Miss Strang Chapter 89

By Governess

[email protected]

Copyright 2012 by Governess, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now.

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Chapter 89

Mrs Innes beckoned to me.
“Come here.”
She pointed to the girl Benson.
“What do you see, Arbuthnot.”
I felt a rising sense of anger at being addressed in this way and being questioned like a naughty six year old.
“A girl facing the wall . . . Ma’am.”
“Really, Arbuthnot? Goodness gracious, so there is. That birching at the Reformatory has certainly sharpened your senses.”
I reddened at her sarcasm.
And what else do you see, Arbuthnot?”
“She has been caned . . . Ma’am.”
“And anything else of note?”
“She’s not wearing knickers . . . Ma’am.”
 “Yes. And why do you think she is without knickers?”
“Because she’s been caned. On her bare bottom . . . Ma’am”
“True. And that’s the only way to cane a girl. Hard swishy strokes to bare sensitive flesh. But that doesn’t explain why she is still without knickers. Does it?”
I was disliking Mrs Innes more and more.
“I suppose it’s because you wanted to be mean and shame her in front of everyone.”
Before I had even finished speaking, I regretted what I had said.
“Well, we have a pert young miss here, Miss Strang. And no mistake. Fold your arms, Arbuthnot. And tuck your hands under your armpits. And keep them there.”
She looked at me.
“And stop fidgeting.”
Suddenly, she raised her arm and slapped me hard across my left cheek. And then with her left hand gave another stinging slap to the right. Tears pricked at my eyes. But shocked as I was, I somehow registered how effectively she could use her left hand.
“So you think me mean, do you, Arbuthnot? ”
I looked down, saying nothing.
“Look at me, Miss. How dare you drop your head when I’m speaking to you.”
She placed her hand under my chin and forced my head back. And looked into my eyes. I am sure she saw fear and resentment, but in hers I saw only a hard, implacable will.
“You think me mean, Arbuthnot, because you don’t understand your need to submit to authority. You see correction as a personal insult. But correction is for a girl’s good. To humble her. To help her acquire a meek spirit and a sense of duty to others.”
She tilted her head back, and looked at me.
“So let me repeat my question. Why do you think Benson is still without knickers?”
I paused considering my reply.
“I . . . I suppose it’s to shame her and . . . and to help her to be . . . to be a good girl . . . Ma’am.”
“It is, Arbuthnot. And I trust she is benefiting from her shameful exposure. But if I tell you she’ll not be wearing knickers from now on. And that under her dress there’ll be nothing but a bare bottom. What would you say to that?”
The girl Benson shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
“Well? Why would that be?”
“It’s . . . it’s because she’s . . . she’s easier to whip like that . . . Ma’am.”
“Yes. Easier to whip. Benson is a girl who thinks herself above rules. She works grudgingly instead of with a grateful spirit. She’s set a task but soon becomes restive and resentful. And then she throws a childish tantrum. So she’s been told that from now on, until I choose otherwise, she’ll go without knickers and be completely bare under her dress.”
She paused for a moment, before continuing.
“And if you don’t watch your manners, Arbuthnot, so will you.”
I bit my lip and curtsied.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. Please forgive me. I’ll try hard not to give offence again.”
It was difficult to make such an apology and even more difficult to bob down before her. But my instincts told me that, unless I did so, life might take a very unwelcome turn for me.
She nodded.
“Words come easily to a girl, Arbuthnot. What I am looking for is a meek spirit and unquestioning obedience. And remember there’s a rod always in soak to assist with that. Now go and stand with your back to the wall and not a sound from you.
“I apologise Miss Strang for such a late and disturbed welcome. Although I’m sure Mr Innes has been looking after you.”
“He has indeed, Mrs Innes. And no offence is taken. You were engaged in something far more important. For what can be more important than the discipline of a recalcitrant child.”
