A Midsummer's Daydream, Part 4A By David daphnesecretgarden@yahoo.com copyright 2002 by David, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter Twenty-Two Like Mother, Like Daughter As soon as I finished my ice cream Nana announced it was time for me to go to bed. It was actually a couple of hours before my regular bedtime, but I didn't argue. I was eager to get in my own bed, under my own covers, and finally get a little privacy for once. It had been a long, tiring day, and so much had happened, I needed some time to sort things out. "Who locked this door?" Nana fussed when we got to my room. Darn it, I'd forgotten all about that! My grandmother twisted the knob again and again. Then she turned toward me. "Don't tell me you did this! I can't believe it! It looks to me like you'll do anything to keep from wearing any clothes." "No, Nana, I promise! I didn't do it! I promise!" I tried to explain that the girls locked me out of my room on purpose, but my grandmother thought I was lying. She accused me of locking it myself, giving her another reason to take the blame for my situation away from my cousins and place it on me. "Why in the world ... No, make that HOW in the world did you do that?" she fussed. "There is no key, you know. Never has been. I'm real curious to know how this got locked in the first place." "I didn't ...." "Hush! Don't fib! Tell the truth!" "But, Nana, I promise, I didn't do it ...", "Fine. You realize tomorrow is Sunday, I hope." My grandmother was genuinely frustrated. "I can't get a locksmith out here until Monday, maybe not even then. It's just as well you're being punished tomorrow. We couldn't get you anything to wear right now if we tried. If the locksmith doesn't come, well, sweetie, you might be stuck like that all summer." While I worried about going naked the rest of the summer, Nana showed me where I was going to sleep. To my dismay she put me in her own bedroom, in the little antique day bed next to the bay window. This was hardly the ideal situation for me. It was a tiny bed, used by my aunt and my mom a long time ago, back when they were little girls. It looked so small, so childish as I stood over it; I doubted that I'd even fit in it. That was only the beginning of my problems. While I removed my flowery bracelets and crown and placed them on the dresser along with the fairy pendant, my grandmother stripped the covers off the childsized bed, leaving me with nothing more than a rubber sheet to lay on. And when I say "nothing," I mean, she wouldn't even give me a pillow! It looked like I was about to have a long, miserable night. "Please, Nana ... I can't sleep with nothing over me! Can't I have a sheet or something?" "Stop complaining," my grandmother fussed. She pointed to the wet spot on her dress, the one I made when she whipped my bare butt. "You've already ruined two of my favorite dresses. Do you know how much a set of sheets costs? No way am I going to let you ruin my good linens! It won't hurt you to do without for once. Then maybe you'll appreciate the good things you have." Sitting down on that silly little kid's bed, I felt so exposed, so helpless, so asinine. My naked tush on that stupid cold rubber sheet was a horrible, awful feeling. I felt my stomach spin. It was going to be a long, miserable night. "Oh, please, Nana, don't make me sleep like this. Can't I please have some pajamas, or least a cover? I'll freeze to death!" I pleaded. "I might even get sick!" "Don't be ridiculous! It was hot all day today and it's going to be plenty warm tonight. Trust me, you're not going to get sick. You WILL get another spanking, though, if you don't lay down and shush!" I gingerly stretched out on the barren rubber sheet, shivering more from shame than any perceived drop in temperature. "But it's cold," I whimpered. "I might get pneumonia!" "I'm not going to argue about it! Lay down and go to sleep. I have to work on a special surprise for tomorrow and I don't have time for any more foolishness.." "But, Nana ...." "That's enough!" Grabbing my hand, my grandmother pulled me to my feet, giving me the same look Sheila gave me just before slapping the heck out of me. I winced in anticipation of being hit, but instead I was shoved down the hall. "Go downstairs, darling, and fetch me my hairbrush. You remember where I left it, I'm sure. Hurry up. NOW!!!" I remember wiping tears from my eyes and padding barefoot and bare-bottomed along the hall and downstairs. I felt like I was five years old. Getting Nana's hairbrush meant only one thing: I was getting my butt beat! For the moment, however, I had more serious concerns. At the bottom of the stairway I heard a bunch of giggling voices in the main living room, the very same room where I was supposed to find Nana's hairbrush. My stomach suddenly felt sour. Doggone it! It was Sheila and Pam, chitchatting with their mom! "Shoot! When did they get home? I forgot all about them!" I thought fretfully. "This ain't good!" I stood for the longest time at the door, trying to decide whether I should go in. I didn't want to keep my grandmother waiting -- she was already mad enough at me -- but I really dreaded facing my cousins again. I looked down at my naked body. There was no telling what would happen if the girls saw me running around bare-bottomed in front of Nana and my Aunt Margaret. I sure didn't feel like putting up with any more fairy jokes, that was for sure! "Maybe I could go back upstairs," I thought silently. "If I don't do something soon Nana's gonna start yelling at me. Either way I'll be dead in a matter of minutes." I sighed. "How do I get myself in these predicaments?" "Da-a-a-vid! I'm wa-a-aiting," called an impatient voice from upstairs. "Don't make me come down there! GET MOVING!!!" "Coming, Nana," I replied without thinking. I winced, immediately regretting my stupidity. The giggling in the living room stopped, and I heard a familiar voice call out, "Is that you, li'l fairy?" Doggone it! That was Sheila, all right! I could recognize her sarcastic tone anywhere. I was doomed! Against my better judgment I slipped into the living room as quietly as I could. You know, it's difficult for a naked twelve year old boy to make a subtle entrance when he has an audience of appreciative females waiting for him. Aunt Margaret and Sheila and Pam were all sitting on the couch looking right at me as I came through the door. I froze, just like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car. "There he is, our favorite little fairy boy!" Sheila said brightly. "Howdy, little fairy boy!" "Hey, little fairy!" sixteen year old Pam followed. "Whatcha doin'?" Genius that I was, I just stood there and shrugged my naked shoulders. "Still running around in your cute little fairy costume, I see!" Sheila grinned with extreme satisfaction as I clasped my hands over my privates. "And in front of Nana and Auntie Margaret, too! I thought you didn't want them to see you like this? How come you changed your mind?" "Aw, he was lying," Pam said. "We should have known better, as much as he loved playing that silly fairy game today. He had a ball!" Sheila grinned. "Yeah, you should have seen him, Mom! He was shameless, running around, butt-naked, in front of all us girls. It was pretty sad." "It sounds to me like everybody was having an awful lot of fun," my aunt said sweetly. She looked directly at me and frowned. "David, sweetie, what did I tell you about touching yourself in front of ladies? Stop it!" I glanced down. I wasn't playing with myself ... my hands were just covering my privates, that's all, I promise! Feeling extremely foolish, I forced myself to put my hands by my side. Two sets of eyes locked in on my bald pudenda; Aunt Margaret's eyes, to my shame, locked in on my own. It was at that moment that I realized where Sheila and Pam got all their meanness. "That's better," my aunt said with an evil smile. "Now, what are you doing here, sweetie? I thought it was your bedtime?" "I, um, I'm supposed to bring Nana her hairbrush," I said softly. That drew a collective "Uh-oh!" from the threesome. Even my aunt made a pained face. "Oh, my! Sounds like somebody's in trouble again." I felt my body tremble just to hear those words. My aunt shrugged her shoulders. "Well, that brush is around somewhere, sweetie. I know Nana laid it down in here after she beat your butt with it a while ago. I just don't know where. You'll just have to look for it." "Nana beat the little fairy's butt already? Neat!" Pam exclaimed. "What for?" I looked up at my Aunt Margaret. She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "You'll have to ask the little fairy himself. I'm not saying another word." Needless to say, I ignored -- or tried to ignore -- the flurry of questions that came at me as I searched frantically for Nana's hairbrush. "Did you tell everybody what a great time you had today, David?" my cousin Pam teased as I looked about. "Did you tell about showing your bare butt off to Becky and Samantha, or how you and Brandon played 'fairies' all day long?" Aunt Margaret shot a questioning stare at me. It was so intense I felt at though I'd been slapped. "Brandon? Who's Brandon?" Sheila clapped her hands in delight. "You know, Brandon Jackson, Teresa's li'l brother. Teresa's that really fun black girl from church. Remember?" "Brandon and David got along perfectly, Mom," Pam interjected. "You should have seen them ... they danced and sang for us all day long, just like a couple of little fairies! They were hilarious!" "And sweet," Sheila added. "Yeah, hilarious AND sweet !" Man, I really hated this! The last thing in the world I needed was for Sheila and Pam to tattle on me about Brandon. I could feel Aunt Margaret's eyes follow me around as I looked for that stupid hairbrush. You don't know how desperate I was to get out of there! It was awful! The longer I wandered around the parlor in my birthday suit, the more shots the girls took at me -- and the more they talked about me and Brandon! Talk about misery! "How can somebody so skinny have such a fat butt?" teased my cousin Pam. Sheila jumped in with, "The bigger butt make it easier to spank him, of course!" "Make him do the fairy song!" Pam enthused. "That's the funniest thing in the world!" "Pam! Sheila! You shut up!" I gave my cousins a dirty look, but it was too late. "Please ... don't ...." Aunt Margaret winked. "Oh, we've had some fun already. David's already sang and danced a little for us tonight. Pam looked like she was going to bust. "He sang the fairy song for you?" "Oh, sure! He sang it for your Nana and me. And he even showed us the little dance that goes with it. It was so adorable. He's a strange little boy, your cousin." I felt my stomach drop as both girls nodded in unison. "Oh, I wouldn't say strange, instead. In fact, I'd say 'queer' would be a much better word for it," Sheila said. "You shut up, Sheila!" I fussed. Both of my cousins snickered like a couple of idiots. Funny, how teenaged girls don't take naked boys very seriously. Imagine that. "By the way, David, what is this about Brandon?" my aunt asked. The look in her eyes was piercing. "Why is it that the girls talk about him, but you never mentioned anything about him, sweetie. Who exactly is he?" "I, um, well ...." "Oh, Mom, you remember Teresa's little brother," Sheila explained nonchalantly. "You know Teresa, that cute colored girl that attends