and Linda staring at me in an awful weird way. Then I looked down and saw my erection raging out of control, practically sticking straight up. A quick glance over at Chris showed his was in a similar condition, if not worse. Even with minimal contact, it looked liked all this nonsense had more of an effect on us than anybody cared to admit! Dammit! "See, lookie there!" Pam exclaimed. "Those little stiffies prove it! I knew you'd enjoy this if you kept at it long enough. You just need a little more practice until you get it down right." "A lot more practice. That last kiss was pretty lame. You guys aren't even trying!" "Most definitely lame," chirped Anita. Sheila shot me a really scary grin. "Well, you two are in luck, 'cause we're here to help you work on it!" Needless to say, we were ordered to do it again. When I asked my cousins why, the best answer I could get out of them was "'cause I said so!" Well, that and a hard pinch on my bare butt. At that point we didn't even bother protesting. Neither one of us. That isn't to say we were happy with our situation, just that we were smart enough - or was that afraid enough? - to know when we were beaten. Just as we moved in to kiss I let go a huge sigh of resignation. Chris did exactly the same thing at the same time It was kind of funny, actually. Kinda like the tingling I felt in my belly. Already I could tell this one was going to be different. Just as we took up our position Sheila stepped up alongside of us and put her hand behind my head. She then did the same thing with Chris. "Here, in case you need any help." Amid all the laughter and giggles, the whispers and teasing and leering that went on about us, I was amazed to find myself succumbing to newly discovered feelings that swept through my body as my friend and I kissed. With my cousin pushing our mouths together, there was no escape. "Come on, guys, open up and swap a little spit. Like I said, either do it right or you're gonna have to do it all over again." I felt Chris open his mouth. A sudden shudder of panic hit me as I felt his teeth nip my lip. Terrified, I pressed mouth closed tight and prayed for a miracle. A sudden pain hit me - a pinch, if felt like - right in the crack of my buttcheeks. It hurt so back I let loose a muffled squeal "Open your mouth, li'l cousin. The sooner you do it, the sooner you can stop." I followed my cousin's instructions and I was surprised to feel the intimate puffing sensation of his breath mixing with mine as I opened my mouth. I was also mystified by the feeling of our teeth clicking together, followed by the curious sensations of our tongues touching. I was so scared, so excited, I felt sick at my stomach. This went on forever. I'd hoped that cooperating with my cousins would lead to a shortcut in our misery, but instead we'd been led down the primrose path. Chris and I were forced to keep on kissing until we were breathless and choking on each other's saliva. To be so young and forced into such a horrible situation - remember, I'd never even kissed a girl before that day - I just wanted to die! But that wasn't the worst of it. After a few minutes of this torture someone grabbed me by the wrists and guided my hands down between Chris' body and mine ... and pressed them around something warm and silky and hard. "Here, why don't you play with this while you're at it," I heard Pam whisper in my ear. Another cruel pinch on my tender bottom warned me not to refuse as my fingers were forcibly wrapped around my friend's erect penis. "I just know you're dying to do it." Well, needless to say, I was pretty surprised - not to mention terrified! - when I realized what was going on. I mean, it was bad enough that I was kissing my best friend, a boy, on the mouth. But now I was expected to ... well, you know ... jack him off ...? Of course, I wasn't the only one who was upset. Chris pulled away from me almost as soon as he realized what was going on, his eyes wide with fear and disgust; it was as though the mere touch of my hand had burned him. "Hey! Stop that!" he yelled at me, looking at me like I was poison. He backed away and raised his fists like he wanted to fight me. "What's wrong with you, grabbing me down there like that?!!!" "It's not my fault," I cried. "They made me do it!" "Well, stop it, it's queer!" "Hey, break it up, you two!" Sheila grabbed us both by the ear and forced us back into place. "You're not acting like nice little fairies!" "Not if he's gonna do that, I'm not!" Chris fussed. "No way in hell ...." WHOMP!!!! Sheila slapped the naked boy's face with such force that he literally fell back on his bottom. Before he could even begin to recover, she pulled him up on his knees by his ear and smacked him again, this time even harder than before. I couldn't help but cry to see my friend hurting so badly under such ferocious blows. By the time my cousin was through with him, Chris was reduced to a shell of his former defiant self. Sobbing, red-faced, and compliant, he made no move to resist as his hands were placed behind his back. "You keep them back here or I'll give you a whipping so hard your grandmother will feel it," Sheila threatened. My friend's slender form, so pale and naked, was now open to whatever designs our captors had planned for him. I was ashamed to be party to such degradation. "Come here, sweetie." Linda