“Well, thank you Miss Strang. But has Mr Innes explained more fully the contribution we believe you can bring to the household?”
“Not exactly, Mrs Innes. But I understand you will be bringing some young boys into the family to be tutored, and you believe I could help with that.”
“Yes, both Mr Innes and I believe you have a valuable contribution to make. As a family we are very conscious of our responsibility to help and support others. My daughter, Rachel, is committed to helping disadvantaged boys at the reformatory; and I consider it my duty to take into service girls from the orphanage that others spurn. Benson is one of those.”
“Yes. Mr Innes was explaining your concern for the welfare of these girls. I am most impressed.”
“Thank you Miss Strang. But more recently Mr Innes has suggested that just as we take girls into service, we might also do something for the boys’ orphanage. So we’ve suggested to the Superintendent that he might identify several bright boys who would benefit from the more intensive tutoring that we can provide here.”
“And the boys would live at the Rectory.”
“Certainly, Miss Strang. We see the benefit not only in intellectual stimulation, but in continuing moral and spiritual guidance. And, of course, the same firm discipline that we provide for the orphanage girls. Girls like Benson.”
“But is not tutoring something Mr Innes would be able to provide? Or your daughter?”
“No, Miss Strang. That’s just not possible. Rachel is committed to the Reformatory. And Mr Innes has the responsibilities of the parish. That entails a great deal of visiting as well as administration. Not to mention the preparation of sermons.”
“And tutoring is not something you could do, Mrs Innes.”
She gave a little self-deprecatory laugh. Oh no, Miss Strang. In any case, I have parish responsibilities, too. The Mothers’ Union, and the Dorcas Guild to name but two. And also a large household to run. No, both Mr Innes and I are quite clear if the thing is to be done it must be done by a dedicated tutor or governess.”
“And you believe that I am that person.”
“Yes, Miss Strang I do. And so does Mr Innes. And for us it is important that the task should be undertaken by a woman. What these boys lack is a mother’s discipline. And therein lies the difficulty. Too many women have a soft centre. Their love is sentimental. And they would be incapable of meeting the real needs of these boys. What is required is a woman whose love is affirming. Who is not afraid to provide the discipline that strengthens a boy in his struggle against sin. A woman who is ready to administer the rod of correction and to take whatever steps are necessary to break a boy’s will and make it conform to her own.”
She paused.
“And we believe you are more than qualified to do that.”
Miss Strang nodded.
“I would not dissent from that. And I have to say I would be pleased to take up the challenge. And it will be an additional pleasure to be living in your household.”
She looked toward the girl Benson, still standing in shame with her whipped bottom on view.
“And I am in no doubt that we share a common outlook when it comes to raising and disciplining children. But tell me more about the boys I shall be tutoring. What ages will they be and what standard of attainment should I be aiming for?”
Mr Innes took off his spectacles and polished them.
“The deciding factor when it comes to choosing boys, Miss Strang, will be their level of intelligence. Those are the boys who are most likely to benefit from individual tuition. But they are often the most difficult boys. They will not be willing to learn and apply themselves until they have been broken in. Boys are like young colts. Whip and spur, bit and bridle must be applied to the mouth and flanks, before anything worthwhile can be achieved”
He smiled.
“But I am in no doubt that you will be able to provide that.”
Miss Strang smiled, a thin confident smile.
“And I have no doubt either, Mr Innes. But how many boys will I be tutoring. And will it be individually or in a group?”
“We were thinking of three boys, tutored together. I have spoken to the Superintendent and he has already identified three of the brightest boys. The youngest is six and the two others are seven and ten. I would have thought tutoring them in a group would have been sensible. And, as Mrs Innes said, they would be accommodated here. Sleeping together in one of the larger rooms.”
“Well, that is all acceptable to me, Mr Innes. I would expect to discuss with you, and possibly the Superintendent, the nature of the curriculum we should pursue. However, I take it that I would have complete authority in matters of discipline.”
