Miss Sandra Chapter 9


[email protected]

Copyright 2011 by NAMB all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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Chapter 9

The next day we met at the Rec and Sandra asked Spencer, “So did you tell her about it?”
There was no doubt as to what she meant by the question. There was only one “her:” Spencer’s 10-year-old sister, Hannah and there was only one “it:” the proposed meeting with Hannah and her “bestest” friend Leah on Saturday. Perhaps “meeting” was too tame a word, but I had no other word to describe a situation where my friend and I would be naked for the enjoyment of four girls.
Spencer lowered his head and mumbled, “Yes.”
“So what did she have to say?”
“I never saw her so excited; she was jumping up and down just like the time she got her new American Girl doll for Christmas a couple of years ago.”
“Then she’ll go along with it?”
“She says to be over at 10. Mom and dad leave just before that. Check to make sure the cars are out of the driveway.”
I was concerned. When this just started, it was only going to be Sandra and me. Then Tammy got involved. They got me to get Spencer involved. Then Hannah caught us doing something we would not have been doing if not for Sandra and Tammy. Now we have yet another girl in the group: Leah. Where would it stop? How many more girls are going to be in on Spencer’s and my demise?
I tried to keep my mind off it as we got on with the rest of the “date” with the girls. They seemed quite interested in staying on with the outdoor part and we returned to Tammy’s house with barely enough time for a quick, but satisfying jerk off.
Saturday arrived. Even though we were going to go over to Spencer’s house, he still met me at the Rec. I suppose that condemned prisoners like to walk to the gallows together. The girls met us shortly before 10 and we made our way back towards his house.
Both cars were missing from the driveway which meant that his parents were gone. Spencer let us in. “Is that you, Spencer?” I could hear his sister call from the playroom downstairs.
“Yes it’s me.”
“Good, for a moment I thought it was mom. I’d thought she’d never leave.”
When we got down the steps, I could see that another girl was already there. I assumed it was Leah. Spencer made the introductions, “Miss Tamura and Miss Sandra, this is my sister, Hannah and her friend, Leah.” “Leah and Hannah, this is Miss Tamura and Miss Sandra and my friend, Ryan.”
The younger girls giggled when Spencer introduced our girlfriends as “Miss.” Sandra picked up on this, “You better start calling your sister and her friend ‘Miss’ too. After all, they are girls, and when we are together like this, us girls are in charge and we demand respect.”
Sandra then turned her attention to Hannah and Leah. “Spencer tells us that you caught him and Ryan playing with each other.”
Hannah’s eyes lit up as she responded, “Yeah, I want to see them do it again. This time I want to see them cum. When do they get undressed?”
“Soon, but first we have to go over a couple of things.”
“First, the boys are our boyfriends. They belong to Tammy and me and they have to do as we say. So we’re in charge.”
Hannah’s face dropped.
Tammy was quick to jump in, “Oh, don’t get us wrong. You girls are in for a lot of fun with the boys. We’ll do a lot of things together, but even though you are his sister, I’m Spencer’s girlfriend, so I get final say on what he does.
Sandy and I will show you what to do and then let you do it. We know all kinds of fun and games to play with the boys. But we have to be careful so nobody else finds out. You girls promise not to tell anyone else?”
Both girls nodded, but Leah looked concerned. “What is it Leah?”
“It’s my cousin, Ginny. I sent her a picture.”
Both Sandra and Tammy looked at her, and she went on, “Just one picture and you can’t tell who it is and I didn’t tell her.”
Sandra nodded and said, “Well don’t do any of that anymore. In fact, no more pictures. They are too incriminating – not just for the boys, but for you girls too. How would you explain them to your parents if they found out? That’s the reason we have to be extra careful.
So no more pictures to other girls or anyone else. If you want to keep them in a safe place for yourself, that’s OK. Do you girls understand?”
She got a, “Yes Miss Sandra.” from each of the girls.
Tammy laughed, “You don’t have to call us ‘Miss.’ That’s for the boys to do. We girls are equals and can call each other by our names. We outrank the boys so they have to call us by our proper title.”
“But they’re older,” Leah said.
“Age doesn’t matter. We’re in charge because they are boys and we are girls. That’s all there is to it.”
Sandra went on, “We’ll let you girls play with the boys but only when we are here all together.
Hannah, that means no playing with your brother during the week. There’s too much danger of your parents catching you and then it will be all over. Do you understand?”
