Miss Strang Chapter 96

By Governess

[email protected]

Copyright 2015 by Governess, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now.
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Miss Strang  
by Governess
Chapter 96
Mr Innes glanced at the clock.
“We must soon be joining the ladies, gentlemen.  But there is just time to hear how the redoubtable Fraülein Reimer licked you into shape, Massingham. Tell us about the other stimulants to good behaviour she employed. And I take it you are referring to her quest to render you continent as well as obedient?”
“Yes, Rector. Like most boys I found the pleasure of masturbation impossible to resist. But the pleasure, though intense, was always surrounded by a penumbra of fear. As I reached beneath my nightshirt and caressed my small engorged member, my fantasies were disturbed by every creak of a floorboard, every rattle of a window pane.  I feared the door quietly opening and Miss Reimer standing there grimly smiling with the hairbrush in her hand.”
“So apart from the hairbrush, Massingham, what other methods did she employ to curb your sensuality?”
“Well, on the occasion when she accosted me with that little semen-stained rag, she made me kneel in nothing but a shirt on a hard wooden chair, facing forward, and with my arms hanging over the back of the chair, she secured my wrists to the frame.
‘And why are you shivering, mein Junge?’
‘Please Fraülein, please don’t punish me.’
“She pulled up my shirt and hoisted it over my shoulders. Strangely, wearing just a shirt made me feel more exposed than if I had been completely naked.  And having it purposefully raised so my genitalia were uncovered was both frightening and shameful.
‘And why should I not punish you when you have behaved in such a way?  Would I not be failing in my duty if I did not correct you and teach you?  Is that not so? You see, mein Junge, you have chosen to amuse yourself with forbidden pleasure. But now it is for me to amuse myself. But for you my pleasure will be far from pleasurable.’
“She smiled as she reached out and gently scratched her forefinger under my scrotum.
‘This Hodensack is so tight and round. And from this little penis, now so limp, you wasted your seed, did you not?’
“And peeling back my foreskin, she exposed the reluctant head within.
‘Well, they must be taught a lesson. Must they not?’
“I watched as she walked across to the dresser and opened a drawer and took out a flexible wooden ruler, the sort that a boy uses for his lessons. She eased my knees apart and stood beside me. I can recall my cold clammy fear, my shortness of my breath, my utter helplessness.
‘Please, Fraülein, no, please.’
Mein lieber Junge, you know it is necessary. How else should a boy be corrected who has acted so. Only by suffering can the power of sin be broken.’
“And she lifted my flaccid penis and brought the ruler down sharply across the small sac beneath. I screamed. And then another stroke was given.  And then another. It is difficult to describe the pain. A deep, penetrating, aching pain that reduces the toughest boy to whimpering compliance. Some pains arouse fury and rebellion.  But not this pain.  It shrinks and shames and debilitates.  After some twenty smacks that left me choking and gasping, she paused.
‘I am punishing the Hodensack because in it are made the seeds you have so wickedly spilt. Just as Onan did. And he died because of it.  But I am merciful.  I merely take a ruler to the offending member.’
“After half a dozen more stinging smacks, she paused; and reaching out and with the end of the ruler raised my penis.
“But it is with this that you waste your seed, is it not mein Junge? And when you do, it is not as limp as this. Oh no!  Then it is thick and hard, is it not?’
And she whispered into my ear.
‘And what are you thinking of, when you excite yourself so, and wastefully spurt your seed in to that little rag of yours?  Of what are you thinking?’
‘Please, Fraülein. Please.’
“Gently she took my penis in her hand and rolled the foreskin gently back and forth.
‘Shall I tell you what I believe, mein Kind. I have noticed how you watch when I punish your sister. How, when I turn her over my knee and spank her soundly on her bare popo, your face is flushed and your eyes bright.’
“She continued to slide her cool hand up and down the shaft.
‘And does not this little member of yours swell and thicken as you watch.’
“I could feel a faint stirring as she continued to caress my member, despite the deadening ache in my balls.
‘So, perhaps I have a little treat for you as you kneel in disgrace.  Your sister was to be spanked after tea and then sent to bed. But perhaps I will spank her now, so you may watch.’
“At her words, I could feel a further involuntary stirring between my legs.  Constance was about eight years at the time, three years younger than I. And as her knickers were taken down and the harsh discipline applied, the purple engorged glans of my penis emerged from their sheath. Then, she was stood in the corner, with her dress lifted over her small shoulders and her crimson, smarting bottom tantalisingly visible.  Miss Reimer picked up the ruler, firmly grasped my shaft, and slowly and repeatedly smacked the sensitive engorged knob of my member.
‘No, Fraülein, no. Please, no.  Aaaaaaaagh.’