Mrs. Johnston's Sunday school class? Brandon's her little brother." "He's the same age as David," added Pam. "Maybe just a few months younger." Aunt Margaret nodded. "Oh, THAT Teresa. The little colored girl. She is cute, all right. And Brandon is her little brother, huh? So, exactly what was he doing here?" My aunt shot me a stern look. I couldn't tell if she was asking me or my cousins. It didn't matter; before I could say anything, Pam ratted me out again. "Oh, Teresa brought him along to keep David company. They played together most of the afternoon. They hugged and they kissed and just had a great ol' time together, didn't you, David? You really liked Brandon, didn't you, little fairy?" "Pam!" I screamed in horror. "Shut up!" Aunt Margaret shook her head. "Now, girls, no fibbing. I'm sure David wouldn't go around hugging and kissing a little colored boy ...." Sheila jumped in with, "But, we're NOT fibbing, Mother, honest! You should have seen them. They were so adorable, holding hands and playing together, just like a couple of little cupids. Brandon and David, sitting in a tree ...." "SHEILA, NO!!!" I screamed. Pam, naturally, had to join in with, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" And then both girls joined together in a giggling rendition of: "First comes love, then comes marriage then comes David with a baby carriage!" "They're lying," I insisted. "They are lying to you! I promise!" "Oh, I wish you girls would stop exaggerating!" fussed my aunt. "All that does is make poor little David cry. Is that what you want?" "But, Mother! We're not exaggerating! We promise!" "Hush! Leave the poor boy alone! Can't you two see how much you're embarrassing him?" "But that's the fun part," my cousin Sheila said with a smirk on her face. "We like embarrassing him!" It took me a few minutes to catch my breath and calm down a bit. I only managed to do so because I thought the worst was over. Imagine my despair to discover it was not. "So, tell me about this little colored boyfriend of yours." Aunt Margaret winked at me in a most alarming manner. "Brandon, right? Is he as cute as you are?" My face was so red, I was surprised it didn't burst into flames. "Um, I don't know. Boys don't call each other 'cute'." I tried to swallow, but it hurt really bad. "Besides, he's not my boyfriend. Boys don't have boyfriends!" Sheila clapped her hands and laughed. "Oh, sure they do! You said you loved him! Remember? You actually used those words! We all heard you! 'I love you, Brandon,' just like that! So that makes him your boyfriend!" "He is not! I did not!" I cried hysterically. "You shut up, both of you!" Pam chimed in, of course, with, "He said it, Mother, he did! He told Brandon he loved him! We heard it, loud and clear! Becky and Linda and Teresa heard it, too! You can ask them!" "I may have to do that," my aunt said in a husky voice. "David's got a boyfriend!" sang Sheila. "David's got a boyfriend!" "I do not!" I screamed. "Stop saying that!" "But it's the truth and you know it!" Pam said. "But I didn't want do it," I said with a tearful sob. "You made me!" Sheila grinned. "There he goes boo-hooing again, just like a baby. Go ahead and cry, crybaby! Maybe we'll get Brandon or your little fairy friend Chrissy to come over and kiss it and make it all better!" Aunt Margaret was so tickled to hear all this, she finally broke down and laughed out loud. "Now, Sheila, Pam, don't be so mean. It's not like they were doing anything wrong. Boys can kiss each other if they want" Both girls giggled like crazy. I can't tell you how hard it was to stand there and take all that. Especially with no clothes on! "I want to hear more about this Brandon boy," my aunt insisted. "Like I said, you didn't mention him when we talked before. And I asked you specifically if anybody else was here. You'd best not lie to me, sweetie." She thought for a second and sighed. "Brandon ... Brandon Jackson? Is that the same little colored boy you said was picking on you at church last summer?" I nodded. My mouth was dry as dirt. "And now you're friends?" My aunt cast a skeptical gaze over my nude body. "That's interesting. So I guess you two made up, huh?" The girls laughed in chorus. "Oh, they made up, all right!" offered Pam. "They kissed and made up good, and now they're boyfriends!!!" "Made OUT is more like it," Sheila chirped. Aunt Margaret didn't take her eyes off me. "So, you're boyfriends, hmmm? That's interesting." Sheila couldn't keep her mouth shut, either. "Oh, mother, you should see them together! They are so ADORABLE!!! Like I told you before, they hug and kiss and hold hands, just like they're in love with each other! Don't you, li'l fairy?" "You shut up!" I croaked. "You're mean! All of you!" My defiance came across pretty lame, judging from the laughter that filled the room. "Oh, stop teasing the poor child. No wonder he cries so much." My aunt looked at me and smiled. "What's the matter, David? Didn't you want us to know you had a little Negro boyfriend? You're not ashamed of him, are you? Why wouldn't you want me to know about him? We have several Negro friends, you know. They're very nice people." It was amazing how my aunt could say so much just by raising up that one eyebrow. She was playing dumb; she knew perfectly well I had done something I wasn't proud of, and she was enjoying my misery as much as the girls, maybe even more! "He ... he's not my boyfriend." That was all I could think of to say. "It sounds to me like he is. And Christopher, too. What is it with you and all these boyfriends? It sounds to me like you're keeping secrets from me again. You don't keep secrets from me, understand? You're not in the position to keep secrets from anybody, my little fairy!" Blushing like crazy, I nodded. What else could I do? "You act one way and do something else. I don't like that." Aunt Margaret shook her head. "I guess we need to talk, so first thing in the morning, you and me, okay?" There was that eyebrow again. I nodded. "Um, okay." From upstairs we could hear my grandmother calling my name. Aunt Margaret smiled her movie star smile at me, tossed me something, and then pointed at the door, all in one graceful moment. "Better get on upstairs. And take that to Nana. Sounds to me like she might need it soon." Nodding nervously, I looked down at the thing in my hands. It was my grandmother's hairbrush. "Um, thanks," I said weakly. I remember feeling sick to my stomach. Nana didn't seem very happy with me when I finally returned. I reluctantly handed her the hairbrush, fully expecting her to paddle me with it like she'd done before. She didn't disappoint me; straight away she bent me over her knee and several sound blows were applied to my bare bottom, just enough to make me cry. "Next time maybe you'll hurry when I tell you to do something," she said cheerfully. Then, as quickly as you might change a television channel, she turned her attention to my hair, of all things. I felt like such a sissy, standing there in my birthday suit with her fussing over my long blond locks like I was a girl. In some ways it was even more awful than a spanking. "You have such lovely hair, sweetie, just like your mother's. It's too bad you're a boy. You look so much like one of the girls with your hair all prettied up. What a waste." After an infinity of brushing and finagling with my blond locks, Nana set aside her brush and picked up a dark blue jar. "Here, you were worried about getting sick, let's put this on to make sure you don't. Lay back so I can get it on right. Don't worry, that rubber sheet isn't that cold. Stop being such a baby!" Trembling against the cool rubber pad on my tiny daybed, I followed my grandmother's cue and reclined backward, feet together, hands by my side. Laying out completely nude before my grandmother I felt exposed and vulnerable, like a baby getting its diaper changed; not at all like the twelve year old boy that came to spend the summer in the country. I watched anxiously as Nana dipped her fingers in the blue jar and extracted a dollop of some greenish-yellow goo. I wrinkled my nose as a horrible, piercing medicine smell filled the air, and I almost screamed in horror as she PLOPPED!!! the goo right in the middle of my chest, of all places. "Nana! That's nasty!" I complained. "It feels icky ... and it smells awful!" My grandmother shushed me. "It's your own fault. I tried to tell you it's not cold in here, but you insisted. This is mentholated petroleum jelly. Just the thing to ward off colds and pneumonia and the flu. We'll just smear this on your chest, give you some good tasting cough syrup and you'll be set for the night. This will keep you from getting sick, I promise!" I about died as Nana dug out another handful of that awful stuff and smeared the entire glob all over my chest, my shoulders and even my belly. The smell was excruciating and the sensation was maddening! I couldn't help but squirm as her fingers tickled my ribs, my nipples and my belly button as she coated my entire upper torso with the horrible, greasy goo. All the way down to include my bald, naked genitals. "Oh, gosh!!!" I exclaimed. The sensation of my grandmother's hand on my privates literally took my breath away. I shivered to feel my twelve year old balls tingling like they'd been hit with electricity. "Stop squirming so much, sweetie! Goodness' sake, it's not like we haven't done this before. I changed your diaper all the time when you were a baby." "I ... I can't help it," I whined softly. Nana raised one eyebrow as she made sure my pubic area was coated with that greasy, nasty jelly. "Of course, you'll have to sleep on your back all night. I don't want any of this stuff on my bed. It's an antique, you know. Just lie still, close your eyes and go to sleep. The next thing you know it'll be morning and the start of a brand new day!" I shivered anxiously as her hand brushed the tip of my penis, leaving behind a daub of petroleum jelly. "There's a little extra medicine for your unruly playmate," my grandmother said with a sour grin. "Don't want it to feel too neglected." The cooling effect of the mentholyptus caused my boyish organ to tingle as though a high voltage current had been applied to it. Within seconds I had a raging erection that my grandmother found particularly offensive. "We're going to do something about that tomorrow," she said. "We need to get rid of that ugly thing once and for all!" Before leaving the room Nana gave me several huge spoonfuls of the most awful tasting cough syrup you could imagine. It was so tart, so nasty, I actually felt sick after swallowing it. Right then and there I swore I'd never complain again about getting sick, which I now realize was the point of the exercise. "Pleasant dreams, sweetie," my grandmother said as she left me laying miserable and helpless in bed. "I've still got work to do, so I'll see you in morning." Chapter Twenty-Three Sweet Dreams Laying naked in that tiny child's bed in my grandmother's bedroom, well, it was pretty demeaning to my twelve year old frame of mind. I usually slept in either pajamas or at least a pair of jockey shorts, and always with a cover of some sort. But now I was literally laying out in the open, exposed to anybody who walked in, like a naked doll displayed atop some sort of weird rubber birthday cake. In addition to leaving the bedroom door open, Nana left a lamp on