Hannah looked dejected but Sandra held her ground, “Look, it’s OK if you girls want a quick peek at Spencer or even Ryan and there’s no one around. But just the two of you and make sure you’re completely safe and alone.
Otherwise, we’ll let both of you play with the boys to your hearts’ content on Saturdays. Tammy and I get to play with them during the week and it might be fun to watch you girls order them around for a change.
These are the rules. We got to keep this under control. No telling other girls. No more sending pictures. We play on Saturday only, all together. Do you girls agree?”
She got a “Yes” from each of the girls.
Spencer and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was so proud of Sandra and how she took charge and reined in the situation. But that’s Sandra: always in charge.
Sandra flashed a big smile at the girls and said, “Good, now it’s time for the show to begin.” While still looking at the girls, she snapped her fingers over her shoulder at Spencer and me and said, “Boys, get undressed.”
As I was getting undressed, I thought about the ridiculous situation Spencer and I were in. Here we were, two teenaged boys having our fate decided by a conclave of pre-teen girls. We didn’t even have a say in it.
I had to admit, it was our own weakness. I could walk away. Yes, the girls had us in the most compromising position and had the incriminating pictures to back it up. But I knew deep down they would never use them other than for their own enjoyment.
My logical mind wanted to believe that the girls would make good on their threats; it would give me an excuse to continue what I was ashamed to admit I liked doing.
But I knew better. I could walk away, but I would be walking away from the best pleasure my body could ever know. It wasn’t just the physical sensation of the orgasm, but also the way the girls treated us.
It made me feel funny in the pit of my stomach whenever the girls took control of us. I liked when they did it. But liking something and doing something are two different things. It was sort of like bungee jumping: it’s easy to like the idea of doing it, but a lot harder to screw up the courage to actually do it
One of the things I “liked” was that I could never predict what new humiliating thing the girls would come up with for us to do. Eileen had taught Sandra well. Sandra had a very fertile mind, and when mixed with suggestions from Tamura came up with some very wicked ideas of her own. Now there were two more girls in the mix. There is no telling what four female minds working together can do.
Some of the things the girls did to us were getting routine, but that did little to take the edge off doing them. For example, I felt a special thrill every time I got undressed in front of them. It was like opening the door to my submission.
I was feeling that thrill now as Sandra and Tammy just stood there and watched with their arms folded. I don’t know how many times they witnessed this act. Hannah and Leah were bouncing up and down and giggling.
“Oh, look!” Leah exclaimed, “You can see their things.”
“They’re called penises, girls.” Tamura corrected.
“And they’re big,” Hannah added. Hannah had seen both of us flaccid and erect, so she had a point of reference.
“That’s just the boy’s way of showing us that they like us,” Sandra added, “When a boy likes a girl, his penis gets hard whenever he sees her or thinks about her.”
“Wow! Spencer must really like you, Tammy,” Hannah said with her hands covering her face, “Look how hard he is!”
I was fairly hard and getting harder. Spencer was as rigid as an ironing board.
“I want to see them cum.”
“In due time, Hannah,” Sandra explained. “It’s also called a climax, and that’s what it will be: the climax of our afternoon. In the meantime, there is still a lot of fun we can have with the boys.”
Spencer and I finished our undressing and a subtle nod from Tamura had us assume the position. Well, one of these positions. This signal meant, “Boys, stand there with legs spread apart and hands on your head with fingers laced behind it.”
The girls had other signals which meant, “Get over my lap; I want to spank you” and “Stiffen up.” The latter could be particularly embarrassing especially when they did it in public.
This time they simply wanted us on display so they could show us off for inspection by the younger girls.
Sandra beckoned to them, “Go ahead girls. Take a look. Touch them if you want to.”
The girls got up and walked around us like drill sergeants inspecting their troops. Even when they were behind us, I could feel their eyes on my body.
They eventually got around in front again. Leah stopped in front of me and Hannah stopped in front of Spencer. They looked at each other and giggled.
Leah took a tentative finger and touched it to the tip of my penis. I twitched in response and she giggled in response. Hannah, seeing how her friend was playing with me, did the same with Spencer.
Hannah giggled and said, “This feels kind of funny. I mean, ewe, he’s like my own brother.”
“Is that a problem?” Sandra asked.
“Well sort of. I like being in charge of him like this. That’s fun. But isn’t this incest or something like that?”
