You Are Hereby Sentenced


[email protected]

Copyright 2014 by NAMB all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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It was just before 2 AM when Lenny met Robert in the parking lot.
“Did you get them?” Robert asked.
Lenny held up the car keys between thumb and index finger.
“This is going to be so cool. Can I drive? I got my permit last week.”
“No you can’t. It’s *my* uncle’s car. I’m driving it. Besides, you haven’t even had your first lesson yet?”
“How hard can it be?”
“I don’t know, start the car, put it in gear.”
“Yeah, but this thing has a clutch. I heard that those are harder to drive.”
“I’ll figure it out.”
So the two 15-year-olds got into the sports car.
There was some grinding of gears, but Lenny managed to back the car out of its spot and drive it in jerks out of the parking lot. He drove for a full block in with the engine screeching at high RPM before figuring out where second gear was.
It took some experimentation, but with the occasional gnashing of gears, they were on their way.
“Let’s head over to Green Mountain Parkway,” Robert suggested, “There’s a long stretch there without lights.”
Lenny did well for his first time behind the wheel, but was still erratic; he nearly drove off the road while playing with the stereo.
“Hey man, let me do that. You’re going to get us killed.”
Officer Benson was sitting in his usual Saturday night spot: behind the bushes next to the road leading to the local watering hole. From there he could observe the parking lot and the cars leaving it and the road passing in front. He almost always bagged at least one driver per weekend.
So when he saw the erratic driving of the sporty red car, he waited for it to pass and followed about a half block behind. He noticed what appeared to be two male occupants of the car. It only took him another quarter mile of watching the car weave from centerline to curb and back to decide to pull them over.
He closed to within about 100 feet and turned on his lights.
The car accelerated. It had been doing 30 in a 45 zone and now was up to almost 50 and the driving became even more erratic. He backed off but kept up the pursuit.
When Lenny and Robert saw the blue lights they let out in unison, “Oh shit!”
Lenny panicked and pressed down on the accelerator.
“What are you doing man?” Robert asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe I can lose him.” He took a turn sharply and started to skid. He stepped on the brake. The engine protested at being in a gear two levels too high for the speed he was traveling and shuttered to a stop. The pursuit was over. The car rolled to a slow stop.
Officer Benson though, “Man this guy must really be drunk. He didn’t even pull over. He just stopped in the middle of the street.”
Nonetheless, he approached the car cautiously. The window was still rolled up. He shined his flashlight in and saw the young terrified faces within.
Instead of his usual, “Let me see your license, registration and proof of insurance,” speech, he simply said. “Young men, please step out of the car and put your hands on the roof.”
Soon both boys were in position, frisked and had their hands behind their backs bound with a quick tie. Officer Benson quickly surmised that it was nothing more than two kids on a joy ride and not a couple of hardened criminals, but procedure was procedure and until he had backup, he was not taking chances.
He got the boys’ names and called into the station.
About 15 minutes later another police car arrived to secure the stolen car, but Lenny’s uncle arrived shortly thereafter with Lenny’s father. Lenny’s uncle provided the necessary ID and after a radio call, and a computer check, the car was handed back to him.
The uncle took the car. Lenny’s father followed the boys who were now sitting in the back seat of the police cruiser for a trip to the station.
The boys were processed: they were fingerprinted and a ton of paperwork was filed. Eventually they were released into the custody of their respective parents.
“Oh come on mom,” Becky exclaimed. “Jessica is doing it. All the girls in my class are doing it.”
“Becky, you’re only 12 years old.”
“That’s old enough for the program. It says so right here,” the girl said waving the paper.
Her mom looked at the paper. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s proper for a girl of you age to see boys naked.”
“Mom!” Becky said rolling her eyes to the back of her head. “I *know* what boys look like. You got me all the books. I’ve had a boy-doll since I was 7. It’s not like we’re going to have an orgy. They’ll be adult supervision. In fact, parents are encouraged to watch. In fact everybody is invited to watch, that’s the whole point of the program.”
The paper was describing the Juvenile Corporal Punishment Program or JCPP. Jail sentences were not appropriate for under-aged felons, and other methods like fines (which usually were paid by the parents and not the perpetrator) or community service were just not having the desired impact.