led me over to where Chris knelt submissively. "Are we going to have to give you a whipping, too?" I shook my head quickly as I choked out my answer. "No ...." "Good, 'cause you're gonna need them. Now, go give pretty Chrissy another little kissy ...." From this point on I felt as though someone else was in control of my body. I remember feeling a pair of hands pressing down on my shoulders, forcing me down, onto my bare knees, face-to-face with my tearful buddy. Someone then pushed my head forward, smearing my mouth against Chris' mouth, my nose against his nose. It took him a second to respond, and when he did it was with a whimper. I remember tasting the salt from his tears as I opened my mouth and kissed him deeply. A soft, mocking voice then whispered in my ear. "Don't forget what else you're supposed to do." Careful not to let go of my kiss with Chris, I reluctantly took my friend's boyish member in between my palms and began working it as I'd done my own only a short while before. I rolled the small, warm organ back and forth, over and over, until I felt it get fatter and longer and - oh, yes! - harder. It was a distasteful and humiliating thing to be doing ... kissing another boy and jacking him off ... yet I found myself fascinated to be touching someone else in such an intimate manner. I have to admit, it really wasn't that bad, once I got over the initial disgust of what I was doing, I mean. I remember trying to be gentle as I rolled Chris' growing penis between my palms, much like you do when rolling dough in the kitchen, and I would pause every now and then whenever he would moan either from pain or from pleasure ... I wasn't quite sure which. I wasn't allowed to stop for long, however; a sharp swat against my bare bottom with a switch would signal me to continue, and I would resume masturbating my twelve year old friend as carefully as possible. "See? I told you they like playing with each other!" Sheila's remark sparked a ripple of laughter among our audience. "Can you imagine what they do when we're not watching them." "No, I can't," one of the other girls replied, prompting a wave of giggles. My cousin's teasing only made the ordeal all that much more exciting. I couldn't help but marvel at how easy it was for me to get Chris to move and sway in response to my touch, much like a puppet on a string; the faster I'd go, the harder it would be for him to breathe, and when I'd slow down he'd struggle to keep his lips against mine as he fought to catch his breath. The longer it went on, the more familiar I became with his rhythm, and the more thorough I became with my own technique. His small member grew so hot and full in my hands, the silky smooth skin was so pliable and delicate ... I relished how the slightest tug or squeeze could make him whimper and shudder with passion. After what seemed like a lifetime of kissing and caressing my fellow captive, something odd happened. Chris began to squirm and tremble like never before, and he moaned so loudly that his teeth rattled against mine. He tried for an instant to pull away from my mouth, and then, without warning, he suddenly pushed forward, bumping my nose and nearly chipping my front tooth. I then felt his arms around me, hugging me close, as though he was trying to squeeze me to death. At first I didn't quite understand what was going on, but suddenly his entire body strained ... and then an awful wetness smacked against my belly, just above my privates ... and the palms of my hands filled with a thick, hot stickiness that spilled between my fingers. "Keep on kissing!" Sheila ordered as we struggled against each other. I felt a burning lash against my bottom as I tried to decide what to do. "You stop and I'll whip both your little bottoms, you hear me?!!!" Fighting to keep our lips pressed together - there was no way I was gonna get another whipping if I could help it! - I tried to protect myself from the steamy fluid that spewed from my friend's penis, but there was just too much. A final surge of the nasty stuff spurted out, making the most horrible mess all over me! And what a mess it was, too! I mean, there I was, dear reader, a twelve year old boy, all naked and tingling, my mouth wet and chapped, my bare belly and legs and hands all smeared with my friend's hot boyish slime ... some of the warm stuff even spilled onto on my own poor little penis, which made me feel just awful! With so many girls looking on and laughing like a bunch of hyenas it's no wonder all I wanted to do was lay down and cry. "Okay, you can stop now." Sheila laughed and pulled the two of us apart. Good thing, too - I was exhausted and poor Chris wasn't doing much better. "Let's see what kind of damage you've done." "Eeeew!!! What a mess!" Anita made the awfullest face as she pointed at the pearly white stuff spread over my pale skin. "Looks like Chrissy got a little excited," Linda said. "I thought you boys didn't like playing with each other. Looks like someone wasn't telling the truth." My cousin Sheila, of course, couldn't resist making things worse. Grabbing my arm, she forced my hand to my mouth and smeared Chris' semen over my lips, saying, "Look ... Davy thinks it's finger licking good!" That got everyone laughing. Even Chris grinned a little as he nursed his bruised ego. Sputtering and spitting in a panic, I tried to clean