next to my bed, preventing me from at the very least hiding in the dark. I couldn't even turn over on my belly and hide my penis because of that slimy wet, foul smelling gunk on my chest and belly. Instead, I had to lay there, wide awake and bored to tears, watching my boyish member slowly rise and harden in place. "Darn it," I thought with a sob, "the worse off I am, the harder my dick gets! Why me?" Concentrating with all my might, I tried desperately to get my penis to go back down, but I didn't dare touch it for fear of getting caught. Nana would be absolutely furious! All I could do was watch it standing tall and proud in the dim glow of the lamp beside my bed. ARGHH!!!!! That stupid hardon! I was so miserable, stuck on my back, unable to control the very thing that kept getting me in trouble. Talk about agony! I tried to think about other stuff, baseball, comic books, setting off fireworks, anything! I still couldn't keep the images of Christopher and Brandon out of my head, nor the thoughts of all the kisses and touching I'd experienced in the past few days. Instead of calming myself down, I ended up squirming around and making myself even more aroused than when I began! I tried to fall asleep, but I was so miserable I couldn't even yawn. And as the evening dragged on I started to really feel sorry for myself, the sound of chit-chat and laughter from downstairs driving me to tears. Every now and then I thought I heard somebody go past the open door to the bedroom, but from where I was laying my vision was blocked and I couldn't see for sure. What's worse, I could have sworn I heard whispering and giggling. Paranoid and scared, I just knew my cousins were spying on me, planning to do some horrible thing to me ... again! I had no doubt they were betraying me to my grandmother and my aunt, telling them all sorts of ugly stuff about me and -- GULP! -- Brandon, and heck, probably even about Christopher, too! Every time I heard someone downstairs laughing, I would break out in tears and sob like a little baby. At one point Aunt Margaret stuck her head in the door to check on me. I must have been a pitiful sight, laying out on that stupid little bed, naked and vulnerable and quietly crying in the glow of the nightlight. "What's wrong, little fairy? Why are you so sad?" My aunt sat on the edge of the bed and made herself comfortable. I explained that I was miserable and wanted to get up and go to my own room. Without missing a lick she told me to stop complaining and stay in the bed and go to sleep. "You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow, little fairy." "Please stop calling me that!" I sobbed. "I am not a fairy!" "Shush! Don't get so worked up over a silly word. Relax and go to sleep, all right? Remember, you have all those chores to do for Nana tomorrow. Get some sleep, sweetie. Trust me, you're going to need all the rest you can get." "But I can't sleep," I complained. "Everybody else is up. I can hear them downstairs laughing at me. They're making fun of me, aren't they?" "Who's making fun of you, sweetie? What are they saying about you?" I sobbed a little more. "The girls ... Sheila and Pam. They've been saying stuff about me. Bad stuff." My aunt put her hand on my thigh and rubbed it. "Bad stuff? Like what? What kind of bad stuff is there to tell? Is there something you should have told me, honey? Is it about Brandon? Or Christopher, maybe? All that stuff about you kissing them, is that really true? Maybe just a little?" "No-o-o-o," I cried. Of course there was stuff I could have told her, but I was too ashamed. No way was I going to confess to the things my cousins made me do! Absolutely not! All I wanted was to be left along. Believe me, I was one unhappy camper, let me tell you! "I didn't do anything wrong," I said with a whisper. "Then you have nothing to worry about, do you, sweetie?" I almost died at what happened next. Aunt Margaret slid her hand up my leg until she touched me just beneath my testicles. "I see Nana gave you the petroleum jelly treatment. No matter." I held my breath as her hand first cupped my tingling balls and gently squeezed. I was totally terrified, but the warmth of her hand on my balls felt, oh, so good! "Little boys are so cute when you're like this. No ugly hair or wrinkles ... so pretty and smooth. Just like when you were a little baby." "Aunt Margaret ...." I whispered. A powerful involuntary shiver swept over me. I stretched my entire body and squirmed as her hand encircled the base of my penis and held me tight. She then slid her fingers up and down my slippery erection a couple of times. I know it sounds awful, but I'm pretty sure I made a cooing sound, kinda like you hear from a dove. "Oh, gosh, she's jacking me off! What if I squirt on her hand?" I worried. "Please don't let that happen! I'll get another spanking for sure!" My aunt then dipped the forefinger of her free hand in the pool of petroleum jelly that had formed in my belly button. I remember waiting in horror as that curious, slimy digit slithered down between my legs and up under my butt. I squirmed helplessly as it wormed its way up against my bottom, probing my butthole as her other hand caressed my erection. "Feels pretty good, doesn't it?" Her voice sounded husky and warm in the dim light. "You used to love this when you were a baby. Do you remember me playing with your bottom when you were little?" I shook my head. "Well, trust me, you used to smile and squirm and carry on, just like you're doing right now." I stretched and purred with shameless pleasure as her finger slid inside my anus and wriggled around for the longest time. Aunt Margaret winked. "See, I knew you still liked this. I could tell a little while ago when I helped you douche. Some boys really love getting touched like this, and there's nothing at all wrong with that. Have you done anything like this before? Maybe with Christopher or Brandon?" "No, ma'am," I gasped breathlessly. "I promise!" "Oh, that's too bad," she said with a smirk. "Imagine I'm your boyfriend, Christopher, and we're hiding from those mean ol' girls, playing naughty little games with each other in the dark." "Aunt Margaret, don't ...." "Shhhh ... not so loud. You don't want to frighten off your naked little fairy friend." Just hearing my aunt suggest such things was enough to sent a shiver through my young body. Combine the mental image of Christopher with the sensation of a curious finger exploring my bottom and ... well, for a few minutes I imagined I was being caressed and probed by my fellow fairy. Right up to a warm, moist kiss on the lips. "Such a pretty, pretty boy." I opened my eyes to see Aunt Margaret's face less than an inch from my own. "See? You and Christopher could have a lot of fun playing like this." She looked just like her daughter Sheila when she teased me like this. "Like I said, lots of boys your age do, you know." As much as I was uncomfortable with my aunt touching me, I was pretty disappointed when she stopped and stood up. I was so close to orgasm it actually hurt. "Hmm ... Looks like your little soldier is wide awake," Aunt Margaret said pleasantly. I gasped as she flicked the tender tip with a sharp fingernail. "You know what that means, don't you?" I shook my head. "You're going to have pleasant dreams. Don't let your grandmother catch you playing with him. Now go to sleep!" I couldn't believe my Aunt Margaret did that to me! To tease me like that, get me all excited and upset, and then just leave me there! That was so cruel ... in retrospect I wished instead that she'd taken Nana's hairbrush and beat my bare butt. Oh, the agony of it all! It took me forever to get to sleep, and when I did I had the most godawful dream. My Aunt Margaret was wrong. It wasn't at all pleasant. It was, well, scary. And annoying! Remember those goofy nightmares I'm always talking about? You know, showing up in school naked, going to the grocery store, church, stuff like that? Well, I had a whole series of them. Right there, as I slept in the same bed my mother slept in when she was a little girl. In my dream I remember waking up completely naked in school, seated at my desk, holding my notebook in my lap in a vain attempt to hide my nudity. For some reason my teacher called me up to the front of the room. Without my notebook, of course. The next thing I knew I was standing on a chair in front of the whole class reciting the multiplication table. Without even looking I could feel my erection sticking out as hard as it could; all of the girls, of course, pointed and whispered with the scariest enthusiasm. Funny thing, though ... as ashamed as I was, as scared as I was, I didn't run away. I couldn't run away. Not even when I was confronted by a bully. Eric Lile was his name, and he was popular, handsome and mean as heck to wimpy little bookworms like me. "Look at the little fairy," Eric teased. "Fairy boy! Fairy boy! Fairy boy!" Squirming and shaking, I prayed for him to shut up! As in real life, everybody followed Eric's cue and hooted and hollered at me, especially the girls. "What's the matter, Fairy Boy?" SLAPP!!! My head spun as I felt the blow against my cheek. "Why you crying, Faggot Boy?" The Eric-in-My-Dream then did something the Real Eric once did to me. He spit on me. I could feel the warm glob of mucous on my face, sliding down my neck. I hated when he did that, even in my dreams. Crying and stammering, I was terrified my tormentor would somehow make things even worse for me, exactly how I wasn't sure. To be safe I hurried through my recitation and when I finished my teacher had me take a bow. When I straightened up the dream sequence had changed. I was standing outside, in front of my grandmother's church, in fact, where I was waiting patiently as Nana and my aunt ... and my mom -- Omigod! Not my mom, too! -- were having their usual chitchat session with their usual friends. I was, of course, not wearing a single stitch of clothing. To make things even worse, as I looked around I realized I was holding hands with a naked Christopher on one side and an equally nude Brandon on the other. I was chagrined to be seen like that, but unlike the classroom sequence hardly anybody seemed to notice. If they did, our nudity was seen as normal. "See my pretty fairies, Clara?" Nana said to one of the ladies. "Aren't they just lovely?" "Lovely, indeed," purred Mrs. Johnston. The touch of her hand on my naked shoulder was so real I felt my entire body shiver. "I wish I had a pretty fairy. Won't you come stay with me, little fairy?" . "Oh, look, darlings," my mother said sweetly after making me shake hands with the preacher. "Your little girlfriends are here." To my horror we were suddenly surrounded by every girl I'd ever known or dreamt of, short, tall, thin, fat, plain and beautiful, they were all there and they were all looking right at me! This included my cousins, several girls from school, and even a couple of television and movie stars I had a crush on. Like my mother and family, every female there was dressed in their Sunday best, and there I was stark raving naked, holding hands with two other naked boys! It was so real to me; I looked each smiling admirer in the eye and I could feel myself turning red all over. Somebody touched my shoulder. I turned around and felt sick. "Want to go with us to get ice cream?" Becky asked nicely. For some reason she