So it was decided that a program of public humiliation be initiated. Pillories and stocks were suggested, but since there was precedence that these devices constituted “cruel and unusual punishment,” another method was suggested: spanking.
Care had to be taken so that no permanent physical harm be done to the spankee. No implements other than the human hand could be used, and spankers had to be trained and evaluated to make sure that they did not hit too hard, nor strike the recipient in an inappropriate place. Safety was of the utmost importance.
With so little punishment offered from a corporal standpoint, it was obvious that another dimension be added: humiliation.
To add to the humiliation of the act, all spankings were to be given pants-down or skirts-up and were, when practical, to be administrated by a spanker younger than and of the opposite gender to the recipient. All spankings were to be given in a public venue.
Except in extreme cases, judges usually offered this option to the parents. Most parents decided to have their children undergo this treatment in preference to the other sentences that could be handed down. As it turned out, it was also a more effective punishment than the other methods in that there were much fewer repeat offenders.
“Come on, mom. There’s a practical aspect to this too. I mean, I’m almost old enough to start babysitting and someday I’ll grow up to be a mother. You want me to learn how to spank safe, don’t you?
Besides, it’s a paying job. I can earn my own money and buy my own stuff. You won’t have to increase my allowance. It will teach me responsibility.”
The job did pay, even though at minimum wage. However, the hours were consistent with existing child labor laws and it was deemed that there were no hazards associated with it.
Becky’s mom relented reluctantly, “OK, we’ll try it. But the first time your grades slip at school …”
Mom never got to finish the sentence as her daughter was hanging off her neck, kissing her, “Don’t worry, mom. I’ll keep my grades up.”
“Welcome, girls,” the woman said, “I’m Tanya Ryan. I will be your instructor for this program.”
Tanya wondered why, when the program was opened to both boys and girls, 99% of the respondents were girls. Was it because boys were not interested, or was it because the parents of boys were reluctant to give permission for their sons to participate. Nonetheless few classes had so much as a single boy in them.
Becky felt confident. She was there with her BFF, Jessica, and several other girls in her class.
“We’ll start off with some safety videos,” Tanya said. There were groans from the crowd until the videos started and showed scenes of girls spanking boys.
Whoever produced these videos, knew the audience: pre-teen girls mostly and got their attention first before getting into a discussion of human anatomy (both male and female) and the areas to be avoided during a spanking.
The video then went into the techniques of over-the-knee spanking and the importance of posture and positioning. There was a demonstration of how to swing the arm, hold then hand and snap the wrists.
After the video, the girls were allowed to practice on some mannequins while Tanya walked up and down the line critiquing.
Finally, the girls were ready for their evaluation. For this, they were led into a room one girl at a time.
When Becky got in the room she met another woman who introduced herself as Heather. Beside her was a man. The man was hooded so as to hide his identity and he was wearing a speedo type bathing suit. It was the bare minimum modesty would allow.
“Our subject,” Heather announced, “is a volunteer. He has done nothing wrong, so he does not deserve to be humiliated. That’s why this spanking will be conducted in private and why he is wearing clothes and why his identity is kept a secret. The shorts he is wearing do not offer much in the line of protection, and it will feel, to him, pretty much the same as a bare-assed spanking.
The purpose of this evaluation is to test how well you learned you lesson and to make sure that you are hitting him with just the right amount of force. You do want to give him something to remember how to learn his manners, but you do not want to hurt him too much.
Our volunteer will give you feedback as you spank him.”
Heather assisted with the positioning and directed Becky to deliver one spank at a time until she could regulate the force with which she was spanking.
“Good,” Heather exclaimed, “Now let’s see your rhythm.” Heather turned on some music. She said, “Listen to the beat. Get this tune in your head.”
She watched as Becky’s body motion indicated that she got it (most girls got it quickly) and then said, “Go ahead and spank him.”
Heather watched Becky spank the man for about a minute and then said, “OK, you can stop now. That was excellent. You got it. See Tanya and she’ll fill out your certificate.”
As the man got up, Becky could see the huge bulge in the front of his shorts.