myself off while retaining some semblance of dignity, but that was impossible; with my hands covered in the stuff I couldn't even wipe my mouth without making things worse ... which I did. The taste of my friend's essence hit me like lightning and my entire body burned bright red with humiliation. "Boys aren't supposed to taste each other like this," I thought to myself with disgust. "That's nasty!" Well, as you probably figured, it didn't end there. The girls were so fascinated by what they'd just seen that they immediately insisted on an instant replay. Chris and I begged for mercy, pleading desperately not to be put through such humiliation again; the threat of another lashing, however, helped us change our minds. Before it was over I jacked Chris off three times in a row - the same number I'd been forced to do myself earlier in the day - and I was a sticky, filthy mess. I mean, from my saliva-smeared mouth to my semen-stained hands and legs, I was covered in boyish nastiness! And my dear Chris! He was so weak that the third time I had to jerk him off while he laid down. I ended up laying down with him so I could deliver the required kisses and masturbate him properly at the same time. "You two look so pretty like that," Linda said at one point. "Like two little love birds!" Poor Chris. He was literally in tears from being molested repeatedly and so thoroughly; in fact, the only reason the girls let me stop was that he was crying so hard he got choked and almost threw up. I felt so sorry for him, but I knew if we hadn't done as we were told, both of our little butts would have been on the line. But it wasn't over yet. The next thing I knew it was my turn. Yes, now I was the one being molested. Not wanting Chris to miss out on anything, the girls ordered him to masturbate me just as I'd done him, over and over until I was drained of every drop of boyish passion. It was a demeaning, painful experience; I was already sore from my earlier escapades, and Chris' hands were clumsy and rough on my tender skin. It took everything I had not to push him aside and do it myself, the pain was so bad. The only thing that kept me from breaking down and crying out loud was him kissing me on the mouth throughout the duration. "Ah, young love," my cousin Sheila said as she watched with great satisfaction. "Treasure this moment, li'l cousin. You won't want to ever forget it." We were a pitiful pair when it was all was said and done. Completely demoralized and tearful, the two of us were sent down to the waterfall with a small bar of soap to clean up. I don't think we said two words to each other while we were there. I was so mad, so frustrated ... and confused ... that I couldn't say anything. Chris sat on a rock at the pool's edge and just cried his little heart out, but I was too tired to shed any more tears; instead, I spent most of my time splashing around in the cold mountain water with that little bar of scented soap, trying to get rid of the stickiness that clung so stubbornly to my skin ... and thinking about what we'd just done. It was while we were resting at the base of the waterfall that we made an exhilarating - and terrifying - discovery. While we were climbing around on the rocks we found a shoe ... a tennis shoe ... that looked vaguely familiar. Located on a ledge several feet down on the for side of the waterfall and swimming pool, it was surrounded by thorny bushes and jagged rocks in a place just barely visible from where my fairy twin and I were standing. Neither of us could reach it - not in our bare feet and flowery costumes, we couldn't! - but we did study it for the longest time. It looked like it had been chewed up and then spit out by some wild animal. I'll be honest ... what I saw scared me. I mean, we both suspected that the girls had taken our clothes, of course, in order to play their little trick on us. But we didn't expect this, to have our things torn up like that. Being mean is one thing, but to actually destroy something like, well, somebody's shoe ... well, that's something else. Especially in such a thorough and savage manner. "What do you think?" Chris said in a hushed whisper. "Does that look like one of yours?" Fighting a shiver down my spine, I shrugged my naked shoulders. "I don't know ... I hope it's not." For a moment we pondered and speculated on what might have done such a frightful thing, and we were reminded that - no matter what happened between the two of us - we still were prisoners together. Chapter Five - Rules To Live By Freshly scrubbed and feeling somewhat better, Chris and I reluctantly rejoined our captors, serving up a snack of freshly picked strawberries and lemonade, complemented by some cookies left over from lunch. Afterward we were given our orders for the remainder of the day. As you might expect, they weren't quite what we wanted to hear. You see, dear reader, now that we were officially christened fairy twins - actually, a flower nymph and a garden fairy, to be precise - my fellow prisoner and I were expected to follow a set of exacting rules ... upon pain of punishment at the hands of our tormentors, of course! Written on a page in Sheila's journal, "Fairy Etiquette" was simple and direct, having been hastily drafted while Chris and I bathed in the pool. It was also very inventive, reflecting an attention to detail and the same