“Yes, Miss Strang. In matters of discipline complete authority. I know the Superintendent is concerned that the regime might be too slack. And that when boys return to the orphanage their behaviour might have deteriorated. To reassure him I have said that I and Mrs Innes will hold a watching brief on his behalf.”
Miss Strang gave a frown.
“No, Miss Strang. Please. Do not take offence. Both Mrs Innes and I have complete confidence in you. All I am proposing is that from time to time I or Mrs Innes observe your disciplining of the boys so that we can put our hands on our hearts and tell the Superintendent that he has nothing to fear.”
He gave a little smile.
“It is always a pleasure to watch any activity being undertaken proficiently. And the administration of discipline is no different. Indeed, we may well learn something to our advantage. There is no question of judgment. None at all. I do hope that is acceptable to you.”
“Put like that Mr Innes, I have no objection. Indeed, having you or Mrs Innes observe their correction from time to time will be additionally shaming. And with boys that is no bad thing.”
“Thank you Miss Strang. I am grateful for your understanding. And I am greatly relieved.”
He looked at Mrs Innes.
“Perhaps, my dear, you would like to acquaint Arbuthnot with her duties and of what is expected of her.”
He looked at the clock.
“I must give you my apologies Miss Strang. I am lunching with my churchwardens. And after that there is a vestry meeting. I greatly look forward to your joining our household. As do Mrs Innes and my daughter.”
After he had departed, Mrs Innes got up, and stepped across to Benson. She lifted the dress that was draped over her shoulders and let it drop.
“Turn around.”
The girl’s face was still wet and flushed and her hair dishevelled.
“It’s time you were back at your duties, Benson. Scrubbing that hall. And I don’t expect to see a speck of dirt between any of the tiles when I inspect it.”
She paused.
“But let us understand each other, Benson. You may enjoy indulging in childish tantrums but there is something I enjoy, too. And that is smacking a girl’s bottom. Normally, I exercise self-control and only spank a girl when she’s misbehaved and deserves to be punished. But if you can’t exercise self-control neither will I. Underneath that dress is a bare bottom. And from now on, until you begin to show some self-control, I’m going to lift your dress, lay you across the ottoman, and apply the hairbrush, whenever I choose. For the sheer pleasure of doing so. And that will continue until you cease your childish outbursts.”
She paused.
“And don’t for a moment think that those spankings are an advance payment made by you for your tantrums. And that you might as well continue them anyway. Every tantrum will continue to be punished. And punished severely. With the cane. Or if necessary, the birch. Now get back to your scrubbing. And I expect to see it finished within the next hour.”
When she had gone, Mrs Innes beckoned to me.
“Come and stand here, Arbuthnot.”
She looked me up and down.
“She’s a pretty child, Miss Strang.”
She smiled.
“Mr Innes will appreciate that. But I also see an arrogant and obstinate spirit. Is that not right, Arbuthnot? An arrogant and obstinate spirit?”
“Please, no, Ma’am.”
“And argumentative, too, Miss Strang. You see, Arbuthnot, you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. The daughter of a landowner, an important person in the community. And you think yourself superior. A cut above others.”
I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes at the unfairness of it.”
“But God is no respecter of persons, Arbuthnot. Whether a child is an orphan or a princess, the same is demanded of her. A submissive, obedient spirit. And respect shown to those in authority over her.”
She must have seen my eyes filling with tears. But there was no hint of warmth in her voice.
“You have seen how I dealt with Benson. Well, that is how I deal with any girl in service who is rude and stubborn and who resists my authority. Do you understand?”
“Ye . . yes, Ma’am.”
She frowned.
“But I am told you resist, not only discipline but also the very nature God has established for you.”
She turned to Miss Strang.
“Is that right, Miss Strang? That she wants to be a boy and has until today been dressed as a boy?”
“That is correct, Mrs Innes. It was decided if she wished to be a boy she should be dressed as a boy and punished like a boy. And today, at her father’s request, she has been birched as a reformatory boy.”