Tanya said, “That happens a lot. You’ll get used to it. That’s one reason we make you drape a spanking mat across your lap.”
Lenny and Robert appeared in court with their parents and their lawyers. Gone were the baseball caps, T-shirts, baggy pants and sneakers. The young gentlemen appeared wearing suits and freshly-cut hair.
Both sets of parents agreed to pool their money and split the legal expenses. They hired a lawyer who specialized in juvenile cases, Andrea McCracken.
In their prior meeting, she advised them on the case. “Technically speaking, the charge is ‘Grand Theft, Auto.’ Now the DA knows that he’s not going to get a conviction on that charge due to the fact that Mr. Robertson, the owner of the car, is not bringing charges and the age of the defendants and the fact that they have no prior convictions even of misdemeanors. In fact, there are no prior arrests of any kind.
We can paint the picture of your sons being innocent choir boys who made a mistake.
I can get the charge reduced to simple theft and reckless endangerment with no malicious intent. The judge could impose some time in the Juvenile Detention Center, but that’s not likely. More likely is a fine up to $25,000 and up to 100 hours of community service.
The alternative is the JCPP or Juvenile Corporal Punishment Program. It’s a new program, so you might not have heard of it. Basically, in lieu of traditional sentencing, we can petition the court to hand over your sons to the program. By law, I cannot petition without written consent of the parents or legal guardians.”
“I’ve heard about JCPP, but don’t know much about it,” Lenny’s mother said.
“It’s a program based on Colonial Common Law where people who had been convicted of minor crimes were subject to public ridicule. They were normally sentenced to serve time in stocks or a pillory and the nature of their crime was posted so people knew what they were guilty of.
In its modern version, the State’s choice of humiliation is a public, bare-bottomed spanking. There are guidelines based on age and physical condition of the convicted to determine the number of spanks given in any session, and there are guidelines based on the severity of the crime as to how many spanks total the convicted can receive. These guidelines determine the number of sessions the convicted must attend.
Your boys will be given a physical to determine their ability to withstand spankings. This too, can be quite embarrassing since it is also done in public at the JCCP clinic. You may submit medical records that mitigate the circumstances, but these must be for pre-existing conditions. In other words, you can’t have your doctor sign a note saying that your son can’t be spanked, unless the results of a previous visit support this conclusion.
Looking at your boys, I’d say that they will get the maximum, 50 spanks per session. Judges usually hand down 250 or 300 spanks for cases of this kind, so you can expect that they boys will have 5 or 6 spanking sessions.” You will have up to six months to get these sessions in, but you cannot have more than one session a week.
Spankings must be scheduled a week in advance and there are penalties and fines if not cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment. You will be given paperwork and there is a web site where you can go to get more information. You can also schedule appointments and monitor your sons’ progress on the site.”
“When you say, public humiliation, just how public is it?”
“Your sons’ convictions will be a matter of public record. When you schedule an appointment to have them spanked, their names will appear along with the time of their spanking on the JCPP web site. This is so that any aggrieved party can come to witness the spanking.
Of course, the facility’s hours are also posted on the site, and anyone can come down and watch anyone get spanked at any time.”
“So our neighbors will know?”
“If they visit the site. But more importantly, the boys’ friends will know. That’s what makes the program so effective: peer pressure. Their friends may pick on your sons, but they certainly don’t want the same thing happening to them!”
“And then what?”
“After your sons have received their allotted spankings, their debt to society will be paid, and when they turn 18, dropped from their records.”
The parents held a quick conference. They all agreed. They would sign to allow the petition for JCCP.
“I’ll let the DA know of our decision,” Andrea replied.
Back at the trial, Judge Hope asked the defendants for their pleas. Andrea responded, “I would like to confer, Your Honor.” The judge then waived both counsels to the bench.
“What do we have?” He asked.
“Two teens joyriding,” the DA responded.
“The usual?” the judge asked.
Both counsels nodded and responded, “Yes.”
“Let’s see the paperwork.”
Andrea handed the Judge the JCCP paperwork the boys’ parents had already signed. It took him all of a minute and a half to scan the necessary sections of the documents.