looked much older -- and a lot prettier -- than I remembered. "I'll let you carry my purse." I tried to cover myself but couldn't. My hands were inseparably clasped to my side by Christopher and Brandon, leaving me open to girlish scrutiny. "I can't go," I said shyly. "I have to stay here with Nana and my mom." "Aw, that's too bad." Becky leaned in close and whispered in my ear. It was then that I noticed she wasn't wearing those stupid glasses. "We could have had all sorts of fun. Want to try on my lipstick?" She then licked her red lips and flashed me a beautiful smile, revealing a bright set of teeth no longer bound by those ugly braces. I couldn't believe how gorgeous she looked. "Well?" she asked, holding a tube of lipstick up to my mouth. "It'll be fun!" I remember feeling my penis twitch, but before I could answer I blinked. I opened my eyes and saw my mom smiling at me. "Maybe you'd rather spend time with your little boyfriends," Mom teased. "Oh, don't look so surprised, David. I know everything you do. You can't keep secrets from me! Go ahead and play with your little boyfriends. Don't mind me." Before I could protest or deny anything, Christopher's familiar freckled face was close to mine, and I could smell the fragrance of strawberries. I remember him moving in so close that we bumped noses. And then, in front of my mother and my grandmother and my aunt and just about every girl I ever knew, we kissed. Two naked boys with two pairs of boy- lips pressing together, ever so lightly. It felt so real to me, I swear, it was like it really happened! Muffled whispers emanated from our audience, and when we pulled apart we were greeted with a gallery of gleeful, approving faces. I started to kiss him again, but instead, the coffee-colored face of Brandon Jackson was mere millimeters from mine, his green eyes glowing with passion. "So sweet," a voice whispered in my ear. I think it was Becky, but it might have been my mom again. Warm and familiar, it tickled my ear with every word. "And so pretty. Such a sweet boy, such a pretty boy." I remember turning to see who was talking to me. I was half right. It was my mom, standing inches away, smiling right at me. "I see you've been busy this summer," my mom said. "Go on. Don't let us interrupt. Kiss him again, sweetie, like a good little fairy." Under my mother's watchful eye I once again found myself bumping noses with Brandon. I distinctly remember detecting the flavor of licorice and Dr. Pepper as a wave of pleasure caused me to shudder. For some reason I felt the overwhelming need to pee. "Hello, pretty boy," the voice in my ear breathed heavily, "Do you want some ice cream?" I remember moaning with pleasure as a warm hand touched my shoulder and rocked me back and forth. "Hello ...? Are you having a nice dream, honey?" * * * I opened my eyes. For real this time. I immediately wished I hadn't. I blinked. Standing over me were Nana and my Aunt Margaret. They both had the biggest grins on their faces. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning, sleepy head! Time to get up!" I looked around the room. Oh, gosh! I wasn't in my room, not in my bed ... I glanced at the rubber sheet I was laying on. Oh, geez ...! I suddenly felt extremely ill. I was wide awake and there wasn't a darned thing I could do about it! Chapter Twenty-Four What a Way to Start the Day! I knew it was useless, but I immediately closed my eyes and feigned sleep. I was hoping this was just part of that stupid dream and tried to think about something more pleasant. School, baseball, being home with my mom. It didn't do any good. In the background my Aunt Margaret's voice had a stern sound to it. "David! C'mon, wake up! Let's go, sleepyhead. We know you're awake. You can't fool us." Down below I felt my penis twitch, again. I tried to restrain the feeling, but that only triggered the most pleasant, yet shameful spasm. My imagination flared up and I saw the dream- image of Brandon's sleepy-eyed, freckled face just inches away from mine. Not now, I thought desperately. Suddenly I felt a squirt, then the shock of something hot and wet against my bare skin. I looked down to see a huge glob of semen in my belly button. In a panic, I bolted upright in the bed ... and watched helplessly as the glob slid down between my legs. Within seconds I could feel a warm trickle under my thighs and around my bare buns. "Eeeeeee!" I squealed. "I made a mess!" Chagrined, I looked up just in time to see my aunt and grandmother standing over me, looking right at my white- stained belly. A cold shiver swept over my bare shoulders and arms, giving me goosebumps in the cool morning air. "Don't look, please!" I fussed. My whining evoked a wave of laughter and smiles. I tried to cover myself with my hands, getting them all sticky with semen in the process. I don't know why I even bothered. "Why shouldn't we look?" my aunt said. "All we're doing is standing here asking if you were having a nice dream." "It looks to me like he's having a dirty dream," quipped Nana. "Here's a tissue, nasty boy. Please clean yourself up before I decide to get my hairbrush." I blinked my eyes and made a gulping sound, just like in a cartoon. I then stretched, sat up, and did as I was told. My grandmother watched me like a hawk as I carefully gathered up all that sticky stuff up and folded it into the tissue. Nana was right; it was pretty nasty stuff, to say the least. "That's enough of that. You can wipe down that rubber mat with disinfectant after your other chores are done. Now you know why you don't get any bed sheets. Okay, get on your feet, sleepy head, and join us downstairs, if you don't mind." "Can I ... um, may I get dressed first?" Nana pulled me to my feet and gave me a light swat on the butt. "Very funny, honey. What did I tell you last night?" I winced as she smacked my bare bottom again, much harder this time. "You know our deal. Today you're my little helper, remember? You ran around bare butt naked all day yesterday for the girls, you can do it again all day today for your Aunt Margaret and me." I blinked. Oh, geez, I suddenly realized what she was saying. "Nana, no! You're not really going to make me do that, are you? I gotta have my clothes! Please!!!" "And to think, you were so sweet last night," my grandmother muttered. I watched tearfully as she sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed her hairbrush from the nightstand. "Bend over! Right now!" "Nana, no!" A forceful hand grabbed me by the hair of my head and I felt myself being bent over at the waist. "Bend over further. Grab the back of your knees and hold on tight! That's it. Now stand still ...." How could this be happening to me? I mean, I was barely awake and already I was bent over with my bare butt stuck up in the air. Next thing I knew, a series of fiery, agonizing blows struck my bare bottom, shocking me into a new and dreadful day. I certainly woke up then! I didn't even bother trying to conceal my squealing and sobbing. "I'm sorry, Nana! I'll be good, I promise!" "Oh, hush up! I'm just now getting warmed up!" I tried bracing myself for the onslaught of SLAPS!!! that followed, but all I could do was cry like a baby. After a while Nana stopped and offered the brush to my aunt. "Do you want to give him a few, Margaret, sweetie? It's good exercise." I looked over my shoulder. I prayed my aunt wouldn't take up Nana's offer to beat my butt. I knew from experience just how hard she could hit. It wouldn't have taken much to reduce me to a crying, sobbing mass of misery. "Oh, no, go ahead. I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities later." Aunt Margaret tossed me a smile and sighed. "You really know how to start off the day, darlin'." "I didn't do anything," I sobbed. "Oh, you didn't do anything? In that case I suppose I ought to give you a few more, just for being lazy," laughed my grandmother. Nana laid into me again with a dozen more smacks, giving me plenty of time to appreciate each one. I cried like a baby, naturally. When she was done, she grabbed my chin, lifted my trembling, tear-stained face up toward hers, and spoke very softly. "Do not make me do this again, David. If you do, I'll see to it that you don't get to wear a single stitch the rest of the week. Make me really mad and it will be the remainder of the summer. And every morning I'll paddle you so hard you won't be able to sit down until supper. Do you understand?" "But, Nana ...." My grandmother sighed. "There goes tomorrow. Remind me, Margaret, first thing in the morning, a paddling and then his birthday suit, all day long!" I was horrified. "Nana! No!" "Make that two more days with no pants," my grandmother noted sourly. "Now, my darling, do you want to try for the whole week? Try me, I dare you!" Biting my lip, I shook my head and cleared my throat. "No, ma'am," I croaked. "Are you going to give me anymore trouble?" I shook my head again. "And you're going to do as Nana says? Good. Now, give me a pretty smile. Come on, I don't want to look at some ol' pouty face all day long. You look so cute in your birthday suit, don't ruin it with an ugly face." Mustering all my strength, I set aside my grief and shame long enough to come up with a faint smile. "Not good enough. Do you want another paddling? Come on, make it bigger. Show me those pretty white teeth." I swallowed, took a deep breath, and did as I was told. I felt so stupid, like I was betraying myself, smiling like that; it made my grandmother happy, however, and most important, it got her off my back. "That's my boy! You look so pretty now. Doesn't he look pretty, Margaret?" Aunt Margaret raised an eyebrow. "Very pretty, yes, indeed. You make a very pretty fairy, David, sweetie." "Well," my grandmother said cheerfully, "now that we've settled this, let's get going. I'm going to collect up all the laundry while you clean the kitchen." "Yes, ma'am," I said nervously. "You're not smiling, sweetie. What did I say ... There, that's better. Well, hop to it! You've a lot of work to do this morning, so don't linger." I glanced toward the window. It was so early in the morning that it was still dark outside. That, plus I thought I heard raining. I wondered if Nana was still going to have company if it rained. I sure hoped not. "Um, Nana ... can I go to the bathroom first?" I asked. I gingerly ran my fingers down my chest and belly. "Please? I really have to go. And this ... medicine stuff, is still sticky on me ... and it smells awful." The fact was, I really had to pee. In fact, I had to go so bad I was already getting another erection, which I was glad my grandmother chose to ignore ... so far. My poor confused penis was so hard it didn't even go away when I got my butt paddled. I also had to poop, but let's not even go there, okay? Nana gave me a careful look from head to toe. "Good idea. Go wash up, brush your teeth ... and do something about THAT." I blushed as she nodded toward my erection. "I do not want to see that ugly thing sticking out all day today, so you'd best figure out what to do about it." "Yes, Nana," I said with my best fairy smile. I watched my grandmother exit the room, leaving me alone with my smiling Aunt Margaret. Without a word her dark, piercing eyes scoured my naked body, traveling up and down several times before locking on my own eyes. With a mocking shake of her head my aunt held out her hand. "Come