Now it was Sandra’s turn to laugh. “No it’s not girls. This really isn’t about sex. It’s about using boys’ sexual desires to control them. It’s all about control. We have control over the boys even when we’re not playing with their penises.
Penis play is just part of the fun. We girls are lucky. We don’t have anything like a penis that sticks out all the time. That thing needs looking after and that’s what we provide. Boys need it. Girls provide it and that puts us in a superior position.”
All the while the girls were getting a little bolder in their examinations of our penises.
Hannah said, “I never thought about it. I mean a girl’s thing in on the inside: hidden and protected. A boy just has it sticking out between his legs all the time. Do they feel it all the time? I imagine that would make them horny all the time.”
“That’s a great question. Don’t ask me; ask the boys.”
“So boys, are you aware that you are sticking out all the time? Can you constantly feel it?”
I felt that I had to be the spokesman. “No, not really. First of all, it doesn’t stick out all the time. Most of the time it just sort of hangs there. Then it’s like any other part of the body; you don’t really even know it’s there. However, when it gets hard, then it presses against your underwear or pants and it can be …”
Here I hesitated for the right word. I was going to say “annoying” but how can something that is pleasurable be annoying? “Let’s just say you know it’s there then, and when it presses like that it makes it harder, so it’s kind of a vicious cycle.”
“So why does it get hard in the first place?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes it just happens for no reason at all. But girls make it hard.”
“You mean like touching it like we’re doing now?”
I laughed, “Well that would most definitely make any boy hard. No, I mean just looking at girls sometimes makes it hard.”
“Do you get hard when you look at Leah and me?”
“No, well yes, well I mean … It has to be a special girl. I think that now though … with you girls doing this to us … Yes, I think we’ll get hard looking at you from now on. At least I will.”
By this time, Leah had advanced to grasping my shaft, unconcerned about getting her hands wet with my precum.
“Are we making them cum?” she asked.
“No dear,” Tamura explained. “That’s just pre-cum. It means that what you’re doing is making him excited.”
“So how do we make him cum.”
Sandra offered, “Just keep rubbing and it will happen. But let’s not do that now. When the boys get this excited they are very open to suggestions from girls.”
“Any boys?” Hannah asked.
“Probably. Do you have anyone in mind?”
“No I was just curious. I was wondering if some of the boys on the swim team …”
Leah giggled, “You’re thinking about Charlie Lester.”
I could see Hannah blush. Obviously Charlie was an item. “Well, he does have a great body and the bulge in his speedos …”
“Come on girl, he’s 14. You’re just a kid.”
“Well, the boys here are 14.”
Sandra had to intervene. “You got to be careful with this, girls. Some boys have the wrong ideas. You have to make sure you have them completely under your control before playing with them like this. Tammy and I will teach you what to do, but take your time. I’d start with boys closer to your own age.”
By this time Spencer and I were as hard and horny as any teenage boy could get. Had the circumstances been otherwise, I would have grabbed my cock and flailed it for all it was worth. However, such thoughts were usually restrained by the thought of the girls’ prohibition against unauthorized masturbation.
However, this time I was beyond the point of no return. My will power was not strong enough to overcome my lust. I needed the physical presence of the girls to restrain myself. I needed their wills to override my own.
“That’s enough, girls. Why don’t we have the boys get us some refreshments?”
Hannah was happy with the idea. She gave her brother a playful slap on his rear end and said, “Spence, you know where the goodies are. Go get some for us.”
Spencer, remembering his manners, simply said, “Yes, Miss Hannah.” I followed off after him.
When we got back with the food, we found the girls whispering and laughing. I knew this couldn’t be good.
After we served the girls, Sandra said, “I want you down on your knees to kiss the girls’ feet.” As requests went, this was kind of mild until she added, “But first I am going to tie this string around your balls.”
Soon Spencer and I were on all fours facing away from each other. Leah sat in a rolling chair in front of Spencer, and Hannah took up her position in another rolling chair in front of me.
“Start kissing, boys!” Sandra commanded.
I bent down and kissed each of Hannah’s sneakers.
She pushed back just slightly and moved away from me about a half inch. “Again!” Sandra ordered.
I leaned forward and kissed her shoes again. She moved back again.
“Again!” came my mistress’ voice. Several times she repeated this command, and each time I kissed Hannah’s feet and each time she moved back just a little.
By this time I had to move forward. I could feel the slack in the line tethering my balls to Spencer’s disappear.