Judge Hope proclaimed, “You are hereby found guilty of theft and reckless endangerment with no malicious intent and sentenced to 250 spanks each.” He banged his gavel, “Next case!”
The trial was over in less than 5 minutes and the parties were led off to fill out some more paperwork.
Jessica looked at her phone. It was Becky. She picked it up, pushed the button and listened to her friend screeching on the other end. “I got called. I got called!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I got called for JCPP. I’m going to be a spanker this Saturday. Wanna come and watch?”
“Of course. When?”
“I have to show up at 8 AM, and they say I’ll be done by noon. That’s a lot of time. I wonder how many boys I’ll get to spank.”
About an hour later it was Jessica’s turn to screech. As the two girls calmed down she said, “I’m glad we’re doing this together. We can car pool and it will be so much fun. To tell you the truth, I’d be a bit scared if you weren’t around. I mean it’s one thing to do it in class, but for real?”
“I know what you mean. I don’t know if I could do it by myself with everyone else watching me. Can you imagine what it would feel like for the boys? I mean being naked and all that, and everyone looking at their butts?”
Jessica quickly reverted to her pre-teen girl self and asked the all-important question, “So what are you going to wear?”
“I don’t know. They never told us how to dress. I think I’ll wear my pink top, denim skirt and those cute sandals I just bought.”
“I was just going to wear my jeans and sneakers, but maybe I should dress up a bit too. You never know who might be watching. So, do you think they’ll give us cute boys to spank? I wonder how old they’ll be?”
“I don’t know, but the program is for boys up to the age of 18 and they want the girls to be younger than or the same age as the boys. I hope we don’t get boys our age. That would be too much like babysitting. Although it could be fun if it was a boy in one of our classes.”
“I wonder if they’ll let us take pictures?”
“I’m taking my phone.”
The girls still didn’t know what to expect when they reported to the JCPP Spanking Center. Jessica’s mom, still yawning, went off to a nearby cafeteria with some of the other parents to get another dose of caffeine. Although report time was 8 AM, the spankings did not start until 9.
The girls signed in and were directed to sit in a waiting room. Two older girls were already sitting there. They smiled as Jessica and Becky entered, “Hi, I’m Cindy. This is Arlene. We’ve not seen you girls before, are you new?”
The girls nodded uncertainly.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s a bit intimidating the first time, but you’ll get used to it. Then it will be fun and you’ll look forward to it.”
“How long have you girls been doing this?” Becky asked.
“I’ve been at it for almost a year,” Cindy said.
“I’m sort of a charter member. I was one of the first to be selected for the program,” Arlene said. “So that makes it two years for me. I started when I was 13.”
“Have you spanked a lot of boys?”
“36 for me,” Cindy put in.
“I got 58 boys and 1 girl.”
“A girl?”
“There are very few boy spankers in the program and she was due and no boys were available so I got her. It happens but not much. There aren’t too many girls that get spanked. It’s almost always boys who get in trouble.”
“How do you know how many people you spanked?”
Arlene had the floor, “I keep a record in my diary, but they also keep computer records here. You can look it up under your account. It just tells you when and how many people you spanked. I’m sure it is recorded permanently somewhere, but they don’t show you who you spanked.”
“I thought the spankings were public?”
“Oh they are, and the boy’s name is prominently displayed on the reader board as he’s getting his spanking. I mean after all, where’s the humiliation if nobody knows who you are. They just don’t keep names, at least the download you get. The names are posted when the boys are scheduled to get spanked, but once the spanking is over, as far as the public computer records are concerned, the boy’s name is dropped. So that’s why I keep a diary, so I know who I’ve spanked.”
“So have you spanked any cute boys?” Jessica asked.
“Oh, I’ve had my share. You get a pretty good mix of boys here. Some are cute, some are ugly; most are just OK. They all pretty much look the same from the angle we look at them.” Arlene giggled at the implication.
Additional girls filed in over the next several minutes until there were 14 of them.
Soon the door opened and the girls were called into the main spanking room. A uniformed woman read of their assignments: “Arlene, you’re chair number 1, Cindy, you’re number 2 … Becky you’re 6, Jessica you’re 7 …” and so on until all the girls except 2 were assigned.