along, you dirty boy." I sighed. It was going to be one long, miserable day! Chapter Twenty-Five Cleanliness is Next to "Fairy-ness"! True to form, Aunt Margaret volunteered to help me get ready while Nana went downstairs. I felt ill as my aunt led me by the hand like little child all the way down to the master bathroom. I was hoping for a little privacy, but that would have been way too good to be true. "Hurry up and do your business, sweetie. We don't have all morning." "But, Aunt Mar-" "Want me to get Nana's hairbrush?" "No, ma'am." "Then do what I say!" "Where are the girls?" I asked as I shyly climbed onto the toilet. The last thing I wanted was another member of the family scrutinizing my every move. I was thrilled to hear Sheila and Pam were both still in bed asleep. "Oh, the sun hasn't even come up, sweetie, so they won't be out of bed for at least a couple of hours," my aunt said. "You're up because you have a ton of chores to do. Remember, you agreed to help Nana around the house. The girls will be going to church with me later in the morning while you get your work done." "Oh." I noticed for the first time that Aunt Margaret was wearing her slip, bra and girdle. While that made sense, it did not make me anymore comfortable; in my puny little mind her exotic lingerie made her look even more intimidating compared to me in my adolescent birthday suit. I sat quietly -- and fearfully! -- as Aunt Margaret dug through the bathroom cabinet. The last time this happened I ended up getting my butt poked and washed with a douche nozzle. As I watched her pull out an enormous red rubber bag and a long white hose, I realized something equally terrifying was about to happen. "Oh, gosh! That can't be for me, can it?" I was horrified when I saw the size of everything. "There's no way!" I watched in awe as my aunt filled the giant rubber bag with hot soapy water and hung it on the shower curtain rod, which sagged under the weight. It must have held five quarts if it held one! Attached was a long, thick hose sporting a nozzle similar to the one on the douche bulb from the day before. I felt my insides tighten up; was it my imagination, or was this nozzle an awful lot larger than I remembered? "So," Aunt Margaret said with a big smile, "You know what this is for, right? It's just like what we did last night, only better." I gulped. BETTER??? Seeing the stunned look on my face, she laughed. "We only cleaned your stinky little bottom last night. Now we're going to clean your bottom, your bowels, your belly, everything. You're going to be running around in your birthday suit all day today and I don't want any accidents. That's why we're going through all this, okay?" I licked my lips. For some reason my mouth was dry as could be. "I'll be careful, Aunt Margaret. I promise I won't make any more messes. You don't have to use that." "After what happened last night? Oh, yes I do! By the time I'm done you'll be completely empty and sparkling clean, inside and out, and you won't have a worry in the world!" She waved the nozzle so close to my face I got cross-eyed. "It'll be a little scary at first, but you'll get used to it. Eventually you'll learn to love it, I guarantee it. Really, it'll be lots of fun. Here, I want to see something." I watched with somber curiosity as my aunt spread my legs apart and held the slick, ivory colored nozzle alongside my erect twelve year old penis. I was amazed to see the similarity in size and shape. The nozzle was noticeably larger than my own adolescent member, however. Quite a bit longer, in fact. For a moment I was kind of jealous. Then my fear returned. "Well, lookie here ... it's about the size of a boy's dick, isn't it?" my aunt said cheerfully. "Maybe a little bigger. How about that!" Even in my prepubescent naivet‚, I got what she was saying, or so I thought. That nozzle was most likely going up my butt. ... was ... she was talking about a boy's dick going up my butt? Guys really didn't do that, did they? What else could she mean by all that? "About the size of a boy's dick ...." My bottom ached as I repeated those words in my head, and I stared for a long time at the thing that would soon be inside me. Why was my bottom tingling like that? Maybe Becky and Samantha were right. Maybe I really was a faggot. "Oh, honey, don't look so scared. Women and girls do this all the time. You'll get used to it, I promise." It was the look in my aunt's eyes that scared me the most. As far as she was concerned there was absolutely nothing at all wrong with what we were about to do, and I knew that no power on earth could save me from what she promised. My beautiful Aunt Margaret suddenly shoved me off the toilet, flipped down the seat and sat. She then beckoned me to kneel down on the fuzzy bathmat before her. "No-o-o," I pleaded hoarsely. I stared at the phallic nozzle in her hand. "Do I have to? It ... is it going to hurt?" "A little, maybe," she said. "But not nearly as much as another paddling. And stop that crying! You'll do as I say, and you'll enjoy it! Now get down there!!!" Shaking with fear, I knelt down and bent over, my bare bottom high up in the air, my chin resting on my hands. With my naked body so contorted and curved, I felt like a cat stretching after a long lap. Odd, how this arrangement positioned me facing the floor length dressing mirror so my aunt and I could maintain eye contact throughout the procedure. I couldn't help but watch as she dipped the thick tip of that gargantuan nozzle in a jar of petroleum jelly. "Pretty scary looking, isn't it?" she said sweetly. I nodded. "Don't worry. Before long the two of you will be the best of friends. Now, give me a big smile. That's a good fairy!" The next thing I knew something cold and wet was pressing in between my buttcheeks. I clenched my muscles tight to keep it out, but that didn't matter. Rocking back and forth, pressing in a bit further each time, the hard slippery nozzle eventually slid into my anus and deep inside my rectum. Funny, it didn't hurt as much as l thought it might, but it sure took my breath away -- oh, wow, did it ever! "Oh, gosh!" I said with a gasp. "Oh-my-GOSH!!!" "Now that wasn't too bad, was it?" I looked up to see my aunt's face smiling at me through the mirror. "Are you sure you haven't done something like this before? It sure seemed to go awful easy for you." Before I could protest she did something with that nozzle, a little turn or a twist, that sent a not-so-unpleasant-thrill through my entire body. "Oh, wow," I thought silently as I forced a wan grin on my face, "that was kinda ... NICE!" My aunt continued to work the nozzle around a bit more, causing me to squirm and jerk about like a puppet on a string. After a few minutes of this she flicked the little release valve and -- WHOOSH!!! -- my belly filled with soap and water before I had the chance to complain about it. The sensation was terrifying; my bottom tingled like crazy and my belly swelled and got heavy and I cried some. But my aunt refused to let up, insisting that she had to get rid of all the "boyish nastiness" inside me. "You need stay like this for more than just a few minutes, sweetie," she explained. I squirmed as she gently slid the nozzle in and out of my bottom a few more times. "There, doesn't that feel good? Give me another lovely smile. Come on ... that's my pretty boy! Such a pretty smile. You really like this, don't you?" At long last, my aunt finally pulled the nozzle out and told me to get up. I remember standing in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at the smiling face reflected before me and feeling confused. Funny thing about smiling -- even if you're miserable, the very act of smiling forces you to kinda "feel" happy, if you know what I mean. Clenching my butt muscles, I took a deep breath and sighed, put on my "happy face" and wondered what was going to happen next. In addition to my fake smile, I was fascinated in particular by my profile. My poor belly was swollen up, round and full, like I'd swallowed a small basketball. I also remember feeling a weird, alarming pressure in my bottom, like I was going to have to go to the bathroom any minute. I was running my hand over my plump abdomen when suddenly, something really, really odd occurred to me. "Auntie Margaret? My ... my belly ...?" My aunt smiled at me. "Yes, sweetie?" "My belly ... it's so big and it feels funny. Is ... is this like being pregnant?" I asked. Stupid question, I know, but I sure looked that way in the mirror. Pregnant, I mean. She stared at me for a second, blinked, and said, "What?" I repeated the question. The second time my question sparked a great big smile and a gentle laugh. "Well, not exactly, sweetie." She thought for a second. "That's a strange question for a boy your age. Why are you asking such a silly thing?" "Um ... Becky, you know, Linda's little sister? Well, yesterday she said ... she said my belly looked fat. Like I was pregnant." "Pregnant?" My aunt's eyes lit up with interest. She reached down and pat my stomach. "Oh, I see ... Well, maybe. A little. You do have a round little belly, that's for sure. It's just that with somebody who's pregnant, there's a baby in their belly. You don't think you have a baby in your belly, do you?" "Aunt Margaret, no! I ... I didn't mean I was pregnant. I ... just wondered if this was what it's like, that's all." Of course I didn't think I had a baby in my belly! I was just thinking about it because of what Becky and Samantha said yesterday. I was pretty sure boys couldn't get pregnant, but after getting a look at myself with a swollen belly, I thought I had a pretty good idea what a pregnant boy might look like. My aunt seemed to enjoy how upset I was about my appearance. "A pregnant boy ... I kind of like that idea. Why should girls have all the fun, right?" "It's not funny!" I fumed. "Well, I think it is. I think it's hilarious. You certainly do look pregnant, now that you mention it. You like this, don't you, David? Having your bottom played with, and then getting a fat little belly?" My aunt pulled my chin up and looked me in the eye. "You DO know how girls get pregnant, right? By having sex with boys ... um, you didn't let some little boy poke you with his penis, did you?" "No, Aunt Margaret! Ew!" I felt my face turn red as I thought about Christopher fat, silky penis in between my hands and Brandon's little brown dick bumping me on the nose. I didn't dare look my aunt in the eye. Everything was so confusing right now, I didn't know what to think. I gazed down at my plump belly as I sat back down on the toilet. Fascinating. I hated sitting on the toilet and emptying myself out like that in front of my aunt, but I couldn't help it. She wouldn't leave and there was no way I could keep from going. I felt so ashamed, so dirty, as all that "stuff" kept coming out of me. It didn't seem to bother my aunt, though. "Feel better, sweetie? Good, 'cause we need to do it all over again." My heart dropped as Aunt Margaret waved the douche nozzle in front of my face. I remember her humming cheerfully as she refilled that huge rubber bag. It was with a sense of complete surrender that I dropped to my hands and knees and pointed my bare butt up in the air. I was so worn out, I didn't even cry once as my aunt repeated the whole process over and over again until I was, in her words "sparkling clean, inside and out!" To