Cordelia Lavington Chapter 7
By Governess

[email protected]

Copyright 2010 by Governess, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 7

Cordelia Lavington awoke early as was her practice. She ate a light breakfast and then spent some time reading her Bible and praying about the day ahead. She had a meeting with the Principal at ten o'clock. This was a weekly meeting at which she brought him up to date on issues relating to the health and physical well being of the boys. Also, some time during the day, she must fit in a discussion with Edward Crawley about Samuel's lack of effort. And it would also be sensible to speak to Diana Fairclough about Elizabeth.

Suddenly she realised that despite her close attention to Samuel's discipline the night before, she had omitted to have the little discussion she had planned about the evils of masturbation. Well that would have to wait for later. It would hardly be appropriate to have it in a rushed manner before school. Already she could hear the children up and about.

The children each had their own morning routine and were expected to be at the breakfast table by quarter to seven. Before then they were each expected to have read a set passage from the Bible. And they knew better than to neglect that as their mother might well question them on it at breakfast. Before commencing to eat prayers were said my Mrs Lavington, and then one of the children said grace in accordance with a set roster. Mrs Lavington did not believe in disciplining children before school and any untoward behaviour was noted to be dealt with later. That morning not surprisingly there was impeccable behaviour from all three children. And at a quarter to eight the four of them set out to the main reformatory building.

Cordelia Lavington went straight to her office and called in Susannah Simmonds who had been checking one of the dormitories. There were four dormitories, each with twenty beds. Two were for boys younger than ten, and the other two for boys up to the age of fourteen. The check had been on one of the dormitories for the older boys. It had been introduced by Cordelia Lavington with the full agreement of the Principal. All the boys had to make their own beds and leave their pyjamas folded neatly under their hard flock filled pillows. Mrs Simmonds had been carefully inspecting the boys' pyjamas for any tell-tale signs of masturbation. It was the first morning of this new regime. Naturally, the boys knew nothing about it.

"Well Mrs Simmonds have you found anything?"

"Yes, Mrs Lavington. I have. I have noted the names as you asked."

"And how many names are there?"

"Three names, Mrs Lavington."

She handed her a list. Cordelia Lavington studied it.

"I think I had better go and see the evidence for myself, Mrs Simmonds."

The two women made their way to Dormitory C. Looking down the double row of beds, Mrs Lavington could see three beds where the pyjamas were on the bed rather than under the pillow. Mrs Lavington smiled.

"I see you have left the evidence out, Mrs Simmonds."

"Yes, Matron. I thought that would be easier."

Cordelia Lavington went to the first bed, over which was the name Michael Clough. She picked up the pyjamas. The wrinkled patch of dried semen was all too easy to see. Mrs Lavington nodded. And walked on to the next bed.

She glanced at the name. Oliver Preuss. She had had Preuss in the infirmary several times and on the last occasion she had reported him for malingering. A spell in the infirmary was an attractive alternative to the rigours of normal reformatory life, and malingering was dealt with particularly severely. Preuss, she knew, had been birched by the Principal.

This time the patch was still damp. The boy had obviously masturbated just before rising. Cordelia Lavington smelt the stain.

"No doubt about the origins of that, Mrs Simmonds. None at all. And the third?"

The two women crossed to the bed nearest the far door. Mrs Lavington picked up the boy's pyjamas from the end of the bed. Again the tell-tale patch of staining, still damp, with its strong saline smell.

"Again, no doubt that this was deliberate masturbation. In my experience a boy who has an involuntary emission is in no way so generous in the discharge."

She held up the pyjamas.

"Look at the spread of the stain, Mrs Simmonds. That is certainly not the result of a disturbing dream. It is quite deliberate."

She looked at the name. Paul Lacy. A boy of Samuel's age. And in Samuel's class. His puberty was obviously a little more advanced than Samuel's but nevertheless it made her realise how important it was to have the discussion with her elder son that she had omitted to have yesterday evening.

"You have done well Mrs Simmonds. I want you to repeat what you have done each morning until further notice. Tomorrow you will check dormitory D."

"And what will be happening to these three boys, Mrs Lavington?"

"That is easily answered, Mrs Simmonds A very painful lesson in the need for continence."

At ten o'clock sharp Cordelia Lavington knocked on the Principal's door.

"Come in."

James Fairclough was seated behind a large desk on which were the usual impedimenta, including a blotting pad and ink well. To the left of the desk was a green shaded reading lamp.

"Good morning, Matron."

"Good morning, Sir."

Hr came out from behind the desk and indicated that Cordelia Lavington was to sit in one of the two dark green leather armchairs. She did so and he sat beside her.