“And that has cured her perversity?”
“I hope so, Mrs Innes.”
“Well, we shall see. In the meantime she will treated like any other girl in service. For the first week she will be my personal maid. And that will give me the opportunity to keep a watchful eye on her and to correct any shortcomings that come to light. There is a small dressing room adjacent to my bedroom. She will sleep in there.”
She placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head back.
“You will assist with my toilet, Arbuthnot, morning and evening, and at any other time I require it. I will expect to see you punctually at 9.00 with my breakfast on a tray. But you will rise at 6.00 and perform the duties of an under house parlour maid under the direction of Mrs Brooke; and at other times when you are not serving me. And Mrs Brooke will be reporting directly to me twice a day on your conduct. Is that understood?”
“Ye . . . yes . . . Ma’am.”
She turned to Miss Strang.
“Does the girl have a suitcase?”
“Yes, it was placed in the trap before we left for the reformatory.”
“Then go and fetch it, Arbuthnot, and bring it here. It may still be in the trap. If not, Hemsley will have brought it into the house.”
She gave me no directions but assumed I would be able to re-trace my steps. When I went out into the yard and looked in the trap I could see no sign of the suitcase. As I turned back to the house, a voice called after me.
“Now then, young lady, what be you a-wanting?”
“Please, Sir, I’m looking for my suitcase. It was in the trap. But it seems to have gone. I . . . I’m Mrs Innes’s new maid.”
“He looked me up and down.
“Are you indeed. But not from the Orphanage.”
“No, Sir. Not from the Orphanage.”
He nodded.
“Well I have taken your suitcase inside and placed it in the hall at the bottom of the stairs.”
He grunted.
“I’ll show you. But the sooner you can find your way around the house the better. When Mrs Innes calls she doesn’t expect a girl to get lost and keep her waiting. And if she does, woe betide her. We had an orphanage girl called Raines, a while back. She was just helping out for a week. She weren’t much older than you, Missy. Probably a bit younger. Well, she kept the Mistress waiting for ten minutes after she’d rung. What that girl was thinking of, heaven alone knows. Well, after she’d finished doing whatever the Mistress called her for, she was led down to the hall by her ear. Then her dress was lifted and her knickers pulled down and she went over the Mistress’s knee for the soundest spanking I’ve seen. And believe me, Missy, I’ve seen a few spankings in my time. You wouldn’t believe how she kicked. Like a young lamb being shorn.”
He smiled.
“When a fleece comes off it’s nice and white underneath. But not that little lamb. Oh no! When the Mistress had finished with her, she was that hot and red, with the marks of the hairbrush on her bottom.”
He paused.
“And what do you think happened after that?”
“I . . . I don’t know . . . Sir.”
“Well, with the girl still sobbing and heaving, the Mistress said, ‘You’ve kept me waiting, Raines, so now it’s my turn to keep you waiting.’ And she pulled out a stool, that one there by the grandfather clock. ‘Up on the stool Raines,’ she said. And there the girl stood bare and whipped and in full view of everyone. She didn’t know where to look. Whether to show her red face or her red bottom. It was only ten o’clock in the morning, and there she had to stand for the rest of the day. No lunch and no tea. It weren’t long before she was whimpering something dreadful and shifting her weight from one leg to the other. But she didn’t dare to get down. Not without permission. And very wise too, I’d say. She’d probably have been birched. And put back on the stool the following day.”
He shook his head.
The Mistress is that strict. But then she needs to be. Girls will get away with murder if they have the chance. And there it is.”
He pointed to the suitcase.
“And where be you a-taking it, Missy?”
“I was told to take it into . . . into the blue drawing room, Sir.”
“Then you’d be wise to do what you’ve been told. And no need for ‘Sir’. The name’s Hemsley. You just call me Hemsley.”
(to be continued)



(The End)