“Unhurriedly, she gave stroke after stinging stroke to the sensitive head. I screamed and struggled, but I was tightly secured.  By the time she had finished my penis was like a small pathetic, wizened anemone. I was sore for a week, but my soreness and the fear of further punishment kept me continent - at least for a while.”
“But not for very long, I will wager, Massingham?”
He smiled.
“Oh, not for long, Rector. Even with the fear instilled by a Torquemada like Fraülein Reimer, no boy can remain continent for very long. And then, of course, despite every precaution, I was discovered and suffered for it. On one occasion . . . ”
But Mr Innes held up his hand.
“Regretfully, I must stop you Massingham. Another time. For we really must join the ladies in the drawing room.”
He turned around in his chair and addressed me.
“And thank you Livia for looking after us so well. I apologise if your blushes have not been spared, but I suspect that with a governess of Miss Strang’s competence, much that you have heard will not have been entirely unfamiliar. And if your eyes have been opened to what some of us men suffered when boys at the hands of your sex, then perhaps that is no bad thing. Please join us in the drawing room, with the ladies, and we shall see how they have been entertaining themselves.”
Mrs Innes rose as we entered.
“And about time, too.  The coffee has already been brought in.  Arbuthnot please pour it and take it around. And do it carefully. I do not want coffee served with it slopped in the saucers. And you will offer the milk and sugar on a separate tray. And when you have done that stand over there, with your hands behind your back, in case there is more for you to do.”
I did as instructed and took great care not to offend in any way.
“And what were you men talking about, Mr Innes, that was so engaging.”
Mr Innes rubbed his hands together.
“We were discussing, Mrs Innes, how women seem to have an innate capacity to rule over boys and render them submissive.”
Mrs Innes opened her eyes wide.
“Well, that should occasion no surprise.  A woman has a God-given instinct to nurture and care for children. And caring means meeting a child’s needs in all respects, including the need for discipline. The benefit of a good governess is that she is rarely tempted to indulge a child and pander to his whims. That, I am afraid, is a temptation into which many mothers fall.  A soft sentimental attitude, and a foolish disinclination to use the rod.  A governess is far more objective and rules a child according to need not sentiment.”
Mr Innes smiled.
“But not all mothers fall into that category, my dear.  You, yourself, are an example of a mother who disciplined severely.”
“Indeed I did. Most severely. Girls as well as boys. As Rachel will testify.”
“Yes. I have no wish to draw a veil over my early discipline. Some shy away from such discussion and find it shameful.  But why should there be shame. Discipline is an essential part of a child’s upbringing. That I was frequently spanked as a small girl was owing to my stubbornness. Obstinacy and wilfulness needed to be beaten out of me, and my mother did that.”
“And I had no hesitation in doing so. And as she grew up so did the implement change to match her capacity for wrongdoing. At the age of seven the cane was introduced and when she was nine, the birch. My concern was not so much what she did, but the obstinacy and stubbornness itself. That needed to be broken.”
She took a sip of coffee and carefully replaced the cup in the saucer.
“A child is a spiritual being. And it is spiritual development that we are tasked to nurture. The Psalmist says,
I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
We may euphemistically call a child’s disobedience ‘naughtiness’ but it is sin. It is doing the Devil’s work. And if not arrested that child will be on a slippery slope that leads to Hell.”
Everyone was listening intently.
“So we must fight against the power of sin in our children.  And that fight is focused on a child’s body.  The Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Philippians describes the body as vile. And, despite appearance, even the body of a child is vile. It is vile because the fallen will of a child bends the body to its own end: the defiance expressed in bodily rage, the lying tongue, and the hands that refuse to do our bidding. And we respond by disciplining the instrument of the fallen will. We bare a child and whip his flesh until he submits, until the fallen will acknowledges a greater power and authority than itself.”  
She took another sip of coffee.
“And let us remember, it is the Devil we are confronting. For him a child is a rich and inviting field in which he can sow all manner of evil that will rapidly yield a harvest of unrighteousness.  That is why a parent needs to be ever vigilant and root out every shoot at its first appearance. A mother who confesses that she rarely whips her child has indeed something to confess. Until Rachel was seven, she was spanked sometimes two or three times a week, and thereafter until the age of nine, she was caned. And from then on, she was birched.”
Mrs Massingham’s brow was a little furrowed.
“I am recalling what Mr Innes said over dinner when asked about Jesus’s saying that we must become as little children.  You said that what distinguishes children from adults is that they are under the authority of their parents and subject to their discipline.  But I am not sure that that entirely explains the saying.  Why did he say the children were to come to Him? Is there not a clue in what Mrs Innes has just said? Children are sinners and owing to their immaturity are peculiarly open to the Devil’s influence. They need the protection of Jesus’s love. And that is expressed by their parents confronting the Devil’s work, by physically chastising them when they disobey.  As Mr Massingham said children hear too much of the gentle Jesus, meek and mild, and not enough of the Jesus who is their judge. And of course as children it is their parents who judge them and correct them under the authority of that same Jesus.”