be honest, getting douched actually got easier each we did it, and I felt a lot better when I realized I wasn't dirty any longer. Still, the entire time I sat on the toilet I hid my face in my hands and prayed for mercy. I was so tired, I was ready to go back to bed for a nap. That didn't happen, of course. The day was young and I was ordered to fill the sink with hot soapy water and give myself a quick sponge bath. "Do a good job, or I'll do it myself," I was warned. Standing naked before the vanity, I did as I was told, washing everything from my face on down to my feet using a thick, heavy washcloth and plenty of soap and water. The morning air was cool and I would have preferred a shower or maybe a real bath, but I was told we'd wasted too much time douching. Ironically, the last thing I washed was my privates and my butt, which I was confident were clean as a whistle. "Such a pretty little boy," my aunt said, giving me the once over with her ever piercing eyes. Standing naked before her, I felt transparent, exposed. "So nice and neat, in your pretty birthday suit. You forgot one important thing, though." I knew without looking what she was talking about. It was my erection. Yes, I knew what Nana said about "getting rid of it," but I just didn't know what to do about it. Not that early in the morning, I mean. "David, sweetie, you just cannot go downstairs looking like that. You heard what your grandmother said. And I must say, I have to agree. You are so pretty, so adorable, you'd make the perfect little fairy ... except for that silly little thing sticking out front. Now, are you going to do something about it, or do I need to do it for you?" I swallowed. "What ... do I ... am I supposed to do?" Aunt Margaret smiled and shook her head. "You need" -- she reached down and gave the tip of my penis a hard TUG!!! -- "to GET RID of it!" I started crying again. "That's why I need my pants!" I fussed. "So people won't see me down there!" "No, silly boy, you got it backwards. That's the reason we took your pants away in the first place; so you can't hide those ugly little erections any longer! I'm warning you, sweetie, you show up looking like that and Nana will tan your hide. The way you're acting, I'm tempted to do it myself!" Well, to make a long story short, I ended up jerking off in front of my aunt again. I didn't know what else to do. I tried my best to "think" my erection away, but the more I thought, the harder it got. And I was afraid if I didn't do it, it might be gotten done for me, and I sure as heck didn't want that! Pressed to do something, I found myself sitting on the fuzzy toilet seat cover with my shiny pink penis in my hands. "Do it," she ordered. "Do it, or I'll get the hairbrush and paddle your little behind until you can't sit down!" Imagine being twelve years old, totally naked and having to masturbate while someone in your family, your mother or a sister or an aunt, perhaps, parades around in her bra, slip and girdle. Imagine her standing at the vanity putting on makeup and fixing her hair, looking at you through the mirror and laughing as you shyly massage your erect penis. Now imagine her saying all sorts of embarrassing stuff like: "Oh, David, don't be such a big baby! You act like you're afraid to touch it. Don't be that way, sweetie. Most boys your age are experts. I'm sure Christopher or Brandon could teach you all about it." "No, Aunt Margaret!!! Yuck!" "Or maybe they already have." My aunt shot me a very dramatic, suspicious look. "What about it, little fairy? The girls said you did some naughty things with your little fairy friends. I thought they were just teasing, but now I'm not so sure." "No-o-o ... Aunt Margaret, please, don't ....." I moaned shamefully. Why couldn't she just shut up!? "Is this what you and Christopher were doing when the girls caught you skinnydipping last week? Were you jerking each other off? Why else would two boys get naked with each other?" I covered my face with my hands, I was so ashamed. "That's ... that's not ... what happened ...." "Don't you dare stop! Did I say you could stop? Get back to work!" Lowering my hands, I gasped for air as I continued to masturbate. "Now, while you're doing that," Aunt Margaret insisted, "tell me what happened between you and Christopher." "They ... the girls made us ...." I whined. My aunt made a frowny face. "I find that difficult to believe. Why would they do such a thing? I think you're the one who's been lying. Maybe I ought to believe the girls. Maybe you really were playing around with that little Negro boy yesterday. I bet he's really good at jerking off. Did he teach you how to jack off? Tell the truth, now. You haven't been keeping secrets from me? You know my rule about secrets and lying." "No!" I sobbed. "I'm telling the truth. You're being mean to me!" "Don't be silly! You're the one who started all this, running around with your bare butt showing and playing naughty, dirty games with your nasty little boyfriends. We're going to find out the truth, so you might as well 'fess up! Do I need to wake up the girls?" The look on her face, combined with those awful things she said, it was all too much. I felt faint and lost control over my body and squirted handfuls of white, pearly goo on my hands and my legs and the tile floor. "Don't stop jerking off," admonished my aunt. "Did I say for you to stop? Keep going until you do it again. I know all about little boys. Give you five minutes and you'll be sticking out again. If Nana sees you like that you'll be hurting for a long time." Tears streaming down my face, I nodded and did as I was told. "Oh, stop crying and smile, sweetie. This is supposed to be fun, right? Just pretend you're having fun with your little boyfriends. Come on, smile for me or I'll get Nana's hairbrush. Do you want to go naked the rest of the summer? There, now that's a nice smile. Such a pretty, pretty boy!" My Aunt Margaret was merciful once I climaxed the second time. Thank goodness. The sun hadn't even come up and I was already worn to a frazzle. "That ought to keep things calm for a while," said my aunt. "Now, here, get a cloth and wipe up the little mess you made." Man, did I ever feel sorry for myself! Okay, maybe I could have done something about it. Maybe I could have begged for mercy, run away, fought back, something. But I didn't. And I couldn't. Begging didn't do any good and I sure as heck didn't have any place to go. Besides, all my clothes -- everything I owned, in fact! -- was locked in my room; what was I supposed to do, run away bare naked and hitchhike all the way home in my birthday suit? "This isn't right," I whined as I scrubbed the bathroom floor. "It's not right and it's not fair! I bet none of the other guys have to do stuff like this!" "Maybe they ought," Aunt Margaret chided. "I can arrange for that to happen if you like. How about I go call Chris' mom and tell her what's been going on? I bet she'd let me have a whack at him! As a matter of fact, I bet she'd let him come over here right now and help you clean up this little mess you made! How would you like that?" For an instant I imagined Christopher helping me. I tried blocking him out of my mind, but I could easily see him naked and kneeling next to me, helping me clean up my mess. Or would I be cleaning up HIS mess? I felt bad thinking of him that way, but under the circumstances it only made sense. When I was done I stood before my aunt one more time for inspection. This time I got caught because of my dirty ears. Aunt Margaret was brutal with the cotton swabs and I swore I'd never let that happen again. "This is the last of our dirty boy," my aunt said as she scraped grime from inside my ear. "No more nasty, filthy boy here. Instead I've got me a very pretty pretend fairy. Now, little fairy, if you'll just help clean up your utensils here, we'll be done." I can't tell you the feeling I experienced when Aunt Margaret gave me her douche bag to wash. My douche bag. Whatever. At first I just froze, standing there with that huge rubber bag in one hand and that nasty nozzle in the other. Knowing what this stuff was used for put a shiver down my spine. "Use plenty of soap and water," I was ordered. "You want your new little friend all nice and clean for next time, right?" "I guess," I said somberly. Once everything was scrubbed clean, dried and put away I was drug back to my grandmother's bedroom. The dreaded hairbrush was produced and run through my longish locks. The end result was kinda goofy, with some teasing and fluffing and a crop of bangs being produced where there shouldn't be any. After prancing around with flowers in my tresses looking all girlie the day before, I was pretty happy that was all my aunt did with me. "After you're done with your chores we'll do your hair up right," I was told. "We want to look nice for our visitors, don't we? Won't that be fun? Oh, wait a minute, we can't forget this, can we?" I stood silently as the little fairy pendant was produced and draped around my neck. Oh, that looks just great, I thought sullenly. Just great. "Um, do I really have to wear that ...?" My aunt winked at me. "Of course! Nana likes you wearing her old necklace. And no wonder! Look at how cute you look! Maybe later we can fix you up with some more jewelry. When we do your hair, perhaps. Oh, don't be such a pouty face, David. You'll be the prettiest fairy around. I promise." You can imagine my enthusiasm, I'm sure. Chapter Twenty-Six A Fairy's Work is Never Done As soon as I entered the kitchen I was examined and inspected by my grandmother, who was elated with what my aunt had done with me. "My pretty little fairy," Nana said sweetly. "Oh, David, just look at you! All fresh and clean and ready for a day of fun! And your pretty hair looks so sweet!" "Yes, ma'am," I whispered. Aunt Margaret laughed. "Oh, he's clean as a whistle, all right. Inside and out!" I winced as my aunt smile a smile that reminded me all too much of my cruel cousins. Imagine my expression when my grandmother smiled back in exactly the same way. "I can see that. And no ugly weenie sticking out and ruining our pretty fairy's looks, either. Now isn't he a cutie, Margaret?" "The cutest I've ever seen, Nana," agreed my aunt. I noticed her give my grandmother a little nudge. "Mother, dear, aren't you forgetting something?" "Forgetting something ...." "Don't you have something for your grandson to wear?" "Oh, my, yes!" my grandmother suddenly said. I felt my stomach churn as she gave me the weirdest smile. "I'll be right back, sweetie. I've got something special in the sewing room for you. I cannot believe I forgot all about that" Nana left in a hurry, abandoning me to the smirking gaze of her daughter. Aunt Margaret calmly sipped her coffee while I stood before her and squirmed like ... well, I squirmed like any other twelve year old boy would when trapped stark naked by an unpredictable woman. "You're going to love this," she said. "Well, no. Actually, knowing you, you'll hate it. At first. But you'll eventually learn to love it. It's so ... well, it's so YOU!" "I doubt it," I sniffed. My aunt just laughed. Within a couple of minutes Nana returned with something pink and white and sparkling stretched between her hands. The look on her face was a mixture of pride and mischief. I'd seen it before on the faces of her granddaughters. "Well, what do you