mischievous streak of sadism that had hounded us ever since being caught skinny-dipping earlier that fateful summer morning. I still remember those simple, yet earth-shattering rules as though it was yesterday: FAIRY ETIQUETTE 1. Fairies love to smile; they don't frown, they don't cry, they don't even pout. 2. Fairies skip and dance wherever they go; they don't walk and they can't run. 3. Fairies sing; they can't talk and they never shout. Whether they're alone or in groups together, they constantly sing, no matter what. 4. Fairies hold hands when they're together, no matter where they go or what they do; THEY NEVER LET GO!!! 5. Above all else, fairies love to kiss, and they kiss each other as often as possible and for as long as possible. "Read'em and weep, little fairies, 'cause those are the rules you'll be living by the rest of the summer." Sheila held her journal up against our noses - much too close for us to study the offending document - and smirked a knowing smirk. "I think you know what'll happen to you if you give us any argument ..." Behind her the other girls posed with their switches like a trio of Amazon warriors ready to wage battle. We were doomed. My cousin made it all sound so official as she went on, insisting that we sign an agreement - which she also kept in her journal - saying that we would follow our new rules to the letter, and that we were doing this all of our own free will ... or something to that effect. Talk about a ridiculous sight; imagine two naked twelve year old boys adorned only in their fairy garb of flowers and their hair in braids, signing away their lives in a ritual as solemn as applying for a homeowner's loan. To make sure we knew the rules beyond a shadow of a doubt, Chris and I were required to sing them over and over until they were firmly planted in our heads. The girls then took turns drilling us on them, which wasn't exactly a pleasant experience; each wrong answer merited a sharp rap on the top of the head with a set of knuckles, and if too many questions were missed, well, the offending fairy was threatened with a dozen lashes with a switch across his bare bottom. Needless to say, we became inspired to learn to recite the rules backwards as well as forwards and any other way you could come up with. We even got a little competitive in seeing who could blurt out the answers first. I have to admit feeling a bit of pride - as well as relief! - when I was declared to be the first to have my rules memorized. Chris, on the other hand, spent a lot of time rubbing the top of his head as well as his poor bottom. As you can imagine, the rules my cousins and their friends devised caused us the greatest difficulty in doing the simplest things, which of course was part of their intent. Oh, sure, the smiling and singing part wasn't so awful; it only took a couple of blows from Linda and Pam's switches on our bare bottoms to remind us when we'd stray, and we would force a strained grin and improvise some silly tune whenever we had something to say. "Can we go look for our clothes, please now?" Chris clumsily asked to the tune of "Mary had a Little Lamb." "You promised we could, you know you did!" "Can we please? Can we please?" I joined in on the chorus in the futile hope that if we begged hard enough this nightmare might end. All our singing did was bring us applause and a wave of girlish giggles. We were, of course, obliged to smile in return. The skipping wasn't too bad, either, except for how silly it made us feel; I mean, where I came from only little kids and girls skipped, but now here I was, twelve years old and an aspiring astronaut and green beret, prancing and dancing like some sort of dumb little sissy. Well, considering everything else that had happened to me, it could have been worse, I suppose .... ... which it eventually did become. The most awkward part of those stupid rules were the ones about holding hands and kissing all the time. While one made life a bit more difficult for us, the other stripped us our last bits of dignity. Holding hands didn't mean just whenever we walked - sorry, I mean skipped!- from place to place, or when we were sitting still. Like the rules said, holding hands meant no matter what we were doing - and I do mean NO MATTER! - we had to hold hands, pure and simple, no questions asked. This isn't something boys are prone to do in the first place, of course. Everybody knows that. Besides the obvious taboo surrounding the idea of boys holding hands - EEEW!!! - it just wasn't practical. For instance, Chris and I were supposed to clean and sort the two baskets of strawberries stolen from my grandmother's garden, which was a significant challenge considering the fact we were forced to hold hands with each other while doing so. It took us a while before we worked out a method where I would hold a berry with my free hand and Chris would pull out the stem with his; it wasn't the most efficient way to get our chores done, but under the close scrutiny of our captors it was the only way. The kissing part was a bit more complex ... not to mention the most disheartening. While there was no hard and fast definition of "as often as possible," we quickly learned that when in doubt, kiss each other ... or else suffer the consequences. Between the constant encouragement of our masters and the liberal use of thorny