These two girls were “spares” called in in case one of the primaries did not show. They would assist the full-time staff as needed during the spankings.
A door on the other side of the main spanking room opened, and a group of boys were marched in, led by another uniformed woman. She called off seat numbers and names as well. And so it was that Lenny was assigned to Becky for his spanking and Jessica was scheduled to spank Robert.
All the while the girls and boys could hear the murmuring and confused conversation coming from the other side of the curtain. It finally opened and the chatter died down.
The first uniformed woman spoke. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys to the Green Mountain Juvenile Corporal Punishment Program exhibition number 156. Today’s spankings are conducted as a result of sentencing proclaimed in District Court 162, Judges McFarland, Hope, Princeton and Wadsworth presiding. Charges and punishment will be read as each of the convicted is spanked.
In accordance with section 8 of the JCCP Act, all spankees will be spanked in the bare.”
At this point she turned to the assembled boys and girls and barked with drill-sergeant clarity, “Spankees, bare and prepare!”
Some of the boys got undressed without hesitation, others had some reluctance. Lenny and Robert were among the latter. However a rather mean look from one of the guards convinced them. As they looked around and saw other boys disrobing, they slowly complied.
Becky and Jessica along with the rest of the girls looked to their right or left to watch the boys undress. There were murmurs among the crowd as various boys bared themselves. Some of the girls on stage covered their mouths with their hand to stifle a giggle. The more experienced girls took to the disrobing with amused detachment.
Becky and Jessica were both impressed with their charges. Although there were older, more developed boys there, Lenny and Robert weren’t exactly “little” boys in comparison.
The boys stood at attention facing the crowd until their time to be spanked arrived. The charge and the punishment were then read off and the boy assumed his position over the girl’s lap to receive his allotted spanking. When the spanking was over the boy stood up and resumed his position alongside the girl, this time facing away from the crowd with his hands on his head.
Finally they got to Becky and Lenny. The guard read off, “Lenny Robertson: age 15, convicted of theft and negligent endangerment without malicious intent, sentenced to 250 spanks, serving the first 50 of this set. Spanker is Becky Sanders, age 12.” Becky felt both proud and embarrassed about the attention drawn to her.
After the preliminaries, the guard continued and addressed Lenny, “Assume the position.” There was a reason why most of the boys were standing specifically on the right or left side of the girls. This made it easy for them to step up, turn and bend over the girl’s lap presenting his posterior to the girl’s dominant hand.
Lenny positioned himself over Becky’s lap. It was an uncomfortable feeling, both physically and emotionally.
Physically because of the cool air of the auditorium on his naked body. Also, although the spanking chairs were of sturdy construction and of suitable height, Becky was a small girl. While she wasn’t particularly petite for a girl of her age, she was still a girl of her age and she had not begun her teen age growth spurt, so that meant that she was at least a foot shorter than him, and her lap was a very small perch on which to try to rest his body.
Finally, there was the spanking sheet that was laid across her lap. It was acknowledged that some boys would have accidents while being spanked. In the interest of both cleanliness and safety, spankers were given a rubber sheet to put over their laps to catch “leaks” or larger “spills.” Boys experiencing the latter were subject to additional punishments.
The girls knew this and the more experienced girls were adept at moving their hips and legs while spanking their boys to try to cause these accidents. Becky and Jessica were novices but the older girls would fill them in on how to do this soon enough.
Becky had worn a skirt. Most of the girls wore jeans or shorts. This meant they could make a deep enough well with the rubber sheet in which they could trap the boys’ penises between their legs. With a skirt, Becky could only have a shallow depression and Lenny’s penis poked into it uncomfortably both for him and for her. He sort of slid off to the side.
Emotionally, the experience was uncomfortable. He hadn’t been spanked since he was a little boy. He was convinced that he was too grown up to be spanked by anyone, much less a girl three years his junior. There was also the matter of the other girls. Some of them were his age, and some were even older and some of them were good looking. He had an erection as soon as he walked on stage.
Even Becky excited him. She was just a little girl, but she was a cute little girl. Besides there was something about her being dressed and him being naked that kept his erection going.