Mrs Innes nodded.
“That is a most helpful way of expressing it, Mrs Massingham. Thank you.”
For a moment there was silence apart from the sound of coffee cups being picked up and replaced in their saucers. Then, Mrs Thorne spoke.
“Mr Innes, you said that women seem to have an innate capacity to rule over boys and render them submissive. Is it only boys? Are you suggesting that women lack that capacity when it comes to their daughters?  From what Mrs Innes has said that cannot be true.”
“I was suggesting no such thing, Mrs Thorne. Women are as capable of ruling over their daughters as over their sons. We men were speaking of our own experiences as boys. That is all. We were saying that, without exception, our governesses punished us severely, and indeed relished doing so. I am sure most governesses are equally committed to providing the same measure of discipline for any girls in their charge. Is that not so, Miss Strang?”
“I would hope so, Mr Innes. Indeed, girls often need to be punished with greater severity than their brothers. While they are more eager to please that is offset by a greater propensity to deceit.”  
She smiled.
“As the girl who has served our coffee appreciates all too well.”
I could feel my face flush as all eyes looked at me.  Mrs Innes nodded.
“And there will be more for her to appreciate tomorrow when she is birched for deceit, along with our parlour maid, Hankey.  Hemsley has prepared the rods and they are soaking in readiness. And the pair of them will be the first to go across a birching table which on the advice of my daughter has been modelled on that used at the Reformatory.”
“Yes, it is a very simple conception and we find it most effective. The table has holes cut in it through which a child’s arms dangle. With nothing to press against, rising is impossible and there is no course open other than to submit to the flogging. There is also an aperture appropriately placed with a chamber pot beneath in case the child cannot control his bladder.”
She smiled.
“Or her bladder.”
“Well, that confirms what you were saying Miss Strang. Women are as ready to correct girls with the same vigour as they do boys. I never doubted it. But recalling my governess and comparing her with the housemasters at my school, there was a difference of style, almost of commitment. Do you understand what I am saying, Miss Strang?”
“I do Mr Thorne.  It is something I have commented on before, and to which Mrs Innes, too, has alluded.  It arises from the deeply caring and compassionate instinct that women have. Men are more concerned with correcting wrong, of identifying wrongdoing and punishing it. And for them that is the end of the matter. Their focus is on what the child has done rather than on the child himself. But a woman see wrongdoing as an expression of a child’s sinful nature, and even though the sin in itself may be of little consequence, behind it may be corruption like a cancer behind a small skin blemish. And it is that corruption that a woman in her loving concern for a child is determined to root out.  And she does it searchingly and thoroughly.  To the casual observer she may seem cruel, but to the eyes of those who appreciate her commitment to the child’s salvation, it is a refining fire.”
Mr Innes smiled.
“The Articles of the Church of England condemn belief in purgatory, and rightly so, for it is in this life that the fires of purgatory burn and refine.  And nowhere more appropriately than in the nursery and the schoolroom. The impediments to our children’s coming to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus are pride and self-will.  These must be burnt away to leave them free and ready to embrace the truth. And we all know how the old Adam clings to a child.  How difficult it is to dislodge him. But as Mrs Massingham has said that is achieved through bodily chastisement. Not a chastisement that merely tickles the surface of the skin, but a chastisement that breaks the will and reduces a child to sobbing contrition. And if the rod needs to cut the flesh and draw blood, so be it. As Our Lord said, it is better to enter into life maimed than to be cast into the fire that will never be quenched.”
Mr Thorne gave a mischievous smile.
“Interestingly Rector that very passage in St Mark’s Gospel is preceded by Our Lord’s injunction not to harm children. And the maiming he talks about is the mutilation that might be thought appropriate for those who do harm children. Are you perhaps wresting the saying out of its context to make a point?”
Mr Innes frowned.
“I think not, Thorne. I think not. If I recall the passage, which, if my memory holds good, is in the ninth chapter of the Gospel, Jesus is speaking of causing a child to sin, if indeed the words we translate as ‘little ones’ mean children rather than young, immature and vulnerable believers who have just come to faith. But the issue is not about harming the ‘little ones’ but of causing them to sin.  And He says it is better to mutilate oneself if that would prevent it.  And conversely, if preventing a child from falling into sin requires severe physical chastisement then that is surely to be preferred to allowing that child to fall into Hell. Surely that must be correct.”
Mrs Innes smiled.
“A most insightful exposition, Mr Innes. But look at the time.  I am sure our guests will wish to be on their way.”
She smiled.
“Both Mr Innes and I have greatly enjoyed your company and our conversation. I trust you have found it a rewarding time, too.”
And with such mutual thanks the party broke up and I was set the task of clearing the table and preparing for the day ahead.

(End of File)