After several more commands, there was no slack. The line was taught and my balls were being pulled back. By this time I was stretching my neck as far as I could so as not to move my body forward and pull on my balls.
I was at my limit. I could not move forward any more. From behind me I could hear Spencer groan. Both of us were literally at the end of our lines.
“We need some more motivation,” Tamura announced. She slipped off one of her Vans sneakers and tossed it to Sandra. The other she took in her own hand. I heard a “pock” sound and a yelp from Spencer.
My turn came a second later when Sandra took a swing at my ass with her sneaker. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. I heard the “pock” sound made by the sneaker as the waffle-shaped heavy rubber sole impacted my rear end. I could feel the pressure of the blow. It wasn’t until she pulled back that I started to feel the sting.
“Pock” from behind me, and I held my ground as Spencer pushed forward even more.
“Pock” upon me and the pain just added to the first hit.
Sandra and Tamura continued to spank us with their sneakers, driving us forward and pulling even more on the string. Tears were in my eyes due to both the spanking and the pain in my balls.
Just when I thought my balls were going to be ripped off, Sandra called a halt to it. I backed up as did Spencer. The pain in my balls was easing off as the heat from the spanking was still rising.
I rolled over on my back in agony. Sandra and Tamura were quick to remove the string from our scrotums. I sighed with relief as Sandra undid the torture device.
Both girls did a thorough inspection of our packages to assure that there was no lasting harm.
“Look at this,” Sandra said holding my penis up and out of the way so my ball sack could be seen clearly. “It looks like the cords cut into his skin a bit.” The girls gathered around to take a closer look. “If we’re going to do this again, then we’re going to have to add some padding or something so we can still pull on them without the string acting like a lasso.”
“I got some extra thick rubber bands we could use,” Hannah offered.
Tamura said, “That would be cool. I think we need something stretchy like that. Maybe we can make a big long rubber band chain. It will make the boys pull gradually increase.”
“Maybe next time,” Sandra interjected. Turning to the other girls she said, “You have to be careful with your toys. You need to take good care of them so you don’t break them. It’s important to make sure that you test your control over the boys at all times, but don’t be deliberately cruel to them, and never do anything that will hurt them permanently.
If something seems wrong, it doesn’t matter how much fun you are having, stop immediately and check it out. You can always resume play later when you are sure everything is safe. This is all about control; not about hurting the boys.
It’s sort of like having a dog. You can train it to do tricks for you, but you aren’t mean to it. In fact, you give it a treat when it obeys.”
The younger girls nodded, apparently getting the lesson.
“That was fun!” Leah noted, “You couldn’t do that with girls. Where could you tie them together like that? I like the idea that we used their boy parts to play the game. Look how red their asses are, and look how hard they are.”
“Ride ‘emhard, and put them away wet,” Tamura laughed.
“Can we do that?” Leah asked.
“Do what?”
“Ride them. My big brother used to let me ride him when I was a little girl. It was so much fun.”
“Why not?” Sandra said. “On Saturdays, the boys belong to you. The rest of the week they’re ours.”
The girls had Spencer and me move the furniture to the center of the room. This cleared out a track along the wall for us to race on.
Hannah mounted me, and Leah mounted Spencer. I could feel the silkiness of her panties as her skirt flared out draping itself over my sides and my backside. It kind of felt like I was the one wearing a skirt.
“Giddyap!” Leah shouted, and Spencer crawled off with me following him.
Sandra and Tamura sat on the assembled pile of furniture in the center of the room and laughed and took pictures. “For my private collection,” she added. “Come on,” Tamura beckoned, “This is supposed to be a race.”
As the girls passed by, she handed each of them one of her sneakers. They got the idea immediately. Hannah got up briefly to scoot her skirt under her butt. I missed the feeling of her most intimate parts almost in contact with me.
That loss was soon forgotten as she swung the sneaker and had it impact my already sore butt. Soon I was making an honest attempt to overtake Spencer and his rider, Leah.
With one hand on my shoulder and the other paddling my rear end with her sneaker, I raced on to the familiar “pocking” sound. I just couldn’t do it. There wasn’t enough room to pass him anywhere. In fact I had to be careful not to get hit in the head by Leah’s swinging sneaker when I got close.
I don’t know how many laps we did, but by the time the race was over, both Spencer and I were stumbling around and my knees were sore. I laid on my side and slowly straightened my legs while rubbing my knees.
“If we’re going to do this again, we’re going to have to get you boys some knee pads.” Tamura remarked.