And then there was the audience. Not only was he naked and with an erection for all the world to see, but he knew he was the center of attention. Even if he were fully clothed and just standing there, he would have been ill at ease with all those eyes on him.
The only saving grace was that the stage was brightly lit and the audience was dimly lit, so it was difficult for him to make out specific faces, not that he tried. However he knew that his dad and mom were in the audience as was his uncle, aunt and their 10-year old daughter, his Cousin Chrissy. He wondered how he would be able to face her from now on whenever he saw her.
He also knew, as he had been told, that the proceedings were being recorded and would be available as video on the JCCP web site for the rest of the week. He knew that some of his classmates visit the site just for “jollies.” There was a good chance that one of them would notice and that is all it would take. She would text all her friends and he’d be in for some very embarrassing times at school.
It was uncomfortable for Becky too. She was also in the spotlight. She had been through the training and had actually spanked a man, but that was a very private affair. Here she was in the open with hundreds of eyes on her. At least she was not alone on the stage and she had not been made to go first. The coordinators of the program usually put the less-experienced girls in the middle of the lineup to give them a chance to get used to being on stage. She was confident that she would get comfortable soon enough.
She decided that the best thing she could do is shut the audience out of her mind and concentrate on the naked boy buttocks bowed up in front of her. She raised her hand. This was the moment of truth. She had wanted this and now she had to do this. Her hand came down.
Lenny felt her hand land firmly on his left cheek and let out a yelp. It didn’t really hurt, but it did surprise him.
Off to the side, a guard clicked her counter and a large “1” appeared on the reader board above the stage.
Becky felt better. She had actually managed to land her very first “real” spank and it was OK. She didn’t miss or hit a wrong part. She lifted her had back up and remembered the tune she had been taught. She was soon swinging her arm to its rhythm. She was doing it! She was actually spanking a real live boy in front of everyone! She felt so proud of herself and smiled.
Lenny was not smiling. Every time, he felt Becky’s hand on his rear end, he felt a little bit of his manhood being stripped away. He could hear the click of the guard’s counter and knew that Becky was running up her score. He could hear the hushed “oohs” of the crowd whenever she made a particularly good hit.
He tried to be macho. He tried to tough it out. After all, this was a little girl who was spanking him. He had to prove himself better than her lest his embarrassment be even greater. He did manage to keep it together. He did not cry out loud, but there were tears in his eyes when he finally heard the scoreboard buzzer count down the final 5 strokes and give the final long blast to indicate the spanking was over.
To Becky the five stroke countdown came as a surprise. She could have sworn that she had only given him a dozen or so spanks, not anywhere near the 50 she was supposed to deliver. It was contradictory. It all seemed to be happening in slow motion, yet it was over with so fast. Nonetheless, she stopped as soon as she heard the buzzer telling her to do so.
She looked down at Lenny’s pink ass. She had seen what the other girls had done to their boys. Some of them had red splotches among the pink. These girls were professionals at what they did. They had a long history of boys over their laps. Nonetheless, Becky was proud of herself. She liked doing this and she knew she would learn.
Lenny got up and stood with his hands on his head, facing away from the crowd, bearing his beaten butt to them. He was glad he could not see them even though he knew that for the moment it was the center of attention. He finally gave a sigh when he heard a guard read off, ““Robert Fisher: age 15, convicted of theft and negligent endangerment without malicious intent, sentenced to 250 spanks, serving the first 50 of this set. Spanker is Jessica Rodrigues, age 12.”
Lenny and Robert went on to serve the rest of their sentence. As a matter of moral support, they decided that they would take their punishments together every other weekend. Their friends did find out, and they were subject to a lot of ridicule at school, but that eventually died down. Lenny actually got some sympathy from a girl he dated who complimented him on his “cute buns,” a nickname he had to live with until he graduated.
Becky and Jessica also stayed with the program. Being in the same district as the boys, they also got to see them occasionally over their first couple of months. They never did get to spank these specific boys again, but did manage to watch other girls do so. They stayed with the program for several years and over that time got to watch hundreds of boys and two girls get spanked.
When the girls got older, they were surprised how popular they were with some of the boys who were interested in them because of their experiences as professional spankers. It made their dates a lot more interesting.


(The End)