switch against pale flesh, we became quite adept at kissing each other - yes, on the mouth, if you must know!!! - despite our boyish reluctance. Okay, okay .. if you insist, here are the gory details: my friend and I were required to kiss each and every time we spoke to one another, or when we spoke to someone else or when someone else spoke to us; we kissed at least once for every strawberry we cleaned and sorted; we kissed for every cup of lemonade we poured; we kissed for every chore we were given and for every chore we accomplished. To makes sure we wouldn't get in trouble, we even kissed after we kissed, which made the girls all smile. Yuck! Thanks to my cousins' switches Chris and I also learned that if we waited too long between kisses we were expected to kiss, although the exact length of time that might be was never quite made clear. As a result, we undoubtedly kissed when it wasn't necessary, just to be on the safe side. That made the girls smile, too. Double yuck!! Regarding the nature of our kisses, most of the time my fairy twin and I would get by with a simple peck on the lips, but occasionally we would be directed - reinforced with a harsh slap or a pinch! - to take our time, to ensure that we were truly expressing our impish affection for each other with deep, soulful French-fairy kisses. Judging from the look on Chris' face, he was as demoralized as I was each time we were forced into doing this, but he also shared my fear of getting beat up if we didn't mind our masters. As far as we were concerned there was nothing like going face-to-face, mouth-to- mouth against your will with another boy to strip away your dignity and render you helpless. Of course, the more we gave in, the more we brought trouble onto ourselves. When the girls went wading in the creek, for example, Chris and I were given our greatest challenge; we received strict instructions to kiss the entire time they were gone, our orders punctuated by a taste of what would happen to us - WHAP! - if we didn't fully cooperate. Okay, go ahead and laugh ... but it's true, and not the least bit funny at the time. My cousin Sheila gave us our original orders, a cruel smile plastered across her face. "We want you two little fairies kissing until we get back and not a second sooner. I don't care if we're gone an hour, you kiss! If it starts raining, you kiss. If somebody shows up looking for us, you kiss. If you have to go pee, you keep on kissing. You understand?" Shocked and amazed, my friend and I just nodded. This was going to be a lot harder than it sounded. "Don't you dare let us look up here and see you two not kissing," Pam warned, giving us each a quick swipe of her switch across our bare legs. "We haven't had to give either one of you a really good whipping yet, so you better pucker up unless you want something to really cry about." I thought about the switching Sheila had given Chris a short time before and I found myself wondering what they considered a "really good whipping"; a quick glance at my buddy's striped bottom was all it took to make me realize there were some things best left unknown. "Oh, our little fairies will be just fine," Linda interjected. "They like kissing each other, don't you, sweeties?" Shyly, with my face burning bright red in embarrassment, I nodded my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Chris doing the same. The thorny switch in the grinning girl's hand left a feeling like fire burning my bare bottom. "I can't hear you ...." she said cheerfully. "Yes ... I like ... kissing ...." I forced myself to sing. Out loud. Chris muttered something similar. We were rewarded with a barrage of laughter and smiles. To this day I remember how awkward it felt, my little friend and I kneeling facing each other, - knee to knee, belly to belly, nose to nose - naked, shy, and smiling our silly fairy- fake smiles. Following the instructions given us, I wrapped my arms around Chris' nude body and he did the same with me; we each then tightly hugged the other, our pink fairy lips squishing together in a semi-reluctant moment of fear and curiosity. We'd just started and Anita was already laughing at our clumsy embrace. "Oh, this is great! All this hugging and kissing and those cute little butts showing ... The two of you look very happy together. Well, have fun, li'l fairies!" "Yeah, have fun, little fairies," the other girls echoed. Chris and I must have remained like that for nearly half an hour - maybe longer, who knows? - while the girls splashed and played in the water nearby. Our bruised, chapped mouths rubbed against each other, our tongues occasionally intertwined and our teeth nipped at each other's swollen lips. I remember thinking about how - only a short while ago - I'd tried to wipe my friend's kiss from my lips, how nasty and sickening I'd thought it was to have his taste in my mouth; now my lips, chin and cheeks were slick with his saliva, his strawberry taste causing a tingle on my tongue ... and I couldn't do anything about it! "This is nasty!" Chris said at one point. Pulling away for an instant he wiped his mouth on his bare shoulder and made the ugliest face. "This has got to be the worst day of my life!" I took a deep breath and nodded. "Me, too. It's the worst!" My fairy friend gave me a hateful look. "Oh, sure it is. You sure don't act like it, the way you