James Fairclough had held the post of Principal for nearly a year, and in that time some significant changes had been introduced. In some case practices that had lapsed had been re-introduced. The most significant being the reintroduction of the birch which under the previous principal had been phased out. Boys had still been subject to the cane, but increasingly the trend had been away from corporal punishment toward what had been regarded as more enlightened methods of dealing with recalcitrant boys.

But for the new Principal this was to misunderstand the nature of boys and their needs. Boys sent to the reformatory had already discovered the rewards and pleasures of sin. The kindness response to sinning was to make it extremely unattractive. And that meant ensuring a consequence that outweighed the pleasure. And as boys enjoyed lying and stealing and rebelling against authority, only severe and certain punishment was likely to deter them.

Cordelia Lavington glanced across the room to where in the corner was a pail in which three birches were steeping. These were renewed every other day by Mr Hodges the caretaker and general maintenance man.

"And what have you to report today Matron. How many have we in the infirmary?"

"There are four boys, Sir. Prewitt and Rowbottom still have high temperatures and sore throats. Simpson has sprained his ankle and needs to rest it for a day or two. And Machin is due to go out today. As you will recall he concussed himself falling out of a tree that he should never have been climbing."

"Then as soon as he is discharged send him to me. He may have had a nasty fright falling and concussing himself, but that is an sufficient consequence for his disobedience. I suggest you bring him yourself, Matron."

He frowned.

"And I take it that the other boys do need to be in the infirmary. As you know I do not favour cosseting these boys. Life is hard and the sooner they understand that the better."

"You can trust me not to cosset any boy, Mr Fairclough. If a boy is in the infirmary it is because he needs to be there. And he will be sent out at the earliest moment I judge appropriate."

"My apologies, Matron, if I was seeming to question your professional judgement. I have the highest regard for you and I know we see eye to eye on these matters. I was merely reiterating my position which is already known to you. I apologise. It was quite unnecessary."

"Thank you, Sir. No offence was taken."

He smiled. Cordelia Lavington was an excellent matron and part of her excellence was her commitment to the boys' welfare in its broadest sense. Including the need for firmness and discipline.

"And is there anything else of which I should be aware?"

"Yes, Sir. I am taking a resolute stand against masturbation in the dormitories. This morning Mrs Simmonds and I carried out an inspection of the boys' pyjamas. Three showed clear evidence of seminal emission. From the prolixity of the staining I am satisfied that none could have been the result merely of disturbing dreams. I am proposing to deal with these boys myself later in the day."

She paused.

"If that meets with you approval."

"Of course, Matron. The dormitories and their discipline are your responsibility. I am pleased that you are taking such an initiative. Masturbation is a vicious habit and too often condoned these days. I suggest that you include it in your weekly reports to me. And let me have a list of all those boys caught masturbating."

He paused.

"Of course, boys masturbate from an early age. The sooner they are persuaded that this is unacceptable the better. But catching the younger boys who do not yet leave the tell-tale signs on pyjamas and elsewhere is not so easy. I would like you to think about that."

Cordelia Lavington nodded.

"Yes, Sir. I will give it some thought. I have the problem with my son, Samuel. I am sure he is abusing himself but as yet there is no natural evidence to convict him."

"And apart from that, how is the boy faring?"

"Well, he is not unintelligent but he is lacking in effort and commitment."

She paused not wanting to criticise a colleague.

"I intend to speak to Mr Crawley about it . . but I am not hopeful that he will take the action necessary."

Mr Fairclough smiled.

"You consider him too, what shall we way, sympathetic?"

Cordelia Lavington lips compressed before she replied.

"Yes, Sir. I am afraid I do. He thinks the best of boys when there is little good to be thought. Boys are all too happy to snigger and joke among themselves and shy away from work. But a boy who has set his face against effort and application needs more than encouragement to mend his ways. For such boys encouragement will simply fall on stony ground. What they need is punishment. Painful punishment that far exceeds the pleasure enjoyed by their laziness and self-indulgence. Sufficient to make them unwilling to risk such an unequal exchange in future."

"I agree, Matron. And I do understand your reservations, about Mr Crawley. If he is unwilling to take the steps that you as Samuel's mother consider necessary come and see me again."

He drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair.

"Is there anything else?"

"No, Sir. I think we have covered everything for the moment."

"Well, thank you, Matron. And I want you to know how much I appreciate your commitment and hard work.

"Thank you, Sir."

Cordelia Lavington made her way back to the infirmary. Her step was quick and light. She always felt better after a meeting with the Principal.

(To be continued)