think, David, sweetie? Isn't this about right?" My jaw dropped and, well, I almost peed myself when I realized what I was looking at. It ... it's ... wings!" I gasped, partly out of fear and partly out of surprise. "It's ... fairy wings!" Indeed, the object my grandmother presented to me was a life- sized pair of gossamer thin wings. Well, two pairs of wings, actually, one pink and one white. They were obviously taken from some sort of children's costume. I literally could not believe my eyes. "Of course they're fairy wings, silly boy! What other kind of wings did you expect?" "I didn't expect ANY wings," I said. I had to struggle to control my voice. "I'm impressed he recognized them so quickly," Aunt Margaret said with more than a note of sarcasm. "He doesn't seem too happy with your present, Nana." I felt weak all over as I tried to imagine what this bizarre thing had to do with me. "These ... these aren't for me ... are they?" My aunt rolled her eyes at me. "Well, what do YOU think?" My mouth went dry. "You ... you all don't really ... I don't have to wear that ... those, do I?" My grandmother looked annoyed. Setting the white wings down on the table, she held the pink ones up against my bare skin as if comparing their color or something. "Of course you do! I worked all night on these." "Long after you went to bed," my aunt interjected. Nana nodded. "That's right. While you were sleeping! So don't be ungrateful! After all the work I put into these, you're going to wear them, all right, and you're going to love it!" I tried to swallow but had little success. "Couldn't I just have a pair of pants instead?" Nana ignored my remark. I glanced at Aunt Margaret, who said nothing else. Her smile, of course, spoke volumes. "I really like the pink, Nana. David looks good in pink." My grandmother nodded thoughtfully. "He certainly does. It's too be he's a boy. Think of all the pretty pink clothes he could wear if he were a girl. Then again, we have enough girls around here. Oh, well, I guess we'll have to settle for a pair of wings." "So, what do you think of your pretty new wings, David?" My aunt gave me a stern look. "Say something nice." I must admit, those silly wings were, well, quite beautiful, to be honest about it. I mean, as ignorant about sewing as I was, even I was impressed with how much work went into them. They were made of some sort of silky gauze-like material sewn on a stout wire frame. Dozens of rhinestones and sequins were sewn into the material, as were several pleats, which created a shimmering effect that even a despondent twelve year old boy could appreciate. "You, um, actually made these?" I touched one of the wings, just for an instant. For some reason my mouth was extra dry. "You, uh, shouldn't have, Nana ... I guess ...." "Oh, it was no problem, sweetie. The first set were the hardest," Nana explained as though I gave a care. "I just used a pattern from a cute little fairy costume we put together one Halloween for the girls. I had some material left over from an angel costume project. From there on it was pretty easy." My eyes darted to the second pair laying on the kitchen table. "Um, why two sets, Nana?" "For your playmates, of course!" My grandmother's eyes lit up as she proudly held both sets up for me to see. "I mean, really, sweetheart, if you're going to play fairies with your little friends you don't want to be the only one with wings, do you? That would be selfish." I was too embarrassed to say anything. Instead, I did what I do best ... I kept my mouth shut. "I started on a third set but ran out of time. It won't take much to finish," she said with a grin. "If the occasion arises." I watched in silence as she put down the white set and motioned for me to come closer. "Let's see what this looks like on you," Nana said, holding out the pink wings. "Come on ... it'll be fun." "I guess," I whispered softly, "I guess I'm going to wear these? This afternoon? At ... at your party?" Nana nodded. "That's right, sweetie. I need a little fairy maid to help entertain my guests, and you're it. I thought you might go ahead and put them on for awhile and get used to them." "But, Nana, I can't wear this! It's ... so ... so ...." I couldn't think of the word to describe how I felt about that awful piece of clothing. If you could call it clothing. "It's so sissy looking!" "Oh, of course it's sissy looking. And that's why YOU can wear it," my grandmother said with a smile. "After all this talk about fairies and acting like a sissy, I decided 'Why not?' If you're going to be my little fairy maid, you ought to dress the part. You still have to go bare butt for the rest of the week, but we can make an exception for today. I'll just add another day to your sentence, all right? All right!" I nodded. I then took a deep breath. "And if I don't want to?" My grandmother smiled. "You'll want to do it anyway. Your butt will burn like fire and you'll go without any clothes the remainder of the summer if you put up any argument. But you'll do it anyway. You know me, sweetie, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. It's completely up to you." I nodded. It was just for one day. I could do that. Or so I thought. "Okay," I said softly. "I'll do it, Nana. And I'll be good." "I know you will, sweetie. You'll be just fine." Putting on my new wings was a simple matter of slipping my arms through a pair of pale pink ribbon loops and then standing still as Nana pulled them tight. A third loop of ribbon was wrapped around my nude waist and likewise pulled snug. The knots were in the back, of course. Short of getting a pair of scissors I couldn't have taken the darned thing off if I tried. I felt like a damned fool, but the end result pleased my family. It was as though I'd finally done something right. "You look very nice, sweetie," my Aunt Margaret said. I shivered as she slid her hand under the little fairy pendant I wore. "You look just like your little friend here," she said softly. "Walk around in a circle," Nana ordered. "I want to see if your new wings will stay on." Sighing loudly, I did as I was told. I felt like a total idiot, parading before two adult women wearing nothing more than a pair of fairy wings. I expected a burst of laughter, but instead I was greeted with appreciative silence. "Do it again," my grandmother said when I was done. The look on her face was one of gratification. I started to protest, but decided to keep my mouth shut. Nana and Aunt Margaret seemed curiously happy about something. As I made no less than a dozen circles in the middle of the room I realized what they were looking at. While my new wings were barely as wide as my shoulders, they had the most annoying habit of actually "fluttering" as I walked about. Once I realized what was happening, it drove me crazy, all that flapping back and forth. Talk about irritating! "Oh, this is just GREAT!" I thought to myself. "Just like a stupid giant butterfly!" "I think we've found your look, David, sweetie," my Aunt Margaret said. There was no sarcasm in her voice this time. And the expression on her face appeared just as serious. "We should have done this a long time ago," Nana replied. "Think of how much fun we could have had when he was little." My aunt nodded. "We've got all summer. We'll make up for it," she said in a tone of voice that sent shivers down my spine. "I can't wait to see him with one of his little fairy friends, the both of them with their bare bottoms and their little fairy wings, running around the yard playing their little fairy games." "How long do I have to wear this?" I asked. I gave a sad sigh as I pretty well knew the answer to that. "Until I say otherwise," my grandmother snapped. "Stop whining so much! I swear, you act like you're just miserable! If you don't straighten up soon I may have to do something drastic!" DRASTIC??? What could be more drastic than keeping your twelve year old grandson in his birthday suit twenty-four hours a day and beating his bare butt every time you turn around? What could be more drastic than dressing him up as some sort of naked fairy and threatening to show him of to a bunch of old ladies? What in the world could be more drastic than any of that??? That's what I thought to myself, of course. I didn't dare say a word out loud. I didn't want to find out the answer. I felt like a little kid as Nana tugged and pulled at my new wings until they suited her. I bit my lip as nimble fingers touched my bare skin here and there, causing me to blush like there was no tomorrow. "There, that's much better." Nana cupped the little fairy pendant in her hand, stared at it and then at me ... and then she sighed. "Now, put a big smile and come with me, my little fairy. You've got chores to do!" "Yes, ma'am." Those first few hours in my new wings were as humiliating for me as they were hilarious for my grandmother and my aunt. I won't say I ever got used to wearing those stupid wings, 'cause I didn't. If anything they enhanced the shame and embarrassment of every single thing I did that morning. I was highly discouraged to find I'd been drafted into helping prepare breakfast. It was light, cereal, juice and fruit, perfect for a hot summer morning, but it meant more work for me. Dressed in my freshly bathed birthday suit and those silly silken wings, I set the table, cut the fruit and even poured the coffee for my captors. I was so ashamed, but there was nothing I could do. I mean, I was just a little kid, remember? "Stupid fairy maid! I sure feel like somebody's stupid maid," I thought sadly to myself. I bristled as the edge of one of my wings ticked the top of my bare butt. "A stupid, prissy little faggot maid!" After all my belly had already endured that morning (my morning douche, remember??) I wasn't very hungry, but I sat down while the adults ate and sipped at a glass of juice. At least when I was at the table nobody could see my bare butt. Afterward I cleared everything away and did the dishes, all while still in the nude. "Sweetie-pie," my Aunt Margaret said in a voice that would melted butter, "you look so adorable, doing your chores in your little fairy maid costume. Aren't you glad we came up with this? Isn't it fun?" I watched helplessly as she took a final sip of her coffee and then handed it to me to wash. I wanted to scream bloody murder, but instead I forced a sour grin and nodded my head. "Yes, ma'am," I said weakly. "It's loads of fun." My aunt looked at me with bright laughing eyes. "I wondered what you'd say," she said with a girlish giggle. "Good answer, little fairy." When I was done with my dishes Nana called me into the laundry room. There I found a humongous pile of clothes on the floor. "Here you go, sweetie. These all need to be sorted, washed, dried, ironed and put away." I was stunned! I mean, I never dreamed there was so much laundry. The darned pile was knee-high, it was so big. And here I was, tired enough to take a nap, and I was expected to take care of all this??? "Nana ... you mean I gotta wash ... all ... all those? By myself?" Nana swatted me on the butt. "Yes, all of those! And, yes, by yourself. What did you expect, silly boy? I told you yesterday there was a lot of laundry to do. That's what you get for making a mess on my dress!" I felt my face burn bright red. "I ... I'm sorry about that, Nana." "I'm sure you are," my grandmother said with a grin. "There better not be a