jump in and do everything they say. The way you're actin' I think you like all this fairy stuff. I bet you're loving every minute it, you fag!" That really hurt my feelings. Not to mention making me mad. Until that moment we'd somehow avoided turning against each other. I felt betrayed, to say the least, and my immediate reaction was to strike back. "Me? What about you? I don't see you putting up much of a fight. Remember, you've been kissin' and doing ... stuff, too, you know!" I couldn't bring myself to actually say "jacking off." Chris knew what I was saying, though and he got really mad and started pushing me away. "Sissy-faggot!" he yelled. "Jerk off!" "Fairy boy!" I shouted back. "You did it, too!" Looking back it was a pretty comical scene, the two of us arguing away with each other in our birthday suits and flowery ornaments. And, given enough time we might have gotten up the courage to do what we should have do earlier in the day, like get the heck out of there and run away. But we before we could we were rudely interrupted by of all things, a hailstorm of tiny stinging rocks. "You fairies better stop yappin' and get back to kissin' if you know what's good for you!" My cousin Pam and her friend Linda spearheaded a rock- throwing salvo, peppering us with handfuls of the small lethal missiles, raising welts on our bare skin and bringing tears to our eyes. "If I have to come up there you'll wish you'd never been born!" Linda warned with a shout. Despite our momentary bravado, my elvish partner and I reluctantly resumed our forced embrace. I had a hard time looking him in the face so I closed my eyes as we came together and tried pretending I was somewhere It took us a few minutes to settle back into our kiss; Chris tried sneaking an occasional peek but was rewarded with a sizeable pebble bouncing off his head. Tearful and frustrated, he finally gave up and I found myself being smothered with a passionate, aggressive kiss that left me helpless and weak from lack of air. When the girls returned from their swim we thought we were through. Wrong! Our punishment for breaking loose from our kiss was having to endure it even longer. True to the spirit of the day, the girls voted to keep us in our embrace indefinitely, ignoring our pitiful pleas for some rest. And so we remained, in all of our tearful, fairy glory, trapped in the eternal kiss from hell! Okay ... maybe it wasn't exactly eternal. And it wasn't exactly hell, either. Maybe Chris was right; maybe I was enjoying our predicament a little more than I should. But he wasn't innocent either. After all we'd been through, between the kisses and hand-holding and hugging and, yes, especially all the masturbation, it was inevitable. We both developed fierce erections, long and fat and hard - well, for two twelve year olds, that is. And, well, what did you expect? Nestling against each other with a will of their own, our roused members were like a pair of amorous little pets, playfully intertwined and ignoring their frustrated owners. Lip to lip, belly to belly, bound by our soulful embrace, it was all Chris and I could do to keep from hurting ourselves against each other and still hide our dirty little secret from our captors. By the time we were finally allowed to break loose, my friend and I reached a point well beyond our boyish prejudices. We had actually roused a bit of that giggling, adolescent passion, which was the goal of this exercise all along, of course. In short, we didn't quite mind kissing and touching each other any more. In fact, we ... uh ... we were ... um ... you know ... kinda used to it. "Oops, look who's got a couple of stiffies," Anita announced as we pulled apart. "Shouldn't they have to do something about that?" Sheila and Pam looked first at each other and then right at me. Cocking an eyebrow, the older sister grinned and nodded. "All right, you guys, get to it! We can't have you running around with your weenies sticking out like that. You might poke somebody's eye out." "Not likely," somebody said. It was Linda. She was staring at Chris and me, well, between our legs and grinning the biggest grin. "They're awful little. Barely enough to poke each other in the belly!" Anita jumped in again with "Or the butt!" For some reason everybody thought that was hilarious! "Still, better to be safe than sorry!" laughed Sheila. "Go ahead, little fairies. You know what to do!" To make a long story even longer, my best friend and I ended up masturbating - sorry, "jacking off" - each other one last time. Sitting side by side, kissing on him and caressing his erection in my hand, well, it actually wasn't too bad. Especially the part where Chris had to do me. It was kinda like how I'd always imagined making out with a girl. I just had to resolve the fact that I was doing all this with another guy ... not exactly a twelve year old boy's dream come true. From that point on we did everything we were told, without question, without argument. We were the perfect little fairies, singing and kissing and waiting on our mistresses, happy to serve. The girls, needless to say, were elated to find us so willing to go along with their sick little game. It was as though we'd always been that way, so affectionate, so impish and gay. We'd started out only a few hours before a pair of typical rough and tumble preteen boys and - under