The girls let us recover. In fact they even made lunch for us as we convalesced in the playroom.
“See, girls,” Sandra explained, “There’s a lot more fun than just making the boys cum. There are so many games you can play with them.”
“I can’t believe they just let you do this to them.” Hannah said.
Sandra went on, “It’s not a matter of them ‘letting us’ do this. It’s kind of a two-way street. The boys are looking for sexual release. We girls are looking for a fun time controlling them. They have to pay the price to gain the privilege. The more we tease them before letting them cum, the more they appreciate it when we do let them cum and the more they are willing to do to earn the privilege of cumming.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. We had to work up to this point. At first, it might be all you can do to get a boy to show you his penis. But after a while, step-by-step, you can take control.
I think that after a while, the boys like the domination almost as much as the sex. Just look how hard they are, and we haven’t even played with that part of them yet.”
Sandra was right. I was enjoying the dominance. The thought of a girl controlling me simply because she was a girl and I was a boy excited me. The sex part was nice, but I knew that it wouldn’t be as good with the road of humiliation and pain paved by the girls to get there.
How much did Eileen teach Sandra? How did Sandra get to be so smart? And now she’s teaching these young girls the very principle of female domination. What will Hannah and Leah grow up to be? Could any boy resist them, given their early training? I both pitied and envied their future boyfriends.
“Sit on the stools and face us boys,” Leah commanded. “I want to see your penises.”
“Yeah,” Hannah chimed in, “I want them hard, too.”
I looked at Sandra. She nodded back at me, “I thought we agreed. That as long as Tammy and I are here to supervise, Hannah and Leah are in charge. Obey these girls as you would us.”
Spencer and I sat on the stools with our legs wrapped behind the legs, exposing ourselves to the maximum to the grinning girls as we ate our lunches. As for me, keeping it hard was not a problem; keeping it from dripping was.
“This is so much fun,” Hannah said. “I like looking at them naked, especially ‘Mr. Big Pants’ as mom calls him when he gets uppity. Well, he won’t be wearing his big pants much anymore; at least not on Saturdays. I really like telling him what to do and he has to do it.”
“That’s the spirit, Hannah,” Tamura said. “Getting a boy naked and playing with him is one thing. Getting him naked and playing with him just because you said so is even more fun.”
We finished lunch without much incident. The talk was casual. The atmosphere was friendly. The only unusual thing was the girls taking peeks at our penises during the conversation. It felt a little unusual to be looked at this way. I am told that women have a similar problem. Men look down at their boobs instead of looking them in the face.
After lunch, Miss Sandra and Miss Tamara showed Miss Hannah and Miss Leah the benefits of having naked boys doing their chores for them.
“I wish my parents were out on Saturday,” Leah lamented. “I could use a couple of boys cleaning my room and doing my laundry for me. Ironing my school uniform is so boring.”
“Why don’t you bring your laundry over here?” Hannah suggested. “I’m sure the boys wouldn’t mind.”
Tamura beamed at her, “Atta, girl! It’s nice that you girls are having some ideas of your own.”
We only had a couple of hours so we didn’t have too much time to play after cleaning the house. Sandra decided that it was time to give us our reward. She had us sit on the coffee table facing the couch as she and Tammy demonstrated how to masturbate us to the younger girls.
I was really enjoying Sandra’s hand on my penis and she brought me to the edge with her usual skill and kept me there building my desire. I felt like I was hit in the face with a bucket of cold water when she stopped. My subspace was shattered with her words, “Hannah, now that we showed you how to do it, why don’t you take over?”
I could understand what she was doing; she was setting me up for Hannah. Like a mother cat would cripple a mouse for her kittens to play with, I was made vulnerable for the young girl to play with.
I came out of my haze long enough to see Hannah take her position in front of me. She grabbed my penis. It felt entirely different than Sandra. She started jerking and I was disappointed. Then I remembered how inexperienced she was. Even Sandra wasn’t accomplished when she first started.
She wasn’t efficient, but she was effective. I hit my peak and she jerked her way through it. I shot a respectable load, but it was disappointing. I probably could have done a better job myself.
The girls giggled as Sandra made them extend their arms for the mandatory hand kissing.
As we were cleaning up, Sandra asked, “So how did you girls like it?”
“That was great,” Hannah responded. “I can’t wait until next Saturday.”
“I’m going to try to think up new games to play with them,” Leah put in.


(The End)