repeat of that today. Not unless you want your little butt warmed." I felt an awful shiver from deep inside my bottom; I thought how Aunt Margaret had been poking up in there only a short while before and how horrible that made me feel. Well, at least my butt was clean. The last thing I needed was somebody whacking on it with a hairbrush or a switch. My grandmother wasn't done with me. "You've got a lot of work to do, so you better get busy. I had the girls bring me all of their stuff, too, so you'd have several loads. Don't worry, it's not that complicated. I'll show you what to do." "All of this laundry by myself?" I whined. "That's not fair!" "So what? It's no big deal. Just don't take all morning. Besides doing laundry like you promised, I want you to help clean the house, remember? There's dusting and vacuuming, and somebody's got to help me fix snacks and set up the buffet." I stared at her like she was crazy. "Clean the ... house? A ... a b-b-buffet?" Nana nodded. "Oh, and I need you to do some work in the garden before the ladies show up, so you'd best get moving." I forced myself to calm down before I said anything else. It wasn't easy, but I did it. "Uh, Nana, since we're having company, when do I get to put on some clothes?" "No, no clothes, not for a couple of more days. You're being punished, remember?" "But, that's not fair! You can't make me go naked in front of other people!" Nana sighed. "I most certainly can. AND I most certainly will. Besides, you're not completely naked. You're wearing your new wings!" I felt my stomach fall a thousand feet. "B-b-but ..." I started sobbing, "that ... that doesn't count! It's not fair!" "Who said anything about being fair? You are the child and I am the adult, so you do as I say. Besides, your room is still locked up. We can't get you anything else to wear if we wanted." "You can't treat me this way!" I fussed. "I beg to differ! I can treat you any way I want, young man!" my grandmother growled. For some reason her voice frightened me. "I'd remember who's in charge here if I were you!" I knew I was only making things worse by arguing, but I couldn't help it. I was mad and scared and I wanted somebody to know it! "It's not fair!" I cried in vain. "You're being mean to me!" Nana smiled at me. It wasn't a very pleasant smile, more of a grimace, in fact. The kind that makes you regret getting up in the morning. "So, little man, I'm being mean, am I? Is that what you think? That I'm just a big ol' meanie? Sweetie, I haven't even begun to be mean yet, have I, Margaret?" My aunt stepped into the laundry room, obviously concerned by all the shouting. "David, hush your mouth? What's gotten into you?" I sniffed back my running nose. "You all are being mean to me. All these chores, running around naked. It's not fair!!!" "I don't know what he's talking about, Mother. If anything, you've been too nice to him. I guess you just spoiled him." Nana nodded her head. "You're right, Margaret. That's what I get for being nice. My grandson has turned into a spoiled brat. Well, just for that, little mister, you bought yourself the rest of the week with no clothes. I'm not even going to bother calling the locksmith until after next Monday. That's, let's see, today's Sunday, so that's eight more days. Perfect!" My grandmother gave me a sly wink. "You can just wear your birthday suit instead." "The rest of the week??? Nana, no!!!" "And a paddlin' every morning, too, now that I think about it. Keep it up, why don't you? Say one more thing and I'll have no problems at all running your little bare bottom around the house the rest of the summer, too! Say just one more word and you'll find out just how mean I can be." "And you don't want that," warned my aunt. I hated that smarty pants grin she always wore. Afraid to even say "Yes, ma'am" I just nodded my head and stood there and cried. "Don't just stand there blubbering like a little baby!" Nana snapped. "Get to work on that laundry." Helpless and discouraged, I knelt over the huge pile of clothes and began sorting through everything, salty tears burning my eyes and staining my cheeks. I must have made quite a sight, doing laundry in my birthday suit and my new fairy wings. "Good boy!" Nana said. She pat me on the head on the way out the door. I refrained from biting her on the ankle. Just as I thought, my latest chore took forever. It was extremely depressing to handle all those clothes and not have a single thing to wear. The problem was that none of my clothes were in the pile, not single stitch! Besides some regular clothes belonging my cousins and my aunt and grandmother, it was mostly feminine underthings, brassieres, panties, slips and some stuff I couldn't even identify. Holding up a huge white panty girdle -- belonging to Nana, judging from the enormous size of it -- I never felt more confused in my life! "Ew!" I thought with disgust. "I wonder what would happen if I put this ugly thing on? Yuck! Why am I even thinking about doing such a thing?" As much as I hated running around my family with my bare butt showing, I couldn't have put that weird garment on if I wanted. Nana would have most probably beat my butt, maybe worse. Exactly how much worse I couldn't imagine, since I faced the inevitability of going naked the remainder of the week. Well, naked with my stupid wings! "And today's only Sunday," I worried silently. "That means five more days with no pants! And a spanking every day, too! Holy cow!" You can imagine the desperation I felt in such a situation. Faced with the prospect of waiting on a room full of old ladies dressed like a stupid naked fairy, I'd have given a million dollars for something to wear that day. Holding up one of my cousin's dresses, I thought for an instant what Becky had said about putting me in girls' clothes: "All you need is a little lipstick and a nice dress, then you'd be all set!" I wondered what Nana and Aunt Margaret might think of seeing me in a dress. "Probably not a good idea, either," I whispered sadly. "Nana might like me that way. I know Aunt Margaret would. Shoot, they might make me wear girls' stuff the rest of the summer. That'd be even worse than running around in my birthday suit!!" As the morning progressed the sky got a little brighter outside, but the rain refused to give up. I was hoping to get the laundry done before my cousins woke up and saw me doing my new chores, but as usual, things just didn't work out my way. I was in the laundry room scrubbing away at a sink full of panties when a familiar silhouette filled the doorway. It was Pam, clad in little more than her nylons and a slip. "Hey, naked boy! Are you having fun? " "No! I'm NOT having fun! Go away and leave me alone!" "Funny, a naked boy and a handful of panties? Sure looks to me like somebody's having fun." As I fiddled with the laundry I tried hiding my wings behind me, but it was a vain effort. Pam saw what I was doing and busted out laughing. "Oh my gosh! Are those fairy wings??? I can't believe it!!! You've turned into a real live fairy!" She got a really evil smile on her face. "Sheila, quick! You gotta see this! David's still naked! Not only that, he's playing with our panties! And best yet, he's sprouted wings!!!" "I am NOT playing with anybody's panties!!!" I fussed. "I'm doing laundry!" "David's still naked? And he's touching our panties? Ew!!!" My older cousin showed up with a huge grin on her face. "Hmmm ... hi, fairy boy. Nice wings!" "Go away!" I shouted. "How do you like playing with our panties? You little perve." Sheila tossed her blond hair over her shoulder and made a big show of looking me up and down. "You know, after seeing him in action with his pretty fairy wings and his pretty fairy necklace and all, playing with panties kinda makes sense ... for a pretty FAIRY BOY!!!" Pam turned and yelled toward the kitchen, "Nana! Fairy David's naked and he's playing with our panties! Make him stop!" "David!" my grandmother called from the other room, "you're supposed to wash them, not play with them! Do you want another whippin'?" "See what you did?" I whispered. I reached around and scratched my bottom where my wings kept tickling me. "You're getting me in trouble with Nana! She's gonna beat my butt 'cause of you!" Pam grinned. "So? Who cares? I hope she beats your butt every day. In fact, I hope she makes you go naked every day, too. Then you can be our little fairy slave forever, and I'll just laugh and laugh and laugh. Yep, that would suit me just fine!" I started crying again. "That's awful! How can you be so mean?" "She's not mean, you stupid brat," said Sheila. I made a little "yelp!" as she reached down and flicked my penis with her fingernail. "She's acting. I'm actually very nice, too. You should consider yourself lucky. We don't let just anybody play with our underwear. Most boys would love the chance to play with our panties." She shot me a flirtatious glance. "See anything you like, li'l cousin? If you ask nicely I'm sure Nana will let you wear something pretty." "Leave me alone!" I pulled away as she flicked my poor penis again. It wasn't just the pain that made me cry; I was terrified of getting another erection and all the grief that would bring me. The truth was that my cousins, indeed, looked very attractive in their slips and underthings, a fact I found most intimidating. They also had a wonderful time watching me serve breakfast and making fun of me while I did my housework. And frankly, I can't say I blame them. If there is a more ridiculous sight than a naked twelve year old boy serving breakfast to a pair of beautiful teenaged girls in their lingerie, it's probably the same naked boy wandering around the house with a feather duster in one hand and pushing a vacuum cleaner with the other. Needless to say, this wasn't exactly the way I expected to spend my summer vacation. "You make a great fairy maid, David," teased Pam. She twirled her dark hair thoughtfully and sighed. "You've got the bare butt and the wings, all you need now is a cute little apron!" "And a pair of high heels!" added her sister. I blushed hotly as the two girls giggled wildly. "Aren't things bad enough?" I thought to myself. I tried to lose myself in the huge pile of dirty dishes I was washing at the time. Pam, of course, had to push the matter. "Don't you think that's a good idea, Mom? Get a little apron and some high heels for David's fairy maid costume?" "An apron and high heels, hmmm? That sounds rather appropriate," Aunt Margaret agreed. "And with his new wings, he'd be the perfect fairy maid.!" "Aunt Margaret! That's stupid!!!" I cried. "I'm not wearing some dumb ol' apron and I ain't wearing no girls' shoes neither!" "Oh, David, don't be such a fuddy-duddy. You WILL wear whatever I tell you to wear. It's not like you have a choice, sweetie pie." My aunt stared at me for a second and then turned to Pam. "You know, an apron would kinda be cute. I think we can arrange that." I watched in disbelief as my aunt suddenly left the room like a woman on a mission. "Aunt Margaret, no ...!" "This is going to be great!" quipped Sheila. "Naked Davy's going to be our little fairy maid!" I bit my tongue. I wanted oh, so bad to tell my cousin to go to hell, but I knew better than to start an argument that I already knew I was going to lose. Don't ask me how I knew it, but I did. Boy, oh, boy ... it just wasn't my day!!! (continued in part 4B)