the strict tutelage of some very devious minds - we'd quite literally been turned into a pair of real-life fairies. I hated to admit it, but the girls had won; there was no doubt about that. "This has been kinda fun," my fairy twin confided to me as he ate one of the strawberries we'd cleaned and sorted. We were laying side by side on my cousins' picnic blanket, bare bottoms exposed to the sun, nibbling on strawberries and - in accordance with the fairy rules - each other. Squeezing my hand tightly, Chris suddenly gave me a smile that made me feel warm all over. "I mean, y'know, it could have been a lot worse." "I don't hear any singing, little fairies!" Anita said in a voice usually reserved for little children. "And I sure as heck don't see any kissing!" I couldn't help but blush as Chris leaned toward me with his lips slightly open, and I found myself moving to meet him in a long, lingering kiss. His mouth tasted sweet and juicy, just like the strawberry he'd just eaten. I felt my entire body shiver in a combination of anxiety and excitement as we pulled our lips apart. "Yeah, it could have been worse, I guess," I agreed, softly singing my words. After all we'd been through, I wasn't quite sure what "worse" might have been, but the way I was feeling at that particular moment, I wasn't completely unhappy with my situation ... or the person with whom I was trapped in it. "When we, uh, get out of this ... we'll still be friends, won't we?" Chris held my hand fast and looked me in the eye as he clumsily sang me that question. "I mean, you aren't mad at me or anything for what's happened, are you?" "I'm not mad at you," I replied quietly. "Am I gonna have to get my switch ...?" a distant voice called out. Now it was my turn to lean toward my friend, my eyes locked on his eyes and my mouth moving to capture his mouth. "No, Chris ... I'm not mad ... not at all ...." Okay, okay ... I give up. You win. We liked it. I liked it. I LOVED IT!!! There. What else is there to say? Are you happy now? Fine! Time flew by and all too soon the shadows were getting longer and the air cooler, and the girls were gathering up their things to go home. The reality of what was happening hit me like a slap across the face. At last, I thought, we can finally get our clothes and get out of here! "Time to go," Sheila said, packing her journal in her bag and handing me a picnic basket. "It's going to be dark soon and we don't want the ogres to get us." "Can't we have our stuff back first?" I asked one final time. A cool breeze swept through our little valley and with the prospect of returning to civilization I suddenly felt naked again. "Please?" "Yeah!" Chris was quick to join in the request for our clothes and other things that had disappeared earlier in the day. "How about giving us back our pants?" "Um, well, there might be a problem with that." Sheila gave us a sheepish grin and looked at the other girls. "We don't have your clothes." "Nope, no clothes," Anita agreed. "Never saw 'em, never had 'em." "Liar! You're lying and you know it!" Chris cried, clutching himself in a fit of frustration. I joined in the cry, ignoring the possibility of another switching. "How are we supposed to know where you hid your stuff? It's not our fault you can't remember where you put things." "That's not fair!" I cried. I felt like the whole world was falling apart around me. "We did everything you guys said ... everything! ... and now you're not gonna give us our stuff back??!! That's just not fair!" The fantasy we'd built was fading and all of a sudden we weren't having fun any more. We were about to reenter the real world ... and we weren't ready. "I know what you can do," Sheila said, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Why don't you go home and tell Nana what happened, and maybe she'll help you find your stuff." Pam chipped in with equal sarcasm. "Yeah, you can tell her how we made you go skinny-dipping and kiss and hold hands. While you're at it, tell her how we made you jack each other off, too! I'm just sure she'll believe everything you have to say about that, fairy boy." Well, to make a long story short, Chris and I got absolutely nowhere with the girls in finding our clothes. What we did get were a lot of smart aleck remarks and threats, none of which made our situation any more bearable. It wasn't long before everything was packed up and our captors began heading up the hill toward my grandmother's house. "What about us?" I stood at the bottom of the hill and watched in horror as my cousins and their friends followed the path into the woods. "What are we supposed to do?" "Whatever you want to, sweeties," Pam hollered at us. "You can stay out here and keep playing kissy fairies if you want to ... we won't tell." "Or, if you want to, you can come with us and tell Nana what a wonderful day you two had!" This came from Sheila, of course. "I'd like to be there for that," Linda said with a laugh. Anita joined in the merriment with a "Me, too!" and a mean- spirited giggle. The next thing we knew, we were alone. Between the occasional chirping of crickets and the soft splashing of the waterfall, the silence was almost frightening. I never felt so lonely ... or abandoned. There was, of course, only one thing Chris and I could do, and that was follow the girls back to the house and hope that we would be able to slip inside unnoticed somehow. All we had to do was run - stark naked, remember - through the darkening woods and briar thickets and across about a mile of open meadows and fields, make our way through my grandmother's gardens and yard and - voila! - we were home free. Without a word, we gave the waterfall and pool area one last futile look for our clothes and then we began the long climb up the hill toward civilization. We never caught up with the girls, who seemed to disappear as soon as they were out of our sight. Instead, we had to find our way back in the dimming light, which was a little bit scary toward the end. Along the way we shed our flowery fairy accessories, as well as our fairy identities. We also swore an oath to never - ever! - tell anyone what had happened. "You don't think the girls will tell on us?" I asked hopefully. I was nursing a limp from stepping on a sharp rock and while I wouldn't cry, I had tears running down my face. Chris spit on the ground and gave a frustrated sigh. "They better not! They'll get in as much trouble as we will. It's all their fault we can't find our clothes!" Nothing was said about kissing ... or jacking off ... or any of the things we'd done. A sense of shame swept over me and I cried the rest of the way home. By the time we arrived it was almost completely dark. It felt really creepy sneaking around in the night in our birthday suits, but there was little else we could do. The house was brightly lit and filled with all sorts of life, voices singing and laughing and gossiping, the smell of food cooking. It was as though a party was going on in honor of our return. "I ain't goin' in there," Chris said. "We'll get caught for sure. I'm goin' to my house. My parents probably aren't home anyway, so it'll be easy to get inside. Want to come?" I thought about what he said. It was at least another mile down the gravel road to Chris' house, and even longer if you tried to go across the countryside; considering the creeks and hills between his folks' place and my grandmother's, it would have been a tough trip in the daytime, much less after dark and naked! "I ... uh, don't think so," I said wistfully. I really didn't savor the prospect of trying to get into my grandmother's house with all the activity that was going on, but there was no way that I was going with Chris. I was too tired and scared. All I wanted was to find some clothes and go hide under my bed for the rest of my life. "Okay," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'll see ya." For an instant we leaned toward each other and then stopped. I felt my face burn as I realized what we'd almost done, and Chris looked about as ill as I felt; out of reflex we'd come within inches - and milliseconds - of kissing each other one final time. If it hadn't been for a momentary hesitation, we would have locked lips like a pair of parting lovers. The girls had done a grand job brainwashing us. I remember standing beside the old oak tree along the front yard fence, watching Chris padding down the unpaved road, his pale nude form standing out brightly in the deepening twilight. I tried not to think about had happened to us that afternoon in the woods. Instead, I wondered if I would ever see him again. Getting into my grandmother's house took more patience than it did bravery. I spent at least an hour standing barefoot and bare-bottomed next to the old well watching all that was going on; besides my grandmother and my cousins and their friends, my Aunt Margaret was there, along with Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Miller from Nana's church group. Most everyone was in the kitchen, with the occasional wanderer going into the parlor or the bathroom every once in a while. My break came when Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Miller finally decided to leave. Everyone, including the girls, gathered on the front porch to bid them good night, and as quick as a cat I ran to the back door and slipped in the house, through the kitchen and toward the stairway. That's when I got caught. Aunt Margaret, Pam and Sheila's mother, was just coming back into the house as I started my mad dash up the stairs. For an instant I froze on the base of the steps, like a deer in someone's gunsight, and I had the most horrible feeling in the world. "This just great," I thought. After all I'd been through, after all my suffering and degradation, I couldn't get a break. "Why me? What did I do to deserve all this?" Like everything else that had happened that day, my aunt's reaction was not at all what I'd expected. Instead of hollering at me or screaming and chasing or just pointing at me, she just gave me a curious smile and looked over my nude body with a raised eyebrow. "Hi, sweetie," she said warmly. A bit taller than her oldest daughter and just as intimidating, she held me captive with a spellbinding gaze. The fact that I was completely naked didn't seem to phase her. "We've been wondering where you've been. Is Chris with you? There are some cupcakes and ice cream left if you all want to join us." "Uh, that's okay," I said hoarsely as I regained control of my senses and darted up the stairs. "Chris went home. Maybe later, 'bye!" Feminine laughter followed me all the way to my room ... and, well, you wouldn't believe what happened next! (to be continued ....)